* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.xml;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import jmt.engine.log.LoggerParameters;
import jmt.engine.random.EmpiricalEntry;
import jmt.framework.data.MacroReplacer;
import jmt.gui.common.CommonConstants;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.CommonModel;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.LoadDependentRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.LDStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.ZeroStrategy;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: orsotronIII Date: 15-lug-2005 Time: 10.56.01
* Modified by Bertoli Marco
public class XMLWriter implements CommonConstants, XMLConstantNames {
* defines matching between gui representation and engine names for queue
* strategies, e.g. FCFS = TailStrategy.
protected static final Map<String, String> QUEUE_PUT_MAPPING;
protected static final Map<String, String> PRIORITY_QUEUE_PUT_MAPPING;
protected static final Map<String, String> DROP_RULES_MAPPING;
static {
HashMap<String, String> q = new HashMap<String, String>();
q.put(QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS, "TailStrategy");
q.put(QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS, "HeadStrategy");
QUEUE_PUT_MAPPING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(q);
HashMap<String, String> p = new HashMap<String, String>();
p.put(QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS, "TailStrategyPriority");
p.put(QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS, "HeadStrategyPriority");
PRIORITY_QUEUE_PUT_MAPPING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(p);
HashMap<String, String> d = new HashMap<String, String>();
d.put(FINITE_DROP, "drop");
d.put(FINITE_WAITING, "waiting queue");
d.put(FINITE_BLOCK, "BAS blocking");
DROP_RULES_MAPPING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(d);
public static final String strategiesClasspathBase = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.";
public static final String queuegetStrategiesSuffix = "QueueGetStrategies.";
public static final String queueputStrategiesSuffix = "QueuePutStrategies.";
public static final String routingStrategiesSuffix = "RoutingStrategies.";
public static final String serviceStrategiesSuffix = "ServiceStrategies.";
public static final String distributionContainerClasspath = "jmt.engine.random.DistributionContainer";
public static void writeXML(String fileName, CommonModel model) {
writeToResult(new StreamResult(new File(fileName)), model, fileName);
public static void writeXML(File xmlFile, CommonModel model) {
writeToResult(new StreamResult(xmlFile), model, xmlFile.getName());
public static void writeXML(OutputStream out, CommonModel model) {
writeToResult(new StreamResult(out), model, "model");
public static void writeXML(String fileName, Document doc) {
if (doc == null) {
try {
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
transformer.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", ENCODING);
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(
new File(fileName)));
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use
// Options | File Templates.
} catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError transformerFactoryConfigurationError) {
transformerFactoryConfigurationError.printStackTrace(); // To change
// body of
// catch
// statement
// use
// Options |
// File
// Templates.
} catch (TransformerException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use
// Options | File Templates.
public static Document getDocument(CommonModel model, String modelName) {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder;
try {
docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
return null;
Document modelDoc = docBuilder.newDocument();
writeModel(modelDoc, model, modelName);
return modelDoc;
private static void writeToResult(Result res, CommonModel model,
String modelName) {
Document modelDoc = getDocument(model, modelName);
if (modelDoc == null) {
try {
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
transformer.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", ENCODING);
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(modelDoc), res);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use
// Options | File Templates.
} catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError transformerFactoryConfigurationError) {
transformerFactoryConfigurationError.printStackTrace(); // To change
// body of
// catch
// statement
// use
// Options |
// File
// Templates.
} catch (TransformerException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use
// Options | File Templates.
static protected void writeModel(Document modelDoc, CommonModel model,
String modelName) {
Element elem = modelDoc.createElement(XML_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_NAME, modelName);
elem.setAttribute("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", XML_DOCUMENT_XSD);
// Simulation seed - Bertoli Marco
if (!model.getUseRandomSeed()) {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_SEED, model.getSimulationSeed()
// Max simulation time - Bertoli Marco
if (model.getMaximumDuration().longValue() > 0) {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_DURATION, model.getMaximumDuration()
// Polling interval - Bertoli Marco
// Max Samples - Bertoli Marco
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_MAXSAMPLES, model
// Disable Statistic
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_DISABLESTATISTIC, model
// Write attributes used by the logs - Michael Fercu
// Write all elements
writeClasses(modelDoc, elem, model);
writeStations(modelDoc, elem, model);
writeMeasures(modelDoc, elem, model);
writeConnections(modelDoc, elem, model);
writeBlockingRegions(modelDoc, elem, model);
writePreload(modelDoc, elem, model);
*--------------------- Methods for construction of user classes ---------------------
static protected void writeClasses(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
Vector<?> v = model.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
Object classKey = v.get(i);
String classType = model.getClassType(classKey) == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED ? "closed"
: "open";
Element userClass = doc.createElement(XML_E_CLASS);
String[] attrsNames = new String[] { XML_A_CLASS_NAME,
String[] attrsValues = new String[] { model.getClassName(classKey),
getSourceNameForClass(classKey, doc, model), };
for (int j = 0; j < attrsNames.length; j++) {
if (attrsValues[j] != null && !"null".equals(attrsValues[j])) {
userClass.setAttribute(attrsNames[j], attrsValues[j]);
* This method returns the name of the reference source for a class to be
* inserted into userclass elemnt's attribute.
static protected String getSourceNameForClass(Object classKey,
Document doc, CommonModel model) {
if (model.getClassRefStation(classKey) != null) {
return model.getStationName(model.getClassRefStation(classKey));
} else {
return null;
*----------------------- Methods for construction of stations -----------------------
static protected void writeStations(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
Vector<?> stations = model.getStationKeys();
Element elem;
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION);
Object stationKey = stations.get(i);
String stationType = model.getStationType(stationKey);
if (STATION_TYPE_DELAY.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeDelaySection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SERVER.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeServerSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SOURCE.equals(stationType)) {
writeSourceSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeTunnelSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL.equals(stationType)) {
writeTerminalSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeTunnelSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_ROUTER.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeTunnelSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_LOGGER.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeLoggerSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_FORK.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeTunnelSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeForkSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_JOIN.equals(stationType)) {
writeJoinSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeTunnelSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SINK.equals(stationType)) {
writeSinkSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH.equals(stationType)) {
writeQueueSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeClassSwitchSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
writeRouterSection(doc, elem, model, stationKey);
* Writes a Join input section <br>
* Author: Bertoli Marco
* @param doc
* document root
* @param node
* node where created section should be appended
* @param model
* data structure
* @param stationKey
* search's key for join
private static void writeJoinSection(Document doc, Node node,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element join = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
* Writes a Fork output section <br>
* Author: Bertoli Marco
* @param doc
* document root
* @param node
* node where created section should be appended
* @param model
* data structure
* @param stationKey
* search's key for fork
private static void writeForkSection(Document doc, Node node,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element fork = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
// Creates jobsPerLink parameter
XMLParameter jobsPerLink = new XMLParameter("jobsPerLink", model
null, model.getStationNumberOfServers(stationKey).toString(),
// Creates block parameter
XMLParameter block = new XMLParameter("block", model
.getForkBlock(stationKey).getClass().getName(), null, model
.getForkBlock(stationKey).toString(), false);
// ...and adds them as fork's children
jobsPerLink.appendParameterElement(doc, fork);
block.appendParameterElement(doc, fork);
static protected void writeSourceSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
Vector<Object> classes = model.getClassKeys();
// obtain classes that must be generated by this source
Vector<Object> refClasses = getClassesForSource(model, stationKey);
XMLParameter[] distrParams = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < distrParams.length; i++) {
// if current class must be generated by this source
Object currentClass = classes.get(i);
if (refClasses.contains(currentClass)) {
distrParams[i] = DistributionWriter
.getDistributionParameter((Distribution) model
.getClassDistribution(currentClass), model,
} else {
// otherwise write a null parameter
String name = "ServiceTimeStrategy";
distrParams[i] = new XMLParameter(name, strategiesClasspathBase
+ serviceStrategiesSuffix + name,
model.getClassName(currentClass), "null", true);
// creating global service strategy parameter
String gspName = "ServiceStrategy";
XMLParameter globalStrategyParameter = new XMLParameter(gspName,
strategiesClasspathBase + gspName, null, distrParams, false);
// finally, create node from pareameters and append it to the section
// element
globalStrategyParameter.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
static protected void writeSinkSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
static protected void writeQueueSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
// creating element representing queue section
Element queue = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
// creating queue inner parameters
// first create queue size node element
String queueSize = model.getStationQueueCapacity(stationKey) == null ? "-1"
: model.getStationQueueCapacity(stationKey).toString();
XMLParameter queueLength = new XMLParameter("size",
"java.lang.Integer", null, queueSize, false);
// ...and add it to queue element's children
queueLength.appendParameterElement(doc, queue);
// Drop policies. They are different for each customer class
XMLParameter[] queueDropStrategies = new XMLParameter[model
XMLParameter queueDropStrategy = new XMLParameter("dropStrategies",
String.class.getName(), null, queueDropStrategies, false);
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < queueDropStrategies.length; i++) {
String dropStrategy = model.getDropRule(stationKey, classes.get(i));
queueDropStrategies[i] = new XMLParameter("dropStrategy",
String.class.getName(), model.getClassName(classes.get(i)),
(String) DROP_RULES_MAPPING.get(dropStrategy), true);
queueDropStrategy.appendParameterElement(doc, queue);
* queue get strategy, which is fixed to FCFS, as difference between
* strategies can be resolved by queueput strategies
String strategy = "FCFSstrategy";
boolean priority = false;
.getStationQueueStrategy(stationKey))) {
strategy = "PSStrategy";
.getStationQueueStrategy(stationKey))) {
priority = true;
XMLParameter queueGetStrategy = new XMLParameter(strategy,
strategiesClasspathBase + queuegetStrategiesSuffix
+ "FCFSstrategy", null, (String) null, false);
queueGetStrategy.appendParameterElement(doc, queue);
* At last, queue put parameter, which can be defined differently for
* each customerclass, so a more complex parameter structure is required
XMLParameter[] queuePutStrategies = new XMLParameter[model
XMLParameter queuePutStrategy = new XMLParameter("NetStrategy",
strategiesClasspathBase + "QueuePutStrategy", null,
queuePutStrategies, false);
for (int i = 0; i < queuePutStrategies.length; i++) {
String queueStrategy = model.getQueueStrategy(stationKey,
Map<String, String> map = priority ? PRIORITY_QUEUE_PUT_MAPPING
String queueputStrategyName = map.get(queueStrategy);
queuePutStrategies[i] = new XMLParameter(queueputStrategyName,
strategiesClasspathBase + queueputStrategiesSuffix
+ queueputStrategyName, model.getClassName(classes
.get(i)), (String) null, true);
queuePutStrategy.appendParameterElement(doc, queue);
static protected void writeTerminalSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
// obtain classes that must be generated by this terminal
Vector<?> refClasses = getClassesForTerminal(model, stationKey);
XMLParameter[] distrParams = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < distrParams.length; i++) {
// if current class must be generated by this terminal
Object currentClass = classes.get(i);
if (refClasses.contains(currentClass)) {
distrParams[i] = new XMLParameter("numberOfJobs",
"java.lang.Integer", model.getClassName(currentClass),
model.getClassPopulation(currentClass).toString(), true);
} else {
// otherwise write a null parameter
distrParams[i] = new XMLParameter("numberOfJobs",
"java.lang.Integer", model.getClassName(currentClass),
"-1", true);
// creating global population parameter
XMLParameter globalStrategyParameter = new XMLParameter("NumberOfJobs",
"java.lang.Integer", null, distrParams, false);
// finally, create node from pareameters and append it to the section
// element
globalStrategyParameter.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
static protected void writeServerSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
.getStationQueueStrategy(stationKey))) {
} else {
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
// creating number of servers node element
Integer maxJobs = model.getStationNumberOfServers(stationKey);
XMLParameter numOfServers = new XMLParameter("maxJobs",
"java.lang.Integer", null, maxJobs != null ? maxJobs.toString()
: "-1", false);
numOfServers.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
// creating visits node element
XMLParameter[] visits = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < visits.length; i++) {
visits[i] = new XMLParameter("numberOfVisits", "java.lang.Integer",
model.getClassName(classes.get(i)), "1", true);
XMLParameter visitsParam = new XMLParameter("numberOfVisits",
"java.lang.Integer", null, visits, false);
visitsParam.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
getServiceSection(model, stationKey).appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
* Returns a service section rapresentation in XMLParameter format
* @param model
* model data structure
* @param stationKey
* search's key for current station
* @return service section rapresentation in XMLParameter format Author:
* Bertoli Marco
protected static XMLParameter getServiceSection(CommonModel model,
Object stationKey) {
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
// creating set of service time distributions
XMLParameter[] distrParams = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
Object currentClass;
for (int i = 0; i < distrParams.length; i++) {
currentClass = classes.get(i);
Object serviceDistribution = model.getServiceTimeDistribution(
stationKey, currentClass);
if (serviceDistribution instanceof Distribution) {
// Service time is a Distribution and not a LDService
distrParams[i] = DistributionWriter
(Distribution) serviceDistribution, model,
} else if (serviceDistribution instanceof ZeroStrategy) {
// Zero Service Time Strategy --- Bertoli Marco
distrParams[i] = new XMLParameter("ZeroTimeServiceStrategy",
model.getClassName(currentClass), (String) null, true);
} else {
// Load dependent Service Time Strategy --- Bertoli Marco
LDStrategy strategy = (LDStrategy) serviceDistribution;
XMLParameter[] ranges = new XMLParameter[strategy
Object[] rangeKeys = strategy.getAllRanges();
for (int j = 0; j < ranges.length; j++) {
// Creates "from" parameter
XMLParameter from = new XMLParameter("from",
Integer.class.getName(), null,
.getRangeFrom(rangeKeys[j])), true);
// Creates "distribution" parameter
XMLParameter[] distribution = DistributionWriter
// Creates "function" parameter (mean value of the
// distribution)
XMLParameter function = new XMLParameter("function",
String.class.getName(), null,
ranges[j] = new XMLParameter("LDParameter",
strategiesClasspathBase + serviceStrategiesSuffix
+ "LDParameter", null, new XMLParameter[] {
from, distribution[0], distribution[1],
function }, true);
// Sets array = false as it's not an array of equal elements
ranges[j].parameterArray = "false";
// Creates LDParameter array
XMLParameter LDParameter = new XMLParameter("LDParameter",
strategiesClasspathBase + serviceStrategiesSuffix
+ "LDParameter", null, ranges, true);
// Creates Service strategy
distrParams[i] = new XMLParameter("LoadDependentStrategy",
strategiesClasspathBase + serviceStrategiesSuffix
+ "LoadDependentStrategy",
new XMLParameter[] { LDParameter }, true);
distrParams[i].parameterArray = "false";
XMLParameter globalDistr = new XMLParameter("ServiceStrategy",
strategiesClasspathBase + "ServiceStrategy", null, distrParams,
return globalDistr;
static protected void writeTunnelSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
* Write all parameters for a Logger section.
* @param doc
* XML document
* @param nodeNode
* XML hierarchy node
* @param model
* link to data structure
* @param stationKey
* key of search for this source station into data structure
* @author Michael Fercu (Bertoli Marco) Date: 08-aug-2008
* @see jmt.engine.log.LoggerParameters LoggerParameters
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.CommonModel#getLoggingParameters
* CommonModel.getLoggingParameters()
* @see jmt.gui.common.xml.XMLReader XMLReader.parseLogger()
* @see jmt.engine.NodeSections.LogTunnel LogTunnel
static protected void writeLoggerSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
// Get this station's logger parameters
LoggerParameters loggerParameters = (LoggerParameters) model
XMLParameter name = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_FILENAME,
"java.lang.String", null, loggerParameters.name.toString(),
name.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
loggerParameters.path = MacroReplacer.replace(model.getLoggingGlbParameter("path")); // temporary
// fix
XMLParameter path = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_FILEPATH,
"java.lang.String", null,
loggerParameters.getpath().toString(), false);
path.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logExecTimestamp = new XMLParameter(
XML_LOG_B_EXECTIMESTAMP, "java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolExecTimestamp.toString(), false);
logExecTimestamp.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logLoggerName = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_LOGGERNAME,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolLoggername.toString(), false);
logLoggerName.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logTimeStamp = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_TIMESTAMP,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolTimeStamp.toString(), false);
logTimeStamp.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logJobID = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_JOBID,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolJobID.toString(), false);
logJobID.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logJobClass = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_JOBCLASS,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolJobClass.toString(), false);
logJobClass.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logTimeSameClass = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_TIMESAMECLS,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolTimeSameClass.toString(), false);
logTimeSameClass.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter logTimeAnyClass = new XMLParameter(XML_LOG_B_TIMEANYCLS,
"java.lang.Boolean", null,
loggerParameters.boolTimeAnyClass.toString(), false);
logTimeAnyClass.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
XMLParameter classSize = new XMLParameter("numClasses",
"java.lang.Integer", null, new Integer(model.getClassKeys()
.size()).toString(), false);
classSize.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
static protected void writeDelaySection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
getServiceSection(model, stationKey).appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
static protected void writeRouterSection(Document doc, Node nodeNode,
CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
// creating list of paramters for each single routing strategy
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
XMLParameter[] routingStrats = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
Object currentClass;
for (int i = 0; i < routingStrats.length; i++) {
currentClass = classes.get(i);
routingStrats[i] = RoutingStrategyWriter
.getRoutingStrategyParameter((RoutingStrategy) model
.getRoutingStrategy(stationKey, currentClass),
model, currentClass, stationKey);
XMLParameter globalRouting = new XMLParameter("RoutingStrategy",
strategiesClasspathBase + "RoutingStrategy", null,
routingStrats, false);
globalRouting.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
* Adds to @doc the tags to store a class
* switch section of a node.
* @param doc the xml where you want to add clas_switch section
* @param nodeNode the node owner of the class_switch section
* @param model
* @param stationKey the station implementing class switching
static protected void writeClassSwitchSection(Document doc,
Node nodeNode, CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
//Data-structure to xml
Float val;
Object classInKey = null;
Object classOutKey = null;
XMLParameter matrix;
XMLParameter rows[];
Vector<Object> classes;
classes = model.getClassKeys();
rows = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
XMLParameter cells[] = new XMLParameter[classes.size()];
classInKey = classes.get(i);
for(int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
classOutKey = classes.get(j);
val = model.getClassSwitchMatrix(stationKey, classInKey, classOutKey);
cells[j] = new XMLParameter("cell", "java.lang.Float", model.getClassName(classOutKey), val.toString(), true);
rows[i] = new XMLParameter("row", "java.lang.Float", model.getClassName(classInKey), cells, true);
matrix = new XMLParameter("matrix", "java.lang.Object", null, rows, false);
matrix.appendParameterElement(doc, elem);
// returns a list of keys for customer classes generated by a specific
// source station
static protected Vector<Object> getClassesForSource(CommonModel model,
Object stationKey) {
Vector<Object> keys = model.getClassKeys();
Vector<Object> classes = new Vector<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
if (CLASS_TYPE_OPEN == model.getClassType(keys.get(i))
&& model.getClassRefStation(keys.get(i)) == stationKey) {
return classes;
// returns a list of keys for customer classes generated by a specific
// terminal station
static protected Vector<Object> getClassesForTerminal(CommonModel model,
Object stationKey) {
Vector<Object> keys = model.getClassKeys();
Vector<Object> classes = new Vector<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
if (CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED == model.getClassType(keys.get(i))
&& model.getClassRefStation(keys.get(i)) == stationKey) {
return classes;
*----------------------- Methods for construction of measures -----------------------
static protected void writeMeasures(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
Vector<?> v = model.getMeasureKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_MEASURE);
Object key = v.get(i);
String station = model.getStationName(model.getMeasureStation(key)), userClass = model
.getClassName(model.getMeasureClass(key)), type = model
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_TYPE, type);
String name = "";
// This is a region measure
if (model.getRegionKeys().contains(model.getMeasureStation(key))) {
station = model.getRegionName(model.getMeasureStation(key));
} else {
if (station != null) {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_STATION, station);
name += station + "_";
} else {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_STATION, "");
if (userClass != null) {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_CLASS, userClass);
name += userClass + "_";
} else {
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_CLASS, "");
name += type;
// Inverts alpha and keeps only 10 decimal cifres
double alpha = 1 - model.getMeasureAlpha(key).doubleValue();
alpha = Math.rint(alpha * 1e10) / 1e10;
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_ALPHA, Double.toString(alpha));
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_PRECISION, model
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_NAME, name);
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_VERBOSE, Boolean.toString(model.getMeasureLog(key)));
*--------------------- Methods for construction of connections ----------------------
static protected void writeConnections(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
Vector<?> stations = model.getStationKeys();
String[] stationNames = new String[stations.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < stationNames.length; i++) {
stationNames[i] = model.getStationName(stations.get(i));
for (int i = 0; i < stationNames.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < stationNames.length; j++) {
if (model.areConnected(stations.get(i), stations.get(j))) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_CONNECTION);
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_CONNECTION_SOURCE, stationNames[i]);
elem.setAttribute(XML_A_CONNECTION_TARGET, stationNames[j]);
--------------------- Methods for construction of preload data --- Bertoli Marco ----
static protected void writePreload(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
// Finds if and where preloading is needed
Vector<?> stations = model.getStationKeys();
Vector<?> classes = model.getClassKeys();
// A map containing all stations that need preloading
Vector<Element> p_stations = new Vector<Element>();
for (int stat = 0; stat < stations.size(); stat++) {
Object key = stations.get(stat);
Vector<Element> p_class = new Vector<Element>();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
Object classKey = classes.get(i);
Integer jobs = model.getPreloadedJobs(key, classKey);
if (jobs.intValue() > 0) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_CLASSPOPULATION);
// If any preload is provided for this station, creates its element
// and adds it to p_stations
if (!p_class.isEmpty()) {
Element elem = doc.createElement(XML_E_STATIONPOPULATIONS);
while (!p_class.isEmpty()) {
// If p_stations is not empty, creates a preload section for stations in
// p_stations
if (!p_stations.isEmpty()) {
Element preload = doc.createElement(XML_E_PRELOAD);
while (!p_stations.isEmpty()) {
------------------- Methods for construction of blocking regions --------------------
--------------------------------- Bertoli Marco ------------------------------------*/
static protected void writeBlockingRegions(Document doc, Node simNode,
CommonModel model) {
Vector<?> regions = model.getRegionKeys();
for (int reg = 0; reg < regions.size(); reg++) {
Object key = regions.get(reg);
Element region = doc.createElement(XML_E_REGION);
// Set name attribute
region.setAttribute(XML_A_REGION_NAME, model.getRegionName(key));
// Set type attribute (optional)
region.setAttribute(XML_A_REGION_TYPE, model.getRegionType(key));
// Adds nodes (stations) to current region
Iterator<?> stations = model.getBlockingRegionStations(key).iterator();
while (stations.hasNext()) {
Element node = doc.createElement(XML_E_REGIONNODE);
// Add class constraints
Iterator<?> classes = model.getClassKeys().iterator();
// Add global constraint
Element globalConstraint = doc
globalConstraint.setAttribute(XML_A_GLOBALCONSTRAINT_MAXJOBS, model
while (classes.hasNext()) {
Object classKey = classes.next();
Element classConstraint = doc
model.getRegionClassCustomerConstraint(key, classKey)
// Add drop rules
classes = model.getClassKeys().iterator();
while (classes.hasNext()) {
Object classKey = classes.next();
Element drop = doc.createElement(XML_E_DROPRULES);
drop.setAttribute(XML_A_DROPRULES_DROP, model
.getRegionClassDropRule(key, classKey).toString());
------------------------ Inner classes for more ease of use -------------------------
protected static class XMLParameter {
public boolean isSubParameter = false;
public String parameterName;
public String parameterClasspath;
public String parameterRefClass;
public String parameterValue;
public String parameterArray;
public XMLParameter[] parameters;
public XMLParameter(String name, String classpath, String refClass,
String value, boolean isSubParameter) {
this(name, classpath, refClass, value, null, isSubParameter);
parameterArray = "false";
public XMLParameter(String name, String classpath, String refClass,
XMLParameter[] parameters, boolean isSubParameter) {
this(name, classpath, refClass, null, parameters, isSubParameter);
parameterArray = "true";
private XMLParameter(String name, String classpath, String refClass,
String value, XMLParameter[] parameters, boolean isSubParameter) {
parameterName = name;
parameterClasspath = classpath;
parameterRefClass = refClass;
parameterValue = value;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.isSubParameter = isSubParameter;
if (parameters != null) {
if (parameters.length > 1) {
parameterArray = "false";
} else {
parameterArray = "true";
} else {
parameterArray = "false";
public void appendParameterElement(Document doc, Element scope) {
// creating inner element containing queue length
Element parameter = doc
.createElement(isSubParameter ? XML_E_SUBPARAMETER
if (parameterClasspath != null) {
if (parameterName != null) {
parameter.setAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_NAME, parameterName);
if (parameterArray != null && "true".equals(parameterArray)) {
parameter.setAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_ARRAY, parameterArray);
// adding element refclass for this parameter
if (parameterRefClass != null) {
Element refclass = doc.createElement(XML_E_PARAMETER_REFCLASS);
// adding element value of parameter
if (parameterValue != null) {
Element value = doc.createElement(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE);
if (parameters != null) {
for (XMLParameter parameter2 : parameters) {
if (parameter2 != null) {
parameter2.appendParameterElement(doc, parameter);
* This class provides a simple method to obtain XMLparameter representation
* of a distribution object. Creation of a distribution parameter is a bit
* awkward, so I'll explain it as best as I can as it follows. generally a
* distribution is associated to a service time strategy, either it is an
* interarrival distribution for open classes job generation, or a proper
* service time distribution for a certain station. As a result,
* distribution parameter is inserted in a ServiceTimeStrategy parameter
* which is the one userclass is associated to. Inside this parameter node
* should be inserted 2 subParameter nodes: <br>
* -One for distribution description(containing distribution classpath and
* name) <br>
* - One containing all of the distribution constructor parameters. <br>
* The first one has null value, the second contains a list of parameters
* which, as they are different from each other, they are not considered as
* array. Then, the node which contains them has no value for array
* attribute.
protected static class DistributionWriter {
* returns a distribution in XMLParameter format, to allow nesting it in
* other parameters.
static XMLParameter getDistributionParameter(Distribution distr,
CommonModel model, Object classKey) {
XMLParameter[] distribution = getDistributionParameter(distr);
XMLParameter returnValue = new XMLParameter("ServiceTimeStrategy",
strategiesClasspathBase + serviceStrategiesSuffix
+ "ServiceTimeStrategy",
model.getClassName(classKey), new XMLParameter[] {
distribution[0], distribution[1] }, true);
* although this parameter contains several others, array attribute
* must be set to "false", as their type are not neccessarily equal
returnValue.parameterArray = "false";
return returnValue;
* Returns a Distribution in XMLParameter format without refclass. This
* is used to write load dependent service section distributions
* @param distr
* distribution to be written
* @return the two object to represent a distribution: distribution and
* its parameter object Author: Bertoli Marco
static XMLParameter[] getDistributionParameter(Distribution distr) {
// a list of direct parameter -> parameter which must be passed
// directly to the distribution object
List<XMLParameter> directParams = new Vector<XMLParameter>();
// a list of parameters which are passed to the distribution
// parameter
List<XMLParameter> nonDirectParams = new Vector<XMLParameter>();
Distribution.Parameter distrPar;
// Object valueObj;
// parse over all parameters and add them to the apropriate list
for (int i = 0; i < distr.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
distrPar = distr.getParameter(i);
if (distrPar.isDirectParameter()) {
} else {
// get an array of the direct parameters
XMLParameter[] directPars = new XMLParameter[directParams.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < directPars.length; i++) {
directPars[i] = directParams.get(i);
// get an array of the non direct parameters
XMLParameter[] nonDirectPars = new XMLParameter[nonDirectParams
for (int i = 0; i < nonDirectPars.length; i++) {
nonDirectPars[i] = nonDirectParams.get(i);
// create the distribution parameter with the direct parameters
XMLParameter[] ret = new XMLParameter[2];
ret[0] = new XMLParameter(distr.getName(), distr.getClassPath(),
(String) null, directPars, true);
// create the distribution parameter with the non direct parameters
ret[1] = new XMLParameter("distrPar",
distr.getParameterClassPath(), null, nonDirectPars, true);
ret[0].parameterArray = "false";
ret[1].parameterArray = "false";
return ret;
* Helper method to extract an XMLParameter from a Distribution
* parameter
* @param distrPar
* the distribution parameter
* @return the created XML Parameter
static XMLParameter getParameter(Distribution.Parameter distrPar) {
Object valueObj = distrPar.getValue();
if (valueObj != null) {
if (distrPar.getValue() instanceof Distribution) {
XMLParameter[] distribution = getDistributionParameter((Distribution) valueObj);
XMLParameter returnValue = new XMLParameter(
distrPar.getName(), distributionContainerClasspath,
null, new XMLParameter[] { distribution[0],
distribution[1] }, true);
* although this parameter contains several others, array
* attribute must be set to "false", as their type are not
* neccessarily equal
returnValue.parameterArray = "false";
return returnValue;
} else {
String value = valueObj.toString();
return new XMLParameter(distrPar.getName(), distrPar
.getValueClass().getName(), null, value, true);
return null;
* This class creates an xml parameter node given a
* jmt.gui.common.RoutingStrategy object.
