* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.definitions;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import jmt.engine.log.JSimLogger;
import jmt.engine.log.LoggerParameters;
import jmt.framework.data.BDMap;
import jmt.framework.data.BDMapImpl;
import jmt.framework.data.CachedHashMap;
import jmt.framework.data.MacroReplacer;
import jmt.gui.common.CommonConstants;
import jmt.gui.common.Defaults;
import jmt.gui.common.classSwitch.ClassSwitch;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.parametric.ParametricAnalysisDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.LoadDependentRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: OrsotronIII
* Date: 24-mag-2005
* Time: 9.46.43
* Modified by Bertoli Marco
* Modified by Francesco D'Aquino
* Modified by Ashanka (May 2010):
* Patch: Multi-Sink Perf. Index
* Description: Added new Performance index for the capturing the
* 1. global response time (ResponseTime per Sink)
* 2. global throughput (Throughput per Sink)
* each sink per class.
* Hence added a code to fetch the sinkkeys and if a measure is sink perf measure.
* Modified by Ashanka (June 2010):
* Updated the Manage Probabilities. Closed Classes routed to Sink with probability <> 0.0 should show warning to Users.
* Modified by Ashanka (July 2010)
* Desc: Added new defaults control of a Random CheckBox.
* Modified by Ashanka (Nov 2012)
* Desc: Added refresh of LoadDependent Routing on deletion of station.
public class CommonModel implements CommonConstants, ClassDefinition, StationDefinition, SimulationDefinition, BlockingRegionDefinition {
//key generator
long incrementalKey = 0;
Long seed;
Integer maxSamples;
Double maxDuration;
boolean useRandomSeed = true;
double pollingInterval;
protected MeasureDefinition results = null;
protected Boolean disableStatistic = Boolean.FALSE;
protected LoggerGlobalParameters loggerGlbParams;
// Used to tell if model have to be saved
protected boolean save = false;
private static JSimLogger debugLog = JSimLogger.getRootLogger();;
* search keysets for classes, stations and measures
protected Vector<Object> classesKeyset = new Vector<Object>(), noSourceSinkKeyset = new Vector<Object>(), stationsKeyset = new Vector<Object>(),
measuresKeyset = new Vector<Object>(), blockingRegionsKeyset = new Vector<Object>(), measuresBlockingKeyset = new Vector<Object>(),
blockableStations = new Vector<Object>();
* Hashmap for classes parameters
protected HashMap<Object, Object> classDataHM = new CachedHashMap<Object, Object>();
* Hashmap containing station parameters
protected HashMap<Object, Object>stationDataHM = new CachedHashMap<Object, Object>();
* Hashmap containing measure parameters
protected HashMap<Object, MeasureData> measureDataHM = new CachedHashMap<Object, MeasureData>();
* Hashmap containing blocking region parameters
protected HashMap<Object, Object>blockingDataHM = new CachedHashMap<Object, Object>();
* Hashmap containing measure parameters
protected HashMap<Object, Object>blockingMeasureDataHM = new CachedHashMap<Object, Object>();
* BDMap containing station connections. On X coordinate will be put stationKeys for
* connection targets, on Y for sources.
// protected BDMap connectionsBDM = new CachedBDMap(),
protected BDMap connectionsBDM = new BDMapImpl(),
* BDMap containing a set of station details for each station and each class.
* on X coordinate must be put class search keys, on Y station search keys.
stationDetailsBDM = new BDMapImpl(),
// stationDetailsBDM = new CachedBDMap(),
* BDMap containing a set of blocking region details for each blocking region and each class.
* on X coordinate must be put class search keys, on Y blocking region search keys.
blockingDetailsBDM = new BDMapImpl();
// ------------------ Francesco D'Aquino ----------------------
private ParametricAnalysisDefinition parametricAnalysisModel;
private boolean parametricAnalysisEnabled;
private boolean sinkProbabilityUpdate;//Probability Routing Error.
private Vector<String> sinkProbabilityUpdateClasses = new Vector<String>()
, sinkProbabilityUpdateStations = new Vector<String>();
// -------------- end Francesco D'Aquino ----------------------
* Tells if current model is to be saved
* @return true if model is to be saved
public boolean toBeSaved() {
return save;
* Resets save state. This MUST be called each time a model is saved
public void resetSaveState() {
save = false;
/**Creates a new instance of <code>CommonModel</code>*/
public CommonModel() {
seed = Defaults.getAsLong("simulationSeed");
useRandomSeed = Defaults.getAsBoolean("isSimulationSeedRandom").booleanValue();
maxDuration = Defaults.getAsDouble("simulationMaxDuration");
maxSamples = Defaults.getAsInteger("maxSimulationSamples");
pollingInterval = Defaults.getAsDouble("simulationPolling").doubleValue();
//TODO: eventually load the parametricAnalysisEnabled state from default
parametricAnalysisEnabled = false;
//model class definition methods
* This method returns the entire set of class keys.
public synchronized Vector<Object> getClassKeys() {
return classesKeyset;
* This method returns the set of open class keys.
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public Vector<Object> getOpenClassKeys() {
Vector<Object> classes = this.getClassKeys();
Vector<Object> openClassKeys = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(i);
if (this.getClassType(thisClass) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
return openClassKeys;
* This method returns the sum of population of each close class
* @return the total close class population
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public int getTotalCloseClassPopulation() {
int sum = 0;
Vector<Object> closeClasses = getClosedClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < closeClasses.size(); i++) {
sum += getClassPopulation(closeClasses.get(i)).intValue();
return sum;
* This method returns the set of closed class keys.
public synchronized Vector<Object> getClosedClassKeys() {
Vector<Object> closedClasses = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < classesKeyset.size(); i++) {
Object thisClassKey = classesKeyset.get(i);
int classType = getClassType(thisClassKey);
if (classType == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
return closedClasses;
* Returns name of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized String getClassName(Object key) {
if (classesKeyset.contains(key)) {
return ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).name;
} else {
return null;
* Sets name of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized void setClassName(String name, Object key) {
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
String oldName = ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).name;
((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).name = name;
if (!oldName.equals(name)) {
save = true;
* Returns type of the class linked to the specific key. Type of class is represented by
* an int number whose value is contained in <code>JSIMConstants</code>.
* */
public synchronized int getClassType(Object key) {
if (classesKeyset.contains(key)) {
return ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).type;
} else {
return -1;
* Sets type of the class linked to the specific key. Type of class is represented by
* an int number whose value is contained in <code>JSIMConstants</code>.
* */
public synchronized void setClassType(int type, Object key) {
//Must check for class presence
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key));
} else {
int classTypeInt = cd.type;
//if new type is different from the former one, population and distribution
//values are senseless, so they must be erased both
if (classTypeInt != type) {
save = true;
cd.distribution = cd.population = null;
cd.type = type;
if (type == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
cd.distribution = Defaults.getAsNewInstance("classDistribution");
} else if (type == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
cd.population = Defaults.getAsInteger("classPopulation");
cd.refSource = null;
* Returns name of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized int getClassPriority(Object key) {
if (classesKeyset.contains(key)) {
return ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).priority;
} else {
return -1;
* Sets name of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized void setClassPriority(int priority, Object key) {
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
int oldPriority = ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).priority;
((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).priority = priority;
if (oldPriority != priority) {
save = true;
* Returns population of the class linked to the specific key. Return value is an integer
* if specified class is a closed class, null, otherwise.
