Copyright (C) 2010 Holger Dammertz
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package engine.graphics.synthesis.texture;
import engine.base.Vector3;
import engine.base.Vector4;
import engine.parameters.AbstractParam;
import engine.parameters.BoolParam;
import engine.parameters.ColorGradientParam;
import engine.parameters.FloatParam;
import engine.parameters.IntParam;
import engine.parameters.SpectralControlParam;
public final class PatternPerlinNoise extends Pattern {
public String getName() {
return "Perlin Noise";
public String getHelpText() {
return "An implementation of Improved Perlin Noise. \n" +
"See (http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/).\n" +
"A seed of -1 uses the reference permutation.";
ColorGradientParam colorGradientParam = CreateLocalColorGradientParam("Color Mapping");
final Noise3D_ImprovedPerlin noise = new Noise3D_ImprovedPerlin(1, -1);
FloatParam scaleX = CreateLocalFloatParam("ScaleX", 1.0f, 1.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE);
FloatParam scaleY = CreateLocalFloatParam("ScaleY", 1.0f, 1.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE);
FloatParam valueScale = CreateLocalFloatParam("ValueScale", 1.0f, 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE).setDefaultIncrement(0.125f);
FloatParam persistence = CreateLocalFloatParam("Persistence", 0.5f, 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE).setDefaultIncrement(0.125f/2.0f);
SpectralControlParam spectralControl = CreateLocalSpectralControlParam("Spectral Control");
IntParam startBand = CreateLocalIntParam("StartBand", 0, 1, 16);
IntParam endBand = CreateLocalIntParam("EndBand", 8, 1, 16);
IntParam seed = CreateLocalIntParam("Seed", -1, -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
BoolParam periodic = CreateLocalBoolParam("Periodic", true);
public PatternPerlinNoise() {
spectralControl.setStartEndBand(startBand.get(), endBand.get());
public PatternPerlinNoise(float sx, float sy) {
spectralControl.setStartEndBand(startBand.get(), endBand.get());
public void parameterChanged(AbstractParam source) {
if (source == null || source == seed) {
if (source == null || source == persistence) {
// when loading and old noise from a file this is not initialized so we do it here
spectralControl.setSilent(true); // needed to avoid multiple recomputations of the noise
if (spectralControl.getEndBand() != endBand.get() || source == persistence) {
float mult = 1.0f;
for (int i = startBand.get(); i <= endBand.get(); i++) {
//System.out.println(i + " " + mult + "\n");
spectralControl.set(i, mult);
mult *= persistence.get();
spectralControl.setStartEndBand(startBand.get(), endBand.get());
if (source == startBand || source == endBand) {
spectralControl.setSilent(true); // needed to avoid multiple recomputations of the noise
spectralControl.setStartEndBand(startBand.get(), endBand.get());
public Vector4 _valueRGBA(float u, float v) {
float val = 0.0f;
float mult = 1.0f;
float freq = 1.0f;
for (int i = 1; i < startBand.get(); i++) {
freq *= 2.0f;
boolean isPeriodic = periodic.get();
for (int i = startBand.get(); i <= endBand.get(); i++) {
mult = spectralControl.get(i, 0.5f);
//Torus sampling of noise for periodicity
/*float x = (4 + 1*FMath.cos(v * 2.0f * FMath.PI)) * FMath.cos(u * 2.0f * FMath.PI);
float y = (4 + 1*FMath.cos(v * 2.0f * FMath.PI)) * FMath.sin(u * 2.0f * FMath.PI);
float z = (0 + 1*FMath.sin(v * 2.0f * FMath.PI));
x *= 0.1f;
y *= 0.1f;
z *= 0.1f;
val += noise.sample(new Vector3(x*freq, y*freq, z*freq))*mult;*/
//val += noise.sample(new Vector3(u*freq*scaleX.get(), v*freq*scaleY.get(), 0.0f))*mult;
// seems to be a better periodic force
float valueAdd = 0.0f;
if (isPeriodic) valueAdd = noise.sample3dPeriodic(new Vector3(u*freq*scaleX.get(), v*freq*scaleY.get(),0.0f), (int)(freq*scaleX.get()), (int)(freq*scaleY.get()), 256)*mult;
else valueAdd = noise.sample(new Vector3(u*freq*scaleX.get(), v*freq*scaleY.get(), 0.0f))*mult;
val += valueAdd;
freq *= 2.0f;
//mult *= persistence.get();
val = val*0.5f + 0.5f;
val *= valueScale.get();
if (val > 1.0f) val = 1.0f;
if (val < 0.0f) val = 0.0f;
return colorGradientParam.get().getColor(val);