* File name: HightProfileEnvironment2D.java (package eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.standardEnvironments)
* Author(s): Lukas König
* Java version: 6.0
* Generation date: 24.03.2012 (13:16:21)
* (c) This file and the EAS (Easy Agent Simulation) framework containing it
* is protected by Creative Commons by-nc-sa license. Any altered or
* further developed versions of this file have to meet the agreements
* stated by the license conditions.
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* -------------
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package eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.standardEnvironments;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import eas.math.geometry.Plane2D;
import eas.math.geometry.Polygon2D;
import eas.math.geometry.Rectangle2D;
import eas.math.geometry.Vector2D;
import eas.math.geometry.Vector3D;
import eas.math.matrix.Matrix;
import eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.standardAgents.AbstractAgent2D;
import eas.simulation.standardEnvironments.AbstractEnvironment;
import eas.startSetup.ParCollection;
import eas.startSetup.SingleParameter;
import eas.startSetup.parameterDatatypes.Datatypes;
* @author Lukas König
public class HeightProfileEnvironment2D extends
AbstractEnvironment2DFast<AbstractAgent2D<?>> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2868031741917727513L;
public HeightProfileEnvironment2D(int id, ParCollection params) {
this("HeightProfileEnvironment_" + id, id, null, params);
public HeightProfileEnvironment2D(String ident, int id,
AbstractEnvironment<?> fatherEnv, ParCollection params) {
super(ident, id, fatherEnv, params);
this.heightProfile = params.getParValueMatrix("heightProfile");
if (!params.getParValueString("heightProfileFromFile").equals("null")) {
try {
this.heightProfile = new Matrix(new File(
params.getStdDirectory() + "/" + params.getParValueString("heightProfileFromFile")));
} catch (Exception e) {
this.maxHeight = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
this.minHeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < this.heightProfile.getColumnCount(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.heightProfile.getRowCount(); j++) {
if (this.maxHeight < this.heightProfile.get(i, j)) {
this.maxHeight = this.heightProfile.get(i, j);
if (this.minHeight > this.heightProfile.get(i, j)) {
this.minHeight = this.heightProfile.get(i, j);
private Matrix heightProfile;
private double maxHeight;
private double minHeight;
private Double heightProfileGridWidth = null;
private Double heightProfileGridHeight = null;
private Rectangle2D heightProfileBoundingBox = null;
public double getHeightAtCoordinate(Vector2D coordinate) {
if (this.heightProfileGridWidth == null) {
Rectangle2D boundingBox = this.getBoundingBox(true);
this.heightProfileGridWidth = boundingBox.getWidth() / (heightProfile.getColumnCount() - 1);
this.heightProfileGridHeight = boundingBox.getHeight() / (heightProfile.getRowCount() - 1);
this.heightProfileBoundingBox = new Rectangle2D(boundingBox);
if (!this.heightProfileBoundingBox.isPointInside(coordinate)) {
try {
return this.heightProfile.get(
(int) ((coordinate.x - heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x) / heightProfileGridWidth),
(int) ((coordinate.y - heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y) / heightProfileGridHeight));
} catch (Exception e) {
private Vector3D planePoint1;
private Vector3D planePoint2;
private Vector3D planePoint3;
public Vector2D getGradientAtCoordinate(Vector2D coordinate) {
try {
Vector2D pointInMatrix = new Vector2D(
(coordinate.x - heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x) / heightProfileGridWidth,
(coordinate.y - heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y) / heightProfileGridHeight);
int x1 = (int) Math.floor(pointInMatrix.x);
int x2 = (int) Math.ceil(pointInMatrix.x);
int y1 = (int) Math.floor(pointInMatrix.y);
int y2 = (int) Math.ceil(pointInMatrix.y);
if (pointInMatrix.distance(new Vector2D(x1, y1)) < pointInMatrix.distance(new Vector2D(x2, y2))) {
planePoint1 = new Vector3D(x1, y1, this.heightProfile.get(x1, y1));
} else {
planePoint1 = new Vector3D(x2, y2, this.heightProfile.get(x2, y2));
planePoint2 = new Vector3D(x2, y1, this.heightProfile.get(x2, y1));
planePoint3 = new Vector3D(x1, y2, this.heightProfile.get(x1, y2));
Plane2D plane = new Plane2D(planePoint1, planePoint2, planePoint3);
Vector3D normalVector = plane.getNormalizedZPositiveNormalVector();
Vector2D gradient = new Vector2D(normalVector.x, normalVector.y);
return gradient;
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Vector2D(0, 0);
public List<SingleParameter> getParameters() {
List<SingleParameter> list = super.getParameters();
list.add(new SingleParameter(