* */
public synchronized Integer getClassPopulation(Object key) {
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
return ((ClassData) classDataHM.get(key)).population;
} else {
return null;
* Sets population of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized void setClassPopulation(Integer population, Object key) {
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (cd.type == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
if (!cd.population.equals(population)) {
save = true;
cd.population = population;
} else {
cd.population = null;
* Returns inter-arrival time distribution of the class linked to the specific key.
* Return value is an object representing distribution if specified class is an open
* class, null otherwise.
* */
public synchronized Object getClassDistribution(Object key) {
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return cd.distribution;
* Sets inter-arrival time distribution of the class linked to the specific key
* */
public synchronized void setClassDistribution(Object distribution, Object key) {
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (cd.type == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
if (!cd.distribution.equals(distribution)) {
save = true;
cd.distribution = distribution;
} else {
cd.population = null;
/**Returns a class parameter, given the class key of search, and the parameter name
* specified by proper code.*/
public synchronized Object getClassParameter(Object key, int parameterName) {
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
switch (parameterName) {
case CLASS_NAME: {
return cd.name;
case CLASS_TYPE: {
return new Integer(cd.type);
return new Integer(cd.priority);
return cd.population;
return cd.distribution;
default: {
return null;
/**Sets a class parameter, given the class key of search, and the parameter name
* specified by proper code. User is responsible for passing correct type for
* parameters, e.g. name must be a String, type, priority and population must be an
* integer. Distribution must be an object. If type for a field is not correct, a
* <code> ClassCastException</code> will be raised.*/
public synchronized void setClassParameter(Object key, int parameterName, Object value) {
ClassData cd;
if (classDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(key);
} else {
switch (parameterName) {
case CLASS_NAME: {
cd.name = (String) value;
case CLASS_TYPE: {
cd.type = ((Integer) value).intValue();
cd.priority = ((Integer) value).intValue();
cd.population = (Integer) value;
cd.distribution = value;
save = true;
/**Sets all class parameters at once given the class' search key. If search key does
* not exist, no class will be added.*/
public synchronized void setClassParameters(Object key, String name, int type, int priority, Integer population, Object distribution) {
if (!classesKeyset.contains(key)) {
if (type == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
distribution = null;
} else if (type == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
population = null;
classDataHM.put(key, new ClassData(name, type, priority, population, distribution));
save = true;
/**Adds a class and sets all class parameters at once, return the new search key
* identifying the new class.*/
public synchronized Object addClass(String name, int type, int priority, Integer population, Object distribution) {
//generating a new key
Object key = new Long(incrementalKey);
if (type == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
distribution = null;
} else if (type == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
population = null;
//add class to model
classDataHM.put(key, new ClassData(name, type, priority, population, distribution));
//add per-class station details
//add per-class blocking region details
save = true;
return key;
/**Deletes class given its search key. */
public synchronized void deleteClass(Object key) {
if (classesKeyset.contains(key)) {
save = true;
* Sets the reference station for a given class
* @param classKey search key for class
* @param stationKey search key for referenced station
public void setClassRefStation(Object classKey, Object stationKey) {
ClassData cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(classKey);
if (cd == null) {
Object oldRef = cd.refSource;
cd.refSource = stationsKeyset.contains(stationKey) ? stationKey : null;
if (oldRef != stationKey) {
save = true;
* Returns the reference station for a given class
* @param classKey search key for class
* @return search key for referenced station or null if it was not specified yet
public Object getClassRefStation(Object classKey) {
ClassData cd = (ClassData) classDataHM.get(classKey);
if (cd == null) {
return null;
//if previously saved refSource has been deleted, delete it to mantain coherence
if (!stationsKeyset.contains(cd.refSource)) {
cd.refSource = null;
return cd.refSource;
*---------------------- methods for station definition -----------------------
* This method returns the key set of sources
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysSource() {
Vector<Object> stations = this.getStationKeys();
Vector<Object> sources = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
if (this.getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
return sources;
* This method returns the key set of sources
* @return an array containing the entire set of server keys
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysServer() {
Vector<Object> stations = this.getStationKeys();
Vector<Object> servers = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
if (this.getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SERVER)) {
return servers;
* This method returns the key set of delays
* @return an array containing the entire set of delay keys
* Author: Francesco D'Aquino
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysDelay() {
Vector<Object> stations = this.getStationKeys();
Vector<Object> delays = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
if (this.getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_DELAY)) {
return delays;
* This method returns the key set of loggers
* @return an array containing the entire set of logger keys
* Author: Michael Fercu (Marco Bertoli) 0.7.4
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysLogger() {
Vector<Object> stations = this.getStationKeys();
Vector<Object> loggers = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
if (this.getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_LOGGER)) {
return loggers;
/**Returns entire key set for search of stations. Objects contained in returned vector
* can be directly passed to methods for parameters retrieval.*/
public Vector<Object> getStationKeys() {
return stationsKeyset;
* This method returns all station keys except source and sink ones.
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysNoSourceSink() {
return noSourceSinkKeyset;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.StationDefinition#getStationRegionKeysNoSourceSink()
public Vector<Object> getStationRegionKeysNoSourceSink() {
Vector<Object> vect = new Vector<Object>(noSourceSinkKeyset);
return vect;
public Vector<Object> getStationKeysSink(){
Vector<Object> sink = new Vector<Object>();
Vector<Object> stations = this.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
if (this.getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
return sink;
/** Returns name of the station in <code>String</code> representation, given the
* search key.
* @param key: search key for station to be modified
* @return : name of station.*/
public synchronized String getStationName(Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return sd.name;
/** Sets type of the station, given the search key.
* @param key: search key for station to be modified
* @param name: name of station.*/
public synchronized void setStationName(String name, Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (sd.name != name) {
save = true;
sd.name = name;
/** Returns queue capacity of the station given the search key.*/
public synchronized Integer getStationQueueCapacity(Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return sd.queueCapacity;
/** Sets queue capacity of the station, given the search key.*/
public synchronized void setStationQueueCapacity(Integer queueCapacity, Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (!sd.queueCapacity.equals(queueCapacity)) {
save = true;
sd.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;
/** Returns number of servers or number of forked job for the station given the search key.*/
public synchronized Integer getStationNumberOfServers(Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return sd.numOfServers;
/** Sets number of servers or number of forked job for the station, given the search key.*/
public synchronized void setStationNumberOfServers(Integer numberOfServers, Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (!sd.numOfServers.equals(numberOfServers)) {
save = true;
sd.numOfServers = numberOfServers;
/** Returns parameter for the station given the search key and parameter code.*/
public synchronized Object getStationParameter(Object key, int parameterCode) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
switch (parameterCode) {
return sd.name;
return sd.type;
return sd.queueCapacity;
return sd.numOfServers;
default: {
return null;
/** Sets parameter for the station, given the search key and parameter code.*/
public synchronized void setStationParameter(Object value, Object key, int parameterCode) {
switch (parameterCode) {
setStationName((String) value, key);
setStationType((String) value, key);
setStationQueueCapacity((Integer) value, key);
setStationNumberOfServers((Integer) value, key);
save = true;
/** Returns type of the station in <code>String</code> representation, given the
* search key.
