Package ptolemy.graph

Source Code of ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph

/** A directed acyclic graph (DAG).

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All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
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package ptolemy.graph;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import ptolemy.graph.analysis.TransitiveClosureAnalysis;
import ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy.CachedStrategy;


A directed acyclic graph (DAG).

The graphs constructed by this class cannot have cycles. For performance
reasons, this requirement is not checked (except for self-loops) during
the construction of the graph (calls to <code>add</code> and
<code>addEdge</code>), but is checked when any of the other methods is
called for the first time after the addition of nodes or edges. If the
graph is cyclic, a GraphTopologyException is thrown. The check for cycles
is done by computing the transitive closure, so the first operation after
a graph change is slower.

This class implements the CPO interface since the Hasse diagram of a CPO
can be viewed as a DAG.  Therefore, this class can be viewed as both a DAG
and a finite CPO. In the case of CPO, the node weights
are the CPO elements. The CPO does not require the bottom
element to exist. The call to <code>bottom</code> returns
<code>null</code> if the bottom element does not exist.
NOTE: This class is a starting point for implementing graph algorithms,
more methods will be added.

@author Yuhong Xiong, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
@version $Id:,v 1.85 2007/12/06 18:22:55 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 0.2
@Pt.ProposedRating Green (yuhong)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Green (kienhuis)

// The methods greatestLowerBound, downSet, greatestElement share the
// same code with their duals, leastUpperBound, upSet, leastElement.
// The only thing different is the use of the transposition of the
// transitive closure instead of the original transitive closure.
// In another word, the computation of greatestLowerBound, downSet,
// greatestElement is converted to their dual operation by reversing
// the order relation in this CPO.
public class DirectedAcyclicGraph extends DirectedGraph implements CPO {
    /** Construct an empty DAG.
    public DirectedAcyclicGraph() {

    /** Construct an empty DAG with enough storage allocated
     *  for the specified number of elements.  Memory management is more
     *  efficient with this constructor if the number of elements is
     *  known.
     *  @param nodeCount The number of elements.
    public DirectedAcyclicGraph(int nodeCount) {

    ////                         public methods                    ////

    /** Return the bottom element of this CPO.
     *  @return An Object representing the bottom element, or
     *   <code>null</code> if the bottom does not exist.
    public Object bottom() {
        return _bottom;

    /** Compare two elements in this CPO.
     *  @param e1 An Object representing a CPO element.
     *  @param e2 An Object representing a CPO element.
     *  @return One of <code>CPO.LOWER, CPO.SAME,
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one of the
     *   specified Objects is not an element of this CPO.
    public int compare(Object e1, Object e2) {

        int i1 = nodeLabel(e1);
        int i2 = nodeLabel(e2);

        return _compareNodeId(i1, i2);

    /** Compute the down-set of an element in this CPO.
     *  @param e An Object representing an element in this CPO.
     *  @return An array of of Objects representing the elements in the
     *   down-set of the specified element.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If the specified Object is not
     *   an element in this CPO.
    public Object[] downSet(Object e) {
        return _upSetShared(e);

    /** Compute the greatest element of a subset.
     *  @param subset An array of Objects representing the subset.
     *  @return An Object representing the greatest element of the subset,
     *   or <code>null</code> if the greatest element does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one Object in the
     *   specified array is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object greatestElement(Object[] subset) {
        return _leastElementShared(subset);

    /** Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of two elements.
     *  @param e1 An Object representing an element in this CPO.
     *  @param e2 An Object representing an element in this CPO.
     *  @return An Object representing the GLB of the two specified
     *   elements, or <code>null</code> if the GLB does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one of the
     *   specified Objects is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object greatestLowerBound(Object e1, Object e2) {
        return _lubShared(e1, e2);

