* AppWindow.java
* (de.sciss.common package)
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 19-Aug-06 created from de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.BasicFrame
package de.sciss.common;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
//import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
//import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
//import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
//import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
//import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JLayeredPane;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.RootPaneContainer;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractWindow;
import de.sciss.app.Application;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicAncestorAdapter;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicListening;
import de.sciss.gui.AquaWindowBar;
import de.sciss.gui.FloatingPaletteHandler;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.InternalFrameListenerWrapper;
import de.sciss.gui.WindowListenerWrapper;
* Common functionality for all application windows.
* This class provides means for storing and recalling
* window bounds in preferences. All subclass windows
* will get a copy of the main menubar as well.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 18-Mar-08
* @todo tempFloatingTimer could maybe be eliminated
* in favour of a simple EventQueue.invokeLater
public class AppWindow
implements AbstractWindow
* Value: String representing a Point object
* describing a windows location. Use stringToPoint.<br>
* Has default value: no!<br>
* Node: multiple occurences in shared -> (Frame-class)
private static final String KEY_LOCATION = "location"; // point
* Value: String representing a Dimension object
* describing a windows size. Use stringToDimension.<br>
* Has default value: no!<br>
* Node: multiple occurences in shared -> (Frame-class)
private static final String KEY_SIZE = "size"; // dimension
* Value: Boolean stating wheter a window is
* shown or hidden.<br>
* Has default value: no!<br>
* Node: multiple occurences in shared -> (Frame-class)
private static final String KEY_VISIBLE = "visible"; // boolean
private ComponentListener cmpListener = null;
private Listener winListener = null;
// windows bounds get saved to a sub node inside the shared node
// the node's name is the class name's last part (omitting the package)
protected Preferences classPrefs = null;
// fucking aliases
private final Component c;
private final Window w;
private final Frame f;
private final Dialog d;
private final JComponent jc;
private final JDialog jd;
protected final JFrame jf;
protected final JInternalFrame jif;
private final AquaWindowBar ggTitle;
// menu bar matrix:
// screenMenuBar internalFrames other
// regular own own (deleg) own
// support own --- ---
// palette borrow borrow (deleg) ---
private boolean floating;
protected final boolean ownMenuBar, borrowMenuBar;
protected final BasicWindowHandler wh;
protected JMenuBar bar = null;
protected AbstractWindow barBorrower = null;
protected boolean active = false;
// private final int flags;
protected boolean initialized = false;
private static final int TEMPFLOAT_TIMEOUT = 100;
protected final boolean tempFloating;
protected Timer tempFloatingTimer;
public AppWindow( int flags )
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
final int type = flags & TYPES_MASK;
wh = (BasicWindowHandler) app.getWindowHandler();
switch( type ) {
if( wh.usesInternalFrames() ) {
c = jc = jif =
new JInternalFrame( null, true, true, true, true );
w = f = jf = null;
d = jd = null;
wh.getDesktop().add( jif );
ownMenuBar = type == REGULAR;
} else {
c = w = f = jf
= new JFrame();
jc = jif = null;
d = jd = null;
ownMenuBar = wh.usesScreenMenuBar() || (type == REGULAR);
// floating = false;
tempFloating = (type == SUPPORT) && wh.usesFloating();
floating = tempFloating;
borrowMenuBar = false;
ggTitle = null;
floating = wh.usesFloating();
tempFloating = false;
ownMenuBar = false;
if( wh.usesInternalFrames() ) {
c = jc = jif =
new JInternalFrame( null, true, true, true, true );
w = f = jf = null;
d = jd = null;
borrowMenuBar = true;
ggTitle = null;
if( floating ) jif.putClientProperty( "JInternalFrame.isPalette", Boolean.TRUE );
wh.getDesktop().add( jif, floating ? JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER : JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER );
} else {
