/* An Interface Automaton.
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
of this software.
package ptolemy.domains.fsm.kernel.ia;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import ptolemy.actor.IOPort;
import ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort;
import ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter;
import ptolemy.domains.fsm.kernel.FSMActor;
import ptolemy.domains.fsm.kernel.State;
import ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort;
import ptolemy.kernel.ComponentRelation;
import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity;
import ptolemy.kernel.Port;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace;
//// InterfaceAutomaton
This class models an Interface Automaton. Interface automata is an automata
model defined by de Alfaro and Henzinger in the paper
"<a href="http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~tah/Publications/interface_automata.pdf">Interface Automata</a>".
An InterfaceAutomaton contains a set of states and
InterfaceAutomatonTransitions. There are three kinds transitions:
input transition, output transition, and internal transitions.
The input and output transitions correspond to input and output ports,
respectively. The internal transition correspond to a parameter in this
InterfaceAutomaton. The parameter is added automatically when the internal
transition is added.
When an InterfaceAutomaton is fired, the outgoing transitions of the current
state are examined. An IllegalActionException is thrown if there is more than
one enabled transition. If there is exactly one enabled transition then it is
An InterfaceAutomaton enters its initial state during initialization. The
name of the initial state is specified by the <i>initialStateName</i> string
@author Yuhong Xiong, Xiaojun Liu and Edward A. Lee
@version $Id: InterfaceAutomaton.java,v 1.13 2008/01/24 02:07:38 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 2.0
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (liuxj)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Yellow (kienhuis)
@see State
@see InterfaceAutomatonTransition
// FIXME: Are interface automata that are fired required to be deterministic?
// or just randomly choose a transition.
public class InterfaceAutomaton extends FSMActor {
/** Construct an InterfaceAutomaton in the default workspace with an
* empty string as its name. Add the actor to the workspace directory.
* Increment the version number of the workspace.
public InterfaceAutomaton() {
/** Construct an InterfaceAutomaton in the specified workspace with an
* empty string as its name. The name can be changed later with
* setName().
* If the workspace argument is null, then use the default workspace.
* Add the actor to the workspace directory.
* Increment the version number of the workspace.
* @param workspace The workspace that will list the actor.
public InterfaceAutomaton(Workspace workspace) {
/** Create an InterfaceAutomaton in the specified container with the
* specified name. The name must be unique within the container or an
* exception is thrown. The container argument must not be null, or a
* NullPointerException will be thrown.
* @param container The container.
* @param name The name of this automaton within the container.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the entity cannot be contained
* by the proposed container.
* @exception NameDuplicationException If the name coincides with
* an entity already in the container.
public InterfaceAutomaton(CompositeEntity container, String name)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
super(container, name);
//// public variables ////
//// public methods ////
/** Add instances of TypedIOPort that correspond to input and output
* transitions, if these port do not exist. If the ports
* corresponding to some transitions already exist, do nothing with
* respect to those transitions.
public void addPorts() {
try {
Iterator iterator = relationList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) iterator
String label = transition.getLabel();
String name = label.substring(0, label.length() - 1);
if (label.endsWith("?")) {
TypedIOPort port = (TypedIOPort) getPort(name);
if (port == null) {
port = new TypedIOPort(this, name);
} else if (label.endsWith("!")) {
TypedIOPort port = (TypedIOPort) getPort(name);
if (port == null) {
port = new TypedIOPort(this, name);
} catch (IllegalActionException exception) {
// should not happen since TypedIOPort can be added to
// InterfaceAutomaton
throw new InternalErrorException("InterfaceAutomaton.addPorts: "
+ "Cannot add port. " + exception.getMessage());
} catch (NameDuplicationException exception) {
// should not happen since new port will not be created if there
// is already a port with the same name.
throw new InternalErrorException("InterfaceAutomaton.addPorts: "
+ "Cannot add port. " + exception.getMessage());
/** Combine each chain of internal transitions into one transition.
* This method iterates through all the states. If a state has just
* one incoming and one outgoing internal transitions, and it is
* not the initial state, it is removed and the two transitions are
* combined into one. The label on the new transition is formed by
* <incomingLabel><NAME_CONNECTOR><outgoingLabel>.
public void combineInternalTransitions() {
State initialState = (State) getEntity(initialStateName.getExpression());
try {
Iterator states = entityList().iterator();
while (states.hasNext()) {
State state = (State) states.next();
ComponentPort inPort = state.incomingPort;
List transitionList = inPort.linkedRelationList();
InterfaceAutomatonTransition incomingTransition = null;
if (transitionList.size() != 1) {
// just one incoming transition, check if it's internal
incomingTransition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitionList
if (incomingTransition.getType() != InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
ComponentPort outPort = state.outgoingPort;
transitionList = outPort.linkedRelationList();
InterfaceAutomatonTransition outgoingTransition = null;
if (transitionList.size() != 1) {
// just one outgoing transition, check if it's internal
outgoingTransition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitionList
if (outgoingTransition.getType() != InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
// only has one incoming and one outgoing internal transition,
// check if this state is initial.
if (state == initialState) {
// combine transitions
State sourceState = incomingTransition.sourceState();
State destinationState = outgoingTransition.destinationState();
String incomingLabel = incomingTransition.getLabel();
String incomingName = incomingLabel.substring(0, incomingLabel
.length() - 1);
String outgoingLabel = outgoingTransition.getLabel();
String newLabel = incomingName + NAME_CONNECTOR + outgoingLabel;
String relationNamePrefix = incomingTransition.getName()
+ NAME_CONNECTOR + outgoingTransition.getName();
// remove this state and add new transition
_addTransition(this, relationNamePrefix, sourceState,
destinationState, newLabel);
} catch (IllegalActionException exception) {
// should not happen
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton.combineInternalTransitions: "
+ exception.getMessage());
} catch (NameDuplicationException exception) {
// should not happen since _addTransition() uses unique name.
// Maybe that method should not throw this exception.
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton.combineInternalTransitions: "
+ exception.getMessage());
/** Return a new InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition of the
* specified InterfaceAutomaton and this one.
* @param automaton An InterfaceAutomaton to compose with this one.
* @return An InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition.
* @exception IllegalActionException If this automaton is not composable
* with the argument.
public InterfaceAutomaton compose(InterfaceAutomaton automaton)
throws IllegalActionException {
return compose(automaton, false);
/** Return a new InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition of the
* specified InterfaceAutomaton and this one.
