/* Query dialog.
Copyright (c) 1998-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
of this software.
package ptolemy.gui;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JColorChooser;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSlider;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor;
// Avoid importing any packages from ptolemy.* here so that we
// can ship Ptplot.
//// Query
Create a query with various types of entry boxes and controls. Each type
of entry box has a colon and space appended to the end of its label, to
ensure uniformity.
Here is one example of creating a query with a radio button:
query = new Query();
String[] options = {"water", "soda", "juice", "none"};
query.addRadioButtons("radio", "Radio buttons", options, "water");
@author Edward A. Lee, Manda Sutijono, Elaine Cheong
@version $Id: Query.java,v 1.127 2007/12/16 07:29:47 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 0.3
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (eal)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (eal)
public class Query extends JPanel {
/** Construct a panel with no entries in it.
public Query() {
_grid = new GridBagLayout();
_constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
_constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
// If the next line is commented out, then the PtolemyApplet
// model parameters will have an entry that is less than one
// character wide unless the window is made to be fairly large.
_constraints.weightx = 1.0;
_constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
// It's not clear whether the following has any real significance...
// _entryPanel.setOpaque(true);
setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
// Add a message panel into which a message can be placed using
// setMessage().
_messageArea = new JTextArea("");
_messageArea.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12));
// It seems like setLineWrap is somewhat broken. Really,
// setLineWrap works best with scrollbars. We have
// a couple of choices: use scrollbars or hack in something
// that guesses the number of lines. Note that to
// use scrollbars, the tutorial at
// http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/simpletext.html#textarea
// suggests: "If you put a text area in a scroll pane, be
// sure to set the scroll pane's preferred size or use a
// text area constructor that sets the number of rows and
// columns for the text area."
_messageScrollPane = new JScrollPane(_messageArea);
// Get rid of the border.
// Useful for debugging:
// BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.pink));
// We add the _messageScrollPane when we first use it.
_entryScrollPane = new JScrollPane(_entryPanel);
// Get rid of the border.
// Setting the background to null allegedly means it inherits the
// background color from the container.
//// public methods ////
/** Create an on-off check box.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultValue The default value (true for on).
public void addCheckBox(String name, String label, boolean defaultValue) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
JCheckBox checkbox = new JCheckBox();
_addPair(name, lbl, checkbox, checkbox);
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
checkbox.addItemListener(new QueryItemListener(name));
/** Create an uneditable choice menu.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param values The list of possible choices.
* @param defaultChoice Default choice.
public void addChoice(String name, String label, String[] values,
String defaultChoice) {
addChoice(name, label, values, defaultChoice, false);
/** Create a choice menu.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param values The list of possible choices.
* @param defaultChoice Default choice.
* @param editable True if an arbitrary choice can be entered, in addition
* to the choices in values.
public void addChoice(String name, String label, String[] values,
String defaultChoice, boolean editable) {
addChoice(name, label, values, defaultChoice, editable, Color.white,
/** Create a choice menu.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param values The list of possible choices.
* @param defaultChoice Default choice.
* @param editable True if an arbitrary choice can be entered, in addition
* to the choices in values.
* @param background The background color for the editable part.
* @param foreground The foreground color for the editable part.
public void addChoice(String name, String label, String[] values,
String defaultChoice, boolean editable, final Color background,
final Color foreground) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
JComboBox combobox = new JComboBox(values);
// NOTE: Typical of Swing, the following does not set
// the background color. So we have to specify a
// custom editor. #$(#&$#(@#!!
// combobox.setBackground(background);
combobox.setEditor(new BasicComboBoxEditor() {
public Component getEditorComponent() {
Component result = super.getEditorComponent();
return result;
_addPair(name, lbl, combobox, combobox);
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
combobox.addItemListener(new QueryItemListener(name));
/** Create a ColorChooser.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultColor The default color to use.
public void addColorChooser(String name, String label, String defaultColor) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
QueryColorChooser colorChooser = new QueryColorChooser(name,
_addPair(name, lbl, colorChooser, colorChooser);
/** Create a simple one-line text display, a non-editable value that
* is set externally using the setDisplay() method.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param theValue Default string to display.
public void addDisplay(String name, String label, String theValue) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
// NOTE: JLabel would be a reasonable choice here, but at
// least in the current version of swing, JLabel.setText() does
// not work.
JTextArea displayField = new JTextArea(theValue, 1, 10);
_addPair(name, lbl, displayField, displayField);
/** Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories, and
* has the default colors (white in the background, black in the
* foreground).
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultName The default file name to use.
* @param base The URI with respect to which to give
* relative file names, or null to give absolute file name.
* @param startingDirectory The directory to open the file chooser in.
public void addFileChooser(String name, String label, String defaultName,
URI base, File startingDirectory) {
addFileChooser(name, label, defaultName, base, startingDirectory, true,
false, Color.white, Color.black);
/** Create a FileChooser with default colors (white in the foreground,
* black in the background).
