Package paperscope

Source Code of paperscope.GraphAdapter

* Created on 05 June 2007, 12:18
*Author: Mark Holliman

package paperscope;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.Vector;

public class GraphAdapter {
    Graph thisGraph;   
    Table nodes;
    Table edges;
    Paper[] paperList;
    Vector focus_indices;
    Schema nodeSchema;
    Schema edgeSchema;
    //=== Default Constructor
    public GraphAdapter(Paper[] papers)
      this.paperList = papers;
      focus_indices = new Vector();
      nodes = generateNodesTable();
      edges = generateEdgesTable();
      thisGraph = new Graph(nodes, edges, true, "DEFAULT_NODE_KEY", "source", "target");

    //=== Constructor for Secondary Queries, creates graph with all the added nodes and edges
    public GraphAdapter(Paper[] newPapers, int newFocus, Paper[] dupeNodes)
      //==== Set the paperList for this GraphAdapter to the list of new papers being added
      this.paperList = newPapers;     
      //==== Generate the table of the new nodes, updates the paperList with node keys too
      nodes = generateSecondNodesTable();
      //==== Generate the table of new edges
      edges = generateSecondEdgesTable(newFocus, dupeNodes);
      //==== create the graph
      thisGraph = new Graph(nodes, edges, true, "DEFAULT_NODE_KEY", "source", "target");
    //=== Generate a table with all the papers as nodes, called to build the first table
    public Table generateNodesTable()
        //==== Get the number of papers
        int nodeCount = Array.getLength(paperList);
        //==== Instantiate the node table schema
        Table node_table = this.nodeSchema.instantiate();
        //==== Add each paper to a row in the node table
        for (int i=0; i<nodeCount; i++)
            //=== Set all the rows of the table with the paper's information
            node_table.setInt(i, "DEFAULT_NODE_KEY", i);
            node_table.setString(i, "bibcode", paperList[i].getBibcode());
            node_table.setString(i, "title", paperList[i].getTitle());
            node_table.setString(i, "authorList", paperList[i].getAuthorList());
            node_table.setString(i, "date", paperList[i].getDate());
            node_table.setString(i, "journal", paperList[i].getJournal());
            node_table.setString(i, "citCount", paperList[i].getCitCount());
            node_table.setString(i, "abstractURL", paperList[i].getAbstractURL());
            node_table.setString(i, "refType", paperList[i].getRefType());
            node_table.setString(i, "nodeLabel", paperList[i].getNodeLabel());
            node_table.setString(i, "hoverLabel", paperList[i].getHoverLabel());
            node_table.setString(i, "visible", "true");
            node_table.setString(i, "comment", "");
            node_table.setString(i, "commentStatus", "f");
            node_table.setDouble(i, "xCoordinate", 0);
            node_table.setDouble(i, "yCoordinate", 0);
            //=== Since this is a first search, the first paper will always be a focus node
                node_table.setString(i, "refHidden", "false");
                node_table.setString(i, "citHidden", "false");
                node_table.setString(i, "refExpanded", "true");
                node_table.setString(i, "citExpanded", "true");
        return node_table;
    //end generateNodeTable
    //=== Generate a table of edges
    public Table generateEdgesTable()
        int focus_count = focus_indices.size();
        int rowCount = 0;

        Table edge_table = this.edgeSchema.instantiate();
        for (int i=0; i<focus_count; i++)
            int focus_index = (Integer) focus_indices.elementAt(i);
            String[] ref_links = paperList[focus_index].getPaperLinks("REFERENCES");
            String[] cit_links = paperList[focus_index].getPaperLinks("CITATIONS");
            int num_ref_links = Array.getLength(ref_links);
            int num_cit_links = Array.getLength(cit_links);
            //==== Loop though all the papers, checking to find the reference and citation nodes
            for (int y=0; y<Array.getLength(paperList); y++)
                //==== Loop through all the reference links, find their DEFAULT_NODE_KEY, add a row for the edge
                for (int z=0; z<num_ref_links; z++)
                  if (paperList[y].getBibcode().equals(ref_links[z]))
                    edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", focus_index);
                    edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", y);
                    //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "ref");
                //==== Loop through all the citation links, find their DEFAULT_NODE_KEY, add a row for the edge
                for (int x=0; x<num_cit_links; x++)
                  if (paperList[y].getBibcode().equals(cit_links[x]))
                    edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", y);
                    edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", focus_index);
                    //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "cit");
            }  //end for loop, loop through all papers
        return edge_table;
    //end generateEdgeTable

