Package abstrasy.externals

Source Code of abstrasy.externals.External_Date

package abstrasy.externals;

* Abstrasy Interpreter
* Copyright : Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Luc Bruninx.
* Concédée sous licence EUPL, version 1.1 uniquement (la «Licence»).
* Vous ne pouvez utiliser la présente oeuvre que conformément à la Licence.
* Vous pouvez obtenir une copie de la Licence à l’adresse suivante:
* Sauf obligation légale ou contractuelle écrite, le logiciel distribué sous
* la Licence est distribué "en l’état", SANS GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS QUELLES
* QU’ELLES SOIENT, expresses ou implicites.
* Consultez la Licence pour les autorisations et les restrictions
* linguistiques spécifiques relevant de la Licence.
* @author Luc Bruninx
* @version 1.0

import abstrasy.Bivalence;
import abstrasy.Hash;
import abstrasy.Heap;
import abstrasy.Interpreter;
import abstrasy.Node;
import abstrasy.PCoder;
import abstrasy.SELF;

import abstrasy.interpreter.InterpreterException;
import abstrasy.interpreter.ORef;
import abstrasy.interpreter.StdErrors;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class External_Date implements AExtClonable,
        AExtCachable {

    private final static String K_HOUR = "Hour";
    private final static String K_MINUTE = "Minute";
    private final static String K_SECOND = "Second";
    private final static String K_MILLIS = "Millisecond";
    private final static String K_DAY = "Day";
    private final static String K_MONTH = "Month";
    private final static String K_YEAR = "Year";

    private final static String DATE_SHORT_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yy";
    private final static String DATE_DEFAULT_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy";
    private final static String DATE_LONG_FORMAT = "d MMM yyyy";

    private final static String TIME_SHORT_FORMAT = "HH:mm";
    private final static String TIME_DEFAULT_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss";
    private final static String TIME_LONG_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss a";

    // Formats courants de dates en SQL
    private final static String TIME_STAMP_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
    private final static String DATE_STAMP_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
    private final static String DATETIME_STAMP_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
    private final static String MONTH_STAMP_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM";
    private final static String YEAR_STAMP_FORMAT = "yyyy";
    // Formats RFC-* courants
    private final static String RFC1123_STAMP_FORMAT = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z";
    private final static String RFC1036_STAMP_FORMAT = "EEEEEEEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z";
    // Format c-asctime
    private final static String ASCTIME_STAMP_FORMAT = "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy";
    private Date date = new Date();
    private String date_default_format = DATE_DEFAULT_FORMAT;
    private String time_default_format = TIME_DEFAULT_FORMAT;

  public External_Date() {

    private static Node dateToListOfPairs(Date d) throws Exception {
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    int h = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int m = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
    int s = c.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    int ms = c.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
    int dd = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        Node listOfPairs = Node.createHash();
        Hash hash=listOfPairs.getHash(); Node(K_DAY), new Node(dd)); Node(K_MONTH), new Node(mm + 1)); Node(K_YEAR), new Node(yy)); Node(K_HOUR), new Node(h)); Node(K_MINUTE), new Node(m)); Node(K_SECOND), new Node(s)); Node(K_MILLIS), new Node(ms));
    return listOfPairs;

    private static  Node intToListOfPairs(int h, int m, int s, int ms, int dd, int mm, int yy) throws Exception {
        Node listOfPairs = Node.createHash();
        Hash hash=listOfPairs.getHash();
    if (dd != 0) Node(K_DAY), new Node(dd));
    if (mm != 0) Node(K_MONTH), new Node(mm));
    if (yy != 0) Node(K_YEAR), new Node(yy));
    if (h != 0) Node(K_HOUR), new Node(h));
    if (m != 0) Node(K_MINUTE), new Node(m + 1));
    if (s != 0) Node(K_SECOND), new Node(s));
    if (ms != 0) Node(K_MILLIS), new Node(ms));
    if (listOfPairs.size() == 0) Node(K_MILLIS), new Node(ms));
    return listOfPairs;

