Package jmt.gui.common.definitions

Source Code of jmt.gui.common.definitions.ModelConverter

* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.

* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package jmt.gui.common.definitions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import jmt.gui.common.CommonConstants;
import jmt.gui.common.Defaults;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Exponential;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RandomRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.LDStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.ZeroStrategy;
import jmt.gui.exact.ExactConstants;
import jmt.gui.exact.ExactModel;
import Jama.Matrix;

* <p>Title: Model Converter</p>
* <p>Description: This class provides methods to convert models between JMODEL, JSIM,
* JMVA and JABA.</p>
* @author Bertoli Marco
*         Date: 20-feb-2006
*         Time: 12.23.12
public class ModelConverter {
  // --- Methods for conversion JMVA --> JSIM -----------------------------------------------
   * Converts a JMVA model to JSIM. Conversion is performed by equalling service times in every
   * LI station (adjusting visits) and creating FCFS queues with exponential service time distribution.
   * <br>
   * Visits are converted with routing probability, to mantain correctness of computated response time values
   * a "virtual" node called  RefStation is added as a reference station for closed classes and
   * routed when (in terms of mean values) a single visit is performed in the system. (as visits values are scaled to
   * compute probability distribution).
   * <br>
   * Note that a single router node, called "Router" is used to route jobs through the
   * entire network, simplyfing its thopology. Stations (LI, LD and Delays) are connected in a parallel form with
   * the Router.
   * @param input JMVA model (read only access)
   * @param output target JSIM or JMODEL model. This is expected to be empty
   * @return a List with all found warnings during conversion (in String format).
  public static List<String> convertJMVAtoJSIM(ExactModel input, CommonModel output) {
    // Changes default values, then restores default back at the end of method
    String defaultRouting = Defaults.get("stationRoutingStrategy");
    String defaultQueue = Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy");
    Defaults.set("stationRoutingStrategy", RandomRouting.class.getName());
    Defaults.set("stationQueueStrategy", CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS);

    ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Keys for unique items
    Object sourceKey = null, sinkKey = null, routerKey, refRouterKey = null;
    // Sums visit for each class
    double[] visitSum = new double[input.getClasses()];
    // Visits matrix (row: stations, column: classes)
    double[][] visits = input.getVisits();

    // Convert classes
    Object[] classKeys = new Object[input.getClasses()];
    for (int i = 0; i < input.getClasses(); i++) {
      String name = input.getClassNames()[i];
      int type = input.getClassTypes()[i];
      // This holds customers if class is closed or arrival rate if open
      double data = input.getClassData()[i];
      Object key;

      visitSum[i] = 1; // Sums visit for each station. This is initialized to one as we
      // count visit to reference station
      for (int j = 0; j < input.getStations(); j++) {
        visitSum[i] += visits[j][i];

      if (type == ExactConstants.CLASS_CLOSED) {
        // Closed class
        key = output.addClass(name, CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED, 0, new Integer((int) data), null);
      } else {
        // Open class
        Exponential ex = new Exponential();
        ex.setMean(1 / data);
        key = output.addClass(name, CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_OPEN, 0, null, ex);
      classKeys[i] = key;

    routerKey = output.addStation("Router", CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_ROUTER);

    // Creates source, sink and router (if needed)
    if (input.isClosed() || input.isMixed()) {
      refRouterKey = output.addStation("RefStation", CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_ROUTER);
      // Makes connection between refRouter and router
      output.setConnected(refRouterKey, routerKey, true);
      output.setConnected(routerKey, refRouterKey, true);
      // Gives warning on refStation
          .add("A special node, called \"RefStation\" was added in order to compute correctly the System Response Time and System Throughput of closed classes."
              + " Its presence is fundamental to compute correctly number of visits at each station for closed classes.");

    if (input.isOpen() || input.isMixed()) {
      sourceKey = output.addStation("Source", CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SOURCE);
      sinkKey = output.addStation("Sink", CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SINK);
      //Makes connections between source, sink and router
      output.setConnected(sourceKey, routerKey, true);
      output.setConnected(routerKey, sinkKey, true);