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultName The default file name to use.
* @param base The URI with respect to which to give
* relative file names, or null to give absolute file name.
* @param startingDirectory The directory to open the file chooser in.
* @param allowFiles True if regular files may be chosen.
* @param allowDirectories True if directories may be chosen.
public void addFileChooser(String name, String label, String defaultName,
URI base, File startingDirectory, boolean allowFiles,
boolean allowDirectories) {
addFileChooser(name, label, defaultName, base, startingDirectory,
allowFiles, allowDirectories, Color.white, Color.black);
/** Create a FileChooser that selects files only, not directories.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultName The default file name to use.
* @param base The URI with respect to which to give
* relative file names, or null to give absolute file name.
* @param startingDirectory The directory to open the file chooser in.
* @param background The background color for the text entry box.
* @param foreground The foreground color for the text entry box.
public void addFileChooser(String name, String label, String defaultName,
URI base, File startingDirectory, Color background, Color foreground) {
addFileChooser(name, label, defaultName, base, startingDirectory, true,
false, background, foreground);
/** Create a FileChooser.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultName The default file name to use.
* @param base The URI with respect to which to give
* relative file names, or null to give absolute file name.
* @param startingDirectory The directory to open the file chooser in.
* @param allowFiles True if regular files may be chosen.
* @param allowDirectories True if directories may be chosen.
* @param background The background color for the text entry box.
* @param foreground The foreground color for the text entry box.
public void addFileChooser(String name, String label, String defaultName,
URI base, File startingDirectory, boolean allowFiles,
boolean allowDirectories, Color background, Color foreground) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
QueryFileChooser fileChooser = new QueryFileChooser(name, defaultName,
base, startingDirectory, allowFiles, allowDirectories,
background, foreground);
_addPair(name, lbl, fileChooser, fileChooser);
/** Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label, and
* default value. To control the width of the box, call setTextWidth()
* first.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when accessing
* the entry).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultValue Default value to appear in the entry box.
public void addLine(String name, String label, String defaultValue) {
addLine(name, label, defaultValue, Color.white, Color.black);
/** Create a single-line entry box with the specified name, label,
* default value, and background color. To control the width of
* the box, call setTextWidth() first.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when accessing
* the entry).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultValue Default value to appear in the entry box.
* @param background The background color.
* @param foreground The foreground color.
public void addLine(String name, String label, String defaultValue,
Color background, Color foreground) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
JTextField entryBox = new JTextField(defaultValue, _width);
_addPair(name, lbl, entryBox, entryBox);
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
entryBox.addActionListener(new QueryActionListener(name));
// Add a listener for loss of focus. When the entry gains
// and then loses focus, listeners are notified of an update,
// but only if the value has changed since the last notification.
// FIXME: Unfortunately, Java calls this listener some random
// time after the window has been closed. It is not even a
// a queued event when the window is closed. Thus, we have
// a subtle bug where if you enter a value in a line, do not
// hit return, and then click on the X to close the window,
// the value is restored to the original, and then sometime
// later, the focus is lost and the entered value becomes
// the value of the parameter. I don't know of any workaround.
entryBox.addFocusListener(new QueryFocusListener(name));
/** Create a single-line password box with the specified name, label, and
* default value. To control the width of the box, call setTextWidth()
* first. A value that is entered in the password box should be
* accessed using getCharArrayValue(). The value returned by
* stringValue() is whatever you specify as a defaultValue.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when accessing
* the entry).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultValue Default value to appear in the entry box.
* @since Ptolemy II 3.1
public void addPassword(String name, String label, String defaultValue) {
addPassword(name, label, defaultValue, Color.white, Color.black);
/** Create a single-line password box with the specified name,
* label, and default value. To control the width of the box,
* call setTextWidth() first.
* To get the value, call getCharArrayValue().
* Calling getStringValue() on a password entry will result in an
* error because it is less secure to pass around passwords as
* Strings than as arrays of characters.
* <p>The underlying class that is used to implement the password
* facility is javax.swing.JPasswordField. For details about how to
* use JPasswordField, see the
* <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/passwordfield.html" target="_top">Java Tutorial</a>
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when accessing
* the entry).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param defaultValue Default value to appear in the entry box.
* @param background The background color.
* @param foreground The foreground color.
* @since Ptolemy II 3.1
public void addPassword(String name, String label, String defaultValue,
Color background, Color foreground) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
JPasswordField entryBox = new JPasswordField(defaultValue, _width);
_addPair(name, lbl, entryBox, entryBox);
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
entryBox.addActionListener(new QueryActionListener(name));
// Add a listener for loss of focus. When the entry gains
// and then loses focus, listeners are notified of an update,
// but only if the value has changed since the last notification.
