Package games.war

Source Code of games.war.TestPlayerController

package games.war;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;


import game.Card;
import game.Deck;
import games.war.behaviors.Cheating;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

* Makes sure PlayerController works as it should
* @author Chris Hersh
public class TestPlayerController
    private ByteArrayOutputStream outContent;

     * Resets the deck and re-initializes the output stream
    public void destroyDeck()

        outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent));

     * Makes sure the initialization works correctly
    public void testInit()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        assertEquals(2, pc.players.size());
        assertTrue(pc.players.get(0) != null);
        assertTrue(pc.players.get(1) != null);
        assertEquals(null, pc.player1Card);
        assertEquals(null, pc.player2Card);
        assertTrue(pc.cardsOnScreen != null);

     * Makes sure the normal draw works as it should
    public void testNormalDraw()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        assertTrue(pc.player1Card != null);
        assertTrue(pc.player2Card == null);

        assertTrue(pc.player2Card != null);

     * makes sure cards can be placed correctly
    public void testPlaceCard()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());
        String properOutPlayer1 = "0-c";
        String properOutPlayer2 = "0-c \t\t1-c\n";

        pc.placeCard(0, new Card(0, 'c'));
        assertEquals(properOutPlayer1, outContent.toString());

        pc.placeCard(1, new Card(1, 'c'));
        assertEquals(properOutPlayer2, outContent.toString());

     * Makes sure null cards can be placed
    public void testPlaceCardWithNullCard()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());
        String properOutPlayer1 = "";
        String properOutPlayer2 = " \t\t\n";

        pc.placeCard(0, null);
        assertEquals(properOutPlayer1, outContent.toString());

        pc.placeCard(1, null);
        assertEquals(properOutPlayer2, outContent.toString());

     * Makes sure cards can be killed and that the header is output correctly
    public void testKillCards()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        String dashes = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
        String properOut = "\n" + dashes + "\nPlayer One\tPlayer Two\nCards: 26\tCards: 26\n";
        assertEquals(properOut, outContent.toString());

     * Makes sure winners can be found
    public void testFindWinner()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        pc.player1Card = new Card(10, 'c');
        pc.player2Card = new Card(1, 'c');

        assertEquals(0, pc.findWinner());

        pc.player1Card = new Card(1, 'c');
        pc.player2Card = new Card(10, 'c');

        assertEquals(1, pc.findWinner());

     * Makes sure the players can go to war
    public void testGoToWar()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());
        assertTrue(pc.goToWar(pc.players.get(0)) != null);

     * Makes sure checkForWar works as it should
    public void testCheckForWar()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        assertTrue(pc.checkForWar(new Card(10, 'c'), new Card(10, 'd')));
        assertFalse(pc.checkForWar(new Card(10, 'c'), new Card(9, 'd')));

     * Makes sure checkForWar works will null cards
    public void testCheckForWarNullCards()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        assertFalse(pc.checkForWar(null, new Card(10, 'd')));
        assertFalse(pc.checkForWar(new Card(10, 'c'), null));
        assertFalse(pc.checkForWar(null, null));

     * Makes sure warActions works as it should
    public void testWarActions()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        assertTrue(pc.warCards1 != null);
        assertTrue(pc.warCards2 != null);

        assertTrue(outContent.toString() != "" && outContent.toString() != null);

        assertTrue(pc.player1Card != null);
        assertTrue(pc.player2Card != null);

     * makes sure update works as it should if one player has no hand left
    public void testUpdatePlayerOneEmptyHand()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        String dashes = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
        String killOutput = "\n" + dashes + "\nPlayer One\tPlayer Two\nCards: 0\tCards: 26\n";
        String properOut = killOutput + "Player 2 won in ";


        assertEquals(properOut, outContent.toString());

     * Makes sure update works if the other player has no hand left
    public void testUpdatePlayerTwoEmptyHand()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());

        String dashes = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
        String killOutput = "\n" + dashes + "\nPlayer One\tPlayer Two\nCards: 26\tCards: 0\n";
        String properOut = killOutput + "Player 1 won in ";


        assertEquals(properOut, outContent.toString());

     * Makes sure the update method works
    public void testUpdate()
        PlayerController pc = new PlayerController(new Cheating(), new Cheating());
        String dashes = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
        String killOutput = "\n" + dashes + "\nPlayer One\tPlayer Two\nCards: 26\tCards: 26\n";


        assertTrue(pc.player1Card != null);
        assertTrue(pc.player2Card != null);

        assertTrue(pc.players.get(0).getHandSize() > 26 || pc.players.get(1).getHandSize() > 26);

Related Classes of games.war.TestPlayerController

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