* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import jmt.engine.math.parser.EvaluationException;
import jmt.engine.math.parser.ParseError;
import jmt.engine.math.parser.Parser;
import jmt.gui.common.Defaults;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
* <p>Title: Load Dependent Station Service Strategy</p>
* <p>Description: This object holds informations for a load dependent service strategy.
* The strategy is organized in subsequent ranges (starting from 1 to infinity),
* and each of them can specify a distribution, its c (if any, fixed) and its mean value
* as a function of load into the station.</p>
* @author Bertoli Marco
* Date: 11-ott-2005
* Time: 12.25.52
public class LDStrategy implements ServiceStrategy {
protected static final String VAR = "n"; // Dipendent variable
protected static DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
protected TreeMap<Object, Range> ranges;
* Return engine classpacth for LoadDependent strategy
* @return
public static String getEngineClassPath() {
return "jmt.engine.NetStrategies.ServiceStrategies.LoadDependentStrategy";
* Builds a new Load Dependent Service Time Strategy with default values
public LDStrategy() {
ranges = new TreeMap<Object, Range>();
// Adds first range
ranges.put(new Integer(1), new Range(1));
* Adds a new range to this strategy. 'From' field is initialized
* with greatest created range by now plus one (so if last range has from = 7,
* this will have from = 8)
* @return search's key for newly created range
public synchronized Object addRange() {
int from = ((Integer) ranges.lastKey()).intValue() + 1;
Range newRange = new Range(from);
Object key = new Integer(from);
ranges.put(key, newRange);
return key;
* Changes starting number of jobs for a given range, only if it does not overlap
* with another range.
* @param key search's key for given range
* @param startingInterval starting number of jobs for this range to be set
* @return new search's key for this range
public synchronized Object setRangeFrom(Object key, int startingInterval) {
if (ranges.containsKey(new Integer(startingInterval))) {
return key;
// Does not allow to change first key from value.
if (ranges.firstKey() == key) {
return key;
Range tmp = ranges.remove(key);
tmp.from = startingInterval;
Object newkey = new Integer(startingInterval);
ranges.put(newkey, tmp);
return newkey;
* Sets distribution for this range, preserving old value of c, if applayable.
* @param key search's key for this range
* @param distribution distribution to set in this range
public synchronized void setRangeDistribution(Object key, Distribution distribution) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
Distribution tmpdist = distribution.clone();
// Preserve stored value of c, if applayable
if (tmp.distribution.hasC() && distribution.hasC()) {
double c = tmp.distribution.getC();
// If old mean expression is not valid for new distribution, overwrites it
if (tmpdist.getMean() - tmp.distribution.getMean() > 1e-5) {
tmp.meanExpression = formatter.format(tmpdist.getMean());
tmp.distribution = tmpdist;
* Sets distribution for this range, don't preserver old values or C, nor of mean
* @param key search's key for this range
* @param distribution distribution to set in this range
public synchronized void setRangeDistributionNoCheck(Object key, Distribution distribution) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
tmp.distribution = distribution.clone();
* Sets expression to calculate mean value of provided range only if it can be parsed
* without errors and its value in 'from' point is assignable to current distribution
* @param key search key for provided range
* @param meanExpression expression to be evaluated to find mean value
public synchronized void setRangeDistributionMean(Object key, String meanExpression) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
// Calculates min value using parser and sets it into distribution
Parser parser = new Parser(meanExpression, true);
try {
parser.setVariable(VAR, tmp.from);
// Allow range only if its value in 'from' point is assignable to
// current distribution
if (tmp.distribution.getMean() - parser.getValue() < 1e-5) {
tmp.meanExpression = parser.getExpression();
} catch (ParseError e) {
// Do nothing
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
// Do nothing
* Sets expression to calculate mean value, performing no checks
* @param key search key for provided range
* @param meanExpression expression to be evaluated to find mean value
public synchronized void setRangeDistributionMeanNoCheck(Object key, String meanExpression) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
tmp.meanExpression = meanExpression;
* Sets variation coefficient 'c' for the distribution of a given range
* @param key search key for provided range
* @param c variation coefficient
public synchronized void setRangeDistributionC(Object key, double c) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
if (tmp.distribution.hasC()) {
* Gets starting number of jobs for this range
* @param key search key for provided range
* @return starting number of jobs for this range
public synchronized int getRangeFrom(Object key) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
return tmp.from;
* Gets maximum number of jobs for this range
* @param key search key for provided range
* @return maximum number of jobs for this range. -1 means Infinity.
