@Copyright (c) 2003-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all
copies of this software.
package ptolemy.caltrop;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import ptolemy.caltrop.util.IntegerList;
import ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtArrayList;
import ptolemy.caltrop.util.PtCalFunction;
import ptolemy.data.ArrayToken;
import ptolemy.data.BooleanToken;
import ptolemy.data.DoubleToken;
import ptolemy.data.FunctionToken;
import ptolemy.data.IntToken;
import ptolemy.data.MatrixToken;
import ptolemy.data.ObjectToken;
import ptolemy.data.ScalarToken;
import ptolemy.data.StringToken;
import ptolemy.data.Token;
import ptolemy.data.type.BaseType;
import ptolemy.data.type.FunctionType;
import ptolemy.data.type.Type;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
import caltrop.interpreter.Context;
import caltrop.interpreter.Function;
import caltrop.interpreter.InterpreterException;
import caltrop.interpreter.Procedure;
import caltrop.interpreter.environment.Environment;
import caltrop.interpreter.environment.HashEnvironment;
import caltrop.interpreter.java.ClassObject;
import caltrop.interpreter.java.MethodObject;
import caltrop.interpreter.util.Platform;
//// PtolemyPlatform
The PtolemyPlatform class contains code that configures the CAL
interpreter infrastructure for use inside the Ptolemy II software. In
particular, it contains a context and a method that creates the global
environment to be used with Ptolemy.
@author Jörn W. Janneck, Christopher Chang, Steve Neuendorffer
@version $Id: PtolemyPlatform.java,v 1.48 2007/12/06 18:28:25 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 4.0
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (neuendor)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (cxh)
public class PtolemyPlatform implements Platform {
public Context context() {
return _theContext;
public Environment createGlobalEnvironment() {
return createGlobalEnvironment(null);
public Environment createGlobalEnvironment(Environment parent) {
Environment env = new HashEnvironment(parent, context());
env.bind("println", _theContext.createProcedure(new Procedure() {
public void call(Object[] args) {
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("SOP", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
return args[0];
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("SOP", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("logValue", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(
_theContext.stringValue(args[0]), true));
return args[1];
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("logValue", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("Integers", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
int a = _theContext.intValue(args[0]);
int b = _theContext.intValue(args[1]);
List res = (b < a) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST
: new IntegerList(_theContext, a, b);
return _theContext.createList(res);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("Integers", args[0],
args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$not", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
BooleanToken b = (BooleanToken) args[0];
return b.not();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$not", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("$and", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
BooleanToken a = (BooleanToken) args[0];
BooleanToken b = (BooleanToken) args[1];
return a.and(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$and", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$or", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
BooleanToken a = (BooleanToken) args[0];
BooleanToken b = (BooleanToken) args[1];
return a.or(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$or", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$eq", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
return a.isEqualTo(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$eq", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$ne", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
return a.isEqualTo(b).not();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$ne", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$lt", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ScalarToken a = (ScalarToken) args[0];
ScalarToken b = (ScalarToken) args[1];
return a.isLessThan(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$lt", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$le", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ScalarToken a = (ScalarToken) args[0];
ScalarToken b = (ScalarToken) args[1];
return a.isGreaterThan(b).not();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$le", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$gt", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ScalarToken a = (ScalarToken) args[0];
ScalarToken b = (ScalarToken) args[1];
return a.isGreaterThan(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$gt", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$ge", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ScalarToken a = (ScalarToken) args[0];
ScalarToken b = (ScalarToken) args[1];
return a.isLessThan(b).not();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$ge", args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$negate", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ScalarToken a = (ScalarToken) args[0];
return a.zero().subtract(a);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$negate", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("$add", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Compute the add operation on scalar arguments, the
// list concatenation operation on lists, or the set
// union on sets.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
if (a instanceof ObjectToken && b instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object oa = ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
Object ob = ((ObjectToken) b).getValue();
