
Source Code of

/* A parser for DocML (Doc Markup Language).

Copyright (c) 2006-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
of this software.





import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

import ptolemy.kernel.Entity;
import ptolemy.kernel.Port;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Instantiable;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute;
import ptolemy.vergil.basic.DocAttribute;

import com.microstar.xml.HandlerBase;
import com.microstar.xml.XmlException;
import com.microstar.xml.XmlParser;

//// DocManager

A manager for documentation for an associated Ptolemy II object.
The constructor specifies the associated Ptolemy II object, and
then various methods provide access to portions of the documentation.
For example, the getDescription() method returns a description of
the object. The getPortDoc() method returns a description of the
specified port.
The documentation is constructed by a multi-tiered method.
The first level of information is provided by an
attribute named DOC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME contained by the object.
The second level of information is provided by an XML file
in the same package as the class of the associated object.
The name of the XML file is "xDoc.xml", where x is the name
of the class of the object.
The third level of information is provided by an XML file
associated with the base class of the associated object.
The remaining levels are provided by searching up the
inheritance hierarchy.
When a method of the DocManager class is invoked to get
documentation information, this class looks first in the
first tier for the information. If the information is
not present in the first tier, then it looks in the second
tier, etc. If the information is not present in any tier,
then it returns a string indicating that there is no
information. Except for the first tier, the
documentation information is constructed
lazily, only when the methods to access the information
are invoked, and only if the first tier has not
provided the information.
If the information is found but is malformed, then
all information methods return a description of the error.
At all tiers, the documentation information is given in XML
with a specified DTD.
A doc file should be an XML file beginning with
&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE doc PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD DocML 1//EN"
and should then have a top-level element of the form
&lt;doc name="<i>actorName</i>" class="<i>actorClass</i>"&gt;
The main description is text included within the description
element, as in
<i>description here</i>
The description can include HTML formatting, although any
&lt; and &gt; should be escaped and represented as &amp;lt;
and &amp;gt;.
Additional information can be provided in the author, version,
since, Pt.ProposedRating, and Pt.AcceptedRating elements.
These are, like the description, simple text that gets rendered
(and HTML formatted) in the documentation.
Documentation for ports and parameters is given using the
following forms:
&lt;port name="<i>portName</i>">
&lt;property name="<i>parameterName</i>">
The use of the "property" keyword matches MoML.

@author Edward A. Lee
@version $Id:,v 2008/03/25 22:20:34 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 5.2
@Pt.ProposedRating Red (eal)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (cxh)
public class DocManager extends HandlerBase {

    /** Construct a manager to handle documentation for the specified target.
     *  @param configuration The configuration in which to look up the
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and _applicationName parameters
     *  @param target The object to be documented.
    public DocManager(Configuration configuration, NamedObj target) {
        _configuration = configuration;
        _target = target;
        _targetClass = target.getClass();
        _className = target.getClassName();
        try {
            List docAttributes = _target.attributeList(DocAttribute.class);
            // Get the last doc attribute.
            if (docAttributes.size() > 0) {
                DocAttribute instanceDoc = (DocAttribute) docAttributes
                        .get(docAttributes.size() - 1);
                // Populate fields from the attribute.
                String descriptionValue = instanceDoc.description.stringValue();
                if (descriptionValue != null
                        && !descriptionValue.trim().equals("")) {
                    _isInstanceDoc = true;
                    _description = descriptionValue;
                /* No rating fields in instance documentation.
                 String acceptedRatingValue = instanceDoc.acceptedRating.getExpression();
                 if (!acceptedRatingValue.trim().equals("")) {
                 _isInstanceDoc = true;
                 _ptAcceptedRating = acceptedRatingValue;
                String authorValue =;
                if (authorValue != null && !authorValue.trim().equals("")) {
                    _isInstanceDoc = true;
                    _author = authorValue;
                /* No rating fields in instance documentation.
                 String proposedRatingValue = instanceDoc.proposedRating.getExpression();
                 if (!proposedRatingValue.trim().equals("")) {
                 _isInstanceDoc = true;
                 _ptProposedRating = proposedRatingValue;
                String sinceValue = instanceDoc.since.getExpression();
                if (sinceValue != null && !sinceValue.trim().equals("")) {
                    _isInstanceDoc = true;
                    _since = sinceValue;
                String versionValue = instanceDoc.version.getExpression();
                if (versionValue != null && !versionValue.trim().equals("")) {
                    _isInstanceDoc = true;
                    _version = versionValue;

