/* A token that contains an array of tokens.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
of this software.
package ptolemy.data;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode;
import ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeEvaluator;
import ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser;
import ptolemy.data.type.ArrayType;
import ptolemy.data.type.BaseType;
import ptolemy.data.type.Type;
import ptolemy.data.type.TypeLattice;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
//// ArrayToken
A token that contains an array of tokens. The operations between
arrays are defined pointwise, and require that the lengths of the
arrays are the same. The elements of the ArrayToken will be
converted to the least upper bound of their input types. Zero length
array tokens are supported, given a prototype element to determine
the type of the array.
@author Yuhong Xiong, Steve Neuendorffer, Contributor: Christopher Brooks
@version $Id: ArrayToken.java,v 1.119 2007/12/07 06:31:43 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 0.4
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (cxh)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (cxh) nil token code
public class ArrayToken extends AbstractNotConvertibleToken {
/** Construct an ArrayToken with the specified token array.
* The type of the resulting array is the least upper bound
* of the types of the elements.
* This class makes a copy of the given array, so
* the passed array may be reused. Note that this method cannot
* be used to create an empty array token, since the array token
* must have a type. Instead, use the constructor that takes a
* type argument or use the "emptyArray" function from the expression
* language.
* @param value An (not empty) array of tokens.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the length of the given array is
* zero.
public ArrayToken(Token[] value) throws IllegalActionException {
int length = value.length;
if (length < 1) {
throw new IllegalActionException("ArrayToken(Token[]) called with "
+ "a an array of length less than 1. To create an array "
+ "of length 0, use the ArrayToken(Token) constructor "
+ "or the \"emptyArray(type)\" function in the expression "
+ "language. The reason is that elements in ArrayToken "
+ "must have a type.");
_elementType = value[0].getType();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Type valueType = value[i].getType();
_elementType = TypeLattice.leastUpperBound(_elementType, valueType);
_value = new Token[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_value[i] = _elementType.convert(value[i]);
/** Construct an ArrayToken from the specified string.
* The format of the string is a list of comma separated
* token values that begins with "{" and ends with "}".
* For example
* <code>
* "{1, 2, 3}"
* </code>
* @param init A string expression of an array.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the string does
* not contain a parsable array.
public ArrayToken(String init) throws IllegalActionException {
PtParser parser = new PtParser();
ASTPtRootNode tree = parser.generateParseTree(init);
ParseTreeEvaluator evaluator = new ParseTreeEvaluator();
Token token = evaluator.evaluateParseTree(tree);
if (token instanceof ArrayToken) {
_value = ((ArrayToken) token)._value;
_elementType = ((ArrayToken) token)._elementType;
} else {
throw new IllegalActionException("An array token cannot be"
+ " created from the expression '" + init + "'");
/** Construct an empty ArrayToken with the given element type.
* @param elementType A token type.
public ArrayToken(Type elementType) {
_value = new Token[0];
_elementType = elementType;
/** Construct an ArrayToken with the specified element type and
* token array. All the tokens in the array must have the type
* of element type (or a subclass), otherwise an exception will
* be thrown. This class makes a copy of the given array, so
* the passed array may be reused.
* @param elementType The type of the array.
* @param value An array of tokens.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the tokens in the array
* do not have the specified type.
public ArrayToken(Type elementType, Token[] value)
throws IllegalActionException {
_elementType = elementType;
int length = value.length;
_value = new Token[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_value[i] = _elementType.convert(value[i]);
//// public methods ////
/** Add this array token to the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token then addition is elementwise.
* If the argument is an array of length one, then each element
* of this array is added to the argument. If this array has length
* one, then its value is added to each element of the argument,
* if it is an array.
* Otherwise, each element is multiplied by the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow multiplication by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to multiply by this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if multiplication is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token add(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _add(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"add", this, rightArgument));
/** Add this array token to the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token then addition is elementwise.
* If the argument is an array of length one, then each element
* of this array is added to the argument. If this array has length
* one, then its value is added to each element of the argument,
* if it is an array.
