package action;
import bo.Amplasament;
import bo.Beneficiar;
import bo.Foraj;
import bo.Proba;
import bo.Strat;
import dao.AmplasamentDao;
import dao.BeneficiarDao;
import dao.ForajDao;
import dao.GeologBeneficiarDao;
import dao.ProbaDao;
import dao.StratDao;
import daoI.IAmplasamentDao;
import daoI.IBeneficiarDao;
import daoI.IForajDao;
import daoI.IGeologBeneficiarDao;
import daoI.IProbaDao;
import daoI.IStratDao;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.DefaultHandler;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ForwardResolution;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.Resolution;
public class ForajActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
private String beneficiarFilter;
private String amplasamentFilter;
private String forajFilter;
private String nume;
private String cota;
private int idBeneficiarCurent;
private int idAmplasamentCurent;
private int idForajCurent;
private String probaR;
private String stratR;
private String tipDeterminareR;
private int selectedCombo;
public Resolution view() {
if (getSelectedCombo() == 1) {
int beneficiarID = Integer.parseInt(getBeneficiarFilter());
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idBeneficiarCurent", beneficiarID);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent", 0);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idForajCurent", 0);
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
} else if (getSelectedCombo() == 2) {
int amplasamentID = Integer.parseInt(amplasamentFilter);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent", amplasamentID);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idForajCurent", 0);
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
} else if (getSelectedCombo() == 3) {
int beneficiarID = Integer.parseInt(getBeneficiarFilter());
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idBeneficiarCurent", beneficiarID);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent", 0);
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idForajCurent", 0);
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
} else {
Object b = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idBeneficiarCurent");
if (b != null) {
int bI = Integer.parseInt(b.toString());
if (bI > 0) {
Object a = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent");
if (a != null) {
int aI = Integer.parseInt(a.toString());
if (aI > 0) {
Object f = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idForajCurent");
if (f != null) {
int fI = Integer.parseInt(f.toString());
if (fI > 0) {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
public Resolution salveaza() {
IAmplasamentDao amplasamentDao = new AmplasamentDao();
Foraj foraj = new Foraj();
try {
float c = Float.valueOf(cota.trim()).floatValue();
try {
int amplasamentID = Integer.parseInt(amplasamentFilter);
Amplasament amplasament = amplasamentDao.getAmplasamentByID(amplasamentID);
IForajDao forajDao = new ForajDao();
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent", amplasamentID);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
public Resolution calculeazaIpIc() {
// pentru fiecare proba se calculeaza Ip si Ic
IProbaDao probaDao = new ProbaDao();
float ip, ic;
String s;
int p, i;
List<Proba> probe = probaDao.getAll(getIdForajCurent());
int nrProbe = probe.size();
Proba probaCurenta;
for (i = 0; i < nrProbe; i++) {
probaCurenta = probe.get(i);
ip = probaCurenta.getWl() - probaCurenta.getWp();
s = Double.toString(ip);
p = s.indexOf('.');
if (p >= 1) {
s = s.substring(0, p + 2);
ip = Float.valueOf(s.trim()).floatValue();
probaDao.addIp(probaCurenta.getIdProba(), ip);
ic = (probaCurenta.getWl() - probaCurenta.getW()) / ip;
s = Double.toString(ic);
p = s.indexOf('.');
if (p >= 1) {
s = s.substring(0, p + 2);
ic = Float.valueOf(s.trim()).floatValue();
probaDao.addIc(probaCurenta.getIdProba(), ic);
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
public boolean getIsBeneficiarSelectat() {
if (getIdBeneficiarCurent() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
Object b = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idBeneficiarCurent");
if (b != null) {
int idB = Integer.parseInt(b.toString());
