/* An application that reads one or more files specified on the command line.
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
of this software.
package ptolemy.actor.gui;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor;
import ptolemy.actor.Director;
import ptolemy.actor.ExecutionListener;
import ptolemy.actor.Manager;
import ptolemy.data.ArrayToken;
import ptolemy.data.StringToken;
import ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter;
import ptolemy.data.expr.StringParameter;
import ptolemy.gui.GraphicalMessageHandler;
import ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity;
import ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.KernelException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace;
import ptolemy.moml.Documentation;
import ptolemy.moml.ErrorHandler;
import ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest;
import ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser;
import ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility;
import ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses;
import ptolemy.util.MessageHandler;
import ptolemy.util.StringUtilities;
//// MoMLApplication
This is an application that reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
If one of these files is an XML file that defines a Configuration, or one
of the classes is an instance of Configuration, then
all subsequent files will be read by delegating to the Configuration,
invoking its openModel() method. A command-line file is assumed to be
a MoML file or a file that can be opened by the specified configuration.
<p>For example, this command uses the HyVisual configuration to
open a model:
$PTII/bin/moml $PTII/ptolemy/configs/hyvisual/configuration.xml $PTII/ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/StickyMasses/StickyMasses.xml
If a Ptolemy model is instantiated on the command line, either
by giving a MoML file or a -class argument, then parameters of that
model can be set on the command line. The syntax is:
$PTII/bin/ptolemy <i>modelFile.xml</i> -<i>parameterName</i> <i>value</i>
where <i>parameterName</i> is the name of a parameter relative to
the top level of a model or the director of a model. For instance,
if foo.xml defines a toplevel entity named <code>x</code> and
<code>x</code> contains an entity named <code>y</code> and a
parameter named <code>a</code>, and <code>y</code> contains a
parameter named <code>b</code>, then:
$PTII/bin/ptolemy foo.xml -a 5 -y.b 10
would set the values of the two parameters.
<p>Note that strings need to be carefully backslashed, so to set a
parameter named <code>c</code> to the string <code>"bar"</code> it
might be necessary to do something like:
$PTII/bin/ptolemy foo.xml -a 5 -y.b 10 -c \\\"bar\\\"
The reason the backslashes are necessary is because <code>moml</code>
is a shell script which tends to strip off the double quotes.
The -class option can be used to specify a Java class to be loaded.
The named class must have a constructor that takes a Workspace
as an argument.
In the example below, $PTII/ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/Butterfly/Butterfly.java
is a class that has a constructor Butterfly(Workspace).
$PTII/bin/ptolemy -class ptolemy.domains.sdf.demo.Butterfly.Butterfly
Note that -class is very well tested now that we have use MoML
for almost all models.
Derived classes may provide default configurations. In particular, the
protected method _createDefaultConfiguration() is called before any
arguments are processed to provide a default configuration for those
command-line command-line arguments. In this base class,
that method returns null, so no default configuration is provided.
If no arguments are given at all, then a default configuration is instead
obtained by calling the protected method _createEmptyConfiguration().
In this base class, that method also returns null,
so calling this with no arguments will not be very useful.
No configuration will be created and no models will be opened.
Derived classes can specify a configuration that opens some
welcome window, or a blank editor.
@author Edward A. Lee and Steve Neuendorffer, Contributor: Christopher Hylands
@version $Id: MoMLApplication.java,v 2008/01/29 07:35:36 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 0.4
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (eal)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (eal)
@see Configuration
public class MoMLApplication implements ExecutionListener {
/** Parse the specified command-line arguments, instanting classes
* and reading files that are specified.
* @param args The command-line arguments.
* @exception Exception If command line arguments have problems.
public MoMLApplication(String[] args) throws Exception {
this("ptolemy/configs", args);
/** Parse the specified command-line arguments, instanting classes
* and reading files that are specified.
