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package xplanetconfigurator.downloader;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import xplanetconfigurator.gui.FeedbackReceiver;
import xplanetconfigurator.gui.LoggingBoard;
import xplanetconfigurator.util.FileUtil;
import xplanetconfigurator.util.XPlanetRessourceFinder;
* @author tom
public class DownloadTimer extends Thread {
private static int instanceNumber;
private Logger logger;
String configFile;
private String configFileContent = ""; // To avoid Errors seaching this String
private Map downloadFiles;
private String currentDownloadTypeId;
private FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver;
private boolean run = true;
private boolean runOnceAndLeave;
private int seconds;
private DownloaderProxy proxy;
private List currentDownloadTypeIDs;
public DownloadTimer(String configFile) {
this.configFile = configFile;
this.logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
this.logger.finest("Creating Downloader with config file: " + configFile);
this.proxy = new DownloaderProxy();
this.downloadFiles = new HashMap();
* Read the configuration from the config file
* @param file the absolute path
private void readConfigurationFile(String file) {
File f = new File(file);
if (!f.exists()) {
this.logger.fine("Config file does not exist: " + file);
if (!f.canRead()) {
this.logger.warning("Not allowed to read configuration file: " + file);
FileUtil util = new FileUtil();
try {
this.configFileContent = util.getFileAsString(f);
} catch (Exception ex) {
this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// ++++ Comment on regular expression: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Build the complete data structure of the downloader from file.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the download files
// Example type.typeId.sUrl.selected=markers.volcanos.sUrl.selected
// Example type.typeId.sUrl.selected=clouds.cloud.sUrl.selected
// Take all combination you can find of type.typeId
// Sometimes URL are found with reg. expr. "(?i)(\\w+)(\\.)(\\w+)(\\.)".
// as in http://xplanet.dyndns.org/clouds/clouds_2048.jpg
// Thats why the reg. expr. is more accurate and from the beginning of a line "(?i)(?m)^(\\w+)(\\.)(\\w+)(\\.)"
String regExpr = "(?m)^(\\w+)(\\.)(\\w+)(\\.)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
Matcher m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// find all urls in lists to download. Set typeId and sUrl.
// the typeId is unique in one type. Example: "volcanos" is unique in "markers".
// Store type.typeId in temp list. "type.typeId" is a unique identifier for a DownloadFile.
List tmpTypeId = new ArrayList();
while (m.find()) {
String keyValue = m.group();
this.logger.finest("Found URL to download in key-value-pair: " + keyValue);
String type = m.group(1);
String id = m.group(3);
String typeId = type + "." + id;
if (tmpTypeId.contains(typeId)) {
} else {
this.logger.finer("Added type-id-pair (DownloadFile) to temp list: " + typeId);
// 1. Create the objects DownloadFile
// 2. Fill with value found in file.
// 3. Store in a Map using type.typeId as identifier
this.downloadFiles = new HashMap();
Iterator it = tmpTypeId.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// Create
DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile();
String typeId = (String) it.next();
String[] splittees = typeId.split("\\.");
String type = splittees[0];
String id = splittees[1];
// Store
this.downloadFiles.put(typeId, downloadFile);
// Get all other values from file-----------------------------------
// Status
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.localstatus=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found status for " + typeId + ": " + value);
} else {
// Does not matter
this.logger.finer("Found no status for " + typeId);
// Status
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.downloadstatus=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found status for " + typeId + ": " + value);
} else {
// Does not matter
this.logger.finer("Found no status for " + typeId);
// Wait
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.wait=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found wait time for " + typeId + ": " + value);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// The DownloadFile will give a default value if not set
this.logger.warning("Failed to parse wait (download intervall) from: " + value + ". The Downloader will use a default value.");
LoggingBoard.logDownloaderMessage("Failed to parse download intervall from: " + value + ". Taking a default value.");
} else {
// The DownloadFile will give a default value if not set
this.logger.finer("Found wait time for " + typeId);
// lastupdate
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.lastmodified=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
if (value == null) {
value = "";
this.logger.finer("Found lastmodified for " + typeId + ": " + value);
try {
// This automatically sets the last update time (formatted String of last modified)
} catch (Exception e) {
// The DownloadFile will give a default value if not set
this.logger.warning("Failed to parse wait (last modified) from: " + value + ". Setting value to '0'...");
} else {
// does not matter
this.logger.finer("Found no lastmodified for " + typeId);
// dir
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.dir=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found directory for " + typeId + ": " + value);
} else {
// This is serious because it will throw error in during the download.