if (oa instanceof Collection
&& ob instanceof Collection) {
Collection result;
if (oa instanceof Set) {
result = new HashSet((Set) oa);
} else if (oa instanceof List) {
result = new ArrayList((List) oa);
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Unknown object type: expected Set or List.");
result.addAll((Collection) ob);
return new ObjectToken(result);
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Unknown object types: expected Collection.");
} else {
return a.add(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$add", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$mul", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Compute the multiply operation on scalar arguments,
// or the set intersection operation on sets.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
if (a instanceof ObjectToken && b instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object oa = ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
Object ob = ((ObjectToken) b).getValue();
if (oa instanceof Set && ob instanceof Collection) {
Set result = new HashSet((Set) oa);
result.retainAll((Collection) ob);
return new ObjectToken(result);
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unknown object types: expected Set and Collection.");
} else {
return a.multiply(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$mul", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$sub", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Compute the subtraction operation on scalar arguments,
// or the set subtraction operation on sets.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
if (a instanceof ObjectToken && b instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object oa = ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
Object ob = ((ObjectToken) b).getValue();
if (oa instanceof Collection
&& ob instanceof Collection) {
Collection result;
if (oa instanceof Set) {
result = new HashSet((Set) oa);
} else if (oa instanceof List) {
result = new ArrayList((List) oa);
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Unknown object type: expected Set or List.");
result.removeAll((Collection) ob);
return new ObjectToken(result);
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unknown object types: expected Collection.");
} else {
return a.subtract(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$sub", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$div", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
return a.divide(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$div", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$mod", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
Token b = (Token) args[1];
return a.modulo(b);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$mod", args[0], args[1],
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$size", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Compute the number of elements in the given set,
// list, or array.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
if (a instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object oa = ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
if (oa instanceof Collection) {
return new IntToken(((Collection) oa).size());
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unknown object type: expected Collection.");
} else if (a instanceof ArrayToken) {
return _theContext.createInteger(((ArrayToken) a)
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unknown type: expected Array, Set, or List");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("$size", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("$createList", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Create a list that contains the results of applying
// the second argument (a one argument function) to
// every element in the first argument (a collection).
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Collection c = _theContext.getCollection(args[0]);
FunctionToken f = (FunctionToken) args[1];
Object[] argument = new Object[1];
List res = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
argument[0] = i.next();
Object listFragment = _theContext.applyFunction(f,
return _theContext.createList(res);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("Failed to create list.",
args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$createSet", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Create a set that contains the results of applying
// the second argument (a one argument function) to
// every element in the first argument (a collection).
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Collection c = _theContext.getCollection(args[0]);
FunctionToken f = (FunctionToken) args[1];
Object[] argument = new Object[1];
Set res = new HashSet();
for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
argument[0] = i.next();
Object setFragment = _theContext.applyFunction(f,
return _theContext.createSet(res);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("Failed to create set.",
args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$createMap", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Create a map that contains the results of applying
// the second argument (a one argument function) to
// every element in the first argument (a collection).
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Collection c = _theContext.getCollection(args[0]);
FunctionToken f = (FunctionToken) args[1];
Object[] argument = new Object[1];
Map res = new HashMap();
for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
argument[0] = i.next();
Object mapFragment = _theContext.applyFunction(f,
return _theContext.createMap(res);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("Failed to create map.",
args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("$iterate", _theContext.createProcedure(new Procedure() {
// Invoke the second argument (a one argument
// procedure) on every element of the first argument
// (a collection).