                // Next look for attributes.
                Iterator attributes = target.attributeList(Settable.class)
                while (attributes.hasNext()) {
                    NamedObj attribute = (NamedObj);
                    if (((Settable) attribute).getVisibility() != Settable.NONE) {
                        String attributeDoc = instanceDoc
                        if (attributeDoc != null
                                && !attributeDoc.trim().equals("")) {
                            _isInstanceDoc = true;
                            _properties.put(attribute.getName(), attributeDoc);
                // Next look for ports.
                if (target instanceof Entity) {
                    Iterator ports = ((Entity) target).portList().iterator();
                    while (ports.hasNext()) {
                        Port port = (Port);
                        String portDoc = instanceDoc.getPortDoc(port.getName());
                        if (portDoc != null && !portDoc.trim().equals("")) {
                            _isInstanceDoc = true;
                            _ports.put(port.getName(), portDoc);
        } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
            _exception = "Error evaluating DocAttribute parameter:\n" + e;

    /** Construct a manager to handle documentation for the specified target
     *  class.
     *  @param configuration The configuration in which to look up the
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and _applicationName parameters
     *  @param targetClass The class to be documented.
    public DocManager(Configuration configuration, Class targetClass) {
        _configuration = configuration;
        _targetClass = targetClass;
        _className = _targetClass.getName();

    /** Construct a manager for documentation at the specified URL.
     *  @param configuration The configuration in which to look up the
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and _applicationName parameters
     *  @param url The URL.
    public DocManager(Configuration configuration, URL url) {
        _configuration = configuration;
        try {
            parse(null, url.openStream());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            _exception = "Error reading URL: " + url.toExternalForm()
                    + "\n<pre>\n" + ex + "\n</pre>\n";
        _docFileHasBeenRead = true;

    ////                         public methods                    ////

    /** Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
     *  This method is called prior to the corresponding startElement()
     *  call, so it simply accumulates attributes in a hashtable for
     *  use by startElement().
     *  @param name The name of the attribute.
     *  @param value The value of the attribute, or null if the attribute
     *   is <code>#IMPLIED</code> and not specified.
     *  @param specified True if the value is specified, false if the
     *   value comes from the default value in the DTD rather than from
     *   the XML file.
     *  @exception XmlException If the name or value is null.
    public void attribute(String name, String value, boolean specified)
            throws XmlException {
        if (name == null) {
            throw new XmlException("Attribute has no name",
                    _currentExternalEntity(), _parser.getLineNumber(), _parser

        // NOTE: value may be null if attribute default is #IMPLIED.
        if (value != null) {
            _attributes.put(name, value);

    /** Given a dot separated class name, return the URL of the
     *  documentation.
     *  <p>If the configuration has a parameter
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and that parameter names a class
     *  that that implements the {@link DocApplicationSpecializer}
     *  interface, then we pass the class name to
     *  {@link DocApplicationSpecializer#docClassNameToURL(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)}
     *  and if a non-null is returned from docClassNameToURL(), we
     *  return that value.
     *  <p>If the configuration has a parameter _applicationName, then
     *  we search in <code>doc/codeDoc<i>applicationName</i></code> for
     *  the PtDoc, Javadoc and Actor Index files.  Otherwise, we search
     *  in <code>doc/codeDoc</code>.  Source files are searched for
     *  in the classpath by using getResource().
     *  <p>The <i>lookForPtDoc</i>, <i>lookForJavadoc</i>,
     *  <i>lookForSource</i> and <i>lookForActorIndex</i> parameters
     *  control which documents are searched for.  The documents are
     *  searched in the same order as the parameters that have true
     *  values, that is if the parameters are true, true, false,
     *  false, then if the the PtDoc .xml file is searched for
     *  locally, then the Javadoc .html file is search for locally and
     *  then if the _remoteDocumentation base attribute is set the
     *  PtDoc .xml file is searched for on the remote host and then
     *  the Javadoc .html file is search for on the remote host.
     *  @param configuration The configuration in which to look up the
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and _applicationName parameters
     *  @param className The dot separated class name.
     *  @param lookForPtDoc True if we should look for ptdoc .xml files.
     *  @param lookForJavadoc True if we should look for javadoc files.
     *  @param lookForSource True if we should look for source files.
     *  Note that lookForPtDoc and lookForJavadoc must both be false for
     *  the source code to be found.
     *  @param lookForActorIndex True if we should look for the actor index.
     *  @return The URL of the documentation, if any.  If no documentation
     *  was found, return null.
    public static URL docClassNameToURL(Configuration configuration,
            String className, boolean lookForPtDoc, boolean lookForJavadoc,
            boolean lookForSource, boolean lookForActorIndex) {
        URL toRead = null;
        try {
            // If the configuration has a parameter _docApplicationSpecializer
            // and that parameter names a class that that implements the
            // DocApplicationSpecializer interface, then we call
            // docClassNameToURL().

