Package de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin

Source Code of de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.LispPlugIn$Request

*  Meloncillo
*  Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
*  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*  version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
*  License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
*  For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
*  Changelog:
*    24-Jul-04   created from former LispRenderPlugIn. Reload refills GUI.
*    26-Aug-04  creates hash entries for rcv anchor + size
*    01-Sep-04  commented
*    18-Apr-05  supports help attribute in synthcontrollist

// XXX TO-DO: DISKBUFSIZE hash entry should be removed ?
// should listen to preference changes (e.g. CSOUNDAPP)

package de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin;

import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SpringLayout;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.jatha.compile.CompilerException;
import org.jatha.compile.LispCompiler;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispHashTable;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispNumber;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispString;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispValue;
import org.jatha.machine.SECDMachine;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;

import de.sciss.gui.AbstractWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.PrefCheckBox;
import de.sciss.gui.PrefComboBox;
import de.sciss.gui.StringItem;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.AdvancedJatha;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.BasicLispPrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.ExecutePrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.GadgetMakePrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.SessionPropAddPrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.TempFileMakePrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionGroup;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionObject;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.MapManager;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;

*  A basic superclass for all lisp code executing
*  plug-ins. It provides a lisp environment and
*  methods for internalizing custom functions and symbols
*  to this environment. It also provides a common
*  GUI surface and handles loading and displaying
*  of lisp source codes. Internal classes provide
*  extra lisp functions for requesting source data
*  and announcing target data.
@author    Hanns Holger Rutz
@version  0.75, 10-Jun-08
*  @todo    preference changes are not
*        automatically forwarded to the lisp
*        hash tables
public abstract class LispPlugIn
extends JPanel
implements PlugIn, PreferenceChangeListener
   *  The class preference are located as a separate
   *  subnode of the session prefs, i.e. all keys in here
   *  are stored in the session files.
   *  The lisp source code and verbosity gadgets (KEY_VERBOSE) will
   *  store their values here. GUI elements created with
   *  the lisp source function (make-gadget) will also
   *  store their values here. Subclasses can add their
   *  specific prefs.
  protected Preferences      classPrefs;
   *  This field will be valid after calling initJatha()
   *  and contains a lisp environment featuring the custom
   *  functions and symbols.
  protected AdvancedJatha      jatha          = null;

   *  This hashtable will be internalized in the
   *  lisp environment after calling initJatha().
   *  Keys are mapping the most important plug-in
   *  context objects like transmitters and receivers.
  protected LispHashTable      cilloHash;
   *  This hashtable will be internalized in the
   *  lisp environment after calling initJatha().
   *  Keys are mapping the plug-in preference pane
   *  settings like supercollider osc port or csound
   *  application path.
  protected LispHashTable      prefsHash;

  private Session          doc;

  // ------- RenderSource types -------
   *  Source/target request type: lisp script wants
   *  or offers trajectory data
  protected static final int  REQUEST_TRAJ    = 0;
   *  Source request type: lisp script wants trajectory data
  protected static final int  REQUEST_SENSE    = 1;
   *  Request type: lisp script wants data
   *  to be resampled before supply
  protected static final int  REQUEST_RESAMPLE  = 2;
   *  Target request type: lisp script provides
   *  synchronization object
  protected static final int  REQUEST_SYNC    = 3;
   *  Array of known request types
   *  (strings in the lisp function call)
  protected static final String[] requestKeyNames = {

  // class prefs
  private static final String    KEY_LISPSOURCE      = "lispsource";
   *  Key of the verbose gadget in the class prefs.<p>
   *  Value: Boolean representing the gadget's state.<br>
  protected static final String  KEY_VERBOSE        = "verbose";
//  private static final String    NODE_LISP        = "lispprefs";  // lisp preference sub-node

  private PrefComboBox      ggLispSource;
  private PrefCheckBox      ggVerbose;
  private JButton          ggReload;
  private JPanel          panelLispGUI      = null;

  // ----------- lisp related -----------
  private File          synthControlListFile  = null;
  private List          collSynthControls    = new ArrayList();

  private String          lispSourceName      = null;
  private boolean          contextKnown      = false;

  private LRPGadgetMakePrimitive    gadgetMakePrimitive;
  private LRPTempFileMakePrimitive  tempFileMakePrimitive;
  private LRPExecutePrimitive      executePrimitive;
  private  SessionPropAddPrimitive  sessionPropertyAddPrimitive;

   *  Instance of a source request lisp function
   *  which can be queryied for a list of requests.
  protected LRPSourceRequestPrimitive  sourceRequestPrimitive;
   *  Instance of a target request lisp function
   *  which can be queryied for a list of requests.
  protected LRPTargetRequestPrimitive targetRequestPrimitive;
  private static final int  DISKBUFSIZE  = 32768; // 4194304; // 32768 XXX
  private static final String KEY_CILLO      = "CILLO";
  private static final String KEY_RECEIVERS    = "RECEIVERS";
  private static final String KEY_TRANSMITTERS  = "TRANSMITTERS";
  private static final String KEY_GROUPS      = "GROUPS";
  private static final String KEY_TIMELINE    = "TIMELINE";
  private static final String KEY_PREFERENCES    = "PREFERENCES";
   *  Empty constructor called
   *  through Class.newInstance(). Basic
   *  initialization is done a separate call to init()
  public LispPlugIn()
  public void init( Session doc )
    this.doc  = doc;
    final  app      = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
    final String          className  = getClass().getName();

    classPrefs  = app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION ).node(
            className.substring( className.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ));