* @param automaton An InterfaceAutomaton to compose with this one.
* @param considerTransient True to indicate that transient states
* should be treated differently; false to indicate that transient
* states are treated as regular ones.
* @return An InterfaceAutomaton that is the composition.
* @exception IllegalActionException If this automaton is not composable
* with the argument.
public InterfaceAutomaton compose(InterfaceAutomaton automaton,
boolean considerTransient) throws IllegalActionException {
// check composability
// compute the input, output, and internal transitions of the
// composition
// compute the product automaton
InterfaceAutomaton composition = _computeProduct(automaton,
// prune illegal states
// remove states unreacheable from the initial state.
// Create ports for the composition. Internal transition parameters
// were created automatically when the transition labels were set.
return composition;
/** Return the unique maximal alternating simulation from the specified
* automaton to this automaton.
* Alternating simulation is a binary relation defined in the interface
* automata paper. If P and Q are two interface automata, and Vp and Vq
* are their states, an alternating simulation is a subset of Vp x Vq
* that satisfies the conditions described in the paper. This method
* computes such a subset. If this subset is not empty, we say that
* there is an alternating simulation from Q to P. In this class, we
* call the automaton P the <i>super automaton</i>, and Q the
* <i>sub automaton</i>.
* <p>
* This method returns a set of instances of StatePair. The first state
* in each pair is in the super automaton, and the second state is in
* the sub automaton.
* @param subAutomaton An interface automaton.
* @return A set representing the alternating simulation.
* @exception IllegalActionException If this automaton or the specified
* one is not consistent. For example, missing ports.
* @see StatePair
public Set computeAlternatingSimulation(InterfaceAutomaton subAutomaton)
throws IllegalActionException {
Set simulation = new HashSet();
// Initialize simulation. Use condition 1 in Definitino 14 to
// (significantly) reduce the size.
Iterator superStates = entityList().iterator();
while (superStates.hasNext()) {
State superState = (State) superStates.next();
Iterator subStates = subAutomaton.entityList().iterator();
while (subStates.hasNext()) {
State subState = (State) subStates.next();
if (_condition1Satisfied(this, superState, subAutomaton,
subState)) {
StatePair pair = new StatePair(superState, subState);
// Repeatedly removing the pairs in simulation using the 2 conditions
// in Definition 14 of the paper, until no more pairs can be removed
// or until simulation is empty.
Set toBeRemoved = new HashSet();
do {
Iterator pairs = simulation.iterator();
while (pairs.hasNext()) {
StatePair pair = (StatePair) pairs.next();
State superState = pair.first();
State subState = pair.second();
if (_condition2Satisfied(this, superState, subAutomaton,
subState, simulation) == false) {
} while (!toBeRemoved.isEmpty());
return simulation;
/** Return the deadlock states in a Set. A state is a deadlock state if
* it does not have any outgoing transitions.
* @return A Set of deadlock states.
* @exception IllegalActionException If this automaton is not closed.
public Set deadlockStates() throws IllegalActionException {
if (!isClosed()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"InterfaceAutomaton.deadlockStates: "
+ "Deadlock can only be checked on closed interface "
+ "automaton.");
Set deadlockStates = new HashSet();
Iterator states = entityList().iterator();
while (states.hasNext()) {
State state = (State) states.next();
ComponentPort outPort = state.outgoingPort;
if (outPort.linkedRelationList().size() == 0) {
return deadlockStates;
/** Return the epsilon-closure of the specified state. Epsilon-closure
* is defined in Definition 11 of the interface automaton paper. It
* is the set of states that can be reached from the specified state
* by taking only internal transitions.
* @param state The state from which the epsilon-closure is computed.
* @return A set of instances of State.
public Set epsilonClosure(State state) {
// Use frontier exploration. The Set frontier stores the frontier
// states, and the Set closure stores all reacheable states. frontier
// is always a subset of closure.
// init: closure = frontier = state
// iterate: Pick (remove) a state p from the frontier
// for all states s reacheable from p through internal
// transitions
// if s is not in closure
// add s to both closure and frontier
// end when frontier is empty
// init
Set closure = new HashSet();
Set frontier = new HashSet();
// iterate
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
// there does not seem to be an easy way to remove an arbitrary
// element, except through Iterator
Iterator iterator = frontier.iterator();
State current = (State) iterator.next();
// put all states that are reacheable from current through
// internal transitions into closure and frontier
ComponentPort outPort = current.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
State destinationState = transition.destinationState();
if (!closure.contains(destinationState)) {
return closure;
/** Return the set of externally enabled destination states. This set is
* defined in Definition 13 of the interface automaton paper.
* The caller should ensure that the specified transition label is for
* an externally enabled input or output transition. This method assumes
* this is true without checking.
* @param sourceState The source state from which the externally
* enabled destinations are computed.
* @param transitionLabel The label for an externally enabled transition.
* @return A set of instances of State.
public Set externallyEnabledDestinations(State sourceState,
String transitionLabel) {
Set destinations = new HashSet();
Set closure = epsilonClosure(sourceState);
Iterator sources = closure.iterator();
while (sources.hasNext()) {
State source = (State) sources.next();
ComponentPort outPort = source.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
if (transition.getLabel().equals(transitionLabel)) {
State destination = transition.destinationState();
return destinations;
/** Return the labels for the set of externally enabled input transitions
* for the specified state. This set is defined in Definition 12 of the
* interface automaton paper.
* @param state The state for which the externally enabled input
* transitions are computed.
* @return A set of string.
public Set externallyEnabledInputTransitionLabels(State state) {
Set transitionLabels = _transitionLabelsFrom(state,
Set closure = epsilonClosure(state);
Iterator states = closure.iterator();
while (states.hasNext()) {
State nextState = (State) states.next();
Set labels = _transitionLabelsFrom(nextState,
return transitionLabels;
/** Return the labels for the set of externally enabled output transitions
* for the specified state. This set is defined in Definition 12 of the
* interface automaton paper.
* @param state The state for which the externally enabled output
* transitions are computed.
* @return A set of string.
public Set externallyEnabledOutputTransitionLabels(State state) {
Set transitionLabels = _transitionLabelsFrom(state,
Set closure = epsilonClosure(state);
Iterator states = closure.iterator();
while (states.hasNext()) {
State nextState = (State) states.next();
Set labels = _transitionLabelsFrom(nextState,
return transitionLabels;
/** Choose the enabled transition among the outgoing transitions of
* the current state. Throw an exception if there is more than one
* transition enabled.