// The downloader will not know where to save the downloaded file.
this.logger.fine("Found no directory for marker " + typeId + ". Removing from Downloader...");
this.logger.finer("Removing DownloaderFile from list: " + typeId + "...");
// This is for maps only
// The Downloader takes allways the id ('earth', 'moon',...)
// takeidasfilename "Take id as file name"
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("maps")) {
this.logger.finer("Setting 'setUseIdForLocalFileName' for " + typeId + " to 'true'...");
} else {
this.logger.finer("Setting 'setUseIdForLocalFileName' for " + typeId + " to 'false'...");
// selected URL
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.url\\.selected=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
// Ignore double entries
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found selected URL for " + typeId + ": " + value);
} else {
// The DownloadFile is not activly downloading.
// No selected URL, no downloading.
this.logger.finer("Found no selected URL for " + typeId + ". The downloader will not download anything for this type.id: " + typeId);
// URLs
regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.url\\.listitem=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
while (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found url for " + typeId + ": " + value);
// host
regExpr = "(?i)(proxy.set=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found proxy.set: " + value);
// set
regExpr = "(?i)(http.proxyHost=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found http.proxyHost: " + value);
// port
regExpr = "(?i)(http.proxyPort=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found http.proxyPort: " + value);
// user
regExpr = "(?i)(http.proxyUser=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found http.proxyUser: " + value);
// pass
regExpr = "(?i)(http.proxyPass=)(.+)";
p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
m = p.matcher(configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String value = m.group(2);
this.logger.finer("Found http.proxyPass for: " + value);
* Returns the file content of the configution file or at runtime the
* String hold in memory.
* @return
public String getConfiguration() {
return this.configFileContent;
* Used by the GUI to configure the downloader.
* @param config
public void setConfiguration(String config) {
this.configFileContent = config;
* Writes the configuration to file
public void saveConfiguration() {
FileUtil util = new FileUtil();
try {
util.printFile(this.configFile, this.configFileContent);
} catch (Exception ex) {
this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void cleanUp() {
this.run = false;
private void checkIfDownloadFilesExists() {
Iterator it = this.downloadFiles.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String typeId = (String) it.next();
private boolean checkIfDownloadFileExist(String typeId) {
boolean exists = false;
String[] splittees = typeId.split("\\.");
String type = splittees[0];
String id = splittees[1];
DownloadFile downloadFile = (DownloadFile) this.downloadFiles.get(typeId);
String localDir = downloadFile.getLocalDirectoryRelativ();
String regExpr = "(?i)(" + type + "\\." + id + "\\.url\\.selected=)(.+)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regExpr);
Matcher m = p.matcher(this.configFileContent);
if (m.find()) {
String url = m.group(2);
// URLs allways have forward slashes
splittees = url.split("/");
int length = splittees.length;
String filename = splittees[length - 1];
XPlanetRessourceFinder rf = new XPlanetRessourceFinder();
String downloaderRootDir = rf.getRootDirectoryForDownloads();
String path = downloaderRootDir + File.separator + localDir + File.separator + filename;
File localFile = new File(path);
if (localFile.exists()) {
downloadFile.setLocalStatus("<html><font color='green'>Found</font></html>");
return true;
} else {
this.logger.finer("Missing file on disk: " + path);
downloadFile.setLocalStatus("<html><font color='red'>Missing</font></html>");
return false;
return exists;
* Reads the properties of the all DownloadFiles and writes them to file
private void updateConfigurationContent() {
this.logger.finer("Start to read out the downloader to write a new configuration file for the uploader...");
Iterator it = this.downloadFiles.keySet().iterator();
// Store all value in a StringBuffer
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// Examle: typeId=markers.volcanos or clouds.cloud
String typeId = (String) it.next();
DownloadFile downloadFile = (DownloadFile) this.downloadFiles.get(typeId);
typeId = typeId.toLowerCase();
long l = downloadFile.getLastModified();
if (l > 0) {
String s = downloadFile.getLastUpdate();
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".lastupdate=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added time for last update (last download) '" + s + "' found for: " + typeId);
} else {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".lastupdate=");
this.logger.finer("Empty lastupdate because last modified is '0' found for: " + typeId);
String s = Long.toString(l);
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".lastmodified=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added lastmodified '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
int i = downloadFile.getWait();
s = Integer.toString(i);
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".wait=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added download intervall (wait) '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
boolean b = downloadFile.getUpToDate();
// Take the status set by the downloader if possible
String status = downloadFile.getDownloadStatus();
if (b) {
if (status == null) {
// The programm flow should only come here for the maps.