    // --- Listener ---
        new DynamicAncestorAdapter( new DynamicPrefChangeManager( app.getUserPrefs().node(
      PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS ), new String[] { getSourceListKey() }, this )).addTo( this );
        new DynamicAncestorAdapter( new DynamicPrefChangeManager( classPrefs,
      new String[] { KEY_LISPSOURCE }, this )).addTo( this );
   *  Return the key in the plug-ins
   *  node that represents the synth control
   *  list we're interested in listening to
  protected abstract String getSourceListKey();
  // --- GUI Presentation ---
  // sync : attempts on door_grp
  public JComponent getSettingsView( PlugInContext context )
    contextKnown = false;
    if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_GRP, 250 )) return null;
    try {
      initLispSymbols( context );
      contextKnown = true;
    catch( IOException e1 ) {
      GUIUtil.displayError( this, e1, AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString(
        "errLispLoadSource" ));
    finally {
      doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_GRP );
    return this;
  private void createSettingsView()
    int                rows;
    JLabel              lab;
    JPanel              panelUs;
    final LispPlugIn        lp    = this;
    final  app    = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
    this.setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ));
    panelUs      = new JPanel( new SpringLayout() );
    rows      = 0;

    ggLispSource  = new PrefComboBox();
    ggLispSource.setPreferences( classPrefs, KEY_LISPSOURCE );
    lab        = new JLabel( app.getResourceString( "labelLispSource" ));
    ggReload    = new JButton( app.getResourceString( "labelReload" ));
    ggReload.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
        try {
          String oldSourceName  = lispSourceName;
          loadLispSource( null );
          loadLispSource( oldSourceName );
        } catch( Exception e1 ) {
          GUIUtil.displayError( lp, e1, app.getResourceString( "errLispLoadSource" ));
    panelUs.add( lab );
    panelUs.add( ggLispSource );
    panelUs.add( ggReload );

    ggVerbose    = new PrefCheckBox();
    ggVerbose.setPreferences( classPrefs, KEY_VERBOSE );
    lab        = new JLabel( app.getResourceString( "labelVerbose" ));
    panelUs.add( lab );
    panelUs.add( ggVerbose );
    panelUs.add( new JLabel() );

    GUIUtil.makeCompactSpringGrid( panelUs, rows, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2 )// #row #col initx inity padx pady

    panelLispGUI = new JPanel( new SpringLayout() );
//    this.removeAll();
    this.add( panelUs );
    this.add( panelLispGUI );

  // sync: call in event thread!
  private void initJatha()
    if( jatha != null ) return;
    LispString  symbolName;
    jatha          = new AdvancedJatha();
    cilloHash        = jatha.makeHashTable();
    prefsHash        = jatha.makeHashTable();
    symbolName        = jatha.makeString( KEY_PREFERENCES );
    cilloHash.setf_gethash( symbolName, jatha.makeSymbol( symbolName ).setf_symbol_value( prefsHash ));
    jatha.intern( KEY_CILLO, cilloHash );

    createCommonPrimitives( jatha );
    createSpecialPrimitives( jatha );

  private void createCommonPrimitives( AdvancedJatha lisp )
    gadgetMakePrimitive      = new LRPGadgetMakePrimitive( lisp );
    tempFileMakePrimitive    = new LRPTempFileMakePrimitive( lisp );
    executePrimitive      = new LRPExecutePrimitive( lisp );
    sourceRequestPrimitive    = new LRPSourceRequestPrimitive( lisp );
    targetRequestPrimitive    = new LRPTargetRequestPrimitive( lisp );
    sessionPropertyAddPrimitive  = new SessionPropAddPrimitive( lisp, doc );

    lisp.addPrimitive( gadgetMakePrimitive );
    lisp.addPrimitive( tempFileMakePrimitive );
    lisp.addPrimitive( executePrimitive );
    lisp.addPrimitive( sourceRequestPrimitive );
    lisp.addPrimitive( targetRequestPrimitive );
    lisp.addPrimitive( sessionPropertyAddPrimitive );
   *  Gets called when the lisp environment is
   *  initialized. This class provides hash entries
   *  for the common context and preferences objects
   *  such as a list of transmitters and receivers.
   *  Subclasses may wish to add custom functions, hence
   *  they shall implement this method.
   *  @param  lisp  the lisp environment to which
   *          new functions (primitives) can be added
   *  @see  AdvancedJatha#addPrimitive( LispPrimitive )
  protected abstract void createSpecialPrimitives( AdvancedJatha lisp );