// FIXME: Unfortunately, Java calls this listener some random
// time after the window has been closed. It is not even a
// a queued event when the window is closed. Thus, we have
// a subtle bug where if you enter a value in a line, do not
// hit return, and then click on the X to close the window,
// the value is restored to the original, and then sometime
// later, the focus is lost and the entered value becomes
// the value of the parameter. I don't know of any workaround.
entryBox.addFocusListener(new QueryFocusListener(name));
/** Add a listener. The changed() method of the listener will be
* called when any of the entries is changed. Note that "line"
* entries only trigger this call when Return or Enter is pressed, or
* when the entry gains and then loses the keyboard focus.
* Notice that the currently selected line loses focus when the
* panel is destroyed, so notification of any changes that
* have been made will be done at that time. That notification
* will occur in the UI thread, and may be later than expected.
* Notification due to loss of focus only occurs if the value
* of the entry has changed since the last notification.
* If the listener has already been added, then do nothing.
* @param listener The listener to add.
* @see #removeQueryListener(QueryListener)
public void addQueryListener(QueryListener listener) {
if (_listeners == null) {
_listeners = new Vector();
if (_listeners.contains(listener)) {
/** Create a bank of radio buttons. A radio button provides a list of
* choices, only one of which may be chosen at a time.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param values The list of possible choices.
* @param defaultValue Default value.
public void addRadioButtons(String name, String label, String[] values,
String defaultValue) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout();
// This must be a JPanel, not a Panel, or the scroll bars won't work.
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(flow);
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
QueryActionListener listener = new QueryActionListener(name);
// Regrettably, ButtonGroup provides no method to find out
// which button is selected, so we have to go through a
// song and dance here...
JRadioButton[] buttons = new JRadioButton[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
JRadioButton checkbox = new JRadioButton(values[i]);
buttons[i] = checkbox;
// The following (essentially) undocumented method does nothing...
// checkbox.setContentAreaFilled(true);
if (values[i].equals(defaultValue)) {
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
_addPair(name, lbl, buttonPanel, buttons);
/** Create a bank of buttons that provides a list of
* choices, any subset of which may be chosen at a time.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param values The list of possible choices.
* @param initiallySelected The initially selected choices, or null
* to indicate that none are selected.
public void addSelectButtons(String name, String label, String[] values,
Set initiallySelected) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout();
// This must be a JPanel, not a Panel, or the scroll bars won't work.
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(flow);
QueryActionListener listener = new QueryActionListener(name);
if (initiallySelected == null) {
initiallySelected = new HashSet();
JRadioButton[] buttons = new JRadioButton[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
JRadioButton checkbox = new JRadioButton(values[i]);
buttons[i] = checkbox;
// The following (essentially) undocumented method does nothing...
// checkbox.setContentAreaFilled(true);
if (initiallySelected.contains(values[i])) {
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
_addPair(name, lbl, buttonPanel, buttons);
/** Create a slider with the specified name, label, default
* value, maximum, and minimum.
* @param name The name used to identify the slider.
* @param label The label to attach to the slider.
* @param defaultValue Initial position of slider.
* @param maximum Maximum value of slider.
* @param minimum Minimum value of slider.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the desired default value
* is not between the minimum and maximum.
public void addSlider(String name, String label, int defaultValue,
int minimum, int maximum) throws IllegalArgumentException {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
if (minimum > maximum) {
int temp = minimum;
minimum = maximum;
maximum = temp;
if ((defaultValue > maximum) || (defaultValue < minimum)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Desired default " + "value \""
+ defaultValue + "\" does not fall "
+ "between the minimum and maximum.");
JSlider slider = new JSlider(minimum, maximum, defaultValue);
_addPair(name, lbl, slider, slider);
slider.addChangeListener(new SliderListener(name));
/** Create a text area.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param theValue The value of this text area
public void addTextArea(String name, String label, String theValue) {
addTextArea(name, label, theValue, Color.white, Color.black, _height,
/** Create a text area.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param theValue The value of this text area.
* @param background The background color.
* @param foreground The foreground color.
public void addTextArea(String name, String label, String theValue,
Color background, Color foreground) {
addTextArea(name, label, theValue, background, foreground, _height,
/** Create a text area with the specified height and width (in
* characters).
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param label The label to attach to the entry.
* @param theValue The value of this text area.
* @param background The background color.
* @param foreground The foreground color.
* @param height The height.
* @param width The width.
public void addTextArea(String name, String label, String theValue,
Color background, Color foreground, int height, int width) {
JLabel lbl = new JLabel(label + ": ");
JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(theValue, height, width);
QueryScrollPane textPane = new QueryScrollPane(textArea);
_addPair(name, lbl, textPane, textPane);
textArea.addFocusListener(new QueryFocusListener(name));
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as a boolean. If the entry is not a checkbox,
* then throw an exception.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @deprecated Use getBooleanValue(String name) instead.
* @return The state of the checkbox.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* checkbox. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public boolean booleanValue(String name) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
return getBooleanValue(name);
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as a double value. If the entry is not a line,
* then throw an exception. If the value of the entry is not
* a double, then throw an exception.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @deprecated Use getDoubleValue(String name) instead.