public void call(Object[] args) {
try {
Collection c = _theContext.getCollection(args[0]);
Object proc = args[1];
Object[] argument = new Object[1];
for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
argument[0] = i.next();
_theContext.callProcedure(proc, argument);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("Iteration failed.",
args[0], args[1], ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("listToArray", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Convert the given list to an array.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ObjectToken input = (ObjectToken) args[0];
List inputList = (List) input.getValue();
Token[] tokens = new Token[inputList.size()];
tokens = (Token[]) inputList.toArray(tokens);
return new ArrayToken(tokens);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("listToArray", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("listToMatrix", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
// Convert the given list to an array.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
ObjectToken input = (ObjectToken) args[0];
List inputList = (List) input.getValue();
Token[] tokens = new Token[inputList.size()];
tokens = (Token[]) inputList.toArray(tokens);
int rows = _theContext.intValue(args[1]);
int columns = _theContext.intValue(args[2]);
return MatrixToken.arrayToMatrix(tokens, rows, columns);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FunctionCallException("listToArray", args[0], ex);
public int arity() {
return 3;
// Xilinx SystemBuilder
// constant YSCALE: INT19 := conv_signed( integer( 1.164 * 256), 19 );
// constant RSCALE: INT19 := conv_signed( integer( 1.596 * 256), 19 );
// constant GUSCALE: INT19 := conv_signed( integer(-0.392 * 256), 19 );
// constant GVSCALE: INT19 := conv_signed( integer(-0.813 * 256), 19 );
// constant BSCALE: INT19 := conv_signed( integer( 2.017 * 256), 19 );
// constant YOFFSET: INT19 := conv_signed( 16, 19 );
// constant UVOFFSET: INT19 := conv_signed( 128, 19 );
// constant UINT9_zero: UINT9 := (others => '0' );
// function INT19_mul( a: INT19; b: INT19 ) return INT19;
// function RGBCLIP( a: INT19 ) return UINT8;
env.bind("UINT9_zero", _theContext.createInteger(0));
env.bind("YSCALE", _theContext.createInteger((int) (1.164 * 256)));
env.bind("RSCALE", _theContext.createInteger((int) (1.596 * 256)));
env.bind("GUSCALE", _theContext.createInteger((int) (-0.392 * 256)));
env.bind("GVSCALE", _theContext.createInteger((int) (-0.813 * 256)));
env.bind("BSCALE", _theContext.createInteger((int) (2.017 * 256)));
env.bind("YOFFSET", _theContext.createInteger(16));
env.bind("UVOFFSET", _theContext.createInteger(128));
env.bind("INT19_mul", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
IntToken a = (IntToken) args[0];
IntToken b = (IntToken) args[1];
int res = (a.intValue() * b.intValue()); // & 0x7ffff;
return _theContext.createInteger(res);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Function 'RGBCLIP': Cannot apply.", ex);
public int arity() {
return 2;
env.bind("RGBCLIP", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
if (a instanceof IntToken) {
int n = ((IntToken) a).intValue() / 256;
int res = (n > 255) ? 255 : ((n < 0) ? 0 : n);
return _theContext.createInteger(res);
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"RGBCLIP needs an IntToken.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Function 'RGBCLIP': Cannot apply.", ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("readByte", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
if (a instanceof ObjectToken) {
InputStream s = (InputStream) ((ObjectToken) a)
return _theContext.createInteger(s.read());
} else {
throw new InterpreterException("readByte needs a file.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Function 'readByte': Cannot apply.", ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
env.bind("openFile", _theContext.createFunction(new Function() {
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
try {
Token a = (Token) args[0];
if (a instanceof StringToken) {
InputStream s = new FileInputStream(((StringToken) a)
return new ObjectToken(s);
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"openFile needs a StringToken.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Function 'openFile': Cannot apply.", ex);
public int arity() {
return 1;
// END SystemBuilder
return env;
/** The singleton platform. */
public final static Platform thePlatform = new PtolemyPlatform();
* This Context represents the Ptolemy II system of data objects
* in a way that can be used by the {@link
* ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.util.DataflowActorInterpreter
* DataflowActorInterpreter}. The interpreter infrastructure
* relies on a client-provided context for any manipulation of
* data values.