   *  Provided variables for the lisp code. The lisp code finds
   *  a global symbol "CILLO" which is a hash table. Keys are strings:
   *  <pre>
   *  "TRANSMITTERS"  -> (list) transmitter-hashtables
   *  "RECEIVERS"    -> (list) receiver-hashtables
   *  "TIMELINE"    -> (hashtable) timeline-hashtable
   *  "PREFERENCES"   -> (hashtable) preferences-subset-hashtable
   *  the trns-hashtable has string keys:
   *  "NAME"      -> (string) transmitter name
   *  the rcv-hashtable has string keys:
   *  "NAME"      -> (string) receiver name
   *  "ANCHOR"    -> (cons cell with two reals) receiver anchor x, y
   *  "SIZE"      -> (cons cell with two reals) receiver size w, h
   *  the timeline-hashtable has string keys:
   *  "START"      -> (real) render start in seconds
   *  "STOP"      -> (real) render stop in seconds
   *  the prefs-hashtable has string keys:
   *  "DISKBUFSIZE"  -> (integer) preferred size of diskin buffers in sample frames<br>
   *  "SENSEBUFSIZE"  -> (integer) sense of sense data buffer in frames<br>
   *  "SENSERATE"    -> (integer) rate of sense buffer in hertz<br>
   *  "INPUTCHANNELS"  -> (integer) number of hardware audio interface inputs<br>
   *  "OUTPUTCHANNELS"-> (integer) number of hardware audio interface outputs<br>
   *  "AUDIORATE"    -> (integer) rate of audio hardware in hertz<br>
   *  "BASEDIRECTORY"  -> (string)  pathname of the synth control base directory. !not created here but in
   *                 loadLispSource()!
   *  "SUPERCOLLIDERAPP" -> (string) pathname of the sc offline application
   *  "CSOUNDAPP"    -> (string)  pathname of the csound application
   *  "SUPERCOLLIDEROSC" -> (cons) sc realtime osc socket (host-string port-integer)
   *  </pre>
   *  @synchronization  caller must have shared sync on DOOR_GRP
  private void initLispSymbols( PlugInContext context )

    createCommonSymbols( jatha, context );
    createSpecialSymbols( jatha, context );

  // XXX sync unklar ? SessionObject-map koennte parallel veraendert werden?
  private void createCommonSymbols( AdvancedJatha lisp, PlugInContext context )
    LispHashTable      lispHash;
    java.util.List      coll, coll2, collGroups, collGroups2, collGroups3, collGroups4;
    int            i, j;
    double          d1;
    String          val;
    Preferences        prefs;
    SessionObject      so;
    // --------------- create lisp symbols ---------------
    // GROUPS : list (list elements : hashtable)
    collGroups  = doc.getGroups().getAll();
    collGroups2  = new ArrayList( collGroups.size() );
    collGroups3  = new ArrayList( collGroups.size() );
    collGroups4  = new ArrayList( collGroups.size() );
    for( i = 0; i < collGroups.size(); i++ ) {
      so      = (SessionObject) collGroups.get( i );
      lispHash  = jatha.makeHashTable();
      sessionObjectToLispHash( so, lispHash );
      collGroups2.add( lispHash );
      collGroups3.add( new ArrayList() );
      collGroups4.add( new ArrayList() );

    // RECEIVERS : list (list elements : hashtable)
    coll    = context.getReceivers();
    coll2    = new ArrayList( coll.size() );
    for( i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++ ) {
      so      = (SessionObject) coll.get( i );
      lispHash  = jatha.makeHashTable();
      sessionObjectToLispHash( so, lispHash );
      coll2.add( lispHash );
      for( j = 0; j < collGroups.size(); j++ ) {
        if( ((SessionGroup) collGroups.get( j )).getReceivers().contains( so )) {
          ((java.util.List) collGroups3.get( j )).add( lispHash );
    cilloHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_RECEIVERS ), jatha.makeList( coll2 ));

    // TRANSMITTERS : list (list elements : hashtable)
    coll    = context.getTransmitters();
    coll2    = new ArrayList( coll.size() );
    for( i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++ ) {
      so      = (SessionObject) coll.get( i );
      lispHash  = jatha.makeHashTable();
      sessionObjectToLispHash( so, lispHash );
      coll2.add( lispHash );
      for( j = 0; j < collGroups.size(); j++ ) {
        if( ((SessionGroup) collGroups.get( j )).getTransmitters().contains( so )) {
          ((java.util.List) collGroups4.get( j )).add( lispHash );
    cilloHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_TRANSMITTERS ), jatha.makeList( coll2 ));

    // complete GROUPS list
    for( i = 0; i < collGroups.size(); i++ ) {
      lispHash  = (LispHashTable) collGroups2.get( i );
      lispHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_RECEIVERS ), jatha.makeList( (java.util.List) collGroups3.get( i )));
      lispHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_TRANSMITTERS ), jatha.makeList( (java.util.List) collGroups4.get( i )));
    cilloHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_GROUPS ), jatha.makeList( collGroups2 ));

    // TIMELINE : hashtable
    lispHash  = jatha.makeHashTable();
    d1      = (double) context.getTimeSpan().getStart() / context.getSourceRate();
    lispHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "START" ), jatha.makeReal( d1 ));
    d1      = (double) context.getTimeSpan().getStop() / context.getSourceRate();
    lispHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "STOP" ), jatha.makeReal( d1 ));
    cilloHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( KEY_TIMELINE ), lispHash );