* @param basePath The basePath to look for configurations
* in, usually "ptolemy/configs", but other tools might
* have other configurations in other directories
* @param args The command-line arguments.
* @exception Exception If command line arguments have problems.
public MoMLApplication(String basePath, String[] args) throws Exception {
_basePath = basePath;
// The Java look & feel is pretty lame, so we use the native
// look and feel of the platform we are running on.
// NOTE: This creates the only dependence on Swing in this
// class. Should this be left to derived classes?
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore exceptions, which only result in the wrong look and feel.
// Create a parser to use.
_parser = new MoMLParser();
// We set the list of MoMLFilters to handle Backward Compatibility.
// 2/03: Moved the setMessageHandler() to before parseArgs() so
// that if we get an error in parseArgs() we will get a graphical
// stack trace. Such an error could be caused by specifying a model
// as a command line argument and the model has an invalid parameter.
MessageHandler.setMessageHandler(new GraphicalMessageHandler());
// Even if the user is set up for foreign locale, use the US locale.
// This is because certain parts of Ptolemy (like the expression
// language) are not localized.
// FIXME: This is a workaround for the locale problem, not a fix.
// FIXME: In March, 2001, Johan Ecker writes
// Ptolemy gave tons of exception when started on my laptop
// which has Swedish settings as default. The Swedish standard
// for floating points are "2,3", i.e. using a comma as
// delimiter. However, I think most Swedes are adaptable and
// do not mind using a dot instead since this more or less has
// become the world standard, at least in engineering. The
// problem is that I needed to change my global settings to
// start Ptolemy and this is quite annoying. I guess that the
// expression parser should just ignore the delimiter settings
// on the local computer and always use dot, otherwise Ptolemy
// will crash using its own init files.
try {
} catch (java.security.AccessControlException accessControl) {
// FIXME: If the application is run under Web Start, then this
// exception will be thrown.
try {
// Run if -run argument was specified.
if (_run) {
if (_exit) {
// In vergil, this gets called in the
// swing thread, which hangs everything
// if we call waitForFinish() directly.
// So instead, we create a new thread to
// do it.
Thread waitThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Note that we start the thread here, which could
// be risky when we subclass, since the thread will be
// started before the subclass constructor finishes (FindBugs)
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// Make sure that we do not eat the exception if there are
// problems parsing. For example, "ptolemy -FOO bar bif.xml"
// will crash if bar is not a variable. Instead, use
// "ptolemy -FOO \"bar\" bif.xml"
throwArgsException(ex, args);
//// public methods ////
/** Reduce the count of executing models by one. If the number of
* executing models drops to zero, then notify threads that might
* be waiting for this event.
* @param manager The manager calling this method.
* @param throwable The throwable being reported.
public synchronized void executionError(Manager manager, Throwable throwable) {
if (_activeCount == 0) {
/** Reduce the count of executing models by one. If the number of
* executing models drops ot zero, then notify threads that might
* be waiting for this event.
* @param manager The manager calling this method.
public synchronized void executionFinished(Manager manager) {
if (_activeCount == 0) {
/** Create a new instance of this application, passing it the
* command-line arguments.
* @param args The command-line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new MoMLApplication(args);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
MessageHandler.error("Command failed", throwable);
// Be sure to print the stack trace so that
// "$PTII/bin/moml -foo" prints something.
// If the -test arg was set, then exit after 2 seconds.
if (_test) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
/** Do nothing.
* @param manager The manager calling this method.
public void managerStateChanged(Manager manager) {
/** Return a list of the Ptolemy II models that were created by processing
* the command-line arguments.
* @return A list of instances of NamedObj.
public List models() {
LinkedList result = new LinkedList();
if (_configuration == null) {
return result;
ModelDirectory directory = (ModelDirectory) _configuration
Iterator effigies = directory.entityList().iterator();
while (effigies.hasNext()) {
Effigy effigy = (Effigy) effigies.next();
if (effigy instanceof PtolemyEffigy) {
NamedObj model = ((PtolemyEffigy) effigy).getModel();
return result;
/** Read a Configuration from the URL given by the specified string.
