package abstrasy.libraries.math.rjm;
import abstrasy.Interpreter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Vector;
/** Bernoulli numbers.
* @since 2006-06-25
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* Subpackage : abstrasy.library.math.rjm
* Based on org.nevec.rjm (Java library for multi-precision evaluation of basic functions)
* Copyright (c) Richard J. Mathar <>, licensed under the LGPL v3.0.
* Restrictions on combined libraries as of section 5 of the LGPL, lifted/removed by the author.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This class has been optimized by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27 (reuse cached data + memoization).
* However, when n>500, the computing time is still very important.
public class Bernoulli {
* The list of all Bernoulli numbers as a vector, n=0,2,4,....
static Vector<Rational> a = new Vector<Rational>();
public Bernoulli() {
if (a.size() == 0) {
a.add(new Rational(1, 6));
/** Set a coefficient in the internal table.
* @param n the zero-based index of the coefficient. n=0 for the constant term.
* @param value the new value of the coefficient.
protected void set(final int n, final Rational value) {
Interpreter.Log("Bernoulli.set:" + n );//+":"+value.toString());
final int nindx = n / 2;
if (nindx < a.size())
a.set(nindx, value);
else {
while (a.size() < nindx)
/** The Bernoulli number at the index provided.
* @param n the index, non-negative.
* @return the B_0=1 for n=0, B_1=-1/2 for n=1, B_2=1/6 for n=2 etc
public Rational at(int n) {
if (n == 1)
return (new Rational(-1, 2));
else if (n % 2 != 0)
return Rational.ZERO;
else {
int nindx = n / 2;
if (a.size() <= nindx) {
BigInteger[] cacheInt = new BigInteger[n + 2]; // optimization (cache) by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27
TPow tpow=new TPow(n+2);
for (int i = a.size() * 2; i <= n; i += 2)
set(i, doubleSum(i, cacheInt, tpow));
return a.elementAt(nindx);
* @param i
* @param cache
* @return
private final static BigInteger _getBigInt_(int i, BigInteger[] cache) {
if (cache[i] != null)
return cache[i];
cache[i] = new BigInteger("" + i);
return cache[i];
* Private internal class to cache precedent results to spare time when compute pow operation.
private static class TPow{
private BigInteger[] integer;
private int[] power;
TPow(int size){
integer=new BigInteger[size];
power=new int[size];
* This internal method is used to compute pow only if necessary. It's more efficient to reuse
* the last result ( @ pow-2 ) -> x.pow(n-2).mul(x).mul(x) = x.pow(n)...
* So x.pow(n) is the result of x.mul(x).mul(x) ... n times...
* @param i
* @param npow
* @param tpow
* @param cache
* @return
private final static BigInteger _getBigPow_(int i,int npow, TPow tpow, BigInteger[] cache){
BigInteger bi=_getBigInt_(i,cache);
return tpow.integer[i];
BigInteger bi=_getBigInt_(i,cache);
return tpow.integer[i];
* Generate a new B_n by a standard double sum.
* @param n The index of the Bernoulli number.
* @return The Bernoulli number at n.
private Rational doubleSum(int n, BigInteger[] cacheInt, TPow tpow) {
/* optimization (memoization) by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27 */
int start_at_k = 0;
Rational start_at = Rational.ZERO;
if (a.size() > 0 && n > a.size() * 2) {
start_at_k = a.size() * 2;
start_at = a.elementAt(a.size() - 1);
/* optimization (memoization) */
Rational resul = start_at; // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27.
for (int k = start_at_k; k <= n; k++) //modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27.
Rational jsum = Rational.ZERO;
BigInteger bin = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int j = 0; j <= k; j++) {
BigInteger jpown = _getBigPow_(j,n,tpow,cacheInt);//(_getBigInt_(j, cacheInt)).pow(n); // optimization by l.bruninx, 2012-03-27
if (j % 2 == 0)
jsum = jsum.add(bin.multiply(jpown));
jsum = jsum.subtract(bin.multiply(jpown));
* update binomial(k,j) recursively
bin = bin.multiply(_getBigInt_(k - j, cacheInt)).divide(_getBigInt_(j + 1, cacheInt));
resul = resul.add(jsum.divide(_getBigInt_(k + 1, cacheInt)));
return resul;
} /* Bernoulli */