* SessionPropAddPrimitive.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 27-Mar-05 created
* 26-May-05 renamed to SessionPropAddPrimitive for 31-characters filename limit
package de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp;
import java.io.*;
import org.jatha.compile.*;
import org.jatha.dynatype.*;
import org.jatha.machine.*;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.*;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.*;
import de.sciss.util.NumberSpace;
import de.sciss.gui.*;
* A custom lisp function for creating additional properties for
* session collection objects (receivers, transmitters, groups)
* which will be displayed in the observer palette.
* <p>
* The lisp function is called as follows:<br>
* <pre>
* (session-property-add <var><object-group></var> <var><label></var> <var><key></var> <var><type></var> [<var><default-value></var> [<var><options></var>]])
* </pre><br>
* <code>object-group</code> is one of the following strings: "RECEIVERS", "TRANSMITTERS",
* "GROUPS". <code>label</code> is a string that will be displayed
* in the palette. <code>key</code> is a string that can be used to query the property value
* from the session-object's hash table. <code>type</code> can be one of the following
* "INTEGER", "LONG", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "BOOLEAN", "STRING", "FILE". <code>options</code>
* specifies constraints for value display.
* <p>
* Note that the actual map-key has an additional prefix "-lisp" to
* avoid naming conflicts in a flat hierarchy. As a lisp programmer you
* never have to deal with this, you'll only recognize in the session xml file.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 10-Jun-08
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.util.MapManager
public class SessionPropAddPrimitive
extends BasicLispPrimitive
private final Session doc;
private String dynamic = null;
private static final String[] TYPE_STR = {
public SessionPropAddPrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp, Session doc )
super( lisp, "SESSION-PROPERTY-ADD", 4, 6 );
this.doc = doc;
public void setDynamic( String dynamic )
this.dynamic = dynamic;
// sync : wait exclusive on the appropriate doors
public void Execute( SECDMachine machine )
// (session-property-add <object-group> <label> <key> <type> [<default-value> [<options>]])
final LispValue args = machine.S.pop();
final String objGrp = args.first().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
final String label = args.second().toStringSimple();
final String key = "lisp-" + args.third().toStringSimple();
final String typeStr = args.fourth().toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
final LispValue defaultLisp = args.fifth();
LispValue options = args.sixth();
LispValue option;
SessionObject so;
SessionCollection sc;
MapManager.Context mc;
int type = -1;
int doors;
Object constraints = null;
Object defaultJava = null;
try {
if( dynamic == null ) {
System.err.println( getResourceString( "errLispWrongContext" )+" : "+functionName );
if( objGrp.equals( "RECEIVERS" )) {
sc = doc.getReceivers();
doors = Session.DOOR_RCV;
} else if( objGrp.equals( "TRANSMITTERS" )) {
sc = doc.getTransmitters();
doors = Session.DOOR_TRNS;
} else if( objGrp.equals( "GROUPS" )) {
sc = doc.getGroups();
doors = Session.DOOR_GRP;
} else {
System.err.println( functionName+" : "+getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" )+" : "+objGrp );
for( int i = 0; i < TYPE_STR.length; i++ ) {
if( typeStr.equals( TYPE_STR[ i ])) {
type = i;
if( type == -1 ) {
System.err.println( functionName+" : "+getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" )+" : "+typeStr );
switch( type ) {
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_INTEGER:
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_LONG:
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_FLOAT:
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_DOUBLE:
if( defaultLisp.basic_numberp() ) {
switch( type ) {
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_INTEGER:
defaultJava = new Integer( (int) ((LispNumber) defaultLisp).getLongValue() );
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_LONG:
defaultJava = new Long( ((LispNumber) defaultLisp).getLongValue() );
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_FLOAT:
defaultJava = new Float( ((LispNumber) defaultLisp).getDoubleValue() );
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_DOUBLE:
defaultJava = new Double( ((LispNumber) defaultLisp).getDoubleValue() );
if( options.basic_length() >= 3 ) { // NumberSpace from (min max quant)
double min, max, quant;
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
min = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
max = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
quant = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
constraints = new NumberSpace( min, max, quant );
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
if( defaultLisp.basic_numberp() ) {
defaultJava = new Boolean( defaultLisp.zerop() == f_lisp.NIL );
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_STRING:
if( defaultLisp.basic_stringp() ) {
defaultJava = defaultLisp.toStringSimple();
if( options.basic_listp() && options.basic_length() > 0 ) {
StringItem[] items = new StringItem[ options.basic_length() ];
for( int i = 0; options.basic_length() > 0; i++ ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_consp() ) {
items[ i ] = new StringItem( option.car().toStringSimple(),
option.cdr().toStringSimple() );
} else {
System.err.println( functionName+" : "+getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" )+
" : "+option.toStringSimple() );
constraints = items;
case MapManager.Context.TYPE_FILE:
if( defaultLisp.basic_stringp() ) {
defaultJava = new File( defaultLisp.toStringSimple() );
int flags = 0;
String s;
while( options.basic_length() > 0 ) { // list of flags
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_stringp() ) {
s = option.toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
if( s.equals( "INPUT" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_INPUTFILE;
} else if( s.equals( "OUTPUT" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_OUTPUTFILE;
} else if( s.equals( "FOLDER" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_FOLDER;
} else if( s.equals( "FORMAT" )) {
flags |= PathField.TYPE_FORMATFIELD;
if( flags != 0 ) constraints = new Integer( flags );
assert false : type;
if( defaultLisp != f_lisp.NIL && defaultJava == null ) {
System.err.println( functionName+" : "+getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" )+
" : "+defaultLisp.toStringSimple() );
mc = new MapManager.Context( MapManager.Context.FLAG_OBSERVER_DISPLAY |
type, constraints, label, dynamic, defaultJava );
try {
doc.bird.waitExclusive( doors );
for( int i = 0; i < sc.size(); i++ ) {
so = sc.get( i );
so.getMap().putContext( this, key, mc );
finally {
doc.bird.releaseExclusive( doors );
finally {
machine.S.push( f_lisp.NIL );
// Variable number of evaluated args.
public LispValue CompileArgs( LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args,
LispValue valueList, LispValue code )
throws CompilerException
return compiler.compileArgsLeftToRight( args, valueList, f_lisp.makeCons(
machine.LIS, f_lisp.makeCons( args.length(), code )));