* TableLookupReceiverEditor.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 04-Apr-05 created
package de.sciss.meloncillo.receiver;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.ClipboardOwner;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.Application;
import de.sciss.app.PerformableEdit;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.TopPainter;
import de.sciss.gui.VectorSpace;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.Main;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.EditTableLookupRcvSense;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.Axis;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.ObserverPalette;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PopupListener;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.ToolBar;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.VectorDisplay;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.VectorEditor;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.VectorEditorToolBar;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.math.MathUtil;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.math.VectorTransformer;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionCollection;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.surface.SurfaceFrame;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
* An editor suitable for <code>TableLookupReceiver</code>s.
* Boundary and name edits are left to the
* <code>ObserverPalette</code>. This simply
* provides two <code>VectorEditor</code>s for
* the distance and rotation table respectively.
* It provides a basic copy and paste functionality.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 19-Jun-08
* @see TableLookupReceiver
* @todo in case of a clipboard copy operation, the receiver should
* not be copied but just the tables.
* @todo top painter for surface is showing wrong shapes
public abstract class TableLookupReceiverEditor
extends AbstractReceiverEditor
implements VectorDisplay.Listener, ClipboardOwner, TopPainter
protected final VectorEditor distanceEditor;
protected final VectorEditor rotationEditor;
private final Axis distHAxis, distVAxis, rotHAxis, rotVAxis;
private final JPanel padPanel1, padPanel2;
// ---- cursor info ----
private ObserverPalette observer = null;
private final MouseInputAdapter cursorListener;
private final String[] cursorInfo = new String[ 2 ];
private final Object[] msgArgs = new Object[ 3 ];
private final MessageFormat msgCursorDist;
private final MessageFormat msgCursorRot;
private final MessageFormat msgCursorSense;
// ---- top painting ----
private boolean isPaintingOnTop = false;
private SurfaceFrame surface = null;
private Shape shpTop = null;
private static final Color colrAdjusting = new Color( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F );
public TableLookupReceiverEditor( Session doc )
super( doc );
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
JPopupMenu distancePopup, rotationPopup;
Box box;
VectorSpace distanceSpace, rotationSpace;
msgCursorDist = new MessageFormat( app.getResourceString( "rcvEditDistMsg" ), Locale.US ); // XXX
msgCursorRot = new MessageFormat( app.getResourceString( "rcvEditRotMsg" ), Locale.US ); // XXX
msgCursorSense = new MessageFormat( app.getResourceString( "rcvEditSenseMsg" ), Locale.US ); // XXX
distanceSpace = VectorSpace.createLinSpace( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0,
app.getResourceString( "rcvEditDistance" ), null, null, null );
distHAxis = new Axis( Axis.HORIZONTAL, Axis.FIXEDBOUNDS );
distHAxis.setSpace( distanceSpace );
distVAxis = new Axis( Axis.VERTICAL, Axis.FIXEDBOUNDS );
distVAxis.setSpace( distanceSpace );
box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( distVAxis.getPreferredSize().width ));
box.add( distHAxis );
distanceEditor = new VectorEditor();
distanceEditor.setSpace( null, distanceSpace );
distancePopup = VectorTransformer.createPopupMenu( distanceEditor );
padPanel1 = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
padPanel1.add( BorderLayout.CENTER, distanceEditor );
padPanel1.add( box, BorderLayout.NORTH );
padPanel1.add( distVAxis, BorderLayout.WEST );
// padPanel1.setBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 4, 4, 2, 4, Color.white ));
rotationSpace = VectorSpace.createLinSpace( 0.0, 360.0, 0.0, 2.0,
app.getResourceString( "rcvEditRotation" ), null, null, null );
rotHAxis = new Axis( Axis.HORIZONTAL, Axis.FIXEDBOUNDS );
rotHAxis.setSpace( rotationSpace );
rotVAxis = new Axis( Axis.VERTICAL, Axis.FIXEDBOUNDS );
rotVAxis.setSpace( rotationSpace );
box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( rotVAxis.getPreferredSize().width ));
box.add( rotHAxis );
