* MenuFactory.java
* (de.sciss.common package)
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 25-Jan-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.MenuFactory
* 02-Aug-05 confirms to new document handler
* 15-Sep-05 openDocument checks if file is already open
package de.sciss.common;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import net.roydesign.app.AboutJMenuItem;
import net.roydesign.app.PreferencesJMenuItem;
import net.roydesign.app.QuitJMenuItem;
import net.roydesign.mac.MRJAdapter;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractWindow;
import de.sciss.app.DocumentEvent;
import de.sciss.app.DocumentHandler;
import de.sciss.app.DocumentListener;
import de.sciss.gui.AboutBox;
import de.sciss.gui.HelpFrame;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuGroup;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuItem;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRadioGroup;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRadioItem;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRoot;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuSeparator;
import de.sciss.gui.PathList;
import de.sciss.io.IOUtil;
import de.sciss.util.Flag;
* <code>JMenu</code>s cannot be added to more than
* one frame. Since on MacOS there's one
* global menu for all the application windows
* we need to 'duplicate' a menu prototype.
* Synchronizing all menus is accomplished
* by using the same action objects for all
* menu copies. However when items are added
* or removed, synchronization needs to be
* performed manually. That's the point about
* this class.
* <p>
* There can be only one instance of <code>MenuFactory</code>
* for the application, and that will be created by the
* <code>Main</code> class.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.71, 11-Jun-08
* @see de.sciss.eisenkraut.Main#menuFactory
public abstract class BasicMenuFactory
extends MenuRoot
implements DocumentListener
* Value: String representing a list of paths
* of the recently used session files. See
* PathList and MenuFactory.actionOpenRecentClass.<br>
* Has default value: no!<br>
* Node: root
private static final String KEY_OPENRECENT= "recent"; // string: path list
* <code>KeyStroke</code> modifier mask
* representing the platform's default
* menu accelerator (e.g. Apple-key on Mac,
* Ctrl on Windows).
* @see Toolkit#getMenuShortcutKeyMask()
public static final int MENU_SHORTCUT = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
private int uniqueNumber = 0;
// ---- window menu management ----
private MenuGroup mgWindow;
private MenuRadioGroup mWindowRadioGroup;
// ---- recent files management ----
protected MenuGroup mgRecent;
protected final PathList openRecentPaths;
// ---- misc actions ----
protected ActionOpenRecent actionOpenRecent;
private Action actionClearRecent;
private Action actionCloseAll;
// private final List collGlobalKeyCmd = new ArrayList();
// private static final String CLIENT_BG = "de.sciss.gui.BG"; // radio button group
private final BasicApplication root;
* The constructor is called only once by
* the <code>Main</code> class and will create a prototype
* main menu from which all copies are
* derived.
public BasicMenuFactory( BasicApplication app )
root = app;
openRecentPaths = new PathList( 8, root.getUserPrefs(), KEY_OPENRECENT );
public void init()
// ---- listeners -----
root.getDocumentHandler().addDocumentListener( this );
public BasicApplication getApplication()
return root;
public ProcessingThread closeAll( boolean force, Flag confirmed )
final DocumentHandler dh = root.getDocumentHandler();
BasicDocument doc;
ProcessingThread pt;
while( dh.getDocumentCount() > 0 ) {
doc = (BasicDocument) dh.getDocument( 0 );
//if( doc.getFrame() == null ) {
// System.err.println( "Yukk, no doc frame for "+doc.getDisplayDescr().file );
// try {
// Thread.sleep( 4000 );
// } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// confirmed.set( true );
// return null;
pt = doc.closeDocument( force, confirmed );
if( pt == null ) {
if( !confirmed.isSet() ) return null;
} else {
return pt;
confirmed.set( true );
return null;
private void createActions()
// --- file menu ---
actionOpenRecent = createOpenRecentAction( getResourceString( "menuOpenRecent" ), null );
actionClearRecent = new ActionClearRecent( getResourceString( "menuClearRecent" ), null );
actionCloseAll = new ActionCloseAll( getResourceString( "menuCloseAll" ), null );
protected ActionOpenRecent createOpenRecentAction( String name, File path )
return new ActionOpenRecent( name, path );
// @todo this should eventually read the tree from an xml file
private void createProtoType()
MenuGroup mg; //, smg;
// MenuCheckItem mci;
// MenuRadioGroup rg;
Action a;
// BooleanPrefsMenuAction ba;
// IntPrefsMenuAction ia;
// Preferences prefs;
// Ctrl on Mac / Ctrl+Alt on PC
// final int myCtrl = MENU_SHORTCUT == KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK ? KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK | KeyEvent.ALT_MASK : KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK;
