* AudioFileFormatPane.java
* de.sciss.io package
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 25-Jan-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.AudioFileFormatPane
* 07-Mar-05 implemented fromDescr()
* 08-Sep-05 added automaticFileSuffix()
* 10-Mar-06 extends SpringPanel ; supports numChannels ; moved to de.sciss.gui package
package de.sciss.io;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import de.sciss.app.PreferenceNodeSync;
import de.sciss.gui.ComboBoxEditorBorder;
import de.sciss.gui.PathField;
import de.sciss.gui.PrefCheckBox;
import de.sciss.gui.PrefComboBox;
import de.sciss.gui.PrefParamField;
import de.sciss.gui.SpringPanel;
import de.sciss.gui.StringItem;
import de.sciss.util.Param;
import de.sciss.util.ParamSpace;
* A multi component panel
* that provides gadgets for
* specification of the output
* format of an audio file,
* such as file format, resolution
* or sample rate. It implements
* the <code>PreferenceNodeSync</code>
* interface, allowing the automatic
* saving and recalling of its gadget's
* values from/to preferences.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 10-Mar-06
* @see de.sciss.app.PreferenceNodeSync
* @see AudioFileDescr
* @todo sample rates should be user adjustable through a
* JComboBox with an editable field. this to-do has
* low priority since meloncillo is not really
* interested in audio files.
* @synchronization all methods should be invoked only
* in the event thread
public class AudioFileFormatPane
extends SpringPanel
implements ItemListener, PreferenceNodeSync
* Constructor-Flag : create file type gadget
public static final int FORMAT = 1 << 0;
* Constructor-Flag : create sample encoding gadget
public static final int ENCODING = 1 << 1;
* Constructor-Flag : create sample rate gadget
public static final int RATE = 1 << 2;
* Constructor-Flag : create gain gadget
public static final int GAIN = 1 << 4;
* Constructor-Flag : create normalize option
public static final int NORMALIZE = 1 << 5;
* Constructor-Flag : create channel num gadgets
public static final int CHANNELS = 1 << 6;
* Constructor-Flag : conventient combination
* of <code>FORMAT</code>, <code>ENCODING</code> and <code>RATE</code>.
public static final int FORMAT_ENCODING_RATE = FORMAT | ENCODING | RATE;
* Constructor-Flag : conventient combination
* of <code>FORMAT</code>, <code>ENCODING</code>, <code>RATE</code>, <code>CHANNELS</code>.
public static final int NEW_FILE_FLAGS = FORMAT | ENCODING | RATE | CHANNELS;
* Constructor-Flag : conventient combination
* of <code>GAIN</code> and <code>NORMALIZE</code>.
public static final int GAIN_NORMALIZE = GAIN | NORMALIZE;
private static final int[] BITSPERSMP = { 16, 24, 32, 32 }; // idx corresp. to ENCODING_ITEMS
private static final int[] ENCODINGS = { // idx corresp. to ENCODING_ITEMS
AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_INT, AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_INT,
AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_INT, AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_FLOAT
private static final StringItem[] ENCODING_ITEMS = {
new StringItem( "int16", "16-bit int" ),
new StringItem( "int24", "24-bit int" ),
new StringItem( "int32", "32-bit int" ),
new StringItem( "float32", "32-bit float" )
// private static final float[] RATES = { // idx corresp. to RATE_ITEMS
// 32000.0f, 44100.0f, 48000.0f, 88200.0f, 96000.0f
// };
private static final StringItem[] RATE_ITEMS = {
new StringItem( new Param( 32000, ParamSpace.FREQ | ParamSpace.HERTZ ).toString(), "32 kHz" ),
new StringItem( new Param( 44100, ParamSpace.FREQ | ParamSpace.HERTZ ).toString(), "44.1 kHz" ),
new StringItem( new Param( 48000, ParamSpace.FREQ | ParamSpace.HERTZ ).toString(), "48 kHz" ),
new StringItem( new Param( 88200, ParamSpace.FREQ | ParamSpace.HERTZ ).toString(), "88.2 kHz" ),
new StringItem( new Param( 96000, ParamSpace.FREQ | ParamSpace.HERTZ ).toString(), "96 kHz" )
private static final int DEFAULT_ENCODING = 1; // default int24
private static final int DEFAULT_RATE = 1; // default 44.1 kHz
private static final Param DEFAULT_GAIN = new Param(
0.0, ParamSpace.AMP | ParamSpace.REL | ParamSpace.DECIBEL );
private static final boolean DEFAULT_NORMALIZE = true; // default normalization
// prefs keys
private static final String KEY_FORMAT = "format";
private static final String KEY_ENCODING = "encoding";
private static final String KEY_RATE = "rate";
private static final String KEY_GAIN = "gain";
private static final String KEY_NORMALIZE = "normalize";
private static final String KEY_CHANNELS = "channels";
private JLabel lbGainType;
private PrefCheckBox ggNormalize = null;
private PrefComboBox ggFormat = null;
private PrefComboBox ggEncoding = null;
private PrefParamField ggRate = null;
private JComboBox ggRateCombo = null;
private PrefParamField ggGain = null;
private JToolBar pChan = null;
private ButtonGroup chanGroup = null;
private JToggleButton ggMono = null;
private JToggleButton ggStereo = null;
private JToggleButton ggMulti = null;
private PrefParamField ggChanNum = null;
private List ggPaths = null; // lazy; set with automaticFileSuffix method
private int flags = 0;
private SpringPanel pEnc = null;
private SpringPanel pGain = null;
private Preferences prefs = null;
public AudioFileFormatPane()
* Construct a new AudioFileFormatPane with the
* shown components specified by the given flags.
