* RealtimeTransport.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 22-Jul-04 moved to realtime package. Renamed to
* Transport.
* 23-Jul-04 implements RealtimeHost; widely rewritten.
* 25-Jul-04 catches exceptions in the transport listeners
* 28-Jul-04 tracks prefs changes
* 01-Aug-04 bugfix in removeRealtimeConsumer
* 16-Aug-04 debug dump action
* 01-Sep-04 additional comments. consumer's active state now fixed
* 02-Feb-05 bugfix : before calling offhandProduction, ensure that
* a realtime context exists!
* 15-Jul-08 created from old cillo transport
package de.sciss.meloncillo.realtime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicPrefChangeManager;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.Main;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.receiver.Receiver;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionCollection;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionObject;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineEvent;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineListener;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.Transmitter;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
* The realtime "motor" or "clock". The transport
* deals with realtime playback of the timeline.
* It provides means for registering and unregistering
* realtime consumers and communicates with a
* RealtimeProducer which is responsible for the
* actual data production. Transort clocking is
* performed within an extra thread from within
* the consumer's methods are called and registered
* transport listeners are informed about actions.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 15-Jul-08
* @todo stop shouldn't use new EditSetTimelinePosition
* because it makes Redos impossible.
* @todo the methods for adding and removing consumers should
* be moved to the realtime host interface?
public class RealtimeTransport
extends Thread
implements RealtimeHost, TimelineListener, PreferenceChangeListener, TransportListener
private static final int CMD_IGNORE = 0;
private static final int CMD_STOP = 1;
private static final int CMD_PLAY = 2;
private static final int CMD_QUIT = -1;
private static final int CMD_CONFIG_PAUSE = 4; // pause but don't tell the listeners
private static final int CMD_CONFIG_RESUME = 5; // go on where we stopped but don't tell the listeners
private static final int CMD_POSITION = 6; // go on at the context's timespan start
// low level threading
private boolean threadRunning = false;
// private boolean looping = false;
private int rt_command = CMD_IGNORE;
private final Session doc;
// private long loopStart, loopStop;
// high level listeners
// private final List collTransportListeners = new ArrayList();
// realtime control
private RealtimeContext rt_context;
private RealtimeProducer rt_producer;
private RealtimeConsumer[] rt_consumers = new RealtimeConsumer[ 4 ]; // array will grow
private RealtimeConsumerRequest[] rt_requests = new RealtimeConsumerRequest[ 4 ]; // ...automatically
private int rt_numConsumers = 0;
private int rt_notifyTickStep;
private long rt_startFrame;
private long rt_stopFrame;
private long rt_pos;
private int rt_senseBufSize;
// private final RealtimeContext fakeContext = new RealtimeContext( this, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
// new Span(), 1000 );
private final Preferences plugInPrefs;
private final Object sync = new Object();
private long timelineLen;
// sync : call in event thread!
* Creates a new transport. The thread will
* be started and set to pause to await
* transport commands.
* @param root Application root
* @param doc Session document
public RealtimeTransport( Object NOTUSEDANYMORE, Session doc )
super( "Transport" );
this.doc = doc;
rt_producer = new RealtimeProducer();
rt_context = null;
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
// listeners
doc.getTransmitters().addListener( new SessionCollection.Listener() {
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
synchronized( sync ) {
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
if( e.getModificationType() == Transmitter.OWNER_TRAJ ) {
synchronized( sync ) {
if( !isRunning() ) {
if( rt_context == null ) {
createContext(); // will invoke offhandProduction!
// EEE
// } else {
// offhandProduction();
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) {}
doc.getReceivers().addListener( new SessionCollection.Listener() {
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
synchronized( sync ) {
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
switch( e.getModificationType() ) {
case Receiver.OWNER_SENSE:
case SessionObject.OWNER_VISUAL:
synchronized( sync ) {
if( !isRunning() ) {
if( rt_context == null ) {
createContext(); // will invoke offhandProduction!