    // PREFERENCES : hashtable
    prefs    = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS );
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "DISKBUFSIZE" ), jatha.makeInteger( DISKBUFSIZE ));
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "INPUTCHANNELS" ),
      jatha.makeInteger( prefs.getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_AUDIOINPUTS, 0 )));
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "OUTPUTCHANNELS" ),
      jatha.makeInteger( prefs.getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_AUDIOOUTPUTS, 0 )));
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "AUDIORATE" ),
      jatha.makeInteger( prefs.getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_AUDIORATE, 0 )));
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SUPERCOLLIDERAPP" ),
      jatha.makeString( prefs.get( PrefsUtil.KEY_SUPERCOLLIDERAPP, null )));
    prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "CSOUNDAPP" ),
      jatha.makeString( prefs.get( PrefsUtil.KEY_CSOUNDAPP, null )));
    val = prefs.get( PrefsUtil.KEY_SUPERCOLLIDEROSC, null );
    i  = val.indexOf( ':' );
    if( i >= 0 ) {
      prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SUPERCOLLIDEROSC" ),
        jatha.makeCons( jatha.makeString( val.substring( 0, i )),
                jatha.makeInteger( Integer.parseInt( val.substring( i + 1 )))));

  private void sessionObjectToLispHash( SessionObject so, LispHashTable h )
    MapManager      m    = so.getMap();
    Iterator      iter  = m.keySet( MapManager.Context.ALL_INCLUSIVE, MapManager.Context.NONE_EXCLUSIVE ).iterator();
    String        key;
    Object        value;
    MapManager.Context  c;
    LispValue      lispValue;
    h.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "NAME" ), jatha.makeString( so.getName() ));
    while( iter.hasNext() ) {
      key    =;
      c    = m.getContext( key );
      if( c == null ) continue;
      value  = m.getValue( key );
      switch( c.type ) {
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_INTEGER:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeInteger( ((Number) value).intValue() );
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_LONG:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeInteger( ((Number) value).longValue() );
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_FLOAT:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeReal( ((Number) value).floatValue() );
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_DOUBLE:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeReal( ((Number) value).doubleValue() );
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
        lispValue  = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue() ? jatha.T : jatha.NIL;
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_STRING:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeString( value.toString() );
      case MapManager.Context.TYPE_FILE:
        lispValue  = jatha.makeString( ((File) value).getPath() );
        assert false : c.type;
        lispValue  = null;
      h.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( (key.indexOf( "lisp-" ) == 0 ? key.substring( 5 ) : key).toUpperCase() ), lispValue );

   *  Gets called when the lisp environment is
   *  initialized and each time the settings view
   *  is queried (i.e. after the context changed).
   *  This class provides hash entries
   *  for the common context and preferences objects
   *  such as a list of transmitters and receivers.
   *  Subclasses may wish to add custom symbols, hence
   *  they shall implement this method.
   *  @param  lisp  the lisp environment to which
   *          new symbols can be added
   *  @see  AdvancedJatha#intern( String, LispValue )
  protected abstract void createSpecialSymbols( AdvancedJatha lisp, PlugInContext context );

   *  Load a lisp source file and compiles and evaluates it.
   *  Inits jatha if necessary. Sets the "BASEDIRECTORY" prefs hash entry.
   *  @param  f    the file denoting the lisp source (ascii text)
   *  @param  name  the abstract (prefs entry) name of the source
   *  @warning  should be invoked only by loadLispSource( String )
   *        in order to manage plug-in unregistration and reregistration!
  private void loadLispSource( File f, String name )
  throws IOException
//System.err.println( "loadLispSource '"+name+"' --> "+f );

    FileReader      fr;
    LispParser      parser;
    PushbackReader    pbr;
    LispValue      codeFragment, result;
    boolean        verbose = classPrefs.getBoolean( KEY_VERBOSE, false );
    fr        = new FileReader( f )// throws FileNotFoundException
    try {
      pbr      = new PushbackReader( fr, 32 );
      initJatha()// XXX we should remove all user variables and functions
      prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "BASEDIRECTORY" ),
        jatha.makeString( f.getParent() ));
//System.err.println( "initJatha() done." );
      parser    = jatha.PARSER;    // XXX ? Jatha.getParser();
      parser.setInputReader( pbr );
      parser.setCaseSensitivity( LispParser.UPCASE );
      try {
        while( true ) {
//System.err.println( "reading a line from the file..." );
          codeFragment  = consecutively parse all expressions in the file
//System.err.println( "evaluating..." );
          result      = jatha.eval( codeFragment );
          if( verbose ) {
            System.out.println( result );
      catch( EOFException e1 ) {} // okay, reached end of source code
//System.err.println( "EOF reached." );
//      catch( CompilerException e2 ) {
//        throw e2 );
//      }
    finally {