// --- file menu ---
mg = new MenuGroup( "file", getResourceString( "menuFile" ));
// smg = new MenuGroup( "new", getResourceString( "menuNew" ));
// smg.add( new MenuItem( "empty", actionNewEmpty ));
// smg.add( new MenuItem( "fromSelection", getResourceString( "menuNewFromSelection" )));
// mg.add( smg );
mg.add( new MenuItem( "open", getOpenAction() ));
// mg.add( new MenuItem( "openMultipleMono", actionOpenMM ));
mgRecent = new MenuGroup( "openRecent", actionOpenRecent );
if( openRecentPaths.getPathCount() > 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < openRecentPaths.getPathCount(); i++ ) {
mgRecent.add( new MenuItem( String.valueOf( uniqueNumber++ ), createOpenRecentAction( null, openRecentPaths.getPath( i ))));
actionOpenRecent.setPath( openRecentPaths.getPath( 0 ));
actionOpenRecent.setEnabled( true );
actionClearRecent.setEnabled( true );
mgRecent.add( new MenuItem( "clearRecent", actionClearRecent ));
mg.add( mgRecent );
if( root.getDocumentHandler().isMultiDocumentApplication() ) {
mg.add( new MenuItem( "close", getResourceString( "menuClose" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_W, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "closeAll", actionCloseAll ));
mg.add( new MenuSeparator() );
// smg = new MenuGroup( "import", getResourceString( "menuImport" ));
// smg.add( new MenuItem( "markers", getResourceString( "menuImportMarkers" )));
// mg.add( smg );
// mg.addSeparator();
mg.add( new MenuItem( "save", getResourceString( "menuSave" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_S, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "saveAs", getResourceString( "menuSaveAs" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_S, MENU_SHORTCUT + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "saveCopyAs", getResourceString( "menuSaveCopyAs" )));
// mg.add( new MenuItem( "saveSelectionAs", getResourceString( "menuSaveSelectionAs" )));
if( QuitJMenuItem.isAutomaticallyPresent() ) {
root.getQuitJMenuItem().setAction( root.getQuitAction() );
} else {
mg.add( new MenuItem( "quit", root.getQuitAction() ));
add( mg );
// --- edit menu ---
mg = new MenuGroup( "edit", getResourceString( "menuEdit" ));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "undo", getResourceString( "menuUndo" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_Z, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "redo", getResourceString( "menuRedo" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_Z, MENU_SHORTCUT + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "cut", getResourceString( "menuCut" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_X, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "copy", getResourceString( "menuCopy" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_C, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "paste", getResourceString( "menuPaste" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_V, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "clear", getResourceString( "menuClear" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, 0 )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "selectAll", getResourceString( "menuSelectAll" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_A, MENU_SHORTCUT )));
a = new ActionPreferences( getResourceString( "menuPreferences" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_COMMA, MENU_SHORTCUT ));
if( PreferencesJMenuItem.isAutomaticallyPresent() ) {
root.getPreferencesJMenuItem().setAction( a );
} else {
mg.add( new MenuItem( "preferences", a ));
add( mg );
// --- window menu ---
mWindowRadioGroup = new MenuRadioGroup();
mgWindow = new MenuGroup( "window", getResourceString( "menuWindow" ));
// mgWindow.add( new MenuItem( "ioSetup", new actionIOSetupClass( getResourceString( "frameIOSetup" ), null )));
// mgWindow.addSeparator();
// mgWindow.add( new MenuItem( "main", new actionShowWindowClass( getResourceString( "frameMain" ), null, Main.COMP_MAIN )));
// mgWindow.add( new MenuItem( "observer", new actionObserverClass( getResourceString( "paletteObserver" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD3, MENU_SHORTCUT ))));
// mgWindow.add( new MenuItem( "ctrlRoom", new actionCtrlRoomClass( getResourceString( "paletteCtrlRoom" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD2, MENU_SHORTCUT ))));
mgWindow.add( new MenuItem( "collect", ((BasicWindowHandler) root.getWindowHandler()).getCollectAction() ));
add( mgWindow );
// --- help menu ---
mg = new MenuGroup( "help", getResourceString( "menuHelp" ));
// this is pretty weird, but it works at least on german keyboards: command+questionmark is defaut help shortcut
// on mac os x. KeyEvent.VK_QUESTION_MARK doesn't exist, plus apple's vm ignore german keyboard layout, therefore the
// the question mark becomes a minus. however it's wrongly displayed in the menu...
