* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.definitions.parametric;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.ClassDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.StationDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
* <p>Title: ArrivalRateParametricAnalysis</p>
* <p>Description: this class is used to describe a parametric analysis where
* the varied parameter is the mean value of the arrival rate of an/all open
* classes. It adds the <code >classKey</code> field used to keep the key of
* the Job-Class whose service time will be varied, and a boolean value
* <code>singleClass</code> used to choose the type of service time growth
* (single or all class).</p>
* @author Francesco D'Aquino
* Date: 14-dic-2005
* Time: 12.22.28
public class ArrivalRateParametricAnalysis extends ParametricAnalysisDefinition {
private final double FROM_ALL = 100;
private final double TO_ALL = 150;
private final double INCREMENT_SINGLE = 2;
private final int STEPS = 10;
private final boolean SINGLE_CLASS = false;
private boolean singleClass;
private Object classKey;
private Vector<Object> avaibleClasses;
private Object values;
public ArrivalRateParametricAnalysis(ClassDefinition cd, StationDefinition sd, SimulationDefinition simd) {
numberOfSteps = STEPS;
classDef = cd;
stationDef = sd;
simDef = simd;
Vector<Object> avaible = new ParametricAnalysisChecker(cd, sd, simd).checkForArrivalRatesParametricSimulationAvaibleClasses();
if ((cd.getOpenClassKeys().size() == 1) || (avaible.size() < cd.getOpenClassKeys().size())) {
singleClass = true;
classKey = avaible.get(0);
double arrivalRate = 1 / (((Distribution) cd.getClassDistribution(classKey)).getMean());
initialValue = arrivalRate;
finalValue = arrivalRate * INCREMENT_SINGLE;
} else {
singleClass = SINGLE_CLASS;
double arrivalRate = 1 / (((Distribution) cd.getClassDistribution(classKey)).getMean());
initialValue = arrivalRate;
finalValue = arrivalRate * INCREMENT_SINGLE;
} else {
initialValue = FROM_ALL;
finalValue = TO_ALL;
* Returns true if only the arrrival rate of one class will be increased
* @return true if only the arrrival rate of one class will be increased
public boolean isSingleClass() {
return singleClass;
* Sets the type of arrrival rate increase. If <code> isSingleClass</code>
* param is true only the arrrival rate of one class will be increased
* @param isSingleClass
public void setSingleClass(boolean isSingleClass) {
if (singleClass != isSingleClass) {
singleClass = isSingleClass;
* Sets the default initial Value
public void setDefaultInitialValue() {
if (singleClass) {
double rate = 1 / ((Distribution) (classDef.getClassDistribution(classKey))).getMean();
initialValue = rate;
} else {
initialValue = FROM_ALL;
* Sets default final value
public void setDefaultFinalValue() {
if (singleClass) {
double rate = (1 / ((Distribution) (classDef.getClassDistribution(classKey))).getMean()) * INCREMENT_SINGLE;
finalValue = rate;
} else {
finalValue = TO_ALL;
* Gets the class key of the class whose arrrival rate will be
* increased. If the simulation is not single class, the <code> null </code>
* value will be returned
* @return the key of the class whose arrrival rate will be increased if the
* parametric analysis is single class, <code> null </code> otherwise.
public Object getReferenceClass() {
if (singleClass) {
return classKey;
} else {
return null;
* Sets the class whose arrrival rate will be increased. If <code> singleClass </code>
* value is not true nothing will be done
* @param classKey the key of the class whose number of job will be
* increased
public void setReferenceClass(Object classKey) {
if (singleClass) {
if (this.classKey != classKey) {
this.classKey = classKey;
* Gets the type of parametric analysis
* @return the type of parametric analysis
public String getType() {
return type;
* Changes the model preparing it for the next step
public void changeModel(int step) {
if (step >= numberOfSteps) {
if (values != null) {
if (singleClass) {
Double refAR = (Double) ((Vector) values).get(step);
Distribution distr = (Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(classKey);
distr.setMean(1 / (refAR.doubleValue()));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < avaibleClasses.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = avaibleClasses.get(i);
double refAR = ((ValuesTable) values).getValue(thisClass, step);
Distribution distr = (Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(thisClass);
distr.setMean(1 / refAR);
* Gets the maximum number of steps compatible with the model definition and the type of parametric analysis.
* @return the maximum number of steps
public int searchForAvaibleSteps() {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Finds the set of possible values of the population on which the
* simulation may be iterated on.
