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package de.netsysit.policymanager;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
* This class contains all the Enums used in the program.
* @author Ducksoul
public final class Enums {
private final static ResourceBundle rb = PolicyUtilities.getResourceBundle();
* The enum ItemTypes contains all the possible types of items that are
* used in the program. To each itemtype the corresponding enum Card will be
* stored.
public static enum ItemTypes {
* Applications
* ReceiverLists
* Policies
* No ItemType
private Cards card;
ItemTypes() {
this.card = null;
ItemTypes(Cards card) {
this.card = card;
* @return A String with the name of the card
public String getCardString() {
return card.toString();
* @return A Cards enum that corresponds to the card
public Cards getCard() {
return card;
* The enum PolicyLevel contains all the possible levels of policies that
* are allowed in the program.
public static enum PolicyLevel {
* A - Authentizität
* I - Integrität
* No Level
* The enum ApplicationBase contains all the possible base values of the
* mapping.
public static enum ApplicationBase {
* Value represents low security.
* Value represents normal security.
* Value represents high security.
* No base value.
private String name;
ApplicationBase(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
* This method returns an EnumSet with all possible base values.
* @return An EnumSet
public static EnumSet getSecurityLevels() {
return EnumSet.allOf(ApplicationBase.class);
* In this enum all of the supported security algorithms are stored. An
* algorithm can contain a set of possible modes. The Level it is related to
* and the name of the algorithm have to be defined.
public static enum Algorithms {
* AES 128 algorithm
* modes: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) / Cipher feedback(CFB)
AES128(EnumSet.of(Modes.CBC, Modes.CFB), PolicyLevel.C, rb.getString("aes128")),
* AES 192 algorithm
* modes: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) / Cipher feedback(CFB)
AES192(EnumSet.of(Modes.CBC, Modes.CFB), PolicyLevel.C, rb.getString("aes192")),
* AES 256 algorithm
* modes: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) / Cipher feedback(CFB)
AES256(EnumSet.of(Modes.CBC, Modes.CFB), PolicyLevel.C, rb.getString("aes256")),
* 3DES
* modes: none
DES(PolicyLevel.C, rb.getString("3des")),
* SHA 1
* modes: none
SHA1(PolicyLevel.I, rb.getString("sha1")),
* SHA 256
* modes: none
SHA256(PolicyLevel.I, rb.getString("sha256")),
* SHA 384
* modes: none
SHA384(PolicyLevel.I, rb.getString("sha384")),
* SHA 512
* modes: none
SHA512(PolicyLevel.I, rb.getString("sha512")),
* Unknown algorithm - should not be possible
* Algorithm hasn't been selected yet.
* level: PolicyLevel.A
NOTDEFINEDA(PolicyLevel.A, rb.getString("notchosen")),
* Algorithm hasn't been selected yet.
* level: PolicyLevel.C
NOTDEFINEDC(PolicyLevel.C, rb.getString("notchosen")),
* Algorithm hasn't been selected yet.
* level: PolicyLevel.I
NOTDEFINEDI(PolicyLevel.I, rb.getString("notchosen"));
private EnumSet cModes;
private PolicyLevel level;
private String name;
Algorithms(EnumSet cModes, PolicyLevel level, String name) {
this.cModes = cModes;
this.level = level;
this.name = name;
Algorithms(PolicyLevel level, String name) {
this.level = level;
this.cModes = EnumSet.of(Modes.NONE);
this.name = name;
Algorithms(String name) {
this.level = PolicyLevel.NONE;
this.name = name;
* This method returns an EnumSet with the compatible Modes of the
* algorithm.
* @return An EnumSet
public EnumSet getCompatibleModes() {
return cModes;
* This method returns the PolicyLevel the algorithm is related to.
* @return A PolicyLevel
public PolicyLevel getLevel() {
return level;
public String toString() {
return name;
* This method returns all valid algorithms for PolicyLevel.A.
* @return An EnumSet with all valid algorithms.
public static EnumSet getAAlgorithms() {
EnumSet aAlgorithms = EnumSet.noneOf(Algorithms.class);
for (Algorithms val : Algorithms.values()) {
if (val.getLevel() == PolicyLevel.A) {
return aAlgorithms;
* This method returns all valid algorithms for PolicyLevel.C.
* @return An EnumSet with all valid algorithms.
public static EnumSet getCAlgorithms() {
EnumSet cAlgorithms = EnumSet.noneOf(Algorithms.class);
for (Algorithms val : Algorithms.values()) {
if (val.getLevel() == PolicyLevel.C) {
return cAlgorithms;
* This method returns all valid algorithms for PolicyLevel.I.
* @return An EnumSet with all valid algorithms.
public static EnumSet getIAlgorithms() {
EnumSet iAlgorithms = EnumSet.noneOf(Algorithms.class);
for (Algorithms val : Algorithms.values()) {
if (val.getLevel() == PolicyLevel.I) {
return iAlgorithms;
* In this enum all of the possible algorithm modes are stored.
public static enum Modes {
* Cipher-block chaining (CBC)
* Cipher feedback(CFB)
* None
private String name;
Modes(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
* This enum is used to store the options that can be chosen in the most
* left JList of the mainframe. This makes it easy to implement new features
* to the program in a later state.
public static enum Cards {
* Applications
* Receiverlists
* Policies
private String name;
Cards(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
* This method returns all the options that can be chosen in the most
* left JList of the mainframe.
* @return An EnumsSet
public static EnumSet getCards() {
return EnumSet.allOf(Cards.class);