            Parameter docApplicationSpecializerParameter = (Parameter) configuration
                    .getAttribute("_docApplicationSpecializer", Parameter.class);
            if (docApplicationSpecializerParameter != null) {
                String docApplicationSpecializerClassName = docApplicationSpecializerParameter

                try {
                    Class docApplicationSpecializerClass = Class
                    DocApplicationSpecializer docApplicationSpecializer = (DocApplicationSpecializer) docApplicationSpecializerClass
                    toRead = docApplicationSpecializer.docClassNameToURL(
                            _remoteDocumentationURLBase, className,
                            lookForPtDoc, lookForJavadoc, lookForSource,
                } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "Failed to call doc application initializer "
                                    + "class \""
                                    + docApplicationSpecializerClassName
                                    + "\" on class \"" + className + "\".");

            String applicationName = "";

            // We handle the applicationName specially so that we open
            // only the docs for the app we are running.
            try {
                StringAttribute applicationNameAttribute = (StringAttribute) configuration
                        .getAttribute("_applicationName", StringAttribute.class);

                if (applicationNameAttribute != null) {
                    applicationName = applicationNameAttribute.getExpression();
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                // Ignore and use the default applicationName: "",
                // which means we look in doc.codeDoc.

            // We search first on the local machine and then ask
            // the user and then possibly look on the remote machine.
            // So, we define the strings in an array for ease of reuse.

            String docNames[] = {
                            + (applicationName.equals("") ? "/"
                                    : applicationName + "/doc/codeDoc/")
                            + className.replace('.', '/') + ".xml",

                    "doc/codeDoc/" + className.replace('.', '/') + ".xml",

                            + (applicationName.equals("") ? "/"
                                    : applicationName + "/doc/codeDoc/")
                            + className.replace('.', '/') + ".html",

                    "doc/codeDoc/" + className.replace('.', '/') + ".html",

                    className.replace('.', '/') + ".java",

                            + (applicationName.equals("") ? "/"
                                    : applicationName + "/doc/codeDoc/")

                            + className.replace('.', '/') + "Idx.htm" };

            // List of docNames we use if we don't find anything locally.
            List docNameList = new LinkedList();

            // We look for the documentation relative to this classLoader.n
            ClassLoader referenceClassLoader = Class.forName(

            // Rather than using a deeply nested set of if/else's, we
            // just keep checking toRead == null.p

            // If applicationName is not "", then look in
            // doc/codeDoc_applicationName/doc/codeDoc.
            if (toRead == null && lookForPtDoc) {
                toRead = referenceClassLoader.getResource(docNames[0]);

            if (toRead == null && lookForPtDoc && !applicationName.equals("")) {
                // applicationName was set, try looking in the
                // documentation for the default application (vergil).
                toRead = referenceClassLoader.getResource(docNames[1]);

            if (toRead == null && lookForJavadoc) {
                // If the class does not extend NamedObj, try to open
                // the javadoc .html
                try {
                    Class targetClass = Class.forName(className);
                    if (!_namedObjClass.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)
                            || !lookForPtDoc) {

                        // Look in the Application specific codeDoc directory.
                        toRead = referenceClassLoader.getResource(docNames[2]);
                        if (toRead == null) {
                            // Try looking in the documentation for vergil.
                            toRead = referenceClassLoader
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                    // Ignore, we could have the Sinewave Actor oriented class.

            if (toRead == null && lookForSource && !lookForPtDoc
                    && !lookForJavadoc) {
                // Look for the source _ONLY_ if we are not looking for
                // ptdoc or javadoc.
                toRead = referenceClassLoader.getResource(docNames[4]);

            if (toRead == null && lookForActorIndex) {
                // Look for the source.
                toRead = referenceClassLoader.getResource(docNames[5]);

            if (toRead == null && _remoteDocumentationURLBase != null) {
                // Try searching on a remote host.