    // Convert stations
    Object[] stationKeys = new Object[input.getStations()];
    for (int i = 0; i < input.getStations(); i++) {
      String name = input.getStationNames()[i];
      int type = input.getStationTypes()[i];
      int servers = input.getStationServers()[i];
      double[][] serviceTimes = input.getServiceTimes()[i];
      Object key = null;
      switch (type) {
        case ExactConstants.STATION_DELAY:
          // Delay
          key = output.addStation(name, CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_DELAY);
          // Sets distribution for each class
          for (int j = 0; j < classKeys.length; j++) {
            Exponential ex = new Exponential();
            output.setServiceTimeDistribution(key, classKeys[j], ex);
        case ExactConstants.STATION_LI:
          // Load independent
          key = output.addStation(name, CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SERVER);
          output.setStationNumberOfServers(new Integer(servers), key);
          output.setStationQueueStrategy(key, CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS);
          // Sets distribution for each class
          for (int j = 0; j < classKeys.length; j++) {
            Exponential ex = new Exponential();
            output.setServiceTimeDistribution(key, classKeys[j], ex);
        case ExactConstants.STATION_LD:
          // Load dependent - this is single class only, but here
          // we support multiclass too (future extensions).
          key = output.addStation(name, CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SERVER);
          output.setStationNumberOfServers(new Integer(servers), key);
          output.setStationQueueStrategy(key, CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS);
          // Sets distribution for each class
          for (int j = 0; j < classKeys.length; j++) {
            LDStrategy lds = new LDStrategy();
            Object rangeKey = lds.getAllRanges()[0];
            for (int range = 0; range < serviceTimes[j].length; range++) {
              // First range is already available
              if (range > 0) {
                rangeKey = lds.addRange();
              Exponential ex = new Exponential();
              lds.setRangeDistribution(rangeKey, ex);
              lds.setRangeDistributionMean(rangeKey, Double.toString(serviceTimes[j][range]));
            output.setServiceTimeDistribution(key, classKeys[j], lds);
      stationKeys[i] = key;

      // Make connections with router
      output.setConnected(routerKey, key, true);
      output.setConnected(key, routerKey, true);

    // Sets routing for router
    for (int i = 0; i < classKeys.length; i++) {
      ProbabilityRouting pr = new ProbabilityRouting();
      output.setRoutingStrategy(routerKey, classKeys[i], pr);
      for (int j = 0; j < stationKeys.length; j++) {
        pr.getValues().put(stationKeys[j], new Double(visits[j][i] / visitSum[i]));

      // Sets refRouter as reference station for closed class, sets its routing and avoid put jobs into sink
      if (output.getClassType(classKeys[i]) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
        output.setClassRefStation(classKeys[i], refRouterKey);
        pr.getValues().put(refRouterKey, new Double(1 / visitSum[i]));
        if (sinkKey != null) {
          pr.getValues().put(sinkKey, new Double(0.0));
      // Sets source as reference station for open class and sets sink routing, avoid routing to refRouter
      else {
        output.setClassRefStation(classKeys[i], sourceKey);
        pr.getValues().put(sinkKey, new Double(1 / visitSum[i]));
        if (refRouterKey != null) {
          pr.getValues().put(refRouterKey, new Double(0.0));

    // Create measures
    for (Object classKey : classKeys) {
      for (Object stationKey : stationKeys) {
        // Queue length
        output.addMeasure(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_QL, stationKey, classKey);
        // Residence Time
        output.addMeasure(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_RD, stationKey, classKey);
        // Utilization
        output.addMeasure(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_U, stationKey, classKey);
        // Throughput
        output.addMeasure(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_X, stationKey, classKey);
    // Restores default values
    Defaults.set("stationRoutingStrategy", defaultRouting);
    Defaults.set("stationQueueStrategy", defaultQueue);

    // Manage preloading

    // Return warnings
    return res;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- Methods for conversion JSIM --> JMVA -----------------------------------------------
   * Converts a JSIM model to JMVA. Visits are computed from thopology. To work well this
   * method requires:
   * <ul>
   * <li> Reference station to be set for each class
   * <li> Every station must have at least one incoming connection and one outgoing connection
   * <li> Routing strategy have to be <code>ProbabilityRouting</code> or <code>RandomRouting</code>
   * </ul>
   * @param input JSIM model (read only)
   * @param output empty JMVA model (write)
   * @return a vector that enumerates all conversion warnings and how they have been fixed
  public static List<String> convertJSIMtoJMVA(CommonModel input, ExactModel output) {
    // Normalize probability routing

    // Used to store warnings
    ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
    int classNum, stationNum;
    // Used to iterate on lists
    Iterator<Object> it;

    // Number of classes
    classNum = input.getClassKeys().size();
    Vector<Object> classKeys = input.getClassKeys();

    // Find number of convertible stations
    it = input.getStationKeys().iterator();
    stationNum = 0;
    Vector<Object> stationKeys = new Vector<Object>();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Object key =;
      String stationType = input.getStationType(key);
      if (stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_DELAY) || stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SERVER)) {
      // Show here warning if a station type is discarded (fork and join)

    // Resizes output data structure
    output.resize(stationNum, classNum);

