package com.zesped.action;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBeanContext;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.FlashScope;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.SimpleError;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.zesped.DAO;
import com.zesped.Log;
import com.zesped.SessionCache;
import com.zesped.model.BaseModelObject;
import com.zesped.model.CaptureService;
import es.ipsa.atril.doc.user.Document;
import es.ipsa.atril.doc.user.exceptions.DmsException;
import es.ipsa.atril.eventLogger.AtrilEvent;
import es.ipsa.atril.sec.authentication.AtrilSession;
public abstract class BaseActionBean implements ActionBean {
private ActionBeanContext oCtx;
private JDCConnection oCon;
private AtrilSession oSes;
private boolean bIsCachedSession;
private boolean bIsAdminSession;
private Document oDoc;
private boolean bJdb;
private boolean bAtl;
private String sTbl;
ResourceBundle oRsb;
private static HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>> oGetMethodsMap = new HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>>();
private static HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>> oSetMethodsMap = new HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>>();
public BaseActionBean() {
oCon = null;
oSes = null;
oDoc = null;
oRsb = null;
bJdb = false;
bAtl = true;
bIsCachedSession = false;
bIsAdminSession = false;
public ActionBeanContext getContext() {
return oCtx;
public void setContext(ActionBeanContext oAbc) {
public String getResource(String sKey) {
if (null==oRsb)
oRsb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("StripesResources", getContext().getRequest().getLocale());
return oRsb.getString(sKey);
public abstract CaptureService getCaptureService();
protected void preload(AtrilSession oSes, BaseModelObject oObj, String sKey) {
if (sKey!=null) {
if (sKey.length()>0) {
try {
oObj.load(oSes, sKey);
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
Log.out.error(xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt);
} finally {
} // fi
protected void bindRequest(Object oTarget) {
// Log.out.debug("Begin bindRequest()");
HttpServletRequest oReq = getContext().getRequest();
HashMap<String,String> mParams = new HashMap<String,String>();
Iterator<String> oIter = oReq.getParameterMap().keySet().iterator();
// Log.out.debug("reading "+String.valueOf(oReq.getParameterMap().size())+" parameters");
while (oIter.hasNext()) {
final String sParamName =;
String sCanonicalParamName = sParamName.toLowerCase();
int iDot = sCanonicalParamName.indexOf('.');
if (iDot>=0) sCanonicalParamName = sCanonicalParamName.substring(++iDot);
Object obj = oReq.getParameterMap().get(sParamName);
mParams.put(sCanonicalParamName, ((String[]) obj)[0]);
// Log.out.debug("got parameter "+sCanonicalParamName+" with value "+(((String[]) obj)[0]));
} // wend
final Method[] aMethods = oTarget.getClass().getMethods();
for (Method oMthd : aMethods) {
String sMethodName = oMthd.getName();
if (sMethodName.startsWith("set") && sMethodName.length()>3) {
Class[] aTypes = oMthd.getParameterTypes();
if (aTypes!=null) {
if (aTypes.length==1) {
String sCanonicalMethodName = sMethodName.substring(3).toLowerCase();
if (mParams.containsKey(sCanonicalMethodName)) {
if (aTypes[0].equals(String.class)) {
String sParam = mParams.get(sCanonicalMethodName);
boolean bVoid = (null==sParam);
if (!bVoid) bVoid = (sParam.length()==0);
try {
if (!sCanonicalMethodName.equals("id") || !bVoid) {
// Log.out.debug("invoking "+sMethodName+" with value "+sParam);
oMthd.invoke(oTarget, sParam);
} catch (IllegalStateException ilsx) {
Log.out.warn("BaseActionBean.bindRequest "+sMethodName+" IllegalStateException "+ilsx.getMessage());
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
Log.out.error("BaseActionBean.bindRequest "+sMethodName+" "+xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt);
} // fi
} // fi
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
// Log.out.debug("End bindRequest()");
private static HashMap<String,Method> getPropertiesGetters(HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>> oMethodsMap, Object oObj) {
HashMap<String,Method> oMethods;
final String sClassName = oObj.getClass().getName();
if (oMethodsMap.containsKey(sClassName)) {
oMethods = oGetMethodsMap.get(sClassName);
} else {
