* ProcessingThread.java
* de.sciss.common package
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 25-Jan-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.util.ProcessingThread
* 28-Jan-05 implements ProgressComponent
* 01-Mar-05 menubars are only ghosted if a lockmanager is present
* 08-Sep-05 allows listener registration ; client is now an internal interface
* 14-Apr-06 removed formal ProgressComponent implementation ; added cancel listening
package de.sciss.common;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import de.sciss.app.BasicEvent;
import de.sciss.app.EventManager;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.util.Disposable;
//import de.sciss.util.LockManager;
* A subclass of Thread that is capable of
* dealing with synchronization issues.
* It will pause all event dispatching related
* to specified doors which will be locked
* during processing. It includes helper
* methods for updating a progress bar and
* displaying messages and exceptions.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 28-Jun-08
public class ProcessingThread
//extends Thread
implements Runnable, EventManager.Processor, ActionListener, Disposable // , ProgressComponent
private final Client client;
private final ProgressComponent pc;
// private final LockManager lm;
// private final Object clientArg;
// private final int requiredDoors;
private final Map clientMap = Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap() );
protected final String name;
private final Runnable runProgressUpdate, runProcessFinished;
protected volatile float progress;
private volatile float progOff = 0f, progStop = 1f, progWeight = 1f;
protected volatile boolean progressInvoked = false;
// private boolean procAlive;
protected volatile Exception exception = null;
protected EventManager elm = null; // lazily created ; flushed due to synchronized()s?
protected int returnCode = -1; // flushed due to synchronized()s
private volatile boolean shouldCancel= false;
protected final Object sync = new Object();
private Thread thread = null; // flushed due to synchronized()s
private static final Map mapThreads = Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap() );
* Creates a new ProcessingThread. To start the process
* and starts processing.
* @param client Interface whose method runProcessing() is called
* inside the new thread when it's started.
* @param pc Component responsible for displaying progress bar etc.
* @param procName Name for the thread and the process monitoring
* @param clientArg anything the Client might need. This object
* is just passed to the client.processRun() method
* @param requiredDoors when client.processRun() is invoked, it's guaranteed that it's
* Thread holds exclusively locks for these doors in doc.bird
* it's crucial that the calling thread has *no* lock on any
* of doors, because this constructor returns only after
* the new thread has gained access to all doors!
* Event dispatching for the related classes, e.g. doc.timeline
* will be paused during processing.
* @synchronization must be called in the event thread
// public ProcessingThread( String procName, final Client client, final Object clientArg,
// final ProgressComponent pc, final Hook hook )
public ProcessingThread( final Client client, final ProgressComponent pc, String procName )
// super( procName );
this.client = client;
// this.clientArg = clientArg;
this.pc = pc;
name = procName;
// this.lm = lm;
// this.requiredDoors = requiredDoors;
// the progress update is called
// from the rendering thread using
// EventQueue.invokeLater( Runnable t )
// because JProgressBar.setValue() is
// not marked as being 'threadsafe'
runProgressUpdate = new Runnable() {
public void run()
progressInvoked = false;
pc.setProgression( progress );
// same for MenuBar enabling
runProcessFinished = new Runnable() {
public void run()
// final boolean success = (returnCode == Client.DONE) || (returnCode == Client.CANCELLED);
pc.finishProgression( returnCode );
pc.removeCancelListener( ProcessingThread.this );
// client.processFinished( ProcessingThread.this, clientArg );
client.processFinished( ProcessingThread.this );
synchronized( sync ) {
if( elm != null ) elm.dispatchEvent( new ProcessingThread.Event( ProcessingThread.this,
ProcessingThread.Event.STOPPED, System.currentTimeMillis(), ProcessingThread.this ));
if( (returnCode == ProgressComponent.FAILED) && (exception != null) ) {
pc.displayError( exception, name );
public void putClientArg( Object key, Object value )
if( value != null ) {
clientMap.put( key, value );
} else {
clientMap.remove( key );
public Object getClientArg( Object key )
return clientMap.get( key );
public Map getClientMap()
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( clientMap );
public String getName()
return name;
* Starts processing. Call this method
* only once!
public void start()
pc.setProgressionText( name );
// hook.runBefore();
synchronized( sync ) {
if( thread != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Process was already started" );
thread = new Thread( this );
thread.setDaemon( true );
mapThreads.put( thread, this );
// procAlive = true;
try {
sync.wait(); // we will be notified when the locks have been attached!
