* DecimatedWaveStake.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 13-Jan-06 created
* 30-Jun-08 copied from EisK
package de.sciss.meloncillo.io;
import java.io.IOException;
import de.sciss.io.InterleavedStreamFile;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.timebased.BasicStake;
import de.sciss.timebased.Stake;
import de.sciss.util.MutableInt;
import de.sciss.util.MutableLong;
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 01-Apr-07
public class DecimatedStake
extends BasicStake
private final InterleavedStreamFile[] fs;
private final Span[] fileSpans;
private final Span[] maxFileSpans;
private final MutableLong[] framesWritten;
private final Span[] biasedSpans;
private final DecimationHelp[] decimations;
private final int SUBNUM;
//public boolean GOGO = false;
public DecimatedStake( Span span, InterleavedStreamFile[] fs, Span[] fileSpans, Span[] biasedSpans,
DecimationHelp[] decimations )
this( span, fs, fileSpans, fileSpans, null, biasedSpans, decimations );
private DecimatedStake( Span span, InterleavedStreamFile[] fs, Span[] fileSpans,
Span[] maxFileSpans, MutableLong[] framesWritten, Span[] biasedSpans,
DecimationHelp[] decimations )
super( span );
this.fs = fs;
this.fileSpans = fileSpans;
this.maxFileSpans = maxFileSpans;
if( framesWritten == null ) {
this.framesWritten = new MutableLong[ fs.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++ ) this.framesWritten[ i ] = new MutableLong( 0L );
} else {
this.framesWritten = framesWritten;
this.biasedSpans = biasedSpans;
this.decimations = decimations;
SUBNUM = decimations.length;
public void dispose()
// XXX
// public Stake replaceStart( long newStart )
// {
// final Span newFileSpan = new Span( fileSpan.start + newStart - span.start, fileSpan.stop );
// final Span newSpan = new Span( newStart, span.stop );
// if( (newSpan.getLength() < 0) || (newFileSpan.getLength() < 0) || !maxFileSpan.contains( newFileSpan )) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( newStart ));
// }
// return new DecimatedWaveStake( newSpan, f, newFileSpan, maxFileSpan );
// }
public Stake duplicate()
return new DecimatedStake( span, fs, fileSpans, maxFileSpans, framesWritten, biasedSpans, decimations );
public Stake replaceStart( long newStart )
final Span[] newBiasedSpans = new Span[ SUBNUM ];
final Span[] newFileSpans = new Span[ SUBNUM ];
long testBias, newBiasedStart, delta;
DecimationHelp decim;
for( int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
decim = decimations[ i ];
testBias = biasedSpans[ i ].start + ((newStart - span.start + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - newStart;
newBiasedStart = newStart + (testBias < -decim.roundAdd ? testBias + decim.factor :
(testBias > decim.roundAdd ? testBias - decim.factor : testBias));
delta = (newBiasedStart - biasedSpans[ i ].start) >> decim.shift;
newBiasedSpans[ i ] = biasedSpans[ i ].replaceStart( newBiasedStart );
newFileSpans[ i ] = fileSpans[ i ].replaceStart( fileSpans[ i ].start + delta );
// XXX modify framesWritten ?
return new DecimatedStake( span.replaceStart( newStart ), fs, newFileSpans, maxFileSpans, framesWritten, newBiasedSpans, decimations );
// public Stake replaceStop( long newStop )
// {
// final Span newFileSpan = new Span( fileSpan.start, fileSpan.stop + newStop - span.stop );
// final Span newSpan = new Span( span.start, newStop );
// if( (newSpan.getLength() < 0) || (newFileSpan.getLength() < 0) || !maxFileSpan.contains( newFileSpan )) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( newStop ));
// }
// return new DecimatedWaveStake( newSpan, f, newFileSpan, maxFileSpan );
// }
public Stake replaceStop( long newStop )
final Span[] newBiasedSpans = new Span[ SUBNUM ];
final Span[] newFileSpans = new Span[ SUBNUM ];
long testBias, newBiasedStop; // , delta;
int startBias;
DecimationHelp decim;
for( int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
decim = decimations[ i ];
startBias = (int) (biasedSpans[ i ].start - span.start);
testBias = (int) (((startBias + newStop + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - newStop);
newBiasedStop = newStop + (testBias < -decim.roundAdd ? testBias + decim.factor :
(testBias > decim.roundAdd ? testBias - decim.factor : testBias));
newBiasedSpans[ i ] = biasedSpans[ i ].replaceStop( newBiasedStop );
newFileSpans[ i ] = fileSpans[ i ].replaceStop( fileSpans[ i ].start + newBiasedSpans[ i ].getLength() ); // XXX richtig?