* The URL may absolute, or relative to the Ptolemy II tree root,
* or in the classpath. To convert a String to a URL suitable for
* use by this method, call specToURL(String).
* <p>If there is an _applicationInitializer parameter, then
* instantiate the class named by that parameter. The
* _applicationInitializer parameter contains a string that names
* a class to be initialized.
* <p>If the configuration has already been read in, then the old
* configuration will be deleted. Note that this may exit the application.
* @param specificationURL A string describing a URL.
* @return A configuration.
* @exception Exception If the configuration cannot be opened, or
* if the contents of the URL is not a configuration.
public static Configuration readConfiguration(URL specificationURL)
throws Exception {
if (_initialSpecificationURL == null) {
_initialSpecificationURL = specificationURL;
MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser();
Configuration configuration = (Configuration) parser.parse(
specificationURL, specificationURL);
// If the toplevel model is a configuration containing a directory,
// then create an effigy for the configuration itself, and put it
// in the directory.
ComponentEntity directory = configuration.getEntity("directory");
if (directory instanceof ModelDirectory) {
PtolemyEffigy effigy = null;
try {
effigy = new PtolemyEffigy((ModelDirectory) directory,
} catch (NameDuplicationException ex) {
// Try deleting the old configuration
PtolemyEffigy oldEffigy = (PtolemyEffigy) ((ModelDirectory) directory)
effigy = new PtolemyEffigy((ModelDirectory) directory,
// If there is an _applicationInitializer parameter, then
// construct it. The _applicationInitializer parameter contains
// a string that names a class to be initialized.
StringParameter applicationInitializerParameter = (StringParameter) configuration
.getAttribute("_applicationInitializer", Parameter.class);
if (applicationInitializerParameter != null) {
String applicationInitializerClassName = applicationInitializerParameter
try {
Class applicationInitializer = Class
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new Exception("Failed to call application initializer "
+ "class \"" + applicationInitializerClassName
+ "\". Perhaps the configuration file \""
+ specificationURL + "\" has a problem?", throwable);
return configuration;
/** Start the models running, each in a new thread, then return.
* @exception IllegalActionException If the manager throws it.
public void runModels() throws IllegalActionException {
Iterator models = models().iterator();
while (models.hasNext()) {
NamedObj model = (NamedObj) models.next();
if (model instanceof CompositeActor) {
CompositeActor actor = (CompositeActor) model;
// Create a manager if necessary.
Manager manager = actor.getManager();
if (manager == null) {
manager = new Manager(actor.workspace(), "manager");
// Run the model in a new thread.
/** Given the name of a file or a URL, convert it to a URL.
* This first attempts to do that directly by invoking a URL constructor.
* If that fails, then it tries to interpret the spec as a file name
* on the local file system. If that fails, then it tries to interpret
* the spec as a resource accessible to the class loader, which uses
* the classpath to find the resource. If that fails, then it throws
* an exception. The specification can give a file name relative to
* current working directory, or the directory in which this application
* is started up.
* @param spec The specification.
* @return the URL.
* @exception IOException If it cannot convert the specification to
* a URL.
public static URL specToURL(String spec) throws IOException {
// FIXME: There is a bit of a design flaw here because
// we open a stream to the url (which is probably expensive)
// and then close it. The reason for opening the stream
// is that we want to be sure that the URL is valid,
// and if it is not, we check the local file system
// and the classpath.
// One solution would be to have a method that returned a
// URLConnection because we can open a stream with a
// URLConnection and still get the original URL if necessary
URL specURL = null;
try {
// First argument is null because we are only
// processing absolute URLs this way. Relative
// URLs are opened as ordinary files.
specURL = new URL(null, spec);
// Make sure that the specURL actually exists
InputStream urlStream = specURL.openStream();
return specURL;
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
// Try as a regular file
File file = new File(spec);
// Oddly, under Windows file.exists() might return even
// though the file does not exist if we changed user.dir.
