* DecimatedWaveTrail.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 11-Jan-06 created
* 12-Jul-06 added fullwave peak/rms support
* 27-Mar-07 fixed cache support
* 18-Feb-08 renamed from DecimatedTrail to DecimatedWaveTrail
* 15-Apr-08 subclassing DecimatedTrail
* 30-Jun-08 copied from EisK
package de.sciss.meloncillo.io;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractCompoundEdit;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.WaveformView;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFile;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFileCacheInfo;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFileDescr;
import de.sciss.io.CacheManager;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.util.MutableInt;
* @version 0.75, 15-Jul-08
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @todo common superclass of AudioTrail and DecimatedTrail
* @todo drawWaveform : the initial idea was that readFrames should be removed ;
* instead of filling "missing" samples, the polygon creation should use
* biased x position. also for coherency, drawPCM should use a Polygon not
* GeneralPath
public class DecimatedWaveTrail
extends DecimatedTrail
private static final int UPDATE_PERIOD = 2000; // millisecs in async overview calculation
private final Decimator decimator;
// waveform drawing
// private static final Stroke strkLine = new BasicStroke( 0.5f );
private static final Stroke strkLine = new BasicStroke(2.0f);
private static final Paint pntLine = Color.black;
public DecimatedWaveTrail( AudioTrail fullScale, int model, int[] decimations )
throws IOException
switch( model ) {
modelChannels = 4;
decimator = new HalfPeakRMSDecimator();
modelChannels = 1;
decimator = new MedianDecimator();
modelChannels = 3;
decimator = new FullPeakRMSDecimator();
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Model " + model );
fullChannels = fullScale.getChannelNum();
decimChannels = fullChannels * modelChannels;
this.model = model;
SUBNUM = decimations.length; // the first 'subsample' is actually fullrate
this.decimHelps = new DecimationHelp[ SUBNUM ];
for( int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
this.decimHelps[ i ] = new DecimationHelp( fullScale.getRate(), decimations[ i ] );
MAXSHIFT = decimations[ SUBNUM - 1 ];
tmpBufSize = Math.max( 4096, MAXCOARSE << 1 );
// tmpBuf = new float[channels][tmpBufSize];
tmpBufSize2 = SUBNUM > 0 ? Math.max( 4096, tmpBufSize >> decimations[ 0 ]) : tmpBufSize;
// System.err.print( "tmpBufSize2 : "+tmpBufSize2 );
// tmpBuf2 = new float[modelChannels * channels][tmpBufSize2];
// setRate( fullScale.getRate() / factor );
setRate( fullScale.getRate() );
this.fullScale = fullScale;
fullScale.addDependant( this );
// ok, the fullScale file might have already been populated
// final List stakes = fullScale.getAll( true );
// if( !stakes.isEmpty() ) {
// addAllDep( null, stakes, null, fullScale.getSpan() );
// addAllDepAsync( null, stakes, null, fullScale.getSpan() );
// }
// private void drawPCM( float[] frames, int len, GeneralPath path, float
// offX, float scaleX, float offY, float scaleY,
// boolean initial )
// {
// if( scaleX <= 4 ) {
// if( initial ) {
// path.moveTo( offX, frames[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// }
// for( int i = initial ? 1 : 0; i < len; i++ ) {
// path.lineTo( i * scaleX + offX, frames[ i ] * scaleY + offY );
// }
// } else {
// float f3 = scaleX + offX;
// float f1;
// if( initial ) {
// path.moveTo( offX, frames[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// } else {
// path.lineTo( offX, frames[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// }
// path.lineTo( f3, frames[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// for( int i = 1; i < len; i++ ) {
// f1 = frames[ i ] * scaleY + offY;
// path.lineTo( f3, f1 );
// f3 = (i + 1) * scaleX + offX;
// path.lineTo( f3, f1 );
// }
// }
// }
// private void drawHalfWavePeakRMS( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN, float[]
// sRMSP, float[] sRMSN, int len,
// GeneralPath pPeakP, GeneralPath pPeakN, GeneralPath pRMSP, GeneralPath
// pRMSN,
// float offX, float scaleX, float offY, float scaleY )
// {
// float f1;
// final float scaleYN = -scaleY;
// // if( initial ) {
// // pPeakP.moveTo( offX, sPeakP[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// // pPeakN.moveTo( offX, sPeakN[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// // pRMSP.moveTo( offX, sRMSP[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// // pRMSN.moveTo( offX, sRMSN[ 0 ] * scaleY + offY );
// // }
// // for( int i = initial ? 1 : 0; i < len; i++ ) {
// for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
// f1 = i * scaleX + offX;
// pPeakP.lineTo( f1, sPeakP[ i ] * scaleY + offY );
// pPeakN.lineTo( f1, sPeakN[ i ] * scaleY + offY );
// pRMSP.lineTo( f1, (float) Math.sqrt( sRMSP[ i ]) * scaleY + offY );
// pRMSN.lineTo( f1, (float) Math.sqrt( sRMSN[ i ]) * scaleYN + offY );
// }
// }
// private void drawHalfWavePeakRMS( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN, float[]
// sRMSP, float[] sRMSN, int len,
// int[] peakPolyX, int[] peakPolyY, int[] rmsPolyX, int[] rmsPolyY, int
// off,
// float offX, float scaleX, float offY, float scaleY )
// {
// final float scaleYN = -scaleY;
// int x;
// for( int i = 0, j = off, k = peakPolyX.length - 1 - off; i < len; i++,
// j++, k-- ) {
// x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
// peakPolyX[ j ] = x;
// peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
// rmsPolyX[ j ] = x;
// rmsPolyX[ k ] = x;
// peakPolyY[ j ] = (int) (sPeakP[ i ] * scaleY + offY);
// peakPolyY[ k ] = (int) (sPeakN[ i ] * scaleY + offY);
// rmsPolyY[ j ] = (int) ((float) Math.sqrt( sRMSP[ i ]) * scaleY + offY);
// rmsPolyY[ k ] = (int) ((float) Math.sqrt( sRMSN[ i ]) * scaleYN + offY);
// }
// }
* TO-DO : should use Math.max( peakN, peakP ) should omit all zero points
* should align drawing on bottom
* private int drawLogPeakRMS( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN, float[] sRMS,
* int len, int[] peakPolyX, int[] peakPolyY, int[] rmsPolyX, int[]
* rmsPolyY, int off, float offX, float scaleX, float scaleY ) { // final
* float scaleYN = -scaleY; int x; float peakP;
* for( int i = 0, k = peakPolyX.length - 1 - off; i < len; i++, off++, k-- ) {
* x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX); peakPolyX[ off ] = x; peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
* rmsPolyX[ off ] = x; rmsPolyX[ k ] = x; peakP = sPeakP[ i ]; // peakN =
* sPeakN[ i ]; peakPolyY[ off ] = (int) ((Math.log( Math.max( 0.001, peakP )) /
* 6.9077552789821 + 1) * scaleY ) + 2; peakPolyY[ k ] = 0; // peakC =
* (peakP + peakN) / 2; // rms = (float) Math.sqrt( sRMS[ i ]); // / 2; //
* rmsPolyY[ off ] = (int) (Math.min( peakP, rms ) * scaleY); rmsPolyY[ off ] =
* (int) ((Math.log( Math.max( 1.0e-6, sRMS[ i ] )) / 13.815510557964 + 1) *
* scaleY ) + 2; rmsPolyY[ k ] = 0; }
* return off; }
private int drawPCM( float[] frames, int len, int[] polyX, int[] polyY,
int off, float offX, float scaleX, float scaleY,
boolean sampleAndHold )
int x, y;
if( sampleAndHold ) {
x = (int) offX;
for( int i = 0; i < len; ) {
y = (int) (frames[ i ] * scaleY);
polyX[ off ] = x;
polyY[ off ] = y;
x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
polyX[ off ] = x;
polyY[ off ] = y;
} else {
for( int i = 0; i < len; i++, off++ ) {
x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
polyX[ off ] = x;
polyY[ off ] = (int) (frames[ i ] * scaleY);
return off;
* Speed measurements (feb 2006): for HalfwavePeakRMS, using g2.fillPolygon
* is about twice as fast as using GeneralPath objects. The integer
* resolution can be compensated for by scaling the points by factor 4.0 and
* scaling the Graphics2D by 1/4 at no significant CPU cost.
* @synchronization must be called in the event thread
public void drawWaveform( DecimationInfo info, WaveformView view, Graphics2D g2 )
final boolean fromPCM = info.idx == -1;
final boolean toPCM = fromPCM && (info.inlineDecim == 1);
// final long maxLen = toPCM ? tmpBufSize : (fromPCM ? Math.min(
// tmpBufSize, tmpBufSize2 * info.inlineDecim ) : tmpBufSize2);
final long maxLen = toPCM ? tmpBufSize : (fromPCM ?
Math.min( tmpBufSize, tmpBufSize2 * info.getDecimationFactor() )
: tmpBufSize2 << info.shift);
// final int polySize = view.isLogarithmic() ?
// ((int) info.sublength + 2) : ((int) (info.sublength << 1));
final int polySize = (int) (info.sublength << 1);
final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
final Shape clipOrig = g2.getClip();
final int[][] peakPolyX = new int[ fullChannels ][ polySize ];
final int[][] peakPolyY = new int[ fullChannels ][ polySize ];
final int[][] rmsPolyX = toPCM ? null : new int[ fullChannels ][ polySize ];
final int[][] rmsPolyY = toPCM ? null : new int[ fullChannels ][ polySize ];
final boolean[] sampleAndHold = toPCM ? new boolean[ fullChannels ] : null;
final float maxY, minY, minInpY, deltaY, deltaYN;
final float offY;
final int[] off = new int[ fullChannels ];
final boolean logAmp = view.getVerticalScale() == PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LOG;
float[] sPeakP;
float offX, scaleX, scaleY, f1;
long start = info.span.start;
long totalLength = info.getTotalLength();
Span chunkSpan;
long fullLen, fullStop;
int chunkLen, decimLen;
Rectangle r;
try {
drawBusyList.clear(); // "must be called in the event thread"
if( logAmp ) {
maxY = view.getAmpLogMax();
minY = view.getAmpLogMin();
minInpY = (float) Math.exp( minY / TWENTYBYLOG10 );
} else {
maxY = view.getAmpLinMax();
minY = view.getAmpLinMin();
minInpY = 0; // not used
deltaY = maxY - minY;
deltaYN = -4 / deltaY;
offY = maxY / deltaY;
//System.out.println( "deltaY " + deltaY + "; deltaYN " + deltaYN + "; offY " + offY );
synchronized( bufSync ) {
while( totalLength > 0 ) {
fullLen = Math.min( maxLen, totalLength );
chunkLen = (int) (fromPCM ? fullLen : decimHelps[ info.idx ].fullrateToSubsample( fullLen ));
decimLen = chunkLen / info.inlineDecim;
chunkLen = decimLen * info.inlineDecim;
fullLen = (long) chunkLen << info.shift;
// chunkSpan = new Span( start, start + fullLen );
if( fromPCM ) {
fullStop = fullScale.getSpan().stop;
chunkSpan = new Span( start, Math.min( fullStop, start + fullLen ));
fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, chunkSpan );
final long chunkStop = chunkSpan.getLength();
if( (chunkStop < fullLen) && (chunkStop > 0) ) {
// duplicate last frames
for( int i = (int) chunkStop, j = i - 1; i < (int) fullLen; i++ ) {
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
sPeakP = tmpBuf[ ch ];
sPeakP[ i ] = sPeakP[ j ];
if( !toPCM ) decimator.decimatePCM( tmpBuf, tmpBuf2, 0, decimLen, info.inlineDecim );
} else {
chunkSpan = new Span( start, start + fullLen );
readFrames( info.idx, tmpBuf2, 0, drawBusyList, chunkSpan, null);
if( info.inlineDecim > 1 ) decimator.decimate( tmpBuf2, tmpBuf2, 0, decimLen, info.inlineDecim );