  private void loadLispSource( String name )
  throws IOException
    File      f;
    Element      node      = null;
    final String  oldSourceName   = lispSourceName;
    try {
      // unregister old plug-in
      if( lispSourceName != null ) {
        PlugInManager.getInstance().removeValue( this, "lisp-" + lispSourceName );
        sessionPropertyAddPrimitive.setDynamic( null );
      if( name != null && synthControlListFile != null ) {
        for( int i = 0; i < collSynthControls.size(); i++ ) {
          node  = (Element) collSynthControls.get( i );
          if( node.getAttribute( "name" ).equals( name )) {
            lispSourceName  = null;
            f        = new File( synthControlListFile.getParentFile(), node.getAttribute( "file" ));
            loadLispSource( f, name );
            lispSourceName  = name;
      } else {
        lispSourceName = null;
    finally {
      // register new plug-in
      if( lispSourceName != null ) {
        sessionPropertyAddPrimitive.setDynamic( "lisp-" + lispSourceName );
      // update gui
      if( (lispSourceName == null && oldSourceName != null) ||
        (lispSourceName != null && oldSourceName == null) ||
        (lispSourceName != null && oldSourceName != null && !lispSourceName.equals( oldSourceName )) ) {
//        HelpGlassPane.setHelp( panelLispGUI,
//          node == null || node.getAttribute( "help" ).length() == 0 ?
//          null : node.getAttribute( "help" ));
// EEE
      // register new plug-in
      if( lispSourceName != null ) {
        PlugInManager.getInstance().putValue( this, "lisp-" + lispSourceName, new Object() );
  // call in the event thread
  private void loadSynthControlList( String path )
  throws IOException
    int            i;
    org.w3c.dom.Document  domDoc;
    DocumentBuilderFactory  builderFactory;
    DocumentBuilder      builder;
    NodeList        nl;
    Element          node;
    try {
      synthControlListFile = new File( path );
      builderFactory  = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
//        builderFactory.setValidating( true );
//        builderFactory.setIgnoringComments( true );
//        builderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace( true );
      builder      = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      domDoc      = builder.parse( synthControlListFile );
      nl        = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "synthcontrol" );
      for( i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++ ) {
        node    = (Element) nl.item( i );
        if( node.hasAttribute( "name" ) && node.hasAttribute( "screenname" )) {
          collSynthControls.add( node );
          ggLispSource.addItem( new StringItem( node.getAttribute( "name" ),
                                                node.getAttribute( "screenname" )));
    catch( SAXParseException e1 ) {
      throw e1 );
    catch( SAXException e2 ) {
      throw e2 );
    catch( ParserConfigurationException e3 ) {
      throw e3 );
  private void fillLispGUI()
  throws IOException
    if( gadgetMakePrimitive.getGadgetCount() > 0 ) {
    if( lispSourceName == null || jatha == null || !contextKnown ) return;

//System.err.println( "fillLispGUI(). lispSourceLoaded = "+lispSourceLoaded+"; jatha == null ? "+(jatha==null)+"; contextKnown = "+contextKnown+"; this.hashCode() = "+this.hashCode() );
    LispValue    lispFunc, lispResult;
    boolean      verbose    = classPrefs.getBoolean( KEY_VERBOSE, false );
    int        i, numGadgets;
    Window      ancestor;
    java.util.List  collGadgets;

    lispFunc  = jatha.findFunction( "CREATE-GUI" );
//    gadgetMakePrimitive.setPreferences( Main.prefs.node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION ).node(
//      ((Element) collSynthControls.get( lispSourceLoaded )).getAttribute( "name" )));
    gadgetMakePrimitive.setPreferences( classPrefs.node( lispSourceName ));
//System.err.println( "lispFunc = "+lispFunc );
    if( lispFunc != null ) {
      lispResult  = jatha.eval( jatha.makeCons( lispFunc, jatha.NIL )); // (cmd . args)
      if( verbose ) System.out.println( lispResult );
    numGadgets  = gadgetMakePrimitive.getGadgetCount();
    collGadgets = gadgetMakePrimitive.getGadgets();
    panelLispGUI.setLayout( gadgetMakePrimitive.getLayout() );
    for( i = 0; i < numGadgets; i++ ) {
      panelLispGUI.add( (JComponent) collGadgets.get( i ));
//    if( (numGadgets & 1) == 1 ) {   // fill to even number of gadgets because of two column display
//      panelLispGUI.add( new JLabel() );
//    }
//    GUIUtil.setDeepFont( panelLispGUI, fnt );
    AbstractWindowHandler.setDeepFont( panelLispGUI );
//    GUIUtil.makeCompactSpringGrid( panelLispGUI, numGadgets >> 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2 );  // #row #col initx inity padx pady
    ancestor = (Window) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass( Window.class, this );
    if( ancestor != null ) ancestor.pack();

   *  Subclasses should call this before
   *  they start to process. This will return
   *  false if initialization fails, which happens
   *  for example if no source code has been loaded
   *  or no context is available. The method will
   *  clear all source and target requests, thus should
   *  be called before lisp code is executed.
   *  @param  context    context to use for processing
   *  @return  true if preparation succeeded, false elsewise
  protected boolean plugInPrepare( PlugInContext context )
    if( lispSourceName == null || jatha == null || !contextKnown ) return false;

    executePrimitive.setRenderHost( context.getHost() );
    return true;

   *  Subclasses should call this after
   *  their processing finished or was cancelled.
   *  The method will delete all temporary
   *  files created by lisp code.
   *  @param  context    context which was used for processing
   *  @todo  requests should also be cleared here
   *      to catalyze garbage collection
  protected void plugInCleanUp( PlugInContext context )
    executePrimitive.setRenderHost( null );
    tempFileMakePrimitive.clear();    // try to delete all files
   *  Tries to find a defines lisp function
   *  given by lispFuncName. If present, it
   *  will be evaluated and resulting OSC packets
   *  are appended to the OSC Command file.
   *  The given bundleTime replaces the time tag
   *  of the produced packets.
   *  @param  lispFuncName  name of the symbol whose
   *              function is to be executed
   *  @return          true = success, false = failure
  protected boolean executeLisp( String lispFuncName, LispValue args )
  throws IOException
    LispValue   lispFunc, lispResult;

    lispFunc  = jatha.findFunction( lispFuncName );
    if( lispFunc != null ) {
      lispResult  = jatha.eval( jatha.makeCons( lispFunc, args )); // (cmd . args)
      if( classPrefs.getBoolean( KEY_VERBOSE, false )) {
        System.out.println( lispFuncName + " -> " + lispResult );
//        jatha.debugDump();
      return( lispResult == jatha.T );
    } else {
      return true;
  protected boolean executeLisp( String lispFuncName )
  throws IOException
    return executeLisp( lispFuncName, jatha.NIL );

  protected String getResourceString( String key )
    return AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( key );
// ---------------- LaterInvocationManager.Listener interface ----------------