* This overrides the base class to allow multiplication by scalars.
* @param leftArgument The token to multiply by this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if multiplication is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token addReverse(Token leftArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _add(leftArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"addReverse", this, leftArgument));
/** Convert an ArrayToken to an array of unsigned bytes.
* @param dataArrayToken to be converted to a unsigned byte array.
* @return dataBytes the resulting unsigned byte array.
public static byte[] arrayTokenToUnsignedByteArray(ArrayToken dataArrayToken) {
byte[] dataBytes = new byte[dataArrayToken.length()];
for (int j = 0; j < dataArrayToken.length(); j++) {
UnsignedByteToken dataToken = (UnsignedByteToken) dataArrayToken
dataBytes[j] = dataToken.byteValue();
return dataBytes;
/** Return an array of tokens populated with the contents of this
* array token. The returned array is a copy so the caller is
* free to modify it.
* @return An array of tokens.
public Token[] arrayValue() {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
// This code will create a token array of a more specific type
// than token. Eventually, we would like to use this code
// since it will simplify writing some actors, but for the
// moment the code generator cannot deal with it.
// (Token[])
// java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(
// getElementType().getTokenClass(),
// _value.length);
if (_value.length > 0) {
System.arraycopy(_value, 0, result, 0, _value.length);
return result;
/** Divide this array token by the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the division is elementwise.
* Otherwise, each element is divided by the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow division by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to divide into this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if division is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token divide(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _divide(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"divide", this, rightArgument));
/** Divide this array token into the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the division is elementwise.
* Otherwise, each element is divided into the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow division into scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token into which to divide this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if division is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token divideReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _divideReverse(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"divide", this, rightArgument));
/** Add the given token to each element of this array.
* @param token The token to be added to this token.
* @return A new array token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is not
* of a type that can be added to an element of this token.
public ArrayToken elementAdd(Token token) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].add(token);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"elementAdd", this, token));
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Divide each element of this array by the given token.
* @param token The token which which to divide this token
* @return An array token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is not
* of a type that can be divided into an element of this token.
public ArrayToken elementDivide(Token token) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].divide(token);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"elementDivide", this, token));
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Modulo each element of this array by the given token.
* @param token The token with which to modulo this token.
* @return An array token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is not
* of a type that can be used with modulo.
public ArrayToken elementModulo(Token token) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].modulo(token);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"elementModulo", this, token));
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Multiply each element of this array by the given token.
* @param token The token with which to multiply this token.
* @return An array token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* not of a type that can be multiplied to an element of this token.
public ArrayToken elementMultiply(Token token)
throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].multiply(token);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"elementMultiply", this, token));
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return the (exact) return type of the elementMultiply function
* above. This returns a new array type whose element type is
* the least upper bound of the element type of this token and
* the given type.
* @param type1 The type of the base of the corresponding function.
* @param type2 The type of the argument of the corresponding function.
* @return The type of the value returned from the corresponding
* function.
* @exception IllegalActionException Not thrown in this base class.
public static Type elementMultiplyReturnType(Type type1, Type type2)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (type1 instanceof ArrayType) {
return new ArrayType(TypeLattice.leastUpperBound(
((ArrayType) type1).getElementType(), type2));
} else {
return new ArrayType(BaseType.UNKNOWN);
/** Subtract the given token from each element of this array.
* @param token The token to subtract from this token.
* @return An array token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is not
* of a type that can be subtracted from an element of this token.
public ArrayToken elementSubtract(Token token)
throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].subtract(token);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"elementSubtract", this, token));
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return true if the class of the argument is ArrayToken and of
* the same length and the elements are equal to that of this
* token. Equality of the contained elements is tested by their
* equals() method.
* @param object the object to compare with.
* @return True if the argument is an array token of the same length
* and the elements are equal to that of this token.