// See
// http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=31&thread=328939
// One hack is to convert to an absolute path first
File absoluteFile = file.getAbsoluteFile();
try {
if (!absoluteFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("File '" + absoluteFile
+ "' does not exist.");
} catch (java.security.AccessControlException accessControl) {
IOException exception = new IOException(
"AccessControlException while "
+ "trying to read '" + absoluteFile + "'");
// IOException does not have a cause argument constructor.
throw exception;
specURL = absoluteFile.getCanonicalFile().toURI().toURL();
//InputStream urlStream = specURL.openStream();
return specURL;
} catch (Exception ex2) {
try {
// Try one last thing, using the classpath.
// Need a class context, and this is a static method, so...
// we can't use this.getClass().getClassLoader()
// NOTE: There doesn't seem to be any way to convert
// this a canonical name, so if a model is opened this
// way, and then later opened as a file, the model
// directory will think it has two different files.
//Class refClass = Class.forName(
// "ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj");
//specURL = refClass.getClassLoader().getResource(spec);
// This works in Web Start, see
// http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/faq.html#54
specURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
if (specURL == null) {
throw new Exception("getResource(\"" + spec
+ "\") returned null.");
} else {
// If we have a jar URL, convert spaces to %20
// so as to avoid multiple windows with the
// same file. Web Start needs this if the Web
// Start cache is in a directory that has
// spaces in the path, which is the default
// under Windows.
specURL = JNLPUtilities.canonicalizeJarURL(specURL);
// Verify that it can be opened
InputStream urlStream = specURL.openStream();
return specURL;
} catch (Exception ex3) {
// Use a very verbose message in case opening
// the configuration fails under Web Start.
// Without this error message, users will
// have no hope of telling us why Web Start failed.
IOException exception = new IOException("File not found: '"
+ spec + "'\n caused by:\n" + ex + "\n AND:\n"
+ ex2 + "\n AND:\n" + ex3);
// IOException does not have a cause argument
throw exception;
/** Throw an exception that includes the elements of the args parameter.
* @param cause The throwable that caused the problem.
* @param args An array of Strings.
* @exception Exception Always thrown
public static void throwArgsException(Throwable cause, String[] args)
throws Exception {
// Accumulate the arguments into a StringBuffer
StringBuffer argsStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (argsStringBuffer.length() > 0) {
argsStringBuffer.append(" ");
} catch (Exception ex2) {
// Make sure we throw an exception if one is caught.
// If we don't, then running vergil -foo will just exit.
throw new Exception("Failed to parse \"" + argsStringBuffer.toString()
+ "\"", cause);
/** Wait for all executing runs to finish, then return.
public synchronized void waitForFinish() {
while (_activeCount > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
//// protected methods ////
/** Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments,
* including any configuration directories in a base path,
* typically "ptolemy/configs".
* Some subclasses of this class use configurations from ptolemy/configs.
* For example, if ptolemy/configs/full/configuration.xml exists
* then -full is a legitimate argument.
* @param commandTemplate The form of the command line
* @param commandOptions Command-line options that take arguments.
* @param commandFlags Command-line options that are either present
* or not.
* @return A usage string.
* @see ptolemy.util.StringUtilities#usageString(String, String [][], String [])
protected String _configurationUsage(String commandTemplate,
String[][] commandOptions, String[] commandFlags) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("Usage: " + commandTemplate
+ "\n\n" + "Options that take values:\n");
int i;
// Print any command options from this class first
for (i = 0; i < _commandOptions.length; i++) {
result.append(" " + _commandOptions[i][0] + " "
+ _commandOptions[i][1] + "\n");
for (i = 0; i < commandOptions.length; i++) {
result.append(" " + commandOptions[i][0] + " "
+ commandOptions[i][1] + "\n");
result.append("\nFlags (do not take values):\n");
// Print any command flags from this class first
for (i = 0; i < _commandFlags.length; i++) {
result.append(" " + _commandFlags[i] + "\n");
for (i = 0; i < commandFlags.length; i++) {
result.append(" " + commandFlags[i] + "\n");
try {
// Look for configuration directories in _basePath
// This will likely fail if ptolemy/configs is in a jar file
// We use a URI here so that we cause call File(URI).
