* RealtimeProducer.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 22-Jul-04 created
* 28-Jul-04 fixed even/odd to work exactly as supercollider realtime phasor
* 01-Sep-04 commented
package de.sciss.meloncillo.realtime;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.receiver.Receiver;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.TrajectoryGenerator;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.Transmitter;
* The RealtimeProducer is the "factory" of
* the realtime engine. Requests for stream data
* production can be made synchronously and
* asynchronously. The data is kept in a public
* instance variable <code>source</code>. Data
* is produced for alternating buffer halfs
* (first half or second half) such that only
* one buffer field is needed but future data
* can be produced in advance. The requests are
* usually made from the transport running thread.
* The transport also requests adding and removal
* of consumers. The RealtimeProducer creates an
* internal representation of the union of all
* consumer requests such that the minimum frame
* step is determinated and only necessary data is
* produced. Whenever a request is completed,
* the host's (transport's) <code>notifyConsumed</code>
* method is called.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 15-Jul-08
* @see Transport
* @see RealtimeProducer#RealtimeProducer( Main, Session, RealtimeHost )
public class RealtimeProducer
* Request type: stream data generation
public static final int TYPE_PRODUCE = 0;
* Request type: adding one or several consumers
public static final int TYPE_ADDCONFIG = 1;
* Request type: removing one or several consumers
public static final int TYPE_REMOVECONFIG = 2;
* Request type: add a trajectory replacement
public static final int TYPE_ADDREPLACEMENT = 3;
* Request type: remove a trajectory replacement
public static final int TYPE_REMOVEREPLACEMENT = 4;
* The source contains the stream data
* buffer and the curr
public RealtimeProducer.Source source;
private final List collInfos = new ArrayList(); // synced because always in event thread
private final List collReplacements = new ArrayList(); // synced because always in event thread
// private final Session doc;
// private final RealtimeHost host;
// private final float[][] offhandTempBuf = new float[2][1];
// private final float[] offhandTempBuf2 = new float[1];
* Creates a new RealtimeProducer. This is only
* done once when initializing the transport.
* @param root Application root
* @param doc Session document
* @param host usually the Transport
public RealtimeProducer( /* Session doc, RealtimeHost host */ )
// this.doc = doc;
// this.host = host;
* Requests are fulfilled here
public void process( Request r )
// Request r = (Request) o;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long patience = (now - r.deadline) >> 1;
switch( r.type ) {
if( patience <= 0 ) {
System.err.println( "drop!" );
produce( r.blockSpan, r.even, patience );
collInfos.addAll( r.requests );
boolean result = collInfos.removeAll( r.requests );
if( result ) {
} else {
System.err.println( "obsolete rt consumer requests found:" );
for( int i = 0; i < r.requests.size(); i++ ) {
System.err.println( ((RealtimeConsumerRequest) r.requests.get( i )).consumer.getClass().getName() );
collReplacements.add( (TrajectoryReplacement) r.obj );
reConfigReplacements( source );
collReplacements.remove( (TrajectoryReplacement) r.obj );
reConfigReplacements( source );
assert false : r.type;
// if( host != null ) host.notifyConsumed( r );
* Tells the realtime producer that the realtime context
* changed. Note that calling this method will result
* in a removal of all current request, hence they have to
* be readded after this method returns.
* @param c the new context from which the source
* is re-constructed
* @see #addConsumerRequestsNow( java.util.List )
* @synchronization call only in the event thread!