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
return false;
// This test rules out instances of a subclass.
if (object.getClass() != getClass()) {
return false;
if (this.isNil() || ((ArrayToken) object).isNil()) {
return false;
ArrayToken arrayArgument = (ArrayToken) object;
int length = arrayArgument.length();
if (_value.length != length) {
return false;
Token[] array = arrayArgument._value;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!_value[i].equals(array[i]) || _value[i].isNil()) {
return false;
return true;
/** Extract a non-contiguous subarray either by giving a boolean array
* of the same length of this array describing which elements to
* include and which to include, or by giving an an array of an
* arbitrary length giving the indices of elements from this array
* to include in the subarray. An example of the first form is
* {"red","green","blue"}.extract({true,false,true}), which evaluates
* to {"red", "blue"}. An example of the second form is
* {"red","green","blue"}.extract({2,0,1,1}), which evalues to
* {"blue", "red", "green", "green"}.
* @param selection An ArrayToken describing the selection of elements
* with which to form the subarray: either an array of integer
* indices, or an array of boolean inclusion/exclusion choices.
* @return An ArrayToken containing the extracted subarray.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument type is invalid
* or the result cannot be constructed.
* @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the argument is an array
* of integers, and one or more of those integers is not a valid
* index into this array.
* @since Ptolemy II 4.1
public ArrayToken extract(ArrayToken selection)
throws IllegalActionException {
List result = new LinkedList();
if (selection.getElementType().equals(BaseType.BOOLEAN)) {
if (selection.length() != length()) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"When the argument is an array of booleans, it must have "
+ "the same length as this array.");
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length(); i++) {
if (selection.getElement(i).equals(BooleanToken.TRUE)) {
} else if (selection.getElementType().equals(BaseType.INT)) {
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length(); i++) {
// We could check for out-of-bounds indicies and ignore them,
// if we wanted to.
int index = ((IntToken) (selection.getElement(i))).intValue();
} else {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"The argument must be {boolean} or {int}.");
if (result.size() > 0) {
Token[] resultArray = new Token[result.size()];
resultArray = (Token[]) (result.toArray(resultArray));
return new ArrayToken(resultArray);
} else {
return new ArrayToken(getElementType());
/** Return the element at the specified index.
* @param index The index of the desired element.
* @return The token contained in this array token at the
* specified index.
* @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified index is
* outside the range of the token array.
public Token getElement(int index) {
return _value[index];
/** Return the type contained in this ArrayToken.
* @return A Type.
public Type getElementType() {
return _elementType;
/** Return the type of this ArrayToken.
* @return An ArrayType.
public Type getType() {
return new ArrayType(getElementType(), length());
/** Return a hash code value for this token. This method returns
* the hash code of the first element, unless the array is empty,
* in which case it returns the hashCode of the element type, unless
* there is no element type, in which case it returns the superclass hash code.
* @return A hash code value for this token.
public int hashCode() {
if (_value != null && _value.length > 0) {
return _value[0].hashCode();
} else if (_elementType != null) {
return _elementType.hashCode();
} else {
return super.hashCode();
/** Return true if the token is nil, (aka null or missing).
* Nil or missing tokens occur when a data source is sparsely populated.
* @return True if the token is the {@link #NIL} token.
public boolean isNil() {
// We use a method here so that we can easily change how
// we determine if a token is nil without modify lots of classes.
// Can't use equals() here, or we'll go into an infinite loop.
return this == ArrayToken.NIL;
/** Return the length of the contained token array.
* @return The length of the contained token array.
public int length() {
return _value.length;
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* modulo the value of the argument token.
* This overrides the base class to allow modulo by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to divide into this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token and
* this token are implemented in different classes, or the
* operation does not make sense for the given types.
public Token modulo(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _modulo(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"modulo", this, rightArgument));
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
* modulo the value of this token.
* This overrides the base class to allow modulo by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to divide into this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token and
* this token are implemented in different classes, or the
* operation does not make sense for the given types.
public Token moduloReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _moduloReverse(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"modulo", this, rightArgument));
/** Multiply this array token by the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the multiplication is elementwise.