oMethods = new HashMap<String,Method>();
Method[] aMethods = oObj.getClass().getMethods();
for (Method oMthd : aMethods) {
String sMethodName = oMthd.getName();
if (sMethodName.startsWith("get") && sMethodName.length()>3) {
Class oType = oMthd.getReturnType();
if (oType!=null) {
oMethods.put(sMethodName.substring(3)+"("+oType.getClass().getName()+")", oMthd);
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
return oMethods;
private static HashMap<String,Method> getPropertiesSetters(HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Method>> oMethodsMap, Object oObj) {
HashMap<String,Method> oMethods;
final String sClassName = oObj.getClass().getName();
if (oMethodsMap.containsKey(sClassName)) {
oMethods = oGetMethodsMap.get(sClassName);
} else {
oMethods = new HashMap<String,Method>();
Method[] aMethods = oObj.getClass().getMethods();
for (Method oMthd : aMethods) {
String sMethodName = oMthd.getName();
if (sMethodName.startsWith("set") && sMethodName.length()>3) {
Class[] aTypes = oMthd.getParameterTypes();
if (aTypes!=null) {
if (aTypes.length==1) {
oMethods.put(sMethodName.substring(3)+"("+aTypes[0].getClass().getName()+")", oMthd);
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
return oMethods;
protected static void bindObject(Object oSource, Object oTarget) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NullPointerException {
Log.out.debug("Begin bindObject("+oSource+","+oTarget+")");
HashMap<String,Method> oGetMethods = getPropertiesGetters(oGetMethodsMap, oSource);
HashMap<String,Method> oSetMethods = getPropertiesSetters(oSetMethodsMap, oTarget);
Iterator<String> oSetIter = oSetMethods.keySet().iterator();
while (oSetIter.hasNext()) {
String sMethodSignature =;
if (oGetMethods.containsKey(sMethodSignature)) {
Method oSet = oSetMethods.get(sMethodSignature);
Method oGet = oGetMethods.get(sMethodSignature);
Log.out.debug("Invoking "+oTarget.getClass().getName()+"."+oSet.getName()+"("+oSource.getClass().getName()+"."+oGet.getName()+"())");
oSet.invoke(oTarget, oGet.invoke(oSource));
} // fi
} // wend
Log.out.debug("End bindObject()");
protected void saveRequest(BaseModelObject oObj)
throws NotYetConnectedException, DmsException, ClassCastException, IllegalStateException, NullPointerException, RuntimeException, StorageException {
public String getParam(String sParamName) {
HttpServletRequest oReq = getContext().getRequest();
String sRetVal = oReq.getParameter(sParamName);
if (sRetVal==null)
sRetVal = (String) oReq.getAttribute(sParamName);
return sRetVal;
public String getParam(String sParamName, String sDefaultValue) {
String sRetVal = getParam(sParamName);
if (sRetVal==null)
sRetVal = sDefaultValue;
return sRetVal;
public void setParam(String sParamName, String sParamValue) {
FlashScope oFscope = FlashScope.getCurrent(getContext().getRequest(), true);
oFscope.put(sParamName, sParamValue);
public CaptureService[] getCaptureServices() {
return CaptureService.values();
public void setSessionAttribute(String sKey, String sValue) {
getContext().getRequest().getSession().setAttribute(sKey, sValue);
public String getSessionAttribute(String sKey) {
return (String) getContext().getRequest().getSession().getAttribute(sKey);
public void removeSessionAttribute(String sKey) {
public void useJDBC(boolean bJDBCUsage) {
bJdb = bJDBCUsage;
public boolean useAtril() {
return bAtl;
public void useAtril(boolean bAtrilUsage) {
bAtl = bAtrilUsage;
public boolean useJDBC() {
return bJdb;
public Table getTable() throws StorageException {
if (null==oCon) throw new StorageException("Not connected to the database through JDBC");
return oCon;
public AtrilSession getSession() throws StorageException {
return oSes;
public void setSession(AtrilSession oAtrilSession) throws StorageException {
oSes = oAtrilSession;
bIsCachedSession = false;
public Document getDocument() throws StorageException {
return oDoc;
public void setDocument(Document oAtrilDocument) {
oDoc = oAtrilDocument;
public void connect() throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null || oSes!=null) throw new StorageException("Already connected");
sTbl = getClass().getName();
if (useJDBC()) {
try {
oCon = DAO.getConnection(sTbl);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (useAtril()) {
oSes = SessionCache.getAdminSession(sTbl);
if (null==oSes) {
oSes = DAO.getAdminSession(sTbl);"Admin session cache miss");
