* LispRealtimePlugIn.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 24-Jul-04 created
* 22-Aug-04 trajectory request implemented
* 01-Sep-04 commented
* 25-Apr-08 fixed to work with current NetUtil version
package de.sciss.meloncillo.realtime;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispNumber;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispValue;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.BasicEvent;
import de.sciss.app.EventManager;
import de.sciss.io.IOUtil;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.AdvancedJatha;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.LispPlugIn;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.PlugInContext;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
import de.sciss.net.OSCListener;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
import de.sciss.net.OSCReceiver;
* A realtime plug-in driven by lisp scripts.
* GUI creation is managed by the superclass.
* This class deals with the source requests
* and sends out streaming data through OSC.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 10-Jun-08
* @todo when the realtime context is changed
* the plug-in needs to be disabled and
* re-enabled manually, otherwise the internal
* info object is invalid and may cause
* arrayindexoutofbounds exceptions! (createRequest!)
* @todo transportQuit should be used to
* cleanup
* @todo session object property changes are not
* tracked, e.g. soloing / muteing, hence
* requiring the plug-in to be deactived and re-activated
public class LispRealtimePlugIn
extends LispPlugIn
implements RealtimePlugIn, RealtimeConsumer, TransportListener, OSCListener,
private RealtimeInfo rt_info = null;
private boolean isPlaying = false;
// private TransportPalette tp;
private static final int BT_SEND = 0;
private static final int BT_STREAM = 1;
private static final int BT_CONST = 2;
private static final int BT_VAR = 3;
private static final int BT_VAR_BUFOFF = 0;
private static final boolean VERBOSEOSC = false;
private final EventManager elm = new EventManager( this );
private RealtimeProducer rt_producer = null;
private RealtimeConsumerRequest rt_request = null;
* Empty constructor called
* through Class.newInstance(). Basic
* initialization is done a separate call to init()
public LispRealtimePlugIn()
// HelpGlassPane.setHelp( this, "RealtimeLisp" ); // EEE
public void init( Session doc )
super.init( doc );
// tp = (TransportPalette) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_TRANSPORT );
rt_producer = doc.getRealtimeProducer(); // new RealtimeProducer( doc, null );
* Returns the preferences key
* used to find out the path name
* of an XML file storing a list
* of registered lisp realtime source codes
* @return the prefs key for realtime lisp code
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil#KEY_LISPREALTIMELIST
protected String getSourceListKey()
protected void createSpecialPrimitives( AdvancedJatha lisp )
// no special primitives
protected void createSpecialSymbols( AdvancedJatha lisp, PlugInContext context )
// no special symbols
private BufferTemplate createBufferTemplate( Request r )
throws IOException
BufferTemplate bt = new BufferTemplate();
LispValue cmdListList = r.mediumOptions;
LispValue cmdList, val;
int i;
String cmdStr;
Object o, id;
bt.byteBuf = (ByteBuffer) r.medium;
bt.floatBuf = bt.byteBuf.asFloatBuffer();
bt.numCmds = r.mediumOptions.basic_length();
bt.cmd = new int[ bt.numCmds ];
bt.constant = new int[ bt.numCmds ];
bt.offset = new int[ bt.numCmds ];
for( i = 0; i < bt.numCmds; i++ ) {
cmdList = cmdListList.car();
cmdListList = cmdListList.cdr();
cmdStr = cmdList.first().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
if( cmdStr.equals( "SEND" )) {
bt.cmd[ i ] = BT_SEND;
id = cmdList.second().toJava();
o = jatha.getObject( id);
if( o == null ) {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongObjType" ) + " : " + id );
if( !(o instanceof DatagramChannel) ) {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongObjType" ) + " : " + id );