// EEE
// } else {
// offhandProduction();
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) {}
doc.timeline.addTimelineListener( this );
doc.getTransport().addTransportListener( this );
plugInPrefs = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS );
// fires KEY_SENSEBUFSIZE and thus causes calcSenseBufSize() and createContext() to be invoked
new DynamicPrefChangeManager( plugInPrefs, new String[] { PrefsUtil.KEY_RTSENSEBUFSIZE },
this ).startListening();
this.setDaemon( true );
this.setPriority( getPriority() + 1 );
// EEE
// /**
// * Registers a new transport listener
// *
// * @param listener the listener to register for information
// * about transport actions such as play or stop
// */
// public void addTransportListener( TransportListener listener )
// {
// synchronized( sync ) {
// if( !collTransportListeners.contains( listener )) collTransportListeners.add( listener );
// }
// }
// /**
// * Unregisters a transport listener
// *
// * @param listener the listener to remove from the event dispatching
// */
// public void removeTransportListener( TransportListener listener )
// {
// synchronized( sync ) {
// collTransportListeners.remove( listener );
// }
// }
// // sync: to be called inside synchronized( sync ) !
// private void dispatchStop( long pos )
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < collTransportListeners.size(); i++ ) {
// try {
// ((TransportListener) collTransportListeners.get( i )).transportStop( pos );
// }
// catch( Exception e1 ) {
// System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// }
// }
// // sync: to be called inside synchronized( sync ) !
// private void dispatchPosition( long pos )
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < collTransportListeners.size(); i++ ) {
// try {
// ((TransportListener) collTransportListeners.get( i )).transportPosition( pos );
// }
// catch( Exception e1 ) {
// System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// }
// }
// // sync: to be called inside synchronized( sync ) !
// private void dispatchPlay( long pos )
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < collTransportListeners.size(); i++ ) {
// try {
// ((TransportListener) collTransportListeners.get( i )).transportPlay( pos );
// }
// catch( Exception e1 ) {
// System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// }
// }
// // sync: to be called inside synchronized( sync ) !
// private void dispatchQuit()
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < collTransportListeners.size(); i++ ) {
// try {
// ((TransportListener) collTransportListeners.get( i )).transportQuit();
// }
// catch( Exception e1 ) {
// System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// }
// }
public void addTrajectoryReplacement( RealtimeProducer.TrajectoryReplacement tr )
rt_producer.requestAddTrajectoryReplacement( tr );
public void removeTrajectoryReplacement( RealtimeProducer.TrajectoryReplacement tr )
rt_producer.requestRemoveTrajectoryReplacement( tr );
* Registers a new realtime consumer.
* If transport is running, it will be interrupted briefly
* and the realtime producer is reconfigured on the fly.
* @param consumer the consumer to add to the realtime process.
* it's <code>createRequest</code> will be
* called to query the profile.
* @synchronization to be called from event thread
* @see RealtimeConsumer#createRequest( RealtimeContext )
* @see RealtimeProducer#requestAddConsumerRequest( RealtimeConsumerRequest )
public void addRealtimeConsumer( RealtimeConsumer consumer )
int i;
RealtimeConsumerRequest[] oldRequests;
RealtimeConsumer[] oldConsumers;
RealtimeConsumerRequest request;
boolean wasPlaying;
synchronized( sync ) {
for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
if( rt_consumers[ i ] == consumer ) return;
// pause
wasPlaying = isRunning();
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_PAUSE;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) {
try {
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// add
if( rt_numConsumers == rt_consumers.length ) {
oldConsumers = rt_consumers;
rt_consumers = new RealtimeConsumer[ rt_numConsumers + 5 ];
System.arraycopy( oldConsumers, 0, rt_consumers, 0, rt_numConsumers );
oldRequests = rt_requests;
rt_requests = new RealtimeConsumerRequest[ rt_numConsumers + 5 ];
System.arraycopy( oldRequests, 0, rt_requests, 0, rt_numConsumers );
rt_consumers[ rt_numConsumers ] = consumer;
if( rt_context != null ) { // add new request on the fly
request = consumer.createRequest( rt_context );
rt_requests[ rt_numConsumers ] = request;
if( request.notifyTicks ) {
rt_notifyTickStep = Math.min( rt_notifyTickStep, request.notifyTickStep );
rt_producer.requestAddConsumerRequest( request );
} else {
rt_requests[ rt_numConsumers ] = null;
// resume
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_RESUME;
threadRunning = true;
if( isAlive() ) {
} else {
// goPlay();
goPlay( doc.getTransport().getCurrentFrame() );
} // synchronized( sync )
* Unregisters a realtime consumer.