* @exception IllegalActionException If there is more than one
* transition enabled.
public void fire() throws IllegalActionException {
/** Return a high-level description of this automaton. The returned String
* has the format:
* <pre>
* (full name of automaton):
* (number of states) states
* (number of transitions) transitions
* (number of input names) input names
* (number of output names) output names
* (number of internal transition names) internal transition names
* Input Names:
* (list of input names)
* Output Names:
* (list of output names)
* Internal Transition Names:
* (list of internal transition names)
* </pre>
* @return A high-level description of this automaton.
public String getInfo() {
StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(getFullName() + "\n");
Set inputNames = inputNameSet();
Set outputNames = outputNameSet();
Set internalNames = internalTransitionNameSet();
info.append(" " + entityList().size() + " states\n" + " "
+ relationList().size() + " transitions\n" + " "
+ inputNames.size() + " input names\n" + " "
+ outputNames.size() + " output names\n" + " "
+ internalNames.size() + " internal transition names\n"
+ " Input Names:\n");
Iterator iterator = inputNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
info.append(" " + iterator.next().toString() + "\n");
info.append(" Output Names:\n");
iterator = outputNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
info.append(" " + iterator.next().toString() + "\n");
info.append(" Internal Transition Names:\n");
iterator = internalNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
info.append(" " + iterator.next().toString() + "\n");
return info.toString();
/** Return the names of the input ports as a Set.
* @return A Set containing all the input port names.
public Set inputNameSet() {
Set set = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = inputPortList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Port port = (Port) iterator.next();
return set;
/** Return the names of the internal transitions as a Set.
* @return A Set containing all the internal transition names.
// This method differs from inputNameSet() and outputNameSet() in that
// those methods return the names of the input or output ports, but this
// one does not get the names from the parameters corresponding to the
// internal transitions. As a result, all the returned names have one or
// more corresponding internal transition instances. The is because
// (1) Unlike the relation between input/output transitions and ports,
// where some ports may not have corresponding instances of transition,
// it does not make sense to have any "internal transition parameter"
// that does not have transition instances; (2) there is no way to tell
// which parameter is for internal transition, and which is for other
// purpose.
public Set internalTransitionNameSet() {
Set set = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = relationList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) iterator
String label = transition.getLabel();
if (label.endsWith(";")) {
String name = label.substring(0, label.length() - 1);
return set;
/** Return true if this automaton does not have any input and output;
* false otherwise.
* @return True if this automaton does not have any input and output.
public boolean isClosed() {
return (portList().size() == 0);
/** Return true if this automaton is empty; false otherwise.
* @return true if this automaton is empty; false otherwise.
public boolean isEmpty() {
List states = entityList();
return states.size() == 0;
/** Create a new instance of InterfaceAutomatonTransition with the
* specified name in this actor, and return it.
* This method is write-synchronized on the workspace.
* @param name The name of the new transition.
* @return An InterfaceAutomatonTransition with the given name.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the name argument is null.
* @exception NameDuplicationException If name collides with that
* of a transition already in this actor.
public ComponentRelation newRelation(String name)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
try {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = new InterfaceAutomatonTransition(
this, name);
return transition;
} finally {
/** Return the names of the output ports as a Set.
* @return A Set containing all the output port names.
public Set outputNameSet() {
Set set = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = outputPortList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Port port = (Port) iterator.next();
return set;
/** Project this automaton into the specified one.
* More specifically, this method converts the input and output
* transitions of this automaton that do not overlap with the specified
* one to internal transitions, and remove the corresponding ports.
* @param automaton The interface automaton to which this automaton will
* be projected.
* @exception IllegalActionException If this or the specified automaton
* is not consistent. For example, missing ports.
public void project(InterfaceAutomaton automaton)
throws IllegalActionException {
Set nameDifference = inputNameSet();
// convert transitions to internal
Iterator relations = relationList().iterator();
while (relations.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) relations
String label = transition.getLabel();
String name = label.substring(0, label.length() - 1);
if (nameDifference.contains(name)) {
int type = transition.getType();
if ((type == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION)
|| (type == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION)) {
transition.label.setExpression(name + ";");
// remove ports
Iterator portNames = nameDifference.iterator();
while (portNames.hasNext()) {
String portName = (String) portNames.next();
Port port = getPort(portName);
try {
} catch (NameDuplicationException nameDuplication) {
// This cannot happen since the name is set to null.
throw new InternalErrorException("Cannot set container to "
+ "null.");
/** Return the reacheable state pairs in the specified alternating
* simulation. A state pair is reacheable if they can be reached
* from the initial states of their corresponding automata through the
* same input or output transitions, or internal transitions. The
* internal transitions in the two automata that are taken to reach
* a state pair do not have to be the same.
* @param alternatingSimulation A set of instances of StatePair.
* @param superAutomaton The automaton that contains the first state
* in the state pairs in alternatingSimulation.
* @param subAutomaton The automaton that contains the second state
* in the state pairs in alternatingSimulation.
* @return A set of instances of StatePair that only contain the
* reacheable state pairs in alternatingSimulation.
* @exception IllegalActionException If thrown by getInitialState().
public static Set reacheableAlternatingSimulation(
Set alternatingSimulation, InterfaceAutomaton superAutomaton,
InterfaceAutomaton subAutomaton) throws IllegalActionException {
// Use frontier exploration:
// Init:
// if initial states not in alternatingSimulation
// return a null set
// else
// reacheableSimulation = frontier = initial state pair
// Repeat:
// take a state pair (p, q) from frontier
// for each transition pTp'
// if T is input or output
// if the subAutomaton has transition(s) qTq'
// if (p', q') is in alternatingSimulation
// if (p', q') not already in reacheableSimulation
// put it in both reacheableSimulation and
// frontier
// else (pTp' is internal transition)
// if (p', q) is in alternatingSimulation
// if (p', q) is not already in reacheableSimulation
// put it in both reacheableSimulation and frontier
// for each internal transition qTq'
// if (p, q') is in alternatingSimulation
// if (p, q') is not already in reacheableSimulation
// put it in both reacheableSimulation and frontier
// stop until frontier is empty
State superInitial = superAutomaton.getInitialState();
State subInitial = subAutomaton.getInitialState();
StatePair pair = new StatePair(superInitial, subInitial);
if (!alternatingSimulation.contains(pair)) {
// initial states not in alternating simulation, return
// an empty set.