rotationEditor = new VectorEditor();
rotationEditor.setSpace( null, rotationSpace );
rotationPopup = VectorTransformer.createPopupMenu( rotationEditor );
padPanel2 = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
padPanel2.add( BorderLayout.CENTER, rotationEditor );
padPanel2.add( box, BorderLayout.NORTH );
padPanel2.add( rotVAxis, BorderLayout.WEST );
// padPanel2.setBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 2, 4, 4, 4, Color.white ));
// --- Listener ---
distanceEditor.addMouseListener( new PopupListener( distancePopup ));
rotationEditor.addMouseListener( new PopupListener( rotationPopup ));
cursorListener = new MouseInputAdapter() {
public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e )
handleMouseMotion( e );
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e )
handleMouseMotion( e );
public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e )
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
handleMouseMotion( e );
private void handleMouseMotion( MouseEvent e )
if( e.getSource() == distanceEditor ) {
showCursorInfo( distanceEditor.screenToVirtual( e.getPoint() ), distanceEditor );
} else if( e.getSource() == rotationEditor ) {
showCursorInfo( rotationEditor.screenToVirtual( e.getPoint() ), rotationEditor );
distanceEditor.addMouseListener( cursorListener );
rotationEditor.addMouseListener( cursorListener );
distanceEditor.addMouseMotionListener( cursorListener );
rotationEditor.addMouseMotionListener( cursorListener );
distanceEditor.addListener( this );
rotationEditor.addListener( this );
// getRootPane().setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 320, 320 )); // XXX
distanceEditor.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 320, 160 ));
rotationEditor.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 320, 160 ));
protected boolean alwaysPackSize()
return false;
* @synchronization waitExclusive on DOOR_RCV
public void init( Receiver rcv )
super.init( rcv );
final ToolBar vtb = new VectorEditorToolBar();
final Box b = Box.createHorizontalBox();
final JPanel gp = GUIUtil.createGradientPanel();
final Container c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout( new BoxLayout( c, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ));
vtb.setOpaque( false );
b.add( vtb );
b.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
gp.add( b );
c.add( gp );
c.add( padPanel1 );
c.add( padPanel2 );
if( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().getBoolean(
PrefsUtil.KEY_INTRUDINGSIZE, false )) {
c.add( Box.createVerticalStrut( 16 ));
vtb.addToolActionListener( distanceEditor );
vtb.addToolActionListener( rotationEditor );
observer = (ObserverPalette) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_OBSERVER );
surface = (SurfaceFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_SURFACE );
init(); // !
* @synchronization waitExclusive on DOOR_RCV
private void setVectors()
float[] tab, editTab;
TableLookupReceiver rcv = (TableLookupReceiver) this.rcv;
if( rcv == null || doc == null ) return;
try {
doc.bird.waitExclusive( Session.DOOR_RCV );
tab = rcv.getDistanceTable();
editTab = distanceEditor.getVector();
if( tab.length == editTab.length ) {
System.arraycopy( tab, 0, editTab, 0, tab.length );
} else {
editTab = (float[]) tab.clone();
distanceEditor.setVector( null, editTab );
tab = rcv.getRotationTable();
editTab = rotationEditor.getVector();
if( tab.length == editTab.length ) {
System.arraycopy( tab, 0, editTab, 0, tab.length );
} else {
editTab = (float[]) tab.clone();
rotationEditor.setVector( null, editTab );
finally {
doc.bird.releaseExclusive( Session.DOOR_RCV );
private void showCursorInfo( Point2D pt, VectorEditor v )
float[] tab = v.getVector();
int x;
boolean isRot = v == rotationEditor;
TableLookupReceiver rcv = (TableLookupReceiver) this.rcv;
double d = v.getSpace().hUnityToSpace( pt.getX() );
if( tab != null ) {
x = Math.max( 0, Math.min( tab.length - 1, (int) (d * tab.length + 0.5) ));
msgArgs[ 0 ] = new Double( d );
msgArgs[ 1 ] = new Double( tab[x] );
msgArgs[ 2 ] = new Double( MathUtil.linearToDB( tab[x] ));
if( observer != null && observer.isVisible() ) {
cursorInfo[ 0 ] = isRot ? msgCursorRot.format( msgArgs ) : msgCursorDist.format( msgArgs );
cursorInfo[ 1 ] = msgCursorSense.format( msgArgs );
//System.err.println( "cursorInfo[0] = "+cursorInfo[0]+"; cursorInfo[1] = "+cursorInfo[1] );
observer.showCursorInfo( cursorInfo );
if( surface != null && surface.isVisible() && rcv != null ) {
if( isRot ) {
shpTop = getRotationShape( (d - 90.0) * Math.PI / 180 );
} else {
shpTop = getDistanceShape( d );
* Requests a <code>TopPainter</code> <code>Shape</code>
* object for a given angle.