mg.add( new MenuItem( "manual", new ActionURLViewer( getResourceString( "menuHelpManual" ), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_MINUS, MENU_SHORTCUT + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "index", false )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "shortcuts", new ActionURLViewer( getResourceString( "menuHelpShortcuts" ), null, "Shortcuts", false )));
mg.add( new MenuItem( "website", new ActionURLViewer( getResourceString( "menuHelpWebsite" ), null, getResourceString( "appURL" ), true )));
a = new ActionAbout( getResourceString( "menuAbout" ), null );
if( AboutJMenuItem.isAutomaticallyPresent() ) {
root.getAboutJMenuItem().setAction( a );
} else {
mg.add( new MenuItem( "about", a ));
add( mg );
protected abstract void addMenuItems();
public abstract void showPreferences();
protected abstract Action getOpenAction();
public abstract void openDocument( File f );
// adds a file to the top of
// the open recent menu of all menubars
// and the prototype. calls
// openRecentPaths.addPathToHead() and
// thus updates the preferences settings
// iteratively calls addRecent( JMenuBar, File, boolean )
public void addRecent( File path )
int i;
i = openRecentPaths.indexOf( path );
if( i == 0 ) return; // this path is already topmost item
if( (i == -1) && (openRecentPaths.getCapacity() == openRecentPaths.getPathCount()) ) { // not in list and list too big now
i = openRecentPaths.getPathCount() - 1; // remove last item
if( i > 0 ) { // remove an item
openRecentPaths.remove( path );
mgRecent.remove( i );
// add new item to top
openRecentPaths.addPathToHead( path );
actionOpenRecent.setPath( path );
actionClearRecent.setEnabled( true );
mgRecent.add( new MenuItem( String.valueOf( uniqueNumber++ ), createOpenRecentAction( null, path )), 0 );
public String getResourceString( String key )
return root.getResourceString( key );
public void addToWindowMenu( Action a )
final String id = "window" + String.valueOf( uniqueNumber++ );
//System.err.println( "add "+a.hashCode() );
mgWindow.add( new MenuRadioItem( mWindowRadioGroup, id, a ));
public void removeFromWindowMenu( Action a )
final MenuRadioItem mri = (MenuRadioItem) mgWindow.getByAction( a );
mgWindow.remove( mri );
public void setSelectedWindow( Action a )
//System.err.println( "select "+a.hashCode() );
final MenuRadioItem mri = (MenuRadioItem) mgWindow.getByAction( a );
mri.setSelected( true );
// ---------------- DocumentListener interface ----------------
public void documentAdded( DocumentEvent e )
if( !actionCloseAll.isEnabled() ) actionCloseAll.setEnabled( true );
public void documentRemoved( DocumentEvent e )
if( root.getDocumentHandler().getDocumentCount() == 0 ) {
actionCloseAll.setEnabled( false );
public void documentFocussed( de.sciss.app.DocumentEvent e ) { /* empty */ }
// ---------------- Action objects for file (session) operations ----------------
// action for the Open-Recent menu
protected class ActionOpenRecent
extends MenuAction
private File path;
// new action with path set to null
public ActionOpenRecent( String text, File path )
super( text == null ? IOUtil.abbreviate( path.getAbsolutePath(), 40 ) : text );
setPath( path );
// set the path of the action. this
// is the file that will be loaded
// if the action is performed
protected void setPath( File path )
this.path = path;
setEnabled( (path != null) && path.isFile() );
* If a path was set for the
* action and the user confirms
* an intermitting confirm-unsaved-changes
* dialog, the new session will be loaded
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
openDocument( path );
} // class actionOpenRecentClass
// action for clearing the Open-Recent menu
private class ActionClearRecent
extends MenuAction
protected ActionClearRecent( String text, KeyStroke shortcut )
super( text, shortcut );
setEnabled( false );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