if( toPCM ) {
if( logAmp ) {
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
sPeakP = tmpBuf[ ch ];
for( int i = 0; i < decimLen; i++ ) {
f1 = Math.abs( sPeakP[ i ]);
if( f1 > minInpY ) {
sPeakP[ i ] = (float) (Math.log( f1 ) * TWENTYBYLOG10);
} else {
sPeakP[ i ] = minY;
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
sPeakP = tmpBuf[ ch ];
r = view.rectForChannel( ch );
scaleX = 4 * r.width / (float) (info.sublength - 1);
scaleY = r.height * deltaYN;
offX = scaleX * off[ ch ];
sampleAndHold[ch] = scaleX > 16;
off[ch] = drawPCM( sPeakP, decimLen, peakPolyX[ ch ],
peakPolyY[ ch ], off[ ch ], offX, scaleX, scaleY, sampleAndHold[ ch ]);
} else {
if( logAmp ) {
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
off[ ch ] = decimator.drawLog( info, ch, peakPolyX, peakPolyY, rmsPolyX, rmsPolyY, decimLen, view.rectForChannel( ch ), deltaYN, off[ ch ], minY, minInpY );
} else {
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
off[ ch ] = decimator.draw( info, ch, peakPolyX, peakPolyY, rmsPolyX, rmsPolyY, decimLen, view.rectForChannel( ch ), deltaYN, off[ ch ]);
start += fullLen;
totalLength -= fullLen;
} // synchronized( bufSync )
// System.err.println( "busyList.size() = "+busyList.size() );
if( toPCM ) {
final Stroke strkOrig = g2.getStroke();
g2.setStroke( strkLine );
g2.setPaint( pntLine );
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
r = view.rectForChannel( ch );
g2.clipRect( r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height );
g2.translate( r.x, r.y + r.height * offY );
g2.scale( 0.25f, 0.25f );
g2.drawPolyline( peakPolyX[ ch ], peakPolyY[ ch ], off[ ch ]);
g2.setTransform( atOrig );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
g2.setStroke( strkOrig );
} else {
// g2.setPaint( pntArea );
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
r = view.rectForChannel( ch );
g2.clipRect( r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height );
if( !drawBusyList.isEmpty() ) {
// g2.setColor( Color.red );
g2.setPaint( pntBusy );
for( int i = 0; i < drawBusyList.size(); i++ ) {
chunkSpan = (Span) drawBusyList.get( i );
scaleX = r.width / (float) info.getTotalLength(); // (info.sublength - 1);
g2.fillRect( (int) ((chunkSpan.start - info.span.start) * scaleX) + r.x, r.y,
(int) (chunkSpan.getLength() * scaleX), r.height );
g2.translate( r.x, r.y + r.height * offY );
g2.scale( 0.25f, 0.25f );
g2.setColor( Color.gray );
// g2.setColor( Color.black );
g2.fillPolygon( peakPolyX[ ch ], peakPolyY[ ch ], polySize );
g2.setColor( Color.black );
// g2.setColor( Color.gray );
g2.fillPolygon( rmsPolyX[ ch ], rmsPolyY[ ch ], polySize );
g2.setTransform( atOrig );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
} catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
* Determines which subsampled version is suitable for a given display range
* (the most RAM and CPU economic while maining optimal display resolution).
* For a given time span, the lowest resolution is chosen which will produce
* at least <code>minLen</code> frames.
* @param tag
* the time span the caller is interested in
* @param minLen
* the minimum number of sampled points wanted.
* @return an information object describing the best subsample of the track
* editor. note that info.sublength will be smaller than minLen if
* tag.getLength() was smaller than minLen (in this case the
* fullrate version is used).
public DecimationInfo getBestSubsample( Span tag, int minLen )
final DecimationInfo info;
final boolean fromPCM, toPCM;
final long fullLength = tag.getLength();
long subLength, n;
int idx, inlineDecim;
subLength = fullLength;
for( idx = 0; idx < SUBNUM; idx++ ) {
n = decimHelps[ idx ].fullrateToSubsample( fullLength );
if( n < minLen ) break;
subLength = n;
// had to change '>= minLen' to '> minLen' because minLen could be zero!
switch( model ) {
for( inlineDecim = 2; subLength / inlineDecim > minLen; inlineDecim++ ) ;
inlineDecim = 1;
assert false : model;
inlineDecim = 1; // never gets here
subLength /= inlineDecim;
// System.err.println( "minLen = "+minLen+"; subLength = "+subLength+";
// inlineDecim = "+inlineDecim+" ; idx = "+idx );
fromPCM = idx == -1;
toPCM = fromPCM && inlineDecim == 1;
info = new DecimationInfo( tag, subLength, toPCM ? fullChannels : decimChannels, idx,
fromPCM ? 0 : decimHelps[ idx ].shift,
inlineDecim, toPCM ? MODEL_PCM : model );
return info;
* Reads a block of subsampled frames.
* @param info
* the <code>DecimationInfo</code> as returned by
* <code>getBestSubsample</code>, describing the span to read
* and which resolution to choose.
* @param frames
* to buffer to fill, where frames[0][] corresponds to the first
* channel etc. and the buffer length must be at least off +
* info.sublength!
* @param off
* offset in frames, such that the first frame will be placed in
* frames[ch][off]
* @throws IOException
* if a read error occurs
* @see #getBestSubsample( Span, int )
* @see DecimationInfo#sublength
public boolean readFrame( int sub, long pos, int ch, float[] data )
throws IOException
synchronized( bufSync ) {
final int idx = indexOf( pos, true );
final DecimatedStake ds = (DecimatedStake) editGetLeftMost( idx, true, null );
if( ds == null ) return false;
if( !ds.readFrame( sub, tmpBuf2, 0, pos )) return false;
for( int i = ch * modelChannels, k = 0; k < modelChannels; i++, k++ ) {
data[ k ] = tmpBuf2[ i ][ 0 ];
return true;
* Same as in <code>NondestructiveDecimatedSampledTrack</code> but with
* automaic bias adjust.