* @param key: search key for station to be modified
* @return : type of station.*/
public synchronized String getStationType(Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return sd.type;
/** Sets name of the station, given the search key.
* @param key: search key for station to be modified
* @param type: type of station.*/
public synchronized void setStationType(String type, Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
String oldType = sd.type;
sd.type = type;
//If type has changed, all of the parameters must be reset to defaults
if (!oldType.equals(sd.type)) {
save = true;
// If new type is not source or sink add to noSourceSink
if (!type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE) && !type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
if (!noSourceSinkKeyset.contains(key)) {
} else {
// If station is in a blocking region removes it if its type is not valid
if (sd.blockingRegion != null) {
if (!canStationTypeBeBlocked(sd.type)) {
this.removeRegionStation(sd.blockingRegion, key);
} else {
if (canStationTypeBeBlocked(sd.type) && !blockableStations.contains(key)) {
} else if (!canStationTypeBeBlocked(sd.type)) {
/*sets default values for station parameters. To be used when type of station has
* been changed*/
private void setDefaultsForStation(StationData sd) {
Integer queueCapacity;
queueCapacity = Defaults.getAsInteger("stationCapacity");
Integer numberOfServers;
numberOfServers = Defaults.getAsInteger("stationServers");
sd.queueStrategy = Defaults.get("stationStationQueueStrategy");
if (sd.queueStrategy.equals(QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS) && !sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SERVER)) {
sd.numOfServers = numberOfServers;
sd.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;
if (sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_DELAY)) {
/*Delay stations have infinite number of servers and no queue*/
numberOfServers = new Integer(-1);
} else if (sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL) || sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_ROUTER) || sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)
|| sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK) || sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN) || sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_LOGGER)) {
/*If this station has no queue and no service section, there's no need to
* set any parameter value for these sections.*/
numberOfServers = null;
} else if (sd.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
sd.forkBlock = Defaults.getAsInteger("forkBlock");
sd.numOfServers = Defaults.getAsInteger("forkJobsPerLink");
/**Adds a new station to the model. Name and type must be specified.
* @param name: name of the new station
* @param type: string representing station type. It's value is contained in
* <code>JSIMConstants</code> interface.
* @return : key of search for this class*/
public synchronized Object addStation(String name, String type) {
Object key = new Long(++incrementalKey);
//If this station has already been created, don't add search key to the list.
if (!stationsKeyset.contains(key)) {
if (!type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE) && !type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
// If this station can be blocked, adds it to blockable stations vector
if (canStationTypeBeBlocked(type)) {
StationData newStation = new StationData(name, type, null, null);
//add station to the correspondent hashmap
stationDataHM.put(key, newStation);
//setup connection defaults
//setup station details
save = true;
//return key
return key;
/**Deletes station given a search key.*/
public synchronized void deleteStation(Object key) {
if (stationsKeyset.contains(key)) {
// Removes this station from owner blocking region (if needed)
StationData sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
//Part where LoadDependant Routing must be refreshed:
Vector<Object> bacwardStationKeys = this.getBackwardConnections(key);
for(Iterator<Object> it = bacwardStationKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
Object stationKey = it.next();
Vector<Object> classKeys = this.getClassKeys();
for(Object classKey : classKeys){
RoutingStrategy rs = (RoutingStrategy)this.getRoutingStrategy(stationKey, classKey);
if(rs instanceof LoadDependentRouting){
LoadDependentRouting ld = (LoadDependentRouting) rs;
if (sd.blockingRegion != null) {
removeRegionStation(sd.blockingRegion, key);
save = true;
* Tells if a fork is blocking
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
* @param key search's key for fork
* @return maximum number of jobs allowed in a fork-join
* region (-1 is infinity)
public Integer getForkBlock(Object key) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
return null;
return sd.forkBlock;
* Sets if a fork is blocking
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
* @param key search's key for fork
* @param value maximum number of jobs allowed in a fork-join
* region (-1 is infinity)
public void setForkBlock(Object key, Integer value) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(key)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(key);
} else {
if (!sd.forkBlock.equals(value)) {
save = true;
sd.forkBlock = value;
*---------------- Methods for setup of class-station parameters ---------------
* Returns drop rule associated with given station queue section if capacity is finite
* @param stationKey: search key for station.
* @param classKey: search key for class.
public String getDropRule(Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
return current.dropRule;
} else {
return null;
* Sets drop rule associated with given station queue section if capacity is finite
* @param stationKey: search key for station.
* @param classKey: search key for class.
public void setDropRule(Object stationKey, Object classKey, String rule) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null && rule != null) {
if (!current.dropRule.equals(rule)) {
save = true;
current.dropRule = rule;
public void setStationQueueStrategy(Object stationKey, String strategy) {
StationData station = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
if (station != null) {
if (!station.queueStrategy.equals(strategy)) {
save = true;
station.queueStrategy = strategy;
public String getStationQueueStrategy(Object stationKey) {
StationData station = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
if (station != null) {
return station.queueStrategy;
} else {
return null;
public void setQueueStrategy(Object stationKey, Object classKey, String queueStrategy) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
if (!current.queueStrategy.equals(queueStrategy)) {
save = true;
current.queueStrategy = queueStrategy;
public String getQueueStrategy(Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
return current.queueStrategy;
} else {
return null;
public void setServiceTimeDistribution(Object stationKey, Object classKey, Object distribution) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
if (!distribution.equals(current.serviceDistribution)) {
save = true;
current.serviceDistribution = distribution;
public Object getServiceTimeDistribution(Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
return current.serviceDistribution;
} else {
return null;
public void setRoutingStrategy(Object stationKey, Object classKey, Object routingStrategy) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
if (!routingStrategy.equals(current.routingStrategy)) {
save = true;
current.routingStrategy = routingStrategy;
public Object getRoutingStrategy(Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
return current.routingStrategy;
} else {
return null;
* Michael Fercu (Marco Bertoli) - 0.7.4
* Access methods for "Logger"
public void setLoggingParameters(Object stationKey, Object loggerParameters) {
StationData sd;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(stationKey)) {
sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
} else {
if (sd.loggerParameters == null) {
save = true;
} else if (!sd.loggerParameters.equals(loggerParameters)) {
save = true;
sd.loggerParameters = loggerParameters;
public Object getLoggingParameters(Object stationKey) {
Object loggerParams = null;
if (stationDataHM.containsKey(stationKey)) {
StationData sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
loggerParams = (sd.loggerParameters != null) ? sd.loggerParameters : new LoggerParameters();
} else {
return null;
return loggerParams;
public String getLoggingGlbParameter(String selector) {
// The global parameters must be instantiated for a new file
if (loggerGlbParams == null) {
loggerGlbParams = new LoggerGlobalParameters();
if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("path") == true) {
return loggerGlbParams.path;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("delim") == true) {
return loggerGlbParams.delimiter;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("decimalSeparator") == true) {
return loggerGlbParams.decimalSeparator;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("autoAppend") == true) {
return loggerGlbParams.autoAppendMode.toString();
} else {
debugLog.error("No such selector " + selector + " for " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[0] + "\n" + new Exception().getStackTrace()[1]);
return null;
public void setLoggingGlbParameter(String selector, String value) {
// The global parameters must be instantiated for a new file
if (loggerGlbParams == null) {
loggerGlbParams = new LoggerGlobalParameters();
// debugLog.debug("glbParameter <" + selector + "=" + value + "> assigned by " + (new Exception().getStackTrace()[1]).toString().substring(19));
debugLog.debug("glbParameter <" + selector + "=" + value + ">");
if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("path") == true) {
this.loggerGlbParams.path = value;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("decimalSeparator") == true) {
this.loggerGlbParams.decimalSeparator = value;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("delim") == true) {
this.loggerGlbParams.delimiter = value;
} else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("autoAppend") == true) {
this.loggerGlbParams.autoAppendMode = new Integer(value);
} else {
debugLog.error("No such selector " + selector + " for " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[0] + "\n" + new Exception().getStackTrace()[1]);
save = true;
* Used by jmodel.controller.Mediator to get the <i>files that could be overwritten</i>,
* in order to warn the user with a dialog box.
