* Copyright (C) 2006, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.gui.common.controller;
import java.util.*;
import jmt.gui.common.CommonConstants;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.BlockingRegionDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.ClassDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.SimulationDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.StationDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.parametric.ParametricAnalysisChecker;
import jmt.gui.common.definitions.parametric.ParametricAnalysisDefinition;
import jmt.gui.common.distributions.Distribution;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.LoadDependentRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.ProbabilityRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RandomRouting;
import jmt.gui.common.routingStrategies.RoutingStrategy;
import jmt.gui.common.serviceStrategies.LDStrategy;
* <p>Title: ModelChecker</p>
* <p>Description: Checks the model correctness</p>
* @author Francesco D'Aquino
* Date: 6-ott-2005
* Time: 16.12.50
* @author Bertoli Marco
* (new errors)
* Modified by Ashanka (May 2010):
* Patch: Multi-Sink Perf. Index
* Description: Added new Performance index for the capturing the
* 1. global response time (ResponseTime per Sink)
* 2. global throughput (Throughput per Sink)
* each sink per class.
* Hence new validations are required to check the Performance Indices of
* response per sink and throughput per sink follow the model validations.
* 1. Response Time per Sink and Throughput per Sink should have a sink in
* the model.
* 2. Response Time per Sink and Throughput per Sink should not be selected
* with a closed class as for a closed model till now in JMT no jobs are
* routed to the sink and apparently sink is allowed to choose only when a
* open class is present.
* Modified by Ashanka (June 2010):
* Added Sink Probability for Closed class update to 0.0 warning message.
public class ModelChecker implements CommonConstants {
private ClassDefinition class_def;
private StationDefinition station_def;
private SimulationDefinition simulation_def;
private BlockingRegionDefinition blocking_def;
//sets the behavior of the checker
private boolean isToJMVAChecker;
//Variable that contains information about problems
private boolean[] errors;
//Variable that contains information about warnings
private boolean[] warnings;
//Vector containing the keys of the classes without a reference station
private Vector<Object> classesWithoutRefStation;
//Vector containing only the keys of the open classes without a reference station
private Vector<Object> openClassesWithoutRefStation;
//Vector containing the keys of the sources without a class associated to
private Vector<Object> sourceWithoutClasses;
//Vector containing the keys of stations with link problems
private Vector<Object> stationsWithLinkErrors;
// HashMap containing the vector of keys of the stations where
// routing problems for this close class occour. The key of the
// Hash Map is the key of the closed class considered
private HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>> routingErrors;
// HashMap containing the vector of keys of the stations reacheable by a close class
// The key of the Hash Map is the key of the closed class considered
private HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>> allForwardStationsAreSinkErrors;
//Vector containing the keys of measures defined more than once
private Vector<Object> redundantMeasure;
//Vector containing the inconsistent performance indexes
private Vector<Object> inconsistentMeasures;
//Vector containing the keys of servers with per class different
//queue startegies
private Vector<Object> BCMPserversWithDifferentQueueStrategy;
//Vector containing the keys of servers with FCFS queueing strategy
//but mixed types of service
private Vector<Object> BCMPserversWithDifferentServiceTypes;
//Vector containing the keys of servers with FCFS queue strategy
// but a non exponential distribution
private Vector<Object> BCMPserversFCFSWithoutExponential;
//Vector containing the keys of servers with FCFS, the same
//type of service for each class, but with different mean service
private Vector<Object> BCMPFcfsServersWithDifferentServiceTimes;
//Vector containing the keys of delays with at least a service time
//distribution with a non rational Laplace transform
private Vector<Object> BCMPdelaysWithNonRationalServiceDistribution;
//Vector containing the keys of the stations where a non random routing is used.
//Used only in JMVA conversion
private Vector<Object> BCMPnonStateIndependentRoutingStations;
//Vector containing the stations (not Sinks or Sources) not backward connected. Used for
// warnings
private Vector<Object> stationWithoutBackwardLinks;
/** Empty blocking regions */
private Vector<Object> emptyBlockingRegions;
//Vector containing the keys of cs with wrong matrix(sum by rows less than 1)
private Vector<Object> csWithWrongMatrix;
//Vector containing the keys of cs followed by queue with drop bas stratregy
private Vector<Object> csFollowedByBas;
//Vector containing the keys of cs between fork/join
private Vector<Object> csBetweenForkJoin;
private Map<Object, HashMap<Object, Object>> invalidLoadDependentRouting;
//Vector containing the keys of the stations with a queue strategy different from FCFS.
//Used only in JMVA conversion
//private Vector nonFCFSStations;
//constant used to define an error
public static int ERROR_PROBLEM = 0;
//constant used to define a warning
public static int WARNING_PROBLEM = 1;
//it occours when no classes have been defined
public static int NO_CLASSES_ERROR = 0;
//it occours when no station have been defined
public static int NO_STATION_ERROR = 1;
//it occours when no measure have been defined
public static int SIMULATION_ERROR = 2;
//it occours when there is a sink but no open classes have been defined
public static int SINK_BUT_NO_OPEN_CLASSES_ERROR = 3;
//it occours when there is an open class but no sources have been defined
public static int OPEN_CLASS_BUT_NO_SOURCE_ERROR = 4;
//it occours when no open classes have been associated to a source
public static int SOURCE_WITH_NO_OPEN_CLASSES_ERROR = 5;
//it occours when a class hasn't a reference station
public static int REFERENCE_STATION_ERROR = 6;
//it occours when there is an open class but no sinks have been defined
public static int NO_SINK_WITH_OPEN_CLASSES_ERROR = 7;
//it occours when a station is not properly linked
public static int STATION_LINK_ERROR = 8;
//it occours when a close class is routed with probability 1 into a sink
public static int ROUTING_ERROR = 9;
//it occours when a close class is routed into a station whose forward stations are all sinks
public static int ALL_FORWARD_STATION_ARE_SINK_ERROR = 10;
//it occours if the same measure is defined more than once
public static final int DUPLICATE_MEASURE_ERROR = 11;
//it occours if one or performance index has one or more null field
public static final int INCONSISTENT_MEASURE_ERROR = 12;
//It occours only when trying to switch from JSim or JModel to JMVA, if there is at least
//one open class without a reference station
//public static final int OPEN_CLASS_REFERENCE_STATION_ERROR = 13;
//it occours when there is at least one join but not a fork;
public static final int JOIN_WITHOUT_FORK_ERROR = 13;
//All jobs splitted by a fork must be routed to the same sink, or
//to the same join
public static final int FORK_JOIN_ROUTING_ERROR = 14;
/** Empty blocking region */
public static final int EMPTY_BLOCKING_REGION = 15;
/** Preloaded station in a blocking region */
public static final int PRELOADING_WITH_BLOCKING = 16;
//Checks if XperSink and RperSink is selected with any sink in the model.
public static final int SINK_PERF_IND_WITH_NO_SINK_ERROR = 17;
//Checks if XperSink and RperSink is selected with closed classes.
public static final int SINK_PERF_WITH_CLOSED_CLASS_ERROR = 18;
//Checks if exist some rows of a Cs matrix that sum to a number less than one.
public static final int CS_MATRIX_HAS_ROWS_LESS_THAN_ONE = 19;
//Checks if exist some cs followed by a queue with bas drop strategy.
public static final int CS_FOLLOWED_BY_A_BAS = 20;
//Checks if exist some cs between a fork and a join.
public static final int CS_BETWEEN_FORK_JOIN = 21;
public static final int LOAD_DEPENDENT_ROUTING_INVALID = 22;
//it occours when more than one sink have been defined
public static int MORE_THAN_ONE_SINK_WARNING = 0;
//it occours when a station (not sink or source) is not backward linked
public static int NO_BACKWARD_LINK_WARNING = 1;
//it occours if there is a fork but not a join
public static int FORK_WITHOUT_JOIN_WARNING = 2;
//It occours if the parametric analysis model has become inconsistent
//with the model definition. This warning advices user to recheck the
//parametric model definition, since it had been modified to make it
//consistent back again.