    public static Node external_milliseconds_to_delta(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_NUMBER);
    long millis = (long) anode.getNumber();
    long mps = 1000;
    long mpm = mps * 60;
    long mph = mpm * 60;
    long mpd = mph * 24;
    long d = millis / mpd;
    millis = millis % mpd;
    long h = millis / mph;
    millis = millis % mph;
    long m = millis / mpm;
    millis = millis % mpm;
    long s = millis / mps;
    millis = millis % mps;
    return intToListOfPairs((int) h, (int) m + 1, (int) s, (int) millis, (int) d, 0, 0);

    public static Node external_delta_to_milliseconds(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH);
    long mps = 1000;
    long mpm = mps * 60;
    long mph = mpm * 60;
    long mpd = mph * 24;
        Hash hash=anode.getHash();
    int h = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_HOUR));
    int m = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_MINUTE));
    int s = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_SECOND));
    int ms = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_MILLIS));
    int dd = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_DAY));
    int mm = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_MONTH));
    int yy = getNumPairValueIfExists(0, hash, new Node(K_YEAR));
    if ((mm != 0)||(yy != 0))  {
      throw new InterpreterException(StdErrors.extend(StdErrors.Invalid_parameter,"unreliable"));
    return new Node(ms + (s * mps) + (m * mpm) + (h * mph) + (dd * mpd));

  public Node external_milliseconds(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    return new Node(date.getTime());

  public Node external_get_now(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 1);
    return dateToListOfPairs(new Date());

  public Node external_mutator_set_now(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 1);
    date = new Date();
    return null;

  private static final Node getNumPairValue(Hash pairlist, Node k) throws Exception {
        Node res = null;
    if (pairlist.hasKey(k)) {
      if (!res.isNumber()) {
        throw new InterpreterException(StdErrors.Argument_type_mismatch);
    return res;

  private static final int getNumPairValueIfExists(int initialValue, Hash pairlist, Node k) throws Exception {
    int res = initialValue;
        Node tmp = getNumPairValue(pairlist, k);
    if (tmp != null) {
      res = (int) tmp.getNumber();
    return res;

  private static final Date nodeToDate(Node arg) throws Exception {
    Date d = new Date();
        long qt=arg.getQType();
    if (qt==Node.TYPE_NUMBER) {
      d.setTime((long) arg.getNumber());
            return d;
    else if (qt==Node.TYPE_HASH) {
      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      int h = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
      int m = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
      int s = c.get(Calendar.SECOND);
      int ms = c.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
      int dd = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
      int mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
      int yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            Hash hash=arg.getHash();
      h = getNumPairValueIfExists(h, hash, new Node(K_HOUR));
      m = getNumPairValueIfExists(m, hash, new Node(K_MINUTE));
      s = getNumPairValueIfExists(s, hash, new Node(K_SECOND));
      ms = getNumPairValueIfExists(ms,hash, new Node(K_MILLIS));
      dd = getNumPairValueIfExists(dd, hash, new Node(K_DAY));
      mm = getNumPairValueIfExists(mm, hash, new Node(K_MONTH)) - 1;
      yy = getNumPairValueIfExists(yy, hash, new Node(K_YEAR));
      c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms);
      c.set(yy, mm, dd, h, m, s);
      return c.getTime();
    else if(arg.isDelegable()){
            // délégable...
                // optimisation dans le cas d'un external...
                Object o=arg.getExternal();
                if(o instanceof External_Date)
                    return ((External_Date)o).date;
            // pas d'optimisation possible... alors la forme générale...
      Node t=Node.VDelegable.evalMethod_or_null(arg, "to-date",null);
                return nodeToDate(t);
            // sinon on essaye avec number...
            t=Node.VDelegable.evalMethod_or_null(arg, PCoder.getMethod(PCoder.PC_NUMBER),null);
                return nodeToDate(t);
        // sinon, et bien...
        throw new InterpreterException(StdErrors.extend(StdErrors.Invalid_parameter, "This object do not implement :to-date method (" + arg.toString() + ")"));


