package miscellaneous;
// MicroFluidicHT_Tools
// Created by erwin berthier on 5/22/08.
// Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.inference.TestUtils;
public class Calculator {
public Calculator()
// --------------------------------------------
// -- GENERAL UTILITY Functions
// --------------------------------------------
* convert a string vector to a Double array
public Double[] stringVectToFloat(Vector<String> v)
// Vector result = new Vector(0);
Double[] result = new Double[v.size()];
for (int i = 0, len = v.size(); (i < len); i++)
// result.add(Double.parseDouble((String)v.get(i)));
result[i] = Double.parseDouble(v.get(i));
return result;
* convert a string vector to a double array
public double[] stringVectToDouble(Vector<String> v)
// Vector result = new Vector(0);
double[] result = new double[v.size()];
for (int i = 0, len = v.size(); (i < len); i++)
// result.add(Double.parseDouble((String)v.get(i)));
result[i] = Double.parseDouble(v.get(i));
return result;
* Converts a Double array into a flaot vector
public Vector<String> floatVectToString(Double[] v)
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(0);
for (int i = 0, len = v.length; (i < len); i++)
result.add("" + v[i]);
return result;
* Concatenates two list of obects
public List<Object> concat(List<Object> l1, List<Object> l2)
for (int i = 0, len = l2.size(); (i < len); i++)
return l1;
// --------------------------------------------
// -- Statistics Functions
// --------------------------------------------
* Return the statistics on a vector of strings v, in order min, max, mean and stdDev
public static Vector<String> calculateStatistics(Vector<String> v)
System.out.println(" Calculator: calculating statistics");
DescriptiveStatistics statVect = new DescriptiveStatistics(v.size());
String nullString = "-";
for (int i = 0, len = v.size(); (i < len); i++)
String str = v.get(i);
if(str == null)
v.set(i, nullString);
double d = Double.parseDouble(v.get(i));
catch (NumberFormatException e)
Double min = statVect.getMin();
Double max = statVect.getMax();
Double mean = statVect.getMean();
Double variance = statVect.getVariance();
Double stdDev = Math.sqrt(variance);
v.add(0, "-----");
v.add(0, "" + stdDev.toString());
v.add(0, "" + mean.toString());
v.add(0, "" + max.toString());
v.add(0, "" + min.toString());
return v;
* Return the statistics on a vector of strings v, in order min, max, mean and stdDev
public static Vector<Double> calculateDoubleStatistics(Vector<Double> v)
// System.out.println(" Calculator: calculating statistics");
DescriptiveStatistics statVect = new DescriptiveStatistics(4);
for (int i = 0, len = v.size(); (i < len); i++)
double d = v.get(i);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
Double min = statVect.getMin();
Double max = statVect.getMax();
Double mean = statVect.getMean();
Double variance = statVect.getVariance();
Double stdDev = Math.sqrt(variance);
Vector<Double> result = new Vector<Double>(0);
result.add(0, min);
result.add(0, max);
result.add(0, mean);
result.add(0, variance);
result.add(0, stdDev);
return result;
* Calculate the Pvalue between two data vectors - parameters not implements yet
public Double calculatePValue(Vector<String> data1, Vector<String> data2, List<String> parameters)
// TTestImpl tTestCalculator = new TTestImpl() ;
// TestUtils tTestCalculator = new TestUtils() ;
double[] sample1 = stringVectToDouble(data1);
double[] sample2 = stringVectToDouble(data2);
double pValue = 0d;
pValue = TestUtils.tTest(sample1, sample2);
catch (MathException e)
System.out.println("*** Calculator: Mathematical error in calculating PValue ");
catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e)
System.out.println("*** Calculator: Erronerous input for calculating PValue ");
System.out.println(" Calculator: P-value found: " + pValue);
return pValue;