c = w = f = jf =
new JFrame();
jc = jif = null;
d = jd = null;
// borrowMenuBar = wh.usesScreenMenuBar();
if( floating ) {
ggTitle = new AquaWindowBar( this, true );
ggTitle.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
borrowMenuBar = false;
jf.setUndecorated( true );
final Container cp = jf.getContentPane();
// cp.add( ggTitle, orient == HORIZONTAL ? BorderLayout.NORTH : BorderLayout.WEST );
cp.add( ggTitle, BorderLayout.NORTH );
// if( resizable ) {
// final JPanel p = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
// p.add( new AquaResizeGadget(), BorderLayout.EAST );
// cp.add( p, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
// }
// } else {
// if( prefs.getBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_INTRUDINGSIZE, false )) {
// getContentPane().add( Box.createVerticalStrut( 16 ), BorderLayout.SOUTH );
// }
} else {
borrowMenuBar = wh.usesScreenMenuBar();
ggTitle = null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported window type : " + (flags & TYPES_MASK) );
protected AppWindow( Dialog wrap )
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
wh = (BasicWindowHandler) app.getWindowHandler();
//wrap.addWindowFocusListener( new WindowFocusListener() {
// public void windowGainedFocus( WindowEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "WINDOWFOCUSGAINED" );
// }
// public void windowLostFocus( WindowEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "WINDOWFOCUSLOST" );
// }
//wrap.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
// public void windowOpened( WindowEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "OPENED" );
// }
// public void windowActivated( WindowEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "ACTIVATED" );
// }
// public void windowDeactivated( WindowEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "DEACTIVATED" );
// }
//wrap.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() {
// public void focusGained( FocusEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "FOCUSGAINED" );
// }
// public void focusLost( FocusEvent e ) {
// System.out.println( "FOCUSLOST" );
// }
c = w = wrap;
f = jf = null; // XXX
jc = jif = null;
d = jd = null;
ownMenuBar = false;
// WARNING: modal dialogs must not be permanent floating
// because they would cause the floating palette handler
// to hide and show them, re-creating a modal event queue
// interruption!!
// permFloating = !wh.usesInternalFrames() && wh.usesFloating();
// tempFloating = false;
// tempFloating = !wh.usesInternalFrames() && wh.usesFloating();
// floating = false;
//floating = tempFloating;
tempFloating = false;
floating = false;
borrowMenuBar = false;
ggTitle = null;
// if( floating ) GUIUtil.setAlwaysOnTop( wrap, true );
// initTempFloating();
//boolean lala=false;
// protected void gaga() { removeListener( winListener ); }
private void initTempFloating()
if( tempFloating ) {
tempFloatingTimer = new Timer( TEMPFLOAT_TIMEOUT, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
GUIUtil.setAlwaysOnTop( getWindow(), true );
tempFloatingTimer.setRepeats( false );
public BasicWindowHandler getWindowHandler()
return wh;
protected static Dimension stringToDimension( String value )
Dimension dim = null;
StringTokenizer tok;
if( value != null ) {
try {
tok = new StringTokenizer( value );
dim = new Dimension( Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken() ), Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken() ));
catch( NoSuchElementException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
catch( NumberFormatException e2 ) { e2.printStackTrace(); }
return dim;
protected static Point stringToPoint( String value )
Point pt = null;
StringTokenizer tok;
if( value != null ) {
try {
tok = new StringTokenizer( value );
pt = new Point( Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken() ), Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken() ));
catch( NoSuchElementException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
catch( NumberFormatException e2 ) { e2.printStackTrace(); }
return pt;
protected static String pointToString( Point value )
return( value != null ? (value.x + " " + value.y) : null );
public static String dimensionToString( Dimension value )
return( value != null ? (value.width + " " + value.height) : null );
public boolean isFloating()
return floating;
// public boolean isTempFloating()
// {
// return tempFloating;
// }
* Restores this frame's bounds and visibility
* from its class preferences.