//It occours if a no PA are avaible, but a PA model was previously defined
//It occours if the station has diffrent per class queueing
// strategy. (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
//It occours if the service policy inside a station with FCFS
//queueing strategy, differs from class to class. In fact,
//according to the BCMP theorem hypothesis, the service times
//in an FCFS station must be all load independent or independent,
//mixtures are not allowed
//It occours if the station has a FCFS queueing strategy, but
//the service time distribution is not exponential
public static int BCMP_FCFS_EXPONENTIAL_WARNING = 7;
//It occours if the station has a FCFS queueing strategy, but
//the per class mean values of service time differ
// (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
//It occours if the station has a Processor Sharing service strategy
//but it is not possible to define a Laplace rational transform
//for the service time distribution
// (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
//It occours if the station has a delay behavior but it is not
//possible to define a Laplace rational transform for a
//service time distribution
// (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
public static int BCMP_DELAY_WARNING = 10;
//It occours if the station has a LCFS - Preemptive Resume
//queueing strategy but it is not possible to define a
//Laplace rational transform for the service time distribution
// (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
public static int BCMP_LCFS_PR_WARNING = 11;
//It occours if the routing strategy is state dependent
// (only when trying to convert to JMVA)
//It occours only when trying to switch from JSim or JModel to JMVA, if there is at least
//one non exponential distribution
public static int NO_EXP_FOUND_WARNING = 2;
//it occours only when trying to convert to JMVA
//it occours only when trying to convert to JMVA
public static int NON_FCFS_WARNING = 4;
//it it occours only when trying to convert to JMVA
private int NUMBER_OF_ERROR_TYPES = 23;
private int NUMBER_OF_WARNING_TYPES = 14;
* Creates a new modelchecker
* @param class_def reference to class definition data structure
* @param station_def reference to station definition data structure
* @param simulation_def reference to simulation definition data structure
* @param bd reference to blocking region definition data structure
* @param isToJMVA true if model must be converted to jmva, false otherwise
public ModelChecker(ClassDefinition class_def, StationDefinition station_def, SimulationDefinition simulation_def, BlockingRegionDefinition bd,
boolean isToJMVA) {
this.class_def = class_def;
this.station_def = station_def;
this.simulation_def = simulation_def;
this.blocking_def = bd;
errors = new boolean[NUMBER_OF_ERROR_TYPES];
warnings = new boolean[NUMBER_OF_WARNING_TYPES];
classesWithoutRefStation = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
openClassesWithoutRefStation = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
sourceWithoutClasses = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
stationsWithLinkErrors = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
routingErrors = new HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>>(0, 1);
allForwardStationsAreSinkErrors = new HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>>(0, 1);
stationWithoutBackwardLinks = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
redundantMeasure = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
inconsistentMeasures = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
BCMPserversWithDifferentQueueStrategy = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
BCMPserversWithDifferentServiceTypes = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
BCMPserversFCFSWithoutExponential = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
BCMPFcfsServersWithDifferentServiceTimes = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
BCMPdelaysWithNonRationalServiceDistribution = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
invalidLoadDependentRouting = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<Object, Object>>(0);
csWithWrongMatrix = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
csFollowedByBas = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
csBetweenForkJoin = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//nonFCFSStations = new Vector(0,1);
BCMPnonStateIndependentRoutingStations = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
emptyBlockingRegions = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
isToJMVAChecker = isToJMVA;
//resets all the variables of the model checker
private void reset() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ERROR_TYPES; i++) {
errors[i] = false;
warnings[i] = false;
//checks for problems of the model
public void checkModel() {
if (isToJMVAChecker) {
} else {
public StationDefinition getStationModel() {
return station_def;
public ClassDefinition getClassModel() {
return class_def;
public BlockingRegionDefinition getBlockingModel() {
return blocking_def;
public boolean isToJMVA() {
return isToJMVAChecker;
public boolean isEverythingOkNormal() {
boolean ok = false;
//for (int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_NORMAL_ERROR_TYPES; i++) if (errors[i] == true) ok = false;
//for (int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_NORMAL_WARNING_TYPES; i++) if (warnings[i] == true) ok = false;
if (isErrorFreeNormal() && isWarningFreeNormal()) {
ok = true;
return ok;
public boolean isEverythingOkToJMVA() {
boolean ok = false;
if (isErrorFreeToJMVA() && isWarningFreeToJMVA()) {
ok = true;
return ok;
public boolean isErrorFreeNormal() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_NORMAL_ERROR_TYPES; i++) {
if (errors[i]) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isErrorFreeToJMVA() {
boolean ok = true;
ok = false;
return ok;
public boolean isWarningFreeToJMVA() {
boolean ok = true;
ok = false;
return ok;
public boolean isWarningFreeNormal() {
boolean ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_NORMAL_WARNING_TYPES; i++) {
if (warnings[i]) {
ok = false;
if(warnings[SINK_PROBABILITY_UPDATE_WARNING]){//Added this seperatly other wise I had to redo the numbering,
ok = false;
return ok;
* Returns true if no classes have been defined.
* @return false, if there is at least one class
* <br>true, if no classes have been defined
public boolean isThereNoClassesError() {
return errors[NO_CLASSES_ERROR];
* Returns true if no stations have been defined.
* @return false, if there is at least one station
public boolean isThereNoStationError() {
return errors[NO_STATION_ERROR];
* Returns true if a reference station for each class have been defined.
* @return false, if each class has a reference station
public boolean isThereClassesWithoutRefStationError() {
* Returns true if each source has an open class associated to.
* @return false, if source has an open class associated to.
public boolean isThereSourceWithNoClassesError() {
* Returns true if there is at least one open class but no sinks have been defined
* @return true if the problem occours.
public boolean isThereNoSinkWithOpenClassesError() {
* Returns true if there is at least a sink but no open classes have been defined
* @return true if the problem occours
public boolean isThereSinkButNoOpenClassError() {
* Returns true if there is at least one open class but no source has been defined
* @return true if the problem occours
public boolean isThereOpenClassButNoSourceError() {
* Returns true if there is at least one station link error
* @return true if the problem occours.
public boolean isThereStationLinkError() {
return errors[STATION_LINK_ERROR];
* Returns true if there is at least one closed class routed into a station whose
* forward stations are all sink
* @return true if at least one routing problem was found
public boolean isThereAllForwardStationsAreSinkErrors() {
* Returns true if there is at least one routing error (a closed class routed into a sink)
* @return true if at least one routing problem was found
public boolean isThereRoutingError() {
return errors[ROUTING_ERROR];
* Returns true if no measures have been defined
* @return true if the problem occours
public boolean isThereSimulationError() {
return errors[SIMULATION_ERROR];
* Returns true if the same measure is defined more than one time
* @return true if the same measure is defined more than one time
public boolean isThereMeasureError() {
* Returns true if there is at least one measure with at least one
* 'null' field
* @return true if the same measure is defined more than one time
public boolean isThereInconsistentMeasureError() {
public boolean isTherejoinWithoutForkError() {
* Returns if a blocking region without stations error occurred
* @return if a blocking region without stations error occurred
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
public boolean isThereEmptyBlockingRegionError() {
* Returns if a station in a blocking region is preloaded
* @return if a station in a blocking region is preloaded
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
public boolean isTherePreloadingInBlockingRegionError() {
public boolean isThereSinkPerfIndicesWithNoSinkError(){
public boolean isSinkPerfIndicesWithClosedClassError(){
* Returns true if exist some class_switch
* components with a invalid matrix (e.g. some
* rows do not sum to a value grater or equals
* to one.), returns false otherwise.
* @return
public boolean isThereCsMatrixRowSumError() {
* Returns true if exist some class_switch
* components followed by a queue implementing
* the BAS stratregy, returns false otherwise.
* @return
public boolean isThereCsFollowedByBasError() {
return errors[CS_FOLLOWED_BY_A_BAS];
public boolean isThereLoadDependentRoutingError() {
* Returns true if exist some class_switch
* components between a fork and a join, returns
* false otherwise.