    //==== Generate a table with all the papers as nodes, used for adding new nodes at the end of the table
    public Table generateSecondNodesTable()

        //=== Counter for loop
        int nodeCount = Array.getLength(paperList);
        //=== Instatiate the table for the nodes
        Table node_table = nodeSchema.instantiate();
        for (int i=0; i<nodeCount; i++)
           //==== Generate the table row
            node_table.setInt(i, "DEFAULT_NODE_KEY", paperList[i].getDefaultNodeKey());
            node_table.setString(i, "bibcode", paperList[i].getBibcode());
            node_table.setString(i, "title", paperList[i].getTitle());
            node_table.setString(i, "authorList", paperList[i].getAuthorList());
            node_table.setString(i, "date", paperList[i].getDate());
            node_table.setString(i, "journal", paperList[i].getJournal());
            node_table.setString(i, "citCount", paperList[i].getCitCount());
            node_table.setString(i, "abstractURL", paperList[i].getAbstractURL());
            node_table.setString(i, "refType", paperList[i].getRefType());
            node_table.setString(i, "nodeLabel", paperList[i].getNodeLabel());
            node_table.setString(i, "hoverLabel", paperList[i].getHoverLabel());
            node_table.setString(i, "visible", "true");
            node_table.setString(i, "comment", "");
            node_table.setString(i, "commentStatus", "f");
            node_table.setDouble(i, "xCoordinate", 0);
            node_table.setDouble(i, "yCoordinate", 0);
        return node_table;
    //end generateNewNodeTable   

    //=== Generate a table of edges
    public Table generateSecondEdgesTable(int newFocus, Paper[] dupeNodes)
        int rowCount = 0;
        Table edge_table = edgeSchema.instantiate();
        //==== Loop through the duplicate nodes, creating edges to the new index
        for (int i=0; i<Array.getLength(dupeNodes); i++)
            //=== Add a row for the 'ref' type links
             edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", newFocus);
             edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", dupeNodes[i].getDefaultNodeKey());
             //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "ref");
            //=== Add a row for the 'cit' type links
            else if (dupeNodes[i].getRefType().equals("CITATIONS"))
             edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", dupeNodes[i].getDefaultNodeKey());
             edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", newFocus);
             //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "cit");
        //==== Loop through all the new papers, adding an edge from each to the new index
        for (int j=0; j<Array.getLength(paperList); j++)
             //=== Add a row for the 'ref' type links
                edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", newFocus);
                edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", this.paperList[j].getDefaultNodeKey());
                //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "ref");
             //=== Add a row for the 'cit' type links
             else if(paperList[j].getRefType().equals("CITATIONS"))
                edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "source", this.paperList[j].getDefaultNodeKey());
                edge_table.setInt(rowCount, "target", newFocus);
                //edge_table.setString(rowCount, "edgeType", "cit");
        return edge_table;
    //end generateNewEdgesTable   
    public void createSchema()
        //==== Create the node table schema
        this.nodeSchema = new Schema();
        nodeSchema.addColumn("DEFAULT_NODE_KEY", int.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("bibcode", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("title", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("authorList", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("date", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("journal", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("citCount", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("abstractURL", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("refType", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("nodeLabel", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("hoverLabel", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("visible", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("comment", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("commentStatus", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("xCoordinate", double.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("yCoordinate", double.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("refHidden", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("citHidden", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("refExpanded", String.class);
        nodeSchema.addColumn("citExpanded", String.class);
        //==== Create the edge table schema
        this.edgeSchema = new Schema();
        edgeSchema.addColumn("source", int.class);
        edgeSchema.addColumn("target", int.class);
        //edgeSchema.addColumn("edgeType", String.class);
    public Table getNodeTable()
        return nodes;

    public Table getEdgeTable()
        return edges;
    public Graph getGraph()
        return thisGraph;
    public Paper[] getPaperArray()
        return this.paperList;

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