* If transport is running, it will be interrupted briefly
* and the realtime producer is reconfigured on the fly.
* @param consumer the consumer to remove from the realtime process.
* @synchronization to be called from event thread
* @see RealtimeProducer#requestRemoveConsumerRequest( RealtimeConsumerRequest )
public void removeRealtimeConsumer( RealtimeConsumer consumer )
int i;
// RealtimeConsumerRequest[] oldRequests;
RealtimeConsumerRequest request;
boolean wasPlaying;
synchronized( sync ) {
for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
if( rt_consumers[ i ] == consumer ) break;
if( i == rt_numConsumers ) return;
// pause
wasPlaying = isRunning();
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_PAUSE;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) {
try {
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// remove
request = rt_requests[ i ];
System.arraycopy( rt_consumers, i + 1, rt_consumers, i, rt_numConsumers - i - 1 );
System.arraycopy( rt_requests, i + 1, rt_requests, i, rt_numConsumers - i - 1 );
rt_consumers[ rt_numConsumers ] = null;
rt_requests[ rt_numConsumers ] = null;
if( rt_context != null ) {
// eventuell wieder hoeher gehen
if( request.notifyTicks && request.notifyTickStep <= rt_notifyTickStep ) {
rt_notifyTickStep = rt_producer.source.bufSizeH;
for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
if( rt_requests[ i ].notifyTicks ) {
rt_notifyTickStep = Math.min( rt_notifyTickStep, rt_requests[ i ].notifyTickStep );
rt_producer.requestRemoveConsumerRequest( request );
// resume
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_RESUME;
threadRunning = true;
if( isAlive() ) {
} else {
// goPlay();
goPlay( doc.getTransport().getCurrentFrame() );
} // synchronized( sync )
private void calcSenseBufSize()
int optimum, above, below;
optimum = Math.max( 16, (int) (((double) plugInPrefs.getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_RTSENSEBUFSIZE, 0 )
/ 1000.0) * doc.timeline.getRate() + 0.5) );
// muss 2er potenz sein
for( above = 2; above < optimum; above <<= 1 ) ;
below = above >> 1;
if( (double) above / optimum <= (double) optimum / below ) {
rt_senseBufSize = above;
} else {
rt_senseBufSize = below;
// will sync shared on timetrnsrcv
// to be called inside synchronized( sync ) block!
// to be called in event thread
private void createContext()
final boolean wasPlaying;
final ArrayList collRequests;
RealtimeConsumerRequest request;
// RealtimeContext newContext;
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TIMETRNSRCV, 250 )) {
// destroyContext();
// return;
// }
// try {
// // check if new context is needed
// newContext = new RealtimeContext( this, doc.receivers.getAll(),
// doc.transmitterCollection.getAll(),
// new Span( 0, doc.timeline.getLength() ),
// doc.timeline.getRate() );
// if( rt_context != null &&
// newContext.getTransmitters().equals( rt_context.getTransmitter() ) &&
// newContext.getReceivers().equals( rt_context.getReceivers() ) &&
// newContext.getTimeSpan().equals( rt_context.getTimeSpan() ) &&
// newContext.getSourceRate().equals( rt_context.getSourceRate() )
// }
// pause
wasPlaying = isRunning();
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_PAUSE;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) {
try {
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// ------------------------- recontext -------------------------
rt_context = new RealtimeContext( this, doc.getReceivers().getAll(),