// They have a wait time of -1 and will there for allways
// be up to date.
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".downloadstatus=" + "<html><font color='red'>Not set yet</font></html>");
this.logger.finer("Error in setting up to date info '" + b + "' for: " + typeId + ". File is up to date but the status was never set.");
} else {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".downloadstatus=" + status);
this.logger.finer("File up to date. Take existing status because it was not empty for: " + typeId);
} else {
if (status == null) {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".downloadstatus=" + "<html><font color='red'>Has never been updated</font></html>");
this.logger.finer("Added up to date info '" + b + "' for: " + typeId);
} else {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".downloadstatus=" + status);
this.logger.finer("File not up to date. Take existing status because it was not empty for: " + typeId);
s = downloadFile.getLocalStatus();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".localstatus=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added status (missing/found) '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No status (missing/found) found for: " + typeId);
s = downloadFile.getLocalDirectoryRelativ();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".dir=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added local directory (relativ) '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No local directory (relativ) found for: " + typeId);
s = downloadFile.getUrl();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".url.selected=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added selected URL '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No selected URL found for: " + typeId);
// URLs
List urls = downloadFile.getUrls();
if (urls != null) {
Iterator itURLs = urls.iterator();
while (itURLs.hasNext()) {
s = (String) itURLs.next();
buf.append("\n").append(typeId + ".url.listitem=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added URL '" + s + "' for: " + typeId);
} else {
// If no
this.logger.finer("No URLs found for: " + typeId);
//--- DownloaderProxy --------------------------------------------------------
// set
String s = this.proxy.getProxySet();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append("proxy.set=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added proxy.set " + s);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No http.proxyPass found");
// host
s = this.proxy.getProxyHost();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append("http.proxyHost=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added proxy.proxyHost " + s);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No http.proxyPass found");
// port
s = this.proxy.getProxyPort();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append("http.proxyPort=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added proxy.proxyPort " + s);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No http.proxyPass found");
// user
s = this.proxy.getProxyUser();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append("http.proxyUser=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added proxy.proxyUser " + s);
} else {
this.logger.finer("No http.proxyPass found");
// pass
s = this.proxy.getProxyPass();
if (s != null) {
buf.append("\n").append("http.proxyPass=" + s);
this.logger.finer("Added proxy.proxyPass *****");
} else {
this.logger.finer("No http.proxyPass found");
this.logger.finer("Finished to read out the downloader to write a new configuration file for the uploade");
// Set the new file content
this.configFileContent = buf.toString();
// Remove all empty lines
this.configFileContent = this.configFileContent.replaceAll("(?m)^\\s*$^\\s*", "");
// Save the new file content (config of downlaoder)
* Send a feedback the GUI
* @param o
private void sendFeedback() {
if (this.run) {
if (this.getFeedbackReceiver() != null) {
public void stopRuning() {
this.run = false;
this.logger.finer("Download Timer was stopped. (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
public void run() {
this.logger.info("Start running... (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
if (this.isRunOnceAndLeave()) {
if (this.currentDownloadTypeId != null) {
// Just one file to download
DownloadFile downloadFile = (DownloadFile) this.downloadFiles.get(this.currentDownloadTypeId.toLowerCase());
if (downloadFile != null) {
HttpDownloader loader = new HttpDownloader();
loader.downloadFile(downloadFile, true, this.proxy);
if (this.currentDownloadTypeIDs != null) {
// More than one file to download
Iterator it = this.currentDownloadTypeIDs.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (this.run) {
// Get somethin like 'maps.earth' or 'maps.moon'
String typeId = (String) it.next();
DownloadFile downloadFile = (DownloadFile) this.downloadFiles.get(typeId.toLowerCase());
if (downloadFile != null) {
HttpDownloader loader = new HttpDownloader();
loader.downloadFile(downloadFile, true, this.proxy);
// Signal for every finished download. Can be used for
// a progress bar for example.