    /** Compute the greatest lower bound (GLB) of a subset.
     *  If the specified array representing the subset has size 0,
     *  the subset is considered empty, in which case the top element
     *  of this CPO is returned, if it exists. If the subset is empty
     *  and the top does not exist, <code>null</code> is returned.
     *  @param subset An array of Objects representing the subset.
     *  @return An Object representing the GLB of the subset, or
     *   <code>null</code> if the GLB does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one Object
     *   in the specified array is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object greatestLowerBound(Object[] subset) {
        return _lubShared(subset);

    /** Test if this CPO is a lattice.
     *  By a theorem in Davey and Priestley, only the LUB or the GLB
     *  need to be checked, but not both. The implementation tests the
     *  existence of the LUB of any pair of elements, as well as the
     *  existence of the bottom and top elements. The complexity is
     *  O(|N|*|N|) where N for elements, and an individual computation
     *  is the LUB of two elements.
     *  @return True if this CPO is a lattice;
     *   <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isLattice() {

        if ((bottom() == null) || (top() == null)) {
            return false;

        Object[] nodes = weightArray(nodes());

        for (int i = 0; i < (nodes.length - 1); i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.length; j++) {
                if (leastUpperBound(nodes[i], nodes[j]) == null) {
                    // Uncomment this to find the offending nodes.
                    // System.out.println(">>>>> No LUB: " + nodes[i] + ", " + nodes[j]);
                    return false;

        return true;

    /** Compute the least element of a subset.
     *  @param subset An array of Objects representing the subset.
     *  @return An Object representing the least element of the subset,
     *   or <code>null</code> if the least element does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one Object in the
     *   specified array is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object leastElement(Object[] subset) {
        return _leastElementShared(subset);

    /** Compute the least upper bound (LUB) of two elements.
     *  @param e1 An Object representing an element in this CPO.
     *  @param e2 An Object representing element in this CPO.
     *  @return An Object representing the LUB of the two specified
     *   elements, or <code>null</code> if the LUB does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one of the
     *   specified Objects is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object leastUpperBound(Object e1, Object e2) {
        return _lubShared(e1, e2);

    /** Compute the least upper bound (LUB) of a subset.
     *  If the specified array representing the subset has size 0,
     *  the subset is considered empty, in which case the bottom element
     *  of this CPO is returned, if it exists. If the subset is empty
     *  and the bottom does not exist, <code>null</code> is returned.
     *  @param subset An array of Objects representing the subset.
     *  @return An Object representing the LUB of the subset, or
     *   <code>null</code> if the LUB does not exist.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If at least one Object
     *   in the specified array is not an element of this CPO.
    public Object leastUpperBound(Object[] subset) {
        return _lubShared(subset);

    /** Return the top element of this CPO.
     *  @return An Object representing the top element, or
     *   <code>null</code> if the top does not exist.
    public Object top() {
        return _top;

    /** Topological sort the whole graph.
     *  The implementation uses the method of A. B. Kahn: "Topological
     *  Sorting of Large Networks," <i>Communications of the ACM</i>,
     *  Vol. 5, 558-562, 1962.
     *  It has complexity O(|N|+|E|), where N for nodes and E for edges,
     *  @return An array of Objects representing the nodes sorted
     *   according to the topology.
     *  @exception GraphStateException If the graph is cyclic.
    public Object[] topologicalSort() {

        int size = nodeCount();
        int[] indeg = new int[size];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            indeg[i] = inputEdgeCount(node(i));

        Object[] result = new Object[size];
        boolean finished = false;
        boolean active = true;
        int nextResultIndex = 0;

        while (!finished) {
            active = false;
            finished = true;

            for (int id = 0; id < size; id++) {
                if (indeg[id] > 0) {
                    active = true;

                if (indeg[id] == 0) {
                    finished = false;
                    result[nextResultIndex++] = nodeWeight(id);

                    Iterator outputEdges = outputEdges(node(id)).iterator();

                    while (outputEdges.hasNext()) {
                        Node sink = ((Edge) (;