                // Loop through each docNamesIterator and try to open
                // a stream.  Stop if once we open a stream.
                Iterator docNameIterator = docNameList.iterator();
                while (docNameIterator.hasNext()) {
                    String docName = (String);
                    toRead = new URL(_remoteDocumentationURLBase + docName);

                    if (toRead != null) {
                        InputStream toReadStream = null;
                        try {
                            toReadStream = toRead.openStream();
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                            toRead = null;
                        } finally {
                            if (toReadStream != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException ex2) {
                                    // Ignore.
                        if (toRead != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // Ignore, we did not find the class.
            return null;
        return toRead;

    /** Handle character data.  In this implementation, the
     *  character data is accumulated in a buffer until the
     *  end element.
     *  &AElig;lfred will call this method once for each chunk of
     *  character data found in the contents of elements.  Note that
     *  the parser may break up a long sequence of characters into
     *  smaller chunks and call this method once for each chunk.
     *  @param chars The character data.
     *  @param offset The starting position in the array.
     *  @param length The number of characters available.
    public void charData(char[] chars, int offset, int length) {
        _currentCharData.append(chars, offset, length);

    /** End the document.  In this implementation, do nothing.
     *  &AElig;lfred will call this method once, when it has
     *  finished parsing the XML document.
     *  It is guaranteed that this will be the last method called.
    public void endDocument() throws Exception {

    /** End an element.
     *  &AElig;lfred will call this method at the end of each element
     *  (including EMPTY elements).
     *  @param elementName The element type name.
     *  @exception Exception Not thrown in this base class.
    public void endElement(String elementName) throws Exception {
        if (elementName.equals("author")) {
            _author = _currentCharData.toString();
        } else if (elementName.equals("description")) {
            _description = _currentCharData.toString();
        } else if (elementName.equals("port")) {
            _ports.put(_name, _currentCharData.toString());
        } else if (elementName.equals("property")) {
            _properties.put(_name, _currentCharData.toString());
        } else if (elementName.equals("Pt.AcceptedRating")) {
            _ptAcceptedRating = _currentCharData.toString();
        } else if (elementName.equals("Pt.ProposedRating")) {
            _ptProposedRating = _currentCharData.toString();
        } else if (elementName.equals("since")) {
            _since = _currentCharData.toString();
        } else if (elementName.equals("version")) {
            _version = _currentCharData.toString();

    /** Indicate a fatal XML parsing error.
     *  &AElig;lfred will call this method whenever it encounters
     *  a serious error.  This method simply throws an XmlException.
     *  @param message The error message.
     *  @param systemID The URI of the entity that caused the error.
     *  @param line The approximate line number of the error.
     *  @param column The approximate column number of the error.
     *  @exception XmlException If called.
    public void error(String message, String systemID, int line, int column)
            throws XmlException {
        throw new XmlException(message, _currentExternalEntity(), line, column);

    /** Return the Pt.AcceptedRating field, or null
     *  if none has been given. Note that unlike some of the other
     *  fields, this does not delegate to the next tier if no
     *  since field has been given.
     *  @return The Pt.AcceptedRating field.
    public String getAcceptedRating() {
        if (_ptAcceptedRating == null) {
        return _ptAcceptedRating;

    /** Return the author field, or the string "No author given"
     *  if none has been given. Note that unlike some of the other
     *  fields, this does not delegate to the next tier if no
     *  author has been given.
     *  @return The author field.
    public String getAuthor() {
        if (_author == null) {
            if (_author == null) {
                return "No author given";
        return _author;

    /** Return the class name, or null if none has been given.
     *  @return The class name.
    public String getClassName() {
        if (_className == null && _exception != null) {
            return _exception;
        return _className;

    /** Return the description, or null if none has been given.
     *  @return The description.
    public String getDescription() {
        if (_exception != null) {
            return _exception;
        } else if (_description == null) {
            if (_description == null) {
                if (_nextTier != null) {
                    return _nextTier.getDescription();
                } else {
                    return "No description";
        return _description;

    /** Return next tier, if there is one.
     *  If this is an instance, then the next tier
     *  is the documentation for the class. If it is a
     *  class, then the next tier is the documentation for
     *  the superclass.
     *  @return The next tier, or null if there isn't one.
    public DocManager getNextTier() {
        return _nextTier;

    /** Return the documentation for the specified port, or null
     *  if there is none.
     *  @param name The name of the port.
     *  @return The documentation for the specified port, or null
     *   if there is none.
    public String getPortDoc(String name) {
        String result = (String) _ports.get(name);
        if (result == null) {
            result = (String) _ports.get(name + " (port)");
            if (result == null) {
                if (_nextTier != null) {
                    return _nextTier.getPortDoc(name);
        return result;

    /** Return the documentation for the specified property
     *  (parameter or attribute), or null if there is none.
     *  @param name The name of the property.
     *  @return The documentation for the specified property, or null
     *   if there is none.
    public String getPropertyDoc(String name) {
        String result = (String) _properties.get(name);
        if (result == null) {
            result = (String) _properties.get(name + " (parameter)");
            if (result == null) {
                if (_nextTier != null) {
                    return _nextTier.getPropertyDoc(name);
        return result;