* @return The value currently in the entry as a double.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the value of the entry cannot
* be converted to a double. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* line. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public double doubleValue(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException,
NoSuchElementException, NumberFormatException {
return getDoubleValue(name);
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as a boolean. If the entry is not a checkbox,
* then throw an exception.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @return The state of the checkbox.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* checkbox. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public boolean getBooleanValue(String name) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ "\" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JToggleButton) {
return ((JToggleButton) result).isSelected();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a radio button, and hence does not have "
+ "a boolean value.");
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as an array of characters.
* <p>If the entry is a password field, then it is recommended for
* strong security that each element of the array be set to 0
* after use.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @return The state of the entry
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry type does not
* have a string representation (this should not be thrown).
* This is a runtime exception, so it need not be declared explicitly.
* @since Ptolemy II 3.1
public char[] getCharArrayValue(String name) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ "\" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JPasswordField) {
// Calling JPasswordField.getText() is deprecated
return ((JPasswordField) result).getPassword();
} else {
return getStringValue(name).toCharArray();
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as a double value. If the entry is not a line,
* then throw an exception. If the value of the entry is not
* a double, then throw an exception.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @return The value currently in the entry as a double.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the value of the entry cannot
* be converted to a double. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* line. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public double getDoubleValue(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException,
NoSuchElementException, NumberFormatException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JPasswordField) {
// Note that JPasswordField extends JTextField, so
// we should check for JPasswordField first.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For security reasons, "
+ "calling getDoubleValue() on a password field is "
+ "not permitted. Instead, call getCharArrayValue()");
} else if (result instanceof JTextField) {
return (Double.valueOf(((JTextField) result).getText()))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a text line, and hence cannot be converted "
+ "to a double value.");
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as an integer. If the entry is not a line,
* choice, or slider, then throw an exception.
* If it is a choice or radio button, then return the
* index of the first selected item.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @return The value currently in the entry as an integer.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the value of the entry cannot
* be converted to an integer. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* choice, line, or slider. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public int getIntValue(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException,
NoSuchElementException, NumberFormatException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JPasswordField) {
// Note that JPasswordField extends JTextField, so
// we should check for JPasswordField first.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For security reasons, "
+ "calling getIntValue() on a password field is "
+ "not permitted. Instead, call getCharArrayValue()");
} else if (result instanceof JTextField) {
return (Integer.valueOf(((JTextField) result).getText()))
} else if (result instanceof JSlider) {
return ((JSlider) result).getValue();
} else if (result instanceof JComboBox) {
return ((JComboBox) result).getSelectedIndex();
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton[]) {
// Regrettably, ButtonGroup gives no way to determine
// which button is selected, so we have to search...
JToggleButton[] buttons = (JToggleButton[]) result;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (buttons[i].isSelected()) {
return i;
// In theory, we shouldn't get here, but the compiler
// is unhappy without a return.
return -1;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a text line or slider, and hence "
+ "cannot be converted to " + "an integer value.");
/** Return the preferred height, but set the width to the maximum
* possible value. Currently (JDK 1.3), only BoxLayout pays any
* attention to getMaximumSize().
* @return The maximum desired size.
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
// Unfortunately, if we don't have a message, then we end up with
// an empty space that is difficult to control the size of, which
// requires us to set the maximum size to be the same as
// the preferred size
// If you change this, be sure to try applets that have both
// horizontal and vertical layout.
Dimension preferred = getPreferredSize();
preferred.width = Short.MAX_VALUE;
return preferred;
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name,
* and return as a String. All entry types support this.
* Note that this method should be called from the event dispatch
* thread, since it needs to query to UI widgets for their current
* values. If it is called from another thread, there is no
* assurance that the value returned will be the current value.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @return The value currently in the entry as a String.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry type does not
* have a string representation (this should not be thrown).
public String getStringValue(String name) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JTextField) {
return ((JTextField) result).getText();
} else if (result instanceof QueryColorChooser) {
return ((QueryColorChooser) result).getSelectedColor();
} else if (result instanceof QueryFileChooser) {
return ((QueryFileChooser) result).getSelectedFileName();
} else if (result instanceof JTextArea) {
return ((JTextArea) result).getText();
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton) {
// JRadioButton and JCheckButton are subclasses of JToggleButton
JToggleButton toggleButton = (JToggleButton) result;
if (toggleButton.isSelected()) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
} else if (result instanceof JSlider) {
return "" + ((JSlider) result).getValue();
} else if (result instanceof JComboBox) {
return (String) (((JComboBox) result).getSelectedItem());
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton[]) {
// JRadioButton and JCheckButton are subclasses of JToggleButton
// Regrettably, ButtonGroup gives no way to determine
// which button is selected, so we have to search...