return new DecimatedStake( span.replaceStop( newStop ), fs, newFileSpans, maxFileSpans, framesWritten, newBiasedSpans, decimations );
public Stake shiftVirtual( long delta )
final Span[] newBiasedSpans = new Span[ SUBNUM ];
for( int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
newBiasedSpans[ i ] = biasedSpans[ i ].shift( delta );
return new DecimatedStake( span.shift( delta ), fs, fileSpans, maxFileSpans, framesWritten, newBiasedSpans, decimations );
// public int readFrames( int sub, float[][] data, int dataOffset, Span readSpan )
// throws IOException
// {
// final int len = (int) readSpan.getLength();
// if( len == 0 ) return 0;
// final long fOffset = fileSpan.start + readSpan.start - span.start;
// if( (fOffset < fileSpan.start) || ((fOffset + len) > fileSpan.stop) ) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException( fOffset + " ... " + (fOffset + len) + " not within " + fileSpan.toString() );
// }
// synchronized( f ) {
// if( f.getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
// f.seekFrame( fOffset );
// }
// f.readFrames( data, dataOffset, len );
// }
// return len;
// }
public void readFrames( int sub, float[][] data, int dataOffset, Span readSpan, MutableInt framesRead, MutableInt framesBusy )
throws IOException
if( data.length == 0 ) {
framesRead.set( 0 );
framesBusy.set( 0 );
final DecimationHelp decim = decimations[ sub ];
final int startBias = (int) (biasedSpans[ sub ].start - span.start);
final int newStartBias = (int) (((readSpan.start + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - readSpan.start) + startBias;
final long newBiasedStart = readSpan.start + (newStartBias < -decim.roundAdd ? newStartBias + decim.factor :
(newStartBias > decim.roundAdd ? newStartBias - decim.factor : newStartBias));
final long fOffset = fileSpans[ sub ].start + ((newBiasedStart - (span.start + startBias)) >> decim.shift);
final int newStopBias = (int) (((startBias + readSpan.stop + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - readSpan.stop);
final long newBiasedStop = readSpan.stop + (newStopBias < -decim.roundAdd ? newStopBias + decim.factor :
(newStopBias > decim.roundAdd ? newStopBias - decim.factor : newStopBias));
final int len = (int) Math.min( data[0].length - dataOffset, (newBiasedStop - newBiasedStart) >> decim.shift );
final int readyLen;
if( len <= 0 ) {
framesRead.set( 0 );
framesBusy.set( 0 );
synchronized( fs ) {
readyLen = (int) Math.min( len, Math.max( 0, fileSpans[ sub ].start + framesWritten[ sub ].value() - fOffset ));
if( readyLen > 0 ) {
//if( GOGO ) System.out.println( "read : span = " + readSpan + " ; fOffset = " + fOffset + "; framePos = " + fs[ sub ].getFramePosition() + "; readyLen = " + readyLen );
if( fs[ sub ].getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
fs[ sub ].seekFrame( fOffset );
// fs[ sub ].readFrames( data, dataOffset, len );
// readyLen = (int) Math.min( len, framesWritten[ sub ].value() - fOffset );
fs[ sub ].readFrames( data, dataOffset, readyLen );
//System.err.println( "readyLen = "+readyLen+"; len = "+len );
framesRead.set( readyLen );
framesBusy.set( len - readyLen );
public boolean readFrame( int sub, float[][] data, int dataOffset, long pos )
throws IOException
final DecimationHelp decim = decimations[ sub ];
final int startBias = (int) (biasedSpans[ sub ].start - span.start);
final int newStartBias = (int) (((pos + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - pos) + startBias;
final long newBiasedStart = pos + (newStartBias < -decim.roundAdd ? newStartBias + decim.factor :
(newStartBias > decim.roundAdd ? newStartBias - decim.factor : newStartBias));