return new HashSet();
// initial states in alternating simulation
Set reacheableSimulation = new HashSet();
Set frontier = new HashSet();
// repeat
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
// pick a state from frontier. It seems that there isn't an
// easy way to pick an arbitrary entry from a HashSet, except
// through Iterator
Iterator iterator = frontier.iterator();
StatePair currentPair = (StatePair) iterator.next();
State superState = currentPair.first();
State subState = currentPair.second();
ComponentPort superPort = superState.outgoingPort;
Iterator superTransitions = superPort.linkedRelationList()
while (superTransitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition superTransition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) superTransitions
State superDestination = superTransition.destinationState();
String superLabel = superTransition.getLabel();
int transitionType = superTransition.getType();
if ((transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION)
|| (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION)) {
// check whether sub automaton has same transition
ComponentPort subPort = subState.outgoingPort;
Iterator subTransitions = subPort.linkedRelationList()
while (subTransitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition subTransition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) subTransitions
String subLabel = subTransition.getLabel();
if (superLabel.equals(subLabel)) {
State subDestination = subTransition
StatePair newPair = new StatePair(superDestination,
if (alternatingSimulation.contains(newPair)
&& (!reacheableSimulation.contains(newPair))) {
} else {
// internal transition in super automaton
StatePair newPair = new StatePair(superDestination,
if (alternatingSimulation.contains(newPair)
&& (!reacheableSimulation.contains(newPair))) {
// explore internal transitions from subState
ComponentPort subPort = subState.outgoingPort;
Iterator subTransitions = subPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (subTransitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition subTransition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) subTransitions
int transitionType = subTransition.getType();
if ((transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION)) {
State subDestination = subTransition.destinationState();
StatePair newPair = new StatePair(superState,
if (alternatingSimulation.contains(newPair)
&& (!reacheableSimulation.contains(newPair))) {
return reacheableSimulation;
/** Rename the labels on some transitions. The argument is a Map
* specifying which transition labels should be renamed. The keys of the
* Map are the old label names, and the values are the new label names.
* Neither the keys nor the values should include the ending character
* "?", "!", or ";" that indicate the type of the transition. And this
* method does not change the type.
* <p>
* For input and output transitions, this method also renames the ports
* associated with the renamed transitions, if these ports are created
* already. This is done regardless of whether there are instances of
* transitions that correspond to the ports. For internal transitions,
* this method renames the parameter associated with the renamed
* transition.
* @param nameMap A map between the old and the new label names.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the new name is not legal.
* @exception NameDuplicationException If the requested name change will
* cause name collision.
public void renameTransitionLabels(Map nameMap)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
Iterator iterator = relationList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) iterator
String oldLabel = transition.getLabel();
int length = oldLabel.length();
String oldLabelName = oldLabel.substring(0, length - 1);
String newLabelName = (String) nameMap.get(oldLabelName);
if (newLabelName != null) {
String ending = oldLabel.substring(length - 1, length);
String newLabel = newLabelName + ending;
// change port or parameter name
if (ending.equals("?") || ending.equals("!")) {
Port port = getPort(oldLabelName);
if (port != null) {
} else if (ending.equals(";")) {
Parameter param = (Parameter) getAttribute(oldLabelName);
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException("Transition label "
+ "does not end with ?, !, or ;");
// for ports that do not have corresponding transitions, rename the
// ports
iterator = portList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Port port = (Port) iterator.next();
String oldName = port.getName();
String newName = (String) nameMap.get(oldName);
if (newName != null) {
//// protected methods ////
/** Add an InterfaceAutomatonTransition to this InterfaceAutomaton.
* This method should not be used directly. Call the setContainer()
* method of the transition instead. This method does not set the
* container of the transition to refer to this container. This method
* is <i>not</i> synchronized on the workspace, so the caller should be.
* @param relation The InterfaceAutomatonTransition to contain.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the transition has no name, or
* is not an instance of Transition.
* @exception NameDuplicationException If the name collides with a name
* already on the contained transitions list.
protected void _addRelation(ComponentRelation relation)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
if (!(relation instanceof InterfaceAutomatonTransition)) {
throw new IllegalActionException(this, relation,
"InterfaceAutomaton can only contain instances of "
+ "InterfaceAutomatonTransition.");
//// protected variables ////
//// private methods ////
// Add a state to the product automaton and the frontier, if the
// state is not added already. Return the state added or the one
// already existed. This method is called from _computeProduct.
private State _addState(InterfaceAutomaton product, State stateInThis,
State stateInArgument, HashMap frontier)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
String name = stateInThis.getName() + NAME_CONNECTOR
+ stateInArgument.getName();
State state = (State) product.getEntity(name);
if (state == null) {
// not in product
state = new State(product, name);
Triple triple = new Triple(state, stateInThis, stateInArgument);
frontier.put(name, triple);
return state;
// Add a transition to between two states in an automaton
private void _addTransition(InterfaceAutomaton automaton,
String relationNamePrefix, State sourceState,
State destinationState, String label)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
String name = automaton.uniqueName(relationNamePrefix);
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = new InterfaceAutomatonTransition(
automaton, name);
// Perform sanity check on this automaton. In particular, this method
// checks: (1) all input transitions have a corresponding input port,
// all output transitions have a corresponding output port, and all
// internal transitions have a corresponding parameter; (2) The names
// for input, output, and internal transitions do not overlap.
// If one of the above check fails, an exception is thrown;
// otherwise, this method just returns.
private void _check() throws IllegalActionException {
// check all transitions have corresponding ports or parameter.
