* GadgetMakePrimitive.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 7-Jul-04 created
* 21-Jul-04 prefs listening works. binding-variable
* now passed as argument 1 and not evaluated
* during compilation. new argument for
* layout placement. last argument optional.
* 04-Aug-04 commented
* XXX TO-DO : check if gadget creation is inside event thread
package de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import org.jatha.compile.*;
import org.jatha.dynatype.*;
import org.jatha.machine.*;
import de.sciss.util.NumberSpace;
import de.sciss.app.*;
import de.sciss.gui.*;
* A custom lisp function for creating gadgets (GUI elements). Each call of
* the function creates a new gadget. Concrete subclasses are
* responsible for storing or displaying the gadgets.
* This class implements
* the <code>PreferenceNodeSync</code> interface, thus allowing gadget values
* to be stored and recalled from Preferences. More over, when
* a lisp binding-symbol is provided, each preference change is
* reflected by the symbol-value of that symbol.<br>
* <br>
* The lisp function is called as follows:<br>
* <pre>
* (gadget-make <var><binding-variable></var> <var><type></var> <var><placement></var> [<var><initial-value></var> [<var><options></var>]])
* </pre><br>
* The <code>binding-variable</code> (not evaluated in the compilation process!)
* may be <code>NIL</code>. <code>type</code> is a string and can be one of "LABEL", "CHECKBOX",
* "CHOICE", "PATH", "NUMBER", "TEXT". <code>placement</code> is a list of four elements
* specifying the position and extent of the gadget (x y width height)
* where each value is an integer in a virtual grid space. The gadgets
* will be arranged using a <code>GridBagLayout</code>. the initial-value and options
* depend on the gadget type:
* <ul>
* <li>"LABEL" has no initial value or options</li>
* <li>"CHECKBOX" has an integer value of 0 or 1. no options</li>
* <li>"CHOICE" has a string representing the selected item. options
* is a list of cons cells whose car is the internally used value
* and whose cdr is the string presented to the user.</li>
* <li>"PATH" has a string initial value representing the pathname.
* options is a list whose first element is a string shown in
* the file selection dialog (or NIL). all following elements are
* options; allowed values are "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FOLDER" to specify
* the type of path gadget.</li>
* <li>"NUMBER" has a number initial value, either integer or real.
* options is a list of 1 or 4 elements. The first element is
* a string specifying the unit label. Elements 2 to 4 specify
* the number space as (min max quant).</li>
* <li>"TEXT" has a string initial value, no options.</li>
* </ul>
* @version 0.75, 10-Jun-08
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @see java.awt.GridBagLayout
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefCheckBox
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefComboBox
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefNumberField
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefPathField
* @see de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefTextField
* @see javax.swing.JLabel
public abstract class GadgetMakePrimitive
extends BasicLispPrimitive
implements PreferenceChangeListener, LaterInvocationManager.Listener, PreferenceNodeSync
private Preferences prefs = null;
private HashMap mapVarsToGadgets = new HashMap();
private LaterInvocationManager lim = new LaterInvocationManager( this );
private AdvancedJatha lisp;
private GridBagLayout lay = new GridBagLayout();
private GridBagConstraints layCons = getDefaultConstraints();
public GadgetMakePrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
super( lisp, "GADGET-MAKE", 3, 5 ); // <binding-variable> <type> <placement> <inital-value> <option-list>
this.lisp = lisp;
public void Execute( SECDMachine machine )
final LispValue reste = machine.S.pop();
final LispValue binding = machine.S.pop();
LispValue options = reste.basic_length() == 4 ? reste.fourth() : f_lisp.NIL;
final LispValue initial = reste.basic_length() >= 3 ? reste.third() : f_lisp.NIL;
LispValue place = reste.second();