"Filename to read height profile from - null if height profile should be read from parameter \"heightProfile\"",
list.add(new SingleParameter(
new Matrix(new double[][] {{1.0, 1.1, 1.2}, {2.0, 2.1, 2.2}, {3.0, 3.1, 3.2}}),
list.add(new SingleParameter(
Datatypes.fixedStringSet(new String[] {
"Select which information about the height profile to visualize.",
return list;
private transient BufferedImage tempStoredHeightImg = null;
private Rectangle2D zoomBox = null;
public synchronized void setZoomBoxMiddle(Vector2D middle) {
this.zoomBox = null;
public void setZoomBox(Rectangle2D zoomBox) {
this.zoomBox = null;
private double height;
private double width;
public void setScreenHeight(double height) {
if (height != this.height) {
this.zoomBox = null;
this.height = height;
public void setScreenWidth(double width) {
if (width != this.width) {
this.zoomBox = null;
this.width = width;
public void setVisualizationAngle(Vector2D centerPoint, double angleRAD) {
super.setVisualizationAngle(centerPoint, angleRAD);
this.tempStoredHeightImg = null;
public BufferedImage getOutsideView() {
return this.getOutsideView(null);
public synchronized BufferedImage getOutsideView(Graphics2D g1) {
if (g1 != null) {
return super.getOutsideView(g1);
BufferedImage img = super.getOutsideView(null);
Graphics2D g = null;
if (!this.getCurrentViewBox().equals(this.zoomBox)
|| this.getParCollection().getParValueString("showAdditionalInfo").contains("gradients")) {
this.tempStoredHeightImg = null;
if (tempStoredHeightImg == null
&& this.getParCollection().getParValueString("showAdditionalInfo").contains("heightProfile")) {
tempStoredHeightImg = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
g = tempStoredHeightImg.createGraphics();
g.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
for (double d = this.heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x;
d < this.heightProfileBoundingBox.lowerRightCorner().x - 0.1;
d += this.heightProfileGridWidth) {
for (double e = this.heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y;
e < this.heightProfileBoundingBox.lowerRightCorner().y - 0.1;
e += this.heightProfileGridHeight) {
Vector2D v1 = new Vector2D(d, e);
double height = this.getHeightAtCoordinate(v1);
if (height == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
int a = (int) ((height - this.minHeight)
* (255 - 0)
/ (this.maxHeight - this.minHeight) + 0);
Color c = new Color(a, 100, 100, 100);
Polygon2D p = new Polygon2D();
p.add(new Vector2D(v1.x, v1.y + this.heightProfileGridHeight));
p.add(new Vector2D(v1.x + this.heightProfileGridWidth, v1.y + this.heightProfileGridHeight));
p.add(new Vector2D(v1.x + this.heightProfileGridWidth, v1.y));
p = this.getPolygonInVisualization(p);
Polygon pol = p.toPol();
g.drawLine(pol.xpoints[0], pol.ypoints[0], pol.xpoints[2], pol.ypoints[2]);
if (this.getParCollection().getParValueString("showAdditionalInfo").contains("gradients")) {
g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3));
for (int f : this.getAgentIDs()) {
Random rand = new Random(f);
g.setColor(new Color(rand.nextInt(256), rand.nextInt(256), rand.nextInt(256)));
Vector2D v = new Vector2D(this.getAgentPosition(f));
Vector2D d = this.getGradientAtCoordinate(v);
if (!Double.isNaN(d.x) && !Double.isNaN(d.y)) {
Vector2D vecTemp = new Vector2D(v);
v = this.getPointInVisualization(v);
vecTemp = this.getPointInVisualization(vecTemp);
d = vecTemp.sub(v);
g.fillOval((int) v.x - 5, (int) v.y - 5, 10, 10);
Vector2D p1 = this.getPointInVisualization(new Vector2D(
planePoint1.x * heightProfileGridWidth + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x,
planePoint1.y * heightProfileGridHeight + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y));
Vector2D p2 = this.getPointInVisualization(new Vector2D(
planePoint2.x * heightProfileGridWidth + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x,
planePoint2.y * heightProfileGridHeight + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y));
Vector2D p3 = this.getPointInVisualization(new Vector2D(
planePoint3.x * heightProfileGridWidth + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().x,
planePoint3.y * heightProfileGridHeight + heightProfileBoundingBox.upperLeftCorner().y));
g.fillOval((int) p1.x - 2, (int) p1.y - 2, 4, 4);
g.fillOval((int) p2.x - 2, (int) p2.y - 2, 4, 4);
g.fillOval((int) p3.x - 2, (int) p3.y - 2, 4, 4);
g.drawLine((int) v.x, (int) v.y, (int) v.translate(d).x, (int) v.translate(d).y);
this.zoomBox = this.getCurrentViewBox();
} else if (!this.getParCollection().getParValueString("showAdditionalInfo").contains("heightProfile")) {
this.tempStoredHeightImg = null;
if (tempStoredHeightImg != null) {
Graphics2D g2;
// if (g1 == null) {
g2 = img.createGraphics();
// } else {
// g2 = g1;
// }
g2.drawImage(tempStoredHeightImg, 0, 0, null);
// g2.drawImage(super.getOutsideView(g2), 0, 0, null);
return img;