* @author MF08 0.7.4 - Michael Fercu for Logger (Marco Bertoli)
* @return String[] of the filename of all log files that will be written to.
public String[] getLoggerNameList() {
Vector<Object> loggerkeys = getStationKeysLogger();
int loggerkeyssize = loggerkeys.size();
String[] lknames = new String[loggerkeyssize];
String[] lknames2;
int size = 0;
boolean globalWasProcessed = false;
// get the list of all filenames from their keys
for (int i = 0; i < loggerkeyssize; i++) {
LoggerParameters lp = (LoggerParameters) getLoggingParameters(loggerkeys.get(i));
if (lp.name.equalsIgnoreCase("global") == false) {
lknames[size++] = lp.name;
} else if ((lp.name.equalsIgnoreCase("global") == true) && (globalWasProcessed == false)) {
globalWasProcessed = true;
lknames[size++] = lp.name;
lknames2 = new String[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
lknames2[i] = lknames[i];
return lknames2;
* Francesco D'Aquino
* Normalizes the routing probabilities for each station
public void manageProbabilities() {
//get the vector of the stations
Vector<Object> stations = getStationKeys();
//get the vector of the classes
Vector<Object> classes = getClassKeys();
//for each station ...
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
//get the station at i from the station vector
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
//if it isn't a sink...
if (!getStationType(thisStation).equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
//Aboce :-^All stations have router except Sink
//for each class...
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
//check if the routing strategy in thisStation is ProbabilityRouting
if (getRoutingStrategy(thisStation, thisClass) instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
//if it is so, normalize routing probabilities
Vector<Object> outputKeys = getForwardConnections(thisStation);
ProbabilityRouting pr = (ProbabilityRouting) getRoutingStrategy(thisStation, thisClass);
Map<Object, Double> values = pr.getValues();
normalizeProbabilities(values, outputKeys, thisClass, thisStation);
// NB: cut from jmt.gui.common.xml.XMLWriter
public void normalizeProbabilities(Map<Object,Double> values, Vector<Object> outputKeys, Object thisClassKey, Object thisStation){
Vector<Object> sinkClosedprobabilities = new Vector<Object>();
Vector<Object> normalProbabilities = new Vector<Object>();
boolean allSink = true;
for(int i=0; i<outputKeys.size(); i++){
allSink = false;
Double[] probabilities = new Double[outputKeys.size()];
Object[] keys = new Object[outputKeys.size()];
//extract all values from map in array form
for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
probabilities[i] = (Double)values.get(keys[i]);
for(int i=0; i<probabilities.length; i++){
if(probabilities[i] != null && probabilities[i].doubleValue() != 0.0 && sinkClosedprobabilities.contains(keys[i])){
probabilities[i] = new Double(0.0);
String className = getClassName(thisClassKey);
String stationName = getStationName(thisStation);
if(!sinkProbabilityUpdateClasses.contains(className)){//I dont want the Names repeated.
sinkProbabilityUpdate = true;
//scan for null values and for total sum
double totalSum = 0.0;
int totalNonNull = 0;
boolean allNull = true;
for(int i=0; i<probabilities.length; i++){
if(probabilities[i]!=null && normalProbabilities.contains(keys[i])){
totalSum += probabilities[i].doubleValue();
allNull = false;
//modify non null values for their sum to match 1 and put null values to 1
for(int i=0; i<probabilities.length; i++){
if((probabilities[i]!=null || allNull) && normalProbabilities.contains(keys[i])){
probabilities[i] = new Double(1.0/totalNonNull);
probabilities[i] = new Double(probabilities[i].doubleValue()/totalSum);
probabilities[i] = new Double(0.0);
values.put(keys[i], probabilities[i]);
private boolean isClosedClassSinkProbability(Object stationKey, Object classKey){
boolean ret = false;
&& this.getClassType(classKey) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED){
ret = true;
return ret;
* Used to set Defaults Class-Station parameters for a new Station.
* This method is called when a station type is changed too.
* @param sd StationData data structure for current station
* @return created StationClassData object
* Modified by Bertoli Marco
private StationClassData getDefaultDetailsForStationType(StationData sd) {
StationClassData defaultDetails = null;
if (sd == null) {
return null;
if (STATION_TYPE_DELAY.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy"), Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationDelayServiceStrategy"),
Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SERVER.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy"), Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationServiceStrategy"), Defaults
.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SOURCE.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(null, null, Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_SINK.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(null, null, null, null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(null, null, Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if ((STATION_TYPE_ROUTER.equals(sd.type)) || (STATION_TYPE_LOGGER.equals(sd.type))) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy"), null, Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_FORK.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy"), null, null, null);
} else if (STATION_TYPE_JOIN.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(null, null, Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), null);
} else if(STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH.equals(sd.type)) {
defaultDetails = new StationClassData(Defaults.get("stationQueueStrategy"), null, Defaults
.getAsNewInstance("stationRoutingStrategy"), Defaults.getAsNewInstance("stationCsRowMatrix"));
return defaultDetails;
/**Adds details for a new station. For each type of station proper parameter
* values are set.*/
protected void addNewStationDetails(Object stationKey) {
StationData sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
Vector<Object> classKeys = getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < classKeys.size(); i++) {
stationDetailsBDM.put(classKeys.get(i), stationKey, getDefaultDetailsForStationType(sd));
/**Adds details for a new station. For each type of station proper parameter
* values are set.*/
protected void addStationDetailsForClass(Object classKey) {
Vector<Object> stationKeys = getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stationKeys.size(); i++) {
StationData sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKeys.get(i));
StationClassData defaultDetails = getDefaultDetailsForStationType(sd);
stationDetailsBDM.put(classKey, stationKeys.get(i), defaultDetails);
/**deletes station details from repository, given station search key.*/
protected void deleteStationDetails(Object stationKey) {
stationDetailsBDM.remove(stationKey, BDMap.Y);
/**Deletes station details about a certain class, given its search key*/
protected void deleteStationDetailsForClass(Object classKey) {
stationDetailsBDM.remove(classKey, BDMap.X);
*------------- methods for inter-station connections definition --------------
/**Adds a connection between two stations in this model, given search keys of
* source and target stations. If connection could not be created (if, for example,
* target station's type is "Source") false value is returned.