* @return
public boolean isThereCsBetweenForkJoin() {
return errors[CS_BETWEEN_FORK_JOIN];
* Checks the presence in the model of a non exponential time distribution. This is an
* error only if user is trying to convert the model to JMVA
* @return true if at least one non-exponential time distribution is found
/*public boolean isThereNoExpFoundWarning() {
return warnings[NO_EXP_FOUND_WARNING];
* To be used only for the JSim/JModel to JMVA conversion
* @return true if there is at least one open class without a reference station
/*public boolean isThereOpenClassReferenceStationError() {
* use it to check if there is at least one non FCFS queue policy in the model
* @return true if at least one non FCFS queue policy is found in the model
/*public boolean isThereNonFCFSWarning() {
return warnings[NON_FCFS_WARNING];
* Checks if there are delays in the model
* @return true if at least a delay is found
/*public boolean isThereDelaysFoundError() {
return errors[DELAYS_FOUND_ERROR];
* Returns true if more than one Sink have been defined. In order to maintain
* the accuracy of the measured throughput.
* @return true if more than one Sink have been defined
public boolean isThereMoreThanOneSinkWarning() {
return warnings[MORE_THAN_ONE_SINK_WARNING];
* Checks if there is a station (not a sink or a source) no backward linked
* @return true if there is at least a station (not a sink or a source) no backward linked
public boolean isThereNoBackwardLinkWarning() {
return warnings[NO_BACKWARD_LINK_WARNING];
* @return true if the parametric analysis model had become inconsistent
* consequently it was modified
public boolean isThereParametricAnalysisModelModifiedWarning() {
* @return true if no PA are avaible but a PA model was previously defined
public boolean isThereParametricAnalysisNoMoreAvaibleWarning() {
* Checks if the service times for different classes are different inside the same station
* @return true if the problem occours
/*public boolean isThereDifferentServiceTimeWarning() {
* Checks if there are servers with per class different queueing
* strategy
* @return true if servers with per class different queueing strategy
* are found
public boolean isThereBCMPDifferentQueueingStrategyWarning() {
* Checks if there are FCFS servers with a mixed service type
* @return true if FCFS servers with with a mixed service type
* are found
public boolean isThereBCMPDifferentServiceTypeWarning() {
* Checks if there are FCFS servers with omogeneous but non
* exponential service type
* @return true if FCFS servers with omogeneous but non
* exponential service type are found
public boolean isThereBCMPFcfsNonExponentialWarning() {
* Checks if there are FCFS servers with omogeneous exponential
* service type, but with different per class service times mean
* values. If the service type is Load Dependent it checks that
* for each class the load dependent strategies are the same, i.e. :
* <br>1) have the same number of ranges</br>
* <br>2) have the same distribution in each range (Exponential)</br>
* <br>3) have the same mean value in each range</br>
* <br>4) have the same 'from' and 'to' values in each range</br>
* @return true if FCFS servers with omogeneous exponential
* service type with different per class service times mean
* values are found
public boolean isThereBCMPFcfsDifferentServiceTimesWarning() {
* Checks if there are delays with a service time distribution whose
* Laplace transform is not rational
* @return true if delays with a service time distribution whith
* a non rational Laplace transform are found
public boolean isThereBCMPDelayWarning() {
return warnings[BCMP_DELAY_WARNING];
* Checks if there are LCFS-PR stations with service time
* distribution whose Laplace transform is not rational
* @return true if LCFS-PR stations with service time
* distribution whose Laplace transform is not rational
public boolean isThereBCMPLcfsPrWarning() {
return warnings[BCMP_LCFS_PR_WARNING];
public boolean isThereForkWithoutJoinWarnings() {
* Checks if there are stations with Processor Sharing service
* strategy with a service time distribution whose Laplace transform
* is not rational
* @return true if stations with Processor Sharing service
* strategy with a service time distribution whose Laplace
* transform is not rational are found
public boolean isThereBCMPProcessorSharingWarning() {
* Use it to check if a non random routing is used
* @return true if a non random routing is used
public boolean isThereBCMPNonStateIndependentRoutingWarning() {
* Returns a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the classes without a reference station. If every
* has a reference station returns null.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the classes without a reference station.
public Vector<Object> getKeysOfClassesWithoutRefStation() {
return classesWithoutRefStation;
} else {
return null;
* Returns a Vector<Object> containing the keys of OPEN classes without a reference station. If each
* open class has a reference station returns null.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the classes without a reference station.
/*public Vector<Object> getKeysOfOpenClassesWithoutRefStation() {
if (errors[OPEN_CLASS_REFERENCE_STATION_ERROR]) return openClassesWithoutRefStation;
else return null;
* Returns a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the sources witch have no classes associated to. If every
* source has a reference station or no source are defined returns null.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the sources with no classes associated to.
public Vector<Object> getKeysOfSourceWithoutClasses() {
return sourceWithoutClasses;
} else {
return null;
* Returns a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the stations whith link problems, such as:
* <br>- a Source not forward linked.
* <br>- a Server not forward linked.
* <br>- a Delay not forward linked.
* <br>- a Sink not backward linked.
* <br><br>If there isn't any problem it returns null.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of the stations with link problems.
public Vector<Object> getKeysOfStationsWithLinkProblems() {
if (errors[STATION_LINK_ERROR]) {
return stationsWithLinkErrors;
} else {
return null;
* Returns a vector with all empty blocking regions
* @return a vector with all empty blocking regions keys.
public Vector<Object> getKeysOfEmptyBlockingRegions() {
return emptyBlockingRegions;
} else {
return null;
* Returns a HashMap where the key is the key of a close class. For each close class that may
* be routed into a station whose forward stations are all sink it contains a Vector<Object> with the
* keys of the stations where the problems occours. If there isn't any problem or no close
* classes are defined it returns null.
* @return a HashMap where the key is the key of a close class.
public HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>> getKeysOfAllForwardStationsAreSinkErrors() {
return allForwardStationsAreSinkErrors;
} else {
return null;
* Returns a HashMap where the key is the key of a close class. For each close class with a routing
* problem it contains a Vector<Object> with the keys of the stations where the routing problems occours. If there isn't any problem
* or no close classes are defined it returns null.
* @return a HashMap where the key is the key of a close class.
public HashMap<Object, Vector<Object>> getKeysOfRoutingProblems() {
if (errors[ROUTING_ERROR]) {
return routingErrors;
} else {
return null;
* Get the Vector<Object> with station (no Sinks or Sources) not backward connected. Used
* for warnings.
* @return the Vector<Object> with station (no Sinks or Sources) not backward connected.
public Vector<Object> getKeysOfStationWithoutBackwardLinks() {
return stationWithoutBackwardLinks;
} else {
return null;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with per
* class different queue startegies
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with per class
* different queue startegies
public Vector<Object> getBCMPserversWithDifferentQueueStrategy() {
return BCMPserversWithDifferentQueueStrategy;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy but mixed types of service
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy but mixed types of service
public Vector<Object> getBCMPserversWithDifferentServiceTypes() {
return BCMPserversWithDifferentServiceTypes;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css with a matrix
* in which some rows sum to a value less than one
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css with a matrix
* in which some rows sum to a value less than one
public Vector<Object> getCsWithWrongMatrix() {
return csWithWrongMatrix;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css followed
* by a queue implementing a drop bas stratregy.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css followed
* by a queue implementing a drop bas stratregy.
public Vector<Object> getCsFolloweByBas() {
return csFollowedByBas;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css between
* fork/join.
