Package jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod

Source Code of jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod.JmtRouting

  * Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano

  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.

  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.

  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.jgraph.graph.CellView;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultPort;
import org.jgraph.graph.Edge;
import org.jgraph.graph.EdgeView;
import org.jgraph.graph.GraphConstants;
import org.jgraph.graph.PortView;


* @author Federico Granata
* Date: 28-nov-2003
* Time: 12.05.46

* Heavily modyfied by Bertoli Marco to support JGraph 5.8 - 21/mar/2006
* Heavily modyfied by De Cicco Giuseppe & Fabio Granara to new JmtRouting - 23/sett/2006
public class JmtRouting implements Edge.Routing {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  private int offset = 15;//offset per il source
  private int offsetTo2 = -15; //offset per il target

  public List<Point2D> route(EdgeView edgeView) {
    List<Point2D> list = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
    int n = edgeView.getPointCount();
    Point2D from = edgeView.getPoint(0);

    if (edgeView.getSource() instanceof PortView) {
      from = ((PortView) edgeView.getSource()).getLocation();

    Point2D to = edgeView.getPoint(n - 1);
    CellView trg = edgeView.getTarget();
    if (trg instanceof PortView) {

      to = ((PortView) trg).getLocation();

    if (from != null && to != null) {
      JmtEdge edge = (JmtEdge) edgeView.getCell();//qua era defaultEdge l ho cambiato
      JmtCell source = (JmtCell) ((DefaultPort) edge.getSource()).getParent();

      JmtCell target = (JmtCell) ((DefaultPort) edge.getTarget()).getParent();

      Point2D[] routed;
      int offset = this.offset;
      int changeoff = edge.getOffset();

      int offsetTo2 = this.offsetTo2;
      //            int ringOffset=8;
      Rectangle2D sourceBounds = (Rectangle2D) source.getAttributes().get("bounds");
      Rectangle2D targetBounds = (Rectangle2D) target.getAttributes().get("bounds");

      // System.out.println("Punto del from: "+ from.getX()+", punto del bound: "+sourceBounds.getMaxX());
      int boundFrom = (int) (sourceBounds.getCenterX() + (sourceBounds.getWidth() / 2));
      int boundTo = (int) (targetBounds.getCenterX() - (targetBounds.getWidth() / 2));
      if (changeoff > 0 && source.isLeftInputCell()) {
        //             System.out.println(changeoff);
        offset = changeoff + 15;
      if (!source.isLeftInputCell()) {
        offset = -offset;
        //              ringOffset=-ringOffset;
        boundFrom = (int) (sourceBounds.getCenterX() - (sourceBounds.getWidth() / 2));

      if (!target.isLeftInputCell()) {
        boundTo = (int) (targetBounds.getCenterX() + (targetBounds.getWidth() / 2));
        offsetTo2 = -offsetTo2;

      if (source == target) {
        routed = new Point2D[4];
        routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset - offset / 3, from.getY());
        routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), targetBounds.getMaxY() + 12);
        routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo - (offset), routed[1].getY());
        routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(routed[2].getX(), routed[0].getY());

      } else {
        //the source is on the left of the target
        if ((int) from.getY() == (int) to.getY()
            && ((boundFrom < boundTo && offset > 0 && offsetTo2 < 0) || (boundFrom > boundTo && offset < 0 && offsetTo2 > 0))) {
          return list;
        if ((((boundTo - boundFrom) > offset * (1.1)) && (offset > 0 && offsetTo2 < 0))
            || (((boundFrom - boundTo) > (-offset * (1.1))) && (offset < 0 && offsetTo2 > 0))) {
          routed = new Point2D[2];
          routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
          routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), to.getY());

        //                ____________inizio
        else if ((offset < 0 && offsetTo2 < 0)) {
          routed = new Point2D[2];
          if ((sourceBounds.getMaxX() < boundTo + offsetTo2 * 2 && boundFrom < boundTo && to.getY() < from.getY())
              || (from.getY() < targetBounds.getMaxY() && sourceBounds.getMaxY() > to.getY())
              || ((from.getY() >= targetBounds.getMinY() && from.getY() <= targetBounds.getMaxY()) && (sourceBounds.getMinY() <= targetBounds
                  .getMaxY())) || (targetBounds.getMaxY() >= from.getY() && targetBounds.getMaxY() <= sourceBounds.getMaxY())) {
            routed = new Point2D[4];
            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
            routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo + offsetTo2, to.getY());