* @param sourceKey: search key for source station
* @param targetKey: search key for target station
* @param areConnected: true if stations must be connected, false otherwise.
* @return : true if connection was created, false otherwise.
* */
public boolean setConnected(Object sourceKey, Object targetKey, boolean areConnected) {
Connection toSet = (Connection) connectionsBDM.get(targetKey, sourceKey);
//element does not exist, no further operation possible, return.
if (toSet == null) {
return false;
//exists but is not connectable, return.
if (!toSet.isConnectable) {
return false;
//is already been connected: can't be connected twice, but can be disconnected
if (toSet.isConnected) {
save = true;
//must disconnect
if (!areConnected) {
toSet.isConnected = false;
} else {
toSet.isConnected = areConnected;
return toSet.isConnected;
return false;
/**Tells wether two stations are connected
* @param sourceKey: search key for source station
* @param targetKey: search key for target station
* @return : true if stations are connected, false otherwise.
public boolean areConnected(Object sourceKey, Object targetKey) {
Connection conn = (Connection) connectionsBDM.get(targetKey, sourceKey);
if (conn == null) {
return false;
} else {
return conn.isConnected;
/**Tells wether two stations can be connected
* @param sourceKey: search key for source station
* @param targetKey: search key for target station
* @return : true if stations are connectable, false otherwise.
public boolean areConnectable(Object sourceKey, Object targetKey) {
Connection conn = (Connection) connectionsBDM.get(targetKey, sourceKey);
if (conn == null) {
return false;
} else {
return conn.isConnectable;
/**Returns a set of station keys specified station is connected to as a source.
* @param stationKey: source station for which (target)connected stations must be
* returned.
* @return Vector containing keys for connected stations.
public Vector<Object> getForwardConnections(Object stationKey) {
//must find entry for row index (e.g. connection sources set)
Map conns = connectionsBDM.get(stationKey, BDMap.Y);
return scanForConnections(conns);
/**Returns a set of station keys specified station is connected to as a target.
* @param stationKey: source station for which (source)connected stations must be
* returned.
* @return Vector containing keys for connected stations.
public Vector<Object> getBackwardConnections(Object stationKey) {
//must find entry for row index (e.g. connection targets set)
Map conns = connectionsBDM.get(stationKey, BDMap.X);
return scanForConnections(conns);
//finds out connections, given a connection set
private Vector<Object> scanForConnections(Map conns) {
Vector<Object> retval = new Vector<Object>(0);
//check returned map not to be null
if (conns != null) {
//scan all of the station entries to find out which selected one is connected to
for (int i = 0; i < stationsKeyset.size(); i++) {
Connection c = (Connection) conns.get(stationsKeyset.get(i));
//assure connection is not null, preventing NullPointerException
if (c != null) {
//finally, if connection exists and is connected, add key to returned vector
if (c.isConnected) {
return retval;
/**Tells wether two stations can be connected. Subclasses can override this method to
* change behaviour in connection creation.*/
protected boolean canBeConnected(Object sourceKey, Object targetKey) {
StationData source = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(sourceKey), target = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(targetKey);
/*if source and target are both servers or delays or LDServers, at first
instance, declare them connectables*/
if ((source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SERVER) || source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_DELAY))
&& (target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SERVER) || target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_DELAY))) {
return true;
//no outgoing connections from sink
if (source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
return false;
//no incoming connection to source
if (target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
return false;
// No connection between a router or a fork or join and itself
if (sourceKey == targetKey
&& (source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_ROUTER) || source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK) || source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN) || source.type
return false;
//no direct connections from source to sink
//no loops on terminal
//no direct connections between terminal and source or sink
if ((source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE) || source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL) || source.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK))
&& (target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE) || target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK) || target.type.equals(STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL))) {
return false;
return true;
/*Creates all of the entries inside connection data repository for a new station.*/
private void addNewStationConnections(Object stationKey) {
//first add all of the forward connections
//picking all possible targets
Vector<Object> keys = new Vector<Object>(connectionsBDM.keySet(BDMap.X));
int size = keys.size();
Map<Object, Connection> conns = new HashMap<Object, Connection>();
//building set of forward connections
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//current station key
Object current = keys.get(i);
conns.put(current, new Connection(canBeConnected(stationKey, current), false));
connectionsBDM.put(stationKey, BDMap.Y, conns);
//reset all data structures for bw connections addition
//picking all possible sources
keys = new Vector<Object>(connectionsBDM.keySet(BDMap.Y));
size = keys.size();
conns = new HashMap<Object, Connection>();
//building set of backward connections
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//current station key
Object current = keys.get(i);
conns.put(current, new Connection(canBeConnected(current, stationKey), false));
connectionsBDM.put(stationKey, BDMap.X, conns);
//deletes connections for deleted station
private void deleteStationConnections(Object stationKey) {
connectionsBDM.remove(stationKey, BDMap.X);
connectionsBDM.remove(stationKey, BDMap.Y);
*--------------- methods for simulation parameters definition ----------------
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition#addMeasure(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
public Object addMeasure(String type, Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
return addMeasure(type, stationKey, classKey, Defaults.getAsDouble("measureAlpha"), Defaults.getAsDouble("measurePrecision"), false);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition#addMeasure(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double, jmt.gui.common.definitions.OutputParameters)
public Object addMeasure(String type, Object stationKey, Object classKey, Double alpha, Double precision, boolean log) {
Object key = new Long(++incrementalKey);
MeasureData md = new MeasureData(stationKey, classKey, type, alpha, precision, log);
measureDataHM.put(key, md);
save = true;
return key;
public void removeMeasure(Object measureKey) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
save = true;
public Vector<Object> getMeasureKeys() {
return measuresKeyset;
public String getMeasureType(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).type;
public void setMeasureType(String newType, Object measureKey) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
String oldType = measureDataHM.get(measureKey).type;
measureDataHM.get(measureKey).type = newType;
if (!oldType.equals(newType)) {
save = true;
public Object getMeasureClass(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).classKey;
public void setMeasureClass(Object classKey, Object measureKey) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
Object oldKey = measureDataHM.get(measureKey).classKey;
measureDataHM.get(measureKey).classKey = classKey;
if (oldKey != classKey) {
save = true;
public Object getMeasureStation(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).stationKey;
public void setMeasureStation(Object stationKey, Object measureKey) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
Object oldKey = measureDataHM.get(measureKey).stationKey;
measureDataHM.get(measureKey).stationKey = stationKey;
if (oldKey != stationKey) {
save = true;
public Double getMeasureAlpha(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).alpha;
public void setMeasureAlpha(Double alpha, Object measureKey) {
if (alpha.doubleValue() > 0 && alpha.doubleValue() < 1) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
Double oldAlpha = measureDataHM.get(measureKey).alpha;
measureDataHM.get(measureKey).alpha = alpha;
if (!oldAlpha.equals(alpha)) {
save = true;
public Double getMeasurePrecision(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).precision;
public void setMeasurePrecision(Double precision, Object measureKey) {
if (precision.doubleValue() > 0 && precision.doubleValue() < 1) {
if (measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
Double oldPrecision = measureDataHM.get(measureKey).precision;
measureDataHM.get(measureKey).precision = precision;
if (!oldPrecision.equals(precision)) {
save = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition#setLogMeasure(boolean, java.lang.Object)
public void setMeasureLog(boolean log, Object measureKey) {
MeasureData data = measureDataHM.get(measureKey);
if (data != null && data.log != log) {
data.log = log;
save = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition#getLogMeasure(java.lang.Object)
public boolean getMeasureLog(Object measureKey) {
if (!measuresKeyset.contains(measureKey)) {
return false;
} else {
return measureDataHM.get(measureKey).log;
* Tells if a given measure is global or local (i.e. if it's station independent
* or station dependent)
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
* @param key search's key for given measure
* @return true if measure is global
public boolean isGlobalMeasure(Object key) {
String type = getMeasureType(key);
return type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_X) || type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_RP)
|| type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_CN) || type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_DR)
//Here this helps to avoid the display of the Individual Queue Service Stations in the
//Combo Box in the Measure Panel as System Power is calculated at whole System or each class
//level but has no meaning for each station level.