    /** Return the Pt.ProposedRating field, or null
     *  if none has been given. Note that unlike some of the other
     *  fields, this does not delegate to the next tier if no
     *  since field has been given.
     *  @return The Pt.ProposedRating field.
    public String getProposedRating() {
        if (_ptProposedRating == null) {
        return _ptProposedRating;

    /** Return the since field, or null
     *  if none has been given. Note that unlike some of the other
     *  fields, this does not delegate to the next tier if no
     *  since field has been given.
     *  @return The since field.
    public String getSince() {
        if (_since == null) {
        return _since;

    /** Get the location of the website documentation.
     *  The website documentation is set by the
     *  _remoteDocumentationURLBase attribute in the configuration.
     *  That attribute, if present, should be a parameter that whose
     *  value is a string that represents the URL where the
     *  documentation may be found.  If the
     *  _remoteDocumentationURLBase attribute is not set, then the
     *  location of the website documentation defaults to
     *  <code><i>Major.Version</i></code>,
     *  where <code><i>Major.Version</i></code> is the value returned by
     *  {@link
     *  ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute#majorCurrentVersion()}.
     *  @return The URL location of the website documentation.
     *  @see #setRemoteDocumentationURLBase(String)
    public static String getRemoteDocumentationURLBase() {
        return _remoteDocumentationURLBase;

    /** Return the class of the target.
     *  @return The class of the target.
    public Class getTargetClass() {
        return _targetClass;

    /** Return the version field, or null
     *  if none has been given. Note that unlike some of the other
     *  fields, this does not delegate to the next tier if no
     *  version has been given. If the version field is the standard
     *  CVS version, then return only the version number and date.
     *  @return The version field.
    public String getVersion() {
        if (_version == null) {
        if (_version != null) {
            if (_version.startsWith("$Id:")) {
                // Standard CVS version. Extract the version number and date.
                int index = _version.indexOf(",v ");
                if (index > 4) {
                    String tail = _version.substring(index + 3);
                    // Find the first space after the start.
                    index = tail.indexOf(" ");
                    if (index > 0) {
                        // Find the second space.
                        index = tail.indexOf(" ", index + 1);
                        if (index > 0) {
                            _version = tail.substring(0, index);
        return _version;

    /** Return "see also" information. This includes a link
     *  to the javadoc documentation, the source code, and the
     *  superclass information.
     *  @return The "see also" information.
    public String getSeeAlso() {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

        // See whether there is Javadoc, and link to it if there is.
        result.append("<b>See Also:</b><ul>\n");

        // The class name is either the name of the target class
        // or the class name provided by the target.
        String className;
        if (_target == null) {
            className = _targetClass.getName();
        } else {
            className = _target.getClassName();
        if (_isInstanceDoc) {
            // Create a link to the class documentation,
            // if there is some. First not that the superclass
            // may itself be an instance with instance documentation.
            // In that case, the hyperlink is special and must be
            // intercepted by the DocViewer class.
            if (_target instanceof Instantiable
                    && ((Instantiable) _target).getParent() != null
                    && ((NamedObj) ((Instantiable) _target).getParent())
                            .attributeList(DocAttribute.class).size() > 0) {
                        .append("<li><a href=\"#parentClass\">Class documentation</a></li>");
            // Get either the PtDoc, javadoc, or source.
            URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, className, true,
                    true, true, false);
            if (toRead != null) {
                result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                        + "\">");
                if (toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".html")) {
                    result.append("Javadoc Documentation");
                } else if (toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".java")) {
                    result.append("Java Source");
                } else if (toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".xml")) {
                    result.append("Class Documentation");
        } else {
            try {
                // Get the javadoc
                URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, className,
                        false, true, false, false);

                if (toRead != null) {
                    result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                            + "\">Javadoc documentation</a></li>");
                } else {
                    // FIXME: Make this a hyperlink to a doc on how
                    // to create the javadocs.
                    result.append("<li>No javadocs found</li>");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                result.append("<li>Error opening javadoc file:\n<pre>" + ex
                        + "/n</pre></li>\n");

            // See whether the base class has a doc file, and if so,
            // link to it.  If not, try to link to the Javadoc for the
            // base class.
            try {
                String baseClassName = _targetClass.getSuperclass().getName();
                URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, baseClassName,
                        true, true, true, false);