new Span( 0, doc.timeline.getLength() ),
doc.timeline.getRate() );
rt_context.setSourceBlockSize( rt_senseBufSize );
rt_producer.changeContext( rt_context );
rt_notifyTickStep = rt_producer.source.bufSizeH;
collRequests = new ArrayList( rt_numConsumers );
for( int i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
request = rt_consumers[ i ].createRequest( rt_context );
rt_requests[ i ]= request;
if( request.notifyTicks ) {
rt_notifyTickStep = Math.min( rt_notifyTickStep, request.notifyTickStep );
collRequests.add( request );
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_producer.requestAddConsumerRequests( collRequests );
} else {
rt_producer.addConsumerRequestsNow( collRequests );
activateConsumers( collRequests );
// EEE
// offhandProduction();
// resume
if( wasPlaying ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_RESUME;
threadRunning = true;
if( isAlive() ) {
} else {
// goPlay();
goPlay( doc.getTransport().getCurrentFrame() );
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TIMETRNSRCV );
// }
// EEE
// // sync : to be called within synchronized( sync )
// // to be called in event thread
// private void offhandProduction()
// {
// long prodStart;
// int i;
// prodStart = doc.timeline.getPosition();
// rt_producer.produceOffhand( prodStart );
// for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
// if( rt_requests[ i ].notifyOffhand ) {
// rt_consumers[ i ].offhandTick( rt_context, rt_producer.source, prodStart );
// }
// }
// }
// private void destroyContext()
// {
// int i;
// synchronized( sync ) {
// if( isRunning() ) stopAndWait();
// rt_producer.changeContext( fakeContext );
// rt_context = null;
// for( i = 0; i < rt_requests.length; i++ ) {
// rt_requests[ i ] = null;
// }
// }
// }
* Returns the current realtime context.
* If no such context exists, it will be
* created adhoc.
* @return the current realtime context
public RealtimeContext getContext()
synchronized( sync ) {
if( rt_context == null ) {
return rt_context;
* The transport core is
* executed within the thread's run method
public void run()
// all initial values are just here to please the compiler
// who doesn't know commandLp is exited only after at least
// one CMD_PLAY (see assertion in CMD_CONFIG_RESUME)
long startTime = 0, sysTime;
long frameCount = 0, productionMask = 1;
// EEE
// long oldFrameCount = 0;
int currentRate, i;
double targetRate = 1.0; // was: int
long deadline = 0; // was: long
// EEE
// UndoableEdit edit;
RealtimeConsumerRequest r;
do {
synchronized( sync ) {
commandLp: do {
switch( rt_command ) {
assert startTime > 0 : startTime;
break commandLp;
case CMD_STOP:
// EEE
// dispatchStop( rt_pos );
// translate into a valid time offset
// if( !doc.bird.attemptExclusive( Session.DOOR_TIME, 200 )) return;
// try {
rt_pos = Math.max( 0, Math.min( timelineLen, rt_pos ));
// EEE
// edit = new EditSetTimelinePosition( this, doc, rt_pos );
// doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseExclusive( Session.DOOR_TIME );
// }
case CMD_PLAY:
// EEE
// if( rt_command == CMD_PLAY ) {
// dispatchPlay( rt_startFrame );
// } else {
// dispatchPosition( rt_startFrame );
// }
targetRate = rt_context.getSourceRate();
// e.g. bufSizeH == 512 --> 0x1FF . Maske fuer frameCount
productionMask = rt_producer.source.bufSizeH - 1;
// wir geben dem producer einen halben halben buffer zeit (in millisec)
// d.h. bei 1000 Hz und halber buffer size von 512 sind das 256 millisec.