* @param tag unbiased fullrate span @param frames buffer to fill. note that
* this will not do any interpolation but fill at the decimated rate! @param
* framesOff offset in frames for the first frame which is read
* @see NondestructiveDecimatedSampledTrack#read( Span, float[][], int )
private void readFrames( int sub, float[][] data, int dataOffset, List busyList,
Span readSpan, AbstractCompoundEdit ce )
throws IOException
int idx = editIndexOf( readSpan.start, true, ce );
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 2);
final long startR = decimHelps[sub].roundAdd - readSpan.start;
final List coll = editGetCollByStart( ce );
final MutableInt readyLen = new MutableInt( 0 );
final MutableInt busyLen = new MutableInt( 0 );
DecimatedStake stake;
int chunkLen, discrepancy;
Span subSpan;
int readOffset, nextOffset = dataOffset;
int len = (int) (readSpan.getLength() >> decimHelps[ sub ].shift);
//if( idx < 0 ) {
// System.out.println( "Doh! readSpan = " + readSpan + " ; this.span " + getSpan() );
while( (len > 0) && (idx < coll.size()) ) {
stake = (DecimatedStake) coll.get( idx );
subSpan = new Span( Math.max( stake.getSpan().start, readSpan.start ),
Math.min( stake.getSpan().stop, readSpan.stop ));
stake.readFrames( sub, data, nextOffset, subSpan, readyLen, busyLen );
chunkLen = readyLen.value() + busyLen.value();
readOffset = nextOffset + readyLen.value(); // chunkLen;
nextOffset = (int) ((subSpan.stop + startR) >> decimHelps[ sub ].shift) + dataOffset;
discrepancy = nextOffset - readOffset;
len -= readyLen.value() + discrepancy;
if( busyLen.value() == 0 ) {
if( discrepancy > 0 ) {
if( readOffset > 0 ) {
for( int i = readOffset, k = readOffset - 1; i < nextOffset; i++ ) {
for( int j = 0; j < data.length; j++ ) {
data[ j ][ i ] = data[ j ][ k ];
} else {
busyList.add( new Span( subSpan.stop - (subSpan.getLength() * busyLen.value() / chunkLen),
subSpan.stop ));
for( int i = Math.max( 0, readOffset ); i < nextOffset; i++ ) {
for( int j = 0; j < data.length; j++ ) {
data[ j ][ i ] = 0f;
public void debugDump()
for( int i = 0; i < getNumStakes(); i++ ) {
((DecimatedStake) get( i, true )).debugDump();
// ----------- dependant implementation -----------
// public void dispose()
// {
// super.dispose();
// }
// private void addAllDepAsync( Object source, List stakes, SyncCompoundEdit
// ce, Span union )
private void addAllDepAsync()
throws IOException
if( threadAsync != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
final List stakes = fullScale.getAll(true);
if( stakes.isEmpty() ) return;
final DecimatedStake das;
final Span union = fullScale.getSpan();
final Span extSpan;
final long fullrateStop, fullrateLen; // , insertLen;
final int numFullBuf;
// final CacheManager cm = CacheManager.getInstance();
final AbstractCompoundEdit ce = null; // XXX
final Object source = null; // XXX
final AudioStake cacheReadAS;
final AudioStake cacheWriteAS;
synchronized( fileSync ) {
das = allocAsync( union );
extSpan = das.getSpan();
// insertLen = extSpan.getLength();
fullrateStop = Math.min( extSpan.getStop(), fullScale.editGetSpan( ce ).stop );
fullrateLen = fullrateStop - extSpan.getStart();
cacheReadAS = openCacheForRead( model );
if( cacheReadAS == null ) {
// cacheWriteAS = fullScale.openCacheForWrite( model,
// decimHelps[ 0 ].fullrateToSubsample( union.getLength() ));
cacheWriteAS = openCacheForWrite( model, (fullrateLen + MAXCEILADD) & MAXMASK );
numFullBuf = (int) (fullrateLen >> MAXSHIFT);
} else {
// cached files always have integer fullBufs!
numFullBuf = (int) ((fullrateLen + MAXCEILADD) >> MAXSHIFT);
cacheWriteAS = null;
synchronized( bufSync ) {
editClear( source, das.getSpan(), ce );
editAdd( source, das, ce );
threadAsync = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run()
final int pri = Thread.currentThread().getPriority();
//System.out.println( "pri was " + pri );
Thread.currentThread().setPriority( pri - 2 );
final int minCoarse;
final CacheManager cm = PrefCacheManager.getInstance();
long pos;
// long framesWritten = 0;
long framesWrittenCache = 0;
boolean cacheWriteComplete = false;
Span tag2;
float f1;
int len;
long time;
long nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + UPDATE_PERIOD;
if( cacheReadAS != null ) {
pos = decimHelps[ 0 ].fullrateToSubsample( extSpan.getStart() );
} else {
pos = extSpan.getStart();
minCoarse = MAXCOARSE >> decimHelps[ 0 ].shift;
try {
for( int i = 0; (i < numFullBuf) && keepAsyncRunning; i++ ) {
synchronized( bufSync ) {
if( cacheReadAS != null ) {
// System.out.println( "tmpBuf2.length = "+tmpBuf2.length+"; fullChannels = "+fullChannels + "; decimChannels = "+decimChannels );
tag2 = new Span( pos, pos + minCoarse );
cacheReadAS.readFrames( tmpBuf2, 0, tag2 );
das.continueWrite( 0, tmpBuf2, 0, minCoarse );
subsampleWrite2( tmpBuf2, das, minCoarse );
pos += minCoarse;
} else {
tag2 = new Span(pos, pos + MAXCOARSE);
// fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, tag2, ce );
fullScale.readFrames(tmpBuf, 0, tag2, null);
// for( int k = 0; k < tmpBuf.length; k++ ) {
// for( int j = 0; j < MAXCOARSE; j++ ) {
// tmpBuf[ k ][ j ] = 0.125f; }}
subsampleWrite( tmpBuf, tmpBuf2, das, MAXCOARSE,
cacheWriteAS, framesWrittenCache );
framesWrittenCache += minCoarse;
// framesWritten += MAXCOARSE;
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( time >= nextTime ) {
nextTime = time + UPDATE_PERIOD;
if( asyncManager != null ) {
asyncManager.dispatchEvent( new AsyncEvent(
DecimatedWaveTrail.this, AsyncEvent.UPDATE, time, DecimatedWaveTrail.this ));
// cached files always have integer fullBufs!
if( (cacheReadAS == null) && keepAsyncRunning ) {
len = (int) (fullrateStop - pos);
if( len > 0 ) {
synchronized( bufSync ) {
tag2 = new Span( pos, pos + len );
// fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, tag2, ce );
fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, tag2, null );
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
f1 = tmpBuf[ch][len - 1];
for( int i = len; i < MAXCOARSE; i++ ) {
tmpBuf[ch][i] = f1;
subsampleWrite( tmpBuf, tmpBuf2, das, MAXCOARSE,
cacheWriteAS, framesWrittenCache );
// framesWritten += MAXCOARSE;
framesWrittenCache += minCoarse;
if( keepAsyncRunning ) {
cacheWriteComplete = true;
if( cacheWriteAS != null ) cacheWriteAS.addToCache( cm );
} catch( IOException e1 ) {
} finally {
if( cacheReadAS != null ) {
cacheReadAS.dispose(); // !!!