  public Node external_mutator_set(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH|Node.TYPE_NUMBER|Node.VTYPE_DELEGABLE);
    if (anode.isNumber()) {
      date.setTime((long) anode.getNumber());
    else if (anode.getQType()==Node.TYPE_HASH) {
      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      int h = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
      int m = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
      int s = c.get(Calendar.SECOND);
      int ms = c.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
      int dd = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
      int mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
      int yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            Hash hash=anode.getHash();
      h = getNumPairValueIfExists(h, hash, new Node(K_HOUR));
      m = getNumPairValueIfExists(m, hash, new Node(K_MINUTE));
      s = getNumPairValueIfExists(s, hash, new Node(K_SECOND));
      ms = getNumPairValueIfExists(ms, hash, new Node(K_MILLIS));
      dd = getNumPairValueIfExists(dd, hash, new Node(K_DAY));
      mm = getNumPairValueIfExists(mm, hash, new Node(K_MONTH)) - 1;
      yy = getNumPairValueIfExists(yy, hash, new Node(K_YEAR));
      c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms);
      c.set(yy, mm, dd, h, m, s);
      date = c.getTime();
    else {
      // clonage de l'objet externe
      Object obj = anode.getExternalInstanceOf(External_Date.class);
      External_Date parent = (External_Date) obj;
      date_default_format = parent.date_default_format;
      time_default_format = parent.time_default_format;
    return null;

    public Node external_is_equ(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH|Node.TYPE_NUMBER|Node.VTYPE_DELEGABLE);
    Date d = nodeToDate(anode);
        return new Node(date.equals(d) ? Node.TRUE:Node.FALSE);
    public Node external_compare(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH | Node.TYPE_NUMBER | Node.VTYPE_DELEGABLE);
        Date d = nodeToDate(anode);
        return new Node(date.compareTo(d));

  public Node external_is_before(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH|Node.TYPE_NUMBER|Node.VTYPE_DELEGABLE);
    Date d = nodeToDate(anode);
        Node res;
    if (date.before(d)) {
      res = new Node(Node.TRUE);
    else {
      res = new Node(Node.FALSE);
    return res;

  public Node external_is_after(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH|Node.TYPE_NUMBER|Node.VTYPE_DELEGABLE);
    Date d = nodeToDate(anode);
        Node res;
    if (date == d)
            Interpreter.Log("external_is_after : oups !!!");

    if (date.after(d))
      res = new Node(Node.TRUE);
      res = new Node(Node.FALSE);
    return res;


    Letter   Date or Time           Examples
    G : Era designator (AD)
    y : Year (1996; 96)
    M : Month in year (July; Jul; 07)
    w : Week in year (27)
    W : Week in month (2)
    D : Day in year (189)
    d : Day in month (10)
    F : Day of week in month (2)
    E : Day in week (Tuesday; Tue)
    a : Am/pm marker (PM)
    H : Hour in day (0-23)
    k : Hour in day (1-24)
    K : Hour in am/pm (0-11)
    h : Hour in am/pm (1-12)
    m : Minute in hour
    s : Second in minute
    S : Millisecond
    z : Time zone (Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00)
    Z : Time zone (-0800)

     * Si on décommente cette méthode, on supprime la mise en cache
     public Node externalpc_uncache() throws Exception {
        return null;
    private static Node _TK_ = null;
    public Node external_get_TK(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        if (_TK_ == null) {
            Heap tkh = new Heap();
            tkh.put("HOUR", new Node(K_HOUR));
            tkh.put("MINUTE", new Node(K_MINUTE));
            tkh.put("SECOND", new Node(K_SECOND));
            tkh.put("MILLIS", new Node(K_MILLIS));
            tkh.put("DAY", new Node(K_DAY));
            tkh.put("MONTH", new Node(K_MONTH));
            tkh.put("YEAR", new Node(K_YEAR));

            tkh.put("DATE-SHORT-FORMAT", new Node(DATE_SHORT_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("DATE-LONG-FORMAT", new Node(DATE_LONG_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("TIME-SHORT-FORMAT", new Node(TIME_SHORT_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("TIME-DEFAULT-FORMAT", new Node(TIME_DEFAULT_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("TIME-LONG-FORMAT", new Node(TIME_LONG_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("TIME-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(TIME_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("DATE-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(DATE_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("DATETIME-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(DATETIME_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("MONTH-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(MONTH_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("YEAR-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(YEAR_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("RFC1123-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(RFC1123_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("RFC1036-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(RFC1036_STAMP_FORMAT));
            tkh.put("ASCTIME-STAMP-FORMAT", new Node(ASCTIME_STAMP_FORMAT));
            _TK_ = new Node(tkh);
        return _TK_;
  public Node external_date_string(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(this.date_default_format);
    return new Node(sdf.format(date));
  public Node external_time_string(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(this.time_default_format);
    return new Node(sdf.format(date));