public void changeContext( RealtimeContext c )
java.util.List coll;
Source s = new Source();
int i;
s.numTrns = c.getTransmitters().size();
s.numRcv = c.getReceivers().size();
coll = c.getTransmitters();
s.transmitters = new Transmitter[ coll.size() ];
for( i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++ ) {
s.transmitters[ i ] = (Transmitter) coll.get( i );
coll = c.getReceivers();
s.receivers = new Receiver[ coll.size() ];
for( i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++ ) {
s.receivers[ i ] = (Receiver) coll.get( i );
s.bufSize = c.getSourceBlockSize();
s.bufSizeH = s.bufSize >> 1;
s.senseRequest = new boolean[ s.numTrns ][ s.numRcv ];
s.senseBlockBuf = new float[ s.numTrns ][ s.numRcv ][ s.bufSize ];
s.senseOffhand = new float[ s.numTrns ][ s.numRcv ];
s.trajRequest = new boolean[ s.numTrns ];
s.trajRplc = new int[ s.numTrns ];
s.trajBlockBuf = new float[ s.numTrns ][ 2 ][ s.bufSize ];
s.trajOffhand = new float[ s.numTrns ][ 2 ];
s.trnsRequest = new boolean[ s.numTrns ];
s.minSenseStep = s.bufSizeH; // max allowed
reConfigReplacements( s );
this.source = s;
private void reConfig()
int trnsIdx, rcvIdx, cfIdx;
RealtimeConsumerRequest cf;
boolean makeSense, makeTraj;
// reset requests
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
source.trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ] = false;
source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ] = false;
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < source.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = false;
source.doors = 0;
source.minSenseStep = source.bufSizeH; // max allowed
// sum individual requests
for( cfIdx = 0; cfIdx < collInfos.size(); cfIdx++ ) {
cf = (RealtimeConsumerRequest) collInfos.get( cfIdx );
// cf.frameStep must be a power of 2 and greater or equal 1
assert (cf.frameStep > 0) && (cf.frameStep <= source.bufSizeH) &&
((cf.frameStep | (cf.frameStep - 1)) == (cf.frameStep + cf.frameStep - 1)) : cf.frameStep;
for( trnsIdx = 0, makeSense = false, makeTraj = false; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( cf.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
source.trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
makeTraj = true;
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < source.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( cf.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
source.trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = true;
makeSense = true;
if( makeSense ) {
source.minSenseStep = Math.min( source.minSenseStep, cf.frameStep );
source.doors |= Session.DOOR_TRNSMTE | Session.DOOR_RCV;
if( makeTraj ) {
source.doors |= Session.DOOR_TRNSMTE;
// shall we produce now?
// sync: call in event thread
private void reConfigReplacements( Source s )
if( s == null ) return;
TrajectoryReplacement tr;
Transmitter trns;
// reset requests
trnsLp: for( int trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < s.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
trns = s.transmitters[ trnsIdx ];
for( int i = 0; i < collReplacements.size(); i++ ) {
tr = (TrajectoryReplacement) collReplacements.get( i );
if( tr.collTransmitters.contains( trns )) {
s.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ] = i;
continue trnsLp;
s.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ] = -1;
private void produce( Span blockSpan, boolean even, long patience )
//System.out.println( "produce: blockSpan = " + blockSpan + "; even = " + even + "; patience = " + patience );
int trnsIdx, rcvIdx, offStart, offStop;
if( even ) {
offStart = 0;
offStop = (int) blockSpan.getLength();
source.firstHalf = blockSpan;
} else {
offStart = source.bufSizeH;
offStop = offStart + (int) blockSpan.getLength();
source.secondHalf = blockSpan;
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( source.doors, patience )) { // XXX MTE can't be shared
// System.err.println( "busy!" );
// return;
// }
try {
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( !source.trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ]) continue;
// --- read transmitter trajectory data ---
if( source.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ] == -1 ) {
// source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read(
// blockSpan, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart );
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().readFrames(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart, blockSpan );
} else {
TrajectoryReplacement tr;
long truncStart, truncStop, delta;
Span subSpan;
tr = (TrajectoryReplacement) collReplacements.get( source.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ]);
truncStart = Math.max( blockSpan.getStart(), tr.span.getStart() );
truncStop = Math.min( blockSpan.getStop(), tr.span.getStop() );
if( truncStart >= truncStop ) { // no intersection
// source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read(
// blockSpan, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart );
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().readFrames(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart, blockSpan );
} else { // ok, we have to split it up
delta = truncStart - blockSpan.getStart();
if( delta > 0 ) { // beginning not replaced
subSpan = new Span( blockSpan.getStart(), truncStart );
// source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read(
// subSpan, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart );
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().readFrames(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], offStart, subSpan );
subSpan = new Span( truncStart, truncStop );
tr.tg.read( subSpan, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], (int) (offStart + delta) );
delta = blockSpan.getStop() - truncStop;
if( delta > 0 ) {
subSpan = new Span( truncStop, blockSpan.getStop() );
// source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read( subSpan,
// source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], (int) (offStart + truncStop - blockSpan.getStart()) );
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().readFrames(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], (int) (offStart + truncStop - blockSpan.getStart()),
subSpan );
// --- satisfy sensibilities requests ---
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < source.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( !source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) continue;
source.receivers[ rcvIdx ].getSensitivities(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ],
offStart, offStop, source.minSenseStep );
} // for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < numRcv; rcvIdx++ )
} // for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < numTrns; trnsIdx++ )
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( source.doors );
// }
* Asks the realtime producer to produce some time
* span of stream data. The actual production is
* deferred to the event thread.