final long fOffset = fileSpans[ sub ].start + ((newBiasedStart - (span.start + startBias)) >> decim.shift);
// final int newStopBias = (int) (((startBias + readSpan.stop + decim.roundAdd) & decim.mask) - readSpan.stop);
// final long newBiasedStop = readSpan.stop + (newStopBias < -decim.roundAdd ? newStopBias + decim.factor :
// (newStopBias > decim.roundAdd ? newStopBias - decim.factor : newStopBias));
// final long newBiasedStop = newBiasedStart + decim.factor;
// final int len = (int) Math.min( data[0].length, (newBiasedStop - newBiasedStart) >> decim.shift );
final int readyLen;
synchronized( fs ) {
readyLen = (int) Math.min( 1, fileSpans[ sub ].start + framesWritten[ sub ].value() - fOffset );
if( readyLen == 1 ) {
if( fs[ sub ].getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
fs[ sub ].seekFrame( fOffset );
fs[ sub ].readFrames( data, dataOffset, 1 );
return true;
} else {
return false;
// public int writeFrames( float[][] data, int dataOffset, Span writeSpan )
// throws IOException
// {
// final int len = (int) writeSpan.getLength();
// if( len == 0 ) return 0;
// final long fOffset = fileSpan.start + writeSpan.start - span.start;
// if( (fOffset < fileSpan.start) || ((fOffset + len) > fileSpan.stop) ) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException( fOffset + " ... " + (fOffset + len) + " not within " + fileSpan.toString() );
// }
// synchronized( f ) {
// if( f.getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
// f.seekFrame( fOffset );
// }
// f.writeFrames( data, dataOffset, len );
// }
// return len;
// }
public void continueWrite( int sub, float[][] data, int dataOffset, int len )
throws IOException
if( len == 0 ) return; // return 0;
synchronized( fs ) {
final long fOffset = fileSpans[ sub ].start + framesWritten[ sub ].value();
// final long fStop = fOffset + len;
if( (fOffset < fileSpans[ sub ].start) || ((fOffset + len) > fileSpans[ sub ].stop) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( fOffset + " ... " + (fOffset + len) + " not within " + fileSpans[ sub ].toString() );
//if( GOGO ) System.out.println( "write : framesWritten = " + framesWritten[ sub ] + " ; fOffset = " + fOffset + "; framePos = " + fs[ sub ].getFramePosition() + "; len = " + len );
if( fs[ sub ].getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
fs[ sub ].seekFrame( fOffset );
fs[ sub ].writeFrames( data, dataOffset, len );
framesWritten[ sub ].add( len );
// if( fStop > framesWritten[ sub ].value() ) framesWritten[ sub ].set( fStop );
// return len;
// public long copyFrames( InterleavedStreamFile target, Span readSpan )
// throws IOException
// {
// final long len = readSpan.getLength();
// if( len == 0 ) return 0;
// final long fOffset = fileSpan.start + readSpan.start - span.start;
// if( (fOffset < fileSpan.start) || ((fOffset + len) > fileSpan.stop) ) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException( fOffset + " ... " + (fOffset + len) + " not within " + fileSpan.toString() );
// }
// synchronized( f ) {
// if( f.getFramePosition() != fOffset ) {
// f.seekFrame( fOffset );
// }
// f.copyFrames( target, len );
// }
// return len;
// }
// public int getChannelNum()
// {
// return f.getChannelNum();
// }
public void flush()
throws IOException
synchronized( fs ) {
for( int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++ ) {
fs[ i ].flush();
public void debugDump()
for( int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++ ) {
System.err.println( " decim "+decimations[i].factor+" biased span "+biasedSpans[i].toString()+
"; f = " + fs[i].getFile().getName() + " (file span " + fileSpans[i].toString() + " )" );
protected void debugDumpBasics()
System.err.println( "Span " + span.toString() );