final LispValue type = reste.first();
LispValue option;
String typeStr, prefsKey, prefsVal, s;
int i, j;
JComponent c;
final de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
try {
if( !type.basic_stringp() ||
!(binding.basic_null() || (binding.basic_symbolp() && !binding.basic_constantp())) ||
!(options.basic_null() || options.basic_listp()) ) {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
typeStr = type.toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
if( !binding.basic_null() && prefs != null ) {
prefsKey = binding.internal_getName();
prefsVal = prefs.get( prefsKey, null );
} else {
prefsKey = null;
prefsVal = null;
// -------------- Label --------------
if( typeStr.equals( "LABEL" )) {
if( initial.basic_null() ) {
c = new JLabel();
} else if( initial.basic_stringp() ) {
c = new JLabel( initial.toStringSimple(), JLabel.RIGHT );
} else {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgType" ) + " : "+functionName );
// -------------- CheckBox --------------
} else if( typeStr.equals( "CHECKBOX" )) {
c = new PrefCheckBox();
if( initial.basic_numberp() ) {
if( initial.zerop() == f_lisp.NIL ) { // any number != 0 will tick the box
((PrefCheckBox) c).setSelected( true );
if( prefsVal == null ) { // set initial prefs
prefs.putBoolean( prefsKey, ((PrefCheckBox) c).isSelected() );
// -------------- Choice --------------
} else if( typeStr.equals( "CHOICE" )) {
StringItem item;
c = new PrefComboBox();
if( initial.basic_stringp() ) {
s = initial.toStringSimple();
} else {
s = null;
if( options.basic_listp() ) {
for( i = 0, j = -1; options.basic_length() > 0; i++ ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_consp() ) {
item = new StringItem( option.car().toStringSimple(), option.cdr().toStringSimple() );
((PrefComboBox) c).addItem( item );
if( s != null && item.getKey().equals( s )) {
j = i;
if( j >= 0 ) {
((PrefComboBox) c).setSelectedIndex( j );
} else {
s = null;
if( prefsVal == null && s != null ) { // set initial prefs
prefs.put( prefsKey, s );
// -------------- NumberField --------------
} else if( typeStr.equals( "NUMBER" )) {
NumberSpace spc = null;
double min, max, quant;
Number num = null;
s = null;
if( options.basic_listp() ) {
if( options.basic_length() >= 1 ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_stringp() ) {
s = option.toStringSimple(); // unit label
if( options.basic_length() >= 3 ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
min = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
max = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_numberp() ) {
quant = ((LispNumber) option).getDoubleValue();
spc = new NumberSpace( min, max, quant );
if( spc == null ) {
spc = initial.basic_integerp() ? NumberSpace.genericIntSpace : NumberSpace.genericDoubleSpace;
final PrefNumberField pnf = new PrefNumberField();
c = pnf;
pnf.setSpace( spc );
// pnf.setUnit( s );
if( initial.basic_floatp() ) {
num = new Double( ((LispNumber) initial).getDoubleValue() );
pnf.setNumber( num );
} else if( initial.basic_integerp() ) {
num = new Long( ((LispNumber) initial).getLongValue() );
pnf.setNumber( num );
if( prefsVal == null ) { // set initial prefs
num = pnf.getNumber();
if( num instanceof Long ) {
prefs.putLong( prefsKey, num.longValue() );
} else {
prefs.putDouble( prefsKey, num.doubleValue() );
// -------------- PathField --------------
} else if( typeStr.equals( "PATH" )) {
int flags = 0;
String s2;
s = null;
if( options.basic_listp() ) {
if( options.basic_length() >= 1 ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_stringp() ) {
s = option.toStringSimple(); // dialog text
while( options.basic_length() > 0 ) {
option = options.car();
options = options.cdr();
if( option.basic_stringp() ) {
s2 = option.toStringSimple().toUpperCase();
if( s2.equals( "INPUT" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_INPUTFILE;
} else if( s2.equals( "OUTPUT" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_OUTPUTFILE;
} else if( s2.equals( "FOLDER" )) {
flags = (flags & ~PathField.TYPE_BASICMASK) | PathField.TYPE_FOLDER;
} else if( s2.equals( "FORMAT" )) {
flags |= PathField.TYPE_FORMATFIELD;
c = new PrefPathField( flags, s ); // XXX null allowed for dlgTxt?
