package application;
import chord.Key;
import chord.Peer;
import chord.Tracker;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
* This implementation of the {@link GuideMichelin} stores its entries in a
* distributed manner. It uses the Chord peer-to-peer network to distribute
* storage and to retrieve content.
public class GuideMichelinImpl implements GuideMichelin
* Tracker used to locate the peers that store the entries
private final Tracker tracker;
public GuideMichelinImpl(Tracker tracker)
this.tracker = tracker;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void put(String restaurant, String dailySpecial) throws RemoteException
// Storing an entry in our peer-to-peer network simply consist in
// asking the peer that is responsible for the restaurant key to store
// the couple (restaurant, daily special)
this.findIndexer(restaurant).put(restaurant, dailySpecial);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String get(String restaurant) throws RemoteException
// Getting a content in our peer-to-peer network simply consist in
// asking the peer that is responsible for the restaurant key to return
// its associated value
return this.findIndexer(restaurant).get(restaurant);
* Stores a new entry (or an updated entry) in the GuideMichelin with a replica on r successor
* @param restaurant Name of the restaurant to list in the GuideMichelin
* @param dailySpecial Name of the daily special that offers the dish
* @param r nombre de sucesseur du pair
* @throws java.rmi.RemoteException
public void put(String restaurant, String dailySpecial, int r) throws RemoteException
this.findIndexer(restaurant).put(restaurant, dailySpecial);
* Locates the peer that must store a content whose key is the restaurant
* name.
* @param restaurant
* @return The peer that is responsible for this key
* @throws RemoteException
private final Peer findIndexer(String restaurant) throws RemoteException
return this.tracker.getRandomPeer().findSuccessor(new Key(restaurant));
* Retourne un pair en fonction de son nom de restautant
* @param restaurant
* @return
* @throws RemoteException
public Peer getPeer(String restaurant) throws RemoteException
Peer peer = this.tracker.getRandomPeer();
if(peer.get(restaurant) != null)
return peer;
}else if(peer.getReplicat(restaurant) != null)
return peer;
}else return peer.findSuccessor(new Key(restaurant));