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of css between
* fork/join.
public Vector<Object> getCsBetweenForkJoin() {
return csBetweenForkJoin;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy but a non exponential distribution
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy but a non exponential distribution
public Vector<Object> getBCMPserversFCFSWithoutExponential() {
return BCMPserversFCFSWithoutExponential;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy, exponential distribution but different per
* class service times
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of servers with FCFS
* queueing strategy, exponential distribution but different per
* class service times
public Vector<Object> getBCMPFcfsServersWithDifferentServiceTimes() {
return BCMPFcfsServersWithDifferentServiceTimes;
* Use it to get a Vector<Object> containing the keys of delays with
* at least a service time distribution with a non rational Laplace
* transform
* @return a Vector<Object> containing the keys of delays with
* at least a service time distribution with a non rational Laplace
* transform
public Vector<Object> getBCMPdelaysWithNonRationalServiceDistribution() {
return BCMPdelaysWithNonRationalServiceDistribution;
public Map<Object, HashMap<Object, Object>> getInvalidLoadDependentRoutingStations() {
return invalidLoadDependentRouting;
* Check that there is at least one class in the model. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForNoClassError() {
// get the vector of the keys of the classes
Vector<Object> classKeys = class_def.getClassKeys();
//if the vector is empty there are no classes defined in the model
if (classKeys.size() == 0) {
errors[NO_CLASSES_ERROR] = true;
* Check that there is at least one station in the model. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForNoStationError() {
boolean noStation = true;
// get the vector of the keys of the elements (stations, sinks, delays, servers)
Vector<Object> elements = station_def.getStationKeys();
//check each element...
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
Object thisElement = elements.get(i);
String type = station_def.getStationType(thisElement);
if ((!type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) && (!type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK))) {
noStation = false;
if (noStation) {
errors[NO_STATION_ERROR] = true;
* Checks that every class has a reference station. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForRefStationError() {
// get the vector of the keys of the classes
Vector<Object> classKeys = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < classKeys.size(); i++) {
//get the key at i
Object thisKey = classKeys.get(i);
//get the Reference Station of the class
Object thisRefStation = class_def.getClassRefStation(thisKey);
//if the class has no reference station there is a class problem
if (thisRefStation == null) {
* Checks that there are no sources without a class associated to. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForSourcesWithNoClassesError() {
// get the vector of the keys of the stations
Vector<Object> stationKeys = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stationKeys.size(); i++) {
//get the sourceKey at i
Object thisStationKey = stationKeys.get(i);
//get the type of the station
String type = station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey);
if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
//this variable is true if no classes are associated to this source
boolean noClassesAssociated = true;
//get the vector of the class keys....
Vector<Object> classKeys = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int j = 0; j < classKeys.size(); j++) {
//get the key of the class at j
Object thisClassKey = classKeys.get(j);
//get the key of the reference station of this class
Object refStationKeyForThisClass = class_def.getClassRefStation(thisClassKey);
//if the key of the reference station and the key of the source considered
//are the same it means that there is at least one class associated to the source
if (refStationKeyForThisClass == thisStationKey) {
noClassesAssociated = false;
//if the variable noClassesAssociated is still true it means that this source has
//no classes associated to
if (noClassesAssociated) {
* Check if there is at least one open class but there are no sinks. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForNoSinkWithOpenClassError() {
//vector used to contain the set of open class keys
Vector<Object> openClasses = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//vector used to contain the complete set class keys
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//for cicle used to collect the open class keys from the classes vector
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
Object thisClassKey = classes.get(i);
if (class_def.getClassType(thisClassKey) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
//if there is at least one open class
if (openClasses.size() > 0) {
//variable counting the number of sink
int nSink = 0;
//vector containing the complete set of class keys
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
//for each station ...
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStationKey = stations.get(i);
// ... check if it is a sink, in that case increase the nSink variable
if (station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
//if no sink was found there is an error
} else {
* Checks if there is at least an open class but no source have been defined
private void checkForOpenClassButNoSourceError() {
//variable used to count the number of open classes
int openClasses = 0;
//vector used to contain the complete set class keys
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//for cicle used to collect the open class keys from the classes vector
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
Object thisClassKey = classes.get(i);
if (class_def.getClassType(thisClassKey) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
if (openClasses == 0) {
} else {
//Vector<Object> containing the entire station key set
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
//variable counting the number of source
int nSource = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
String type = station_def.getStationType(thisStation);
if (type.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
//if no sources have been defined there is an error
errors[OPEN_CLASS_BUT_NO_SOURCE_ERROR] = nSource == 0;
* Checks if there is at least a sink but no open classes have been defined
private void checkForSinkButNoOpenClassError() {
//vector used to contain the complete set of station keys
Vector<Object> stationSet = station_def.getStationKeys();
//variable used to count the number of sink station
int nSink = 0;
//for cycle used to count the number of sink
for (int i = 0; i < stationSet.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stationSet.get(i);
String stationType = station_def.getStationType(thisStation);
if (stationType.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
if (nSink > 0) {
//variable used to count the number of open class keys
int nOpenClasses = 0;
//vector used to contain the complete set class keys
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//for cicle used to count the number of open class keys
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
Object thisClassKey = classes.get(i);
if (class_def.getClassType(thisClassKey) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
//if there is at least one open class
errors[SINK_BUT_NO_OPEN_CLASSES_ERROR] = nOpenClasses <= 0;
} else {
* Checks:
* 1) Each Source is forward linked to something.
* 2) Each Server is forward linked to something.
* 3) Each Delay is forward linked to something.
* 4) Each Sink is backward linked to something.
* If a problem is found it raises to "true" the corresponding position
* inside the problems array.
private void checkForStationLinkError() {
// get the vector of the keys of the stations
Vector<Object> stationKeys = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stationKeys.size(); i++) {
//get the key of the station at i
Object thisStationKey = stationKeys.get(i);
//get the type of the station
String stationType = station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey);
if (stationType.equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE)) {
//get the vector of forward links
Vector<Object> connections = station_def.getForwardConnections(thisStationKey);
//if the vector is empty the source is not forward connected
if (connections.isEmpty()) {
errors[STATION_LINK_ERROR] = true;
else if (stationType.equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
//get the vector of backward links
Vector<Object> connections = station_def.getBackwardConnections(thisStationKey);
//if the vector is empty the Sink is not backward connected
if (connections.isEmpty()) {
errors[STATION_LINK_ERROR] = true;
else {
//get the vector of forward links
Vector<Object> connections = station_def.getForwardConnections(thisStationKey);
//if the vector is empty the Server is not forward connected
if (connections.isEmpty()) {
errors[STATION_LINK_ERROR] = true;
* Checks for the existance of empty blocking regions
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
private void checkForEmptyBlockingRegions() {
Iterator<Object> regionKeys = blocking_def.getRegionKeys().iterator();
while (regionKeys.hasNext()) {
Object key = regionKeys.next();
if (blocking_def.getBlockingRegionStations(key).size() == 0) {
// Blocking region 'key' is empty
* Checks if a station in a blocking region is preloaded
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
private void checkForPreloadingInBlockingRegions() {
Iterator<Object> regionKeys = blocking_def.getRegionKeys().iterator();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
while (regionKeys.hasNext()) {
Object key = regionKeys.next();
Set<Object> stations = blocking_def.getBlockingRegionStations(key);
Iterator<Object> st = stations.iterator();
while (st.hasNext()) {
Object stationKey = st.next();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) {
if (simulation_def.getPreloadedJobs(stationKey, classes.get(i)).intValue() > 0) {
if (blocking_def.getBlockingRegionStations(key).size() == 0) {
// Blocking region 'key' is empty
* Checks that no closed classes may be routed into a Sink. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the errors array.
private void checkForRoutingError() {
//vector collecting all the station keys where routing problems occour
// for this close class
Vector<Object> problemsPerClass = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
Vector<Object> closedClassKeys = class_def.getClosedClassKeys();
Vector<Object> startingPoints = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//get the vector of the possible starting points
Vector<Object> noSourceSink = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
for (int i = 0; i < closedClassKeys.size(); i++) {
//remove all elements from the problemsPerClass vector
//create the vector containing the already visited station keys
Vector<Object> alreadyVisited = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//get the class at i
Object thisClassKey = closedClassKeys.get(i);
//checks for each possible starting point if there are preloaded jobs for the class i.
