Package com.zesped.action

Source Code of com.zesped.action.QueryInvoices

package com.zesped.action;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;

import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.DefaultHandler;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ForwardResolution;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.Resolution;

import com.zesped.Log;
import com.zesped.model.BaseCompanyObject;
import com.zesped.model.CaptureService;
import com.zesped.model.Invoice;
import com.zesped.model.QueryResultSet;
import com.zesped.model.TaxPayer;

import es.ipsa.atril.doc.user.Dms;
import es.ipsa.atril.sec.authentication.AtrilSession;

public class QueryInvoices extends BaseActionBean {

  private static final String FORM = "/WEB-INF/jsp/invoices_";
  private QueryResultSet<Invoice> aLst;
  private HashMap<String,BaseCompanyObject> oCompanies;
  private String sFmt;
  private int iMaxRows, iOffset;

  public QueryInvoices() {
    iMaxRows = 0;
    iOffset = 0;
    oCompanies = new HashMap<String,BaseCompanyObject>();
  public CaptureService getCaptureService() {
    return CaptureService.INVOICES;

  public String getOutputFormat() {
    return sFmt;

  public void setOutputFormat(String sOutFmt) {
    sFmt = sOutFmt;

  public int getMaxRows() {
    return iMaxRows;

  public int getOffset() {
    return iOffset;
  public QueryResultSet<Invoice> getResultSet() {
    return aLst;

  public HashMap<String,BaseCompanyObject> getCompanyMap() {
    return oCompanies;
  public Resolution query() {
    final String sNickN = getSessionAttribute("nickname");
    final String sPassw = getSessionAttribute("password");
    try {
      iMaxRows = Integer.parseInt(getParam("maxrows","0"));
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
    try {
      iOffset = Integer.parseInt(getParam("offset","0"));
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
    final String sDocId = getParam("docid","");
    final String sTaxPayer = getParam("taxpayer", getSessionAttribute("taxpayer_docid"));
    final String sRecipient = getParam("recipient",sTaxPayer);
    final String sBiller = getParam("biller","");
    final String sStatus = getParam("status","");
    final String sDayStart = getParam("dayStart","");
    final String sDayEnd = getParam("dayEnd","");
    final String sMonthStart = getParam("monthStart","");
    final String sMonthEnd = getParam("monthEnd","");
    final String sYearStart = getParam("yearStart","");
    final String sYearEnd = getParam("yearEnd","");
    final String sSearchStr = getParam("searchstr","").trim();
    final String sAmountFrom = getParam("amountfrom","");
    final String sAmountTo = getParam("amountto","");
    final String sServiceFlavor = getParam("serviceflavor","");
    Date dtFrom = null;
    Date dtTo = null;
    if (sDayStart.length()>0 && sMonthStart.length()>0 && sYearStart.length()>0)
      dtFrom = new Date(Integer.parseInt(sYearStart)-1900, Integer.parseInt(sMonthStart)-1,Integer.parseInt(sDayStart),0,0,0);
    if (sDayEnd.length()>0 && sMonthEnd.length()>0 && sYearEnd.length()>0)
      dtTo = new Date(Integer.parseInt(sYearEnd)-1900, Integer.parseInt(sMonthEnd)-1,Integer.parseInt(sDayEnd),23,59,59);

    if (iMaxRows>0) {
      Boolean bProcessed=null, bApproved=null, bHasMistakes=null;
      if (sStatus.length()>0) {
          if (sStatus.equals("pending")) {
            bProcessed = new Boolean(false);
          } else if (sStatus.equals("processed")) {
            bProcessed = new Boolean(true);
            bApproved = new Boolean(false);
          } else if (sStatus.equals("approved")) {
            bApproved = new Boolean(true);
          } else if (sStatus.equals("hasmistakes")) {
            bHasMistakes = new Boolean(true);
      Integer[] aMonthsRange=null;
      if (sMonthStart.length()>0 && sMonthEnd.length()>0)
        aMonthsRange = new Integer[]{new Integer(sMonthStart), new Integer(sMonthEnd)};

      Integer[] aYearsRange=null;
      if (sYearStart.length()>0 && sYearEnd.length()>0)
        aYearsRange = new Integer[]{new Integer(sYearStart), new Integer(sYearEnd)};
      BigDecimal[] aAmountRange = null;
      if (sAmountFrom.length()==0 && sAmountTo.length()==0)
        aAmountRange = null;
      else if (sAmountFrom.length()>0 && sAmountTo.length()>0)
        aAmountRange = new BigDecimal[] {new BigDecimal(sAmountFrom),new BigDecimal(sAmountTo)};
      else if (sAmountFrom.length()>0)
        aAmountRange = new BigDecimal[] {new BigDecimal(sAmountFrom),null};
        aAmountRange = new BigDecimal[]{null,new BigDecimal(sAmountTo)};
      try {
        connect(sNickN, sPassw);
        AtrilSession oSes = getSession();
        Dms oDms = oSes.getDms();
        if (sDocId.length()>0) {
          aLst = new QueryResultSet<Invoice>();
          aLst.add(new Invoice(oDms, sDocId));
        } else {
          TaxPayer oTxpr = new TaxPayer(oDms, sTaxPayer);
          if (dtFrom!=null || dtTo!=null)
            aLst = oTxpr.queryInvoices(oSes, bProcessed, bApproved, bHasMistakes, dtFrom, dtTo, sRecipient, sBiller, sServiceFlavor, iMaxRows, iOffset);
          else if (aAmountRange!=null || aMonthsRange!=null || aYearsRange!=null || sSearchStr.length()>0)
            aLst = oTxpr.queryInvoices(oSes, bProcessed, bApproved, bHasMistakes, aAmountRange, aMonthsRange, aYearsRange, sRecipient, sBiller, sServiceFlavor, sSearchStr, iMaxRows, iOffset);
            aLst = oTxpr.queryInvoices(oSes, bProcessed, bApproved, bHasMistakes, dtFrom, dtTo, sRecipient, sBiller, sServiceFlavor, iMaxRows, iOffset);
        for (Invoice i : aLst) {
          try {
          if (!i.isNull("biller_taxpayer")) {
            if (!oCompanies.containsKey(i.getString("biller_taxpayer"))) {
              oCompanies.put(i.getBillerTaxPayer(), i.biller(oSes));
          if (!i.isNull("recipient_taxpayer")) {
            if (!oCompanies.containsKey(i.getString("recipient_taxpayer"))) {
              oCompanies.put(i.getRecipientTaxPayer(), i.taxPayer(oDms));
          } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
          Log.out.error("QueryInvoices IllegalStateException "+ise.getMessage()+" document ";
        } // next
      } catch (Exception xcpt) {
        Log.out.error("QueryInvoices "+sNickN+" "+xcpt.getClass()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
      } finally {
    } else {
      aLst = new QueryResultSet<Invoice>();
    return new ForwardResolution(FORM+getOutputFormat()+".jsp");

Related Classes of com.zesped.action.QueryInvoices

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