URI configurationURI = new URI(specToURL(_basePath)
.toExternalForm().replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
File configurationDirectory = new File(configurationURI);
ConfigurationFilenameFilter filter = new ConfigurationFilenameFilter();
File[] configurationDirectories = configurationDirectory
if (configurationDirectories != null) {
result.append("\nThe following (mutually exclusive) flags "
+ "specify alternative configurations:\n");
for (i = 0; i < configurationDirectories.length; i++) {
String configurationName = configurationDirectories[i]
result.append(" -" + configurationName);
// Pad out to a fixed number of spaces to get good alignment.
for (int j = configurationName.length(); j < 20; j++) {
result.append(" ");
String configurationFileName = configurationDirectories[i]
+ File.separator + "configuration.xml";
boolean printDefaultConfigurationMessage = true;
try {
// Read the configuration and get the top level docs
// FIXME: this will not work if the configs are
// in jar files.
// FIXME: Skip jxta, since it starts up the jxta config
// tools.
if (!configurationName.equals("jxta")) {
URL specificationURL = specToURL(configurationFileName);
Configuration configuration;
// URL.equals() is very expensive? See:
if (specificationURL
.equals(_initialSpecificationURL)) {
// Avoid rereading the configuration, which will result
// in the old configuration being removed, which exits the app.
configuration = _configuration;
} else {
ErrorHandler errorHandler = MoMLParser
// Read the configuration. If there is an
// error, ignore the error, but don't print
// usage for that configuration
try {
.setErrorHandler(new IgnoreErrorHandler());
configuration = readConfiguration(specificationURL);
} finally {
if ((configuration != null)
&& (configuration.getAttribute("_doc") != null)
&& configuration.getAttribute("_doc") instanceof Documentation) {
Documentation doc = (Documentation) configuration
+ doc.getValueAsString() + "\n");
printDefaultConfigurationMessage = false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
//result.append("\tCould not read configuration"
// + "\n" + ex);
if (printDefaultConfigurationMessage) {
result.append("\t\tuses " + configurationFileName
+ "\n");
} catch (Exception ex) {
result.append("Warning: Failed to find configuration(s) in '"
+ _basePath + "': " + ex);
return result.toString();
/** Return a default Configuration, or null to do without one.
* This configuration will be created before any command-line arguments
* are processed. If there are no command-line arguments, then
* the default configuration is given by _createEmptyConfiguration()
* instead. This method merges the compile-time configuration file
* values from {@link ptolemy.util.StringUtilities#mergePropertiesFile()}.
* Subclasses should call
* {@link ptolemy.actor.gui.PtolemyPreferences#setDefaultPreferences(Configuration)}.
* @return null
* @exception Exception Thrown in derived classes if the default
* configuration cannot be opened.
protected Configuration _createDefaultConfiguration() throws Exception {
// Load the properties file
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// FIXME: this should be logged, not ignored
// Ignore the exception, it clutters the start up.
return null;
/** Return a default Configuration to use when there are no command-line
* arguments, or null to do without one. This base class returns the
* configuration returned by _createDefaultConfiguration().
* @return null
* @exception Exception Thrown in derived classes if the empty
* configuration cannot be opened.
protected Configuration _createEmptyConfiguration() throws Exception {
return _createDefaultConfiguration();
/** Parse a command-line argument.
* @param arg The command-line argument to be parsed.
* @return True if the argument is understood, false otherwise.