* @param angle the angle to be visualized, measured in degrees
* @return a shape to be displayed on the surface pane
protected abstract Shape getRotationShape( double angle );
* Requests a <code>TopPainter</code> <code>Shape</code>
* object for a given angle.
* @param dist the distance to be visualized
* @return a shape to be displayed on the surface pane
protected abstract Shape getDistanceShape( double dist );
protected abstract VectorSpace getRotationSpace( VectorSpace oldSpace );
protected abstract VectorSpace getDistanceSpace( VectorSpace oldSpace );
private void startPaintOnTop()
if( surface != null && surface.isVisible() ) {
surface.getSurfacePane().addTopPainter( this );
isPaintingOnTop = true;
private void stopPaintOnTop()
if( isPaintingOnTop ) {
surface.getSurfacePane().removeTopPainter( this );
shpTop = null;
isPaintingOnTop = false;
* Removes listeners and
* clears some references
protected void receiverDied()
distanceEditor.removeMouseListener( cursorListener );
rotationEditor.removeMouseListener( cursorListener );
distanceEditor.removeMouseMotionListener( cursorListener );
rotationEditor.removeMouseMotionListener( cursorListener );
distanceEditor.removeListener( this );
rotationEditor.removeListener( this );
distanceEditor.setVector( null, new float[0] );
rotationEditor.setVector( null, new float[0] );
private void updateSpaces()
VectorSpace spc;
spc = getDistanceSpace( distanceEditor.getSpace() );
distanceEditor.setSpace( this, spc );
distHAxis.setSpace( spc );
distVAxis.setSpace( spc );
spc = getRotationSpace( rotationEditor.getSpace() );
rotationEditor.setSpace( this, spc );
rotHAxis.setSpace( spc );
rotVAxis.setSpace( spc );
// ---------------- TopPainter interface ----------------
* Used to paint distance or rotation
* hints onto the surface.
public void paintOnTop( Graphics2D g2 )
if( shpTop != null ) {
g2.setColor( colrAdjusting );
g2.draw( shpTop );
// ---------------- SessionCollection.Listener interface ----------------
* @synchronization waitExclusive on DOOR_RCV
* @todo check if it's our receiver before update
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
super.sessionObjectChanged( e );
if( e.getSource() != this && e.collectionContains( rcv ) &&
e.getModificationType() == Receiver.OWNER_SENSE ) {
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
super.sessionObjectMapChanged( e );
if( e.collectionContains( rcv )) {
String[] boundingKeys = ((TableLookupReceiver) rcv).getBoundingKeys();
for( int i = 0; i < boundingKeys.length; i++ ) {
// can't distinguish distance + rotation editor unforntunately
if( e.setContains( boundingKeys[ i ])) {
// ---------------- VectorDisplay.Listener interface ----------------
* This is called when one of the tables
* change. This updates the receiver's data
* structure by generting an <code>EditTableLookupRcvSense</code>
* object.