if( cacheWriteAS != null ) {
cacheWriteAS.dispose(); // !!!
if( !cacheWriteComplete ) { // indicates process was aborted ...
final File[] f = createCacheFileNames();
// ... therefore delete incomplete cache files!
if( f != null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) {
if( !f[i].delete() ) f[i].deleteOnExit();
// cm.removeFile( f[ i ]);
if( asyncManager != null ) {
asyncManager.dispatchEvent( new AsyncEvent( DecimatedWaveTrail.this,
AsyncEvent.FINISHED, System.currentTimeMillis(), DecimatedWaveTrail.this ));
synchronized( threadAsync ) {
// threadAsync = null;
keepAsyncRunning = true;
protected void addAllDep( Object source, List stakes, AbstractCompoundEdit ce, Span union )
throws IOException
if( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "addAllDep " + union.toString() );
final DecimatedStake das;
final Span extSpan;
final long fullrateStop, fullrateLen; // , insertLen;
final int numFullBuf;
final double progWeight;
long pos;
long framesWritten = 0;
Span tag2;
float f1;
int len;
synchronized( fileSync ) {
das = alloc( union );
extSpan = das.getSpan();
pos = extSpan.start;
// insertLen = extSpan.getLength();
fullrateStop = Math.min( extSpan.stop, fullScale.editGetSpan( ce ).stop );
fullrateLen = fullrateStop - extSpan.start;
progWeight = 1.0 / fullrateLen;
numFullBuf = (int) (fullrateLen >> MAXSHIFT);
synchronized( bufSync ) {
for( int i = 0; i < numFullBuf; i++ ) {
tag2 = new Span( pos, pos + MAXCOARSE );
fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, tag2, ce );
subsampleWrite( tmpBuf, tmpBuf2, das, MAXCOARSE, null, 0 );
framesWritten += MAXCOARSE;
setProgression( framesWritten, progWeight );
len = (int) (fullrateStop - pos);
if( len > 0 ) {
tag2 = new Span( pos, pos + len );
fullScale.readFrames( tmpBuf, 0, tag2, ce );
for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
f1 = tmpBuf[ ch ][ len - 1 ];
for( int i = len; i < MAXCOARSE; i++ ) {
tmpBuf[ ch ][ i ] = f1;
subsampleWrite( tmpBuf, tmpBuf2, das, MAXCOARSE, null, 0 );
framesWritten += MAXCOARSE;
setProgression( framesWritten, progWeight );
} // synchronized( bufSync )
// editRemove( source, das.getSpan(), ce );
editClear( source, das.getSpan(), ce );
// System.err.println( "editRemove "+das.getSpan() );
editAdd( source, das, ce );
// System.err.println( "editAdd ..." );
// ----------- private schnucki -----------
protected File[] createCacheFileNames()
final AudioFile[] audioFiles = fullScale.getAudioFiles();
if( (audioFiles.length == 0) || (audioFiles[0] == null) ) return null;
final CacheManager cm = PrefCacheManager.getInstance();
if( (cm == null) || !cm.isActive() ) return null;
final File[] f = new File[ audioFiles.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) {
f[i] = cm.createCacheFileName( audioFiles[i].getFile() );
return f;
* @returns the cached stake or null if no cache file is available
private AudioStake openCacheForRead( int decimModel )
throws IOException
final File[] f = createCacheFileNames();
if( f == null ) return null;
final AudioFile[] audioFiles = fullScale.getAudioFiles();
final Span[] fileSpans = new Span[ audioFiles.length ];
final AudioFile[] cacheAFs = new AudioFile[ audioFiles.length ];
final String ourCode = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getMacOSCreator();
final int[][] channelMaps = createCacheChannelMaps();
AudioStake result = null;
AudioFileDescr afd;
byte[] appCode;
AudioFileCacheInfo infoA, infoB;
try {
for( int i = 0; i < cacheAFs.length; i++ ) {
// System.out.println( "openCacheForRead checking '" + f[ i ].getAbsolutePath() + "'" );
if( !f[ i ].isFile() ) return null;
cacheAFs[ i ] = AudioFile.openAsRead( f[ i ]);
cacheAFs[ i ].readAppCode();
afd = cacheAFs[ i ].getDescr();
final long expected = ((audioFiles[ i ].getFrameNum() + MAXCEILADD) & MAXMASK) >> decimHelps[ 0 ].shift;
// System.out.println( "expected " + expected+ "; cacheF " +
// cacheAFs[ i ].getFile().getAbsolutePath() );
if( expected != afd.length ) {
// System.err.println( "expected numFrames = "+ expected +
// ", but got " + afd.length );
return null;
appCode = (byte[]) afd.getProperty( AudioFileDescr.KEY_APPCODE );
// System.err.println( "ourCode = '" + ourCode + "'; afd.appCode
// = '" + afd.appCode + "'; appCode = '" + appCode + "'" );
if( ourCode.equals( afd.appCode ) && (appCode != null) ) {
infoA = AudioFileCacheInfo.decode( appCode );
if( infoA != null ) {
infoB = new AudioFileCacheInfo( audioFiles[ i ], decimModel, audioFiles[ i ].getFrameNum() );
if( !infoA.equals( infoB )) {
// System.err.println( "info mismatch!" );
return null;
// System.err.println( "ok. numChans = " +
// infoA.getNumChannels() );
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
fileSpans[ i ] = new Span( 0, cacheAFs[ i ].getFrameNum() );
if( channelMaps.length == 1 ) {
result = new InterleavedAudioStake( fileSpans[ 0 ], cacheAFs[ 0 ], fileSpans[ 0 ]);
} else {
result = new MultiMappedAudioStake( fileSpans[ 0 ], cacheAFs, fileSpans, channelMaps );
return result;
} finally {
if( result == null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < cacheAFs.length; i++ ) {
if( cacheAFs[ i ] != null ) {
cacheAFs[ i ].cleanUp();
// if( !cacheAFs[ i ].getFile().delete() ) {
// cacheAFs[ i ].getFile().deleteOnExit();
// }
private AudioStake openCacheForWrite( int decimModel, long decimFrameNum )
throws IOException
final File[] f = createCacheFileNames();
if( f == null ) return null;
final AudioFile[] audioFiles = fullScale.getAudioFiles();
final AudioFileDescr afdProto = new AudioFileDescr();
final CacheManager cm = PrefCacheManager.getInstance();
final Span[] fileSpans = new Span[ audioFiles.length ];
final AudioFile[] cacheAFs = new AudioFile[ audioFiles.length ];
final String ourCode = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getMacOSCreator();
final int[][] channelMaps = createCacheChannelMaps();