bt.dch = (DatagramChannel) o;
} else {
val = cmdList.basic_length() == 3 ? cmdList.third() : cmdList.second();
if( !val.basic_integerp() ) {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ));
bt.offset[ i ] = (int) ((LispNumber) val).getLongValue();
if( cmdStr.equals( "INT" )) {
bt.cmd[ i ] = BT_CONST;
val = cmdList.second();
if( !val.basic_numberp() ) {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ));
bt.constant[ i ] = (int) ((LispNumber) val).getLongValue();
} else if( cmdStr.equals( "FLOAT" )) {
bt.cmd[ i ] = BT_CONST;
val = cmdList.second();
if( !val.basic_numberp() ) {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ));
bt.constant[ i ] = Float.floatToRawIntBits( (float) ((LispNumber) val).getDoubleValue() );
} else if( cmdStr.equals( "VAR" )) {
bt.cmd[ i ] = BT_VAR;
cmdStr = cmdList.second().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
if( cmdStr.equals( "BUFOFF" )) {
bt.constant[ i ] = BT_VAR_BUFOFF;
} else {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" ));
} else if( cmdStr.equals( "STREAM" )) {
bt.cmd[ i ] = BT_STREAM;
} else {
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" ));
} // for( i = 0; i < bt.numCmds; i++ )
return bt;
private static void processBufferTemplate( BufferTemplate bt, float[] streamBuf, int bufOff, int bufLength )
throws IOException
for( int i = 0; i < bt.numCmds; i++ ) {
switch( bt.cmd[ i ]) {
case BT_SEND:
bt.dch.write( bt.byteBuf );
bt.floatBuf.position( bt.offset[ i ] >> 2 );
bt.floatBuf.put( streamBuf, 0, bufLength );
case BT_CONST:
bt.byteBuf.position( bt.offset[ i ]);
bt.byteBuf.putInt( bt.constant[ i ]);
case BT_VAR:
bt.byteBuf.position( bt.offset[ i ]);
switch( bt.constant[ i ]) {
bt.byteBuf.putInt( bufOff );
assert false : bt.constant[ i ];
assert false : bt.cmd[ i ];
* Called by the realtime host when the plug-in is
* enabled. This will create internal realtime information
* objects, call the lisp scripts 'PREPARE' function
* and deal with resulting source requests. It
* installs a transport listener and launches a separate
* thread responsible for dispatching the streaming OSC
* packets.
* <p>
* A note about source-requests: For "TRAJ" and "SENSE" the
* <code>medium</code> has to be a pre-filled byte-buffer and the
* <code>param</code> a list of commands acting on the buffer
* template each time a new buffer is to be dispatched. Each element
* in the command list is a list itself whose first element is a
* string command:
* <UL>
* <LI>"INT" - second element is an integer that gets written to the buffer
* (32bit int) at an index given by the third element</LI>
* <LI>"FLOAT" - second element is a real that gets written to the buffer
* (32bit float) at an index given by the third element</LI>
* <LI>"VAR" - second element is a string specifying the variable to be written to the buffer
* at an index given by the third element. The only possible variable at
* the moment is "BUFOFF" which corresponds to 32bit int offset in the
* the buffer (0 for odd packets, bufsize/2 for even packets).</LI>
* <LI>"STREAM" - stream data is copied to the buffer
* (32bit floats) at an index given by the second element</LI>
* <LI>"SEND" - second element is an identifier of a datagram channel to which the buffer
* gets send. This should be the last command</LI>
* </UL>
* @param context the current context of the realtime performance
* @param transport realtime hosting transport
* @return <code>false</code> if initialization fails and plug-in
* remains disabled
* @synchronization syncs on 'this' to prevent interference
* with the TransportListener
public boolean realtimeEnable( RealtimeContext context, Transport transport )
throws IOException
if( !plugInPrepare( context )) return false;
final double maxRate;
final double senseRate;
final boolean wasRunning;
int frameStep, trnsIdx, rcvIdx;
List collRequests;
LispPlugIn.Request r;
boolean success = false;
try {
// synchronized( this ) {
rt_producer.changeContext( context );
rt_info = new RealtimeInfo( this, context );
rt_info.sourceRate = context.getSourceRate();