            // The following codes can be removed since they are not
            // reachable. Cycles are checked by _validate() so that
            // no cyclic graphs can reach to this point.
            if (finished && active) {
                throw new GraphStateException(
                        "DirectedAcyclicGraph.topologicalSort: Graph is "
                                + "cyclic.");

        return result;

    /** Sort the given node weights in their topological order.
     *  In other words, this method returns the specified node weights
     *  according to a topological sort of the corresponding
     *  graph nodes.
     *  This method use the transitive closure matrix. Since generally
     *  the graph is checked for cyclicity before this method is
     *  called, the use of the transitive closure matrix should
     *  not add any overhead. A bubble sort is used for the internal
     *  implementation, so the complexity is <i>O(n^2)</i>.
     *  The result is unpredictable if the multiple nodes have the same
     *  weight (i.e., if the specified weights are not uniquely
     *  associated with nodes).
     *  @param weights The given node weights.
     *  @return The weights in their sorted order.
    public Object[] topologicalSort(Object[] weights) {

        int N = weights.length;
        int[] ids = new int[N];

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            ids[i] = nodeLabel(weights[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < (N - 1); i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
                if (_compareNodeId(ids[i], ids[j]) == HIGHER) {
                    int tmp = ids[i];
                    ids[i] = ids[j];
                    ids[j] = tmp;

        Object[] result = new Object[N];

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            result[i] = nodeWeight(ids[i]);

        return result;

    /** Compute the up-set of an element in this CPO.
     *  @param e An Object representing an element in this CPO.
     *  @return An array of Objects representing the elements in the
     *   up-set of the specified element.
     *  @exception IllegalArgumentException If the specified Object is not
     *   an element of this CPO.
    public Object[] upSet(Object e) {
        return _upSetShared(e);

    ////                         protected methods                 ////

    /** Create and add an edge with a specified source node, sink node,
     *  and optional weight.
     *  The third parameter specifies whether the edge is to be
     *  weighted, and the fourth parameter is the weight that is
     *  to be applied if the edge is weighted.
     *  Returns the edge that is added.
     *  @param node1 The source node of the edge.
     *  @param node2 The sink node of the edge.
     *  @param weighted True if the edge is to be weighted.
     *  @param weight The weight that is to be applied if the edge is to
     *  be weighted.
     *  @return The edge.
     *  @exception GraphConstructionException If the specified nodes
     *  are identical.
     *  @exception GraphElementException If either of the specified nodes
     *  is not in the graph.
     *  @exception NullPointerException If the edge is to be weighted, but
     *  the specified weight is null.
    protected Edge _addEdge(Node node1, Node node2, boolean weighted,
            Object weight) {
        if (node1 == node2) {
            throw new GraphConstructionException("Cannot add a self loop in "
                    + "an acyclic graph.\nA self loop was attempted on the "
                    + "following node.\n" + node1.toString());
        } else {
            return super._addEdge(node1, node2, weighted, weight);

    /** Initialize the list of analyses that are associated with this graph,
     *  and initialize the change counter of the graph.
     *  @see ptolemy.graph.analysis.Analysis
    protected void _initializeAnalyses() {
        _transitiveClosureAnalysis = new TransitiveClosureAnalysis(this);

    ////                         private methods                   ////
    // compare two elements using their nodeIds using _closure.
    private int _compareNodeId(int i1, int i2) {
        if (i1 == i2) {
            return SAME;

        if (_closure[i1][i2]) {
            return LOWER;

        if (_closure[i2][i1]) {
            return HIGHER;

        return INCOMPARABLE;