protected static class RoutingStrategyWriter {
static XMLParameter getRoutingStrategyParameter(
RoutingStrategy routingStrat, CommonModel model,
Object classKey, Object stationKey) {
// parameter containing array of empirical entries
XMLParameter[] innerRoutingPar = null;
if (routingStrat.getValues() != null && routingStrat instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
XMLParameter probRoutingPar = null;
Vector<Object> outputs = model.getForwardConnections(stationKey);
Map<Object, Double> values = routingStrat.getValues();
model.normalizeProbabilities(values, outputs, classKey,
XMLParameter[] empiricalEntries = new XMLParameter[outputs
for (int i = 0; i < empiricalEntries.length; i++) {
XMLParameter stationDest = new XMLParameter("stationName",
String.class.getName(), null,
model.getStationName(outputs.get(i)), true);
String prob = values.get(outputs.get(i)).toString();
XMLParameter routProb = new XMLParameter("probability",
Double.class.getName(), null, prob, true);
empiricalEntries[i] = new XMLParameter("EmpiricalEntry",
EmpiricalEntry.class.getName(), null,
new XMLParameter[] { stationDest, routProb }, true);
empiricalEntries[i].parameterArray = "false";
probRoutingPar = new XMLParameter("EmpiricalEntryArray",
EmpiricalEntry.class.getName(), null, empiricalEntries,
innerRoutingPar = new XMLParameter[] { probRoutingPar };
}else if(routingStrat instanceof LoadDependentRouting){
LoadDependentRouting routing = (LoadDependentRouting)routingStrat;
XMLParameter ldRoutingPar = null;
XMLParameter[] ranges = new XMLParameter[routing.getEmpiricalEntries().size()];
Iterator<Integer> froms = routing.getEmpiricalEntries().keySet().iterator();
int countersRange =0;
Integer fromKey = froms.next();
String from = fromKey.toString();
XMLParameter fromEntry = new XMLParameter("from", Integer.class.getName(), null, from , true);
XMLParameter probLDRoutingPar = null;
XMLParameter[] empiricalEntries = new XMLParameter[routing.getEmpiricalEntries().get(fromKey).length];
for (int i = 0; i < empiricalEntries.length; i++) {
String station = routing.getEmpiricalEntries().get(fromKey)[i].getStationName();
XMLParameter stationDest = new XMLParameter("stationName", String.class.getName(), null, station, true);
Double probability = routing.getEmpiricalEntries().get(fromKey)[i].getProbability();
XMLParameter routProb = new XMLParameter("probability", Double.class.getName(), null, probability.toString(), true);
empiricalEntries[i] = new XMLParameter("EmpiricalEntry", EmpiricalEntry.class.getName(),null, new XMLParameter[] { stationDest,routProb }, true);
empiricalEntries[i].parameterArray = "false";
probLDRoutingPar = new XMLParameter("EmpiricalEntryArray", EmpiricalEntry.class.getName(), null, empiricalEntries, true);
ranges[countersRange] = new XMLParameter("LoadDependentRoutingParameter", strategiesClasspathBase + routingStrategiesSuffix + "LoadDependentRoutingParameter", null,
new XMLParameter[] { fromEntry,probLDRoutingPar }, true);
ranges[countersRange].parameterArray = "false";
countersRange = countersRange + 1;
ldRoutingPar = new XMLParameter("LoadDependentRoutingParameter", strategiesClasspathBase + routingStrategiesSuffix + "LoadDependentRoutingParameter", null, ranges, true);
innerRoutingPar = new XMLParameter[] { ldRoutingPar } ;
// creating parameter for empirical strategy: must be null if
// routing is empirical
XMLParameter routingStrategy = new XMLParameter(
routingStrat.getName(), routingStrat.getClassPath(),
model.getClassName(classKey), innerRoutingPar, true);
routingStrategy.parameterArray = "false";
return routingStrategy;
* private static void normalizeProbabilities(Map values, Vector
* outputKeys){ Double[] probabilities = new Double[outputKeys.size()];
* Object[] keys = new Object[outputKeys.size()];
* outputKeys.toArray(keys); //extract all values from map in array form
* for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){ probabilities[i] =
* (Double)values.get(keys[i]); } values.clear(); //scan for null values
* and for total sum double totalSum = 0.0; int totalNonNull = 0;
* boolean allNull = true; for(int i=0; i<probabilities.length; i++){
* if(probabilities[i]!=null){ totalSum +=
* probabilities[i].doubleValue(); totalNonNull++; allNull = false; } }
* //modify non null values for their sum to match 1 and put null values
* to 1 for(int i=0; i<probabilities.length; i++){
* if(probabilities[i]!=null || allNull){ if(totalSum==0){
* probabilities[i] = new Double(1.0/(double)totalNonNull); }else{
* probabilities[i] = new
* Double(probabilities[i].doubleValue()/totalSum); } }else{
* probabilities[i] = new Double(0.0); } values.put(keys[i],
* probabilities[i]); } }