* @see ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.util.DataflowActorInterpreter
* @see caltrop.interpreter.ExprEvaluator
* @see caltrop.interpreter.StmtEvaluator
private static final Context _theContext = new Context() {
public Object createNull() {
try {
return new ObjectToken(null);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to create null.", ex);
public boolean isNull(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& (((ObjectToken) o).getValue() == null);
public Object createBoolean(boolean b) {
return b ? BooleanToken.TRUE : BooleanToken.FALSE;
public boolean isBoolean(Object o) {
return o instanceof BooleanToken;
public boolean booleanValue(Object b) {
try {
return ((BooleanToken) b).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve boolean value.", ex);
public Object createCharacter(char c) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(new Character(c));
} catch (IllegalActionException iae) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to create character value.");
public boolean isCharacter(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) o).getValue() instanceof Character;
public char charValue(Object o) {
return ((Character) ((ObjectToken) o).getValue()).charValue();
public Object createInteger(String s) {
try {
return new IntToken(s);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to create integer value from string: '" + s
+ "'.", ex);
public Object createInteger(int n) {
return new IntToken(n);
public boolean isInteger(Object o) {
return o instanceof IntToken;
public int intValue(Object o) {
try {
return ((IntToken) o).intValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve integer value.", ex);
public Object createReal(double d) {
return new DoubleToken(d);
public Object createReal(String s) {
try {
return new DoubleToken(s);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to create real value from string: '" + s + "'.",
public boolean isReal(Object o) {
return o instanceof DoubleToken;
public double realValue(Object o) {
try {
return ((DoubleToken) o).doubleValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve real value.", ex);
public Object createString(String s) {
return new StringToken(s);
public boolean isString(Object o) {
return o instanceof StringToken;
public String stringValue(Object o) {
try {
return ((StringToken) o).stringValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve string value.", ex);
///////// Collections
public Object createList(List a) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(a);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to create list value.",
public boolean isList(Object o) {
return (o instanceof PtArrayList)
|| (o instanceof ObjectToken && ((ObjectToken) o)
.getValue() instanceof List);
public List getList(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ArrayToken) {
return new PtArrayList((ArrayToken) o);
} else {
try {
return (List) ((ObjectToken) o).getValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve list value.", ex);
public Object createSet(Set s) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(s);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to create set value.",
public boolean isSet(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) o).getValue() instanceof Set;
public Set getSet(Object o) {
return (Set) ((ObjectToken) o).getValue();
public Object createMap(Map m) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(m);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to create map value.",
public boolean isMap(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) o).getValue() instanceof Map;
public Map getMap(Object a) {
try {
return (Map) ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to retrieve map value",
public Object applyMap(Object map, Object arg) {
Map m = getMap(map);
return m.get(arg);
public boolean isCollection(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) o).getValue() instanceof Collection;
public Collection getCollection(Object a) {
try {
return (Collection) ((ObjectToken) a).getValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Failed to retrieve collection value.", ex);
///////// Functional and procedural closures
public Object createFunction(Function f) {
Type[] argTypes = new Type[f.arity()];
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
argTypes[i] = BaseType.UNKNOWN;
return new FunctionToken(new PtCalFunction(f), new FunctionType(
argTypes, BaseType.UNKNOWN));
public boolean isFunction(Object a) {
return (a instanceof FunctionToken)
|| (a instanceof ObjectToken && ((ObjectToken) a)
.getValue() instanceof Function)
|| (a instanceof Function);
public Object applyFunction(Object function, Object[] args) {
// TODO: perhaps need to optimize array creation
try {
if (function instanceof FunctionToken) {
Token[] tokenArgs = new Token[args.length];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, tokenArgs, 0, args.length);
return ((FunctionToken) function).apply(tokenArgs);
} else if (function instanceof Function) {
return ((Function) function).apply(args);
} else {
return ((Function) ((ObjectToken) function).getValue())
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Function application failed.",
public Object createProcedure(Procedure p) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(p);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Failed to create procedure.",
public boolean isProcedure(Object a) {
return a instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) a).getValue() instanceof Procedure;
public void callProcedure(Object procedure, Object[] args) {
try {
ObjectToken pToken = (ObjectToken) procedure;
Procedure p = (Procedure) pToken.getValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Procedure call failed.", ex);
///////// Class
public Object createClass(Class c) {
try {
return new ObjectToken(new ClassObject(c, this));
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException("Cannot create class token.", ex);
public boolean isClass(Object o) {
return o instanceof ObjectToken
&& ((ObjectToken) o).getValue() instanceof ClassObject;
public Class getJavaClass(Object o) {
try {
return ((ClassObject) ((ObjectToken) o).getValue())
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
if (o instanceof ObjectToken) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Expected ClassObject, got instance of '"
+ ((ObjectToken) o).getValue().getClass()
.getName() + "'.", e);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Expected ClassObject inside ObjectToken, got instance of '"
+ o.getClass().getName()
+ "' as a token, with value: " + o + ".", e);
///////// Misc.