rt_info.senseBufSizeH = context.getSourceBlockSize() >> 1;
maxRate = Math.min( rt_info.sourceRate, Math.max( 2,
PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS ).getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_RTMAXSENSERATE, 0 )));
for( frameStep = 1; rt_info.sourceRate / frameStep > maxRate; frameStep <<= 1 ) ;
frameStep = Math.min( frameStep, rt_info.senseBufSizeH );
senseRate = (double) rt_info.sourceRate / frameStep;
rt_info.frameStep = frameStep;
rt_info.notifyTickStep = Math.max( rt_info.frameStep, rt_info.senseBufSizeH >> 3 ); // XXX TEST
rt_info.notifyTicks = true;
rt_info.streamSenseBufSize= rt_info.senseBufSizeH / frameStep;
rt_info.streamSenseBuf = new float[ rt_info.numTrns ][ rt_info.numRcv][ 3 ][];
rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx= 0;
rt_info.streamTrajBuf = new float[ rt_info.numTrns ][ 3 ][];
rt_info.streamTrajBufSize= rt_info.streamSenseBufSize << 1;
// rt_info.trigDur = (double) rt_info.streamSenseBufSize / senseRate;
rt_info.streamBufStart = new long[] { -1, -1, -1 };
rt_info.streamBufCreation= new long[3];
// BBB
// rt_info.bufSendThread = new BufferSenderThread();
prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SENSERATE" ), jatha.makeReal( senseRate ));
prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SENSEBUFSIZE" ),
jatha.makeInteger( rt_info.streamSenseBufSize << 1 ));
if( !executeLisp( "PREPARE" )) return false;
// ------------------- source requests -------------------
collRequests = sourceRequestPrimitive.getRequests();
for( int i = 0; i < collRequests.size(); i++ ) {
r = (LispPlugIn.Request) collRequests.get( i );
switch( r.type ) {
trnsIdx = ((Number) r.params).intValue();
if( trnsIdx < 0 || trnsIdx >= rt_info.numTrns ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
getResourceString( "errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " + trnsIdx );
return false;
if( !(r.medium instanceof ByteBuffer) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
getResourceString( "errRenderTargetObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
try {
rt_info.btTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ] = createBufferTemplate( r );
catch( Exception e1 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e1 );
rt_info.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
rt_info.notifyBlocks = true;
rt_info.streamTrajBuf[ trnsIdx ]= new float[ 3 ][ rt_info.streamTrajBufSize ]; // interleaved x y
// if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request input traj : trnsidx "+trnsIdx );
trnsIdx = ((Point) r.params).x;
rcvIdx = ((Point) r.params).y;
if( trnsIdx < 0 || trnsIdx >= rt_info.numTrns || rcvIdx < 0 || rcvIdx >= rt_info.numRcv ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, getResourceString(
"errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " + trnsIdx + ", " + rcvIdx );
return false;
if( !(r.medium instanceof ByteBuffer) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
getResourceString( "errRenderTargetObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
try {
rt_info.btSenseTargets[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = createBufferTemplate( r );
catch( Exception e1 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e1 );
rt_info.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = true;
rt_info.notifyBlocks = true;
rt_info.streamSenseBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = new float[ 3 ][ rt_info.streamSenseBufSize ];
// if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request input sense : trnsidx "+trnsIdx+"; rcvidx "+rcvIdx );
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, getResourceString(
"errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " +
(r.type >= 0 && r.type < requestKeyNames.length ? requestKeyNames[ r.type ] :
String.valueOf( r.type )));
return false;
} // for collRequests.length
// ------------------- target requests -------------------
collRequests = targetRequestPrimitive.getRequests();
for( int i = 0; i < collRequests.size(); i++ ) {
