* Copyright (C) 2013, Giuliano Casale
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jmt.analytical;
import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException;
import QueuingNet.MoMSolver;
import DataStructures.QNModel;
import Exceptions.BTFMatrixErrorException;
import Exceptions.InconsistentLinearSystemException;
import Exceptions.InternalErrorException;
* This class implements the API to allow use by other applications. One can
* define the queueing network model details, call the solvers transparently and,
* afterwards, read the results.
* @author Michail Makaronidis, 2010
public class SolverMultiClosedMoM extends SolverMulti {
* Array containing population for each class
protected int[] population;
private Integer scale = 1000000;
* Contains the queuing network model
protected QNModel qnm;
* Number of threads that the MoMSolver should use
protected int nThreads;
/** Creates new MoMSolverDispatcher
* @param stations number of service centers
* @param classes number o classes of classes
* @param population array of population classes
public SolverMultiClosedMoM(int classes, int stations, int[] population) {
super(classes, stations);
this.classes = classes;
this.stations = stations;
this.population = population;
/** Initializes the solver with the system parameters.
* It must be called before trying to solve the model.
* @param t array of the types (LD or LI) of service centers
* @param s matrix of service times of the service centers
* @param v array of visits to the service centers
* @param nThreads The number of threads the solver should use. If nThreads > 2 then the parallel algorithm is used.
* @return True if the operation is completed with success
public boolean input(int[] t, double[][][] s, double[][] v, int nThr) {
if ((t.length > stations) || (s.length > stations) || (v.length > stations)) {
// wrong input.
return false;
nThreads = nThr;
visits = new double[stations][classes];
for (int i = 0; i < stations; i++) {
System.arraycopy(v[i], 0, visits[i], 0, classes);
servTime = new double[stations][classes][1];
for (int i = 0; i < stations; i++) {
for (int r = 0; r < classes; r++) {
servTime[i][r][0]=s[i][r][0] * scale;
try {
int M = 0, R = this.classes;
Integer[] Z = new Integer[classes];
for (int r = 0; r < R; r++) {
Z[r] = 0;
// Discover delay times (think times)
for (int i = 0; i < stations; i++) {
if (t[i] == LI) {
} else if (t[i] == LD) {
for (int r = 0; r < classes; r++) {
Z[r] += (int) (servTime[i][r][0] * visits[i][r]);
} else {
return false;
// Now Z contains the delay times
// Discover service demands
Integer[][] D = new Integer[M][R];
int mIndex = 0; // current queue
for (int i = 0; i < stations; i++) {
if (t[i] == LI) {
for (int r = 0; r < classes; r++) {
D[mIndex][r] = (int) (servTime[i][r][0] * visits[i][r]);
// Now D contains service demands
// Create queue multiplicities array
// All multiplicities are set to 1, as JMT does not seem to use queue multiplicities
// If this array is instantiated properly, the rest of the MoMSolver can support them
Integer[] multiplicities = new Integer[M];
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
multiplicities[m] = 1;
// Transform population from int[] to Integer[]
Integer[] N = new Integer[R];
for (int r = 0; r < R; r++) {
N[r] = population[r];
// Instantiate queuing network model
qnm = new QNModel(R, M, N, Z, multiplicities, D);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Return false if initialisation fails for any reason.
return false;
return true;
* Solves the system through the MoM algorithm.
* input(...) must have been called first.
* @throws InternalErrorException Thrown when any error is encountered during computations, i.e. due to linear system singularities
* @throws BTFMatrixErrorException
* @throws InconsistentLinearSystemException
* @throws OperationNotSupportedException
public void solve() {
QueuingNet.QNSolver c = null;
boolean isPerturbed = false;
c = new MoMSolver(qnm, nThreads);
} catch (Exception e) {
Integer D[][]=new Integer[qnm.M][qnm.R];
Integer Z[]=new Integer[qnm.R];
Integer mi[]=new Integer[qnm.M];
Integer N[]=new Integer[qnm.R];
Integer pert = (Integer) 1;
Integer newscale = scale * pert;
for (int r=0; r<qnm.R; r++) {
Z[r] = (int) qnm.getDelay(r) * pert;
N[r] = qnm.getPopulationVector().get(r);
for (int i=0; i<qnm.M; i++) {
mi[i] = qnm.getMultiplicitiesVector().get(i);
D[i][r] = (Integer) (qnm.getDemand(i, r) * pert + (Integer) (i + 1) + (Integer) (int) Math.round((int)100*Math.random())); // i is a perturbation of 10^-6 magnitude
scale = newscale;
isPerturbed = true;
QNModel qnm2 = null;
try {
qnm2 = new QNModel(qnm.R, qnm.M, N, Z, mi, D);
} catch (Exception e3) {
qnm = qnm2;
try {
c = new MoMSolver(qnm, nThreads);
} catch (Exception e1) {
try {
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
clsThroughput = qnm.getMeanThroughputsAsDoubles();
queueLen = qnm.getMeanQueueLengthsAsDoubles();
throughput = new double[stations][classes];
utilization = new double[stations][classes];
scThroughput = new double[stations];
scUtilization = new double[stations];
scResidTime = new double[stations];
scQueueLen = new double[stations];
for (int m = 0; m < qnm.M; m++) {
for (int r = 0; r < qnm.R; r++) {
throughput[m][r] = clsThroughput[r] * visits[m][r] * scale;
utilization[m][r] = throughput[m][r] * servTime[m][r][0] / scale; // Umc=Xmc*Smc
residenceTime[m][r] = queueLen[m][r] / clsThroughput[r] / scale;
scThroughput[m] += throughput[m][r];
scUtilization[m] += utilization[m][r];
scResidTime[m] += residenceTime[m][r];
scQueueLen[m] += queueLen[m][r];
//@author Stefano Omini
//compute system parameters
sysResponseTime = 0;
sysNumJobs = 0;
// for (c = 0; c < classes; c++) {
// for (m = 0; m < stations; m++) {
// clsRespTime[c] += residenceTime[m][c];
// sysNumJobs += queueLen[m][c];
// }
// sysResponseTime += clsRespTime[c];
sysThroughput = sysNumJobs / sysResponseTime;
//end NEW
public boolean hasSufficientProcessingCapacity() {
// only closed class - no saturation problem
return true;