AudioStake result = null;
AudioFileDescr afd;
AudioFileCacheInfo info;
afdProto.type = AudioFileDescr.TYPE_AIFF;
afdProto.bitsPerSample = 32;
afdProto.sampleFormat = AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_FLOAT;
afdProto.rate = decimHelps[ 0 ].rate; // getRate();
afdProto.appCode = ourCode;
try {
for( int i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) {
cm.removeFile( f[ i ]); // in case it existed
// System.out.println( "openCacheForWrite doing '" + f[ i ].getAbsolutePath() + "'" );
afd = new AudioFileDescr( afdProto );
afd.channels = channelMaps[ i ].length;
// System.out.println( "channels = " + afd.channels );
afd.file = f[ i ];
info = new AudioFileCacheInfo( audioFiles[ i ], decimModel, audioFiles[ i ].getFrameNum() );
afd.setProperty( AudioFileDescr.KEY_APPCODE, info.encode() );
cacheAFs[ i ] = AudioFile.openAsWrite( afd );
fileSpans[ i ] = new Span( 0, decimFrameNum );
if( channelMaps.length == 1 ) {
result = new InterleavedAudioStake( fileSpans[ 0 ], cacheAFs[ 0 ], fileSpans[ 0 ]);
} else {
result = new MultiMappedAudioStake( fileSpans[ 0 ], cacheAFs, fileSpans, channelMaps);
// System.err.println( "Cache was written" );
return result;
} finally {
if( result == null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < cacheAFs.length; i++ ) {
if( cacheAFs[ i ] != null ) {
cacheAFs[ i ].cleanUp();
if( !cacheAFs[ i ].getFile().delete() ) {
cacheAFs[ i ].getFile().deleteOnExit();
* This is invoked by insert(). it subsamples the given buffer for all
* subsample STEs and writes it out using continueWrite; therefore the call
* to this method should be bracketed with beginInsert() and finishWrite().
* len must be an integer muliple of MAXCOARSE !
* inBuf == null indicates cache skip
// private void subsampleWrite( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf,
// DecimatedStake das, int len )
protected void subsampleWrite( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, DecimatedStake das,
int len, AudioStake cacheAS, long cacheOff )
throws IOException
int decim;
if( SUBNUM < 1 ) return;
decim = decimHelps[ 0 ].shift;
// calculate first decimation from fullrate PCM
len >>= decim;
if( inBuf != null ) {
decimator.decimatePCM( inBuf, outBuf, 0, len, 1 << decim );
das.continueWrite( 0, outBuf, 0, len );
if( cacheAS != null ) {
cacheAS.writeFrames( outBuf, 0, new Span( cacheOff, cacheOff + len ));
subsampleWrite2( outBuf, das, len );
// same as subsampleWrite but input is already at first decim stage
protected void subsampleWrite2( float[][] buf, DecimatedStake das, int len )
throws IOException
int decim;
// calculate remaining decimations from preceding ones
for( int i = 1; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
decim = decimHelps[ i ].shift - decimHelps[ i - 1 ].shift;
len >>= decim;
// framesWritten >>= decim;
decimator.decimate( buf, buf, 0, len, 1 << decim );
// ste[i].continueWrite( ts[i], framesWritten, outBuf, 0, len );
das.continueWrite( i, buf, 0, len );
} // for( SUBNUM )
// ---------------------- decimation subclasses ----------------------
private abstract class Decimator
protected Decimator() { /* empty */ }
protected abstract void decimate( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim );
protected abstract void decimatePCM( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim );
// protected abstract void decimatePCMFast( float[][] inBuf, float[][]
// outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim );
protected abstract int draw( DecimationInfo info, int ch, int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off );
protected abstract int drawLog( DecimationInfo info, int ch, int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off, float minY, float minInpY );
private class HalfPeakRMSDecimator
extends Decimator
protected HalfPeakRMSDecimator() { /* empty */ }
protected void decimate( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim )
System.out.println( "warning: HalfPeakRMSDecimator : not checked" );
int stop, j, k, m, ch, ch2;
float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1; // pos. peak
float[] inBufCh2, outBufCh2; // neg. peak
float[] inBufCh3, outBufCh3; // pos. RMS
float[] inBufCh4, outBufCh4; // neg. RMS
for (ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++) {
ch2 = ch << 2;
inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch2 ]; // [ch]
outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch2 ]; // [ch]
ch2++; // ch + fullChannels;
inBufCh2 = inBuf[ ch2 ];
outBufCh2 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
ch2++; // += fullChannels;
inBufCh3 = inBuf[ ch2 ];
outBufCh3 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
ch2++; // += fullChannels;
inBufCh4 = inBuf[ ch2 ];
outBufCh4 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
f1 = inBufCh1[ k ];
f2 = inBufCh2[ k ];
f3 = inBufCh3[ k ];
f4 = inBufCh4[ k ];
for (m = k + decim, k++; k < m; k++) {
f5 = inBufCh1[ k ];
if (f5 > f1)
f1 = f5;
f5 = inBufCh2[ k ];
if (f5 < f2)
f2 = f5;
f3 += inBufCh3[ k ];
f4 += inBufCh4[ k ];
outBufCh1[ j ] = f1; // positive halfwave peak
outBufCh2[ j ] = f2; // negative halfwave peak
outBufCh3[ j ] = f3 / decim; // positive halfwave mean square
outBufCh4[ j ] = f4 / decim; // negative halfwave mean square
} // for( ch )
// protected void decimatePCMFast( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf,
// int outOff, int len, int decim )
// {
// if( true ) return;
// int stop, j, k, m, ch, ch2;
// float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
// float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1, outBufCh2, outBufCh3, outBufCh4;
// for( ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
// inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch ];
// outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch ];