//In that case put it into the startingPoints vector
for (int j = 0; j < noSourceSink.size(); j++) {
Object thisElementKey = noSourceSink.get(j);
int preloadedJobs = simulation_def.getPreloadedJobs(thisElementKey, thisClassKey).intValue();
if (preloadedJobs > 0) {
//start the explore algorithm for each of the station containing some preloaded jobs for class i
for (int j = 0; j < startingPoints.size(); j++) {
//get the element at j
Object thisStartingPoint = startingPoints.get(j);
//if this possible starting point has not been visited yet
if (!alreadyVisited.contains(thisStartingPoint)) {
Vector<Object> problemsForThisStartingPoint = exploreForRoutingProblems(thisClassKey, thisStartingPoint, alreadyVisited);
for (int k = 0; k < problemsForThisStartingPoint.size(); k++) {
if (!problemsPerClass.isEmpty()) {
routingErrors.put(thisClassKey, (Vector<Object>) problemsPerClass.clone());
errors[ROUTING_ERROR] = true;
* Checks that no closed classes may be routed into a station whose forward station(s) are
* all sink. If a problem is found it raises to "true" the corresponding position inside
* the errors array.
private void checkForAllForwardStationsAreSinkError() {
//vector collecting all the station keys where errors occour
// for this close class
Vector<Object> problemsPerClass = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
Vector<Object> closedClassKeys = class_def.getClosedClassKeys();
Vector<Object> startingPoints = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//get the vector of the possible starting points
Vector<Object> noSourceSink = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
for (int i = 0; i < closedClassKeys.size(); i++) {
//remove all elements from the problemsPerClass vector
//create the vector containing the already visited station keys
Vector<Object> alreadyVisited = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//get the class at i
Object thisClassKey = closedClassKeys.get(i);
//checks for each possible starting point if there are preloaded jobs for the class i.
//In that case put it into the startingPoints vector
for (int j = 0; j < noSourceSink.size(); j++) {
Object thisElementKey = noSourceSink.get(j);
int preloadedJobs = simulation_def.getPreloadedJobs(thisElementKey, thisClassKey).intValue();
if (preloadedJobs > 0) {
//start the explore algorithm for each of the station containing some preloaded jobs for class i
for (int j = 0; j < startingPoints.size(); j++) {
//get the element at j
Object thisStartingPoint = startingPoints.get(j);
//if this possible starting point has not been visited yet
if (!alreadyVisited.contains(thisStartingPoint)) {
Vector<Object> problemsForThisStartingPoint = this.exploreForAllForwardStationAreSink(thisClassKey, thisStartingPoint,
for (int k = 0; k < problemsForThisStartingPoint.size(); k++) {
if (!problemsPerClass.isEmpty()) {
allForwardStationsAreSinkErrors.put(thisClassKey, (Vector<Object>) problemsPerClass.clone());
/*private void checkForNoExpFoundWarning() {
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//first search for open classes with non exponential arrival time distribution
for (int i=0; i<classes.size();i++) {
Object thisKey = classes.get(i);
if (class_def.getClassType(thisKey) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
Object distribution = class_def.getClassDistribution(thisKey);
if ((distribution != null)&&(!(distribution instanceof Exponential))) {
warnings[NO_EXP_FOUND_WARNING] = true;
//than search for non exponential service time distribution
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i=0; i<stations.size();i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
for (int j=0; j<classes.size();j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
Object temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution distribution = (Distribution) temp;
if (!(distribution instanceof Exponential)) {
warnings[NO_EXP_FOUND_WARNING] = true;
* checks for delays inside the model
/*public void checkForDelaysFoundError() {
//get the vector of delays and servers
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
//for each station...
for (int i=0;i<stations.size();i++) {
//get the type of the station
String stationType = station_def.getStationType(stations.get(i));
//if it is a delay there is an error
if (stationType.equals(STATION_TYPE_DELAY)) {
errors[DELAYS_FOUND_ERROR] = true;
* Checks that there is at least one measure defined. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the problems array.
private void checkForSimulationError() {
Vector<Object> measures = simulation_def.getMeasureKeys();
if (measures.size() == 0) {
errors[SIMULATION_ERROR] = true;
* Checks that each measure is defined only one time
* <br> Fixed by Bertoli Marco to support global measures
private void checkForMeasureError() {
Vector<Object> measures = simulation_def.getMeasureKeys();
Vector<String> measuresAlreadyChecked = new Vector<String>(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) {
Object thisMeasure = measures.get(i);
String thisMeasureType = simulation_def.getMeasureType(thisMeasure);
String thisMeasureClass;
if (simulation_def.getMeasureClass(thisMeasure) == null) {
thisMeasureClass = "ALL";
} else {
thisMeasureClass = class_def.getClassName(simulation_def.getMeasureClass(thisMeasure));
String thisMeasureStation;
if (simulation_def.getMeasureStation(thisMeasure) == null) {
thisMeasureStation = "ALL";
} else {
thisMeasureStation = station_def.getStationName(simulation_def.getMeasureStation(thisMeasure));
String thisMeasureDescription = thisMeasureType + thisMeasureClass + thisMeasureStation;
if (!measuresAlreadyChecked.contains(thisMeasureDescription)) {
} else {
* Checks that each performance index is consistent, i.e. it has no
* 'null' field in reference station.
* <br> Fixed by Bertoli Marco to support global measures
private void checkForInconsistentMeasureError() {
Vector<Object> measures = simulation_def.getMeasureKeys();
//Vector<Object> measuresAlreadyChecked = new Vector<Object>(0,1);
for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) {
Object thisMeasure = measures.get(i);
String thisMeasureType = simulation_def.getMeasureType(thisMeasure);
Object thisMeasureStationKey = simulation_def.getMeasureStation(thisMeasure);
if ((thisMeasureType == null) || (thisMeasureStationKey == null && !simulation_def.isGlobalMeasure(thisMeasure))) {
private void checkForLoadDependentRoutingError() {
//Step 1 : Find all stations.
for(Object stationKey : station_def.getStationKeys()) {
//Step 2: check Routing for each class of the station
for(Object classKey : class_def.getClassKeys()) {
RoutingStrategy rs = (RoutingStrategy) station_def.getRoutingStrategy(stationKey, classKey);
if(rs instanceof LoadDependentRouting){
List<String> errorMsgs = ((LoadDependentRouting) rs).validate();
if(errorMsgs != null && errorMsgs.size() > 0){
HashMap innerVal = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
innerVal.put(stationKey, classKey);
invalidLoadDependentRouting.put(rs, innerVal);
* This method is the same of checkForReferenceStationError but it checks only open classes
/*private void checkForOpenClassReferenceStationError() {
// get the vector of the keys of the classes
Vector<Object> classKeys = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i=0; i<classKeys.size();i++) {
//get the key at i
Object thisKey = classKeys.get(i);
if (class_def.getClassType(thisKey) == CommonConstants.CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
//get the Reference Station of the class
Object thisRefStation = class_def.getClassRefStation(thisKey);
//if the class has no reference station there is a class problem
if (thisRefStation == null) {
* Checks if the queue strategy for each class is FCFS. Used only in toJMVA Conversion
/*private void checkForNonFCFSWarning() {
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i=0;i<stations.size();i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
for (int j=0;j<classes.size();j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
String qStrategy = station_def.getQueueStrategy(thisStation,thisClass);
if (qStrategy != null) {
if (!qStrategy.equals(JSIMConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS)) {
warnings[NON_FCFS_WARNING] = true;
* Checks if a non random routing is used inside a station
private void checkForBCMPNonStateIndependentRoutingWarning() {
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
RoutingStrategy thisRoutingStrategy = (RoutingStrategy) station_def.getRoutingStrategy(thisStation, thisClass);
if (thisRoutingStrategy != null) {
if (thisRoutingStrategy.isModelStateDependent()) {
* Explores the model, searching for routing problems for the specified close class
* @param classKey the key of the class to be analyzed
* @param startingStationKey the key of the station where we start analyzing the routing
* @param alreadyVisited vector containing the keys of the already visited stations
* @return the Vector<Object> containing the keys of the stations where the routing problem occours
private Vector<Object> exploreForRoutingProblems(Object classKey, Object startingStationKey, Vector<Object> alreadyVisited) {
//Vector<Object> containing the keys to be returned
Vector<Object> toBeReturned = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//Vector<Object> containing the keys of the forward stations
Vector<Object> forwardStations = station_def.getForwardConnections(startingStationKey);
/*//if there is one only forward station ...
if (forwardStations.size() == 1) {
//... get the only forward station ...