// if( lm != null ) root.menuFactory.setMenuBarsEnabled( false );
} catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {
// XXX
if( elm != null ) {
elm.dispatchEvent( new ProcessingThread.Event( this,
ProcessingThread.Event.STARTED, System.currentTimeMillis(), this ));
pc.addCancelListener( this );
* Puts the calling thread in
* wait mode until the processing
* is finished. This should be called in
* the event thread only if the process is
* about to quit very fast since it will
* otherwise block GUI updates. An example for
* its use is the prior request to cancel
* the process. If the amount of time till the
* end of the process is unknown, the preferred
* method to wait for the thread is to register
* a listener!
* @see #addListener( ProcessingThread.Listener )
public void sync()
synchronized( sync ) {
// while( isAlive() && procAlive ) {
while( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() ) {
try {
} catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* ignore */ }
public void sync( int timeout )
synchronized( sync ) {
// while( isAlive() && procAlive ) {
// while( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() ) {
if( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() ) {
try {
sync.wait( timeout );
} catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* ignore */ }
* Forwards the cancel request
* to the client.
* @param doSync if <code>true</code>, wait for the client to
* abort, otherwise return immediately
public void cancel( boolean doSync )
shouldCancel = true;
// client.processCancel( this, clientArg );
client.processCancel( this );
if( doSync ) sync();
// /**
// * Utility method for the client.
// * This returns <code>true</code> if
// * the client should cancel the process.
// */
// public boolean shouldCancel()
// {
// return shouldCancel;
// }
public static ProcessingThread currentThread()
return( (ProcessingThread) mapThreads.get( Thread.currentThread() ));
// public static void setProgression( float p )
// {
// final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
// if( pt != null ) pt.setProgressin( p );
// }
public static boolean shouldCancel()
final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
return( pt == null ? false : pt.shouldCancel );
// public static void progress( float p )
// {
// final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
// if( pt != null ) pt.setProgression( p );
// }
public static void update( float progress )
throws CancelledException
final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
if( pt != null ) {
pt.setProgression( progress );
if( pt.shouldCancel ) throw new CancelledException();
public boolean isRunning()
// final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
// if( pt == null ) return false;
synchronized( sync ) {
return thread != null;
* Returns the cient's return code.
* @return the return code (<code>Client.DONE</code> etc.)
* or <code>-1</code> if the client had not been started
public int getReturnCode()
return returnCode;
* Registers a listener to be notified
* when the process starts and terminates.
* @param l the listener to register
public void addListener( ProcessingThread.Listener l )
synchronized( sync ) {
if( elm == null ) {
elm = new EventManager( this );
elm.addListener( l );
* Removes a listener from being
* notified when the process starts and terminates.
* @param l the listener to unregister
public void removeListener( ProcessingThread.Listener l )
elm.removeListener( l );
public void dispose()
if( elm != null ) {
elm = null;
* The is the main method of a thread and will
* lock the requested doors; it pauses the
* appropriate dispatchers (receiverCollection,
* transmitterCollection, timeline), invokes
* the client's processRun method. when this returns, dispatchers
* are restarted and doors are unlocked.
* @synchronization waitExclusive on the doors specified
* in the constructor
public void run()
try {
// if( lm != null ) lm.waitExclusive( requiredDoors );
// hook.runEntered();
// now it's safe to resume the Swing thread
synchronized( sync ) {
// returnCode = client.processRun( this, clientArg );
returnCode = client.processRun( this );
catch( CancelledException e1 ) {
returnCode = ProgressComponent.CANCELLED;
catch( Exception e1 ) {
exception = e1;
returnCode = ProgressComponent.FAILED;
finally {
// if( lm != null ) lm.releaseExclusive( requiredDoors );
// hook.runExiting();
synchronized( sync ) {
// procAlive = false;
mapThreads.remove( thread );
thread = null;
EventQueue.invokeLater( runProcessFinished );
* If the client is capable of catching
* an exception in its execution block,
* it should pass it to the pt calling this
* method.
* @param e exception which was thrown in the client's
* run method. when the thread stops it
* will display this error to the user.
public void setException( Exception e )
exception = e;
* Queries the last exception thrown in the run method.