JToggleButton[] buttons = (JToggleButton[]) result;
StringBuffer toReturn = null;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (buttons[i].isSelected()) {
if (toReturn == null) {
toReturn = new StringBuffer(buttons[i].getText());
} else {
toReturn.append(", " + buttons[i].getText());
if (toReturn == null) {
toReturn = new StringBuffer();
return toReturn.toString();
} else if (result instanceof QueryScrollPane) {
return ((QueryScrollPane) result).getText();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query class cannot generate"
+ " a string representation for entries of type "
+ result.getClass());
/** Get the preferred number of lines to be used for entry boxes created
* in using addTextArea(). The preferred height is set using
* setTextHeight().
* @return The preferred height in lines.
* @see #addTextArea(String, String, String)
* @see #setTextHeight(int)
public int getTextHeight() {
return _height;
/** Get the preferred width in characters to be used for entry
* boxes created in using addLine(). The preferred width is set
* using setTextWidth().
* @return The preferred width of an entry box in characters.
* @see #setTextWidth(int)
public int getTextWidth() {
return _width;
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name
* and return as an integer. If the entry is not a line,
* choice, or slider, then throw an exception.
* If it is a choice or radio button, then return the
* index of the first selected item.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @deprecated Use getIntValue(String name) instead.
* @return The value currently in the entry as an integer.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the value of the entry cannot
* be converted to an integer. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* choice, line, or slider. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public int intValue(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException,
NoSuchElementException, NumberFormatException {
return getIntValue(name);
/** Notify listeners of the current value of all entries, unless
* those entries have not changed since the last notification.
public void notifyListeners() {
Iterator names = _entries.keySet().iterator();
while (names.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) names.next();
/** Remove a listener. If the listener has not been added, then
* do nothing.
* @param listener The listener to remove.
* @see #addQueryListener(QueryListener)
public void removeQueryListener(QueryListener listener) {
if (_listeners == null) {
/** Set the value in the entry with the given name.
* The second argument must be a string that can be parsed to the
* proper type for the given entry, or an exception is thrown.
* Note that this does NOT trigger the notification of listeners, and
* intended to allow a way to set the query to reflect the current state.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param value The value to set the entry to.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the value does not parse
* to the appropriate type.
public void set(String name, String value) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
// FIXME: Surely there is a better way to do this...
// We should define a set of inner classes, one for each entry type.
// Currently, this has to be updated each time a new entry type
// is added.
if (result instanceof JTextField) {
((JTextField) result).setText(value);
} else if (result instanceof JTextArea) {
((JTextArea) result).setText(value);
} else if (result instanceof QueryScrollPane) {
((QueryScrollPane) result).setText(value);
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton) {
// JRadioButton and JCheckButton are subclasses of JToggleButton
Boolean flag = Boolean.valueOf(value);
setBoolean(name, flag.booleanValue());
} else if (result instanceof JSlider) {
Integer parsed = Integer.valueOf(value);
((JSlider) result).setValue(parsed.intValue());
} else if (result instanceof JComboBox) {
((JComboBox) result).setSelectedItem(value);
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton[]) {
// First, parse the value, which may be a comma-separated list.
Set selectedValues = new HashSet();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
JToggleButton[] buttons = (JToggleButton[]) result;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (selectedValues.contains(buttons[i].getText())) {
} else {
} else if (result instanceof QueryColorChooser) {
((QueryColorChooser) result).setColor(value);
} else if (result instanceof QueryFileChooser) {
((QueryFileChooser) result).setFileName(value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query class cannot set"
+ " a string representation for entries of type "
+ result.getClass());
// Record the new value as if it was the previously notified
// value. Thus, any future change from this value will trigger
// notification.
_previous.put(name, value);
/** Set the value in the entry with the given name and notify listeners.
* The second argument must be a string that can be parsed to the
* proper type for the given entry, or an exception is thrown.
* @param name The name used to identify the entry (when calling get).
* @param value The value to set the entry to.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the value does not parse
* to the appropriate type.
public void setAndNotify(String name, String value)
throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalArgumentException {
set(name, value);
/** Set the background color for all the widgets.
* @param color The background color.
public void setBackground(Color color) {
_background = color;
// Set the background of any components that already exist.
Component[] components = getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
if (!(components[i] instanceof JTextField)) {
/** Set the current value in the entry with the given name.
* If the entry is not a checkbox, then throw an exception.
* Notify listeners that the value has changed.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param value The new value of the entry.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* checkbox. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public void setBoolean(String name, boolean value)
throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ "\" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JToggleButton) {
// JRadioButton and JCheckButton are subclasses of JToggleButton
((JToggleButton) result).setSelected(value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a radio button, and hence does not have "
+ "a boolean value.");
/** Specify the number of columns to use.
* The default is one. If an integer larger than one is specified
* here, then the queries will be arranged using the specified number
* of columns. As queries are added, they are put in the first row
* until that row is full. Then they are put in the second row, etc.