* Otherwise, each element is multiplied by the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow multiplication by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to multiply by this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if multiplication is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token multiply(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _multiply(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"multiply", this, rightArgument));
/** Multiply this array token by the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the multiplication is elementwise.
* Otherwise, each element is multiplied by the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow multiplication by scalars.
* @param leftArgument The token to multiply by this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token, or if multiplication is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token multiplyReverse(Token leftArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _multiply(leftArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"multiplyReverse", this, leftArgument));
/** Return a new ArrayToken representing the multiplicative
* identity. The returned token contains an array of the same
* size as the array contained by this token, and each element of
* the array in the returned token is the multiplicative identity
* of the corresponding element of this token.
* @return An ArrayToken.
* @exception IllegalActionException If multiplicative identity is not
* supported by the element token.
public Token one() throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] oneValueArray = new Token[_value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
oneValueArray[i] = _value[i].one();
return new ArrayToken(oneValueArray);
/** Return the contiguous subarray starting at the specified index and
* of the specified length. If the specified index is out of range,
* or if the specified length extends beyond the end of the array,
* then return an empty array with the same type as this array.
* @param index The index of the beginning of the subarray.
* @param count The length of the subarray.
* @return The extracted subarray.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the index argument is
* less than zero.
* @since Ptolemy II 4.1
public ArrayToken subarray(int index, int count)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalActionException(
"index argument of subarray() must be non-negative.");
if ((count > 0) && (index < _value.length) && (index >= 0)) {
if ((count + index) > _value.length) {
count = _value.length - index;
Token[] result = new Token[count];
System.arraycopy(_value, index, result, 0, count);
return new ArrayToken(result);
} else {
return new ArrayToken(getElementType());
/** Subtract from this array token the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the subtraction is elementwise.
* Otherwise, subtract the argument from each element.
* This overrides the base class to allow subtraction by scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token to subctract from this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token or length 1, or if division is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token subtract(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _subtract(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"subtract", this, rightArgument));
/** Subtract this array token from the specified argument.
* If the argument is an array token and it has
* the same length as this array token, and the subtraction is elementwise.
* Otherwise, each element is subtracted from the argument.
* This overrides the base class to allow subtraction from scalars.
* @param rightArgument The token from which to subtract this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument token is
* an array token but does not have the same length as this
* token or length 1, or if division is not supported between the elements
* of this array and the argument.
public Token subtractReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
try {
return _subtractReverse(rightArgument);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// If the type-specific operation fails, then create a
// better error message that has the types of the
// arguments that were passed in.
throw new IllegalActionException(null, ex, notSupportedMessage(
"divide", this, rightArgument));
/** Return the value of this token as a string that can be parsed
* by the expression language to recover a token with the same value.
* @return A string beginning with "{" that contains expressions
* for every element in the array separated by commas, ending with "}".
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("{");
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
if (i < (_value.length - 1)) {
buffer.append(", ");
return buffer.toString();
/** Take an array of unsigned bytes and convert it to an ArrayToken.
* @param dataBytes data to be converted to an ArrayToken.
* @return dataArrayToken the resulting ArrayToken.
* @exception IllegalActionException If ArrayToken can not be created.
public static ArrayToken unsignedByteArrayToArrayToken(byte[] dataBytes)
throws IllegalActionException {
int bytesAvailable = dataBytes.length;
Token[] dataArrayToken = new Token[bytesAvailable];
for (int j = 0; j < bytesAvailable; j++) {
dataArrayToken[j] = new UnsignedByteToken(dataBytes[j]);
return new ArrayToken(dataArrayToken);
/** Returns a new ArrayToken representing the additive identity.
* The returned token contains an array of the same size as the
* array contained by this token, and each element of the array
* in the returned token is the additive identity of the
* corresponding element of this token.
* @return An ArrayToken.