// ch2 = ch + fullChannels;
// outBufCh2 = outBuf[ch2];
// ch2 += fullChannels;
// outBufCh3 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
// ch2 += fullChannels;
// outBufCh4 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
// for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
// f5 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
// if( f5 >= 0.0f ) {
// f1 = f5;
// f3 = f5 * f5;
// f2 = 0.0f;
// f4 = 0.0f;
// } else {
// f2 = f5;
// f4 = f5 * f5;
// f1 = 0.0f;
// f3 = 0.0f;
// }
// for( m = 1; m < decim; m++ ) {
// f5 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
// if( f5 >= 0.0f ) {
// if( f5 > f1 ) f1 = f5;
// f3 += f5 * f5;
// } else {
// if( f5 < f2 ) f2 = f5;
// f4 += f5 * f5;
// }
// }
// outBufCh1[ j ] = f1; // positive halfwave peak
// outBufCh2[ j ] = f2; // negative halfwave peak
// outBufCh3[ j ] = f3 / decim; // positive halfwave mean square
// outBufCh4[ j ] = f4 / decim; // negative halfwave mean square
// }
// } // for( ch )
// }
protected void decimatePCM( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim )
int stop, j, k, m, ch, ch2;
float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1, outBufCh2, outBufCh3, outBufCh4;
for( ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
ch2 = ch << 2;
inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch2 ]; // [ch]
outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch2 ]; // [ch]
ch2++; // ch + fullChannels;
outBufCh2 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
ch2++; // += fullChannels;
outBufCh3 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
ch2++; // += fullChannels;
outBufCh4 = outBuf[ ch2 ];
for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
f5 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
if( f5 >= 0.0f ) {
f1 = f5;
f3 = f5 * f5;
f2 = 0.0f;
f4 = 0.0f;
} else {
f2 = f5;
f4 = f5 * f5;
f1 = 0.0f;
f3 = 0.0f;
for( m = 1; m < decim; m++ ) {
f5 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
if( f5 >= 0.0f ) {
if( f5 > f1 ) f1 = f5;
f3 += f5 * f5;
} else {
if( f5 < f2 ) f2 = f5;
f4 += f5 * f5;
outBufCh1[ j ] = f1; // positive halfwave peak
outBufCh2[ j ] = f2; // negative halfwave peak
outBufCh3[ j ] = f3 / decim; // positive halfwave mean square
outBufCh4[ j ] = f4 / decim; // negative halfwave mean square
} // for( ch )
protected int draw( DecimationInfo info, int ch,
int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off )
float[] sPeakP, sPeakN, sRMSP, sRMSN;
float offX, scaleX, scaleY;
int ch2;
ch2 = ch <<= 2;
sPeakP = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sPeakN = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sRMSP = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sRMSN = tmpBuf2[ ch2 ];
scaleX = 4 * r.width / (float) (info.sublength - 1);
scaleY = r.height * deltaYN;
offX = scaleX * off;
return( drawHalfWavePeakRMS( sPeakP, sPeakN,
sRMSP, sRMSN, decimLen, peakPolyX[ ch ],
peakPolyY[ ch ], rmsPolyX[ ch ],
rmsPolyY[ ch ], off, offX, scaleX,
scaleY ));
protected int drawLog( DecimationInfo info, int ch, int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off, float minY, float minInpY )
throw new IllegalStateException( "HalfWavePeakRMS log drawing not yet working" );
private int drawHalfWavePeakRMS( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN,
float[] sRMSP, float[] sRMSN, int len, int[] peakPolyX,
int[] peakPolyY, int[] rmsPolyX, int[] rmsPolyY, int off,
float offX, float scaleX, float scaleY )
final float scaleYN = -scaleY;
int x;
for( int i = 0, k = peakPolyX.length - 1 - off; i < len; i++, off++, k-- ) {
x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
peakPolyX[ off ] = x;
peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ off ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ k ] = x;
peakPolyY[ off ] = (int) (sPeakP[i] * scaleY);
peakPolyY[ k ] = (int) (sPeakN[i] * scaleY);
rmsPolyY[ off ] = (int) ((float) Math.sqrt( sRMSP[ i ]) * scaleY );
rmsPolyY[ k ] = (int) ((float) Math.sqrt( sRMSN[ i ]) * scaleYN );
return off;
} // class HalfPeakRMSDecimator
private class MedianDecimator
extends Decimator
protected MedianDecimator() { /* empty */ }
protected void decimate( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim )
int stop, j, k, ch;
float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1;
assert decim == 4 : decim;
for( ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch ];
outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch ];
for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
f1 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
f2 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
f3 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
f4 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
// calculate the median of four successive frames
if( f1 > f2 ) {
f5 = f1;
f1 = f2;
f2 = f5;
if( f2 > f3 ) {
if( f1 > f3 ) {
f5 = f1;
f1 = f3;
f3 = f2;
f2 = f5;
} else {
f5 = f2;
f2 = f3;
f3 = f5;
if( f3 > f4 ) {
if( f2 > f4 ) {
if( f1 > f4 ) {
outBufCh1[ j ] = (f1 + f2) / 2;
} else {
outBufCh1[ j ] = (f4 + f2) / 2;
} else {
outBufCh1[ j ] = (f2 + f4) / 2;
} else {
outBufCh1[ j ] = (f2 + f3) / 2;
} // for( ch )
protected void decimatePCM( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim )
decimate( inBuf, outBuf, outOff, len, decim ); // same as subsample decimation
// protected void decimatePCMFast( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf,
// int outOff, int len, int decim )
// {
// decimate( inBuf, outBuf, outOff, len, decim );
// }
protected int draw( DecimationInfo info, int ch, int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Median drawing not yet working" );
protected int drawLog( DecimationInfo info, int ch, int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off, float minY, float minInpY )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Median drawing not yet working" );
