* Created on Oct 31, 2006
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package jmt.engine.random;
import jmt.common.exception.IncorrectDistributionParameterException;
* @author casale
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
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public class MAP extends AbstractDistribution implements Distribution {
private int curState;
protected Exponential expDistr;
public MAP() {
curState = 0;
expDistr = new Exponential();
public int getCurState() {
return curState;
public void setCurState(int newState) {
curState = newState;
public double pdf(double x, Parameter p) { //other implementation may use p.check()
return 0.0;
public double cdf(double x, Parameter p) { //other implementation may use p.check()
return 0.0;
public double theorMean(Parameter p) throws IncorrectDistributionParameterException {
return 0.0;
public double theorVariance(Parameter p) throws IncorrectDistributionParameterException {
return 0.0;
* it returns the new random number.
* This method is used to obtain from the distribution the next number distributed
* according to the distribution parameter.
* @param p parameter of the hyper exponential distribution.
* @throws IncorrectDistributionParameterException
* @return double with the next random number of this distribution.
public double nextRand(Parameter p) throws IncorrectDistributionParameterException {
if (p.check()) {
if (this.getCurState() == 0) {
if (engine.nextDouble() <= ((MAPPar) p).getR0()) {
return expDistr.nextRand(((MAPPar) p).getExpParam1());
} else {
if (engine.nextDouble() <= ((MAPPar) p).getR1()) {
return expDistr.nextRand(((MAPPar) p).getExpParam2());
} else {
throw new IncorrectDistributionParameterException(
"Remember: parameter mean, variance, lambda1 and lambda 2 must be gtz; p must be a number betwen 0 and 1");