  public Node external_string(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat(this.date_default_format);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat(this.time_default_format);
    return new Node(sdf1.format(date) + " " + sdf2.format(date));

  public Node external_number(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    return new Node(date.getTime());

  public Node external_list(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    return dateToListOfPairs(date);

  public Node external_mutator_set_DateFormat(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING);
    date_default_format = anode.getString();
    return null;

  public Node external_mutator_set_TimeFormat(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING);
    time_default_format = anode.getString();
    return null;

  public Node external_format_string(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        String format = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString();
        Locale locale = null;
            String[] iso=startAt.getSubNode(2, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString().split("\\-");
            locale=iso.length==1 ? new Locale(iso[0]) : new Locale(iso[0],iso[1]);
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = locale==null ? new SimpleDateFormat(format) : new SimpleDateFormat(format,locale);
            sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(startAt.getSubNode(3, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString()));
    return new Node(sdf.format(date));

  public Node external_mutator_parse(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        String str = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString();
        String format = startAt.getSubNode(2, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString();
        Locale locale = null;
            String[] iso=startAt.getSubNode(3, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString().split("\\-");
            locale=iso.length==1 ? new Locale(iso[0]) : new Locale(iso[0],iso[1]);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = locale==null ? new SimpleDateFormat(format) : new SimpleDateFormat(format,locale);
            sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(startAt.getSubNode(4, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString()));
    date = sdf.parse(str);
    return null;

  public Node external_mutator_parse_date(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(this.date_default_format);
    date = sdf.parse(anode.getString());
    return null;

  public Node external_mutator_parse_time(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_STRING);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(this.time_default_format);
    date = sdf.parse(anode.getString());
    return null;

  public Node external_mutator_add_delta(Node startAt) throws Exception {
    startAt.isGoodArgsLength(true, 2);
        Node anode = startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_HASH | Node.TYPE_NUMBER);
    if (anode.getQType()==Node.TYPE_NUMBER) {
      date.setTime(date.getTime() + (long) anode.getNumber());
    else {
            // hash
            Hash hash = anode.getHash();
      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            Node tmp;
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_HOUR));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.HOUR, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_MINUTE));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_SECOND));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_MILLIS));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_YEAR));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.YEAR, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_MONTH));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.MONTH, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      tmp = getNumPairValue(hash, new Node(K_DAY));
      if (tmp != null) {
        c.add(Calendar.DATE, (int) tmp.getNumber());
      date = c.getTime();
    return null;

     * Implémentation de la méthode init:
     * - ((new Date) ':init! millis)
     * - ((new Date) ':init! millis dateFormat)
     * - ((new Date) ':init! millis dateFormat timeFormat)
     * @param startAt
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Node external_mutator_init(Node startAt) throws Exception{
            case 4:
               time_default_format = startAt.getSubNode(3, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString();
            case 3:
               date_default_format = startAt.getSubNode(2, Node.TYPE_STRING).getString();
            case 2:
               date.setTime((long) startAt.getSubNode(1, Node.TYPE_NUMBER).getNumber());
        return SELF.get(); // retourner une référence de l'objet courrant...

  public Node external_quote(Node startAt) throws Exception {
        return abstrasy.externals.AExtTools.SerializationTK.createInitExpr(Node.createPattern(External_Date.class.getName()), new Node(date.getTime()),
                new Node(this.date_default_format), new Node(this.time_default_format));

  public Object clone_my_self(Bivalence bival) {
    External_Date t= new External_Date(); Date(;
    return t;

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Optimisation par cache d'instanciantion (mars 2012) rev 1.0-6321.0
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static ORef _optim_symbols_cache_ = new ORef();
    public Object getSymbolsCache() {
        return _optim_symbols_cache_.getRef();

    public void setSymbolsCache(Object cache) {


Related Classes of abstrasy.externals.External_Date

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