package manager;
import agent.Agent;
import environment.Cell;
import environment.World;
import gui.GUIWorld;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
import constants.EventConstants;
import parameters.LocalWorldParams;
import resource.Resource;
import time.TimeEventDispatcher;
public class GUIWorldController extends Observable implements Observer {
private LocalWorldParams params;
private GUIWorld guiWorld;
public GUIWorldController() {
public GUIWorld createGUIWorld(World world) {
params = world.getParams();
guiWorld = new GUIWorld(params);
return guiWorld;
public void resetGUIGrid(World world) {
for (int i = 0; i < params.getCols(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < params.getRows(); j++) {
Cell cell = world.getCell(i, j);
Color color = getCellColor(cell);
guiWorld.updateCell(i, j, color);
public void updateGUIAgent(Agent agent) {
int id = agent.getId();
int x = agent.getUnit().getCell().getX();
int y = agent.getUnit().getCell().getY();
int progenitor = agent.getProgenitor();
Color bodyColor = Color.WHITE;
Color dnaColor = agent.getInternalColor();
guiWorld.updateUnit(id, progenitor, x, y, bodyColor, dnaColor);
public void updateGUICell(Cell cell) {
Color color = getCellColor(cell);
guiWorld.updateCell(cell.getX(), cell.getY(), color);
public void killGUIAgent(Agent agent) {
int id = agent.getId();
int progenitor = agent.getProgenitor();
guiWorld.killUnit(id, progenitor);
private Color getCellColor(Cell cell) {
Resource resource = cell.getResource();
Color color = null;
color = resource.getColor();
return color;
* update methiod is used in order to repaint GUI every time event thrown
* TimeEventDispatcher is the observed class
* @param o
* @param arg
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
String event = (String) arg;
if (event.startsWith(EventConstants.TIME_EVENT)) {
if (guiWorld != null) {