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.EditTableLookupRcvSense
public void vectorChanged( VectorDisplay.Event e )
TableLookupReceiver rcv = (TableLookupReceiver) this.rcv;
float[] distTab = null;
float[] rotTab = null;
Span distSpan= null;
Span rotSpan = null;
PerformableEdit edit;
if( doc == null || rcv == null ) return;
if( !doc.bird.attemptExclusive( Session.DOOR_RCV, 200 )) return;
try {
if( e.getSource() == distanceEditor ) {
distTab = distanceEditor.getVector();
distSpan= (Span) e.getActionObject();
} else if( e.getSource() == rotationEditor ) {
rotTab = rotationEditor.getVector();
rotSpan = (Span) e.getActionObject();
} else {
assert false : e.getSource();
edit = new EditTableLookupRcvSense( this, doc, rcv, distTab, distSpan,
rotTab, rotSpan );
doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit.perform() );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
setVectors(); // undo edits
finally {
doc.bird.releaseExclusive( Session.DOOR_RCV );
public void vectorSpaceChanged( VectorDisplay.Event e ) {}
// ---------------- DocumentFrame abstract methods ----------------
protected Action getCutAction() { return null; }
protected Action getCopyAction() { return new ActionCopy(); }
protected Action getPasteAction() { return new ActionPaste(); }
protected Action getDeleteAction() { return null; }
protected Action getSelectAllAction() { return null; }
// ---------------- EditMenuListener interface ----------------
* Copies the receiver to the clipboard.
* @see Receiver#receiverFlavor
* @todo the receiver should
* not be copied but just the tables.
private void editCopy()
final TableLookupReceiver rcv = (TableLookupReceiver) this.rcv;
if( rcv == null || doc == null ) return;
final de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
try {
doc.bird.waitShared( Session.DOOR_RCV );
// Main.clipboard.setContents( new TableLookupReceiver( rcv ), this );
app.getClipboard().setContents( (Transferable) rcv.getTransferData( Receiver.receiverFlavor ), this );
catch( IllegalStateException e1 ) {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errClipboard" ));
catch( UnsupportedFlavorException e2 ) {
System.err.println( e2.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch( IOException e3 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e3, app.getResourceString( "menuCopy" ));
finally {
doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_RCV );
* Copies the clipboard contents to the receiver's tables.
* This will look for a <code>receiverFlavor</code> in the
* clipboard. If it finds one, this receiver is queried as
* transfer data. If the receiver is an instance of
* <code>TableLookupReceiver</code>, it's tables are copied to
* this receiver, using an <code>EditTableLookupRcvSense</code>.
* @see Receiver#receiverFlavor
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.EditTableLookupRcvSense
* @todo the receiver should
* not be copied but just the tables.
private void editPaste()
Transferable t;
Receiver rcv;
TableLookupReceiver rcv2;
UndoableEdit edit;
final de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
try { // sync ?
t = app.getClipboard().getContents( this );
if( t == null ) return;
if( !t.isDataFlavorSupported( Receiver.receiverFlavor )) return;
rcv = (Receiver) t.getTransferData( Receiver.receiverFlavor );
rcv2 = (TableLookupReceiver) this.rcv;
if( rcv instanceof TableLookupReceiver && rcv2 != null ) {
edit = new EditTableLookupRcvSense( this, doc, (TableLookupReceiver) rcv2,
((TableLookupReceiver) rcv).getDistanceTable(), null,
((TableLookupReceiver) rcv).getRotationTable(), null );
doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
catch( IllegalStateException e1 ) {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errClipboard" ));
catch( UnsupportedFlavorException e2 ) {}
catch( IOException e3 ) {
System.err.println( e3.getLocalizedMessage() );
// ---------------- ClipboardOwner interface ----------------
* @todo check if things need to be disposed
public void lostOwnership( Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents )
// nothing
// ---------------- EditMenuListener interface ----------------
private class ActionCopy
extends MenuAction
protected ActionCopy() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
private class ActionPaste
extends MenuAction
protected ActionPaste() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )