* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.xml;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import jmt.common.xml.resources.XSDSchemaLoader;
import jmt.engine.log.JSimLogger;
import jmt.engine.log.LoggerParameters;
import jmt.gui.common.CommonConstants;
import jmt.gui.common.Defaults;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.CommonModel;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.LoadDependentRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.LDStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.ZeroStrategy;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* <p>Title: XML Reader</p>
* <p>Description: Reads model information from an XML file. This
* class provide methods for model load. It's designed to be used by both JModel and JSim.</p>
* @author Bertoli Marco
* Date: 27-lug-2005
* Time: 13.59.48
* Modified by Ashanka (Aug 09):
* Desc: The code to include the changes for label changes from
* 1. Queue Length to Customer Number
* 2. Number of Customers to System Customer Number
* Modified by Ashanka (Sep 09):
* Desc: The code to include the changes for label changes from
* 1. Customer Number to Number of Customers
* 2. System Customer Number to System Number of Customers.
public class XMLReader implements XMLConstantNames, CommonConstants {
protected static TreeMap<String, Object> classes; // Data structure used to map between class name and its key
protected static TreeMap<String, Object> stations; // Data structure used to map between station name and its key
protected static TreeMap<String, Object> regions; // Data structure used to map between region name and its key
protected static HashMap<Object, String> refStations; // Data structure used to hold classes' reference stations
protected static HashMap<Object[], Map<String, Double>> empiricalRouting; // Data structure to save malformed empirical routing tuples
/*defines the default logger (used to report errors and information for debugging purposes)*/
private static final jmt.engine.log.JSimLogger debugLog = jmt.engine.log.JSimLogger.getLogger(JSimLogger.STD_LOGGER);
/**defines matching between engine representation and gui names for drop
protected static final Map<String,String> DROP_RULES_MAPPING;
static {
HashMap<String, String> d = new HashMap<String, String>();
d.put("drop", FINITE_DROP);
d.put("waiting queue", FINITE_WAITING);
d.put("BAS blocking", FINITE_BLOCK);
DROP_RULES_MAPPING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(d);
// Variables used with caching purpose to improve reading speed
protected static Map<String, Distribution> engineToGuiDistr = null;
protected static Map<String, RoutingStrategy> engineToGuiRouting = null;
protected static final String queueGetFCFS = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.QueueGetStrategies.FCFSstrategy";
protected static final String queueGetLCFS = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.QueueGetStrategies.LCFSstrategy";
protected static final String queueGetPS = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.QueueGetStrategies.PSSstrategy";
protected static final String queuePut = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.QueuePutStrategy";
protected static final String serviceStrategy = "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.ServiceStrategy";
protected static final String distributionContainer = "jmt.engine.random.DistributionContainer";
* Restore a model saved in an XML file, given the name of the file. If specified file
* is a jmodel archive, extracts model informations from it and uses them to reconstruct
* the model. This method is provided to be used with JSIM
* @param fileName name of the file to be opened
* @param model data structure where model should be created (a new data structure
* is the best choice)
* @return true iff model was recognized and loaded, false otherwise
public static boolean loadModel(String fileName, CommonModel model) {
Document doc = loadXML(fileName, XSDSchemaLoader.loadSchema(XSDSchemaLoader.JSIM_MODEL_DEFINITION));
if (doc.getElementsByTagName(XML_DOCUMENT_ROOT).getLength() != 0) {
// Document is a simulation model
parseXML(doc, model);
return true;
} else if (doc.getElementsByTagName(GuiXMLConstants.XML_ARCHIVE_DOCUMENT_ROOT).getLength() != 0) {
// Document is an archive
parseXML(XMLArchiver.getSimFromArchiveDocument(doc), model);
return true;
return false;
* Restore a model saved in an XML file, given the handler to the file. If specified file
* is a jmodel archive, extracts model informations from it and uses them to reconstruct
* the model. This method is provided to be used with JSIM
* @param xmlFile handler to the file to be opened
* @param model data structure where model should be created (a new data structure
* is the best choice)
* @return true iff model was recognized and loaded, false otherwise
public static boolean loadModel(File xmlFile, CommonModel model) {
return loadModel(xmlFile.getAbsolutePath(), model);
* Parses given Gui XML Document to reconstruct simulation model.
* @param root root of document to be parsed
* @param model data model to be elaborated
public static void parseXML(Element root, CommonModel model) {
// Gets optional parameter simulation seed
String seed = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_SEED);
if (seed != null && seed != "") {
model.setSimulationSeed(new Long(seed));
} else {
// Gets optional parameter maximum time
String maxTime = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_DURATION);
if (maxTime != null && maxTime != "") {
model.setMaximumDuration(new Double(maxTime));
} else {
model.setMaximumDuration(new Double(-1));
// Gets optional parameter polling interval
String polling = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_POLLING);
if (polling != null && polling != "") {
// Gets optional parameter maximum samples
String maxSamples = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_MAXSAMPLES);
if (maxSamples != null && maxSamples != "") {
// Gets optional parameter disable statistic
String disableStatistic = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_DISABLESTATISTIC);
if (disableStatistic != null && disableStatistic != "") {
/* Gets optional parameters log path, replace policy, and delimiter
* Values here should correspond to SimLoader values (Ctrl+F for them) */
String logPath = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_LOGPATH);
if (logPath != null && logPath != "") {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("path", logPath);
} else {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("path", "");
String logReplaceMode = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_LOGREPLACE);
if (logReplaceMode != null && logReplaceMode != "") {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("autoAppend", logReplaceMode);
} else {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("autoAppend", Defaults.get("loggerAutoAppend"));
String logDelimiter = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_LOGDELIM);
if (logDelimiter != null && logDelimiter != "") {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("delim", logDelimiter);
} else {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("delim", Defaults.get("loggerDelimiter"));
String logDecimalSeparator = root.getAttribute(XML_A_ROOT_LOGDECIMALSEPARATOR);
if (logDecimalSeparator != null && logDecimalSeparator != "") {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("decimalSeparator", logDecimalSeparator);
} else {
model.setLoggingGlbParameter("decimalSeparator", ".");
parseClasses(root, model);
empiricalRouting = new HashMap<Object[], Map<String, Double>>();
parseStations(root, model);
parseConnections(root, model);
parseBlockingRegions(root, model);
parseMeasures(root, model);
parsePreloading(root, model);
// Set reference station for each class
Object[] keys = refStations.keySet().toArray();
for (Object key : keys) {
model.setClassRefStation(key, stations.get(refStations.get(key)));
// Sets correct station key into every empiricalRouting element
// Now each key is an Object[] where (0) is station key and (1) class key
keys = empiricalRouting.keySet().toArray();
for (Object key : keys) {
Object[] dualkey = (Object[]) key;
RoutingStrategy rs = (RoutingStrategy) model.getRoutingStrategy(dualkey[0], dualkey[1]);
Map<Object, Double> routing = rs.getValues();
Map<String, Double> values = empiricalRouting.get(key);
Object[] names = values.keySet().toArray();
// Creates correct hashmap with station key --> probability mapping
for (Object name : names) {
routing.put(stations.get(name), values.get(name));
* Parses given Gui XML Document to reconstruct simulation model.
* @param xml Document to be parsed
* @param model data model to be elaborated
public static void parseXML(Document xml, CommonModel model) {
parseXML(xml.getDocumentElement(), model);
// --- Helper methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper method that searches for first text node, between all children of current node
* and returns its value. (This is needed to garbage out all comments)
* @param elem root node to begin search
* @return parsed text if found, otherwise null
protected static String findText(Node elem) {
NodeList tmp = elem.getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < tmp.getLength(); j++) {
if (tmp.item(j).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return tmp.item(j).getNodeValue();
return null;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Class section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses userclasses information. Note that distributions for open class will be set lately
* and reference station information is stored into refStations data structure as will
* be used later
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parseClasses(Element root, CommonModel model) {
// Initialize classes and refStations data structure
classes = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
refStations = new HashMap<Object, String>();
NodeList nodeclasses = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_CLASS);
// Now scans all elements
Element currclass;
int type, priority;
Integer customers;
String name;
Distribution defaultDistr = (Distribution) Defaults.getAsNewInstance("classDistribution");
Object key;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeclasses.getLength(); i++) {
currclass = (Element) nodeclasses.item(i);
name = currclass.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASS_NAME);
type = currclass.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASS_TYPE).equals("closed") ? CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED : CLASS_TYPE_OPEN;
customers = new Integer(0);
priority = 0;
// As these elements are not mandatory, sets them to 0, then tries to parses them
String tmp = currclass.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASS_CUSTOMERS);
if (tmp != null && tmp != "") {
customers = Integer.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = currclass.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASS_PRIORITY);
if (tmp != null && tmp != "") {
priority = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
// Now adds user class. Note that distribution will be set lately.
key = model.addClass(name, type, priority, customers, defaultDistr);
// Stores reference station as will be set lately (when we will have stations key)
refStations.put(key, currclass.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASS_REFSOURCE));
// Creates mapping class-name -> key into stations data structure
classes.put(name, key);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Station section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses all station related informations and puts them into data structure
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parseStations(Element root, CommonModel model) {
// Initialize stations data structure
stations = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
NodeList nodestations = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_STATION);
Object key;
Element station;
String type, name;
NodeList sections;
// For every station, identifies its type and parses its parameters
for (int i = 0; i < nodestations.getLength(); i++) {
station = (Element) nodestations.item(i);
sections = station.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
type = getStationType(station);
name = station.getAttribute(XML_A_STATION_NAME);
// Puts station into data structure
key = model.addStation(name, type);
// Creates mapping station-name -> key into stations data structure
stations.put(name, key);
// Handles source (set distribution)
if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
parseSource((Element) sections.item(0), model, key, name);
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL) || type.equals(STATION_TYPE_ROUTER) || type.equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN)) {
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_DELAY)) {
parseDelay((Element) sections.item(1), model, key);
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SERVER)) {
parseQueue((Element) sections.item(0), model, key);
parseServer((Element) sections.item(1), model, key);
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
parseQueue((Element) sections.item(0), model, key);
parseFork((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_LOGGER)) {
parseLogger((Element) sections.item(1), model, key);
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
} else if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH)) {
parseQueue((Element) sections.item(0), model, key);
parseClassSwitch((Element) sections.item(1), model, key);
parseRouter((Element) sections.item(2), model, key);
* Extract all informations regarding Source section. If this source is reference class
* for any kind of open class, uses service time informations stored here to set distribution
* for this class.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
* @param stationName Name of current station. This is used to correctly set reference station
* distribution. That cannot be derived from model.getStationName(key) as JSim can change
* source name upon opening a model stored with JModel.
protected static void parseSource(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key, String stationName) {
Element parameter = (Element) section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER).item(0);
// Now parses Service Distribution
Map<String, Node> distributions = parseParameterRefclassArray(parameter);
// Assign distribution for a class only if current source is its reference station
Object[] classNames = distributions.keySet().toArray();
Object classkey;
for (Object className : classNames) {
// If current class has this station as reference source and is open...
if (refStations.get(classes.get(className)) != null && refStations.get(classes.get(className)).equals(stationName)
&& model.getClassType(classes.get(className)) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
classkey = classes.get(className);
model.setClassDistribution(parseServiceStrategy((Element) distributions.get(className)), classkey);
model.setClassRefStation(classkey, key);
// Removes this class from refStations as it was already handled
* Extract all informations regarding Queue section.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
protected static void parseQueue(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
NodeList parameters = section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER);
Element curr;
String name, classpath;
boolean fcfs = true;
boolean ps = false;
Map<String, Node> putStrategy = null;
Map<String, Node> dropRules = null;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getLength(); i++) {
curr = (Element) parameters.item(i);
name = curr.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_NAME);
classpath = curr.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
if (classpath.equals(queueGetFCFS)) {
fcfs = true;
} else if (classpath.equals(queueGetLCFS)) {
fcfs = false;
} else if (classpath.equals(queueGetPS)) {
fcfs = false;
ps = true;
} else if (classpath.equals(queuePut)) {
putStrategy = parseParameterRefclassArray(curr);
} else if (name.equals("size")) {
Integer size = Integer.valueOf(findText(curr.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
model.setStationQueueCapacity(size, key);
} else if (name.equals("dropStrategies")) {
dropRules = parseParameterRefclassArray(curr);
if (putStrategy != null) {
Object[] classNames = putStrategy.keySet().toArray();
String strategy;
for (Object className : classNames) {
strategy = ((Element) putStrategy.get(className)).getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
// Takes away classpath from put strategy name
strategy = strategy.substring(strategy.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, strategy.length());
// Now sets correct queue strategy, given combination of queueget and queueput policies
if (ps) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS);
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);
} else if (strategy.equals("HeadStrategy")) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_QUEUE);
if (fcfs) {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS);
} else {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);
} else if (strategy.equals("HeadStrategyPriority")) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_QUEUE_PRIORITY);
if (fcfs) {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS);
} else {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);
} else if (strategy.equals("TailStrategy")) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_QUEUE);
if (fcfs) {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);
} else {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS);
} else if (strategy.equals("TailStrategyPriority")) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_QUEUE_PRIORITY);
if (fcfs) {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);
} else {
model.setQueueStrategy(key, classes.get(className), QUEUE_STRATEGY_LCFS);
// Decodes drop rules
if (dropRules != null) {
Object[] classNames = dropRules.keySet().toArray();
String strategy;
for (Object className : classNames) {
strategy = findText(((Element) dropRules.get(className)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
model.setDropRule(key, classes.get(className), DROP_RULES_MAPPING.get(strategy));
* Extract all informations regarding Delay section.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
protected static void parseDelay(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
Element parameter = (Element) section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER).item(0);
// Retrives all distributions subParameters
Map<String, Node> distributions = parseParameterRefclassArray(parameter);
Object[] classNames = distributions.keySet().toArray();
// Sets service time distributions
for (Object className : classNames) {
model.setServiceTimeDistribution(key, classes.get(className), parseServiceStrategy((Element) distributions.get(className)));
* Extract all informations regarding Delay section.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
protected static void parseServer(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
String className = section.getAttribute(XML_A_STATION_SECTION_CLASSNAME);
if (CLASSNAME_PSSERVER.equals(className)) {
model.setStationQueueStrategy(key, QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS);
NodeList parameters = section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER);
Element curr;
String name, classpath;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getLength(); i++) {
curr = (Element) parameters.item(i);
name = curr.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_NAME);
classpath = curr.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
if (classpath.equals(serviceStrategy)) {
// Retrives all distributions subParameters
Map<String, Node> distributions = parseParameterRefclassArray((Element) parameters.item(i));
Object[] classNames = distributions.keySet().toArray();
// Sets service time distributions
for (Object className2 : classNames) {
model.setServiceTimeDistribution(key, classes.get(className2), parseServiceStrategy((Element) distributions.get(className2)));
} else if (name.equals("maxJobs")) {
// Sets number of servers
Integer jobs = Integer.valueOf(findText(curr.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
model.setStationNumberOfServers(jobs, key);
* Parses A Parameter Array node, returning a Map of ClassName -> subParameter
* @param parameterNode
* @return a Map of ClassName -> subParameter
protected static Map<String, Node> parseParameterRefclassArray(Element parameterNode) {
// For some reasons getElementsByTagName returns only first service time strategy.
// So we need to look every children of parameterNode node.
TreeMap<String, Node> res = new TreeMap<String, Node>();
Node child = parameterNode.getFirstChild();
String refClass;
// This manual parsing is a bit unclean but works well and it's really fast.
// I was forced to do in this way for the problem said before.
while (child != null) {
while (child != null && (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !child.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_PARAMETER_REFCLASS))) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
if (child == null) {
refClass = findText(child);
// Now finds first subParameter element
while (child != null && (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !child.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER))) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
if (child == null) {
// Puts className and subParameter into destination Map
res.put(refClass, child);
child = child.getNextSibling();
return res;
* Parses a parameter array and returns Vector of found subParameters
* @param parameterNode
* @return Vector with found subParameters
protected static Vector<Node> parseParameterArray(Element parameterNode) {
Vector<Node> ret = new Vector<Node>();
Node child = parameterNode.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
while (child != null && (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !child.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER))) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
if (child == null) {
// Puts found subParameter into destination Vector
child = child.getNextSibling();
return ret;
* Parse router section
* @param section router section
* @param model data structure
* @param key station's key
protected static void parseRouter(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
Element parameter = (Element) section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER).item(0);
Map<String, Node> routing = parseParameterRefclassArray(parameter);
Object[] classNames = routing.keySet().toArray();
String className;
// Creates a Map of Name --> Routing Strategy if needed
if (engineToGuiRouting == null) {
engineToGuiRouting = new TreeMap<String, RoutingStrategy>();
RoutingStrategy[] allRS = RoutingStrategy.findAll();
for (RoutingStrategy element : allRS) {
engineToGuiRouting.put(element.getClass().getName(), element);
Object[] routStratKeys = engineToGuiRouting.keySet().toArray();
for (Object className2 : classNames) {
className = ((Element) routing.get(className2)).getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
// Searches all available routing strategy to find the one saved
for (Object routStratKey : routStratKeys) {
if (className.equals(engineToGuiRouting.get(routStratKey).getClassPath())) {
model.setRoutingStrategy(key, classes.get(className2), engineToGuiRouting.get(routStratKey).clone());
// Treat particular case of Empirical (Probabilities) Routing
RoutingStrategy rs = (RoutingStrategy) model.getRoutingStrategy(key, classes.get(className2));
if (rs instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
// Creates a Vector of all empirical entris. Could not be done automaticly
// for the above problem with array (see parseParameterRefclassArray)
Vector<Node> entries = new Vector<Node>();
// Finds EntryArray node
Node entryArray = routing.get(className2).getFirstChild();
while (entryArray.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !entryArray.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER)) {
entryArray = entryArray.getNextSibling();
// Now finds every empirical entry
Node child = entryArray.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
// Find first subParameter element
while (child != null && (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !child.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER))) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
if (child != null) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
// For each empirical entry get station name and probability
for (int j = 0; j < entries.size(); j++) {
NodeList values = ((Element) entries.get(j)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER);
String stationName = findText(((Element) values.item(0)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
Double probability = Double.valueOf(findText(((Element) values.item(1)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
// Now puts the tuple stationName -> probability into a Map, then adds it
// to empiricalRouting Map. This is needed as at this
// point we don't have all station's key so will be adjusted latelly
Map<String, Double> tmp = new TreeMap<String, Double>();
tmp.put(stationName, probability);
// Put into empiricalRouting a pair of station key and class key and map with
// station names instead of station key
empiricalRouting.put(new Object[] { key, classes.get(className2) }, tmp);
if (rs instanceof LoadDependentRouting) {
Node entryArray = routing.get(className2).getFirstChild();
Vector<Node> entriesNew = new Vector<Node>();
while (entryArray != null && (entryArray.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !entryArray.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER))) {
entryArray = entryArray.getNextSibling();//This is a SubParameter..So nxt time it wont enter.
String name = null;
try {
name = ((Element) entryArray).getAttribute("name");//LDParameter Here
name = ((Element) entryArray).getAttribute("classPath");//"jmt.engine.NetStrategies.RoutingStrategies.LDParameter"
name = ((Element) entryArray).getAttribute("array"); //Trues
} catch (Exception e) {
if (entryArray != null) {
Vector<Node> from = new Vector<Node>();
while (entryArray.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !entryArray.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER)) {
entryArray = entryArray.getNextSibling();//Did not enter as I am in LDParameter Array
// Now finds every From entry
Node child = entryArray.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
while (child != null && (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !child.getNodeName().equals(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER))) {
child = child.getNextSibling();//This is a SubParameter
String name = null;
try {
name = ((Element) child).getAttribute("name");//LDParameter Here
name = ((Element) child).getAttribute("classPath");//"jmt.engine.NetStrategies.ServiceStrategies.LDParameter"
name = ((Element) child).getAttribute("array"); //false
} catch (Exception e) {
if (child != null) {
child = child.getNextSibling();//TXT
LoadDependentRouting ld = new LoadDependentRouting();
Integer keyld;
for (int j = 0; j < from.size(); j++) {
NodeList values = ((Element) from.get(j)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER);
String fromValue = findText(((Element) values.item(0)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
int fromVal = new Integer(fromValue);
values = ((Element) values.item(1)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER);
for(int n=0; n<values.getLength(); n++){
try{//Empirical Entry..Station Name..probability Keeps repeating..
String atrName = ((Element) values.item(n)).getAttribute("name");//Empirical Entry..Station Name..probability..for a from.
Node empiricalEntry = values.item(n);
Node station = empiricalEntry.getFirstChild().getNextSibling();
String stationName = findText(((Element)station).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
Node probability = empiricalEntry.getFirstChild().getNextSibling().getNextSibling().getNextSibling();
String probabilityValue = findText(((Element)probability).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
Double prob = Double.parseDouble(probabilityValue);
//ld.getRange(fromVal).setProbabilities(stationName, probVal);
ld.addEmricalEntryForFrom(new Integer(fromVal),stationName, prob);
}catch(Exception e){
rs = ld;
model.setRoutingStrategy(key, classes.get(className2), rs);
* Parse class switch section
* @param section router section
* @param model data structure
* @param key station's key
protected static void parseClassSwitch(Element section, CommonModel model, Object stationKey) {
Element matrix = (Element) section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER).item(0);
Map<String, Node> rows = parseParameterRefclassArray(matrix);
Iterator<String> i = rows.keySet().iterator();
String classIn = i.next();
Object classInKey = model.getClassByName(classIn);
Element row = (Element) rows.get(classIn);
NodeList rowChild = row.getChildNodes();
for(int j = 0; j < rowChild.getLength();j++){
if(rowChild.item(j).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
Node refClass = rowChild.item(j);
String classOut = refClass.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();
while(rowChild.item(j).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
Node subParam = rowChild.item(j);
NodeList subParamChild = subParam.getChildNodes();
int h = 0;
while(subParamChild.item(h).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
String value = subParamChild.item(h).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();
Object classOutKey = model.getClassByName(classOut);
model.setClassSwitchMatrix(stationKey, classInKey, classOutKey, Float.parseFloat(value));
* Extract all parameters for a Logger section from the XML document.
* The information from parseLogger is passed to LogTunnel.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
* @author Michael Fercu (Bertoli Marco)
* Date: 08-aug-2008
* @see jmt.engine.log.LoggerParameters LoggerParameters
* @see jmt.gui.common.XMLWriter#writeLoggerSection XMLWriter.writeLoggerSection()
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.CommonModel#getLoggingParameters CommonModel.getLoggingParameters()
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.CommonModel#setLoggingParameters CommonModel.setLoggingParameters()
* @see jmt.engine.NodeSections.LogTunnel LogTunnel
protected static void parseLogger(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
NodeList parameters = section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER);
LoggerParameters logParams = new LoggerParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getLength(); i++) {
Element parameter = (Element) parameters.item(i);
String parameterName = parameter.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_NAME);
try {
// Get the parameters from the XML file
if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_FILENAME)) {
logParams.name = new String(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_FILEPATH)) {
try {
logParams.path = new String(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} catch (Exception e) {
logParams.path = "./";
} // this should never happen
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_EXECTIMESTAMP)) {
logParams.boolExecTimestamp = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_LOGGERNAME)) {
logParams.boolLoggername = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_TIMESTAMP)) {
logParams.boolTimeStamp = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_JOBID)) {
logParams.boolJobID = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_JOBCLASS)) {
logParams.boolJobClass = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_TIMESAMECLS)) {
logParams.boolTimeSameClass = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals(XML_LOG_B_TIMEANYCLS)) {
logParams.boolTimeAnyClass = new Boolean(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
} else if (parameterName.equals("numClasses")) {
/* No parsing needed for these parameters:
* Only useful to (and has already been passed to) the simulator. */;
} else {
debugLog.error("XMLReader.parseLogger() - Unknown parameter \"" + parameterName + "\".");
} catch (Exception e) {
debugLog.error("XMLreader.parseLogger: " + e.toString());
model.setLoggingParameters(key, logParams);
* Extract all informations regarding Fork section.
* @param section input section of source station
* @param model link to data structure
* @param key key of search for this source station into data structure
protected static void parseFork(Element section, CommonModel model, Object key) {
NodeList parameters = section.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getLength(); i++) {
Element parameter = (Element) parameters.item(i);
String parameterName = parameter.getAttribute(XML_A_PARAMETER_NAME);
// Fork number of server is used as number of jobs per link
if (parameterName.equals("jobsPerLink")) {
model.setStationNumberOfServers(Integer.decode(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0))), key);
} else if (parameterName.equals("block")) {
model.setForkBlock(key, Integer.valueOf(findText(parameter.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PARAMETER_VALUE).item(0))));
* Parses service section informations contained in serviceTimeStrategy element to create a
* correct Distribution or LDStrategy object
* @param serviceTimeStrategy Element that holds all distribution informations
* @return created Distribution or LDStrategy or null if this field is set to null
protected static Object parseServiceStrategy(Element serviceTimeStrategy) {
// Ccreates a map with distribution classpath --> Distribution if needed
if (engineToGuiDistr == null) {
Distribution[] allDistr = Distribution.findAll();
engineToGuiDistr = new TreeMap<String, Distribution>();
for (Distribution element : allDistr) {
engineToGuiDistr.put(element.getClassPath(), element);
String serviceClassPath = serviceTimeStrategy.getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
if (serviceClassPath.equals(ZeroStrategy.getEngineClassPath())) {
// Zero service time strategy
return new ZeroStrategy();
} else if (serviceClassPath.equals(LDStrategy.getEngineClassPath())) {
// Load dependent Service Strategy
Element LDParameterArray = (Element) serviceTimeStrategy.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER).item(0);
LDStrategy strategy = new LDStrategy();
// Now parses LDStrategy ranges
Vector<Node> ranges = parseParameterArray(LDParameterArray);
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
Vector<Node> parameters = parseParameterArray((Element) ranges.get(i));
int from = Integer.parseInt(findText(((Element) parameters.get(0)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER_VALUE).item(0)));
Distribution distr = parseDistribution((Element) parameters.get(1), (Element) parameters.get(2));
String mean = findText(((Element) parameters.get(3)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
Object key;
if (from == 1) {
// If this is first range
key = strategy.getAllRanges()[0];
} else {
// next ranges
key = strategy.addRange();
strategy.setRangeFrom(key, from);
// This is needed as key will change
key = strategy.getAllRanges()[strategy.getRangeNumber() - 1];
strategy.setRangeDistributionNoCheck(key, distr);
strategy.setRangeDistributionMeanNoCheck(key, mean);
return strategy;
} else {
//use the parseParameterArray function to return only DIRECT subparameters
Vector<Node> distribution = parseParameterArray(serviceTimeStrategy);
if (distribution.size() == 0) {
return null;
return parseDistribution((Element) distribution.get(0), (Element) distribution.get(1));
* Parses a distribution, given its distribution and distributionPar nodes
* @param distr distribution node
* @param distrPar distribution's parameter node
* @return parsed distribution
protected static Distribution parseDistribution(Element distr, Element distrPar) {
String classname = distr.getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_CLASSPATH);
//get the subparameter which are directly passed to the distribution
Vector<Node> distributionParameters = parseParameterArray(distr);
//add the subparameters which are passed to the distribution parameter
// Gets correct instance of distribution
Distribution dist = engineToGuiDistr.get(classname).clone();
Element currpar;
String param_name;
for (int i = 0; i < distributionParameters.size(); i++) {
currpar = (Element) distributionParameters.get(i);
param_name = currpar.getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_NAME);
//if current parameter is a nested Distribution
if (currpar.getAttribute(XML_A_SUBPARAMETER_CLASSPATH).equals(distributionContainer)) {
//parse the currentparameter to get DIRECT subparameters
Vector<Node> nestedDistr = parseParameterArray(currpar);
// If distribution is not set, returns null
Object param_value = null;
if (nestedDistr.size() == 0) {
param_value = null;
} else {
//parse the nested distribution
param_value = parseDistribution((Element) nestedDistr.get(0), (Element) nestedDistr.get(1));
} else {
String param_value = findText(currpar.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_SUBPARAMETER_VALUE).item(0));
dist.updateCM(); // Updates values of c and mean
return dist;
* Returns the type of a station, reconstructing it from section names. This method must be
* modified if a new station type is inserted.
* @param station element containing sections
* @return station type as expected by CommonModel / JMODELModel
protected static String getStationType(Element station) {
NodeList sections = station.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_STATION_SECTION);
String[] sectionNames = new String[sections.getLength()];
// Gets all section classnames
for (int i = 0; i < sectionNames.length; i++) {
sectionNames[i] = ((Element) sections.item(i)).getAttribute(XML_A_STATION_SECTION_CLASSNAME);
// Finds station type, basing on section names
if (sectionNames[0].equals(CLASSNAME_SINK)) {
} else if (sectionNames[0].equals(CLASSNAME_SOURCE)) {
} else if (sectionNames[0].equals(CLASSNAME_TERMINAL)) {
} else if(sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_CLASSSWITCH)) {
}else if (sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_DELAY)) {
} else if (sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_SERVER) || sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_PSSERVER)) {
} else if (sectionNames[2].equals(CLASSNAME_FORK)) {
} else if (sectionNames[0].equals(CLASSNAME_JOIN)) {
} else if (sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_TUNNEL)) {
} else if (sectionNames[1].equals(CLASSNAME_LOGGER)) {
return null;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Measure section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses all informations on measures to be taken during simulation
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parseMeasures(Element root, CommonModel model) {
NodeList measures = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_MEASURE);
Object stationKey, classKey;
String type;
Double alpha, precision;
for (int i = 0; i < measures.getLength(); i++) {
Element measure = (Element) measures.item(i);
String stationName = measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_STATION);
String nodeType = measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_NODETYPE);
if (stationName != null && !stationName.equals("")) {
if (nodeType.equalsIgnoreCase(NODETYPE_REGION)) {
stationKey = regions.get(stationName);
} else {
stationKey = stations.get(stationName);
} else {
stationKey = null;
String className = measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_CLASS);
if (className != null && !className.equals("")) {
classKey = classes.get(className);
} else {
classKey = null;
type = measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_TYPE);
//Begins all backward compatibility conditions for Changes of Labels of Perf Index.
// Supports old names
if ("Customer Number".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && "".equalsIgnoreCase(stationName)) {
type = SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_CN;
if ("System Customer Number".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
type = SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_CN;
if ("Number of Customers".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && "".equalsIgnoreCase(stationName)) {
type = SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_CN;
if ("Queue Length".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
type = SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_QL;
if ("Customer Number".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(stationName)) {
type = SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_QL;
//Ends the backward compatibility conditions
// Inverts alpha
alpha = new Double(1 - Double.parseDouble(measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_ALPHA)));
precision = Double.valueOf(measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_PRECISION));
String verboseStr = measure.getAttribute(XML_A_MEASURE_VERBOSE);
boolean verbose = Boolean.parseBoolean(verboseStr);
// Adds measure to the model
model.addMeasure(type, stationKey, classKey, alpha, precision, verbose);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Connection section ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses all informations on connections to be made into model
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parseConnections(Element root, CommonModel model) {
NodeList connections = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_CONNECTION);
Object sourceKey, targetKey;
for (int i = 0; i < connections.getLength(); i++) {
sourceKey = stations.get(((Element) connections.item(i)).getAttribute(XML_A_CONNECTION_SOURCE));
targetKey = stations.get(((Element) connections.item(i)).getAttribute(XML_A_CONNECTION_TARGET));
// Adds connection to data structure
model.setConnected(sourceKey, targetKey, true);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Preloading section ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses all informations on preloading to be added to the model
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parsePreloading(Element root, CommonModel model) {
NodeList preload = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_PRELOAD);
if (preload.getLength() > 0) {
// For every station, search for classes and initial jobs in queue
NodeList station_pop = ((Element) preload.item(0)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_STATIONPOPULATIONS);
for (int i = 0; i < station_pop.getLength(); i++) {
Object stationKey = stations.get(((Element) station_pop.item(i)).getAttribute(XML_A_PRELOADSTATION_NAME));
NodeList class_pop = ((Element) station_pop.item(i)).getElementsByTagName(XML_E_CLASSPOPULATION);
for (int j = 0; j < class_pop.getLength(); j++) {
Object classKey = classes.get(((Element) class_pop.item(j)).getAttribute(XML_A_CLASSPOPULATION_NAME));