* @param flags a bitwise OR combination of
* gadget creation flags such as FORMAT or GAIN_NORMALIZE
public AudioFileFormatPane( int flags )
setFlags( flags );
public void setFlags( int flags )
final int flagsAdded = flags & ~this.flags;
final int flagsRemoved = this.flags & ~flags;
StringItem[] items;
if( (flagsRemoved & FORMAT_ENCODING_RATE) != 0 ) {
if( (flagsRemoved & FORMAT) != 0 ) {
ggFormat.removeItemListener( this );
if( prefs != null ) ggFormat.setPreferences( null, null );
pEnc.remove( ggFormat );
ggFormat = null;
if( (flagsRemoved & ENCODING) != 0 ) {
if( prefs != null ) ggEncoding.setPreferences( null, null );
pEnc.remove( ggEncoding );
ggEncoding = null;
if( (flagsRemoved & RATE) != 0 ) {
if( prefs != null ) ggRate.setPreferences( null, null );
pEnc.remove( ggRateCombo );
ggRateCombo = null;
ggRate = null;
if( pEnc.getComponentCount() == 0 ) {
remove( pEnc );
pEnc = null;
if( (flagsRemoved & CHANNELS) != 0 ) {
ggMulti.removeItemListener( this );
if( prefs != null ) ggChanNum.setPreferences( null, null );
remove( pChan );
pChan.remove( ggMono );
pChan.remove( ggStereo );
pChan.remove( ggMulti );
pChan.remove( ggChanNum );
chanGroup.remove( ggMono );
chanGroup.remove( ggStereo );
chanGroup.remove( ggMulti );
ggMono = null;
ggStereo = null;
ggMulti = null;
ggChanNum = null;
pChan = null;
chanGroup = null;
if( (flagsRemoved & GAIN_NORMALIZE) != 0 ) {
if( (flagsRemoved & GAIN) != 0 ) {
if( prefs != null ) ggGain.setPreferences( null, null );
pGain.remove( ggGain );
ggGain = null;
if( (flagsRemoved & NORMALIZE) != 0 ) {
ggNormalize.removeItemListener( this );
if( prefs != null ) ggNormalize.setPreferences( null, null );
pGain.remove( ggNormalize );
ggNormalize = null;
if( pGain.getComponentCount() == 0 ) {
remove( pGain );
pGain = null;
if( (flagsAdded & FORMAT_ENCODING_RATE) != 0 ) {
if( pEnc == null ) {
pEnc = new SpringPanel( 4, 2, 4, 2 );
gridAdd( pEnc, 0, 0, -1, 1 );
if( (flagsAdded & FORMAT) != 0 ) {
ggFormat = new PrefComboBox();
items = AudioFileDescr.getFormatItems();
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
ggFormat.addItem( items[ i ]);
ggFormat.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
if( prefs != null ) ggFormat.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_FORMAT );
ggFormat.addItemListener( this );
pEnc.gridAdd( ggFormat, 0, 0 );
if( (flagsAdded & ENCODING) != 0 ) {
ggEncoding = new PrefComboBox();
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
ggEncoding.addItem( items[ i ]);
ggEncoding.setSelectedIndex( DEFAULT_ENCODING );
if( prefs != null ) ggEncoding.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_ENCODING );
pEnc.gridAdd( ggEncoding, 1, 0 );
if( (flagsAdded & RATE) != 0 ) {
ggRateCombo = new JComboBox();
ggRate = new PrefParamField();
ggRate.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcFreqHertz );
items = RATE_ITEMS;
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
ggRateCombo.addItem( items[ i ]);
// ggRate.setBackground( Color.white );
//final javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer bcbr = new javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer();
ggRate.setBorder( new ComboBoxEditorBorder() );
//ggRate.setMaximumSize( ggRate.getPreferredSize() );
ggRateCombo.setEditor( ggRate );
ggRateCombo.setEditable( true );
ggRateCombo.setSelectedIndex( DEFAULT_RATE );
if( prefs != null ) ggRate.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_RATE );
pEnc.gridAdd( ggRateCombo, 2, 0 );
if( (flagsAdded & CHANNELS) != 0 ) {
pChan = new JToolBar();
pChan.setFloatable( false );
chanGroup = new ButtonGroup();
ggMono = new JToggleButton( getResourceString( "buttonMono" ));
ggMono.setSelected( true );
chanGroup.add( ggMono );
pChan.add( ggMono );
ggStereo = new JToggleButton( getResourceString( "buttonStereo" ));
chanGroup.add( ggStereo );
pChan.add( ggStereo );
ggChanNum = new PrefParamField();
ggChanNum.addSpace( new ParamSpace( 0, 0xFFFF, 1, 0, 0, 4, ParamSpace.NONE ));
ggChanNum.setEnabled( false );
ggMulti = new JToggleButton( getResourceString( "buttonMultichannel" ));
if( prefs != null ) ggChanNum.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_CHANNELS );
ggMulti.addItemListener( this );
chanGroup.add( ggMulti );
pChan.add( ggMulti );
pChan.add( ggChanNum );
gridAdd( pChan, 0, 1, -1, 1 );
if( (flagsAdded & GAIN_NORMALIZE) != 0 ) {
if( pGain == null ) {
pGain = new SpringPanel( 4, 2, 4, 2 );
gridAdd( pGain, 0, 2, -1, 1 );
if( (flagsAdded & GAIN) != 0 ) {
ggGain = new PrefParamField();
ggGain.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcAmpDecibels );
ggGain.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcAmpPercentF );
ggGain.setValue( DEFAULT_GAIN );
pGain.gridAdd( ggGain, 0, 0 );
lbGainType = new JLabel();
pGain.gridAdd( lbGainType, 1, 0 );
if( (flagsAdded & NORMALIZE) != 0 ) {
ggNormalize = new PrefCheckBox( getResourceString( "labelNormalize" ));
ggNormalize.setSelected( DEFAULT_NORMALIZE );
ggNormalize.addItemListener( this );
pGain.gridAdd( ggNormalize, 2, 0 );
if( ggGain != null ) setGainLabel();
if( flags != this.flags ) {
this.flags = flags;
public int getFlags()
return flags;
private String getResourceString( String key )
return IOUtil.getResourceString( key );
* Copy the internal state of
* the <code>AudioFileFormatPane</code> into the
* <code>AudioFileDescr</code> object. This will
* fill in the <code>type</code>,
* <code>bitsPerSample</code>, <code>sampleFormat</code>,
* <code>rate</code> and <code>channels</code> fields,
* provided that the pane was specified
* to contain corresponding gadgets
* @param target the description whose
* format values are to be overwritten.
public void toDescr( AudioFileDescr target )
if( ggFormat != null ) {
target.type = ggFormat.getSelectedIndex();
if( ggEncoding != null ) {
target.bitsPerSample = BITSPERSMP[ ggEncoding.getSelectedIndex() ];
target.sampleFormat = ENCODINGS[ ggEncoding.getSelectedIndex() ];
if( ggRate != null ) {
target.rate = ggRate.getValue().val;
if( chanGroup != null ) {
if( ggMono.isSelected() ) {
target.channels = 1;
} else if( ggStereo.isSelected() ) {
target.channels = 2;
} else {
target.channels = (int) ggChanNum.getValue().val;
* Return the value of the
* gain gadget (in decibels).
* If the pane was not created without
* a dedicated gain gadget, this
* method returns 0.0.
* @return the pane's gain setting
* or 0.0 if no gain gadget exists.
public double getGain()
if( ggGain != null ) {
return ggGain.getTranslator().translate( ggGain.getValue(), ParamSpace.spcAmpDecibels ).val;
} else {
return 0.0;
* Returns a text representation of the encoding
* (integer/floating point and bit depth). This String
* is compatible with SuperCollider's <code>/b_write</code> command.