* @param columns The number of columns.
public void setColumns(int columns) {
if (columns <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Query.setColumns() requires a strictly positive "
+ "argument.");
_columns = columns;
/** Set the displayed text of an entry that has been added using
* addDisplay.
* Notify listeners that the value has changed.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param value The string to display.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no entry with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* display. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public void setDisplay(String name, String value)
throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalArgumentException {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JTextArea) {
JTextArea label = (JTextArea) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a display, and hence cannot be set using "
+ "setDisplay().");
/** For line, display, check box, slider, radio button, or choice
* entries made, if the second argument is false, then it will
* be disabled.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param value If false, disables the entry.
public void setEnabled(String name, boolean value) {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JComponent) {
((JComponent) result).setEnabled(value);
} else if (result instanceof JToggleButton[]) {
JToggleButton[] buttons = (JToggleButton[]) result;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
/** Set the displayed text of an item that has been added using
* addLine. Notify listeners that the value has changed.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param value The string to display.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* display. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public void setLine(String name, String value) {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JTextField) {
JTextField line = (JTextField) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a line, and hence cannot be set using "
+ "setLine().");
/** Specify a message to be displayed above the query.
* @param message The message to display.
public void setMessage(String message) {
if (!_messageScrollPaneAdded) {
_messageScrollPaneAdded = true;
add(_messageScrollPane, 1);
// Add a spacer.
add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10)), 2);
// I'm not sure why we need to add 1 here?
int lineCount = _messageArea.getLineCount() + 1;
// Keep the line count to less than 30 lines. If
// we have more than 30 lines, we get a scroll bar.
if (lineCount > 30) {
lineCount = 30;
// In case size has changed.
/** Set the position of an item that has been added using
* addSlider. Notify listeners that the value has changed.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param value The value to set the slider position.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry is not a
* slider. This is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
public void setSlider(String name, int value) {
Object result = _entries.get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No item named \"" + name
+ " \" in the query box.");
if (result instanceof JSlider) {
JSlider theSlider = (JSlider) result;
// Set the new slider position.
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item named \"" + name
+ "\" is not a slider, and hence cannot be set using "
+ "setSlider().");
/** Specify the preferred height to be used for entry boxes created
* in using addTextArea(). If this is called multiple times, then
* it only affects subsequent calls.
* @param characters The preferred height.
* @see #addTextArea(String, String, String)
* @see #getTextHeight()
public void setTextHeight(int characters) {
_height = characters;
/** Specify the preferred width to be used for entry boxes created
* in using addLine(). If this is called multiple times, then
* it only affects subsequent calls.
* @param characters The preferred width.
* @see #getTextWidth()
public void setTextWidth(int characters) {
_width = characters;
/** Specify a tool tip to appear when the mouse lingers over the label.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param tip The text of the tool tip.
public void setToolTip(String name, String tip) {
JLabel label = (JLabel) _labels.get(name);
if (label != null) {
/** Convert the specified string to a color. The string
* has the form "{r, g, b, a}", where each of the letters
* is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, representing red, green,
* blue, and alpha.
* @param description The description of the color, or white
* if any parse error occurs.
* @return A string representing the color.
public static Color stringToColor(String description) {
String[] specArray = description.split("[{},]");
float red = 0f;
float green = 0f;
float blue = 0f;
float alpha = 1.0f;
// If any exceptions occur during the attempt to parse,
// then just use the default color.
try {
int i = 0;
// Ignore any blank strings that this simple parsing produces.
while (specArray[i].trim().equals("")) {
if (specArray.length > i) {
red = Float.parseFloat(specArray[i]);
while (specArray[i].trim().equals("")) {
if (specArray.length > i) {
green = Float.parseFloat(specArray[i]);
while (specArray[i].trim().equals("")) {
if (specArray.length > i) {
blue = Float.parseFloat(specArray[i]);
while (specArray[i].trim().equals("")) {
if (specArray.length > i) {
alpha = Float.parseFloat(specArray[i]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore and use default color.
return new Color(red, green, blue, alpha);
/** Get the current value in the entry with the given name,
* and return as a String. All entry types support this.
* Note that this method should be called from the event dispatch
* thread, since it needs to query to UI widgets for their current
* values. If it is called from another thread, there is no
* assurance that the value returned will be the current value.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @deprecated Use getStringValue(String name) instead.
* @return The value currently in the entry as a String.
* @exception NoSuchElementException If there is no item with the
* specified name. Note that this is a runtime exception, so it
* need not be declared explicitly.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the entry type does not
* have a string representation (this should not be thrown).
public String stringValue(String name) throws NoSuchElementException,
IllegalArgumentException {
return getStringValue(name);
//// public variables ////
/** The default height of entries created with addText(). */
public static final int DEFAULT_ENTRY_HEIGHT = 10;
/** The default width of entries created with addLine(). */
public static final int DEFAULT_ENTRY_WIDTH = 30;
//// protected methods ////
/** Add a label and a widget to the panel.