            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), sourceBounds.getMaxY() + 8);

            if (boundFrom > boundTo) {

              routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), targetBounds.getMaxY() + 8);
            routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(), routed[1].getY());
          } else {
            int minX = Math.min((boundFrom + offset - 2), (boundTo + (offsetTo2) - 6));
            if (minX == (boundTo + (offsetTo2) - 6)) {
              minX = minX + 4;
            minX = minX + 2;

            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(minX, from.getY());
            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), to.getY());
        } else if ((offset > 0 && offsetTo2 > 0)) {
          routed = new Point2D[2];

          //                  int minY=0;

          if ((boundFrom > boundTo)
              && ((targetBounds.getMaxY() > from.getY() && targetBounds.getMinY() < from.getY())
                  || (sourceBounds.getMaxY() <= targetBounds.getMaxY()) && ((sourceBounds.getMaxY() >= to.getY())) || ((sourceBounds
                  .getMinY() >= targetBounds.getMinY()) && (sourceBounds.getMinY() <= to.getY())))) {
            routed = new Point2D[4];
            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
            routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo + offsetTo2, to.getY());

            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), (int) sourceBounds.getMaxY() + 2);
            routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(), (int) sourceBounds.getMaxY() + 2);

          } else if ((boundFrom <= boundTo)
              && ((targetBounds.getMaxY() > from.getY() && targetBounds.getMinY() < from.getY()) || (from.getY() < to.getY() && boundFrom
                  + offset * 2 < targetBounds.getMinX()))) {

            routed = new Point2D[4];
            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
            routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo + offsetTo2, to.getY());
            //                      if(from.getY()<targetBounds.getMinY()-1){
            //                        routed[1]=new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(),from.getY());
            //                        routed[2]=new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(),routed[1].getY());
            //                      }else{
            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), targetBounds.getMaxY() + 2);
            routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(), routed[1].getY());
            //                      }
          } else {

            int maxX = Math.max((boundFrom + offset + 2), (boundTo + (offsetTo2) + 6));

            if ((boundTo + (offsetTo2) + 6) == maxX) {
              maxX = maxX - 4;
            maxX = maxX - 2;

            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(maxX, from.getY());
            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), to.getY());

        else {

          if ((from.getY() + sourceBounds.getHeight() - 4) < (to.getY() - (targetBounds.getHeight() / 2))) {
            routed = new Point2D[4];
            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
            routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo + (offsetTo2), to.getY());
            double maxY = sourceBounds.getMaxY() + 20;
            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), maxY);
            routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(), maxY);
          } else {

            routed = new Point2D[4];
            routed[0] = new Point2D.Double(boundFrom + offset, from.getY());
            //                    System.out.println("Differenza "+ (sourceBounds.getMaxY()-(routed[0].getY() + sourceBounds.getBounds().getHeight()+2)));
            routed[3] = new Point2D.Double(boundTo + offsetTo2, to.getY());
            //                    double maxY = Math.max(routed[0].getY() + sourceBounds.getBounds().getHeight()+2,
            //                            routed[3].getY() + targetBounds.getBounds().getHeight()+8);
            double maxY = Math.max(sourceBounds.getMaxY() + 20, targetBounds.getMaxY() + 26);
            routed[1] = new Point2D.Double(routed[0].getX(), maxY);
            routed[2] = new Point2D.Double(routed[3].getX(), maxY);

            if (offset > 0) {
              double x;
              double left = sourceBounds.getX() - offset - 4;
              x = Math.min(routed[2].getX(), left);
              routed[2].setLocation(x, routed[2].getY());
              routed[3].setLocation(x, routed[3].getY());

              if (from.getY() < to.getY()) {
                double x2;
                double right = targetBounds.getX() + targetBounds.getWidth() + 15;
                x2 = Math.max(routed[0].getX(), right);
                routed[0].setLocation(x2, routed[0].getY());
                routed[1].setLocation(x2, routed[1].getY());
            } else {
              double x;
              double left = sourceBounds.getX() + sourceBounds.getWidth() + 15 + 4;
              x = Math.max(routed[2].getX(), left);
              routed[2].setLocation(x, routed[2].getY());
              routed[3].setLocation(x, routed[3].getY());

              if (from.getY() < to.getY()) {
                double x2;
                double left2 = targetBounds.getX() - 15;
                x2 = Math.min(routed[0].getX(), left2);
                routed[0].setLocation(x2, routed[0].getY());
                routed[1].setLocation(x2, routed[1].getY());
      //Sets add points
      for (Point2D element : routed) {
    return list;

  public int getPreferredLineStyle(EdgeView edgeView) {

    return GraphConstants.STYLE_ORTHOGONAL;

Related Classes of jmt.gui.jmodel.JGraphMod.JmtRouting

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