                // Display only the unqualified class name for compactness.
                int lastDot = baseClassName.lastIndexOf(".");
                if (lastDot >= 0) {
                    baseClassName = baseClassName.substring(lastDot + 1);
                if (toRead != null && toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".xml")) {
                    result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                            + "\">Base class (" + baseClassName + ")</a></li>");
                } else if (toRead != null
                        && toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".html")) {
                    result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                            + "\">Base class Javadoc (" + baseClassName
                            + ")</a></li>");
                } else if (toRead != null
                        && toRead.toExternalForm().endsWith(".java")) {
                    result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                            + "\">Base class Java (" + baseClassName
                            + ")</a></li>");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                result.append("<li>Error opening javadoc file:\n<pre>" + ex
                        + "/n</pre></li>\n");

            // Link to the source code, if present.
            try {
                URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, className,
                        false, false, true, false);
                if (toRead != null) {
                    result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                            + "\">Source code</a></li>");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Do not report anything.

        // FIXME: Need see also fields from the doclet analysis.
        // FIXME: Include demos? How?

        try {
            URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, className, false,
                    false, false, true);
            if (toRead != null) {
                result.append("<li><a href=\"" + toRead.toExternalForm()
                        + "\">Demo Usage</a></li>");
            } else {
                result.append("<li>Not used in any demos</li>");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // Do not report anything.

        return result.toString();

    /** Return true if an exception was encountered parsing
     *  the DocML data.
     *  @return True if an exception was encountered.
    public boolean hadException() {
        return _exception != null;

    /** Return true if the primary source of documentation is
     *  the instance. That is, return true if the target has
     *  an instance of DocAttribute in it, and at least one
     *  of the fields of the DocAttribute is not empty.
     *  @return True if this documents an instance (vs. a class).
    public boolean isInstanceDoc() {
        return _isInstanceDoc;

    /** Return true if the target class is a subclass of Attribute
     *  that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
     *  first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
     *  String. This will return true if the target is itself
     *  an instance of Attribute or a subclass.
     *  @return True if the target is an instantiable attribute.
    public boolean isTargetInstantiableAttribute() {
        if (_target != null) {
            return _target instanceof Attribute;
        } else {
            Class targetClass = _targetClass;
            while (targetClass != null) {
                if (targetClass.equals(Attribute.class)) {
                    return _hasMoMLConstructor();
                targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
            return false;

    /** Return true if the target class is a subclass of Entity
     *  that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
     *  first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
     *  String. This will return true if the target is itself
     *  an instance of Entity or a subclass.
     *  @return True if the target is an instantiable entity.
    public boolean isTargetInstantiableEntity() {
        if (_target != null) {
            return _target instanceof Entity;
        } else {
            Class targetClass = _targetClass;
            while (targetClass != null) {
                if (targetClass.equals(Entity.class)) {
                    return _hasMoMLConstructor();
                targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
            return false;

    /** Return true if the target class is a subclass of Port
     *  that has a two-argument constructor compatible where the
     *  first argument is a CompositeEntity and the second is a
     *  String. This will return true if the target is itself
     *  an instance of Port or a subclass.
     *  @return True if the target is an instantiable port.
    public boolean isTargetInstantiablePort() {
        if (_target != null) {
            return _target instanceof Port;
        } else {
            Class targetClass = _targetClass;
            while (targetClass != null) {
                if (targetClass.equals(Port.class)) {
                    return _hasMoMLConstructor();
                targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
            return false;

    /** Parse the given stream as a DocML file.
     *  For example, a user might use this method as follows:
     *  <pre>
     *     DocManager parser = new DocManager();
     *     URL xmlFile = new URL(null, docURL);
     *     parser.parse(xmlFile.openStream());
     *  </pre>
     *  A variety of exceptions might be thrown if the parsed
     *  data does not represent a valid DocML file.
     *  @param base The base URL from which the XML is read.
     *  @param input The stream from which to read XML.
     *  @exception Exception If the parser fails.
    public void parse(URL base, InputStream input) throws Exception {
        parse(base, new InputStreamReader(input));

    /** Parse the given stream as a DocML file.
     *  A variety of exceptions might be thrown if the parsed
     *  data does not represent a valid DocML file.
     *  @param base The base URL from which the XML is read.
     *  @param reader The stream from which to read XML.
     *  @exception Exception If the parser fails.
    public void parse(URL base, Reader reader) throws Exception {

        Reader buffered = new BufferedReader(reader);

        if (base == null) {
            _parser.parse(null, null, buffered);
        } else {
            _parser.parse(base.toExternalForm(), null, buffered);