* @exception Exception If something goes wrong.
protected boolean _parseArg(String arg) throws Exception {
if (arg.equals("-class")) {
_expectingClass = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-help")) {
// NOTE: This means the test suites cannot test -help
} else if (arg.equals("-run")) {
_run = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-runThenExit")) {
_run = true;
_exit = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-test")) {
_test = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-version")) {
.println("Version "
+ VersionAttribute.CURRENT_VERSION.getExpression()
+ ", Build $Id: MoMLApplication.java,v 2008/01/29 07:35:36 cxh Exp $");
// NOTE: This means the test suites cannot test -version
} else if (arg.equals("")) {
// Ignore blank argument.
} else {
if (_expectingClass) {
// $PTII/bin/ptolemy -class ptolemy.domains.sdf.demo.Butterfly.Butterfly
// Previous argument was -class
_expectingClass = false;
// Create the class.
Class newClass = Class.forName(arg);
// Instantiate the specified class in a new workspace.
Workspace workspace = new Workspace();
//Workspace workspace = _configuration.workspace();
// Get the constructor that takes a Workspace argument.
Class[] argTypes = new Class[1];
argTypes[0] = workspace.getClass();
Constructor constructor = newClass.getConstructor(argTypes);
Object[] args = new Object[1];
args[0] = workspace;
NamedObj newModel = (NamedObj) constructor.newInstance(args);
// If there is a configuration, then create an effigy
// for the class, and enter it in the directory.
System.out.println("-class: _configuration: " + _configuration);
if (_configuration != null) {
// FIXME: we can probably delete this code.
// // Create an effigy for the model.
// PtolemyEffigy effigy = new PtolemyEffigy(_configuration
// .workspace());
// effigy.setModel(newModel);
// System.out.println("-class: effigy: " + effigy);
// ModelDirectory directory = (ModelDirectory) _configuration
// .getEntity("directory");
// // Can't use names with dots, so we subsitute.
// String safeName =
// StringUtilities.substitute(arg, ".","_" );
// effigy.setName(safeName);
// if (directory != null) {
// if (directory.getEntity(safeName) != null) {
// // Name is already taken.
// int count = 2;
// String newName = safeName + " " + count;
// while (directory.getEntity(newName) != null) {
// count++;
// }
// effigy.setName(newName);
// }
// }
// effigy.setContainer(directory);
} else {
System.err.println("No configuration found.");
throw new IllegalActionException(newModel,
"No configuration found.");
} else {
if (!arg.startsWith("-")) {
// Assume the argument is a file name or URL.
// Attempt to read it.
try {
inURL = specToURL(arg);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
inURL = new URL(new URL("file://./"), arg);
} catch (Exception ex2) {
File inFile = new File(arg);
inURL = inFile.toURI().toURL();
// Strangely, the XmlParser does not want as base the
// directory containing the file, but rather the
// file itself.
URL base = inURL;
// If a configuration has been found, then
// defer to it to read the model. Otherwise,
// assume the file is an XML file.
if (_configuration != null) {
ModelDirectory directory = (ModelDirectory) _configuration
if (directory == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException(
"No model directory!");
String key = inURL.toExternalForm();
//long startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// Now defer to the model reader.
/*Tableau tableau = */_configuration.openModel(base,
inURL, key);
// FIXME: If the -run option was given, then start a run.
// FIXME: If the -fullscreen option was given, open full screen.
//System.out.println("Model open done: " +
// Manager.timeAndMemory(startTime));
} else {
// No configuration has been encountered.
// Assume this is a MoML file, and open it.
try {
NamedObj toplevel = _parser.parse(base, inURL);
if (toplevel instanceof Configuration) {
_configuration = (Configuration) toplevel;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Unfortunately, java.util.zip.ZipException
// does not include the file name.