for( int i = openRecentPaths.getPathCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
mgRecent.remove( i );
actionOpenRecent.setPath( null );
setEnabled( false );
} // class actionClearRecentClass
// action for the Save-Session menu item
private class ActionCloseAll
extends MenuAction
implements ProcessingThread.Listener
protected ActionCloseAll( String text, KeyStroke shortcut )
super( text, shortcut );
setEnabled( false ); // initially no docs open
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
private void perform()
final ProcessingThread pt = closeAll( false, new Flag( false ));
if( pt != null ) {
pt.addListener( this ); // ok, let's save the shit and re-try to close all after that
((BasicDocument) pt.getClientArg( "doc" )).start( pt );
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) { /* empty */ }
// if the saving was successfull, we will call closeAll again
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e )
if( e.isDone() ) {
* Action to be attached to
* the Preference item of the Edit menu.
* Will bring up the Preferences frame
* when the action is performed.
public class ActionPreferences
extends MenuAction
protected ActionPreferences( String text, KeyStroke shortcut )
super( text, shortcut );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
* Opens the preferences frame
public void perform()
// ---------------- Action objects for window operations ----------------
// action for the About menu item
private class ActionAbout
extends MenuAction
protected ActionAbout( String text, KeyStroke shortcut )
super( text, shortcut );
* Brings up the About-Box
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
JFrame aboutBox = (JFrame) getApplication().getComponent( AboutBox.COMP_ABOUTBOX );
if( aboutBox == null ) {
aboutBox = new AboutBox();
aboutBox.setVisible( true );
// generic action for bringing up
// a window which is identified by
// a component object. the frame is
// looked up using the Main's getComponent()
// method.
public class ActionShowWindow extends MenuAction
private final Object component;
// @param component the key for getting the
// component using Main.getComponent()
public ActionShowWindow( String text, KeyStroke shortcut, Object component )
super( text, shortcut );
this.component = component;
* Tries to find the component using
* the <code>Main</code> class' <code>getComponent</code>
* method. It does not instantiate a
* new object if the component is not found.
* If the window is already open, this
* method will bring it to the front.
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
AbstractWindow w = (AbstractWindow) getApplication().getComponent( component );
if( w != null ) {
w.setVisible( true );
// generic action for bringing up
// a html document either in the
// help viewer or the default web browser
private class ActionURLViewer extends MenuAction
private final String theURL;
private final boolean openWebBrowser;
// @param theURL what file to open ; when using the
// help viewer, that's the relative help file name
// without .html extension. when using web browser,
// that's the complete URL!
// @param openWebBrowser if true, use the default web browser,
// if false use internal help viewer
protected ActionURLViewer( String text, KeyStroke shortcut, String theURL, boolean openWebBrowser )
super( text, shortcut );
this.theURL = theURL;
this.openWebBrowser = openWebBrowser;
* Tries to find the component using
* the <code>Main</code> class' <code>getComponent</code>
* method. It does not instantiate a
* new object if the component is not found.
* If the window is already open, this
* method will bring it to the front.
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( openWebBrowser ) {
try {
MRJAdapter.openURL( theURL );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
BasicWindowHandler.showErrorDialog( null, e1, NAME );
} else {
HelpFrame.openViewerAndLoadHelpFile( theURL );