} else {
if (!oSes.isConnected()) oSes.connect();"Admin session cache hit");
bIsCachedSession = false;
bIsAdminSession = true;
public void connect(String sNickName, String sPassword) throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null || oSes!=null) throw new StorageException("Already connected");
sTbl = getClass().getName();
if (useJDBC()) {
try {
oCon = DAO.getConnection(sTbl);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (useAtril()) {
oSes = SessionCache.getSession(getContext().getRequest().getSession().getId());
if (null!=oSes) {
if (oSes.isConnected()) {"Session cache miss due to previous connected session");
oSes = DAO.getSession(sTbl,sNickName,sPassword);
bIsCachedSession = false;
} else {"Session cache hit");
bIsCachedSession = true;
} else {"Session cache miss due to no previous session");
oSes = DAO.getSession(sTbl,sNickName,sPassword);
SessionCache.putSession(getContext().getRequest().getSession().getId(), oSes);
bIsCachedSession = true;
bIsAdminSession = false;
public void connect(String sTableName) throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null) throw new StorageException("Already connected");
sTbl = sTableName==null ? getClass().getName() : sTableName;
try {
oCon = DAO.getConnection(sTbl);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (useAtril()) {
oSes = SessionCache.getAdminSession(sTbl);
if (null==oSes) {
oSes = DAO.getAdminSession(sTbl);"Admin session cache miss");
} else {
if (!oSes.isConnected()) oSes.connect();"Admin session cache hit");
bIsCachedSession = false;
bIsAdminSession = true;
public void disconnect() throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null) {
try {
if (!oCon.isClosed()) {
oCon = null;
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (oSes!=null) {
if (oSes.isConnected()) {
if (!oSes.autoCommit()) oSes.commit();
if (bIsAdminSession) {
if (oSes.isOpen() && !SessionCache.putAdminSession(oSes))
} else {
if (oSes.isOpen() && !bIsCachedSession) oSes.close();
oSes = null;
public void close() {
if (oCon!=null) {
try {
if (!oCon.isClosed()) {
oCon = null;
} catch (SQLException ignore) { }
if (oSes!=null) {
if (oSes.isConnected()) {
if (!oSes.autoCommit()) oSes.rollback();
if (bIsAdminSession) {
if (oSes.isOpen() && !SessionCache.putAdminSession(oSes))
} else {
if (oSes.isOpen() && !bIsCachedSession) oSes.close();
oSes = null;
public void commit() throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null) {
try {
if (!oCon.isClosed()) {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (oSes!=null) {
if (oSes.isConnected()) {
if (!oSes.autoCommit()) oSes.commit();
public void rollback() throws StorageException {
if (oCon!=null) {
try {
if (!oCon.isClosed()) {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new StorageException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
if (oSes!=null) {
if (oSes.isConnected()) {
if (!oSes.autoCommit()) oSes.rollback();
public String getLastUrl() {
HttpServletRequest req = getContext().getRequest();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Start with the URI and the path
String uri = (String)
String path = (String)
if (uri == null) {
uri = req.getRequestURI();
path = req.getPathInfo();
if (path != null) { sb.append(path); }
// Now the request parameters
Map<String,String[]> map =
new HashMap<String,String[]>(req.getParameterMap());
// Remove previous locale parameter, if present.
// map.remove(MyLocalePicker.LOCALE);
// Append the parameters to the URL
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
String[] values = map.get(key);
for (String value : values) {
// Remove the last '&'
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.toString();
public void log(Class oCls, String sCategory, String sDetails) {
if (oDoc==null)
DAO.log(oSes, getClass(), sCategory, AtrilEvent.Level.INFO, sDetails);
DAO.log(oSes, oDoc, getClass(), sCategory, AtrilEvent.Level.INFO, sDetails);
public String errorsToXML(Collection<SimpleError> errors) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (null==errors) {
buffer.append("<errors count=\"0\" />");
} else {
buffer.append("<errors count=\""+String.valueOf(errors.size())+"\"");
for (SimpleError e : errors) {
buffer.append("<error field=\""+e.getFieldName()+"\">"+e.getMessage(getContext().getLocale())+"</error>");
return buffer.toString();