    // compute the least element of a subset nodeIds using _closure.
    // if ids.length = 0, return null.
    private Object _leastElementNodeId(int[] ids) {
        // Algorithm: Use a linked list storing all the elements incomparable
        // with at least one other. The least element, if it exists, must be
        // less than all the elements in this list. Compare the elements in
        // the ids array in consecutive pairs. Elements found  higher in a
        // pair-comparison are removed from the ids array. Elements found
        // incomparable are removed from the ids array and put into the list.
        // If two elements are found equal, one of them is arbitrarily removed
        // from the ids array. Repeat the above process until the ids array
        // contains no more than one element. In the end, if the ids array
        // contains no elements, return null. If it contains an element,
        // compare it with all the elements in the list. If it is found lower
        // than all of them, then this is the least element, otherwise there
        // exists no least element.
        // This algorithm computes the least element of a poset in O(n) time.
        // (ematsi 09/2003)
        // list of incomparable elements.
        LinkedList incomparables = new LinkedList();
        int virtualLength = ids.length;

        while (virtualLength > 1) {
            int i;
            int virtualIndex = 0;
            int numberOfRemovedElements = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < (virtualLength - 1);) {
                switch (_compareNodeId(ids[i++], ids[i++])) {
                case LOWER:
                case SAME:
                    ids[virtualIndex++] = ids[i - 2];

                case HIGHER:
                    ids[virtualIndex++] = ids[i - 1];

                case INCOMPARABLE:
                    incomparables.addLast(Integer.valueOf(ids[i - 2]));
                    incomparables.addLast(Integer.valueOf(ids[i - 1]));
                    numberOfRemovedElements += 2;

                    throw new GraphStateException(
                            "Bugs in code! Inconsistent data structure!");

            if (i == (virtualLength - 1)) {
                ids[virtualIndex] = ids[i];

            virtualLength -= numberOfRemovedElements;

        if (virtualLength == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (incomparables.size() != 0) {
            for (ListIterator iterator = incomparables.listIterator(0); iterator
                    .hasNext();) {
                int result = _compareNodeId(ids[0], ((Integer)

                if ((result == HIGHER) || (result == INCOMPARABLE)) {
                    return null;

        return nodeWeight(ids[0]);

    // compute the least element in a subset.
    private Object _leastElementShared(Object[] subset) {
        if (subset.length == 1) {
            if (containsNodeWeight(subset[0])) {
                return subset[0];
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object not in CPO.");
        } else if (subset.length == 2) {
            int i1 = nodeLabel(subset[0]);
            int i2 = nodeLabel(subset[1]);

            int result = _compareNodeId(i1, i2);

            if ((result == LOWER) || (result == SAME)) {
                return subset[0];
            } else if (result == HIGHER) {
                return subset[1];
            } else { // INCOMPARABLE
                return null;
        } else {
            int[] ids = new int[subset.length];

            for (int i = 0; i < subset.length; i++) {
                ids[i] = nodeLabel(subset[i]);

            return _leastElementNodeId(ids);

    // compute the lub using _closure.  This method is shared by
    // leastUpperBound() and greatestLowerBound()
    private Object _lubShared(Object e1, Object e2) {
        int i1 = nodeLabel(e1);
        int i2 = nodeLabel(e2);

        int result = _compareNodeId(i1, i2);

        if ((result == LOWER) || (result == SAME)) {
            return e2;
        } else if (result == HIGHER) {
            return e1;
        } else { // incomparable

            // an array of flags indicating if the ith element is an
            // upper bound.
            int size = nodeCount();
            boolean[] isUpperBound = new boolean[size];
            int numUpperBound = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                isUpperBound[i] = false;

                if (_closure[i1][i] && _closure[i2][i]) {
                    isUpperBound[i] = true;

            // if the number of upper bounds is 0, there is no upper bound.
            // else, put all upper bounds in an array.  if there is only
            // one element in array, that is the LUB; if there is more than
            // one element, find the least one, which may not exist.
            if (numUpperBound == 0) { // This CPO has no top.
                return null;
            } else {
                int[] upperBound = new int[numUpperBound];
                int count = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    if (isUpperBound[i]) {
                        upperBound[count++] = i;

                if (numUpperBound == 1) {
                    return nodeWeight(upperBound[0]);
                } else {
                    return _leastElementNodeId(upperBound);

