package recorders;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import miscellaneous.DirectoryManager;
import miscellaneous.LSVList;
import reaction.Item;
import reaction.Pool;
import reaction.SimplePool;
import tables.DimensionMap;
import vsv.Cell;
import weka.core.converters.JEXTableWriter;
* @author akpinar
* @class Recorder makes lists of templates, proteins, transProteins(translated proteins), transcripts, ribosomes and virions output files have the names "VSVSimData_'simName'_'durations'_'dt'" and "VSVSimData_current"
* @questions what is the difference between proteins and translated proteins?
public class Recorder {
public TreeMap<DimensionMap,Double> results = new TreeMap<DimensionMap,Double>();
LSVList templates = new LSVList();
LSVList proteins = new LSVList();
// LSVList transProteins = new LSVList();
LSVList transcripts = new LSVList();
// LSVList ribosomes = new LSVList();
LSVList virions = new LSVList();
public int ticker = -1;
public static String CORE_TEMP_NAME = "VSVSimData_";
public static String AUX_TEMP_NAME;
public void reset()
// ribosomes.clear();
// transProteins.clear();
this.ticker = -1;
* Records the amounts and decays of templates, proteins, transProteins(translated proteins), transcripts, ribosomes and virions at desired time increments
* @param duration
* total infection time
* @param time
* infection time point
* @param cell
* the state of the cell containing
* @param dtRecorder
* @param simName
* name the output file after simulation run name
* @param decay
* @questions what is amounts?
public void record(double duration, double time, Cell cell, double dtRecorder, String simName, double decay)
AUX_TEMP_NAME = simName;
if(time / dtRecorder >= this.ticker)
this.ticker = (int) (time / dtRecorder);
this.ticker = this.ticker + 1;
this.addResults(time, "Templates", cell.templates.amounts);
this.addResults(time, "Proteins", cell.proteins.amounts);
// this.addResults(time, "Translated Proteins",
// cell.poolSet.translatedProteins);
this.addResults(time, "Transcripts", cell.transcripts.amounts);
// this.addResults(time, "Ribosomes", cell.poolSet.ribosomes);
this.addResults(time, "Virions", cell.virions.amounts);
Recorder.log("Simulation " + (int) (100 * time / duration) + "% complete. (Cell decay" + decay + ")", this);
* Add the amounts of in the pool at a time
* @param duration
* total infection time
* @param time
* infection time point
* @param pool
* pool
* @param dtRecorder
* time step?
* @questions What does pool have? What is pool.amounts? Total species including transcripts, proteins...?
public void record(double duration, double time, Pool pool, double dtRecorder)
if(time / dtRecorder >= this.ticker)
this.ticker = (int) (time / dtRecorder);
this.ticker = this.ticker + 1;
this.addResults(time, "Pool", pool.amounts);
Recorder.log("Simulation " + (int) (100 * time / duration) + "% complete.", this);
* Adds pointed results at given time, with given poolname to a map
* @param t
* @param poolName
* @param data
* @questions What is the and item.value?
public void addResults(double t, String poolName, SimplePool data)
String time = JEXTableWriter.doubleToString(t, 2);
DimensionMap map;
for (Item item : data.values())
map = new DimensionMap("Time=" + time + ",Pool=" + poolName + ",ItemName=" +;
this.results.put(map, item.value);
public void saveData(double duration, double dt, File outputFile)
Recorder.log("Saving data file", this);
String path = writeTable(this.results);
copyFile(path, outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
public static void log(String message, Object source)
if(source instanceof String)
System.out.println(source + " ------> " + message);
System.out.println(source.getClass().getSimpleName() + " ------> " + message);
public static void log(String message, Class source)
if(source == null)
log(message, "NULL");
System.out.println(source.getSimpleName() + " ------> " + message);
public synchronized static void copyFile(String src, String dst)
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(src), new File(dst));
catch (IOException e)
public synchronized static String writeTable(TreeMap<DimensionMap,Double> results)
String path = JEXTableWriter.writeTable("temp", results, JEXTableWriter.ARFF_FILE);
return path;
public synchronized static void setHostDirectory(String path)