Iterator iterator = relationList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) iterator
String label = transition.getLabel();
String name = label.substring(0, label.length() - 1);
if (label.endsWith("?")) {
IOPort port = (IOPort) getPort(name);
if ((port == null) || (port.isInput() == false)) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName()
+ ": The transition "
+ label
+ " does not have a corresponding input port.");
} else if (label.endsWith("!")) {
IOPort port = (IOPort) getPort(name);
if ((port == null) || (port.isOutput() == false)) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName()
+ ": The transition "
+ label
+ " does not have a corresponding output port.");
} else if (label.endsWith(";")) {
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(name);
if ((attribute == null) || !(attribute instanceof Parameter)) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName()
+ ": The transition "
+ label
+ " does not have a corresponding Parameter.");
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._check: The label " + label
+ " does not end with ?, !, or ;.");
// check transition names do not overlap
Set inputNames = inputNameSet();
Set outputNames = outputNameSet();
if (!inputNames.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException("InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName() + ": The names for input and output "
+ "transitions overlap.");
inputNames = inputNameSet();
Set internalNames = internalTransitionNameSet();
if (!inputNames.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException("InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName() + ": The names for input and internal "
+ "transitions overlap.");
if (!outputNames.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException("InterfaceAutomaton._check: "
+ getFullName() + ": The names for output and internal "
+ "transitions overlap.");
// Throw an exception if this automaton and the specified one is not
// composable.
private void _checkComposability(InterfaceAutomaton automaton)
throws IllegalActionException {
String message = "InterfaceAutomaton._checkComposability: "
+ this.getFullName() + " is not composable with "
+ automaton.getFullName() + " because ";
// check the internal transitions of one do not overlap with the
// transitions of the other
Set thisInternals = this.internalTransitionNameSet();
Set thatInputs = automaton.inputNameSet();
Set thatOutputs = automaton.outputNameSet();
Set thatInternals = automaton.internalTransitionNameSet();
if (!thatInputs.isEmpty() || !thatOutputs.isEmpty()
|| !thatInternals.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
+ "the internal "
+ "transitions of the former overlaps with the transitions "
+ "of the latter.");
thatInternals = automaton.internalTransitionNameSet();
Set thisInputs = this.inputNameSet();
Set thisOutputs = this.outputNameSet();
thisInternals = this.internalTransitionNameSet();
if (!thisInputs.isEmpty() || !thisOutputs.isEmpty()
|| !thisInternals.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
+ "the internal "
+ "transitions of the latter overlaps with the transitions "
+ "of the former.");
// check the input transitions do not overlap
thisInputs = this.inputNameSet();
thatInputs = automaton.inputNameSet();
if (!thisInputs.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(message + "the input "
+ "transitions of the two overlap.");
// check the output transitions do not overlap
thisOutputs = this.outputNameSet();
thatOutputs = automaton.outputNameSet();
if (!thisOutputs.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(message + "the output "
+ "transitions of the two overlap.");
// Compute the product of this automaton and the argument. Also store
// the illegal states found in the Set _illegalStates.
// Use frontier exploration. The frontier is represented by a HashMap
// frontier. The key is the name of the state in the product, the value
// is a Triple: stateInProduct, stateInThis, stateInArgument. The keys
// are used to easily check if a product state is in the frontier.
// init: product = (this.initialState x automaton.initialSate)
// frontier = (this.initialState x automaton.initialSate,
// this.initialState, automaton.initialState)
// iterate: pick (remove) a state p x q from frontier;
// pick a step pTr from p
// (case 1) T is input for p:
// (1A) T is input of product: add T to product
// (1B) T is shared:
// (1Ba) q has T output: add T to product as internal
// transition
// (1Bb) q does not have T output: transition cannot happen
// in product. ignore
// (case 2) T is output for p:
// (2A) T is output of product: add T to product
// (2B) T is shared:
// (2Ba) q has T input: add T to product as internal
// transition
// (2Bb) q does not have T input: mark p x q as illegal.
// stop exploring from p x q.
// (case 3) T is internal for p: add T to product
// The cases for a transition from q is almost symmetric,
// but be careful not to add shared transition twice. In the code
// below, shared transitions are added in the code that explores
// the state with the input transition.
// (after exploring all transitions from p and q), remove p x q
// from frontier.
// end when frontier is empty
//private InterfaceAutomaton _computeProduct(InterfaceAutomaton automaton)
// throws IllegalActionException {
// return _computeProduct(automaton, false);
// Compute the product of this automaton and the argument. Also store
// the illegal states found in the Set _illegalStates.
// Use frontier exploration. The frontier is represented by a HashMap
// frontier. The key is the name of the state in the product, the value
// is a Triple: stateInProduct, stateInThis, stateInArgument. The keys
// are used to easily check if a product state is in the frontier.
// init: product = (this.initialState x automaton.initialSate)
// frontier = (this.initialState x automaton.initialSate,
// this.initialState, automaton.initialState)
// iterate: pick (remove) a state p x q from frontier;
// if neither p nor q are transient {
// pick a step pTr from p
// (case 1) T is input for p:
// (1A) T is input of product: add T to product
// (1B) T is shared:
// (1Ba) q has T output: add T to product as internal
// transition
// (1Bb) q does not have T output: transition cannot happen
// in product. ignore
// (case 2) T is output for p:
// (2A) T is output of product: add T to product
// (2B) T is shared:
// (2Ba) q has T input: add T to product as internal
// transition
// (2Bb) q does not have T input: mark p x q as illegal.
// stop exploring from p x q.
// (case 3) T is internal for p: add T to product
// The cases for a transition from q is almost symmetric,
// but be careful not to add shared transition twice. In the code
// below, shared transitions are added in the code that explores
// the state with the input transition.
// } else {
// // one or both of p and q are transient
// if (both p and q are transient)
// throw exception
// else if (p is transient)
// pick a step qTr from p
// (case 1) T is input for p:
// throw exception
// (case 2) T is output for p:
// (2A) T is output of product: add T to product
// (2B) T is shared:
// (2Ba) q has T input: add T to product as internal
// transition
// (2Bb) q does not have T input: mark q x q as illegal
// stop exploring from p x q.
// (case 3) T is internal for p: add T to product
// } else {
// // q is transient.
// // This case is symmetric as above, omitted.
// }
// }
// (after exploring all transitions from p and q), remove p x q
// from frontier.