    // Exports class data
    int[] classTypes = new int[classNum];
    String[] classNames = new String[classNum];
    double[] classData = new double[classNum];

    for (int i = 0; i < classNum; i++) {
      Object key = classKeys.get(i);
      classNames[i] = input.getClassName(key);
      if (input.getClassType(key) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
        // Closed class parameters
        classTypes[i] = ExactConstants.CLASS_CLOSED;
        classData[i] = input.getClassPopulation(key).doubleValue();
      } else {
        // Open class parameters
        classTypes[i] = ExactConstants.CLASS_OPEN;
        Distribution d = (Distribution) input.getClassDistribution(key);
        if (d.hasMean()) {
          classData[i] = 1.0 / d.getMean();
        } else {
          classData[i] = 1;
          res.add(input.getClassName(key) + " arrival distribution does not have a valid mean value."
              + " Arrival rate for that class was set to default value 1");
    // Sets extracted values to output
    classNames = null;
    classTypes = null;
    classData = null;

    // Exports station data
    double[][][] serviceTimes = new double[stationNum][classNum][];
    int[] stationTypes = new int[stationNum];
    String[] stationNames = new String[stationNum];
    int[] stationServers = new int[stationNum];
    for (int st = 0; st < stationNum; st++) {
      Object key = stationKeys.get(st);
      stationNames[st] = input.getStationName(key);
      Integer serverNum = input.getStationNumberOfServers(key);
      if (serverNum != null && serverNum.intValue() > 0) {
        stationServers[st] = serverNum.intValue();
      } else {
        stationServers[st] = 1;
      if (input.getStationType(key).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_DELAY)) {
        stationTypes[st] = ExactConstants.STATION_DELAY;
      } else {
        stationTypes[st] = ExactConstants.STATION_LI;

      // Sets service time for each class
      for (int cl = 0; cl < classNum; cl++) {
        Object serv = input.getServiceTimeDistribution(key, classKeys.get(cl));
        if (serv instanceof Distribution) {
          Distribution d = (Distribution) serv;
          serviceTimes[st][cl] = new double[1]; // This is not load dependent
          if (d.hasMean()) {
            serviceTimes[st][cl][0] = d.getMean();
          } else {
            serviceTimes[st][cl][0] = 1;
            res.add(output.getStationNames()[st] + " service time distribution for " + output.getClassNames()[cl]
                + " does not have a valid mean value." + " Service time is set to default value 1");
        } else if (serv instanceof ZeroStrategy) {
          serviceTimes[st][cl] = new double[1];
          serviceTimes[st][cl][0] = 0;
        } else if (serv instanceof LDStrategy) {
          LDStrategy lds = (LDStrategy) serv;
          if (output.isClosed() && !output.isMultiClass()) {
            int pop = input.getClassPopulation(classKeys.get(cl)).intValue();
            serviceTimes[st][cl] = new double[pop]; // This is load dependent
            stationTypes[st] = ExactConstants.STATION_LD;
            for (int i = 0; i < pop; i++) {
              serviceTimes[st][cl][i] = lds.getMeanValue(i);
          } else {
            serviceTimes[st][cl] = new double[1]; // This is not load dependent
            serviceTimes[st][cl][0] = lds.getMeanValue(1);
            res.add("LD stations are supported only if model is closed and " + "single class. " + stationNames[st]
                + " was converted to a LI station.");
    // Sets extracted values to output
    stationNames = null;
    stationServers = null;
    stationTypes = null;
    serviceTimes = null;

    // Now calculates visits starting from routing.
    Vector<Object> stations; // This is not equivalent to stationKeys as routers are considered
    double[][] visits = new double[stationNum][classNum];
    double[] vis = null; // array used to store results of mldivide
    for (int cl = 0; cl < classNum; cl++) {
      if (output.getClassTypes()[cl] == ExactConstants.CLASS_OPEN) {
        stations = input.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
        // Open class, must calculate routing from source
        Object refStat = input.getClassRefStation(classKeys.get(cl));
        double[] p0;
        if (refStat == null) {
          // Reference station for this class was not set
          Vector<Object> sources = input.getStationKeysSource();
          if (sources.size() > 0) {
            refStat = sources.get(0);
            res.add("Reference station for " + output.getClassNames()[cl] + " was " + "not set. " + input.getStationName(refStat)
                + " was chosen.");
          } else {
            res.add("Reference station for " + output.getClassNames()[cl] + " was " + "not set. " + output.getStationNames()[0]
                + " was chosen.");

        if (refStat != null) {
          p0 = getRoutingProbability(refStat, classKeys.get(cl), input, stations, res);
        } else {
          p0 = new double[stations.size()];
          p0[0] = 1; // Assumes that all jobs enters in first station
        try {
          Matrix b = new Matrix(p0, 1);
          Matrix P = new Matrix(buildProbabilityMatrix(stations, input, classKeys.get(cl), res));
          // V = (P-eye(3))' \ (-b') where \ is "mldivide"
          Matrix V = P.minus(Matrix.identity(stations.size(), stations.size())).solveTranspose(b.uminus());
          vis = V.getColumnPackedCopy();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // Matrix is singular
          res.add("Cannot compute correctly visits for " + output.getClassNames()[cl] + " as" + " network thopology was badly specified");