public Object getLocation(Object structure, Object[] location) {
if ((location.length == 1) && isInteger(location[0])) {
int index = intValue(location[0]);
if (structure instanceof ArrayToken) {
return ((ArrayToken) structure).getElement(index);
} else if (structure instanceof ObjectToken) {
try {
ObjectToken input = (ObjectToken) structure;
if (input.getValue() instanceof List) {
List inputList = (List) input.getValue();
return inputList.get(index);
} else if (input.getValue() instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] inputList = (Object[]) input.getValue();
return inputList[index];
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to index into structure:" + structure,
} else if ((location.length == 2) && isInteger(location[0])
&& isInteger(location[1])) {
int index1 = intValue(location[0]);
int index2 = intValue(location[1]);
if (structure instanceof MatrixToken) {
return ((MatrixToken) structure).getElementAsToken(index1,
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to index into structure:"
+ structure);
public void setLocation(Object structure, Object[] location,
Object value) {
if ((location.length == 1) && isInteger(location[0])) {
int index = intValue(location[0]);
if (structure instanceof ObjectToken) {
try {
ObjectToken input = (ObjectToken) structure;
if (input.getValue() instanceof List) {
List inputList = (List) input.getValue();
inputList.set(index, value);
} else if (input.getValue() instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] inputList = (Object[]) input.getValue();
inputList[index] = value;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to assign at index into structure:"
+ structure, ex);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to assign at index "
+ location[0] + " into structure:" + structure
+ " of class " + structure.getClass().getName());
public Class getJavaClassOfObject(Object o) {
// FIXME very preliminary. what about FunctionToken?
// also, how will reflection work on methods that
// need bytes, etc.
if (o == null) {
return Object.class;
} else if (o instanceof BooleanToken) {
return Boolean.class;
} else if (o instanceof DoubleToken) {
return Double.class;
} else if (o instanceof IntToken) {
return Integer.class;
} else if (o instanceof StringToken) {
return String.class;
} else if (o instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object v = ((ObjectToken) o).getValue();
if (v instanceof ClassObject) {
return Class.class;
} else {
return v.getClass();
} else if (o instanceof Token) {
return o.getClass();
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unrecognized Token type in toClass:"
+ o.getClass().toString());
public Object toJavaObject(Object o) {
if (o instanceof BooleanToken) {
//return new Boolean(booleanValue(o));
return Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue(o));
} else if (o instanceof DoubleToken) {
return Double.valueOf(realValue(o));
} else if (o instanceof IntToken) {
return Integer.valueOf(intValue(o));
} else if (o instanceof StringToken) {
return stringValue(o);
} else if (o instanceof ObjectToken) {
Object v = ((ObjectToken) o).getValue();
if (v instanceof ClassObject) {
return ((ClassObject) v).getClassObject();
} else {
return ((ObjectToken) o).getValue();
} else if (o instanceof Token) {
return o;
} else {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Unrecognized Token type in toClass:"
+ o.getClass().toString());
public Object fromJavaObject(Object o) {
try {
if (o instanceof Token) {
return o;
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
return new BooleanToken(((Boolean) o).booleanValue());
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
return new DoubleToken(((Double) o).doubleValue());
} else if (o instanceof Integer) {
return new IntToken(((Integer) o).intValue());
} else if (o instanceof String) {
return new StringToken((String) o);
} else if (o instanceof Class) {
return new ObjectToken(new ClassObject((Class) o, this));
} else {
return new ObjectToken(o);
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
throw new InterpreterException(
"Couldn't create ObjectToken from Java Object "
+ o.toString(), ex);
public Object selectField(Object composite, String fieldName) {
Class c = getJavaClassOfObject(composite);
Field f;
try {
f = c.getField(fieldName);
return fromJavaObject(f.get(toJavaObject(composite)));
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new InterpreterException("Tried to access field "
+ fieldName + " in " + composite.toString(), iae);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe1) {
// maybe the enclosing object is a Class?
if (isClass(composite)) {
try {
f = getJavaClass(composite).getField(fieldName);
return fromJavaObject(f.get(null));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe2) {
return new MethodObject(toJavaObject(composite),
fieldName, this);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new InterpreterException("Tried to access field "
+ fieldName + " in " + composite.toString(),
} else {
// assume it is a method
try {
return new ObjectToken(new MethodObject(
toJavaObject(composite), fieldName, this));
} catch (IllegalActionException iae) {
throw new InterpreterException("Tried to access field "
+ fieldName + " in " + composite.toString(),