r = (LispPlugIn.Request) collRequests.get( i );
switch( r.type ) {
if( !(r.medium instanceof DatagramChannel) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
getResourceString( "errRenderTargetObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
// rt_info.syncOSC = new OSCReceiver( (DatagramChannel) r.medium );
rt_info.syncOSC = OSCReceiver.newUsing( (DatagramChannel) r.medium );
rt_info.syncOSC.addOSCListener( this );
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, getResourceString(
"errRenderTargetRequest" ) + " : " +
(r.type >= 0 && r.type < requestKeyNames.length ? requestKeyNames[ r.type ] :
String.valueOf( r.type )));
return false;
} // for collRequests.length
wasRunning = transport.isRunning();
if( wasRunning ) {
// EEE
// transport.addRealtimeConsumer( this );
rt_request = createRequest( context );
final RealtimeConsumerRequest request = rt_request;
rt_producer.requestAddConsumerRequest( request );
transport.addTransportListener( this );
// BBB
// rt_info.bufSendThread.isRunning = true;
// rt_info.bufSendThread.start();
if( wasRunning ) {
transport.play( 1.0 );
success = true;
// } // synchronized( this )
// finally {
// if( !success ) {
// realtimeDisable( context, transport );
// }
// }
catch( Exception e1) {
System.out.println( "In LispRealtimePlugIn : realtimeEnable :" );
if( !success ) {
realtimeDisable( context, transport );
return success;
* Called by the realtime host when the plug-in is
* disabled. This will remove the transport listener,
* kill the osc dispatcher thread, call the lisp script's
* 'STOP' if transport is still playing, finally call
* the script's 'CLEANUP' function.
* @param context the current context of the realtime performance
* @param transport realtime hosting transport
* @return <code>false</code> if an error occured during cleanup
* @synchronization syncs on 'this' to prevent interference
* with the TransportListener
public boolean realtimeDisable( RealtimeContext context, Transport transport )
throws IOException
boolean success = false;
try {
// synchronized( this ) {
transport.removeTransportListener( this );
// EEE
// transport.removeRealtimeConsumer( this );
if( rt_request != null ) {
rt_producer.requestRemoveConsumerRequest( rt_request );
rt_request = null;
if( isPlaying ) {
transportStop( transport, 0 );
if( rt_info != null ) {
// BBB
// rt_info.bufSendThread.isRunning = false;
// rt_info.bufSendThread.interrupt();
if( rt_info.syncOSC != null ) rt_info.syncOSC.removeOSCListener( this );
rt_info.syncOSC = null;
rt_info.streamSenseBuf = null;
rt_info.streamTrajBuf = null;
rt_info = null;
success = executeLisp( "CLEANUP" );
// } // synchronized( this )
// finally {
// plugInCleanUp( context );
// }
catch( Exception e1 ) {
System.out.println( "In LispRealtimePlugIn : realtimeDisable :" );
plugInCleanUp( context );
return success;
// ---------------- OSCListener interface ----------------
* Filters out SuperCollider's <code>"/tr"</code>
* messages and schedules a new buffer send
* depending on the third OSC command
* (trigger value). the requested frame offset
* is calculated as startFrame + triggerValue * senseBufSize/2
public void messageReceived( OSCMessage msg, SocketAddress sender, long time )
elm.dispatchEvent( new OSCEvent( sender, 0, time, msg ));
// ---------------- RealtimeConsumer interface ----------------
// called in event thread, no sync needed
* Returns the request created in the realtimeEnable
* method or a fake one if the plug-in was not enabled
* @todo this should check against changes and re-init the plug-in
public RealtimeConsumerRequest createRequest( RealtimeContext context )
if( rt_info != null ) return rt_info;
return new RealtimeConsumerRequest( this, context ); // fake
* Not used
public void offhandTick( RealtimeContext context, RealtimeProducer.Source source, long currentPos ) {}
* Called at a rate of 1/8 sense rate, this
* method frequently checks if new sync triggers
* have been send. If so, tries to find the correct
* buffer and passes it to the OSC dispatcher thread.