* @see #restoreAllFromPrefs()
private void restoreFromPrefs()
String sizeVal = classPrefs.get( KEY_SIZE, null );
String locVal = classPrefs.get( KEY_LOCATION, null );
String visiVal = classPrefs.get( KEY_VISIBLE, null );
Rectangle r = c.getBounds();
// Insets i = getInsets();
//System.err.println( "this "+getClass().getName()+ " visi = "+visiVal );
Dimension dim = stringToDimension( sizeVal );
if( (dim == null) || alwaysPackSize() ) {
dim = c.getSize();
r.setSize( dim );
Point p = stringToPoint( locVal );
if( p != null ) {
r.setLocation( p );
c.setBounds( r );
} else {
c.setSize( dim );
final Point2D prefLoc = getPreferredLocation();
wh.place( this, (float) prefLoc.getX(), (float) prefLoc.getY() );
// if( shouldBeCentered() ) setLocationRelativeTo( null );
// if( alwaysPackSize() ) {
// pack();
// } else {
// }
// lim.queue( this );
if( (visiVal != null) && restoreVisibility() ) {
setVisible( new Boolean( visiVal ).booleanValue() );
* Updates Swing component tree for all
* frames after a look-and-feel change
public static void lookAndFeelUpdate()
// if( springContainer == null ) return;
// AppWindow bf;
// int i;
// LayoutComponent springComp;
// for( i = 0; i < springContainer.getComponentCount(); i++ ) {
// springComp = (LayoutComponent) springContainer.getComponent( i );
// bf = springComp.getRealOne();
// SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI( bf );
// }
* Queries whether this frame's bounds
* should be packed automatically to the
* preferred size independent of
* concurrent preference settings
* @return <code>true</code>, if the frame wishes
* to be packed each time a custom setSize()
* would be applied in the course of a
* preference recall. The default value
* of <code>true</code> can be modified by
* subclasses by overriding this method.
* @see java.awt.Window#pack()
protected boolean alwaysPackSize()
return true;
protected boolean restoreVisibility()
return true;
protected boolean autoUpdatePrefs()
return false;
protected Point2D getPreferredLocation()
return new Point2D.Float( 0.5f, 0.5f );
// /**
// * Queries whether this frame should
// * have a copy of the menu bar. The default
// * implementation returns true, basic palettes
// * will return false.
// *
// * @return <code>true</code>, if the frame wishes
// * to be given a distinct menu bar
// */
// protected boolean hasMenuBar()
// {
// switch( flags & TYPES_MASK ) {
// case REGULAR:
// return true;
// default:
// return false;
// }
// }
* MenuFactory uses this method to replace dummy
* menu items such as File->Save with real actions
* depending on the concrete frame. By default this
* method just returns <code>dummyAction</code>, indicating
* that there is no replacement for the dummy action.
* Subclasses may check the provided <code>ID</code>
* and return replacement actions instead.
* @param ID an identifier for the menu item, such
* as <code>MenuFactory.MI_FILE_SAVE</code>.
* @return the action to use instead of the inactive
* dummy action, or <code>dummyAction</code> if no
* specific action exists (menu item stays ghosted)
* @see MenuFactory#MI_FILE_SAVE
* @see MenuFactory#gimmeSomethingReal( AppWindow )
// protected Action replaceDummyAction( int ID, Action dummyAction )
// {
// return dummyAction;
// }
* Subclasses should call this
* after having constructed their GUI.
* Then this method will attach a copy of the main menu
* from <code>root.menuFactory</code> and
* restore bounds from preferences.