if (idB > 0) {
return true;
return false;
public String getBeneficiarSelectat() {
if (getIdBeneficiarCurent() > 0) {
BeneficiarDao beneficiarDao = new BeneficiarDao();
String b = beneficiarDao.getPersonByID(getIdBeneficiarCurent());
return b;
return "";
public boolean getIsAmplasamentSelectat() {
if (getIdAmplasamentCurent() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
Object a = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent");
if (a != null) {
int idA = Integer.parseInt(a.toString());
if (idA > 0) {
return true;
return false;
public String getAmplasamentSelectat() {
if (getIdAmplasamentCurent() > 0) {
AmplasamentDao amplasamentDao = new AmplasamentDao();
Amplasament a = amplasamentDao.getAmplasamentByID(getIdAmplasamentCurent());
return a.getLocatie();
return "";
public boolean getIsForajSelectat() {
if (getIdForajCurent() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
Object f = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idForajCurent");
if (f != null) {
int idF = Integer.parseInt(f.toString());
if (idF > 0) {
return true;
return false;
public String getForajSelectat() {
if (getIdForajCurent() > 0) {
ForajDao forajDao = new ForajDao();
Foraj f = forajDao.getForajByID(getIdForajCurent());
return f.getNumeForaj();
return "";
public List<Beneficiar> getBeneficiari() {
List<Beneficiar> beneficiari = new ArrayList<Beneficiar>();
int idGeolog = getIdGeologLogat();
IGeologBeneficiarDao geologBeneficiarDao = new GeologBeneficiarDao();
List<Integer> idBeneficiari = geologBeneficiarDao.getGeologBeneficiariByGeologId(idGeolog);
IBeneficiarDao beneficiarDao = new BeneficiarDao();
Iterator it = idBeneficiari.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Integer idBeneficiar = (Integer);
Beneficiar beneficiar = beneficiarDao.getBeneficiarByID(idBeneficiar);
if (getIdBeneficiarCurent() == 0) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idBeneficiarCurent", getIdBeneficiarCurent());
return beneficiari;
public List<Amplasament> getAmplasamente() {
int idB = getIdBeneficiarCurent();
List<Amplasament> amplasamente;
IAmplasamentDao amplasamentDao = new AmplasamentDao();
amplasamente = amplasamentDao.getAmplasamenteByBeneficiarIdAndGeologId(idB, getIdGeologLogat());
if (getIdAmplasamentCurent() == 0 && amplasamente != null && amplasamente.size() > 0) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent", getIdAmplasamentCurent());
return amplasamente;
public List<Foraj> getForaje() {
List<Foraj> foraje;
IForajDao forajDao = new ForajDao();
foraje = forajDao.getAll(getIdAmplasamentCurent());
if (getIdForajCurent() == 0) {
if (foraje != null && foraje.size() > 0) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idForajCurent", getIdForajCurent());
return foraje;
public Resolution reset() {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaForaj.jsp");
public Resolution editareForaj() {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
public Resolution vizualizareForaj() {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("vizualizareForaj", "proiectePrivate");
return new ForwardResolution(action.VizualizareForajActionBean.class);
public Resolution adaugareProba() {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/adaugaProba.jsp");
public Resolution modificaProba() {
if (getTipDeterminareR() != null) {
String idProba = getProbaR();
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idProbaCurenta", idProba);
String td = getTipDeterminareR();
if (td.equals("granulozitate")) {
if (idProba != null) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idProba", Integer.parseInt(idProba));
return new ForwardResolution(action.MetodaCerneriiActionBean.class);
} else {
return new ForwardResolution("editareForaj.jsp");
} else if (td.equals("wp")) {
return new ForwardResolution(action.WPActionBean.class);
} else if (td.equals("compresibilitate")) {
if (idProba != null) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).setAttribute("idProba", Integer.parseInt(idProba));
return new ForwardResolution(action.StantaActionBean.class);
} else {
return new ForwardResolution("editareForaj.jsp");
} else if (td.equals("w")) {
return new ForwardResolution(action.WActionBean.class);