* @param name The name of the entry.
* @param label The label.
* @param widget The interactive entry to the right of the label.
* @param entry The object that contains user data.
protected void _addPair(String name, JLabel label, Component widget,
Object entry) {
// Surely there is a better layout manager in swing...
// Note that Box and BoxLayout do not work because they do not
// support gridded layout.
_constraints.gridwidth = 1;
_constraints.insets = _leftPadding;
_grid.setConstraints(label, _constraints);
_constraints.insets = _noPadding;
if ((_columns > 1) && (((_entries.size() + 1) % _columns) != 0)) {
_constraints.gridwidth = 1;
} else {
_constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
_grid.setConstraints(widget, _constraints);
_entries.put(name, entry);
_labels.put(name, label);
_previous.put(name, getStringValue(name));
Dimension preferredSize = _entryPanel.getPreferredSize();
// Add some slop to the width to take in to account
// the width of the vertical scrollbar.
preferredSize.width += 25;
// Applets seem to need this, see CT/SigmaDelta
_widgetsHeight += widget.getPreferredSize().height;
preferredSize.height = _widgetsHeight;
Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
if (preferredSize.height > tk.getScreenSize().height) {
// Fudge factor to keep this window smaller than the screen
// height. CGSUnitBase and the Code Generator are good tests.
preferredSize.height = (int) (tk.getScreenSize().height * 0.75);
// Call revalidate for the scrollbar.
//// protected variables ////
/** The background color as set by setBackground().
* This defaults to null, which indicates that the background
* is the same as the container.
protected Color _background = null;
/** Standard constraints for use with _grid. */
protected GridBagConstraints _constraints;
/** Layout control. */
protected GridBagLayout _grid;
/** List of registered listeners. */
protected Vector _listeners;
//// friendly methods ////
/** Notify all registered listeners that something changed for the
* specified entry, if it indeed has changed. The getStringValue()
* method is used to check the current value against the previously
* notified value, or the original value if there have been no
* notifications.
* @param name The entry that may have changed.
void _notifyListeners(String name) {
if (_listeners != null) {
String previous = (String) _previous.get(name);
String newValue = getStringValue(name);
if (newValue.equals(previous)) {
// Store the new value to prevent repeated notification.
// This must be done before listeners are notified, because
// the notified listeners might do something that again triggers
// notification, and we do not want that notification to occur
// if the value has not changed.
_previous.put(name, newValue);
Enumeration listeners = _listeners.elements();
while (listeners.hasMoreElements()) {
QueryListener queryListener = (QueryListener) (listeners
//// private variables ////
// The number of columns.
private int _columns = 1;
// The hashtable of items in the query.
private Map _entries = new HashMap();
// A panel within which the entries are placed.
private JPanel _entryPanel = new JPanel();
// A scroll pane that contains the _entryPanel.
private JScrollPane _entryScrollPane;
// The number of lines in a text box.
private int _height = DEFAULT_ENTRY_HEIGHT;
// The hashtable of labels in the query.
private Map _labels = new HashMap();
// Left padding insets.
private Insets _leftPadding = new Insets(0, 10, 0, 0);
// Area for messages.
private JTextArea _messageArea = null;
// A scroll pane that contains the _messageArea.
private JScrollPane _messageScrollPane;
// True if we have added the _messageScrollPane
private boolean _messageScrollPaneAdded = false;
// No padding insets.
private Insets _noPadding = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
// The hashtable of previous values, indexed by entry name.
private Map _previous = new HashMap();
// The sum of the height of the widgets added using _addPair
// If you adjust this, try the GR/Pendulum demo, which has
// only one parameter.
private int _widgetsHeight = 20;
// The number of horizontal characters in a text box.
private int _width = DEFAULT_ENTRY_WIDTH;
//// inner classes ////
/** Listener for "line" and radio button entries.
class QueryActionListener implements ActionListener {
public QueryActionListener(String name) {
_name = name;
/** Call all registered QueryListeners. */
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
private String _name;
/** Panel containing an entry box and color chooser.
class QueryColorChooser extends Box implements ActionListener {
public QueryColorChooser(String name, String defaultColor) {
//_defaultColor = defaultColor;
_entryBox = new JTextField(defaultColor, _width);
JButton button = new JButton("Choose");
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
_entryBox.addActionListener(new QueryActionListener(name));
// Add a listener for loss of focus. When the entry gains
// and then loses focus, listeners are notified of an update,
// but only if the value has changed since the last notification.
// FIXME: Unfortunately, Java calls this listener some random
// time after the window has been closed. It is not even a
// a queued event when the window is closed. Thus, we have
// a subtle bug where if you enter a value in a line, do not
// hit return, and then click on the X to close the window,
// the value is restored to the original, and then sometime
// later, the focus is lost and the entered value becomes
// the value of the parameter. I don't know of any workaround.