public void createValuesSet() {
if (singleClass) {
double sum = 0;
double increment = (finalValue - initialValue) / ((numberOfSteps - 1));
values = new Vector(numberOfSteps);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSteps; i++) {
double value = initialValue + sum;
((Vector<Double>) values).add(new Double(value));
sum += increment; //note that the increment may be < 0
originalValues = new Double(initialValue);
} else {
double sum = 1;
double increment = (finalValue - initialValue) / (100 * (double) (numberOfSteps - 1));
//find the set of avaible classes
Vector allClasses = classDef.getOpenClassKeys();
avaibleClasses = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < allClasses.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = allClasses.get(i);
Object temp = classDef.getClassDistribution(thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution distr = (Distribution) temp;
if (distr.hasMean()) {
values = new ValuesTable(classDef, avaibleClasses, numberOfSteps);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSteps; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < avaibleClasses.size(); k++) {
Object thisClass = avaibleClasses.get(k);
double thisInitialArrivalRate = 1 / (((Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(thisClass)).getMean());
double value = thisInitialArrivalRate * (sum);
((ValuesTable) values).setValue(thisClass, value);
sum += increment; //note that the increment may be < 0
//used to save the initial values of service time
originalValues = new Vector(avaibleClasses.size());
for (int i = 0; i < avaibleClasses.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = avaibleClasses.get(i);
double thisRate = 1 / (((Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(thisClass)).getMean());
((Vector<Double>) originalValues).add(new Double(thisRate));
* Restore the original values of the parameter
public void restoreOriginalValues() {
if (originalValues != null) {
if (singleClass) {
Distribution distr = (Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(classKey);
Double rate = (Double) originalValues;
distr.setMean(1 / (rate.doubleValue()));
} else {
Vector values = (Vector) originalValues;
Vector avaibleClasses = classDef.getOpenClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < avaibleClasses.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = avaibleClasses.get(i);
Distribution distr = (Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(thisClass);
Double thisRate = (Double) values.get(i);
distr.setMean(1 / (thisRate.doubleValue()));
* Checks if the PA model is still coherent with simulation model definition. If
* the <code>autocorrect</code> variable is set to true, if the PA model is no more
* valid but it can be corrected it will be changed.
* @param autocorrect if true the PA model will be autocorrected
* @return 0 - If the PA model is still valid <br>
* 1 - If the PA model is no more valid, but it will be corrected <br>
* 2 - If the PA model can be no more used
public int checkCorrectness(boolean autocorrect) {
int code = 0;
ParametricAnalysisChecker checker = new ParametricAnalysisChecker(classDef, stationDef, simDef);
Vector openClasses = classDef.getOpenClassKeys();
Vector<Object> avaibleClasses = checker.checkForArrivalRatesParametricSimulationAvaibleClasses();
if (avaibleClasses.isEmpty()) {
code = 2;
} else {
//if is single class...
if (isSingleClass()) {
// ... and the selected close class is no more avaible
if (!avaibleClasses.contains(classKey)) {
code = 1;
if (autocorrect) {
classKey = openClasses.get(0); //change the reference class
} else {
double refRate = 1 / (((Distribution) classDef.getClassDistribution(classKey)).getMean());
//If the arrival rate of reference class was changed...
if (initialValue != refRate) {
code = 1;
if (autocorrect) {
initialValue = refRate;
finalValue = refRate * INCREMENT_SINGLE;
} else {
if ((avaibleClasses.size() < openClasses.size()) || (openClasses.size() == 1)) {
code = 1;
if (autocorrect) {
classKey = avaibleClasses.get(0);
singleClass = true;
return code;
* Returns the values assumed by the varying parameter
* @return a Vector containing the values assumed by the varying parameter
public Vector<Number> getParameterValues() {
Vector<Number> assumedValues = new Vector<Number>(numberOfSteps);
if (singleClass) {
return (Vector<Number>) values;
} else {
ValuesTable temp = (ValuesTable) values;
double originalValue = ((Double) ((Vector) originalValues).get(0)).doubleValue();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSteps; i++) {
double thisValue = temp.getValue(avaibleClasses.get(0), i);
double ratio = thisValue / originalValue * 100;
assumedValues.add(new Double(ratio));
return assumedValues;
* Get the reference class name
* @return the name of the class
public String getReferenceClassName() {
return classDef.getClassName(classKey);
* Gets a TreeMap containing for each property its value. The supported properties are
* defined as constants inside this class.
* @return a TreeMap containing the value for each property
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
TreeMap<String, String> properties = new TreeMap<String, String>();
properties.put(TYPE_PROPERTY, getType());
properties.put(TO_PROPERTY, Double.toString(finalValue));
properties.put(STEPS_PROPERTY, Integer.toString(numberOfSteps));
properties.put(IS_SINGLE_CLASS_PROPERTY, Boolean.toString(singleClass));
if (singleClass) {
properties.put(REFERENCE_CLASS_PROPERTY, classDef.getClassName(classKey));
return properties;
* Sets the value for the specified property. The supported properties are: <br>
* - TO_PROPERTY <br>
* @param propertyName the name of the property to be set
* @param value the value to be set
public void setProperty(String propertyName, String value) {
if (propertyName.equals(TO_PROPERTY)) {
finalValue = Double.parseDouble(value);
} else if (propertyName.equals(STEPS_PROPERTY)) {
numberOfSteps = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (numberOfSteps > MAX_STEP_NUMBER) {
numberOfSteps = MAX_STEP_NUMBER;
} else if (propertyName.equals(IS_SINGLE_CLASS_PROPERTY)) {
singleClass = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
} else if (propertyName.equals(REFERENCE_CLASS_PROPERTY)) {
classKey = classDef.getClassByName(value);