  // o instanceof PreferenceChangeEvent
   *  Handles preference changes
  public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent pce)
    final String          key    = pce.getKey();
    final String          value  = pce.getNewValue();
    final  app    = AbstractApplication.getApplication();

    if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@LispPlugIn li. key = "+key+"; value = "+value );
    if( key.equals( getSourceListKey() )) {
      if( value != null ) {
        try {
          loadSynthControlList( value );
        catch( IOException e1 ) {
          GUIUtil.displayError( this, e1, app.getResourceString( "oscLoadSynthControlList" ));
        try {
          loadLispSource( classPrefs.get( KEY_LISPSOURCE, null ));
        catch( IOException e2 ) {
          GUIUtil.displayError( this, e2, app.getResourceString( "errLispLoadSource" ));
    } else if( key.equals( KEY_LISPSOURCE )) {
      try {
        loadLispSource( value );
      catch( IOException e1 ) {
        GUIUtil.displayError( this, e1, app.getResourceString( "errLispLoadSource" ));

// -------- internal lisp primitive class --------

  private class LRPGadgetMakePrimitive
  extends GadgetMakePrimitive
    private final ArrayList  collGadgets = new ArrayList();
    public LRPGadgetMakePrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
      super( lisp );
    public void freeGadgets()
    public GridBagConstraints getDefaultConstraints()
      GridBagConstraints cons = new GridBagConstraints();
      cons.insets        = new Insets( 2, 4, 2, 4 );
      cons.anchor        = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
      cons.fill        = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
      return cons;
    public void consumeGadget( JComponent c )
      collGadgets.add( c );
    public int getGadgetCount()
      return collGadgets.size();

    public java.util.List getGadgets()
      return new ArrayList( collGadgets );

  private class LRPTempFileMakePrimitive
  extends TempFileMakePrimitive
    private final ArrayList collFiles    = new ArrayList();
    private final HashMap  mapNamesToFiles = new HashMap();
    public LRPTempFileMakePrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
      super( lisp );
    public void clear()
      for( int i = 0; i < collFiles.size(); i++ ) {
        ((File) collFiles.get( i )).delete();
    public void consumeFile( File f )
    throws IOException
      collFiles.add( f );
      mapNamesToFiles.put( f.getAbsolutePath(), f );

   *  XXX TO-DO : using jatha.eval() for the
   *  console output callback is not elegant.
   *  the function should be precompiled and
   *  the opcode directly executed.
   *  (see EvalPrimitive)
  private class LRPExecutePrimitive
  extends ExecutePrimitive
    private PlugInHost  host  = null;

    public LRPExecutePrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
      super( lisp );

    public int consumeExec( String[] cmdArray, String[] envArray, File workDir, LispValue parseFunc )
    throws IOException
      Process      p;
      int        resultCode  = -1;
      boolean      pRunning  = true;
      InputStream    inStream, errStream;
      byte[]      inBuf    = new byte[128];
      int        inBufOff  = 0;
      byte[]      errBuf    = new byte[128];
      int        errBufOff  = 0;
      LispValue    oldS, oldE, oldC, oldD;

      p      = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmdArray, envArray, workDir );
      // XXX "Implementation note: It is a good idea for the input stream to be buffered."
      inStream  = p.getInputStream(); // new BufferedInputStream( p.getInputStream() );
      errStream  = p.getErrorStream(); // new BufferedInputStream( p.getErrorStream() );
      oldS    = f_lisp.MACHINE.S.value();    // the registers need to be saved
      oldE    = f_lisp.MACHINE.E.value();    // ...because we'll invoke jatha.eval()
      oldC    = f_lisp.MACHINE.C.value();    // print out console stream, which calls
      oldD    = f_lisp.MACHINE.D.value();    // ...MACHINE.Execute() which replaces the registers
      try {
        while( (host == null || host.isRunning()) && pRunning ) {
          try {
            try {
//System.err.println( "task" );
              Thread.sleep( 500 );   // a kind of cheesy way to wait for the program to end
            catch( InterruptedException e2 ) {}

            inBufOff  = handleConsole( inStream, inBuf, inBufOff, parseFunc );
            errBufOff   = handleConsole( errStream, errBuf, errBufOff, parseFunc );
//            while( inStream.available() > 0 ) {
//              i    = Math.min( inBuf.length, inStream.available() );
//     inBuf, 0, i );
//              System.out.write( inBuf, 0, i );
//            }
//            while( errStream.available() > 0 ) {
//              i    = Math.min( errBuf.length, errStream.available() );
//     errBuf, 0, i );
//              System.err.write( errBuf, 0, i );
//            }

            resultCode  = p.exitValue();
            pRunning   = false;
          // gets thrown if we call exitValue() while sc still running
          catch( IllegalThreadStateException e1 ) {}
        } // while( pRunning )
      finally {
        f_lisp.MACHINE.S.assign( oldS );
        f_lisp.MACHINE.E.assign( oldE );
        f_lisp.MACHINE.C.assign( oldC );
        f_lisp.MACHINE.D.assign( oldD );

      return resultCode;
    } // consumeExec()

    public void setRenderHost( PlugInHost host )
    { = host;