// If inURL is a jarURL check for %20
String detailMessage = "";
try {
if ((inURL.toString().indexOf("!/") != -1)
&& (inURL.toString().indexOf("%20") != -1)) {
detailMessage = " The URL contains "
+ "'!/', so it may be a jar "
+ "URL, and jar URLs cannot contain "
+ "%20. This might happen if the "
+ "pathname to the jnlp file had a "
+ "space in it";
} catch (Exception ex2) {
// Ignored
throw new Exception("Failed to parse '" + inURL
+ "'" + detailMessage, ex);
} else {
// Argument not recognized.
return false;
return true;
/** Parse the command-line arguments.
* @param args The command-line arguments to be parsed.
* @exception Exception If an argument is not understood or triggers
* an error.
protected void _parseArgs(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length > 0) {
_configuration = _createDefaultConfiguration();
} else {
_configuration = _createEmptyConfiguration();
// If the configuration has a _classesToRemove attribute,
// then set a MoMLFilter to remove those classes. This
// is used by Ptiny and Kepler to avoid the Code Generator.
Parameter classesToRemoveParameter = (Parameter) _configuration.getAttribute("_classesToRemove");
if (classesToRemoveParameter != null) {
ArrayToken classesToRemoveToken = (ArrayToken) classesToRemoveParameter.getToken();
// We use RemoveGraphicalClasses here to remove these
// classes.
// FIXME: this could cause problem with RemoveGraphicalClasses
// elsewhere, but usually we run w/o _classesToRemove
RemoveGraphicalClasses filter = new RemoveGraphicalClasses();
// _classesToRemove is an array of Strings where each element
// names a class to be added to the MoMLFilter for removal.
for (int i = 0; i < classesToRemoveToken.length(); i++) {
String classNameToRemove = ((StringToken) classesToRemoveToken
filter.put(classNameToRemove, null);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i];
if (_parseArg(arg) == false) {
if (arg.trim().startsWith("-")) {
if (i >= (args.length - 1)) {
throw new IllegalActionException("Cannot set "
+ "parameter " + arg + " when no value is "
+ "given.");
// Save in case this is a parameter name and value.
_parameterValues.add(args[i + 1]);
} else {
// Unrecognized option.
throw new IllegalActionException("Unrecognized option: "
+ arg);
if (_expectingClass) {
throw new IllegalActionException("Missing classname.");
// Check saved options to see whether any is setting an attribute.
Iterator names = _parameterNames.iterator();
Iterator values = _parameterValues.iterator();
while (names.hasNext() && values.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) names.next();
String value = (String) values.next();
boolean match = false;
ModelDirectory directory = (ModelDirectory) _configuration
if (directory == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("No model directory!");
Iterator effigies = directory.entityList(Effigy.class).iterator();
while (effigies.hasNext()) {
Effigy effigy = (Effigy) effigies.next();
if (effigy instanceof PtolemyEffigy) {
NamedObj model = ((PtolemyEffigy) effigy).getModel();
// System.out.println("model = " + model.getFullName());
Attribute attribute = model.getAttribute(name);
if (attribute instanceof Settable) {
match = true;
// Use a MoMLChangeRequest so that visual rendition (if
// any) is updated and listeners are notified.
String moml = "<property name=\"" + name
+ "\" value=\"" + value + "\"/>";
MoMLChangeRequest request = new MoMLChangeRequest(this,
model, moml);
/* Formerly (before the change request):
if (attribute instanceof Variable) {
// Force evaluation so that listeners are notified.
if (model instanceof CompositeActor) {
Director director = ((CompositeActor) model)
if (director != null) {
attribute = director.getAttribute(name);
if (attribute instanceof Settable) {
match = true;
// Use a MoMLChangeRequest so that visual rendition (if
// any) is updated and listeners are notified.