} else {
this.logger.fine("Have still files to download but was stopped from outside. (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
} else {
try {
while (this.run) {
if (this.run) {
Iterator it = this.downloadFiles.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (this.run) {
String typeId = (String) it.next();
DownloadFile downloadFile = (DownloadFile) this.downloadFiles.get(typeId);
if (!this.checkIfDownloadFileExist(typeId)) {
// Download anyway because the file was never downloaded
this.logger.fine("URL needs update because it was never downloaded yet. id: " + typeId + ". Creating new HttpDownloader...");
HttpDownloader loader = new HttpDownloader();
loader.downloadFile(downloadFile, false, this.proxy);
} else {
boolean isUpDoDate = downloadFile.getUpToDate();
if (!isUpDoDate) {
this.logger.finer("URL needs update for id: " + typeId + ". Creating new HttpDownloader...");
HttpDownloader loader = new HttpDownloader();
loader.downloadFile(downloadFile, false, this.proxy);
} else {
downloadFile.setDownloadStatus("<html><font color='green'>Needs no Update</font></html>");
this.logger.finer("Still have to wait to download file for id: " + typeId + ". Set status to 'Needs no Update'.");
this.logger.finest("Waiting " + this.getSeconds() + " seconds... (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
sleep(getSeconds() * 1000);
this.logger.finer("Timer woke up after sleeping " + this.getSeconds() + " seconds... (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, null, ex);
} finally {
this.logger.finest("Exiting run()... (Instance '" + instanceNumber + "')");
* Used by the GUI only.
* @param currentDownloadTypeId the currentDownloadTypeId to set
* Example: type.id=markers.volcanos
public void setCurrentDownloadTypeId(String currentDownloadId) {
this.currentDownloadTypeId = currentDownloadId;
* Used by the GUI only
* @return the feedbackReceiver
public FeedbackReceiver getFeedbackReceiver() {
return feedbackReceiver;
* Used by the GUI only
* @param feedbackReceiver the feedbackReceiver to set
public void setFeedbackReceiver(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver) {
this.feedbackReceiver = feedbackReceiver;
* Used by the GUI only
* @return the runOnceAndLeave
public boolean isRunOnceAndLeave() {
return runOnceAndLeave;
* Used by the GUI only
* @param runOnceAndLeave the runOnceAndLeave to set
public void setRunOnceAndLeave(boolean runOnceAndLeave) {
this.runOnceAndLeave = runOnceAndLeave;
* The sleep time
* @return the seconds
public int getSeconds() {
return seconds;
* The sleep time
* @param seconds the seconds to set
public void setSeconds(int seconds) {
this.seconds = seconds;
* @param currentDownloadTypeIDs the currentDownloadTypeIDs to set
public void setCurrentDownloadTypeIDs(List currentDownloadTypeIDs) {
this.currentDownloadTypeIDs = currentDownloadTypeIDs;