deadline = (long) (500 * rt_producer.source.bufSizeH / targetRate);
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1; // division by zero vermeiden
frameCount = 0;
rt_pos = rt_startFrame;
break commandLp;
case CMD_QUIT:
// EEE
// dispatchQuit();
assert rt_command == CMD_IGNORE : rt_command;
// sleep until next rt_command arrives
try {
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
} while( true );
} // synchronized( sync )
// // warten um division by zero zu vermeiden
// while( System.currentTimeMillis() == startTime ) {
// yield();
// }
rt_loop: while( threadRunning ) {
frameCount += rt_notifyTickStep;
rt_pos += rt_notifyTickStep;
sysTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentRate = (int) (1000 * frameCount / (sysTime - startTime));
while( currentRate > targetRate ) { // wir sind der zeit voraus
sysTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentRate = (int) (1000 * frameCount / (sysTime - startTime));
// handle stop + loop
if( rt_pos >= rt_stopFrame ) {
// EEE
// if( isLooping() ) {
// rt_startFrame = loopStart;
// if( rt_startFrame >= rt_stopFrame ) {
// goStop();
// break rt_loop;
// }
//// EEE
//// dispatchPosition( rt_startFrame );
// rt_pos = rt_startFrame;
// startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1;
// frameCount = 0;
// rt_producer.requestProduction(
// new Span( rt_startFrame, rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH ),
// true, sysTime + deadline );
// rt_producer.requestProduction(
// new Span( rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH,
// rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSize ),
// false, sysTime + deadline );
// } else {
break rt_loop;
// }
for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
// XXX performativer mit bitshifted mask + AND ?
r = rt_requests[ i ];
if( r.active && r.notifyTicks && (frameCount % r.notifyTickStep == 0) ) {
rt_consumers[ i ].realtimeTick( rt_context, rt_producer.source, rt_pos );
// this has to be called after the consumer's business
// because the rt thread might be yielded and the
// the producer will be faster so that the last frame
// of each buffer half gets read in a wrong way
if( (frameCount & productionMask) == 0 ) {
// (frameCount & rt_producer.source.bufSizeH) != 0 entspricht
// ((frameCount+rt_producer.source.bufSizeH) & rt_producer.source.bufSizeH) == 0
// d.h. dem zukuenftigen evenOdd!
rt_producer.requestProduction( new Span( rt_pos + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH,
rt_pos + rt_producer.source.bufSize ),
(frameCount & rt_producer.source.bufSizeH) != 0,
sysTime + deadline );
// yield();
try {
sleep( 0, 1 );
} catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
} // while( threadRunning )
} while( true );
* Requests the thread to start
* playing. TransportListeners
* are informed when the
* playing really starts.
* @synchronization To be called in the event thread.
private void goPlay( long position )
Span prodSpan;
synchronized( sync ) {
if( isRunning() ) return;
if( rt_context == null ) {
// full buffer precalc
rt_startFrame = doc.timeline.getPosition(); // XXX sync?
// EEE
// rt_stopFrame = isLooping() && loopStop > rt_startFrame ? loopStop : doc.timeline.getLength();
rt_stopFrame = doc.timeline.getLength();
prodSpan = new Span( rt_startFrame, rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH );
rt_producer.produceNow( prodSpan, true );
invokeRealtimeBlock( true );
prodSpan = new Span( rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH,
rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSize );
rt_producer.produceNow( prodSpan, false );
invokeRealtimeBlock( false );
rt_command = CMD_PLAY;
threadRunning = true;
if( isAlive() ) {
} else {
System.err.println( "!! TRANSPORT DIED !!" );
// start();
// /**
// * Sets the loop span for playback
// *
// * @param loopSpan Span describing the new loop start and stop.
// * Passing null stops looping.
// *
// * @synchronization If loopSpan != null, the caller must have sync on doc.timeline!
// */
// public void setLoop( Span loopSpan )
// {
// synchronized( sync ) {
// if( loopSpan != null ) {
// loopStart = loopSpan.getStart();
// loopStop = loopSpan.getStop();
// looping = true;
// if( isRunning() && rt_pos < loopStop ) {
// rt_stopFrame = loopStop;
// }
// } else {
// looping = false;
// if( isRunning() ) {
// rt_stopFrame = rt_context.getTimeSpan().getLength();
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Returns whether looping
// * is active or not
// *
// * @return <code>true</code> if looping is used
// */
// public boolean isLooping()
// {
// return looping;
// }
* Requests the thread to stop
* playing. TransportListeners
* are informed when the
* playing really stops.