    // compute the lub of a subset using _closure.  This method is
    // shared by leastUpperBound() and greatestLowerBound(). This method
    // should work when subset.length = 0, in which case the top or bottom
    // of this CPO is returned, depending on whether the lub or the glb
    // is computed.
    private Object _lubShared(Object[] subset) {
        // convert all elements to their IDs
        int[] subsetId = new int[subset.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < subset.length; i++) {
            subsetId[i] = nodeLabel(subset[i]);

        // find all the upper bounds
        int size = nodeCount();
        int numUB = 0;
        int[] ubId = new int[size];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            boolean isUB = true;

            for (int j = 0; j < subsetId.length; j++) {
                int compare = _compareNodeId(i, subsetId[j]);

                if ((compare == LOWER) || (compare == INCOMPARABLE)) {
                    isUB = false;

            if (isUB) {
                ubId[numUB++] = i;

        // pack all the IDs of all upper bounds into an array
        int[] ids = new int[numUB];

        for (int i = 0; i < numUB; i++) {
            ids[i] = ubId[i];

        return _leastElementNodeId(ids);

    // compute the up-set of an element.
    private Object[] _upSetShared(Object e) {
        int id = nodeLabel(e);
        ArrayList upset = new ArrayList(_closure.length);
        upset.add(e); // up-set includes the element itself.

        for (int i = 0; i < _closure.length; i++) {
            if (_closure[id][i]) {

        return upset.toArray();

    // call sequence (the lower methods are called by the higher ones):
    // leastUpperBound     leastUpperBound([])     leastElement
    // greatestLowerBound  greatestLowerBound([])  greatestElement
    //         |                    |                    |
    //         |                    |                    |
    // _lubShared(Object) _lubShared(Object[])   _leastElementShared
    //         |                    |                    |
    //         -------------------------------------------
    //                              |
    //                  _leastElementNodeId(int[])
    // downSet
    // upSet
    //   |
    // _upSetShared
    // compute transitive closure.  Throws GraphStateException if detects
    // cycles.  Find bottom and top elements.
    private void _validate() {
        boolean[][] transitiveClosure = transitiveClosure();

        if (!((CachedStrategy) _transitiveClosureAnalysis.analyzer())
                && isAcyclic()) {
            _closure = transitiveClosure;

        if (!isAcyclic()) {
            throw new GraphStateException(
                    "DirectedAcyclicGraph._validate: Graph is cyclic.");

        // find bottom
        _bottom = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount(); i++) {
            if (inputEdgeCount(node(i)) == 0) {
                if (_bottom == null) {
                    _bottom = nodeWeight(i);
                } else {
                    _bottom = null;

        // find top
        _top = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount(); i++) {
            if (outputEdgeCount(node(i)) == 0) {
                if (_top == null) {
                    _top = nodeWeight(i);
                } else {
                    _top = null;

        _closure = transitiveClosure;
        _tranClosureTranspose = null;

    // compute the transposition of transitive closure and point _closure
    // to the transposition
    private void _validateDual() {

        boolean[][] transitiveClosure = transitiveClosure();

        if (_tranClosureTranspose == null) {
            int size = transitiveClosure.length;
            _tranClosureTranspose = new boolean[size][size];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                    _tranClosureTranspose[i][j] = transitiveClosure[j][i];

        _closure = _tranClosureTranspose;

    ////                         private variables                 ////
    // _closure = _transitiveClosure for lub, upSet, leastElement;
    // _closure = _tranClosureTranspose for the dual operations: glb,
    //   downSet, greatestElement.
    // all the private methods, exception _validate() and _validateDual(),
    // use _closure instead of _transitiveClosure or _tranClosureTranspose.
    private boolean[][] _closure = null;

    private boolean[][] _tranClosureTranspose = null;

    // The graph analysis for computation of the transitive closure.
    private TransitiveClosureAnalysis _transitiveClosureAnalysis;

    private Object _bottom = null;

    private Object _top = null;

Related Classes of ptolemy.graph.DirectedAcyclicGraph

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