// end when frontier is empty
private InterfaceAutomaton _computeProduct(InterfaceAutomaton automaton,
boolean considerTransient) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
// init
_illegalStates = new HashSet();
InterfaceAutomaton product = new InterfaceAutomaton();
product.setName(this.getName() + NAME_CONNECTOR
+ automaton.getName());
HashMap frontier = new HashMap();
// create initial state
State stateInThis = this.getInitialState();
State stateInArgument = automaton.getInitialState();
String name = stateInThis.getName() + NAME_CONNECTOR
+ stateInArgument.getName();
State stateInProduct = new State(product, name);
Triple triple = new Triple(stateInProduct, stateInThis,
frontier.put(name, triple);
// iterate
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
// pick a state from frontier. It seems that there isn't an
// easy way to pick an arbitrary entry from a HashMap, except
// through Iterator
Iterator iterator = frontier.keySet().iterator();
name = (String) iterator.next();
triple = (Triple) frontier.remove(name);
stateInProduct = triple._stateInProduct;
stateInThis = triple._stateInThis;
stateInArgument = triple._stateInArgument;
boolean isStateInProductIllegal = false;
if ((!considerTransient)
|| ((!_isTransient(stateInThis)) && (!_isTransient(stateInArgument)))) {
// extend frontier from state in this automaton
ComponentPort outPort = stateInThis.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList()
while (transitions.hasNext() && !isStateInProductIllegal) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
State destinationInThis = transition.destinationState();
// get transitionLabel, transitionName and relation name
// for later use
String transitionLabel = transition.getLabel();
// remove ending "?", "!", or ";"
String transitionName = transitionLabel.substring(0,
transitionLabel.length() - 1);
// switch depending on type of transition
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 1
if (_inputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 1A. Add transition to product as input
// transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
destinationInThis, stateInArgument,
_addTransition(product, this.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
// case 1B. transition is shared in product
String outName = transitionName + "!";
Set destinationsInArgument = _getDestinationStates(
stateInArgument, outName);
if (!destinationsInArgument.isEmpty()) {
// case 1Ba. q has T output. Add T to
// product as internal transition
Iterator destinations = destinationsInArgument
while (destinations.hasNext()) {
State destinationInArgument = (State) destinations
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, destinationInThis,
destinationInArgument, frontier);
_addTransition(product, this.getName()
+ automaton.getName(),
transitionName + ";");
} else {
// case 1Bb. q does not have T output.
// Transition cannot happen, ignore.
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 2. T is output for p.
if (_outputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 2A. T is output of product. Add T to
// product as output transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
destinationInThis, stateInArgument,
_addTransition(product, this.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
// case 2B. transition is shared in product
String inName = transitionName + "?";
Set destinationsInArgument = _getDestinationStates(
stateInArgument, inName);
if (!destinationsInArgument.isEmpty()) {
// case 2Ba. q has T input. Need to add T
// to product as internal transition.
// However, to avoid adding this transition
// twice, leave the code that explores
// state q to add the transition
} else {
// case 2Bb. q does not have T input.
// stateInProduct is illegal
isStateInProductIllegal = true;
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
// case 3. T is internal for p. Add T to product
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
destinationInThis, stateInArgument,
_addTransition(product, this.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._computeProduct: "
+ "unrecognized transition type.");
} // end explore from state p
// extend frontier from state in the argument automaton
outPort = stateInArgument.outgoingPort;
transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext() && !isStateInProductIllegal) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
State destinationInArgument = transition
// get transitionLabel, transitionName and relation name
// for later use
String transitionLabel = transition.getLabel();
// remove ending "?", "!", or ";"
String transitionName = transitionLabel.substring(0,
transitionLabel.length() - 1);
// switch depending on type of transition
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 1
if (_inputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 1A. Add transition to product as input
// transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
stateInThis, destinationInArgument,
_addTransition(product, automaton.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
// case 1B. transition is shared in product
String outName = transitionName + "!";
Set destinationsInThis = _getDestinationStates(
stateInThis, outName);
if (!destinationsInThis.isEmpty()) {
// case 1Ba. p has T output. Add T to
// product as internal transition
Iterator destinations = destinationsInThis
while (destinations.hasNext()) {
State destinationInThis = (State) destinations
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, destinationInThis,
destinationInArgument, frontier);
_addTransition(product, this.getName()
+ automaton.getName(),
transitionName + ";");
} else {
// case 1Bb. p does not have T output.
// Transition cannot happen, ignore.
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 2. T is output for q.
if (_outputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 2A. T is output of product. Add T to
// product as output transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
stateInThis, destinationInArgument,
_addTransition(product, automaton.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
// case 2B. transition is shared in product
String inName = transitionName + "?";
Set destinationsInThis = _getDestinationStates(
stateInThis, inName);
if (!destinationsInThis.isEmpty()) {
// case 2Ba. p has T input. Need to add T
// to product as internal transition.
// However, to avoid adding this transition
// twice, leave the code that explores
// state p to add the transition
} else {
// case 2Bb. p does not have T input.
// stateInProduct is illegal
isStateInProductIllegal = true;
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
// case 3. T is internal for q. Add T to product
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
stateInThis, destinationInArgument,
_addTransition(product, automaton.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._computeProduct: "
+ "unrecognized transition type.");
} // end explore from state q
} else {
// one or both of stateInThis and stateInArgument are
// transient
if (_isTransient(stateInThis)
&& _isTransient(stateInArgument)) {
throw new IllegalActionException("Cannot compute "
+ "product since both states are transient: "
+ stateInThis.getName() + " and "
+ stateInArgument.getName());
if (_isTransient(stateInThis)) {
// extend frontier from transient state in this
// automaton
ComponentPort outPort = stateInThis.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList()
while (transitions.hasNext()
&& !isStateInProductIllegal) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
State destinationInThis = transition
// get transitionLabel, transitionName and
// relation name for later use
String transitionLabel = transition.getLabel();
// remove ending "?", "!", or ";"
String transitionName = transitionLabel.substring(
0, transitionLabel.length() - 1);
// switch depending on type of transition
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 1
throw new IllegalActionException("Transient "
+ "state " + stateInThis.getName()
+ " in " + getName() + " has input "
+ "transition " + transitionLabel);
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 2. T is output for p.
if (_outputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 2A. T is output of product. Add T
// to product as output transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, destinationInThis,
stateInArgument, frontier);
_addTransition(product, this.getName(),
} else {
// case 2B. transition is shared in product
String inName = transitionName + "?";
Set destinationsInArgument = _getDestinationStates(
stateInArgument, inName);
if (!destinationsInArgument.isEmpty()) {
// case 2Ba. q has T input. Add T to
// product as internal transition.
Iterator destinations = destinationsInArgument
while (destinations.hasNext()) {
State destinationInArgument = (State) destinations
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, destinationInThis,
_addTransition(product, this
+ automaton.getName(),
transitionName + ";");
} else {
// case 2Bb. q does not have T input.