Integer jobs = new Integer(((Element) class_pop.item(j)).getAttribute(XML_A_CLASSPOPULATION_POPULATION));
// Sets preloading informations
model.setPreloadedJobs(jobs, stationKey, classKey);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Blocking regions section ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses all informations on blocking regions to be added to the model
* @param root root element of XML Document
* @param model data structure where all properties have to be set
protected static void parseBlockingRegions(Element root, CommonModel model) {
regions = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
NodeList regionNodes = root.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_REGION);
// Creates each region into data structure
for (int i = 0; i < regionNodes.getLength(); i++) {
Element region = (Element) regionNodes.item(i);
String name = region.getAttribute(XML_A_REGION_NAME);
String type = region.getAttribute(XML_A_REGION_TYPE);
if (type == null || type.equals("")) {
type = Defaults.get("blockingRegionType");
// Adds blocking region to data structure
Object key = model.addBlockingRegion(name, type);
regions.put(name, key);
// Now parses all included stations
NodeList nodes = region.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_REGIONNODE);
for (int j = 0; j < nodes.getLength(); j++) {
String stationName = ((Element) nodes.item(j)).getAttribute(XML_A_REGIONNODE_NAME);
model.addRegionStation(key, stations.get(stationName));
// Now parses class constraints
NodeList classConstraints = region.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_CLASSCONSTRAINT);
for (int j = 0; j < classConstraints.getLength(); j++) {
Element constraint = (Element) classConstraints.item(j);
//TODO Add support for Double class constraints
int num = new Double(constraint.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASSCONSTRAINT_MAXJOBS)).intValue();
model.setRegionClassCustomerConstraint(key, classes.get(constraint.getAttribute(XML_A_CLASSCONSTRAINT_CLASS)), new Integer(num));
//TODO parse weights...
// Now parses global costraint
Element globalConstraint = (Element) region.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_GLOBALCONSTRAINT).item(0);
//TODO Add support for Double global constraints
int num = new Double(globalConstraint.getAttribute(XML_A_GLOBALCONSTRAINT_MAXJOBS)).intValue();
model.setRegionCustomerConstraint(key, new Integer(num));
// Now parses drop rules
NodeList drop = region.getElementsByTagName(XML_E_DROPRULES);
for (int j = 0; j < drop.getLength(); j++) {
Element rule = (Element) drop.item(j);
model.setRegionClassDropRule(key, classes.get(rule.getAttribute(XML_A_DROPRULES_CLASS)), Boolean.valueOf(rule
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Generic XML Loader ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loads an XML file, returning the Document rappresentation of it. This method is generic
* and can be used to load every xml file. Actually it is used by <code>XMLReader</code>
* and by <code>GuiXMLReader</code>. This method will validate input file.
* @param filename name of the file to be loaded
* @param schemaSource url of schema to be used to validate the model
* @return Document rappresentation of input xml file
public static Document loadXML(String filename, String schemaSource) {
DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
try {
// Sets validation only if needed
if (schemaSource != null) {
parser.setFeature(NAMESPACES_FEATURE_ID, true);
parser.setFeature(VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID, true);
parser.setFeature(SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID, true);
parser.setFeature(VALIDATION_DYNAMIC_FEATURE_ID, true);
parser.setProperty(EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_LOCATION_PROPERTY_ID, schemaSource);
// Creates a DOM document from the xml file
return parser.getDocument();
} catch (SAXException e) {
System.err.println("XMLLoader Error - An error occurs while attempting to parse the document \"" + e.getMessage() + "\".");
"An error occurs while attempting to parse the document \"" + e.getMessage() + "\".",
"JMT - File error",
JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); */
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("XMLLoader Error - An error occurs while attempting to parse the document.");
return null;
* Loads an XML file, returning the Document rappresentation of it. This method is generic
* and can be used to load every xml file. Actually it is used by <code>XMLReader</code>
* and by <code>GuiXMLReader</code>. This method will <b>not</b> validate input file.
* @param filename name of the file to be loaded
* @return Document rappresentation of input xml file
public static Document loadXML(String filename) {
return loadXML(filename, null);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Debug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method is used for debug purpose to write a portion of xml on standard output.
* This can be removed freely!
* @param node node to be written on standard output
protected static void write(Node node) {
try {
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", ENCODING);
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(System.out));
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
} catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError transformerFactoryConfigurationError) {
transformerFactoryConfigurationError.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
} catch (TransformerException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------