Object uniqueForwardElement = forwardStations.get(0);
//... if it has not been explored yet ...
if (!alreadyVisited.contains(uniqueForwardElement)) {
//... add the element to the alreadyVisited vector ...
// ... if the forward station is a Sink there is a problem, add the
// startingStationKey to the toBeReturned vector ...
if (station_def.getStationType(uniqueForwardElement).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) toBeReturned.add(startingStationKey);
//... else ...
else {
// ... explore starting from uniqueForwardElement and collect the
// results into the temp vector ...
Vector<Object> temp = exploreForRoutingProblems(classKey,uniqueForwardElement,alreadyVisited);
// ... put the elements of the temp vector into the toBeReturned Vector<Object> ...
for (int i=0; i<temp.size(); i++) {
// if there is more than one forward station ...*/
//else {
for (int i = 0; i < forwardStations.size(); i++) {
// ... get the forward station at i ...
Object thisForwardStation = forwardStations.get(i);
//... if it has not been explored yet ...
if (!alreadyVisited.contains(thisForwardStation)) {
//... add the element to the alreadyVisited vector ...
// ... get the routing strategy for the class in the starting station ...
RoutingStrategy strategy = (RoutingStrategy) station_def.getRoutingStrategy(startingStationKey, classKey);
// ... if thisForwardStation is a Sink ...
if (station_def.getStationType(thisForwardStation).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
// ... if the routing strategy is the Probability Routing ...
if (strategy instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
Map probabilities = strategy.getValues();
// ... get the routing probability toward thisForwardStation ...
double p = ((Double) probabilities.get(thisForwardStation)).doubleValue();
// ... if p = 1 there is an error, put startingStationKey into the
// toBeReturned vector ...
if (p == 1) {
// ... else thisForwardStation isn't a Sink ...
else {
Vector<Object> temp;
// ... if the routing policy is ProbabilityRouting ...
if (strategy instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
Map probabilities = strategy.getValues();
// ... get the routing probability toward thisForwardStation ...
double p = ((Double) probabilities.get(thisForwardStation)).doubleValue();
// ... if p != 0 start exploring from thisForwardStation and collect
// the returned vector into temp ...
if (p != 0) {
temp = exploreForRoutingProblems(classKey, thisForwardStation, alreadyVisited);
} else {
temp = null;
} else {
temp = exploreForRoutingProblems(classKey, thisForwardStation, alreadyVisited);
// ... if temp have been used ...
if (temp != null) {
// ... put its elements into the toBeReturned vector
for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) {
// return the vector containing the keys of the stations where problems occour
return toBeReturned;
* Explores the model, searching for routing problems for the specified close class
* @param classKey the key of the class to be analyzed
* @param startingStationKey the key of the station where we start analyzing the routing
* @param alreadyVisited vector containing the keys of the already visited stations
* @return the Vector<Object> containing the keys of the stations where the error occours
private Vector<Object> exploreForAllForwardStationAreSink(Object classKey, Object startingStationKey, Vector<Object> alreadyVisited) {
boolean allSink = true;
//Vector<Object> containing the keys to be returned
Vector<Object> toBeReturned = new Vector<Object>(0, 1);
//Vector<Object> containing the keys of the forward stations
Vector<Object> forwardStations = station_def.getForwardConnections(startingStationKey);
//Check if forwardStations are all sink
if (forwardStations.size() == 0) {
allSink = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < forwardStations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStationKey = forwardStations.get(i);
if (!station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
allSink = false;
//if forward station are all sink ...
if (allSink) {
//... add this startingStationKey to toBeReturned vector
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < forwardStations.size(); i++) {
// ... get the forward station at i ...
Object thisForwardStation = forwardStations.get(i);
//... if it has not been explored yet ...
if (!alreadyVisited.contains(thisForwardStation)) {
Vector<Object> temp = null;
//... add the element to the alreadyVisited vector ...
// ... if thisForwardStation is not a Sink ...
if (!station_def.getStationType(thisForwardStation).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
// ... get the routing strategy for the class in the starting station ...
RoutingStrategy strategy = (RoutingStrategy) station_def.getRoutingStrategy(startingStationKey, classKey);
if (strategy instanceof ProbabilityRouting) {
Map probabilities = strategy.getValues();
// ... get the routing probability toward thisForwardStation ...
double p = ((Double) probabilities.get(thisForwardStation)).doubleValue();
// ... if p != 0 start exploring from thisForwardStation and collect
// the returned vector into temp ...
if (p != 0) {
//... start exploring from thisForwardStation
temp = this.exploreForAllForwardStationAreSink(classKey, thisForwardStation, alreadyVisited);
} else if (strategy instanceof LoadDependentRouting) {
String stationName = station_def.getStationName(thisForwardStation);
LoadDependentRouting loadDependentRouting = (LoadDependentRouting)strategy;
Map<Integer, LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry[]> empiricalEntries = loadDependentRouting.getEmpiricalEntries();
Iterator<LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry[]> rows = empiricalEntries.values().iterator();
Collection<LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry> allEntries = new ArrayList<LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry>(5);
LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry[] entries = rows.next();
for(Iterator<LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry> itEntries = allEntries.iterator(); itEntries.hasNext();){
LoadDependentRouting.EmpiricalEntry entry = itEntries.next();
double p = entry.getProbability();
if (p != 0) {
//... start exploring from thisForwardStation
temp = this.exploreForAllForwardStationAreSink(classKey, thisForwardStation, alreadyVisited);
} else {
temp = this.exploreForAllForwardStationAreSink(classKey, thisForwardStation, alreadyVisited);
//if temp != null insert its elements into toBeReturned vector
if (temp != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) {
return toBeReturned;
* Checks for DIFFERENT_SERVICE_TIME_ERROR. It checks the mean value for each
* service time distribution inside a station, if it hasn't a mean value the error
* occours
/*private void checkForDifferentServiceTimesWarnings() {
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//if no classes have been defined
if (classes.isEmpty()) {
//the problem can not occour -> exit
//for each server/delay...
for (int i=0; i<stations.size();i++) {
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
//get the distribution of the first class...
Object temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,classes.get(0));
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution d = (Distribution)temp;
//if d does not have a mean value
if (!d.hasMean()){
else {
//else get the mean value of the distribution
double thisStationMean = d.getMean();
//for each class...
for (int j=0;j<classes.size();j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
d = (Distribution) temp;
//if d does not have a mean value...
if (!d.hasMean()) {
//the problem occours -> exit
else {
double thisMean = d.getMean();
//if a mean differs from the others
if (thisMean != thisStationMean) {
//the problem occours -> exit
* To be implemented
* @param startingStation
* @return null
private Vector<Object> exploreForForkJoinError(Object startingStation) {
return null;
* Checks if there are more than one sink. If a problem is found it raises
* to "true" the corresponding position inside the warnings array.
private void checkForMoreThanOneSinkWarning() {
int nSink = 0;
//get the vector of the station keys
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStationKey = stations.get(i);
if (station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
if (nSink > 1) {
warnings[MORE_THAN_ONE_SINK_WARNING] = true;
* Checks if there are stations mot backward linked
private void checkForNoBacwardLinkWarning() {
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStationKey = stations.get(i);
if ((!station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SOURCE))
&& (!station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK))) {
Vector<Object> backwardConnections = station_def.getBackwardConnections(thisStationKey);
if (backwardConnections.size() == 0) {
warnings[NO_BACKWARD_LINK_WARNING] = true;
* Checks the consistence of the parametric analysis model (if one was defined).