} else if (td.equals("densitatea pamanturilor")) {
return new ForwardResolution(action.DensitateaPamanturilor.class);
} else if (td.equals("wl")) {
return new ForwardResolution(action.WLActionBean.class);
} else {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
} else {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
public Resolution stergereProba() {
if (getProbaR() != null) {
String idProba = getProbaR();
IProbaDao probaDao = new ProbaDao();
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
public Resolution adaugareStrat() {
return new ForwardResolution(action.StratActionBean.class);
public Resolution stergereStrat() {
if (getStratR() != null) {
String idStrat = getStratR();
IStratDao stratDao = new StratDao();
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/editareForaj.jsp");
/* public List<Amplasament> getAmplasamente() {
List<Amplasament> amplasamente;
IAmplasamentDao amplasamentDao = new AmplasamentDao();
amplasamente = amplasamentDao.getAll();
return amplasamente;
public List<Foraj> getForaje() {
int idA = getIdAmplasamentCurent();
List<Foraj> foraje;
IForajDao forajDao = new ForajDao();
Object a = getContext().getRequest().getSession(true).getAttribute("idAmplasamentCurent");
if (a != null) {
idA = Integer.parseInt(a.toString());
if (idA > 0) {
foraje = forajDao.getAll(idA);
return foraje;
public List<Proba> getProbe() {
List<Proba> probe = null;
IProbaDao probaDao = new ProbaDao();
probe = probaDao.getAll(getIdForajCurent());
return probe;
public List<Strat> getStraturi() {
List<Strat> straturi = null;
IStratDao stratDao = new StratDao();
straturi = stratDao.getAll(getIdForajCurent());
return straturi;
* @return the
public String getAmplasamentFilter() {
return amplasamentFilter;
* @param amplasamentFilter the amplasamentFilter to set
public void setAmplasamentFilter(String amplasamentFilter) {
this.amplasamentFilter = amplasamentFilter;
* @return the nume
public String getNume() {
return nume;
* @param nume the nume to set
public void setNume(String nume) {
this.nume = nume;
* @return the cota
public String getCota() {
return cota;
* @param cota the cota to set
public void setCota(String cota) {
this.cota = cota;
* @return the idAmplasamentCurent
public int getIdAmplasamentCurent() {
return idAmplasamentCurent;
* @param idAmplasamentCurent the idAmplasamentCurent to set
public void setIdAmplasamentCurent(int idAmplasamentCurent) {
this.idAmplasamentCurent = idAmplasamentCurent;
* @return the forajFilter
public String getForajFilter() {
return forajFilter;
* @param forajFilter the forajFilter to set
public void setForajFilter(String forajFilter) {
this.forajFilter = forajFilter;
* @return the idForajCurent
public int getIdForajCurent() {
return idForajCurent;
* @param idForajCurent the idForajCurent to set
public void setIdForajCurent(int idForajCurent) {
this.idForajCurent = idForajCurent;
* @return the probaR
public String getProbaR() {
return probaR;
* @param probaR the probaR to set
public void setProbaR(String probaR) {
this.probaR = probaR;
* @return the stratR
public String getStratR() {
return stratR;
* @param stratR the stratR to set
public void setStratR(String stratR) {
this.stratR = stratR;
* @return the tipDeterminareR
public String getTipDeterminareR() {
return tipDeterminareR;
* @param tipDeterminareR the tipDeterminareR to set
public void setTipDeterminareR(String tipDeterminareR) {
this.tipDeterminareR = tipDeterminareR;
* @return the selectedCombo
public int getSelectedCombo() {
return selectedCombo;
* @param selectedCombo the selectedCombo to set
public void setSelectedCombo(int selectedCombo) {
this.selectedCombo = selectedCombo;
* @return the beneficiarFilter
public String getBeneficiarFilter() {
return beneficiarFilter;
* @param beneficiarFilter the beneficiarFilter to set
public void setBeneficiarFilter(String beneficiarFilter) {
this.beneficiarFilter = beneficiarFilter;
* @return the idBeneficiarCurent
public int getIdBeneficiarCurent() {
return idBeneficiarCurent;
* @param idBeneficiarCurent the idBeneficiarCurent to set
public void setIdBeneficiarCurent(int idBeneficiarCurent) {
this.idBeneficiarCurent = idBeneficiarCurent;