    // console umlenken
    private int handleConsole( InputStream stream, byte[] buf, int bufOff, LispValue parseFunc )
    throws IOException
      int        i, j;
      LispValue    parseArg;

      while( stream.available() > 0 ) {
//System.err.println( "stream.available() : "+stream.available()+"; buf = "+new String( buf, 0, bufOff ));
        i = Math.min( buf.length - bufOff, stream.available() ); buf, bufOff, i );
        bufOff += i;
        for( j = 0, i = j; i < bufOff; i++ ) {
          if( buf[ i ] == 0x0A || buf[ i ] == 0x0C ) {  // find newline
// System.err.println( new String( buf, j, i ));

            parseArg= f_lisp.makeString( new String( buf, j, i ));   // convert to string
            if( parseFunc != null ) {
              /* lispResult  =*/ f_lisp.eval( f_lisp.makeCons( parseFunc,
                                      f_lisp.makeList( parseArg ))); // (cmd . arg-list)
//try {
//              evalu( parseFunc, jatha.makeList( parseArg ));
//} catch( CompilerException e99 ) {}
            j = i + 1;
        if( j > 0 ) {
          bufOff -= j;
          System.arraycopy( buf, j, buf, 0, bufOff );

        if( bufOff == buf.length ) {  // buffer overflow
          System.out.write( buf, 0, buf.length );
          bufOff = 0;
      return bufOff;
  } // class LRPExecutePrimitive

   *  A custom lisp function that records source
   *  data requests. Call:
   *  <pre>
   *  (source-request <var>&lt;source&gt;</var> [<var>&lt;params&gt;</var> [<var>&lt;medium&gt;</var> [<var>&lt;options&gt;</var>]]])
   *  </pre>
   *  the arguments are:
   *  <ul>
   <li><code>source</code> -    a type string, one of "TRAJ", "SENSE", "RESAMPLE"</li>
   <li><code>params</code> -    depending on type</li>
   <li><code>medium</code> -    medium to which the data will be transferred</li>
   <li><code>options</code> -    additional options regarding the medium</li>
   *  For "TRAJ", <code>params</code> is an integer specifying the
   *  transmitter whose index corresponds to the "TRNS" list given by the "CILLO" hashtable.
   *  For "SENSE", <code>params</code> is a cons cell whose car is an integer specifying the
   *  transmitter and whose cdr is the receiver index corresponding to the "TRNS" resp. "RCV"
   *  lists given by the "CILLO" hashtable.
   *  For "RESAMPE", <code>params</code> is a number specifying the target sampling rate.
   *  <p>
   *  Medium depends on the subclass of LispPlugIn. In offline mode this can be
   *  an audio file for example.
  protected class LRPSourceRequestPrimitive
  extends BasicLispPrimitive
    private final ArrayList    collRequests  = new ArrayList();
    private final AdvancedJatha  lisp;
    private LRPSourceRequestPrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
      super( lisp, "SOURCE-REQUEST", 1, 4 );    // <source> <params> <medium> <medium-options>
      this.lisp   = lisp;

    public void Execute( SECDMachine machine )
      final Request          request    = new Request();
      final LispValue          args    = machine.S.pop();
      final String          sourceName  = args.first().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
      final LispValue          params    = args.basic_length() >= 2 ? args.second() : f_lisp.NIL;
      LispValue            trnsArg, rcvArg;
      final  app      = AbstractApplication.getApplication();

      try {
        request.medium      = args.basic_length() >= 3 ? lisp.getObject( args.third().toJava() ) : null;
        request.mediumOptions   = args.basic_length() >= 4 ? args.fourth() : f_lisp.NIL;
//System.err.println( "request.medium "+request.medium+"; request.mediumOptions "+request.mediumOptions );
        if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_SENSE ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_SENSE;
          if( params.basic_consp() ) {
            trnsArg =;
            rcvArg  = params.cdr();
            if( trnsArg.basic_numberp() && rcvArg.basic_numberp() ) {
              request.params = new Point(
                (int) ((LispNumber) trnsArg).getLongValue(),
                (int) ((LispNumber) rcvArg).getLongValue()
// System.err.println( ((Point) request.params).x +" , "+((Point) request.params).y );
            } else {
              System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_TRAJ ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_TRAJ;
          if( params.basic_integerp() ) {
            request.params = new Integer( (int) ((LispNumber) params).getLongValue() );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_RESAMPLE ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_RESAMPLE;
          if( params.basic_numberp() ) {
            request.params = new Double( ((LispNumber) params).getDoubleValue() );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else {
          System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" ) + " : "+functionName );
        collRequests.add( request );
      finally {
        machine.S.push( args.last().car() );   // that's just convenient