* @param blockSpan the time span to produce
* @param even <code>false</code> means the first
* buffer half will be overwritten,
* <code>true</code> means the second
* buffer half will be overwritten.
* @param deadline the request must be fulfilled before
* the current system time reaches this
* deadline which is an absolute time value.
* if the deadline is missed, a warning text
* will be printed to the console.
public void requestProduction( Span blockSpan, boolean even, long deadline )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_PRODUCE );
r.blockSpan = blockSpan;
r.even = even;
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
* Asks the realtime producer to produce some time
* span of stream data immediately. When this method
* returns, the data has been produced.
* @param blockSpan the time span to produce
* @param even <code>false</code> means the first
* buffer half will be overwritten,
* <code>true</code> means the second
* buffer half will be overwritten.
* @synchronization call only in the event thread!
public void produceNow( Span blockSpan, boolean even )
produce( blockSpan, even, 250 );
* Asks the realtime producer to produce one frame of
* stream data for a certain time position. The data
* will be stored in the <code>trajOffhand</code> and
* <code>senseOffhand</code> fields of the source.
* When the method eturns, the data has been produced.
* @param currentPos the time position frame to produce
* @synchronization call only in the event thread!
public void produceOffhand( long currentPos )
/* EEE
int trnsIdx, rcvIdx;
Span miniSpan = new Span( currentPos, currentPos + 1 );
if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( source.doors, 250 )) { // XXX MTE can't be shared
System.err.println( "busy!" );
try {
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( !source.trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ]) continue;
// --- read transmitter trajectory data ---
if( source.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ] == -1 ) {
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read( miniSpan, offhandTempBuf, 0 );
} else {
TrajectoryReplacement tr = (TrajectoryReplacement) collReplacements.get( source.trajRplc[ trnsIdx ]);
if( tr.span.getStart() > currentPos || tr.span.getStop() < currentPos ) {
source.transmitters[ trnsIdx ].getAudioTrail().read( miniSpan, offhandTempBuf, 0 );
} else {
tr.tg.read( miniSpan, offhandTempBuf, 0 );
// --- satisfy trajectory requests ---
if( source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
source.trajOffhand[ trnsIdx ][0] = offhandTempBuf[0][0];
source.trajOffhand[ trnsIdx ][1] = offhandTempBuf[1][0];
// --- satisfy sensibilities requests ---
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < source.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( !source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) continue;
source.receivers[ rcvIdx ].getSensitivities(
offhandTempBuf, offhandTempBuf2, 0, 1, 1 );
source.senseOffhand[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = offhandTempBuf2[ 0 ];
} // for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < numRcv; rcvIdx++ )
} // for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < numTrns; trnsIdx++ )
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
finally {
doc.bird.releaseShared( source.doors );
* Asks the realtime producer to integrate a new consumer's
* request into the future production. The actual request is
* deferred to the event thread.
* @param request the request to integrate in terms
* of data production and frame step.
public void requestAddConsumerRequest( RealtimeConsumerRequest request )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_ADDCONFIG );
r.requests = new ArrayList( 1 );
r.requests.add( request );
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
* Asks the realtime producer to integrate new consumer
* requests into the future production. The actual request is
* deferred to the event thread.