* If not, sets the transport palette's timeline label
* to red colour to indicate drop outs.
public void realtimeTick( RealtimeContext context, RealtimeProducer.Source source, long currentPos )
RealtimeInfo myInfo = rt_info;
if( myInfo == null ) return;
int i, myTrigger;
long remoteFrame;
myTrigger = myInfo.trigToServe;
if( myTrigger != myInfo.trigServed ) {
if( myTrigger - myInfo.trigServed > 1 ) {
// System.err.println( " miss? "+(myInfo.trigServed+1)+" ... "+(myTrigger-1) );
// EEE
// tp.blink();
remoteFrame = myInfo.startFrame + myTrigger * myInfo.senseBufSizeH;
// check if we can serve the request
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if( myInfo.streamBufStart[ i ] == remoteFrame ) {
// BBB
// synchronized( myInfo.bufSendThread ) {
// if( myInfo.bufSendThread.bufferToSend != -1 ) {
// try {
// myInfo.bufSendThread.wait(); // wait for the bufSendThread to be finished
// }
// catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// }
// myInfo.bufSendThread.even = (myTrigger & 1) == 0;
// myInfo.bufSendThread.bufferToSend = i;
// myInfo.bufSendThread.notifyAll();
// myInfo.trigServed = myTrigger;
// return;
// }
// called in event thread so it's safe to use rt_info
* Saves the new block data
* in one of the internal three buffers.
* @todo check if three buffers are really still necessary?
public void realtimeBlock( RealtimeContext context, RealtimeProducer.Source source, boolean even )
System.out.println( "lisp realtimeBlock : even = " + even + "; span = " + (even ? source.firstHalf : source.secondHalf) );
RealtimeInfo myInfo = rt_info;
if( myInfo == null ) return;
int i, j, trnsIdx, rcvIdx, bufOff;
float[] convBuf1, convBuf2, convBuf3;
long frameStart;
if( even ) {
bufOff = 0;
frameStart = source.firstHalf.getStart();
} else {
bufOff = source.bufSizeH;
frameStart = source.secondHalf.getStart();
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < myInfo.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( myInfo.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
// processBufferTemplate( myInfo.btTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ], source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ],
// myInfo.streamBuf, bufOff, myInfo.frameStep, myInfo.streamSenseBufSize );
convBuf1 = myInfo.streamTrajBuf[ trnsIdx ][ myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx ];
convBuf2 = source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][0];
convBuf3 = source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][1];
for( i = 0, j = bufOff; i < myInfo.streamTrajBufSize; j += myInfo.frameStep ) {
convBuf1[ i++ ] = convBuf2[ j ]; // x
convBuf1[ i++ ] = convBuf3[ j ]; // y
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < myInfo.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( myInfo.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
convBuf1 = myInfo.streamSenseBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ][ myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx ];
convBuf2 = source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ];
for( i = 0, j = bufOff; i < myInfo.streamSenseBufSize; i++, j += myInfo.frameStep ) {
convBuf1[ i ] = convBuf2[ j ];
// synchronized( this ) {
// this.notifyAll(); // wakes up messageReceived()
// }
myInfo.streamBufStart[ myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx ] = frameStart;
myInfo.streamBufCreation[ myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx ] = System.currentTimeMillis() - myInfo.startTime;
myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx = (myInfo.streamBufCopyIdx + 1) % 3;
// ---------------- TransportListener interface ----------------
// syncs on this
* Will call the script's "STOP" function
* and stop listining to SC triggers
public void transportStop( Transport t, long pos )
// synchronized( this ) {
isPlaying = false;
if( rt_info != null && rt_info.syncOSC != null ) {
try {
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
try {
executeLisp( "STOP", lispPosition( pos ));
catch( IOException e2 ) {
System.err.println( e2.getLocalizedMessage() );
// } // synchronized( this )
// syncs on 'this'
* Will call the script's "POSITION" function
public void transportPosition( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
boolean success = false;
// synchronized( this ) {
try {
success = executeLisp( "POSITION", lispPosition( pos ));
rt_info.startFrame = pos;
rt_info.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
finally {
if( !success ) transportStop( t, pos );
// } // synchronized( this )
public void transportReadjust( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
transportPosition( t, pos, rate );
// syncs on 'this'
* Will call the script's "PLAY" function
* and start listining to SC triggers
* @todo start listening is called after the lisp code
* and could (in theory) miss the first trigger?