    /** Parse the given text as DocML.
     *  A variety of exceptions might be thrown if the parsed
     *  data does not represent valid DocML data.
     *  @param text The DocML data.
     *  @exception Exception If the parser fails.
    public void parse(String text) throws Exception {
        parse(null, new StringReader(text));

    /** Resolve an external entity. If the first argument is the
     *  name of the DocML PUBLIC DTD ("-//UC Berkeley//DTD DocML 1//EN"),
     *  then return a StringReader
     *  that will read the locally cached version of this DTD
     *  (the public variable DocML_DTD_1). Otherwise, return null,
     *  which has the effect of deferring to &AElig;lfred for
     *  resolution of the URI.  Derived classes may return a
     *  a modified URI (a string), an InputStream, or a Reader.
     *  In the latter two cases, the input character stream is
     *  provided.
     *  @param publicID The public identifier, or null if none was supplied.
     *  @param systemID The system identifier.
     *  @return Null, indicating to use the default system identifier.
    public Object resolveEntity(String publicID, String systemID) {
        if ((publicID != null)
                && publicID.equals("-//UC Berkeley//DTD DocML 1//EN")) {
            // This is the generic DocML DTD.
            return new StringReader(DocML_DTD_1);
        } else {
            return null;

    /** Set the location of the remote documentation.
     *  @param remoteDocumentationURLBase The remote location of the class
     *  documentation.
     *  @see #getRemoteDocumentationURLBase()
    public static void setRemoteDocumentationURLBase(
            String remoteDocumentationURLBase) {
        _remoteDocumentationURLBase = remoteDocumentationURLBase;

    /** Start a document.  This method is called just before the parser
     *  attempts to read the first entity (the root of the document).
     *  It is guaranteed that this will be the first method called.
    public void startDocument() {
        _attributes = new HashMap();

    /** Start an element.
     *  This is called at the beginning of each XML
     *  element.  By the time it is called, all of the attributes
     *  for the element will already have been reported using the
     *  attribute() method.  Unrecognized elements are ignored.
     *  @param elementName The element type name.
     *  @exception XmlException If the element produces an error
     *   in constructing the model.
    public void startElement(String elementName) throws XmlException {
        try {
            // NOTE: The elements are alphabetical below...
            if (elementName.equals("author")
                    || elementName.equals("description")
                    || elementName.equals("Pt.AcceptedRating")
                    || elementName.equals("Pt.ProposedRating")
                    || elementName.equals("since")
                    || elementName.equals("version")) {
                _currentCharData = new StringBuffer();
            } else if (elementName.equals("doc")) {
                _className = (String) _attributes.get("class");
                        "No class argument for element \"doc\"");
                Class specifiedClass = Class.forName(_className);
                if (_targetClass != null && _targetClass != specifiedClass) {
                    throw new Exception("Classes don't match: " + _targetClass
                            + "\n and \n" + specifiedClass);
                _targetClass = specifiedClass;
            } else if (elementName.equals("port")) {
                _currentCharData = new StringBuffer();
                _name = (String) _attributes.get("name");
                _checkForNull(_name, "No name argument for element \"port\"");
            } else if (elementName.equals("property")) {
                _currentCharData = new StringBuffer();
                _name = (String) _attributes.get("name");
                        "No name argument for element \"property\"");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex instanceof XmlException) {
                throw (XmlException) ex;
            } else {
                String msg = "XML element \"" + elementName
                        + "\" triggers exception:\n  " + ex.toString();
                throw new XmlException(msg, _currentExternalEntity(), _parser
                        .getLineNumber(), _parser.getColumnNumber());

    /** Handle the start of an external entity.  This pushes the stack so
     *  that error reporting correctly reports the external entity that
     *  causes the error.
     *  @param systemID The URI for the external entity.
    public void startExternalEntity(String systemID) {

    ////                         public members                    ////

    /** The standard DocML DTD, represented as a string.  This is used
     *  to parse DocML data when a compatible PUBLIC DTD is specified.
    public static String DocML_DTD_1 = "<!ELEMENT doc (author | description | port | property | Pt.AcceptedRating | Pt.ProposedRating | since | version)*><!ATTLIST doc name CDATA #REQUIRED class CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT port (#PCDATA)><!ATTLIST port name CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT property (#PCDATA)><!ATTLIST property name CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT Pt.acceptedRating (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT Pt.proposedRating (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT since (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>";

    // NOTE: The master file for the above DTD is at
    // $PTII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/DocML_1.dtd.  If modified, it needs to be also
    // updated at