* If it is inconsistent with simulation model definition it will be automatically
* changed when possible.
private void checkForParametricAnalysisModelModifiedWarning() {
if (simulation_def.isParametricAnalysisEnabled()) {
ParametricAnalysisDefinition pad = simulation_def.getParametricAnalysisModel();
int code = pad.checkCorrectness(false);
if (code != 0) {
if (code == 1) {
if (code == 2) {
ParametricAnalysisChecker pac = new ParametricAnalysisChecker(class_def, station_def, simulation_def);
if (pac.canBeEnabled()) {
// String[] avaible = pac.getRunnableParametricAnalysis();
// ParametricAnalysisDefinition newPAD = ParametricAnalysisModelFactory.createParametricAnalysisModel(avaible[0],class_def,station_def,simulation_def);
// simulation_def.setParametricAnalysisModel(newPAD);
* Checks if PA is no more avaible, but a PA model was previously defined.
private void checkForParametricAnalysisNoMoreAvaibleWarning() {
ParametricAnalysisChecker pac = new ParametricAnalysisChecker(class_def, station_def, simulation_def);
if ((simulation_def.isParametricAnalysisEnabled()) && (!pac.canBeEnabled())) {
private void checkForForkWithoutJoinWarnings() {
boolean fork = false;
boolean join = false;
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisKey = stations.get(i);
if (station_def.getStationType(thisKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
fork = true;
if (station_def.getStationType(thisKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN)) {
join = true;
if ((fork) && (!join)) {
private void checkForJoinWithoutForkErrors() {
boolean fork = false;
boolean join = false;
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisKey = stations.get(i);
if (station_def.getStationType(thisKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
fork = true;
if (station_def.getStationType(thisKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN)) {
join = true;
if ((!fork) && (join)) {
* To be implemented
private void checkForForkJoinRoutingError() {
private void checkForBCMPDifferentQueueingStrategyWarning() {
Vector<Object> servers = station_def.getStationKeysServer();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
Object thisServer = servers.get(i);
// Processor sharing stations are okay.
if (CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS.equals(station_def.getStationQueueStrategy(thisServer))) {
for (int j = 1; j < classes.size(); j++) {
//Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
String s0 = station_def.getQueueStrategy(thisServer, classes.get(j - 1));
String s1 = station_def.getQueueStrategy(thisServer, classes.get(j));
if (!s0.equals(s1)) {
private void checkForBCMPFcfsDifferentServiceTypesWarning() {
Vector<Object> servers = station_def.getStationKeysServer();
for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
Object thisServer = servers.get(i);
if (this.isAllFCFSQueueingStrategy(thisServer)) {
if (!this.isTypeUniformServiceStrategy(thisServer)) {
private void checkForBCMPFcfsNonExponentialWarning() {
Vector<Object> servers = station_def.getStationKeysServer();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
Object thisServer = servers.get(i);
// Processor sharing stations are okay.
if (CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS.equals(station_def.getStationQueueStrategy(thisServer))) {
if ((this.isAllFCFSQueueingStrategy(thisServer)) && (this.isTypeUniformServiceStrategy(thisServer))) {
boolean ok = true;
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
Object service = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisServer, thisClass);
if (service instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution d = (Distribution) service;
if (!d.getName().equals(CommonConstants.DISTRIBUTION_EXPONENTIAL)) {
} else if (service instanceof LDStrategy) {
LDStrategy ld = (LDStrategy) service;
Object[] ranges = ld.getAllRanges();
for (Object range : ranges) {
Distribution d = ld.getRangeDistribution(range);
if (!d.getName().equals(CommonConstants.DISTRIBUTION_EXPONENTIAL)) {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
private void checkForBCMPFcfsDifferentServiceTimesWarning() {
Vector<Object> servers = station_def.getStationKeysServer();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
if ((!servers.isEmpty()) && (!classes.isEmpty())) {
for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
Object thisServer = servers.get(i);
// Processor sharing stations are okay.
if (CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_STATION_PS.equals(station_def.getStationQueueStrategy(thisServer))) {
if ((this.mustHaveSameExponentialServiceTimes(thisServer)) && (!BCMPserversFCFSWithoutExponential.contains(thisServer))) {
Object service = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisServer, classes.get(0));
if (service instanceof Distribution) {
double mean = ((Distribution) service).getMean();
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
Distribution d = (Distribution) station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisServer, thisClass);
double thisMean = d.getMean();
if (thisMean != mean) {
} else if (service instanceof LDStrategy) {
LDStrategy ld = (LDStrategy) service;
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
LDStrategy thisLd = (LDStrategy) station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisServer, thisClass);
if (!ld.isEquivalent(thisLd)) {
private void checkForBCMPProcessorSharingWarning() {
private void checkForBCMPDelayWarning() {
Vector<Object> delays = station_def.getStationKeysDelay();
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
if (!delays.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < delays.size(); i++) {
Object thisDelay = delays.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
Object service = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisDelay, thisClass);
if (service instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution d = (Distribution) service;
if (d.getName().equals(CommonConstants.DISTRIBUTION_PARETO)) {
warnings[BCMP_DELAY_WARNING] = true;
} else if (service instanceof LDStrategy) {
LDStrategy ld = (LDStrategy) service;
Object[] ranges = ld.getAllRanges();
for (Object range : ranges) {
if (ld.getRangeDistribution(range).getName().equals(CommonConstants.DISTRIBUTION_PARETO)) {
warnings[BCMP_DELAY_WARNING] = true;
private void checkForBCMPLcfsPrWarning() {
private boolean isTypeUniformServiceStrategy(Object stationKey) {
boolean value = true;
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
if (!classes.isEmpty()) {
int ldFound = 0;
int distrFound = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
Object service = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(stationKey, thisClass);
if (service instanceof LDStrategy) {
ldFound = 1;
} else if (service instanceof Distribution) {
distrFound = 1;
if ((ldFound * distrFound) == 1) {
value = false;
return value;
private boolean isAllFCFSQueueingStrategy(Object serverKey) {
boolean value = true;
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
String s = station_def.getQueueStrategy(serverKey, classes.get(j));
if (!s.equals(CommonConstants.QUEUE_STRATEGY_FCFS)) {
value = false;
return value;
private boolean mustHaveSameExponentialServiceTimes(Object station) {
boolean result = false;
if ((isAllFCFSQueueingStrategy(station)) && (isTypeUniformServiceStrategy(station))
&& (station_def.getStationType(station).equals(STATION_TYPE_SERVER))) {
result = true;
return result;
* Changes all time distributions to exponential mainteining (when possible) the same mean
* value. Since T-Student and Replayer don't have a mean value the mean value 1 is used.