// stateInProduct is illegal
isStateInProductIllegal = true;
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
// case 3. T is internal for p. Add T to product
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
destinationInThis, stateInArgument,
_addTransition(product, this.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._computeProduct: "
+ "unrecognized transition type.");
} // end explore from transient state p
} else {
// stateInArgument is transient.
// extend frontier from state in the argument automaton
ComponentPort outPort = stateInArgument.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList()
while (transitions.hasNext()
&& !isStateInProductIllegal) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
State destinationInArgument = transition
// get transitionLabel, transitionName and
// relation name for later use
String transitionLabel = transition.getLabel();
// remove ending "?", "!", or ";"
String transitionName = transitionLabel.substring(
0, transitionLabel.length() - 1);
// switch depending on type of transition
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INPUT_TRANSITION) {
throw new IllegalActionException("Transient "
+ "state " + stateInArgument.getName()
+ " in " + automaton.getName()
+ " has input transition "
+ transitionLabel);
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION) {
// case 2. T is output for q.
if (_outputNames.contains(transitionName)) {
// case 2A. T is output of product. Add T to
// product as output transition
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, stateInThis,
destinationInArgument, frontier);
} else {
// case 2B. transition is shared in product
String inName = transitionName + "?";
Set destinationsInThis = _getDestinationStates(
stateInThis, inName);
if (!destinationsInThis.isEmpty()) {
// case 2Ba. p has T input. Add T
// to product as internal transition.
Iterator destinations = destinationsInThis
while (destinations.hasNext()) {
State destinationInThis = (State) destinations
State destinationInProduct = _addState(
product, destinationInThis,
_addTransition(product, this
+ automaton.getName(),
transitionName + ";");
} else {
// case 2Bb. p does not have T input.
// stateInProduct is illegal
isStateInProductIllegal = true;
} else if (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION) {
// case 3. T is internal for q. Add T to product
State destinationInProduct = _addState(product,
stateInThis, destinationInArgument,
_addTransition(product, automaton.getName(),
stateInProduct, destinationInProduct,
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._computeProduct: "
+ "unrecognized transition type.");
} // end explore from transient state q
} // finished processing one state in frontier
} // finished processing all states in frontier
return product;
} catch (NameDuplicationException exception) {
// FIXME: this can actually happen, although extremely unlikely.
// Eg. this automaton has states "X" and "Y_Z", the argument
// has "X_Y" and "Z". Do we need to worry about this?
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._computeProduct: name in product "
+ "automaton clashes: " + exception.getMessage());
// Compute the names of the input, output, and internal transitions of
// the composition. Set the results to _inputNames, _outputNames, and
// _internalNames;
private void _computeTransitionNamesInComposition(
InterfaceAutomaton automaton) {
// compute shared transitions
Set shared = this.inputNameSet();
Set thatOutputs = automaton.outputNameSet();
Set sharedOutputNameSet = this.outputNameSet();
Set thatInputs = automaton.inputNameSet();
// compute input, output, and internal transitions
_inputNames = this.inputNameSet();
_outputNames = this.outputNameSet();
_internalNames = this.internalTransitionNameSet();
// Return true if condition 1 in Definition 14 of the interface automaton
// paper is satisfied. That is, return true if the externally enabled input
// transitions for the state in the super automaton is a subset of the
// externally enabled input transitions for the state in the sub automaton,
// and the externally enabled output transitions of the sub automaton is
// a subset of the externally enabled output transitions of the super
// automaton.
private static boolean _condition1Satisfied(
InterfaceAutomaton superAutomaton, State superState,
InterfaceAutomaton subAutomaton, State subState) {
Set inputLabelsInSuper = superAutomaton
Set inputLabelsInSub = subAutomaton
if (inputLabelsInSub.containsAll(inputLabelsInSuper) == false) {
return false;
Set outputLabelsInSuper = superAutomaton
Set outputLabelsInSub = subAutomaton
return outputLabelsInSuper.containsAll(outputLabelsInSub);
// Return true if condition 2 in Definition 14 of the interface automaton
// paper is satisfied. That is, return true if the super automaton can
// match the move of the sub automaton at the specified states.
private static boolean _condition2Satisfied(
InterfaceAutomaton superAutomaton, State superState,
InterfaceAutomaton subAutomaton, State subState,
Set currentSimulation) {
// consideredTransitions are the union of the externally enabled
// input transitions at the super state and the externally enabled
// output transitions at the sub state.
Set consideredTransitionLabels = superAutomaton
Set consideredOutputTransitionLabels = subAutomaton
Iterator transitionLabels = consideredTransitionLabels.iterator();
while (transitionLabels.hasNext()) {
String label = (String) transitionLabels.next();
Set destinationsInSub = subAutomaton.externallyEnabledDestinations(
subState, label);
Set destinationsInSuper = superAutomaton
.externallyEnabledDestinations(superState, label);
// check that for each destination in the sub automaton, there is
// an destination in the super automaton such that the two
// destinations are in the current alternating simulation relation.
Iterator subStates = destinationsInSub.iterator();
while (subStates.hasNext()) {
State destinationInSub = (State) subStates.next();
boolean inCurrentSimulation = false;
Iterator superStates = destinationsInSuper.iterator();
while (superStates.hasNext()) {
State destinationInSuper = (State) superStates.next();
StatePair pair = new StatePair(destinationInSuper,
if (currentSimulation.contains(pair)) {
inCurrentSimulation = true;
if (inCurrentSimulation == false) {
return false;
return true;
// Create ports on the composition automaton, based on _inputNames and
// _outputNames.
private void _createPorts(InterfaceAutomaton composition)
throws IllegalActionException {
try {
Iterator iterator = _inputNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) iterator.next();
TypedIOPort port = new TypedIOPort(composition, name);
iterator = _outputNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) iterator.next();
TypedIOPort port = new TypedIOPort(composition, name);
} catch (NameDuplicationException exception) {
// this should not happen. Composability check should ensure that
// names do not clash.
throw new InternalErrorException("InterfaceAutomaton._createPort: "
+ "Cannot create ports due to name duplication: "
+ exception.getMessage());
// Return the set of destination states of the transition from the
// specified state with the specified label. This set may contain more
// than one state if the automaton is non-deterministic.