* @exception IllegalActionException If additive identity is not
* supported by an element token.
public Token zero() throws IllegalActionException {
if (_value.length == 0) {
return this;
Token[] zeroValueArray = new Token[_value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
zeroValueArray[i] = _value[i].zero();
return new ArrayToken(zeroValueArray);
//// public variables ////
/** A token that represents a missing value.
* Null or missing tokens are common in analytical systems
* like R and SAS where they are used to handle sparsely populated data
* sources. In database parlance, missing tokens are sometimes called
* null tokens. Since null is a Java keyword, we use the term "nil".
public static final ArrayToken NIL = new ArrayToken(BaseType.NIL);
//// protected methods ////
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
* token added to the value of this token. It is assumed that
* this class is the class of the argument.
* @param rightArgument The token whose value we add to the value
* of this token.
* @return A new array token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the add method of
* an element token throws it.
protected Token _add(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) rightArgument;
if (rightArray.length() == length()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].add(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Maybe one argument or the other is an array
// of length one, converted automatically from
// a scalar.
if (rightArray.length() == 1) {
Token scalar = rightArray.getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].add(scalar);
} else if (length() == 1) {
result = new Token[rightArray.length()];
Token scalar = getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rightArray.length(); i++) {
result[i] = rightArray.getElement(i).add(scalar);
} else {
// Use this method to get a consistent error message
// defined in one place.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].add(rightArgument);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* divided by the value of the argument token. If the argument
* is an array, then the division is done
* elementwise. Otherwise, this method assumes that each
* element can be divided by the argument and performs the
* division.
* @param rightArgument The token to divide this token by.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the divide method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _divide(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) rightArgument;
if (rightArray.length() == length()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].divide(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Maybe one argument or the other is an array
// of length one, converted automatically from
// a scalar.
if (rightArray.length() == 1) {
Token scalar = rightArray.getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].divide(scalar);
} else if (length() == 1) {
result = new Token[rightArray.length()];
Token scalar = getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rightArray.length(); i++) {
result[i] = scalar.divide(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Use this method to get a consistent error message
// defined in one place.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].divide(rightArgument);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* divided into the value of the argument token. If the argument
* is an array, then the division is done
* elementwise. Otherwise, this method assumes that the argument
* can be divided by each element of this array and performs the
* division.
* @param rightArgument The token into which to divide this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the divide method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _divideReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
return ((ArrayToken) rightArgument).divide(this);
} else {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = rightArgument.divide(_value[i]);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Test whether the value of this token is close to the first argument,
* where "close" means that the distance between them is less than
* or equal to the second argument. This method only makes sense
* for tokens where the distance between them is reasonably
* represented as a double. It is assumed that the argument is
* an ArrayToken, and the isCloseTo() method of the array elements
* is used.
* @param token The token to compare to this token.
* @param epsilon The value that we use to determine whether two
* tokens are close.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the elements do not support
* this comparison.
* @return A true-valued token if the first argument is close
* to this token.
protected BooleanToken _isCloseTo(Token token, double epsilon)
throws IllegalActionException {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) token;
if (length() != rightArray.length()) {
return BooleanToken.FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
// Here is where isCloseTo() differs from isEqualTo().
// Note that we return false the first time we hit an
// element token that is not close to our current element token.
BooleanToken result = _value[i].isCloseTo(rightArray.getElement(i),
if (result.booleanValue() == false) {
return BooleanToken.FALSE;
return BooleanToken.TRUE;
/** Return a true-valued token if the argument is equal to this one.
* The isEqualTo() method of the element tokens is used to make the
* comparison. It is assumed that the argument is an ArrayToken.
* @param token The token to compare to this token.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the element types do not
* support this comparison.
* @return A true-valued token if the argument is equal.
protected BooleanToken _isEqualTo(Token token)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (isNil() || token.isNil()) {
return BooleanToken.FALSE;
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) token;
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
BooleanToken result = _value[i].isEqualTo(rightArray.getElement(i));
if (result.booleanValue() == false) {
return BooleanToken.FALSE;
return BooleanToken.TRUE;
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* modulo the value of the argument token. It is assumed that
* this class is the class of the argument.