* @param root application root
* @see MenuFactory#gimmeSomethingReal( AppWindow )
public void init()
if( initialized ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Window was already initialized." );
//System.out.println( "init " + getClass().getName() );
if( borrowMenuBar ) {
borrowMenuBar( wh.getMenuBarBorrower() );
wh.addBorrowListener( this );
} else if( ownMenuBar ) {
setJMenuBar( wh.getMenuBarRoot().createBar( this ));
// AbstractApplication.getApplication().addComponent( getClass().getName(), this );
winListener = new AbstractWindow.Adapter() {
public void windowOpened( AbstractWindow.Event e )
//System.err.println( "shown" );
if( classPrefs != null ) classPrefs.putBoolean( KEY_VISIBLE, true );
if( !initialized ) System.err.println( "WARNING: window not initialized (" + e.getWindow() + ")" );
// public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
// {
// classPrefs.putBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_VISIBLE, false );
// }
public void windowClosed( AbstractWindow.Event e )
//System.err.println( "hidden" );
if( classPrefs != null ) classPrefs.putBoolean( KEY_VISIBLE, false );
public void windowActivated( AbstractWindow.Event e )
try {
active = true;
if( wh.usesInternalFrames() && ownMenuBar ) {
wh.getMasterFrame().setJMenuBar( bar );
} else if( borrowMenuBar && (barBorrower != null) ) {
barBorrower.setJMenuBar( null );
if( jf != null ) {
jf.setJMenuBar( bar );
} else if( jif != null ) {
wh.getMasterFrame().setJMenuBar( bar );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
if( tempFloating ) {
if( jif == null ) {
//System.out.println( "activ " + enc_getClass().getName() );
//// wh.removeWindow( AbstractWindow.this, null );
// GUIUtil.setAlwaysOnTop( getWindow(), true );
//// floating = true;
//// wh.addWindow( AbstractWindow.this, null );
} else {
jif.setLayer( JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER );
// } else if( wh.usesFloating() ) {
// // tricky...
// // we need to do this because if the opposite's
// // window is tempFloating, it will reset
// // alwaysOnTop to false too late for the OS,
// // so this one is not jumping to the front
// // automatically upon activation...
// toFront();
// seems to be a bug ... !
catch( NullPointerException e1 ) {
public void windowDeactivated( AbstractWindow.Event e )
//System.out.println( "deac2 " + enc_getClass().getName() );
try {
active = false;
if( wh.usesInternalFrames() && ownMenuBar ) {
if( wh.getMasterFrame().getJMenuBar() == bar ) wh.getMasterFrame().setJMenuBar( null );
} else if( borrowMenuBar && (barBorrower != null) ) {
if( jf != null ) {
jf.setJMenuBar( null );
barBorrower.setJMenuBar( bar );
if( tempFloating ) {
if( jif == null ) {
//System.out.println( "deact " + enc_getClass().getName() );
// wh.removeWindow( AbstractWindow.this, null );
GUIUtil.setAlwaysOnTop( getWindow(), false );
// floating = false;
// wh.addWindow( AbstractWindow.this, null );
// find the new active window (is valid only after
// the next event cycle) and re-put it in the front\
// coz setAlwaysOnTop came "too late"
EventQueue.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
public void run()
final AbstractWindow fw = FloatingPaletteHandler.getInstance().getFocussedWindow();
if( fw != null ) fw.toFront();
} else {
jif.setLayer( JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER );
// seems to be a bug ... !
catch( NullPointerException e1 ) {
addListener( winListener );
if( autoUpdatePrefs() ) {
getClassPrefs(); // this creates the prefs
cmpListener = new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized( ComponentEvent e )
classPrefs.put( KEY_SIZE, dimensionToString( e.getComponent().getSize() ));
public void componentMoved( ComponentEvent e )
classPrefs.put( KEY_LOCATION, pointToString( e.getComponent().getLocation() ));
public void componentShown( ComponentEvent e )
classPrefs.putBoolean( KEY_VISIBLE, true );
public void componentHidden( ComponentEvent e )
classPrefs.putBoolean( KEY_VISIBLE, false );
//System.err.println( "hidden" );
c.addComponentListener( cmpListener );
} else {
if( alwaysPackSize() ) {
wh.addWindow( this, null );
initialized = true;
protected Preferences getClassPrefs()
if( classPrefs == null ) {
final String className = getClass().getName();
classPrefs = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().node(
className.substring( className.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ));
return classPrefs;
protected void addDynamicListening( DynamicListening l )
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