|| type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_S_SP)
//Added by ASHANKA END
* Tells if the Measure is being calculated keeping the Sink as reference,
* Is used for the performance indices of
* ResponseTimePerSink and ThroughputPerSink.
* @param key
* @return
public boolean isSinkMeasure(Object key){
String type = getMeasureType(key);
boolean ret = false;
ret = (type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_R_PER_SINK)
|| type.equals(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_X_PER_SINK)) ? true : false;
return ret;
* Sets preloaded jobs on a given station for a given class
* @param jobs number of jobs to be put in queue
* @param stationKey search's key for station
* @param classKey search's key for class
* Author: Bertoli Marco
public void setPreloadedJobs(Integer jobs, Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
if (!current.preload.equals(jobs)) {
save = true;
current.preload = jobs;
* Gets preloaded jobs on a given station for given class
* @param stationKey search's key for station
* @param classKey search's key for class
* @return preloaded jobs
* Author: Bertoli Marco
public Integer getPreloadedJobs(Object stationKey, Object classKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classKey, stationKey);
if (current != null) {
return current.preload;
} else {
return null;
* Returns number of jobs totally allocated for specified class.
* @param classKey class jobs to be preloaded belong to.
* @return umber of jobs totally to be preloaded.
public synchronized Integer getPreloadedJobsNumber(Object classKey) {
int foundJob = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stationsKeyset.size(); i++) {
foundJob += this.getPreloadedJobs(stationsKeyset.get(i), classKey).intValue();
return new Integer(foundJob);
public boolean getUseRandomSeed() {
return useRandomSeed;
public void setUseRandomSeed(boolean value) {
if (useRandomSeed != value) {
save = true;
this.useRandomSeed = value;
public void setSimulationSeed(Long seed) {
if (!this.seed.equals(seed)) {
save = true;
this.seed = seed;
public Long getSimulationSeed() {
return seed;
public void setMaximumDuration(Double durationSeconds) {
if (!this.maxDuration.equals(durationSeconds)) {
save = true;
this.maxDuration = durationSeconds;
public Double getMaximumDuration() {
return maxDuration;
* Gets polling interval for temporary measures
* @return polling interval for temporary measures
public double getPollingInterval() {
return pollingInterval;
* Sets polling interval for temporary measures
* @param pollingInterval polling interval for temporary measures
public void setPollingInterval(double pollingInterval) {
if (this.pollingInterval != pollingInterval) {
save = true;
this.pollingInterval = pollingInterval;
* Sets maximum number of simulation samples
* @param maxSamples maximum number of simulation samples
public void setMaxSimulationSamples(Integer maxSamples) {
if (!this.maxSamples.equals(maxSamples)) {
save = true;
this.maxSamples = maxSamples;
* Returns maximum number of simulation samples
* @return maximum number of simulation samples
public Integer getMaxSimulationSamples() {
return maxSamples;
* Tells if statistic check was disabled as simulation stopping criteria
* @return the disableStatistic
public Boolean getDisableStatistic() {
return disableStatistic;
* Sets if statistic check was disabled as simulation stopping criteria
* @param disableStatistic the disableStatistic to set
public void setDisableStatistic(Boolean disableStatistic) {
this.disableStatistic = disableStatistic;
* This method is used to manage number of jobs for a given class. If class is closed
* all spare jobs will be allocated to its reference source (if it's not in a
* blocking region, otherwise a different station is chosen), if for some reasons more
* jobs are allocated than max population, they are reduced.
* @param classKey search's key for class to be considered
* Author: Bertoli Marco
public synchronized void manageJobs(Object classKey) {
if (this.getClassType(classKey) == CLASS_TYPE_CLOSED) {
int population = this.getClassPopulation(classKey).intValue();
int foundJob = getPreloadedJobsNumber(classKey).intValue();
if (population > foundJob) {
Object chosenStation = this.getClassRefStation(classKey);
if (chosenStation == null) {
// If refStation is in a blocking region, chose the station outside the region with more jobs
// (as reference station cannot be preloaded)
if (getStationBlockingRegion(chosenStation) != null) {
int preloadMax = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stationsKeyset.size(); i++) {
Object key = stationsKeyset.get(i);
if (getStationBlockingRegion(key) == null && getPreloadedJobs(key, classKey).intValue() > preloadMax) {
preloadMax = getPreloadedJobs(key, classKey).intValue();
chosenStation = key;
// Increments amount of jobs in chosen station to cover all spare one
int allocate = population - foundJob + this.getPreloadedJobs(chosenStation, classKey).intValue();
this.setPreloadedJobs(new Integer(allocate), chosenStation, classKey);
} else if (population < foundJob) {
// Removes jobs from stations until allocated jobs = population
for (int i = 0; i < stationsKeyset.size() && population < foundJob; i++) {
int jobs = this.getPreloadedJobs(stationsKeyset.get(i), classKey).intValue();
if (jobs <= foundJob - population) {
this.setPreloadedJobs(new Integer(0), stationsKeyset.get(i), classKey);
foundJob -= jobs;
} else {
this.setPreloadedJobs(new Integer(jobs - (foundJob - population)), stationsKeyset.get(i), classKey);
* This method is used to manage number of jobs for every class. If class is closed
* all spare jobs will be allocated to its reference source, if for some reasons more
* jobs are allocated than max population, they are reduced. Uses this method only
* when strictly necessary as is can be slow if the model is big.
* Author: Bertoli Marco
public void manageJobs() {
for (int i = 0; i < classesKeyset.size(); i++) {
// --- Methods to manage simulation results -- Bertoli Marco --------------------------------------------
* Returns last simulation results
* @return simulation results or null if no simulation was performed
public MeasureDefinition getSimulationResults() {
return results;
* Sets simulation results
* @param results simulation results data structure
public void setSimulationResults(MeasureDefinition results) {
this.results = results;
save = true;
* Tells if current model contains simulation results
* @return true iff <code>getSimulationResults()</code> returns a non-null object
public boolean containsSimulationResults() {
return (results != null);
//Francesco D'Aquino ----------------------
* Return true if queue animation is enabled
* @return true if the animation is enabled
public boolean isAnimationEnabled() {
return false;
* Enable or disable queue animation
* @param isEnabled - set it to true to enable queue animation
public void setAnimationEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
* Checks if the parametric analysis has been enabled
* @return true if the parametric analysis has been enabled
public boolean isParametricAnalysisEnabled() {
return parametricAnalysisEnabled;
* Enable / disable parametric analysis
* @param enabled
public void setParametricAnalysisEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (parametricAnalysisEnabled != enabled) {
save = true;
parametricAnalysisEnabled = enabled;
* Sets the parametric analysis definition
* @param pad the parametric analysis definition to be set
public void setParametricAnalysisModel(ParametricAnalysisDefinition pad) {
parametricAnalysisModel = pad;
* Tells model that some data has been changed and need to be saved. This
* is used by Parametric Analysis
public void setSaveChanged() {
save = true;
* Gets the ParametricAnalysisModel. If parametric analysis is not enabled
* the returned value may be not meaningful.
