package abstrasy.libraries.math.rjm;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Vector;
/** Prime numbers.
* The implementation is a very basic computation of the set of all primes
* on demand, growing infinitely without any defined upper limit.
* The effects of such scheme are (i) the lookup-times become shorter after
* a while as more and more primes have been used and stored. The applications
* appear to become faster. (ii) Using the implementation for factorizations
* may easily require all available memory and stall finally, because indeed
* a dense list of primes with growing upper bound is kept without any hashing or lagging scheme.
* @since 2006-08-11
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* Subpackage : abstrasy.library.math.rjm
* Based on org.nevec.rjm (Java library for multi-precision evaluation of basic functions)
* Copyright (c) Richard J. Mathar <>, licensed under the LGPL v3.0.
* Restrictions on combined libraries as of section 5 of the LGPL, lifted/removed by the author.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
public class Prime
/** The list of all numbers as a vector.
static Vector<BigInteger> a = new Vector<BigInteger>();
/** The maximum integer covered by the high end of the list.
static protected BigInteger nMax = new BigInteger("-1");
/** Default constructor initializing a list of primes up to 17.
* 17 is enough to call the Miller-Rabin tests on the first 7 primes without further
* action.
public Prime()
if ( a.size() == 0 )
a.add(new BigInteger(""+2)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+3)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+5)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+7)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+11)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+13)) ;
a.add(new BigInteger(""+17)) ;
nMax = a.lastElement() ;
/** Test if a number is a prime.
* @param n the integer to be tested for primality
* @return true if prime, false if not
public boolean contains(BigInteger n)
/* not documented
* return ( n.isProbablePrime() ) ;
switch ( millerRabin(n) )
case -1:
return false ;
case 1:
return true ;
growto(n) ;
return( a.contains(n) ) ;
/** Test whether a number n is a strong pseudoprime to base a.
* @param n the integer to be tested for primality
* @param a the base
* @return true if the test is passed, so n may be a prime.
* false if the test is not passed, so n is not a prime.
* @since 2010-02-25
public boolean isSPP(final BigInteger n, final BigInteger a)
final BigInteger two = new BigInteger(""+2) ;
/* numbers less than 2 are not prime
if ( n.compareTo(two) == -1 )
return false ;
/* 2 is prime
else if ( n.compareTo(two) == 0 )
return true ;
/* even numbers >2 are not prime
else if ( n.remainder(two).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0 )
return false ;
/* q= n- 1 = d *2^s with d odd
final BigInteger q = n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE) ;
int s = q.getLowestSetBit() ;
BigInteger d = q.shiftRight(s) ;
/* test whether a^d = 1 (mod n)
if ( a.modPow(d,n).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0 )
return true ;
/* test whether a^(d*2^r) = -1 (mod n), 0<=r<s
for(int r=0; r < s ; r++)
if ( a.modPow(d.shiftLeft(r),n).compareTo(q) == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
/** Miller-Rabin primality tests.
* @param n The prime candidate
* @return -1 if n is a composite, 1 if it is a prime, 0 if it may be a prime.
* @since 2010-02-25
public int millerRabin(final BigInteger n)
/* list of limiting numbers which fail tests on k primes, A014233 in the OEIS
final String[] mr ={"2047", "1373653", "25326001", "3215031751", "2152302898747", "3474749660383",
"341550071728321"} ;
int mrLim = 0 ;
while( mrLim < mr.length )
int l = n.compareTo(new BigInteger(mr[mrLim])) ;
if ( l < 0 )
/* if one of the pseudo-primes: this is a composite
else if ( l == 0 )
return -1 ;
mrLim++ ;
/* cannot test candidates larger than the last in the mr list
if ( mrLim == mr.length)
return 0;
/* test the bases prime(1), prime(2) up to prime(mrLim+1)
for(int p =0 ; p <= mrLim ; p++)
if ( isSPP(n, at(p)) == false )
return -1;
return 1;
/** return the ithprime
* @param i the zero-based index into the list of primes
* @return the ith prime. This is 2 if i=0, 3 if i=1 and so forth.
public BigInteger at(int i)
/* If the current list is too small, increase in intervals
* of 5 until the list has at least i elements.
while ( i >= a.size() )
growto(nMax.add(new BigInteger(""+5))) ;
return ( a.elementAt(i) ) ;
/** return the count of primes <= n
* @param n the upper limit of the scan
* @return the ith prime. This is 2 if i=0, 3 if i=1 and so forth.
public BigInteger pi(BigInteger n)
/* If the current list is too small, increase in intervals
* of 5 until the list has at least i elements.
growto(n) ;
BigInteger r = new BigInteger("0") ;
for(int i=0 ; i<a.size() ; i++)
if ( a.elementAt(i).compareTo(n) <= 0 )
r = r.add(BigInteger.ONE) ;
return r ;
/** return the smallest prime larger than n
* @param n lower limit of the search
* @return the next larger prime.
* @since 2008-10-16
public BigInteger nextprime(BigInteger n)
/* if n <=1, return 2 */
if ( n.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0)
return ( a.elementAt(0) ) ;
/* If the currently largest element in the list is too small, increase in intervals
* of 5 until the list has at least i elements.
while ( a.lastElement().compareTo(n) <= 0)
growto(nMax.add(new BigInteger(""+5))) ;
for(int i=0 ; i < a.size() ; i++)
if ( a.elementAt(i).compareTo(n) == 1)
return ( a.elementAt(i) ) ;
return ( a.lastElement() ) ;
/** return the largest prime smaller than n
* @param n upper limit of the search
* @return the next smaller prime.
* @since 2008-10-17
public BigInteger prevprime(BigInteger n)
/* if n <=2, return 0 */
if ( n.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO ;
/* If the currently largest element in the list is too small, increase in intervals
* of 5 until the list has at least i elements.
while ( a.lastElement().compareTo(n) < 0)
growto(nMax.add(new BigInteger(""+5))) ;
for(int i=0 ; i < a.size() ; i++)
if ( a.elementAt(i).compareTo(n) >= 0)
return ( a.elementAt(i-1) ) ;
return ( a.lastElement() ) ;
/** extend the list of known primes up to n
* @param n the maximum integer known to be prime or not prime after the call.
protected void growto(BigInteger n)
while( nMax.compareTo(n) == -1)
nMax = nMax.add(BigInteger.ONE) ;
boolean isp = true ;
for(int p=0; p < a.size() ; p++)
* Test the list of known primes only up to sqrt(n)
if ( a.get(p).multiply(a.get(p)).compareTo(nMax) == 1 )
break ;
* The next case means that the p'th number in the list of known primes divides
* nMax and nMax cannot be a prime.
if ( nMax.remainder(a.get(p)).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0 )
isp = false ;
break ;
if( isp )
a.add(nMax) ;
/** Test program.
* Usage: java -cp . org.nevec.rjm.Prime n<br>
* This takes a single argument (n) and prints prime(n), the previous and next prime, and pi(n).
* @since 2006-08-14
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Prime a = new Prime() ;
int n = (new Integer(args[0])).intValue() ;
if ( n >= 1 )
if ( n >= 2)
System.out.println("prime("+(n-1)+") = " + ;
System.out.println("prime("+n+") = " + ;
System.out.println("prime("+(n+1)+") = " + ;
System.out.println("pi(" + n +") = " + a.pi(new BigInteger(""+n) )) ;
} /* Prime */