// Return an empty set if such a transition does not exist.
private Set _getDestinationStates(State state, String label) {
Set destinations = new HashSet();
ComponentPort outPort = state.outgoingPort;
Iterator iterator = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) iterator
String transitionLabel = transition.getLabel();
if (transitionLabel.equals(label)) {
return destinations;
// Return true if the specified state is transient.
// FIXME: currently, a letter "t" in state name indicates the state is
// transient. This should probably be changed to an attribute in state.
private static boolean _isTransient(State state) {
String name = state.getName();
if (name.indexOf("t") == -1) {
return false;
return true;
// prune illegal states from the argument. Use frontier exploration.
// The Set frontier contains the references of illegal states in the
// frontier; the Set _illegalStates contains references of all the
// illegal states found so far. The Set frontier is always a subset
// of _illegalStates. When this method is called, _illegalStates contains
// an initial set of illegal states computed in _computeProduct().
// init: frontier = _illegalStates
// iterate: pick (remove) a state p from frontier
// for all states s that has an output or internal transition to p,
// if s is not in _illegalStates
// add s to both _illegalStates and frontier
// end when frontier is empty
// remove all states in _illegalStates from automaton
// Note: this method does not operate the "this" automaton, it operates
// on the composition automaton. This is implicit since _illegalStates
// contains the states in the composition.
private void _pruneIllegalStates() {
// init
Set frontier = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = _illegalStates.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// iterate
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
// there does not seem to be an easy way to remove an arbitrary
// element, except through Iterator
iterator = frontier.iterator();
State current = (State) iterator.next();
// make all states that can reach current by output or internal
// transitions illegal
ComponentPort inPort = current.incomingPort;
Iterator transitions = inPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
int transitionType = transition.getType();
if ((transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._OUTPUT_TRANSITION)
|| (transitionType == InterfaceAutomatonTransition._INTERNAL_TRANSITION)) {
State sourceState = transition.sourceState();
if (!_illegalStates.contains(sourceState)) {
// remove all illegalStates from automaton
iterator = _illegalStates.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
State state = (State) iterator.next();
// remove the specified state and transitions linked to it.
private void _removeStateAndTransitions(State state) {
try {
// remove incoming transitions
ComponentPort inPort = state.incomingPort;
Iterator transitions = inPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
ComponentRelation transition = (ComponentRelation) transitions
// remove outgoing transitions
ComponentPort outPort = state.outgoingPort;
transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
ComponentRelation transition = (ComponentRelation) transitions
// remove the state
} catch (IllegalActionException exception) {
// Should not happen since the argument for setContainer() is null.
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._removeStateAndTransitions: "
+ "IllegalActionException thrown when calling "
+ "setContainer() with null argument: "
+ exception.getMessage());
} catch (NameDuplicationException exception) {
// Should not happen since the argument for setContainer() is null.
throw new InternalErrorException(
"InterfaceAutomaton._removeStateAndTransitions: "
+ "NameDuplicationException thrown when calling "
+ "setContainer() with null argument: "
+ exception.getMessage());
// Remove states unreacheable from the initial state. Also remove the
// transition from and to these states. Note that these states may not
// be disconnected from the initial state. For example, these states
// may have transitions to the initial state, but the initial state does
// not have transitions to these states.
// Use frontier exploration. The Set frontier stores the frontier states,
// and the Set reacheableStates stores all reacheable states. frontier
// is always a subset of reacheableStates.
// init: if initial state does not exist (it was illegal and removed)
// remove all states
// else
// reacheableStates = frontier = initial state
// iterate: Pick (remove) a state p from the frontier
// for all states s reacheable from p
// if s is not in reacheableStates
// add s to both reacheableStates and frontier
// end when frontier is empty
// remove all states not in reacheableStates from this automaton
private void _removeUnreacheableStates() {
// init
State initialState;
try {
initialState = getInitialState();
} catch (IllegalActionException exception) {
// initial state was removed since it was illegal. remove all
// states from this automaton to make it empty.
Set reacheableStates = new HashSet();
Set frontier = new HashSet();
// iterate
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
// there does not seem to be an easy way to remove an arbitrary
// element, except through Iterator
Iterator iterator = frontier.iterator();
State current = (State) iterator.next();
// make all states that are reacheable from current reacheable
ComponentPort outPort = current.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
State destinationState = transition.destinationState();
if (!reacheableStates.contains(destinationState)) {
// remove all states not reacheable from initial state
List states = entityList();
// the method removeAll() is not supported by this List (it throws
// UnsupportedOperationException), so manually construct the set
// of unreacheable states.
// states.removeAll(reacheableStates);
Set unreacheableStates = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = states.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object state = iterator.next();
if (!reacheableStates.contains(state)) {
iterator = unreacheableStates.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
State state = (State) iterator.next();
// Return all the transitions from the specified state with the specified
// type.
private Set _transitionLabelsFrom(State state, int transitionType) {
Set labels = new HashSet();
ComponentPort outPort = state.outgoingPort;
Iterator transitions = outPort.linkedRelationList().iterator();
while (transitions.hasNext()) {
InterfaceAutomatonTransition transition = (InterfaceAutomatonTransition) transitions
int type = transition.getType();
if (type == transitionType) {
String label = transition.getLabel();
return labels;
//// private variables ////
// The state name in the composition automaton is formed by
// <nameInThisAutomaton><NAME_CONNECTOR><nameInArgumentAutomaton>
// The transition name prefix in the composition is formed by
// (1) <nameOfAutomaton> for non-shared transitions;
// (2) <nameOfAutomaton1><NAME_CONNECTOR><nameOfAutomaton2> for shared
// transitions.
// The name of the product automaton is
// <thisName><NAME_CONNECTOR><argumentName>
private final static String NAME_CONNECTOR = "_";
// The following variables are used to store intermediate results
// during the computation of compose().
// Names of the transitions in the composition. Constructed by
// _computeTransitionNamesInComposition().
private Set _inputNames;
private Set _outputNames;
private Set _internalNames;
// Set of illegal states in the product automaton. The elements of
// the Set are references to states. Constructed by _computeProduct().
private Set _illegalStates;
//// inner class ////
private class Triple {
private Triple(State stateInProduct, State stateInThis,
State stateInArgument) {
_stateInProduct = stateInProduct;
_stateInThis = stateInThis;
_stateInArgument = stateInArgument;
private State _stateInProduct = null;
private State _stateInThis = null;
private State _stateInArgument = null;