* @param rightArgument The token to modulo this token by.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the modulo method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _modulo(Token rightArgument) throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) rightArgument;
if (rightArray.length() == length()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].modulo(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Maybe one argument or the other is an array
// of length one, converted automatically from
// a scalar.
if (rightArray.length() == 1) {
Token scalar = rightArray.getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].modulo(scalar);
} else if (length() == 1) {
result = new Token[rightArray.length()];
Token scalar = getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rightArray.length(); i++) {
result[i] = scalar.modulo(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Use this method to get a consistent error message
// defined in one place.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].modulo(rightArgument);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* modulo the value of the argument token. If the argument
* is an array, then the modulo is done
* elementwise. Otherwise, this method assumes that the argument
* can be moduloed by each element of this array and performs the
* modulo.
* @param rightArgument The token into which to modulo this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the modulo method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _moduloReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
return ((ArrayToken) rightArgument).modulo(this);
} else {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = rightArgument.modulo(_value[i]);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* multiplied by the value of the argument token. If the argument
* is an array token, then it is required to have the same length
* as this array token, and the multiplication is performed
* elementwise. Otherwise, each element of this array is multiplied
* by the argument.
* @param rightArgument The token to multiply this token by.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the multiply method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _multiply(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) rightArgument;
if (rightArray.length() == length()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].multiply(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Maybe one argument or the other is an array
// of length one, converted automatically from
// a scalar.
if (rightArray.length() == 1) {
Token scalar = rightArray.getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].multiply(scalar);
} else if (length() == 1) {
result = new Token[rightArray.length()];
Token scalar = getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rightArray.length(); i++) {
result[i] = rightArray.getElement(i).multiply(scalar);
} else {
// Use this method to get a consistent error message
// defined in one place.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].multiply(rightArgument);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of the argument
* token subtracted from the value of this token. It is assumed
* that this class is the class of the argument.
* @param rightArgument The token to subtract to this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length, or calling the subtract method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _subtract(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
ArrayToken rightArray = (ArrayToken) rightArgument;
if (rightArray.length() == length()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].subtract(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Maybe one argument or the other is an array
// of length one, converted automatically from
// a scalar.
if (rightArray.length() == 1) {
Token scalar = rightArray.getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].subtract(scalar);
} else if (length() == 1) {
result = new Token[rightArray.length()];
Token scalar = getElement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rightArray.length(); i++) {
result[i] = scalar.subtract(rightArray.getElement(i));
} else {
// Use this method to get a consistent error message
// defined in one place.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = _value[i].subtract(rightArgument);
return new ArrayToken(result);
/** Return a new token whose value is the value of this token
* subtracted from the value of the argument token. If the argument
* is an array with the same length as this one, then the division is done
* elementwise. Otherwise, this method assumes that the argument
* can be subtracted from each element of this array and performs the
* subtraction.
* @param rightArgument The token from which to subtract this token.
* @return A new token containing the result.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the argument is an
* ArrayToken of different length (and not length 1), or calling the subtract method
* of the element token throws it.
protected Token _subtractReverse(Token rightArgument)
throws IllegalActionException {
if (rightArgument instanceof ArrayToken) {
return ((ArrayToken) rightArgument).subtract(this);
} else {
Token[] result = new Token[_value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
result[i] = rightArgument.subtract(_value[i]);
return new ArrayToken(result);
//// private methods ////
// Throw an exception if the argument is not an ArrayToken of the
// same length.
private void _checkArgumentLength(Token token)
throws IllegalActionException {
int length = ((ArrayToken) token).length();
if (length() != length) {
throw new IllegalActionException("The length of the argument ("
+ length
+ ") is not the same as the length of this token ("
+ length() + ").");
//// private variables ////
/** The array of values of this array token. */
private Token[] _value;
/** The type of this array. */
private Type _elementType;