* UndoManager.java
* de.sciss.app package
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 20-May-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.UndoManager
* 15-Jul-05 discardAllEdits calls setDirty
* 08-Sep-05 default limit is 1000 edits, new concept for pending edits
package de.sciss.app;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import de.sciss.app.Document;
* An subclass of Swing's <code>UndoManager</code> that
* provides <code>Actions</code> to attach to menu items
* in a standard edit menu. Besides it informs the main
* application's document handler about the document being
* modified, thus allowing the application to update the
* window's title bar and display confirmation dialogs when
* an unsaved session is about to be discarded.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.18, 02-Oct-07
public class UndoManager
extends javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
* An <code>Action</code> object
* suitable for attaching to a
* <code>JMenuItem</code> in a edit
* menu. The action will cause the
* <code>UndoManager</code> to undo
* the last edit in its history.
private final AbstractAction undoAction;
* An <code>Action</code> object
* suitable for attaching to a
* <code>JMenuItem</code> in a edit
* menu. The action will cause the
* <code>UndoManager</code> to redo
* the edit that was undone recently.
private final AbstractAction redoAction;
private AbstractAction debugAction = null;
private final Document doc;
protected final String undoText, redoText;
* The concept of pendingEdits is that
* insignificant (visual only) edits
* should not destroy the redo tree
* (which they do in the standard undo manager).
* Imagine the user places a marker on the timeline,
* hits undo, then accidentally or by intention
* moves the timeline position. This will render
* the redo of the marker add impossible. Now the
* timeline position is insignificant and hence
* will be placed on the pendingEdits stack.
* This is a "lazy" thing because these
* pendingEdits will only be added to the real
* undo history when the next significant edit comes in.
private CompoundEdit pendingEdits;
private int pendingEditCount = 0; // fucking CompoundEdit hasn't got getter methods
* Instantiate a new UndoManager.
* @param doc the document whose edits are monitored
public UndoManager( Document doc )
setLimit( 1000 );
this.doc = doc;
undoText = doc.getApplication().getResourceString( "menuUndo" );
redoText = doc.getApplication().getResourceString( "menuRedo" );
undoAction = createUndoAction();
redoAction = createRedoAction();
pendingEdits= new CompoundEdit();
protected AbstractAction createUndoAction()
return new ActionUndo();
protected AbstractAction createRedoAction()
return new ActionRedo();
* Get an Action object that will undo the
* last step in the undo history.
* @return <code>Action</code> suitable for attaching to a <code>JMenuItem</code>.
public Action getUndoAction()
return undoAction;
* Get an Action object that will redo the
* next step in the undo history.
* @return <code>Action</code> suitable for attaching to a <code>JMenuItem</code>.
public Action getRedoAction()
return redoAction;
* Get an Action object that will dump the
* current undo history to the console.
* @return <code>Action</code> suitable for attaching to a <code>JMenuItem</code>.
public Action getDebugDumpAction()
if( debugAction == null ) {
debugAction = new ActionDebugDump();
return debugAction;
* Add a new edit to the undo history.
* This behaves just like the normal
* UndoManager, i.e. it tries to replace
* the previous edit if possible. When
* the edits <code>isSignificant()</code>
* method returns true, the main application
* is informed about this edit by calling
* the <code>setModified</code> method.
* Also the undo and redo action's enabled
* / disabled states are updated.
* <p>
* Insignificant edits are saved in a pending
* compound edit that gets added with the
* next significant edit to allow redos as
* long as possible.
* @see de.sciss.app.Document#setDirty( boolean )
* @see javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit#isSignificant()
* @see javax.swing.Action#setEnabled( boolean )
public boolean addEdit( UndoableEdit anEdit )
if( anEdit.isSignificant() ) {
synchronized( pendingEdits ) {
if( pendingEditCount > 0 ) {
super.addEdit( pendingEdits );
pendingEdits = new CompoundEdit();
pendingEditCount = 0;
final boolean result = super.addEdit( anEdit );
// if( anEdit.isSignificant() ) doc.setDirty( true );
return result;
} else {
synchronized( pendingEdits ) {
return pendingEdits.addEdit( anEdit );
public void redo()
throws CannotRedoException
try {
finally {
public void undo()
throws CannotUndoException
try {
finally {
private void undoPending()
synchronized( pendingEdits ) {
if( pendingEditCount > 0 ) {
pendingEdits = new CompoundEdit();
pendingEditCount = 0;
* Purge the undo history and
* update the undo / redo actions enabled / disabled state.
* @see de.sciss.app.Document#setDirty( boolean )
public void discardAllEdits()
synchronized( pendingEdits ) {
pendingEdits = new CompoundEdit();
pendingEditCount = 0;
private void updateStates()
String text;
if( undoAction.isEnabled() != canUndo() ) {
undoAction.setEnabled( canUndo() );
doc.setDirty( canUndo() );
if( redoAction.isEnabled() != canRedo() ) redoAction.setEnabled( canRedo() );
// text = canUndo() ? undoText + " " + getUndoPresentationName() : undoText;
text = getUndoPresentationName();
if( !text.equals( undoAction.getValue( Action.NAME ))) undoAction.putValue( Action.NAME, text );
// text = canRedo() ? redoText + " " + getRedoPresentationName() : redoText;
text = getRedoPresentationName();
if( !text.equals( redoAction.getValue( Action.NAME ))) redoAction.putValue( Action.NAME, text );
protected UndoableEdit editToBeRedone()
return super.editToBeRedone();
protected UndoableEdit editToBeUndone()
return super.editToBeUndone();
public Document getDocument()
return doc;
protected List getEdits()
return edits;
protected class ActionUndo
extends AbstractAction
protected ActionUndo()
super( undoText );
putValue( ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_Z,
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() ));
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
try {
} catch( CannotUndoException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// updateStates();
protected class ActionRedo
extends AbstractAction
// private final String menuText = doc.getApplication().getResourceString( "menuRedo" );
protected ActionRedo()
super( redoText );
putValue( ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_Z,
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ));
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
try {
} catch( CannotRedoException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// updateStates();
private class ActionDebugDump
extends AbstractAction
protected ActionDebugDump()
super( "Dump Undo History" );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final int num = getEdits().size();
final UndoableEdit redoEdit = editToBeRedone();
final UndoableEdit undoEdit = editToBeUndone();
UndoableEdit edit;
System.err.println( "Undo buffer contains "+num+" edits." );
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
edit = (UndoableEdit) getEdits().get( i );
if( edit == redoEdit ) System.err.print( "R" );
else if( edit == undoEdit ) System.err.print( "U" );
else System.err.print( " " );
System.err.println( " edit #"+i+" = "+edit.getPresentationName() );