public void transportPlay( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
boolean success = false;
// synchronized( this ) {
if( rt_info == null ) return;
try {
success = executeLisp( "PLAY", lispPosition( pos ));
isPlaying = success;
rt_info.startFrame = pos;
rt_info.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( success && rt_info.syncOSC != null ) {
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
finally {
if( !success ) transportStop( t, pos );
// } // synchronized( this )
public void transportQuit( Transport t ) { /* ignore */ }
// call w/ sync on 'this' and valid rt_info
private LispValue lispPosition( long pos )
return( jatha.makeList( jatha.makeReal( (double) pos / rt_info.sourceRate )));
// -------- EventManager.Processor --------
public void processEvent( BasicEvent e )
final OSCMessage msg = ((OSCEvent) e).msg;
if( VERBOSEOSC ) System.err.println( "got OSC: " + msg.getName() );
if( !(msg.getName().equals( "/tr" ) && (msg.getArgCount() >= 3)) ) return;
if( rt_info == null ) return;
final int myTrigger = ((Number) msg.getArg( 2 )).intValue();
final long remoteFrame = rt_info.startFrame + myTrigger * rt_info.senseBufSizeH;
final boolean even = (myTrigger & 1) == 0;
rt_info.trigToServe = myTrigger;
System.err.println( " tr: "+myTrigger+ " = "+remoteFrame );
rt_producer.produceNow( new Span( remoteFrame, remoteFrame + rt_info.senseBufSizeH ), even );
// rt_producer.produceNow( new Span( rt_pos + rt_producer.source.bufSizeH,
// rt_pos + rt_producer.source.bufSize ),
// (frameCount & rt_producer.source.bufSizeH) != 0 );
final long frameStart;
final int bufOff;
final RealtimeProducer.Source source = rt_producer.source;
// final float[][] convBuf1;
float[] convBuf1, convBuf2, convBuf3;
if( even ) {
bufOff = 0;
frameStart = source.firstHalf.getStart();
} else {
bufOff = source.bufSizeH;
frameStart = source.secondHalf.getStart();
for( int trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < rt_info.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( rt_info.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
// processBufferTemplate( myInfo.btTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ], source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ],
// myInfo.streamBuf, bufOff, myInfo.frameStep, myInfo.streamSenseBufSize );
convBuf1 = rt_info.streamTrajBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx ];
convBuf2 = source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][0];
convBuf3 = source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][1];
for( int i = 0, j = bufOff; i < rt_info.streamTrajBufSize; j += rt_info.frameStep ) {
convBuf1[ i++ ] = convBuf2[ j ]; // x
convBuf1[ i++ ] = convBuf3[ j ]; // y
for( int rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < rt_info.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( rt_info.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
convBuf1 = rt_info.streamSenseBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ][ rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx ];
convBuf2 = source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ];
for( int i = 0, j = bufOff; i < rt_info.streamSenseBufSize; i++, j += rt_info.frameStep ) {
convBuf1[ i ] = convBuf2[ j ];
rt_info.streamBufStart[ rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx ] = frameStart;
// rt_info.streamBufCreation[ rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx ] = System.currentTimeMillis() - rt_info.startTime;
// rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx = (rt_info.streamBufCopyIdx + 1) % 3;
assert rt_info.streamBufStart[ 0 ] == remoteFrame : rt_info.streamBufStart[ 0 ];
final int myBufToSend = 0;
rt_info.trigServed = myTrigger;
// ok go and process the buffer templates
try {
for( int trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < rt_info.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( rt_info.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
processBufferTemplate( rt_info.btTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ],
rt_info.streamTrajBuf[ trnsIdx ][ myBufToSend ],
even ? 0 : rt_info.streamTrajBufSize,
rt_info.streamTrajBufSize );
for( int rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < rt_info.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( rt_info.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