public synchronized int getRangeTo(Object key) {
Integer nextKey = new Integer(((Integer) key).intValue() + 1);
try {
Range next = ranges.get(ranges.tailMap(nextKey).firstKey());
return next.from - 1;
} catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
return -1;
* Returns the distribution of a given range
* @param key search key for given range
* @return its distribution
public synchronized Distribution getRangeDistribution(Object key) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
return tmp.distribution;
* Returns the expression to be evaluated to find the mean of the distribution
* of a given range
* @param key search key for given range
* @return expression to find mean value
public synchronized String getRangeDistributionMean(Object key) {
Range tmp = ranges.get(key);
return tmp.meanExpression;
* Returns number of defined ranges
* @return number of defined ranges
public synchronized int getRangeNumber() {
return ranges.size();
* Returns an array with all available ranges keys
* @return all available ranges keys, in ordered form
public synchronized Object[] getAllRanges() {
return ranges.keySet().toArray();
* Removes a Range from this data structure
* @param key search's key for range to be removed
public synchronized void deleteRange(Object key) {
// Does not allow delete of first range
if (ranges.firstKey() != key) {
* Returns a String description of this object
* @return a String description of this object
public String toString() {
return "Load Dependent Service Strategy";
* Clones this strategy in a new Object
* @return a clone of current service strategy
public LDStrategy clone() {
LDStrategy tmp = new LDStrategy();
// Sets first range
Object[] rangesKeys = ranges.keySet().toArray();
for (Object rangesKey : rangesKeys) {
Range oldRange = ranges.get(rangesKey);
Range newRange = new Range(oldRange.from);
newRange.distribution = oldRange.distribution.clone();
newRange.meanExpression = oldRange.meanExpression;
tmp.ranges.put(rangesKey, newRange);
return tmp;
* Returns mean value of service time distribution for given number of jobs.
* @param jobs queue lenght of the station
* @return mean value of service time distribution. On insuccess returns -1
public double getMeanValue(int jobs) {
// Finds key of right range
Object key = ranges.headMap(new Integer(jobs + 1)).lastKey();
Range range = ranges.get(key);
Parser parser = new Parser(range.meanExpression, true);
try {
parser.setVariable(VAR, jobs);
return parser.getValue();
} catch (ParseError e) {
// Do nothing
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
// Do nothing
return -1;
* Checks if the given Load Dependent Strategy equals <code>this</code>,
* where the equivalence is iff:
* <br>1) have the same number of ranges</br>
* <br>2) have the same distribution in each range</br>
* <br>3) have the same mean value in each range</br>
* <br>4) have the same 'from' and 'to' values in each range</br>
* @param ld the given LD strategy
* @return true if ld equals <code>this</code>
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public boolean isEquivalent(LDStrategy ld) {
boolean equivalent = true;
Object[] ldRanges = ld.getAllRanges();
Object[] thisRanges = this.getAllRanges();
if (this.getRangeNumber() == ld.getRangeNumber()) {
for (int i = 0; i < ld.getRangeNumber(); i++) {
if (ld.getRangeDistribution(ldRanges[i]).getName().equals(getRangeDistribution(thisRanges[i]).getName())) {
if (ld.getRangeDistributionMean(ldRanges[i]).equals(getRangeDistributionMean(thisRanges[i]))) {
if ((ld.getRangeFrom(ldRanges[i]) != getRangeFrom(thisRanges[i]))
|| (ld.getRangeTo(ldRanges[i]) != getRangeTo(thisRanges[i]))) {
equivalent = false;
} else {
equivalent = false;
} else {
equivalent = false;
} else {
equivalent = false;
return equivalent;
* Inner class used to store definition of a Range
protected class Range implements Comparable {
public int from;
public Distribution distribution;
public String meanExpression;
* Builds a new Range, starting interval from specified queue length. Distribution
* is set as Default service time distribution, if it allows mean, otherwise to the
* first distribution with mean available.
* @param from starting index for this range
public Range(int from) {
this.from = from;
distribution = (Distribution) Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationServiceStrategy");
if (!distribution.hasMean()) {
distribution = Distribution.findAllWithMean()[0];
meanExpression = formatter.format(distribution.getMean());
* Used to store this object in a SortedSet.
* @param o object to compare with
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
* is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Range tmp = (Range) o;
return from - tmp.from;