* @param requests a list of <code>RealtimeConsumerRequest</code>s
* to integrate in terms of data production and frame step.
public void requestAddConsumerRequests( java.util.List requests )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_ADDCONFIG );
r.requests = requests;
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
public void requestAddTrajectoryReplacement( TrajectoryReplacement tr )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_ADDREPLACEMENT );
r.obj = tr;
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
public void requestRemoveTrajectoryReplacement( TrajectoryReplacement tr )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_REMOVEREPLACEMENT );
r.obj = tr;
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
* Asks the realtime producer to integrate new consumer
* requests into the future production. The method performs
* immediately and returns when the requests have been integrated.
* @param requests a list of <code>RealtimeConsumerRequest</code>s
* to integrate in terms of data production and frame step.
* @synchronization call only in the event thread!
public void addConsumerRequestsNow( java.util.List requests )
collInfos.addAll( requests );
* Asks the realtime producer to disintegrate a consumer's
* request from the future production. The actual request is
* deferred to the event thread.
* @param request the request to disintegrate in terms
* of data production and frame step.
public void requestRemoveConsumerRequest( RealtimeConsumerRequest request )
Request r = new Request( TYPE_REMOVECONFIG );
r.requests = new ArrayList( 1 );
r.requests.add( request );
// lim.queue( r );
process( r );
* Struct class describing
* a request made to the producer
protected static class Request
* The deadline for the requests.
* Requests arriving too late will
* produce a warning message
private long deadline;
* What was requested, such as TYPE_REMOVECONFIG
protected int type;
* For production requests: the span to produce
private Span blockSpan;
* For production requests: whether to
* overwrite the first buffer half (false)
* or the second buffer half (true)
protected boolean even;
* For adding/removing consumer requests:
* a list of requests to be integrated
* or disintegrated ;
protected java.util.List requests;
* for adding/removing trajectory replacements
* a t.r. instance
private Object obj;
private Request( int type )
this.type = type;
* Struct class featuring
* the stream data and
* (privately) the requests
public class Source
* Time span describing the
* current first half of the stream buffers
public Span firstHalf = new Span();
* Time span describing the
* current second half of the stream buffers
public Span secondHalf = new Span();
* Number of transmitters in the realtime context
public int numTrns;
* The transmitters in the realtime context
public Transmitter[] transmitters;
* Number of receivers in the realtime context
public int numRcv;
* The receivers in the realtime context
public Receiver[] receivers;
* Sense data covering the two time
* spans as given by <code>firstHalf</code>
* and <code>secondHalf</code>. Consumers
* may only read indices which are a multiple
* of their personal frameStep and only
* array fields which they have requested!
* Array indices are [numTrns][numRcv][bufSize]
public float[][][] senseBlockBuf;
* Sense data covering the current offline
* timeline position. Consumers
* may only read
* array fields which they have requested!
* Array indices are [numTrns][numRcv]
public float[][] senseOffhand;
* Trajectory data covering the two time
* spans as given by <code>firstHalf</code>
* and <code>secondHalf</code>. Consumers
* may only read indices which are a multiple
* of their personal frameStep and only
* array fields which they have requested!
* Array indices are [numTrns][ch][bufSize],
* whery channel 0 is x and channel 1 is y coordinates.
public float[][][] trajBlockBuf;
* Trajectory data covering the current offline
* timeline position. Consumers
* may only read
* array fields which they have requested!
* Array indices are [numTrns][ch],
* whery channel 0 is x and channel 1 is y coordinates.
public float[][] trajOffhand;
* Length of stream buffers
public int bufSize;
* Length of each half of the stream buffers.
* I.e. bufSize/2
public int bufSizeH;
private boolean[][] senseRequest;
private boolean[] trajRequest;
private int[] trajRplc;
private boolean[] trnsRequest;
private int minSenseStep;
private int doors = 0;
} // class Source
public static class TrajectoryReplacement
private final java.util.List collTransmitters;
private final Span span;
private final TrajectoryGenerator tg;
public TrajectoryReplacement( TrajectoryGenerator tg, Span span, java.util.List collTransmitters )
this.collTransmitters = collTransmitters;
this.span = span;
this.tg = tg;