processBufferTemplate( rt_info.btSenseTargets[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ],
rt_info.streamSenseBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ][ myBufToSend ],
even ? 0 : rt_info.streamSenseBufSize,
rt_info.streamSenseBufSize );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// // check if we can serve the request
// for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
// if( rt_info.streamBufStart[ i ] == remoteFrame ) {
// synchronized( rt_info.bufSendThread ) {
// if( rt_info.bufSendThread.bufferToSend != -1 ) {
// try {
// rt_info.bufSendThread.wait(); // wait for the bufSendThread to be finished
// }
// catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// }
// rt_info.bufSendThread.even = (myTrigger & 1) == 0;
// rt_info.bufSendThread.bufferToSend = i;
// rt_info.bufSendThread.notifyAll();
// rt_info.trigServed = myTrigger;
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// -------- internal classes --------
// private class BufferSenderThread
// extends Thread
// {
// private boolean isRunning;
// private int bufferToSend = -1;
// private boolean even;
// private BufferSenderThread()
// {
// super( "BufferSender" );
// setDaemon( true );
// }
// public void run()
// {
// // copying the reference is more performative and
// // equally safe compared to synchronization
// final RealtimeInfo myInfo = rt_info;
// if( myInfo == null ) return;
// int trnsIdx, rcvIdx, myBufToSend;
// boolean myEven;
// synchronized( this ) {
// myEven = even;
// myBufToSend = bufferToSend;
// }
// try {
// while( isRunning ) {
// if( myBufToSend >= 0 ) {
// // ok go and process the buffer templates
// try {
// for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < myInfo.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
// if( myInfo.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
// processBufferTemplate( myInfo.btTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ],
// myInfo.streamTrajBuf[ trnsIdx ][ myBufToSend ],
// myEven ? 0 : myInfo.streamTrajBufSize,
// myInfo.streamTrajBufSize );
// }
// for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < myInfo.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
// if( myInfo.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
// processBufferTemplate( myInfo.btSenseTargets[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ],
// myInfo.streamSenseBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ][ myBufToSend ],
// myEven ? 0 : myInfo.streamSenseBufSize,
// myInfo.streamSenseBufSize );
// }
// }
// }
////System.err.println( " sent: "+myInfo.streamBufStart[ myBufToSend ]);
// }
// catch( Exception e1 ) {
// System.err.println( "[@"+getName()+"]" + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// } // if( bufferToSend >= 0 )
// synchronized( this ) {
// bufferToSend = -1;
// this.notifyAll();
// this.wait();
// myEven = even;
// myBufToSend = bufferToSend;
// }
// } // while( isRunning )
// }
// catch( InterruptedException e2 ) {}
// }
// }
private class BufferTemplate
private ByteBuffer byteBuf;
private FloatBuffer floatBuf;
private DatagramChannel dch;
private int numCmds;
private int[] cmd;
private int[] constant;
private int[] offset;
private static class OSCEvent
extends BasicEvent
private final OSCMessage msg;
private OSCEvent( Object source, int id, long when, OSCMessage msg )
super( source, id, when );
this.msg = msg;
public boolean incorporate( BasicEvent e )
return false;
private static class RealtimeInfo
extends RealtimeConsumerRequest
private BufferTemplate[] btTrajTargets;
private BufferTemplate[][] btSenseTargets;
private OSCReceiver syncOSC;
private long startFrame;
private long startTime;
private double sourceRate;
// private double trigDur;
private float[][][] streamTrajBuf;
private int streamTrajBufSize;
private float[][][][] streamSenseBuf;
private int streamSenseBufSize;
private long[] streamBufStart;
private long[] streamBufCreation;
private int streamBufCopyIdx;
private int senseBufSizeH;
private int trigToServe, trigServed;
// BBB
// private BufferSenderThread bufSendThread;
private RealtimeInfo( RealtimeConsumer massa, RealtimeContext context )
super( massa, context );
btTrajTargets = new BufferTemplate[ numTrns ];
btSenseTargets = new BufferTemplate[ numTrns ][ numRcv ];