/*public void changeDistributionsToExp() {
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//first search for open classes with non exponential arrival time distribution
for (int i=0; i<classes.size();i++) {
Object thisKey = classes.get(i);
//if this class is an open class
if (class_def.getClassType(thisKey) == CLASS_TYPE_OPEN) {
//get the distribution for this open class
Distribution distribution = (Distribution)class_def.getClassDistribution(thisKey);
if ((distribution != null)&&(!(distribution instanceof Exponential))) {
double meanToSet;
//if does not have a mean value
if (!distribution.hasMean()) {
//set the mean to 1
meanToSet = 1;
//else get the mean from the old distribution
else {
meanToSet = distribution.getMean();
//create a new exponential distribution
Exponential newDistribution = new Exponential();
//with meanToSet as mean value
//set the new distribution
//than search for non exponential service time distribution
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
//Vector<Object> serverDelay = new Vector<Object>(0,1);
for (int i=0; i<stations.size();i++) {
//get the station at i
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
for (int j=0; j<classes.size();j++) {
//get the class at j
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
//get the service time distribution for thisClass at thisStation
Object temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution distribution = (Distribution) temp;
if (!(distribution instanceof Exponential)) {
double meanToSet;
//if the distribution is a Replayer or a T-Student
if (!distribution.hasMean()){
//set the mean to 1
meanToSet = 1;
//else get the mean from the old distribution
else {
meanToSet = distribution.getMean();
//create a new exponential distribution
Exponential newDistribution = new Exponential();
//with meanToSet as mean value
//set the new distribution
public void flattenServiceTimes() {
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//than search for non exponential service time distribution
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeysNoSourceSink();
for (int i=0; i<stations.size();i++) {
//get the station at i
Object thisStation = stations.get(i);
double minMean = Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean atLeastOneValidDistribution = false;
for (int j=0; j<classes.size();j++) {
//get the class at j
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
//get the service time distribution for thisClass at thisStation
Object temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution distribution = (Distribution) temp;
if (distribution.hasMean()) {
double thisMean = distribution.getMean();
if (thisMean < minMean) minMean = thisMean;
atLeastOneValidDistribution = true;
else {
Exponential exp = new Exponential();
//if all service time distributions doesn't have a mean value
if (!atLeastOneValidDistribution) {
minMean = 1;
for (int j=0; j<classes.size();j++) {
//get the class at j
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
//get the service time distribution for thisClass at thisStation
Object temp = station_def.getServiceTimeDistribution(thisStation,thisClass);
if (temp instanceof Distribution) {
Distribution distribution = (Distribution) temp;
//set the mean value to minMean
* Deletes all measure already defined
public void deleteRedundantMeasure() {
for (int i = 0; i < redundantMeasure.size(); i++) {
Object thisRedundantMeasure = redundantMeasure.get(i);
* Deletes all empty blocking regions
* <br>Author: Bertoli Marco
public void deleteEmptyBlockingRegions() {
for (int i = 0; i < emptyBlockingRegions.size(); i++) {
* Converts all non FCFS queueing strategies to FCFS (only used in JMVA conversion)
/*public void flattenQueueingStrategies(Object serverKey) {
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
//initialize the hashmap containing the occourrences for each
//queueing strategy
HashMap strategiesOcc = new HashMap(0,1);
Vector<Object> strategies = new Vector<Object>(0,1);
for (int i=0;i<classes.size();i++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(i);
String thisStrategy = station_def.getQueueStrategy(serverKey,thisClass);
Object occ = strategiesOcc.get(thisStrategy);
if (occ == null) {
strategiesOcc.put(thisStrategy,new Integer(1));
else {
int prevOcc = ((Integer)strategiesOcc.get(thisStrategy)).intValue();
int newOcc = prevOcc+1;
strategiesOcc.put(thisStrategy,new Integer(newOcc));
//Find the q. strategy with more occorrences
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int indexOfMax = -1;
for (int i=0;i<strategies.size();i++) {
String thisStrategy = (String)strategies.get(i);
int thisOcc = ((Integer)strategiesOcc.get(thisStrategy)).intValue();
if (thisOcc > max) {
max = thisOcc;
indexOfMax = i;
String strategyToSet = (String)strategies.get(indexOfMax);
//Set the queue strategy for each class
for (int i=0;i<classes.size();i++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(i);
* Converts all state dependent routing strategies to Random Routing
* (only used in JMVA conversion)
public void setAllStateDependentRoutingStrategyToRandomRouting() {
Vector<Object> classes = class_def.getClassKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < BCMPnonStateIndependentRoutingStations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStation = BCMPnonStateIndependentRoutingStations.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); j++) {
Object thisClass = classes.get(j);
RoutingStrategy rs = (RoutingStrategy) station_def.getRoutingStrategy(thisStation, thisClass);
if (rs.isModelStateDependent()) {
station_def.setRoutingStrategy(thisStation, thisClass, new RandomRouting());
private void checkForSinkPerfIndicesWithNoSink() {
boolean sinkFound = false;
Vector<Object> stations = station_def.getStationKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
Object thisStationKey = stations.get(i);
if (station_def.getStationType(thisStationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_SINK)) {
sinkFound = true;
Vector<Object> measures = simulation_def.getMeasureKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) {
Object thisMeasure = measures.get(i);
String thisMeasureType = simulation_def.getMeasureType(thisMeasure);
boolean sinkPerfIndex = false;
sinkPerfIndex = (thisMeasureType.equalsIgnoreCase(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_R_PER_SINK)
||thisMeasureType.equalsIgnoreCase(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_X_PER_SINK)) ? true : false;
if(sinkPerfIndex && !sinkFound){
public void checkForSinkPerfIndicesWithClosedClass(){
Vector<Object> closedClassKeys = class_def.getClosedClassKeys();
Vector<Object> measures = simulation_def.getMeasureKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) {
Object thisMeasure = measures.get(i);
boolean sinkPerfIndex = false;
Object measureClassKey = simulation_def.getMeasureClass(thisMeasure);
String thisMeasureType = simulation_def.getMeasureType(thisMeasure);
sinkPerfIndex = (thisMeasureType.equalsIgnoreCase(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_R_PER_SINK)
||thisMeasureType.equalsIgnoreCase(SimulationDefinition.MEASURE_X_PER_SINK)) ? true : false;
if(sinkPerfIndex && closedClassKeys.contains(measureClassKey)){
public void checkForSinkProbabilityUpdateWarning(){
station_def.setSinkProbabilityUpdatedVar(false);//reset the value.
* It checks if exist some class_switch components
* between a fork and a join.
public void checkForCsBetweenForkJoin() {
for(int i = 0; i < station_def.getStationKeys().size(); i++) {
Object stationKey = station_def.getStationKeys().get(i);
if(!station_def.getStationType(stationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_FORK)) {
Object tmp = checkForCsBetweenForkJoinHelper(stationKey, stationKey, false, true, null);
if(tmp!=null) {
errors[CS_BETWEEN_FORK_JOIN] = true;
* Helper of checkForCsBetweenForkJoin.
* It uses recursion
* @param start
* the station from which the check begins.
* It is used to prevent infinite loop.
* @param curr the current station we are analyzing
* @param foundedCS
* True if in the path between start and current
* exist some class_switch components.
* @param firstInvokation
* True if it is the first time you invoke this
* method.
* @param wrongCs
* If foundedCS is equals to true, this parameter
* contains the pointer to the class_switch components
* found.
* @return It returns the pointer to the class_switch components
* founded between start and a join, it returns null
* if such components does not exist.
private Object checkForCsBetweenForkJoinHelper(Object start, Object curr, boolean foundedCS, boolean firstInvokation, Object wrongCs) {
boolean foundedCSCopy = foundedCS;
Object wrongCsCopy = wrongCs;
//Exit conditions
if(curr != null) {
if(station_def.getStationType(curr).equals(STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH)) {
foundedCSCopy = true;
wrongCsCopy = curr;
if(station_def.getStationType(curr).equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN) && foundedCS)//Error
return wrongCsCopy;
if(station_def.getStationType(curr).equals(STATION_TYPE_JOIN) && !foundedCS)//Everything ok
return null;
if(curr.equals(start) && !firstInvokation)
return null;
Vector<Object> forward = station_def.getForwardConnections(curr);
for(int i = 0; i < forward.size(); i++) {
Object forwardStation = forward.get(i);
Object tmp = checkForCsBetweenForkJoinHelper(start, forwardStation, foundedCSCopy, false, wrongCsCopy);
if(tmp != null) {
return tmp;
return null;
* It checks if exist some class_switch components
* followed by a queue implementing the BAS strategy.
public void checkForCsFollowedByBAS() {
for(int i = 0; i < station_def.getStationKeys().size(); i++) {
Object stationKey = station_def.getStationKeys().get(i);
if(!station_def.getStationType(stationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH)) {
Vector<Object> forward = station_def.getForwardConnections(stationKey);
for(int j = 0; j < forward.size(); j++) {
Object forwardStation = forward.get(j);
for(int k = 0; k < class_def.getClassKeys().size(); k++) {
String queueStrat = station_def.getDropRule(forwardStation, class_def.getClassKeys().get(k));
if(queueStrat.equals( CommonConstants.FINITE_BLOCK)) {
errors[CS_FOLLOWED_BY_A_BAS] = true;
* It checks if exist some class_switch components
* with a wrong matrix (e.g. some rows do not sum
* to a value grater or equals to one.)
public void checkForCsMatrixProbabilities() {
for(int i = 0; i < station_def.getStationKeys().size(); i++) {
Object stationKey = station_def.getStationKeys().get(i);
if(!station_def.getStationType(stationKey).equals(STATION_TYPE_CLASSSWITCH)) {
for(int j = 0; j < class_def.getClassKeys().size(); j++) {
float row = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < class_def.getClassKeys().size(); k++) {
row += station_def.getClassSwitchMatrix(stationKey,
class_def.getClassKeys().get(j), class_def.getClassKeys().get(k));
if(row < 1) {
public boolean isThereSinkProbabilityUpdateWarning(){