* @return the parametricAnalysisModel
public ParametricAnalysisDefinition getParametricAnalysisModel() {
return parametricAnalysisModel;
* Returns the class key given its name. It returns <code>null</code>
* if no such class is found.
* @param className the name of the class
* @return the key of the class whose name is <code>className</code>
public Object getClassByName(String className) {
for (int i = 0; i < classesKeyset.size(); i++) {
Object thisClass = classesKeyset.get(i);
if (getClassName(thisClass).equals(className)) {
return thisClass;
return null;
* Returns the key of the station whose name is <code>stationName</code>. It
* returns <code>null</code> if no such station is found.
* @param stationName the name of the station
* @return the key of the station
public Object getStationByName(String stationName) {
for (int i = 0; i < stationsKeyset.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stationsKeyset.get(i);
if (getStationName(thisStation).equals(stationName)) {
return thisStation;
return null;
// end Francesco D'Aquino ------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Blocking Region Definition --- Bertoli Marco ----------------------------------------------
* Adds a new blocking region to the model
* @param name name of new blocking region
* @param type type of new blocking region
* @return search's key for new blocking region
public Object addBlockingRegion(String name, String type) {
Object key = new Long(++incrementalKey);
//If this blocking region has already been created, don't add search key to the list.
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(key)) {
BlockingRegionData newBlocking = new BlockingRegionData(name, type, Defaults.getAsInteger("blockingMaxJobs"));
blockingDataHM.put(key, newBlocking);
// Adds region-class specific data
save = true;
return key;
* Removes a blocking region from the model
* @param key Search's key for region to be deleted
public void deleteBlockingRegion(Object key) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(key)) {
BlockingRegionData bd = (BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.remove(key);
// Removes blocking region from station reference
Iterator<Object> it = bd.stations.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object stationKey = it.next();
((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).blockingRegion = null;
// Adds this station to blockable ones
if (canStationTypeBeBlocked(((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).type)) {
save = true;
* Adds a new station to specified blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @param stationKey Search's key for station
* @return true if station can be put inside specified region
public boolean addRegionStation(Object regionKey, Object stationKey) {
if (!this.canRegionStationBeAdded(regionKey, stationKey)) {
return false;
((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).stations.add(stationKey);
((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).blockingRegion = regionKey;
// Removes this station from blockable list as it's added to a blocking region
save = true;
return true;
* Sets the name of a blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @param name name of the blocking region
public void setRegionName(Object regionKey, String name) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
if (!((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).name.equals(name)) {
save = true;
((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).name = name;
* Returns the name of a blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @return name of the blocking region
public String getRegionName(Object regionKey) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
return ((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).name;
} else {
return null;
* Sets the type of a blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @param type type of the blocking region
public void setRegionType(Object regionKey, String type) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
if (!((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).type.equals(type)) {
save = true;
((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).type = type;
* Returns the type of a blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @return type of the blocking region
public String getRegionType(Object regionKey) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
return ((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).type;
} else {
return null;
* Tells if a station can be added to specified blocking region
* (all stations that creates or destroy jobs cannot be added)
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @param stationKey Search's key for station
* @return true if station can be put inside specified region
public boolean canRegionStationBeAdded(Object regionKey, Object stationKey) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !stationsKeyset.contains(stationKey)) {
return false;
StationData sd = (StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey);
return (sd.blockingRegion == null || sd.blockingRegion == regionKey) && canStationTypeBeBlocked(sd.type);
* Tells if a given station type can be added to a blocking region
* @param stationType type of station to be added
* @return true if station of that type can be added, false otherwise
protected boolean canStationTypeBeBlocked(String stationType) {
return !stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SOURCE) && !stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_SINK)
&& !stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_FORK) && !stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_JOIN)
&& !stationType.equals(CommonConstants.STATION_TYPE_TERMINAL);
* Removes a station from a specified blocking region
* @param regionKey Search's key for region
* @param stationKey Search's key for station
public void removeRegionStation(Object regionKey, Object stationKey) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !stationsKeyset.contains(stationKey)) {
((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).stations.remove(stationKey);
((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).blockingRegion = null;
// If this station can be blocked, adds it to blockable stations vector
if (canStationTypeBeBlocked(((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).type)) {
save = true;
* Returns the entire set of blocking region keys
* @return the entire set of blocking region keys
public Vector<Object> getRegionKeys() {
return blockingRegionsKeyset;
* Sets a customer number constraint for a given region and an user class
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @param classKey search's key for customer class
* @param maxJobsPerClass maximum number of allowed customer. -1 means infinity.
public void setRegionClassCustomerConstraint(Object regionKey, Object classKey, Integer maxJobsPerClass) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !classesKeyset.contains(classKey)) {
if (!((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).maxJobs.equals(maxJobsPerClass)) {
save = true;
((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).maxJobs = maxJobsPerClass;
* Sets a drop rule for a given region and an user class
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @param classKey search's key for customer class
* @param drop true if jobs of specified class can be dropped, false otherwise
public void setRegionClassDropRule(Object regionKey, Object classKey, Boolean drop) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !classesKeyset.contains(classKey)) {
if (!((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).drop.equals(drop)) {
save = true;
((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).drop = drop;
* Sets a global customer number constraint for a given region
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @param maxJobs maximum number of allowed customer. -1 means infinity.
public void setRegionCustomerConstraint(Object regionKey, Integer maxJobs) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
if (!((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).maxJobs.equals(maxJobs)) {
save = true;
((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).maxJobs = maxJobs;
* Gets customer number constraint for a given region and an user class
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @param classKey search's key for customer class
* @return maximum number of allowed customer. -1 means infinity.
public Integer getRegionClassCustomerConstraint(Object regionKey, Object classKey) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !classesKeyset.contains(classKey)) {
return null;
return ((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).maxJobs;
* Gets drop rule for a given region and an user class
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @param classKey search's key for customer class
* @return true if jobs of specified class can be dropped, false otherwise
public Boolean getRegionClassDropRule(Object regionKey, Object classKey) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey) || !classesKeyset.contains(classKey)) {
return null;
return ((BlockingClassData) blockingDetailsBDM.get(classKey, regionKey)).drop;
* Gets global customer number constraint for a given region
* @param regionKey search's key for blocking region
* @return maximum number of allowed customer. -1 means infinity.