} // class MedianDecimator
private class FullPeakRMSDecimator
extends Decimator
protected FullPeakRMSDecimator() { /* empty */ }
protected void decimate( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim )
int stop, j, k, m, ch;
float f1, f2, f3, f5;
float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1; // pos. peak
float[] inBufCh2, outBufCh2; // neg. peak
float[] inBufCh3, outBufCh3; // RMS
for( ch = 0; ch < decimChannels; ) {
inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch ];
outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch++ ];
inBufCh2 = inBuf[ ch ];
outBufCh2 = outBuf[ ch++ ];
inBufCh3 = inBuf[ ch ];
outBufCh3 = outBuf[ ch++ ];
for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
f1 = inBufCh1[ k ];
f2 = inBufCh2[ k ];
f3 = inBufCh3[ k ];
for( m = k + decim, k++; k < m; k++ ) {
f5 = inBufCh1[ k ];
if( f5 > f1 ) f1 = f5;
f5 = inBufCh2[ k ];
if( f5 < f2 ) f2 = f5;
f3 += inBufCh3[ k ];
outBufCh1[ j ] = f1; // positive halfwave peak
outBufCh2[ j ] = f2; // negative halfwave peak
outBufCh3[ j ] = f3 / decim; // fullwave mean square
} // for( ch )
protected void decimatePCM( float[][] inBuf, float[][] outBuf, int outOff, int len, int decim ) {
int stop, j, k, m, ch, ch2;
float f1, f2, f3, f4;
float[] inBufCh1, outBufCh1, outBufCh2, outBufCh3;
for( ch = 0, ch2 = 0; ch < fullChannels; ) {
inBufCh1 = inBuf[ ch++ ];
outBufCh1 = outBuf[ ch2++ ];
outBufCh2 = outBuf[ ch2++ ];
outBufCh3 = outBuf[ ch2++ ];
for( j = outOff, stop = outOff + len, k = 0; j < stop; j++ ) {
f4 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
f1 = f4;
f2 = f4;
f3 = f4 * f4;
for( m = 1; m < decim; m++ ) {
f4 = inBufCh1[ k++ ];
if( f4 > f1 ) f1 = f4;
if( f4 < f2 ) f2 = f4;
f3 += f4 * f4;
outBufCh1[ j ] = f1; // positive halfwave peak
outBufCh2[ j ] = f2; // negative halfwave peak
outBufCh3[ j ] = f3 / decim; // fullwave mean square
} // for( ch )
protected int draw( DecimationInfo info, int ch,
int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off )
int ch2;
float[] sPeakP, sPeakN, sRMSP;
float offX, scaleX, scaleY;
ch2 = ch * 3;
sPeakP = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sPeakN = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sRMSP = tmpBuf2[ ch2 ];
scaleX = 4 * r.width / (float) (info.sublength - 1);
scaleY = r.height * deltaYN;
offX = scaleX * off;
return drawFullWavePeakRMS( sPeakP, sPeakN,
sRMSP, decimLen, peakPolyX[ ch ],
peakPolyY[ ch ], rmsPolyX[ ch ],
rmsPolyY[ ch ], off, offX, scaleX,
scaleY );
private int drawFullWavePeakRMS( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN,
float[] sRMS, int len, int[] peakPolyX, int[] peakPolyY,
int[] rmsPolyX, int[] rmsPolyY, int off, float offX, float scaleX,
float scaleY )
// final float scaleYN = -scaleY;
int x;
float peakP, peakN, rms;
for( int i = 0, k = peakPolyX.length - 1 - off; i < len; i++, off++, k-- ) {
x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
peakPolyX[ off ] = x;
peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ off ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ k ] = x;
peakP = sPeakP[ i ];
peakN = sPeakN[ i ];
peakPolyY[ off ] = (int) (peakP * scaleY) + 2;
peakPolyY[ k ] = (int) (peakN * scaleY) - 2;
// peakC = (peakP + peakN) / 2;
rms = (float) Math.sqrt( sRMS[ i ]); // / 2;
rmsPolyY[ off ] = (int) (Math.min( peakP, rms ) * scaleY);
rmsPolyY[ k ] = (int) (Math.max( peakN, -rms ) * scaleY);
return off;
protected int drawLog( DecimationInfo info, int ch,
int[][] peakPolyX, int[][] peakPolyY,
int[][] rmsPolyX, int[][] rmsPolyY, int decimLen,
Rectangle r, float deltaYN, int off, float minY, float minInpY )
int ch2;
float[] sPeakP, sPeakN, sRMSP;
float offX, scaleX, scaleY;
ch2 = ch * 3;
sPeakP = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sPeakN = tmpBuf2[ ch2++ ];
sRMSP = tmpBuf2[ ch2 ];
scaleX = 4 * r.width / (float) (info.sublength - 1);
scaleY = r.height * deltaYN;
offX = scaleX * off;
return drawFullWavePeakRMSLog( sPeakP, sPeakN,
sRMSP, decimLen, peakPolyX[ ch ],
peakPolyY[ ch ], rmsPolyX[ ch ],
rmsPolyY[ ch ], off, offX, scaleX,
scaleY, minY, minInpY );
private int drawFullWavePeakRMSLog( float[] sPeakP, float[] sPeakN,
float[] sRMS, int len, int[] peakPolyX, int[] peakPolyY,
int[] rmsPolyX, int[] rmsPolyY, int off, float offX, float scaleX,
float scaleY, float minY, float minInpY )
// final float scaleYN = -scaleY;
final int minYPix = (int) (minY * scaleY - 2);
final float minInpYSqr = minInpY * minInpY;
int x;
// int botOff;
float peak, rms;
// for( int k = peakPolyX.length >> 1; k < peakPolyX.length; k++ ) {
// peakPolyY[ k ] = minYPix;
// rmsPolyY[ k ] = minYPix;
// peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
// rmsPolyX[ k ] = minYPix;
// }
// botOff = peakPolyX.length - 1;
// x = (int) offX;
// peakPolyX[ botOff ] = x;
// peakPolyY[ botOff ] = minYPix;
// rmsPolyX[ botOff ] = x;
// rmsPolyY[ botOff ] = minYPix;
// botOff--;
// x = (int) ((len - 1) * scaleX + offX);
// peakPolyX[ botOff ] = x;
// peakPolyY[ botOff ] = minYPix;
// rmsPolyX[ botOff ] = x;
// rmsPolyY[ botOff ] = minYPix;
for( int i = 0, k = peakPolyX.length - 1 - off; i < len; i++, off++, k-- ) {
x = (int) (i * scaleX + offX);
peakPolyX[ off ] = x;
peakPolyX[ k ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ off ] = x;
rmsPolyX[ k ] = x;
peak = Math.max( Math.abs( sPeakP[ i ]), Math.abs( sPeakN[ i ]));
if( peak > minInpY ) {
peak = (float) (Math.log( peak ) * TWENTYBYLOG10);
} else {
peak = minY;
peakPolyY[ off ] = (int) (peak * scaleY) + 2;
peakPolyY[ k ] = minYPix;
rms = sRMS[ i ];
if( rms > minInpYSqr ) {
rms = (float) (Math.log( rms ) * TENBYLOG10);
} else {
rms = minY;
rmsPolyY[ off ] = (int) (Math.min( peak, rms ) * scaleY);
rmsPolyY[ k ] = minYPix;
return off;
} // class FullPeakRMSDecimator