new DynamicAncestorAdapter( l ).addTo( ((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane() );
} else if( jc != null ) {
new DynamicAncestorAdapter( l ).addTo( jc );
// ---------- AbstractWindow interface ----------
public Component getWindow()
return c;
public Insets getInsets()
if( w != null ) {
return w.getInsets();
} else if( jif != null ) {
return jif.getInsets();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Frees resources, clears references
public void dispose()
if( tempFloatingTimer != null ) {
if( initialized ) {
if( winListener != null ) removeListener( winListener );
if( cmpListener != null ) c.removeComponentListener( cmpListener );
wh.removeWindow( this, null );
// AbstractApplication.getApplication().addComponent( getClass().getName(), null );
if( borrowMenuBar ) {
borrowMenuBar( null );
wh.removeBorrowListener( this );
if( wh.getMenuBarBorrower() == this ) wh.setMenuBarBorrower( null );
if( ownMenuBar ) {
setJMenuBar( null );
wh.getMenuBarRoot().destroy( this );
if( w != null ) {
} else if( jif != null ) {
if( ggTitle != null ) ggTitle.dispose();
classPrefs = null;
cmpListener = null;
winListener = null;
// public void setSize( int width, int height )
// {
// c.setSize( width, height );
// }
public void setSize( Dimension d )
c.setSize( d );
public Dimension getSize()
return c.getSize();
public Rectangle getBounds()
return c.getBounds();
public void setBounds( Rectangle r )
c.setBounds( r );
public void setLocation( Point p )
c.setLocation( p );
public Point getLocation()
return c.getLocation();
public void setPreferredSize( Dimension d )
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane().setPreferredSize( d );
} else if( jc != null ) {
jc.setPreferredSize( d );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// public boolean hasFocus()
// {
// return c.hasFocus();
// }
// public boolean isFocused()
// {
// if( w != null ) {
// return w.isFocused();
// } else {
// return c.hasFocus();
// }
// }
// public void requestFocus()
// {
// c.requestFocus();
// }
public boolean isActive()
if( w != null ) {
return w.isActive();
} else {
return false;
public void addListener( Listener l )
if( w != null ) {
WindowListenerWrapper.add( l, this );
} else if( jif != null ) {
InternalFrameListenerWrapper.add( l, this );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void removeListener( Listener l )
if( w != null ) {
WindowListenerWrapper.remove( l, this );
} else if( jif != null ) {
InternalFrameListenerWrapper.remove( l, this );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// public void addWindowFocusListener( WindowFocusListener l )
// {
// if( w != null ) {
// w.addWindowFocusListener( l );
// } else if( jif != null ) {
// throw new IllegalStateException( "InternalFrameListener wrapper not yet implemented" );
// } else {
// throw new IllegalStateException();
// }
// }
// public void removeWindowFocusListener( WindowFocusListener l )
// {
// if( w != null ) {
// w.removeWindowFocusListener( l );
// } else if( jif != null ) {
// throw new IllegalStateException( "InternalFrameListener wrapper not yet implemented" );
// } else {
// throw new IllegalStateException();
// }
// }
public void toFront()
//if( lala ) {
// System.out.println( "toFront" );
// new Exception().printStackTrace();
if( w != null ) {
} else if( jif != null ) {
try {
jif.setSelected( true );
} catch( PropertyVetoException e ) { /* ignored */ }
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void setVisible( boolean b )
//if( lala ) {
// System.out.println( "setVisible( " + b + " )" );
// new Exception().printStackTrace();
c.setVisible( b );
public boolean isVisible()
return c.isVisible();
public void setDefaultCloseOperation( int mode )
if( ggTitle != null ) {
ggTitle.setDefaultCloseOperation( mode );
} else if( jf != null ) {
jf.setDefaultCloseOperation( mode );
} else if( jd != null ) {
jd.setDefaultCloseOperation( mode );
} else if( jif != null ) {
jif.setDefaultCloseOperation( mode );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException( "setDefaultCloseOperation wrapper not yet implemented" );
public void pack()
if( w != null ) {
// circumvention for bug 1924630 : this throws a NullPointerException
// with the combination Metal-lnf / java 1.5 / screen menu bar / laf window deco
// / floating palettes. We have to make sure the window is focusable
// during pack():
final boolean wasFocusable = w.getFocusableWindowState();
if( !wasFocusable ) {
w.setFocusableWindowState( true );
if( !wasFocusable ) {
w.setFocusableWindowState( false );
} else if( jif != null ) {
// bug in swing??