private void goStop()
synchronized( sync ) {
if( !isRunning() ) return;
rt_command = CMD_STOP;
threadRunning = false;
* Requests the thread to stop
* playing. Waits until transport
* has really stopped.
private void stopAndWait()
try {
synchronized( sync ) {
rt_command = CMD_STOP;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) sync.wait();
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
* Sends quit rt_command to the transport
* returns only after the transport thread
* stopped!
private void quit()
try {
synchronized( sync ) {
rt_command = CMD_QUIT;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) sync.wait();
//System.err.println( "transport stopped" );
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// invoke in event thread!
private void invokeRealtimeBlock( boolean even )
for( int i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
if( rt_requests[ i ].notifyBlocks ) {
rt_consumers[ i ].realtimeBlock( rt_context, rt_producer.source, even );
// call in event thread
private void activateConsumers( java.util.List requests )
int i, j;
RealtimeConsumerRequest rcr;
for( j = 0; j < requests.size(); j++ ) {
rcr = (RealtimeConsumerRequest) requests.get( j );
ourLp: for( i = 0; i < rt_numConsumers; i++ ) {
if( rt_requests[ i ] == rcr ) {
rt_requests[ i ].active = true;
break ourLp;
// ---------------- TimelineListener interface ----------------
public void timelineChanged( TimelineEvent e )
synchronized( sync ) {
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
public void timelinePositioned( TimelineEvent e )
synchronized( sync ) {
if( isRunning() ) {
rt_command = CMD_CONFIG_PAUSE;
threadRunning = false;
if( isAlive() ) {
try {
catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// full buffer precalc
rt_startFrame = doc.timeline.getPosition(); // XXX sync?
// EEE
// rt_stopFrame = isLooping() && loopStop > rt_startFrame ? loopStop : doc.timeline.getLength();
rt_stopFrame = doc.timeline.getLength();
rt_producer.produceNow( new Span( rt_startFrame,
rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH ), true );
rt_producer.produceNow( new Span( rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH,
rt_startFrame + rt_producer.source.bufSize ), false );
rt_command = CMD_POSITION;
threadRunning = true;
if( isAlive() ) {
} else {
System.err.println( "!! TRANSPORT DIED !!" );
// start();
} else {
if( rt_context == null ) {
createContext(); // will invoke offhandProduction!
// EEE
// } else {
// offhandProduction();
} // synchronized( sync )
public void timelineSelected( TimelineEvent e ) {}
public void timelineScrolled( TimelineEvent e ) {}
// ------------------ TransportListener interface ------------------
public void transportStop( Transport transport, long pos )
public void transportPosition( Transport transport, long pos, double rate )
if( rate != 1.0 ) {
System.out.println( "WARNING: RealtimeTransport only plays at normal speed!" );
goPlay( pos );
public void transportPlay( Transport transport, long pos, double rate )
if( rate != 1.0 ) {
System.out.println( "WARNING: RealtimeTransport only plays at normal speed!" );
goPlay( pos );
public void transportQuit( Transport transport )
public void transportReadjust( Transport transport, long pos, double rate )
if( rate != 1.0 ) {
System.out.println( "WARNING: RealtimeTransport only plays at normal speed!" );
// ------------------ PreferenceChangeListener interface ------------------
// called when sensebufsize has changed
* Invoked through preference changes
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent pce )
synchronized( sync ) {
// ------------------ RealtimeHost interface ------------------
public void notifyConsumed( RealtimeProducer.Request r )
switch( r.type ) {
case RealtimeProducer.TYPE_PRODUCE: // XXX sync ?
invokeRealtimeBlock( r.even );
case RealtimeProducer.TYPE_ADDCONFIG:
activateConsumers( r.requests );
case RealtimeProducer.TYPE_REMOVECONFIG:
// nothing to do
// --------------- RealtimeHost interface ---------------
* Returns whether the
* thread is currently playing
* @return <code>true</code> if the transport is currently playing
public boolean isRunning()
return( isAlive() && threadRunning );
public void showMessage( int type, String text )
((ProgressComponent) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN )).showMessage( type, text );