* @return encoding string, such as <code>"int16"</code>
public String getEncodingString()
return ((StringItem) ggEncoding.getSelectedItem()).getKey();
* Returns a text representation of the file format type.
* This String is compatible with SuperCollider's <code>/b_write</code> command.
* @return file format string, such as <code>"aiff"</code>
public String getFormatString()
return ((StringItem) ggFormat.getSelectedItem()).getKey();
* Return the state of the 'normalized'
* checkbox of the pane.
* @return <code>true</code> if the pane's
* 'normalized' checkbox was checked,
* <code>false</code> otherwise or if no checkbox
* gadget exists.
public boolean getNormalized()
if( ggNormalize != null ) {
return ggNormalize.isSelected();
} else {
return false;
* Registers a <code>PathField</code> to
* be updated upon format switches.
* When the user selects a different format,
* the path's suffix will be updated accordingly.
* @param ggPath the path field to update
* or <code>null</code> to stop
* updating.
public void automaticFileSuffix( PathField ggPath )
if( ggPaths == null ) ggPaths = new ArrayList();
ggPaths.add( ggPath );
* Copy a sound format from the given
* <code>AudioFileDescr</code> to the
* corresponding gadgets in the pane.
public void fromDescr( AudioFileDescr source )
if( ggFormat != null ) {
ggFormat.setSelectedIndex( source.type );
if( ggEncoding != null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ENCODINGS.length; i++ ) {
if( (BITSPERSMP[ i ] == source.bitsPerSample) &&
(ENCODINGS[ i ] == source.sampleFormat) ) {
ggEncoding.setSelectedIndex( i );
if( ggRate != null ) {
// for( int i = 0; i < RATES.length; i++ ) {
// if( RATES[ i ] == source.rate ) {
// ggRate.setSelectedIndex( i );
// break;
// }
// }
ggRate.setValue( new Param( source.rate, ParamSpace.spcFreqHertz.unit ));
if( chanGroup != null ) {
switch( source.channels ) {
case 1:
chanGroup.setSelected( ggMono.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( false );
case 2:
chanGroup.setSelected( ggStereo.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( false );
chanGroup.setSelected( ggMulti.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( true );
// update the gain's label when the normalize checkbox is toggled
private void setGainLabel()
boolean normalize = (ggNormalize != null) && ggNormalize.isSelected();
lbGainType.setText( getResourceString( normalize ? "labelDBHeadroom" : "labelDBGain" ));
// sync's a path field's path extension
// with the selected encoding
private void updateFileSuffix()
if( ggFormat == null ) return;
final String suffix = AudioFileDescr.getFormatSuffix( ggFormat.getSelectedIndex() );
File path, newPath;
PathField ggPath;
if( ggPaths != null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ggPaths.size(); i++ ) {
ggPath = (PathField) ggPaths.get( i );
path = ggPath.getPath();
newPath = IOUtil.setFileSuffix( path, suffix );
if( newPath != path ) { // IOUtil returns same ref in case of equality
ggPath.setPath( newPath );
// we're listening to the normalize checkbox + format combo + multi-channel
public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e )
if( e.getSource() == ggNormalize ) {
} else if( e.getSource() == ggFormat ) {
} else if( e.getSource() == ggMulti ) {
final boolean isMulti = ggMulti.isSelected();
ggChanNum.setEnabled( isMulti );
if( isMulti ) ggChanNum.requestFocusInWindow(); // focusNumber();
// --------------------- PreferenceNodeSync interface ---------------------
public void setPreferences( Preferences prefs )
if( ggFormat != null ) {
ggFormat.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_FORMAT );
if( ggEncoding != null ) {
ggEncoding.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_ENCODING );
if( ggRate != null ) {
ggRate.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_RATE );
if( ggGain != null ) {
ggGain.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_GAIN );
if( ggNormalize != null ) {
ggNormalize.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_NORMALIZE );
if( ggChanNum != null ) {
ggChanNum.setPreferences( prefs, KEY_CHANNELS );
if( prefs != null ) {
final int numCh = prefs.getInt( KEY_CHANNELS, 1 );
switch( numCh ) {
case 1:
chanGroup.setSelected( ggMono.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( false );
case 2:
chanGroup.setSelected( ggStereo.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( false );
chanGroup.setSelected( ggMulti.getModel(), true );
ggChanNum.setEnabled( true );