_entryBox.addFocusListener(new QueryFocusListener(name));
_name = name;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Read the current color from the text field.
String spec = getSelectedColor().trim();
Color newColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(Query.this,
"Choose Color", stringToColor(spec));
if (newColor != null) {
float[] components = newColor.getRGBComponents(null);
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer("{");
// Use the syntax of arrays.
for (int j = 0; j < components.length; j++) {
if (j < (components.length - 1)) {
} else {
public String getSelectedColor() {
return _entryBox.getText();
public void setColor(String name) {
private JTextField _entryBox;
private String _name;
//private String _defaultColor;
/** Panel containing an entry box and file chooser.
class QueryFileChooser extends Box implements ActionListener {
public QueryFileChooser(String name, String defaultName, URI base,
File startingDirectory, boolean allowFiles,
boolean allowDirectories) {
this(name, defaultName, base, startingDirectory, allowFiles,
allowDirectories, Color.white, Color.black);
public QueryFileChooser(String name, String defaultName, URI base,
File startingDirectory, boolean allowFiles,
boolean allowDirectories, Color background, Color foreground) {
_base = base;
_startingDirectory = startingDirectory;
if (!allowFiles && !allowDirectories) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"QueryFileChooser: nothing to be chosen.");
_allowFiles = allowFiles;
_allowDirectories = allowDirectories;
_entryBox = new JTextField(defaultName, _width);
JButton button = new JButton("Browse");
// Add the listener last so that there is no notification
// of the first value.
_entryBox.addActionListener(new QueryActionListener(name));
// Add a listener for loss of focus. When the entry gains
// and then loses focus, listeners are notified of an update,
// but only if the value has changed since the last notification.
// FIXME: Unfortunately, Java calls this listener some random
// time after the window has been closed. It is not even a
// a queued event when the window is closed. Thus, we have
// a subtle bug where if you enter a value in a line, do not
// hit return, and then click on the X to close the window,
// the value is restored to the original, and then sometime
// later, the focus is lost and the entered value becomes
// the value of the parameter. I don't know of any workaround.
_entryBox.addFocusListener(new QueryFocusListener(name));
_name = name;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// NOTE: If the last argument is null, then choose a default dir.
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(_startingDirectory);
// FIXME: The following doesn't have any effect.
if (_allowFiles && _allowDirectories) {
} else if (_allowFiles && !_allowDirectories) {
// This is the default.
} else if (!_allowFiles && _allowDirectories) {
} else {
// Usually, we would use InternalErrorException here,
// but if we do, then this package would depend on kernel.util,
// which causes problems when we ship Ptplot.
throw new RuntimeException(
"QueryFileChooser: nothing to be chosen.");
int returnValue = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(Query.this);
if (returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
if (_base == null) {
// Absolute file name.
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// If we can't get a path, then just use the name.
} else {
// Relative file name.
File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
// FIXME: There is a bug here under Windows XP
// at least... Sometimes, the drive ID (like c:)
// is lower case, and sometimes it's upper case.
// When we open a MoML file, it's upper case.
// When we do "save as", it's lower case.
// This despite the fact that both use the same
// file browser to determine the file name.
// Beats me... Consequence is that if you save as,
// then the following relativize call doesn't work
// until you close and reopen the file.
try {
selectedFile = selectedFile.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Ignore, since we can't do much about it anyway.
URI relativeURI = _base.relativize(selectedFile.toURI());
public String getSelectedFileName() {
return _entryBox.getText();
public void setFileName(String name) {
private URI _base;
private JTextField _entryBox;
private String _name;
private File _startingDirectory;
private boolean _allowFiles;
private boolean _allowDirectories;
/** Listener for line entries, for when they lose the focus.
class QueryFocusListener implements FocusListener {
public QueryFocusListener(String name) {
_name = name;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
// Nothing to do.
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
// NOTE: Java's lame AWT has no reliable way
// to take action on window closing, so this focus lost
// notification is the only reliable way we have of reacting
// to a closing window. If the previous
// notification was an erroneous one and the value has not
// changed, then no further notification occurs.
// This could be a problem for some users of this class.
private String _name;
/** Listener for "CheckBox" and "Choice" entries.
class QueryItemListener implements ItemListener {
public QueryItemListener(String name) {
_name = name;
/** Call all registered QueryListeners. */
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
private String _name;
/** Inner class to tie textArea to scroll pane. */
static class QueryScrollPane extends JScrollPane {
// FindBugs suggests making this class static so as to decrease
// the size of instances and avoid dangling references.
public JTextArea textArea;
QueryScrollPane(JTextArea c) {
textArea = c;
public String getText() {
String retval = textArea.getText();
return retval;
public void setText(String s) {
/** Listener for changes in slider.
class SliderListener implements ChangeListener {
public SliderListener(String name) {
_name = name;
/** Call all registered QueryListeners. */
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) {
private String _name;