// when using undecorated windows plus metal-lnf plus lnf-window-deco
// try { jif.pack(); } catch( NullPointerException e ) {}
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void setTitle( String title )
if( ggTitle != null ) {
ggTitle.setTitle( title );
} else if( f != null ) {
f.setTitle( title );
} else if( d != null ) {
d.setTitle( title );
} else if( jif != null ) {
jif.setTitle( title );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public String getTitle()
if( f != null ) {
return f.getTitle();
} else if( d != null ) {
return d.getTitle();
} else if( jif != null ) {
return jif.getTitle();
} else {
return null; // throw new IllegalStateException();
public Container getContentPane()
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
return ((RootPaneContainer) c).getContentPane();
} else {
return w;
public void setContentPane( Container c2 )
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
((RootPaneContainer) c).setContentPane( c2);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void setJMenuBar( JMenuBar m )
try {
if( jf != null ) {
bar = m;
jf.setJMenuBar( m );
} else if( jif != null ) {
bar = m;
if( active && ownMenuBar ) wh.getMasterFrame().setJMenuBar( bar );
// jif.setJMenuBar( m );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// seems to be a bug ... !
catch( NullPointerException e1 ) {
public JMenuBar getJMenuBar()
return bar;
// if( jf != null ) {
// return jf.getJMenuBar();
// } else if( jif != null ) {
// return bar; // jif.getJMenuBar();
// } else {
// return null; // throw new IllegalStateException();
// }
protected void borrowMenuBar( AbstractWindow aw )
if( borrowMenuBar && (barBorrower != aw) ) {
if( (bar != null) && (barBorrower != null) ) {
barBorrower.setJMenuBar( bar );
bar = null;
barBorrower = aw;
bar = barBorrower == null ? null : barBorrower.getJMenuBar();
//System.err.println( "setting bar " + bar + " for window " + this + "; active = "+active );
if( active ) {
if( barBorrower != null ) barBorrower.setJMenuBar( null );
if( jf != null ) {
jf.setJMenuBar( bar );
} else if( jif != null ) {
wh.getMasterFrame().setJMenuBar( bar );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public InputMap getInputMap( int condition )
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
return ((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane().getInputMap( condition );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public ActionMap getActionMap()
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
return ((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane().getActionMap();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public Window[] getOwnedWindows()
if( w != null ) {
return w.getOwnedWindows();
} else {
return new Window[ 0 ];
public void setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled( boolean enabled )
c.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled( enabled );
public void setDirty( boolean dirty )
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane().putClientProperty( "windowModified", new Boolean( dirty ));
public void setLocationRelativeTo( Component comp )
if( w != null ) {
w.setLocationRelativeTo( comp );
} else {
// throw new IllegalStateException();
final Point p;
if( comp == null ) {
if( jif == null ) {
p = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getCenterPoint();
} else {
comp = wh.getMasterFrame().getWindow();
p = new Point( comp.getWidth() >> 1, comp.getHeight() >> 1 );
} else {
p = comp.getLocation();
p.translate( comp.getWidth() >> 1, comp.getHeight() >> 1 );
final Point p2 = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( comp, p, c );
p2.translate( -(c.getWidth() >> 1), -(c.getHeight() >> 1) );
c.setLocation( p2 );
// public void setUndecorated( boolean b )
// {
// if( d != null ) {
// d.setUndecorated( b );
// } else if( f != null ) {
// f.setUndecorated( b );
// } else {
//// throw new IllegalStateException();
//System.err.println( "FUCKING HELL setUndecorated NOT POSSIBLE WITH THIS WINDOW TYPE" );
// }
// }
public void setResizable( boolean b )
if( f != null ) {
f.setResizable( b );
} else if( d != null ) {
d.setResizable( b );
} else if( jif != null ) {
jif.setResizable( b );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public boolean isResizable()
if( f != null ) {
return f.isResizable();
} else if( d != null ) {
return d.isResizable();
} else if( jif != null ) {
return jif.isResizable();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void revalidate()
if( c instanceof RootPaneContainer ) {
((RootPaneContainer) c).getRootPane().revalidate();
} else if( jc != null ) {