
Source Code of PathSimilarity$Vertex

import java.util.ArrayList;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.NounSynset;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.Synset;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.SynsetType;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.VerbSynset;
import edu.smu.tspell.wordnet.WordNetDatabase;


* @author Abhijeet
* @this class implements Dijkstra's to find the shortest path between two synsets
public class PathSimilarity {
  WordNetDatabase wordnet;
  public PathSimilarity()
    wordnet = CalculateSimilarity.wordnet;
   * Synset source
   * Synset target
   * ArrayList<Vertex> unvisited
   * ArrayList<Vertex> path
   * returns path
  private ArrayList<Vertex> Dijkstras(Synset source , Synset target)
    int edgeWeight = 1;
    ArrayList<Vertex> unvisited = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
    ArrayList<Vertex> path = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
    Vertex current = null;
    // create a vertex for source
    Vertex node = new Vertex();
    node.synset = source;
    node.dist = 0; // set source distance to 0
    // add source to unvisited
      ArrayList<NounSynset> noun_neighbours = new ArrayList<NounSynset>();
      ArrayList<VerbSynset> verb_neighbours = new ArrayList<VerbSynset>();
      // find from unvisited the node with least distance
      // use brute force for now...later sort using QuickSort
      int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      for(Vertex v : unvisited)
        if(v.dist < min)
          min = v.dist;
          current = v; // current points to the node with minimum distance
      if(current.dist == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
        break; // all remaining vertices are inaccessible
      // add it to the path list
      // if reached target then return the path
        return path;
/*      if(unvisited.size() > bound)
        System.out.println("MEMORY LIMIT REACHED");
          return null;
      // get all the neighbours of the current node
             if(current.synset.getType() == SynsetType.NOUN)
                 NounSynset nounsyn = (NounSynset) (current.synset);
               NounSynset [] hyponyms = nounsyn.getHyponyms();
               NounSynset [] hypernyms = nounsyn.getHypernyms();
//               NounSynset[] partMeronyms = nounsyn.getPartMeronyms();
//           NounSynset[] memberMeronyms = nounsyn.getMemberMeronyms();
               // add all the neighbours in a single arraylist
           if(hyponyms != null)
             for(int i = 0 ; i < hyponyms.length ; i++)
           if(hypernyms != null)
             for(int i = 0 ; i < hypernyms.length ; i++)
//           if(partMeronyms != null)
//             for(int i = 0 ; i < partMeronyms.length ; i++)
//               noun_neighbours.add(partMeronyms[i]);
//           if(memberMeronyms != null)
//             for(int i = 0 ; i < memberMeronyms.length ; i++)
//               noun_neighbours.add(memberMeronyms[i]);
               boolean found = false;
               Vertex neighbourVertex = null;
               for(NounSynset n : noun_neighbours)
                 for(Vertex v : unvisited)
                     found = true;
                     neighbourVertex = v;
                        found = false;
                        neighbourVertex = null;
                 if(!found) // if not added to unvisited do the following
                   Vertex ver = new Vertex(); // create a vertex for them
                   ver.dist = current.dist + edgeWeight; // calculate their distance from the current node
                   ver.synset = n;
                   ver.previous = current; // make previous as current
                   unvisited.add(ver); // and add them to the unvisited list
                 if(found) // if already added to list do the following
                   if(neighbourVertex.dist > (current.dist + edgeWeight))  // check their distance from current node
                     neighbourVertex.dist = current.dist + edgeWeight;  // if existing distance greater then replace
                   neighbourVertex.previous = current; // make previous as current
             if(current.synset.getType() == SynsetType.VERB)
               VerbSynset verbsyn = (VerbSynset) (current.synset);
               VerbSynset [] hypernyms = verbsyn.getHypernyms();
           VerbSynset [] troponyms = verbsyn.getTroponyms();
           // add all the neighbours in a single arraylist
           if(hypernyms != null)
             for(int i = 0 ; i < hypernyms.length ; i++)
           if(troponyms != null)
             for(int i = 0 ; i < troponyms.length ; i++)
           boolean found = false;
               Vertex neighbourVertex = null;
               for(VerbSynset n : verb_neighbours)
                 for(Vertex v : unvisited)
                     found = true;
                     neighbourVertex = v;
                        found = false;
                        neighbourVertex = null;
                 if(!found) // if not added to unvisited do the following
                   Vertex ver = new Vertex(); // create a vertex for them
                   ver.dist = current.dist + edgeWeight; // calculate their distance from the current node
                   ver.synset = n;
                   ver.previous = current; // make previous as current
                   unvisited.add(ver); // and add them to the unvisited list
                 if(found) // if already added to list do the following
                   if(neighbourVertex.dist > (current.dist + edgeWeight)) // check their distance from current node
                     neighbourVertex.dist = current.dist + edgeWeight; // if existing distance greater then replace
                   neighbourVertex.previous = current; // make previous as current

              // remove the current node from unvisited

    return null;
  public double getPathSimilarity(Synset s1 , Synset s2)
    ArrayList<Vertex> path = Dijkstras(s1,s2);
    if(path != null)
//      System.out.println("GLOSS OF SOURCE = "+path.get(0).synset.getDefinition());
//      System.out.println("GLOSS OF TARGET = "+path.get(path.size()-1).synset.getDefinition());
      int numberOfNodes = path.size();
      System.out.println("Number of nodes in path = " +path.size());
      return (double)1/numberOfNodes;
    return 0;
  // inner class vertex
    private class Vertex{
      int dist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      Vertex previous = null;
      Synset synset;


Related Classes of PathSimilarity$Vertex

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