String moml = "<property name=\"" + name
+ "\" value=\"" + value + "\"/>";
MoMLChangeRequest request = new MoMLChangeRequest(
this, director, moml);
/* Formerly (before change request):
if (attribute instanceof Variable) {
// Force evaluation so that listeners
// are notified.
if (!match) {
// Unrecognized option.
throw new IllegalActionException("Unrecognized option: "
+ "No parameter exists with name " + name);
// If the default configuration contains any Tableaux,
// then we show them now. This is deferred until now because
// how they are shown may depend on command-line arguments
// and/or parameters in some MoML file that is read.
if (_configuration == null) {
throw new IllegalActionException("No configuration provided.");
/** Read a Configuration from the URL given by the specified string.
* The URL may absolute, or relative to the Ptolemy II tree root,
* or in the classpath. To convert a String to a URL suitable for
* use by this method, call specToURL(String).
* @param specificationURL A string describing a URL.
* @return A configuration.
* @exception Exception If the configuration cannot be opened, or
* if the contents of the URL is not a configuration.
* @deprecated Use readConfiguration() instead.
protected Configuration _readConfiguration(URL specificationURL)
throws Exception {
return readConfiguration(specificationURL);
/** Return a string summarizing the command-line arguments.
* @return A usage string.
protected String _usage() {
// Call the static method that generates the usage strings.
return StringUtilities.usageString(_commandTemplate, _commandOptions,
//// protected variables ////
/** The base path of the configuration directory, usually
* "ptolemy/configs" for Ptolemy II, but subclasses might
* have configurations in a different directory.
protected String _basePath = "ptolemy/configs";
/** The command-line options that are either present or not. */
protected String[] _commandFlags = { "-help", "-run", "-runThenExit",
"-test", "-version", };
/** The command-line options that take arguments. */
protected static String[][] _commandOptions = {
{ "-class", "<classname>" },
{ "-<parameter name>", "<parameter value>" }, };
/** The form of the command line. */
protected String _commandTemplate = "moml [ options ] [file ...]";
/** The configuration model of this application. */
protected Configuration _configuration;
/** Indicator that -runThenExit was requested. */
protected boolean _exit = false;
/** The parser used to construct the configuration. */
protected MoMLParser _parser;
/** If true, then -run was specified on the command line. */
protected boolean _run = false;
/** If true, then auto exit after a few seconds. */
protected static boolean _test = false;
//// inner classes ////
/** Look for directories that contain files named configuration.xml
* and intro.htm.
static class ConfigurationFilenameFilter implements FilenameFilter {
// FindBugs suggests making this class static so as to decrease
// the size of instances and avoid dangling references.
/** Return true if the specified file names a directory
* that contains a file named configuration.xml
* and a file named intro.htm
* @param directory the directory in which the potential
* directory was found.
* @param name the name of the directory or file.
* @return true if the file is a directory that
* contains a file called configuration.xml
public boolean accept(File directory, String name) {
try {
File configurationDirectory = new File(directory, name);
if (!configurationDirectory.isDirectory()) {
return false;
File configurationFile = new File(configurationDirectory,
File introFile = new File(configurationDirectory, "intro.htm");
if (configurationFile.isFile() && introFile.isFile()) {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
return false;
/** Error Handler that ignore errors.
public static class IgnoreErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
// FindBugs suggests making this class static so as to decrease
// the size of instances and avoid dangling references.
//// public methods ////
/** Enable or disable skipping of errors. This method does nothing.
* @param enable True to enable skipping, false to disable.
public void enableErrorSkipping(boolean enable) {
/** Ignore the error.
* @param element The XML element that triggered the error.
* @param context The container object for the element.
* @param exception The exception that was thrown.
* @return CONTINUE to request skipping this element.
public int handleError(String element, NamedObj context,
Throwable exception) {
return CONTINUE;
//// private variables ////
// The count of currently executing runs.
private int _activeCount = 0;
// Flag indicating that the previous argument was -class.
private boolean _expectingClass = false;
// List of parameter names seen on the command line.
private List _parameterNames = new LinkedList();
// List of parameter values seen on the command line.
private List _parameterValues = new LinkedList();
// URL from which the configuration was read.
private static URL _initialSpecificationURL;