      } else {
        // Closed class, system is indefinded, so sets visits to reference station to
        // 1 and builds a smaller P matrix
        stations = new Vector<Object>(input.getStationKeysNoSourceSink());
        // Finds reference station
        Object refStat = input.getClassRefStation(classKeys.get(cl));
        if (refStat == null) {
          refStat = stations.get(0);
          res.add("Reference station for " + output.getClassNames()[cl] + " was " + "not set. " + input.getStationName(refStat)
              + " was chosen.");

        // Sets visits to reference station (if allowed) to 1
        if (stationKeys.contains(refStat)) {
          visits[stationKeys.lastIndexOf(refStat)][cl] = 1;
        // Removes reference station from stations vector and computes p0
        double[] p0 = getRoutingProbability(refStat, classKeys.get(cl), input, stations, res);

        try {
          Matrix b = new Matrix(p0, 1);
          Matrix P = new Matrix(buildProbabilityMatrix(stations, input, classKeys.get(cl), res));
          // V = (P-eye(3))' \ (-b') where \ is "mldivide"
          Matrix V = P.minus(Matrix.identity(stations.size(), stations.size())).solveTranspose(b.uminus());
          vis = V.getColumnPackedCopy();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // Matrix is singular
          res.add("Cannot compute correctly visits for " + output.getClassNames()[cl] + " as" + " network thopology was badly specified");

      // Puts computed values into visits matrix. Rounds at 1e-10 for machine precision issues
      if (vis != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vis.length; i++) {
          // Skips not allowed components (Routers, Terminals, Fork, Join....)
          if (stationKeys.contains(stations.get(i))) {
            visits[stationKeys.lastIndexOf(stations.get(i))][cl] = 1e-10 * Math.round(vis[i] * 1e10);
    return res;

   * This method will return a reachability vector for given station and given class
   * @param stationKey search's key for given station
   * @param classKey search's key for given class
   * @param model model data structure
   * @param stations vector with ordered station keys (the same order is used in output array)
   * @param warnings vector Vector to store warnings found during computation
   * @return an array with probability to reach each other station starting from given station
  private static double[] getRoutingProbability(Object stationKey, Object classKey, CommonModel model, List<Object> stations, List<String> warnings) {
    double[] p = new double[stations.size()];
    RoutingStrategy strategy = (RoutingStrategy) model.getRoutingStrategy(stationKey, classKey);
    if (strategy instanceof ProbabilityRouting && !model.getStationType(stationKey).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
      Map routingMap = strategy.getValues();
      Iterator it = routingMap.keySet().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object dest =;
        if (stations.lastIndexOf(dest) >= 0) {
          p[stations.lastIndexOf(dest)] = ((Double) routingMap.get(dest)).doubleValue();
    } else {
      if (model.getStationType(stationKey).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
        warnings.add("Fork-Join are not supported in JMVA. They are considered as routers.");
      } else if (!(strategy instanceof RandomRouting)) {
        warnings.add("\"" + strategy.getName() + "\" routing strategy in " + model.getClassName(classKey) + " for "
            + model.getStationName(stationKey) + " is not allowed. This was considered as RandomRouting");

      Vector<Object> links = model.getForwardConnections(stationKey);
      int linksNum = links.size();
      // Now ignores sinks for closed classes
      if (model.getClassType(classKey) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
        for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
          if (model.getStationType(links.get(i)).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {

      double weight = 1.0 / linksNum;
      for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
        if (stations.contains(links.get(i))) {
          p[stations.lastIndexOf(links.get(i))] = weight;

    return p;

   * Builds a routing probability matrix for a given set of stations
   * @param stations stations to be considered
   * @param model data structure
   * @param classKey search's key for target class
   * @param warnings Vector where computation warnings must be put
   * @return computated routing probability matrix
  private static double[][] buildProbabilityMatrix(List<Object> stations, CommonModel model, Object classKey, List<String> warnings) {
    double[][] matrix = new double[stations.size()][stations.size()];
    double[] tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
      tmp = getRoutingProbability(stations.get(i), classKey, model, stations, warnings);
      System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, matrix[i], 0, tmp.length);
    return matrix;
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- Methods for conversion JABA --> JMVA -----------------------------------------------

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- Methods for conversion JMVA --> JABA -----------------------------------------------

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Classes of jmt.gui.common.definitions.ModelConverter

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