* @return the most recent exception or null
* if no exception was thrown
public Exception getException()
return exception;
public static void setNextProgStop( float p )
final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
if( pt != null ) {
// progress = progStop;
pt.progOff = pt.progress;
pt.progStop = p;
pt.progWeight = pt.progStop - pt.progress;
public static void flushProgression()
final ProcessingThread pt = currentThread();
if( pt != null ) {
pt.progOff = pt.progress;
pt.progWeight = pt.progStop - pt.progress;
// public float getNextProgStop()
// {
// return progStop;
// }
// ------------------ ActionListener interface ------------------
// events come from cancel gadget
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
synchronized( sync ) {
// if( procAlive && !shouldCancel ) {
if( (thread != null) && !shouldCancel ) {
cancel( false );
// ------------------ EventManager.Processor interface ------------------
public void processEvent( BasicEvent e )
ProcessingThread.Listener listener;
final ProcessingThread.Event pte = (ProcessingThread.Event) e;
final int id = pte.getID();
for( int i = 0; i < elm.countListeners(); i++ ) {
listener = (ProcessingThread.Listener) elm.getListener( i );
switch( id ) {
case ProcessingThread.Event.STARTED:
listener.processStarted( pte );
case ProcessingThread.Event.STOPPED:
listener.processStopped( pte );
assert false : id;
if( id == ProcessingThread.Event.STOPPED ) {
// ------------------ ProgressComponent interface ------------------
public Component getComponent()
return pc.getComponent();
* Called by the client to update
* the progress bar.
* @param p new progression between zero and one
public void setProgression( float p )
progress = p * progWeight + progOff;
if( !progressInvoked ) {
progressInvoked = true;
EventQueue.invokeLater( runProgressUpdate );
} // else System.out.println( "clpse" );
public void resetProgression()
// public void finishProgression( boolean success ) {}
// public void setProgressionText( String text ) {}
// public void showMessage( int type, String text ) {}
// public void displayError( Exception e, String processName ) {}
// ------------------ internal classes/interfaces ------------------
public interface Client
public static final int DONE = ProgressComponent.DONE;
public static final int FAILED = ProgressComponent.FAILED;
public static final int CANCELLED = ProgressComponent.CANCELLED;
* Does the processing. This is called inside
* a separate asynchronous thread.
* @param context the corresponding thread. call <code>context.setProgression()</code>
* to update visual progress feedback.
* @param argument passed directly from context's constructor.
* @return return code, which is either of <code>DONE</code> on success,
* <code>FAILED</code> on failure, or <code>CANCELLED</code> if cancelled.
* The implementing class may which to call the context's
* <code>setException</code> method if an error occurs.
* @see ProcessingThread#setProgression( float )
* @see ProcessingThread#setException( Exception )
* @synchronization like Thread's run method, this is called inside
* a custom thread
public int processRun( ProcessingThread context ) throws IOException;
* This gets invoked when <code>processRun()</code> is finished or
* aborted. It's useful to place GUI related stuff
* in here since this gets called inside the
* Swing thread.
* @param context the corresponding thread. in case of failure
* can be used to query the exception.
* @param argument passed directly from context's constructor.
* @synchronization this is called in the event thread
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context );
* This gets invoked when the user requests to abort the process.
* The client should set a signal flag for the processing routine
* to cancel as soon as possible. All partly commited edits should
* be undone.
* @param context the corresponding thread. in case of failure
* can be used to query the exception.
* @param argument passed directly from context's constructor.
* @synchronization this is called in the event thread
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context );
public interface Listener
public void processStarted( Event e );
public void processStopped( Event e );
public static class Event
extends BasicEvent
private final ProcessingThread pt;
// --- ID values ---
* returned by getID() : the process started running
public static final int STARTED = 0;
* returned by getID() : the server stopped running.
* the return value of the client can be queried
* by calling <code>getReturnCode</code> on the
* <code>ProcessingThread</code>.
* @see ProcessingThread#getReturnCode()
public static final int STOPPED = 1;
public Event( Object source, int ID, long when, ProcessingThread pt )
super( source, ID, when );
this.pt = pt;
// shortcut method
public boolean isDone()
return pt.getReturnCode() == ProgressComponent.DONE;
// shortcut method
public boolean isCancelled()
return pt.getReturnCode() == ProgressComponent.CANCELLED;
// shortcut method
public boolean hasFailed()
return pt.getReturnCode() == ProgressComponent.FAILED;
public ProcessingThread getProcessingThread()
return pt;
public boolean incorporate( BasicEvent oldEvent )
if( (oldEvent instanceof ProcessingThread.Event) &&
(getSource() == oldEvent.getSource()) &&
(getID() == oldEvent.getID()) ) {
// XXX beware, when the actionID and actionObj
// are used, we have to deal with them here
return true;
} else return false;
public static class CancelledException
extends IOException
/* empty */
// public interface Hook
// {
// public void runEntered();
// public void runExiting();
// public void runBefore();
// public void runAfter();
// }