if( initial.basic_stringp() ) {
s = initial.toStringSimple();
((PrefPathField) c).setPath( new File( s ));
if( prefsVal == null ) { // set initial prefs
prefs.put( prefsKey, ((PrefPathField) c).getPath().getPath() );
// -------------- TextField --------------
} else if( typeStr.equals( "TEXT" )) {
if( initial.basic_null() ) {
c = new PrefTextField();
} else {
c = new PrefTextField( initial.toStringSimple() );
if( initial.basic_stringp() ) {
s = initial.toStringSimple();
((PrefTextField) c).setText( s );
if( prefsVal == null ) { // set initial prefs
prefs.put( prefsKey, ((PrefTextField) c).getText() );
} else {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errLispWrongArgValue" ) + " : "+functionName );
// ------------ finish gadget initialization, layout ------------
layCons.gridwidth = 1;
layCons.gridheight = 1;
if( place.basic_listp() ) {
layCons.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
option = place.car();
place = place.cdr();
if( option.basic_integerp() ) {
layCons.gridx = (int) ((LispNumber) option).getLongValue() - 1;
option = place.car();
place = place.cdr();
if( option.basic_integerp() ) {
layCons.gridy = (int) ((LispNumber) option).getLongValue() - 1;
option = place.car();
place = place.cdr();
if( option.basic_integerp() ) {
layCons.gridwidth = (int) ((LispNumber) option).getLongValue();
option = place.car();
place = place.cdr();
if( option.basic_integerp() ) {
layCons.gridheight = (int) ((LispNumber) option).getLongValue();
lay.setConstraints( c, layCons );
if( prefsKey != null ) {
if( c instanceof PreferenceEntrySync ) {
((PreferenceEntrySync) c).setPreferences( prefs, prefsKey );
mapVarsToGadgets.put( prefsKey, c );
prefsVal = prefs.get( prefsKey, null ); // might have been set in the meantime
if( prefsVal != null ) prefToSymbol( c, binding, prefsVal );
consumeGadget( c );
finally {
machine.S.push( f_lisp.NIL );
public LispValue CompileArgs( LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args,
LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
throws CompilerException
// Don't evaluate the first arg. (load it as a constant)
// args two to end are compiled to a list
LispValue first = args.first();
LispValue reste = args.cdr();
return( f_lisp.makeCons( machine.LDC, f_lisp.makeCons( first,
compiler.compileArgsLeftToRight( reste, valueList, f_lisp.makeCons(
machine.LIS, f_lisp.makeCons( reste.length(), code ))))));
* Returns the used LayoutManager
* which is a GridBagLayout
* @return the layout manager used to arrange the gadgets
* @see java.awt.GridBagLayout
public LayoutManager getLayout()
return lay;
public void setPreferences( Preferences prefs )
Iterator iter = mapVarsToGadgets.keySet().iterator();
Object key, val;
if( this.prefs != null ) {
this.prefs.removePreferenceChangeListener( this );
this.prefs = prefs;
if( prefs != null ) {
prefs.addPreferenceChangeListener( this );
while( iter.hasNext() ) {
key = iter.next();
val = mapVarsToGadgets.get( key );
if( val instanceof PreferenceEntrySync ) {
((PreferenceEntrySync) val).setPreferences( prefs, key.toString() );
* Clears the preferences settings
* and removes all gadgets from the internal map.
* Calls freeGadgets() and resets the layout constraints.
public void clear()
setPreferences( null );
lay = new GridBagLayout();
* Called when a gadget has been created
* @param c the newly created gadget
public abstract void consumeGadget( JComponent c );
* Called when clear() is invoked.
public abstract void freeGadgets();
* Requests default layout constraints for
* the GridBagLayout, which can contain for example
* padding and insets, anchor etc.
* @return the initial constraint values used for layout
public abstract GridBagConstraints getDefaultConstraints();
private void prefToSymbol( Object gg, LispValue symb, String value )
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@GadgetMakePrimitive.prefToSymbol. symb = "+symb.internal_getName() );
if( gg instanceof PrefCheckBox ) {
symb.setf_symbol_value( f_lisp.makeInteger( new Boolean( value ).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0 ));
} else if( gg instanceof PrefComboBox ) {
symb.setf_symbol_value( value != null ? (LispValue) f_lisp.makeString( value ) : (LispValue) f_lisp.NIL );
} else if( gg instanceof PrefNumberField ) {
NumberSpace spc = ((PrefNumberField) gg).getSpace();
try {
if( spc.isInteger() ) {
symb.setf_symbol_value( f_lisp.makeInteger( value != null ?
Integer.parseInt( value ) : (long) spc.reset ));
} else {
symb.setf_symbol_value( f_lisp.makeReal( value != null ?
Double.parseDouble( value ) : spc.reset ));
catch( NumberFormatException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
} else if( gg instanceof PrefPathField || gg instanceof PrefTextField ) {
symb.setf_symbol_value( f_lisp.makeString( value != null ? value : "" ));
} else {
assert false : gg.getClass().getName();
// ---------------- LaterInvocationManager.Listener interface ----------------
// o instanceof PreferenceChangeEvent
public void laterInvocation( Object o )
String key = ((PreferenceChangeEvent) o).getKey();
LispValue symb = lisp.findSymbol( key );
Object gg = mapVarsToGadgets.get( key );
String value = ((PreferenceChangeEvent) o).getNewValue();
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@GadgetMakePrimitive li. key = "+key+"; value = "+value );
if( gg != null && symb != null ) {
prefToSymbol( gg, symb, value );
// ---------------- PreferenceChangeListener interface ----------------
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent e )
lim.queue( e );