    ////                         protected methods                 ////

    /** If the argument is null, throw an exception with the given message.
     *  @param object The reference to check for null.
     *  @param message The message to issue if the reference is null.
     *  @exception XmlException If the object parameter is null.
    protected void _checkForNull(Object object, String message)
            throws XmlException {
        if (object == null) {
            throw new XmlException(message, _currentExternalEntity(), _parser
                    .getLineNumber(), _parser.getColumnNumber());

    /** Get the the URI for the current external entity.
     *  @return A string giving the URI of the external entity being read,
     *   or null if none.
    protected String _currentExternalEntity() {
        return (String) _externalEntities.peek();

    ////                         private methods                   ////

    /** Create next tier, if possible. */
    private void _createNextTier() {
        if (_nextTier != null) {
        if (_isInstanceDoc) {
            _nextTier = new DocManager(_configuration, _targetClass);
        } else {
            Class superClass = _targetClass.getSuperclass();
            if (_isNamedObj(superClass)) {
                _nextTier = new DocManager(_configuration, superClass);

    /** Return true if the target class has a two argument
     *  constructor compatible with MoML instantiation.
     *  @return True if the target class can be instanted
     *   by MoML in a CompositeEntity.
    private boolean _hasMoMLConstructor() {
        // Check for a suitable constructor.
        Class[] parameters = { TypedCompositeActor.class, String.class };
        while (parameters[0] != null) {
            try {
                // If we get here, then there is such a constructor.
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Ignore and try the superclass.
            if (parameters[0].equals(NamedObj.class)) {
            parameters[0] = parameters[0].getSuperclass();
        return false;

    /** Initialize fields.  We assume _target was set by the caller

     private void _init() {

     _isInstanceDoc = false;

     /** Return true if the specified class is either equal to
     *  NamedObj or is a subclass of NamedObj.
    private boolean _isNamedObj(Class candidate) {
        if (candidate == NamedObj.class) {
            return true;
        } else {
            candidate = candidate.getSuperclass();
            if (candidate == null) {
                return false;
            return _isNamedObj(candidate);

    /** Read the doc file, if one is found, for the target. */
    private void _readDocFile() {
        if (_docFileHasBeenRead || _isInstanceDoc) {
        // FIXME: If file is not found, then instead of an
        // exception, probably want to delegate to the base class.
        // Read the .xml file, but not the java or source
        URL toRead = docClassNameToURL(_configuration, _className, true, false,
                false, false);

        try {
            if (toRead != null) {
                parse(null, toRead.openStream());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            _exception = "Error reading URL: " + toRead.toExternalForm()
                    + "\n<pre>\n" + ex + "\n</pre>\n";
        _docFileHasBeenRead = true;

    ////                         private members                   ////

    /** Attributes associated with an entity. */
    private HashMap _attributes;

    /** The author field. */
    private String _author;

    /** The class name. */
    private String _className;

    /**  The configuration in which to look up the
     *  _docApplicationSpecializer and _applicationName parameters.
    private Configuration _configuration;

    /** The current character data for the current element. */
    private StringBuffer _currentCharData = new StringBuffer();

    /** The description field. */
    private String _description;

    /** Indicator that the doc file has been read. */
    private boolean _docFileHasBeenRead = false;

    /** If an exception is encountered parsing, it is described here. */
    private String _exception;

    /** The external entities being parsed. */
    private Stack _externalEntities = new Stack();

    /** Indicator that the primary source of documentation is the instance. */
    private boolean _isInstanceDoc = false;

    /** The name associated with the current port, parameter, etc. */
    private String _name;

    /** The next tier in the class hierarchy. */
    private DocManager _nextTier;

    /** The parser. */
    private XmlParser _parser = new XmlParser();

    /** A table of property documents. */
    private HashMap _properties = new HashMap();

    /** A table of port documents. */
    private HashMap _ports = new HashMap();

    /** The Pt.AcceptedRating field. */
    private String _ptAcceptedRating;

    /** The Pt.ProposedRating field. */
    private String _ptProposedRating;

    /** The location of the website documentation.
    private static String _remoteDocumentationURLBase;

    /** The since field. */
    private String _since;

    /** The object to be documented. */
    private NamedObj _target;

    /** The class of object to be documented. */
    private Class _targetClass;

    /** The version field. */
    private String _version;

    /** The NamedObj class, used to check to see if the class we are
     *  looking for is assignable from NamedObj.  If it is not, we look
     *  for the codeDoc .html file.
    private static Class _namedObjClass;
    static {
        try {
            _namedObjClass = Class.forName("ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj");
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

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