public Integer getRegionCustomerConstraint(Object regionKey) {
if (!blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
return null;
return ((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).maxJobs;
* Returns a list of every station inside a blocking region
* @param regionKey search's key for given blocking region
* @return a set with every station inside given blocking region
public Set<Object> getBlockingRegionStations(Object regionKey) {
if (blockingRegionsKeyset.contains(regionKey)) {
return ((BlockingRegionData) blockingDataHM.get(regionKey)).stations;
} else {
return null;
* Gets blocking region of a given station
* @param stationKey search's key for given station
* @return search's key for its blocking region or null if it's undefined
public Object getStationBlockingRegion(Object stationKey) {
if (stationsKeyset.contains(stationKey)) {
return ((StationData) stationDataHM.get(stationKey)).blockingRegion;
} else {
return null;
* Gets a vector with every station that can be added to a blocking region
* @return a vector of search's keys of every station that can be added
* to a blocking region
public Vector<Object> getBlockableStationKeys() {
return blockableStations;
* Adds default values for newly created class
* @param classKey search's key for created class
protected void addBlockingDetailsForClass(Object classKey) {
Vector<Object> blockingKeys = getRegionKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < blockingKeys.size(); i++) {
blockingDetailsBDM.put(classKey, blockingKeys.get(i), new BlockingClassData(Defaults.getAsInteger("blockingMaxJobsPerClass"), Defaults
* Adds default values for newly created blocking regions
* @param blockingRegionKey search's key for created blocking region
protected void addBlockingDetails(Object blockingRegionKey) {
Vector<Object> classKeys = getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < classKeys.size(); i++) {
blockingDetailsBDM.put(classKeys.get(i), blockingRegionKey, new BlockingClassData(Defaults.getAsInteger("blockingMaxJobsPerClass"),
* Deletes blocking region details about a certain class, given its search key
protected void deleteBlockingDetailsForClass(Object classKey) {
blockingDetailsBDM.remove(classKey, BDMap.X);
* Deletes blocking region details from repository, given station search key.
protected void deleteBlockingDetails(Object blockingRegionKey) {
blockingDetailsBDM.remove(blockingRegionKey, BDMap.Y);
// --- end Blocking Region Definition ------------------------------------------------------------
/**This class packs altogether station parameters. This can be useful for storing
* inside an hash map or other data structures. Data contained inside this class are
* defined once per each station. Data which are defined for a couple of one station
* and one class (such as service times distribution) or for a couple of stations (
* such as connections) need to be stored in other type of data structure and shouldn't
* be stored inside this class*/
protected class StationData {
public String queueStrategy;
public String name;
public String type;
public Integer numOfServers;
public Integer queueCapacity;
public Integer forkBlock;
public Object loggerParameters;
/** Reference to owner blocking station or null */
public Object blockingRegion;
public StationData(String name, String type, Integer numOfServers, Integer queueCapacity) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.numOfServers = numOfServers;
this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;
this.loggerParameters = null;
/**This class packs altogether customer class parameters. This can be useful for
* storing them inside an hash map or other data structures.*/
protected class ClassData {
public String name;
public int type;
public int priority;
public Integer population;
public Object distribution;
public Object refSource = null;
public ClassData(String name, int type, int priority, Integer population, Object distribution) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.priority = priority;
this.population = population;
this.distribution = distribution;
* This class is used to store blocking region data into a data structure
protected class BlockingRegionData {
public String name;
public String type;
public Integer maxJobs;
/** Reference to owned stations */
public HashSet<Object> stations;
public BlockingRegionData(String name, String type, Integer maxJobs) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.maxJobs = maxJobs;
stations = new HashSet<Object>();
* This class is used to store blocking region / class data into a BDMap
protected class BlockingClassData {
public Integer maxJobs;
public Boolean drop;
public BlockingClassData(Integer maxJobs, Boolean drop) {
this.maxJobs = maxJobs;
this.drop = drop;
/**This class represents a connection between two stations. Two boolean parameters
* are defined. The first, isConnected, tells wether the two stations are connected
* The second, isConnectable, tells wether theese two stations are connectable.*/
protected class Connection {
public boolean isConnected = false;
public boolean isConnectable = false;
public Connection(boolean isConnectable, boolean isConnected) {
this.isConnectable = isConnectable;
this.isConnected = isConnected;
/**This class contains all of the data which can be defined for a combination of
* class and station. These data include queue policy, service time distribution
* and routing strategy*/
protected class StationClassData {
public String queueStrategy;
public Object serviceDistribution;
public Object routingStrategy;
public Object classSwitchProb; //this is a row of the cs matrix
public Integer preload;
public String dropRule;
public StationClassData(String queueStrategy, Object serviceDistribution, Object routingStrategy, Object classSwitchProb) {
this.queueStrategy = queueStrategy;
this.serviceDistribution = serviceDistribution;
this.routingStrategy = routingStrategy;
this.classSwitchProb = classSwitchProb;
this.preload = new Integer(0);
this.dropRule = Defaults.get("dropRule");
/**This class contains all of the parameters to define a simulation measure, e.g.
* reference userClass, reference station, type (Throughput, Residence Time, ecc)
* precision, confidence interval */
protected class MeasureData {
public Object stationKey;
public Object classKey;
public String type;
public Double precision;
public Double alpha;
public boolean log;
public MeasureData(Object station, Object userClass, String measureType, Double alpha, Double precision, boolean log) {
stationKey = station;
classKey = userClass;
type = measureType;
this.precision = precision;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.log = log ;
protected class LoggerGlobalParameters {
public String path;
public String delimiter;
public String decimalSeparator;
public Integer autoAppendMode;
LoggerGlobalParameters() {
path = MacroReplacer.replace(MacroReplacer.MACRO_WORKDIR);
delimiter = Defaults.get("loggerDelimiter");
decimalSeparator = Defaults.get("loggerDecimalSeparator");
autoAppendMode = Defaults.getAsInteger("loggerAutoAppend");
// debugLog.debug("LoggerGlobalParameters constructor called by \n " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[1] + "\n " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[2]);
public boolean isSinkProbabilityUpdated(){
return sinkProbabilityUpdate;
public void setSinkProbabilityUpdatedVar(boolean param){
sinkProbabilityUpdate = param;
public Vector<String> getsinkProbabilityUpdateClasses(){
return sinkProbabilityUpdateClasses;
public Vector<String> getsinkProbabilityUpdateStations(){
return sinkProbabilityUpdateStations;
public void resetSinkProbabilityUpdateStations(){
sinkProbabilityUpdateStations = new Vector<String>();
public void resetSinkProbabilityUpdateClasses(){
sinkProbabilityUpdateClasses = new Vector<String>();
* It returns the cell (@callInKey, @classOutKey) of the class
* switch matrix of station @stationKey.
public float getClassSwitchMatrix(Object stationKey, Object classInKey, Object classOutKey) {
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classInKey, stationKey);
ClassSwitch row = (ClassSwitch) current.classSwitchProb;
return row.getValue(classInKey, classOutKey);
* It sets to @val the cell (@callInKey, @classOutKey) of the class
* switch matrix of station @stationKey.
public void setClassSwitchMatrix(Object stationKey, Object classInKey, Object classOutKey, float val) {
if(val != getClassSwitchMatrix(stationKey, classInKey, classOutKey))
save = true;
StationClassData current = (StationClassData) stationDetailsBDM.get(classInKey, stationKey);
ClassSwitch row = (ClassSwitch) current.classSwitchProb;
row.setValue(classInKey, classOutKey, val);