* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.jmodel.controller;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
import jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod.CellComponent;
import jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod.JmtCell;
import jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod.JmtEdge;
import jmt.gui.jmodel.definitions.JmodelStationDefinition;
import org.jgraph.JGraph;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphCell;
* <p>Title: Jmt Clipboard</p>
* <p>Description: This class provides clipboard facility to copy and paste selected sections
* of current model. It will operate both on data structure (jmodelStationDefinition) end
* on graphic rapresentation (Jgraph through mediator calls).</p>
* @author Bertoli Marco
* Date: 21-giu-2005
* Time: 11.49.57
public class JmtClipboard {
protected Mediator mediator;
protected HashMap<Object, Object> stations;
protected HashMap<Object, Point2D> stationpositions;
protected Vector<Connection> links;
protected Point2D zero;
* When trying to paste over existing cells, try to move of 'move' down and right
protected static final int move = 20;
* Initializes a new JmtClipboard with given mediator
* @param m Mediator to be referenced
public JmtClipboard(Mediator m) {
this.mediator = m;
* Flushes this clipboard. This method will be called upon copy and can be called whenever
* user wants to flush clipboard
public void flush() {
stations = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
stationpositions = new HashMap<Object, Point2D>();
links = new Vector<Connection>();
zero = null;
* Copy current selected Stations and Edges into clipboard
public void copy() {
// Gets selected cells
JmodelStationDefinition sd = mediator.getStationDefinition();
JGraph graph = mediator.getGraph();
Object cells[] = graph.getDescendants(graph.getSelectionCells());
// Temp variables
Object key; // Station key
JmtEdge edgetmp;
JmtCell celltmp;
Point2D location; // position of a station
// Saves into data structure selected stations (including position) and links
for (Object cell : cells) {
if (cell instanceof JmtCell) {
celltmp = (JmtCell) cell;
key = ((CellComponent) celltmp.getUserObject()).getKey();
stations.put(key, sd.serializeStation(key));
location = mediator.getCellCoordinates(celltmp);
stationpositions.put(key, location);
// Initialize 'zero' as the upper-leftmost point of selected stations
// Will be used as a bias while pasting
if (zero == null) {
zero = location;
if (zero.getX() > location.getX()) {
zero = new Point2D.Double(location.getX(), zero.getY());
if (zero.getY() > location.getY()) {
zero = new Point2D.Double(zero.getX(), location.getY());
} else if (cell instanceof JmtEdge) {
edgetmp = (JmtEdge) cell;
links.add(new Connection(edgetmp.getSourceKey(), edgetmp.getTargetKey()));
* Copy current selected Stations and Edges into clipboard and deletes them from current graph.
* It simply calls copy() and then mediator.deleteSelected()
public void cut() {
* Pastes previously copied elements into graph, beginning from the point indicated by where
* and constructing new data structures.
* @param where upper-left point of the region where pasted components will be put.
public void paste(Point2D where) {
HashMap<Object, Object> tempkey = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); // Used as a translator from old key to new one to paste correct links
HashMap<Object, JmtCell> newstations = new HashMap<Object, JmtCell>(); // Used to store newly created stations
Vector<DefaultGraphCell> select = new Vector<DefaultGraphCell>(); // Elements to be selected after paste
// Temp variables
JmtCell newcell; //New created cell
JmtEdge newEdge; //New created edge (link)
Object newkey; // New station key
Object oldkey; // Old station key
Iterator<Object> keys; // All keys in Hashmap stations
Point2D oldpos; // Old station position
Point2D newpos; // New station position
if (stations == null || stations.size() == 0) {
JmodelStationDefinition sd = mediator.getStationDefinition();
// Recreates all stations and position them
keys = stations.keySet().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
oldkey = keys.next();
// Creates a new station with parameters got from previous copy operation
newkey = sd.deserializeStation(stations.get(oldkey));
newcell = mediator.getCellFactory().createCell(sd.getStationType(newkey) + "Cell", new CellComponent(newkey, sd));
tempkey.put(oldkey, newkey);
// Calculates where this station should be put
oldpos = stationpositions.get(oldkey);
newpos = new Point2D.Double(where.getX() + oldpos.getX() - zero.getX(), where.getY() + oldpos.getY() - zero.getY());
// Insert created station into JGraph. Finds the first empty position going
// down and right with respect of original position
while (mediator.overlapCells(newpos, newcell)) {
newpos.setLocation(newpos.getX() + move, newpos.getY() + move);
mediator.InsertCell(newpos, newcell);
newstations.put(newkey, newcell);
Object sourceKey;
Object targetKey;
// Creates new links and show them on graph
for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
// Translates old key values in new ones
sourceKey = tempkey.get(links.get(i).sourceKey);
targetKey = tempkey.get(links.get(i).targetKey);
newEdge = mediator.connect(newstations.get(sourceKey), newstations.get(targetKey));
if (newEdge != null) {
// Now adjusts Empirical Routing (if any) - Now named Probability Routing
keys = tempkey.keySet().iterator();
Object[] classes;
RoutingStrategy rs;
Map oldRouting, newRouting;
// Search in every new inserted station
while (keys.hasNext()) {
newkey = tempkey.get(keys.next());
classes = mediator.getClassDefinition().getClassKeys().toArray();
for (Object classe : classes) {
rs = (RoutingStrategy) mediator.getStationDefinition().getRoutingStrategy(newkey, classe);
if (rs instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
oldRouting = rs.getValues();
newRouting = new HashMap();
// For each old destination, set new one if it was copied with
Object[] oldDest = oldRouting.keySet().toArray();
for (Object element : oldDest) {
// Now checks if target station was copied with source one and a link connecting them exists
if (tempkey.containsKey(element) && mediator.getStationDefinition().areConnected(newkey, tempkey.get(element))) {
newRouting.put(tempkey.get(element), oldRouting.get(element));
// Selects every inserted element
* Pastes previously copied elements into graph, constructing new data structures.
* Elements are copied near original ones.
public void paste() {
* Inner class used to store pairs of sourceKey/targetKey objects.
protected class Connection {
protected Object sourceKey;
protected Object targetKey;
public Connection(Object sourceKey, Object targetKey) {
this.sourceKey = sourceKey;
this.targetKey = targetKey;