    // Variable number of evaluated args.
    public LispValue CompileArgs( LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args,
                    LispValue valueList, LispValue code )
      throws CompilerException
      return compiler.compileArgsLeftToRight( args, valueList, f_lisp.makeCons(
                          machine.LIS, f_lisp.makeCons( args.length(), code )));
     *  Returns a list of Request objects
     *  describing the data requests made
     *  after the last clearRequests() call.
     *  Note that medium and mediumOptions
     *  have not been checked since they
     *  highly depend on subclasses of LispPlugIn.
     *  medium has been looked up in the lisp's
     *  object list, mediumOptions is the
     *  plain lisp primitive data type.
     *  @return  a list of Requests
     *  @see  LispPlugIn.Request
    public java.util.List getRequests()
      return new ArrayList( collRequests );

     *  Clears all requests made so fare.
     *  This is usually called before the
     *  initial function of the lisp code
     *  is executed.
    public void clearRequests()
  } // class LRPSourceRequestPrimitive
   *  A custom lisp function that records source
   *  data requests. Call:
   *  <pre>
   *  (source-request <var>&lt;source&gt;</var> [<var>&lt;params&gt;</var> [<var>&lt;medium&gt;</var>]])
   *  </pre>
   *  the arguments are:
   *  <ul>
   <li><code>source</code> -  a type string, one of "TRAJ", "SENSE", "RESAMPLE", "SYNC"</li>
   <li><code>params</code> -  depending on type</li>
   <li><code>medium</code> -  medium to which the data will be transferred</li>
   *  The parameters are identical to the source-request version. There's an additional
   *  source called "SYNC" which states that the processing should be synchronized using
   *  the medium. In this case <code>params</code> is ignored but should be set to an integer
   *  zero for future compatibility.
   *  @todo    should share some methods with source request by using a common superclass;
   *        a fourth parameter mediumOptions should be added for reasons of symmetry
  protected class LRPTargetRequestPrimitive
  extends BasicLispPrimitive
    private ArrayList    collRequests  = new ArrayList();
    private AdvancedJatha   lisp;
    public LRPTargetRequestPrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
      super( lisp, "TARGET-REQUEST", 1, 3 );    // <source> <params> <target>
      this.lisp   = lisp;

    public void Execute( SECDMachine machine )
      final LispValue          args    = machine.S.pop();
      final String          sourceName  = args.first().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
      final LispValue          params    = args.basic_length() >= 2 ? args.second() : f_lisp.NIL;
      final LispValue          target    = args.basic_length() >= 3 ? args.third() : null;
      LispValue            trnsArg, rcvArg;
      final Request          request    = new Request();
      final  app      = AbstractApplication.getApplication();

      try {
        if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_SENSE ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_SENSE;
          request.medium  = target != null ? new File( target.toStringSimple() ) : null;
          if( params.basic_consp() ) {
            trnsArg =;
            rcvArg  = params.cdr();
            if( trnsArg.basic_numberp() && rcvArg.basic_numberp() ) {
              request.params = new Point(
                (int) ((LispNumber) trnsArg).getLongValue(),
                (int) ((LispNumber) rcvArg).getLongValue()
            } else {
              System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_TRAJ ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_TRAJ;
          request.medium  = target != null ? new File( target.toStringSimple() ) : null;
          if( params.basic_integerp() ) {
            request.params = new Integer( (int) ((LispNumber) params).getLongValue() );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_RESAMPLE ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_RESAMPLE;
          if( params.basic_numberp() ) {
            request.params = new Double( ((LispNumber) params).getDoubleValue() );
          } else {
            System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
        } else if( sourceName.equals( requestKeyNames[ REQUEST_SYNC ])) {
          request.type  = REQUEST_SYNC;
          request.medium  = target != null ? lisp.getObject( target.toJava() ) : null;
        } else {
          System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" ) + " : "+functionName );
        collRequests.add( request );
      finally {
        machine.S.push( args.last().car() );   // that's just convenient

    // Variable number of evaluated args.
    public LispValue CompileArgs( LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args,
                    LispValue valueList, LispValue code )
    throws CompilerException
      return compiler.compileArgsLeftToRight( args, valueList, f_lisp.makeCons(
                          machine.LIS, f_lisp.makeCons( args.length(), code )));
     *  Returns a list of Request objects
     *  describing the data requests made
     *  after the last clearRequests() call.
     *  Note that medium and mediumOptions
     *  have not been checked since they
     *  highly depend on subclasses of LispPlugIn.
     *  medium has been looked up in the lisp's
     *  object list, mediumOptions are not yet
     *  supported and are null!
     *  @return  a list of Requests
     *  @see  LispPlugIn.Request
    public java.util.List getRequests()
      return new ArrayList( collRequests );
     *  Clears all requests made so fare.
     *  This is usually called before the
     *  initial function of the lisp code
     *  is executed.
    public void clearRequests()
  } // class LRPTaretRequestPrimitive

// -------- Request internal class --------
   *  Brief helper struct class
   *  for source and target requests
   *  made by the lisp script.
  protected class Request
     *  Request type such as REQUEST_TRAJ
     *  @see  LispPlugIn#REQUEST_TRAJ
    public int      type;
     *  Type specific parameters. For TRAJ it's an Integer, for
     *  SENSE it's a Point whose x is the transmitter index
     *  and whose y is the receiver index,
     *  for RESAMPLE its a Double
    public Object    params;
     *  Medium object as found in the lisp
     *  environment's object list, or null
    public Object    medium;
     *  Medium options as passed directly
     *  from the lisp call, or null if
     *  unspecified.
    public LispValue  mediumOptions;

Related Classes of de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.LispPlugIn$Request

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