import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import engine.base.FMath;
import engine.base.Vector4;
* @author Holger Dammertz
public final class CacheTileManager {
//private static final HashMap<Channel, HashMap<ResolutionTag, TileCacheEntry>> tiles = new HashMap<Channel, HashMap<ResolutionTag, TileCacheEntry>>();
static final class ResolutionTag {
final Integer xres; // the local x resolution of this tile (without
// border)
final Integer yres; // the local y resolution of this tile
final Integer globalXres;
final Integer globalYres;
public ResolutionTag(int xres, int yres, int gX, int gY) {
this.xres = xres;
this.yres = yres;
globalXres = gX;
globalYres = gY;
public int hashCode() {
return xres.hashCode() ^ yres.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof ResolutionTag))
return false;
ResolutionTag tag = (ResolutionTag) o;
return (tag.xres.intValue() == xres.intValue() && tag.yres.intValue() == yres.intValue() &&
tag.globalXres.intValue() == globalXres.intValue() &&
tag.globalYres.intValue() == globalYres.intValue());
// private static final class ResolutionTag {
// final Integer globalXres;
// final Integer globalYres;
// final Integer xres; // the local x resolution of this tile (without
// border)
// final Integer yres; // the local y resolution of this tile
// final Integer px, py; // the location in the overall image
// public ResolutionTag(int xres, int yres, int px, int py, int border, int
// globalXres, int globalYres) {
// this.globalXres = globalXres;
// this.globalYres = globalYres;
// this.xres = xres;
// this.yres = yres;
// this.px = px;
// = py;
// }
// @Override
// public int hashCode() {
// return globalXres.hashCode() ^ globalYres.hashCode() ^ xres.hashCode() ^
// yres.hashCode() ^ px.hashCode() ^ py.hashCode();
// }
// }
public static final class TileCacheEntry {
public final int globalXres;
public final int globalYres;
public final int xres; // the local x resolution of this tile (without
// border)
public final int yres; // the local y resolution of this tile
public int px, py; // the location in the overall image
boolean dirty;
final Channel c;
final int border; // the border size of this tile
final FloatBuffer data;
public void put(int i, final Vector4 val) {
data.put(i * 4 + 0, val.x);
data.put(i * 4 + 1, val.y);
data.put(i * 4 + 2, val.z);
data.put(i * 4 + 3, val.w);
public void relocateCache(int px, int py) {
if (this.px != px || != py)
this.px = px; = py;
public Vector4 sample(int x, int y) {
int i = ((x + border) + (y + border) * (xres + 2*border)) * 4;
return new Vector4(data.get(i + 0), data.get(i + 1), data.get(i + 2), data.get(i + 3));
//!!TODO: wrong on tile borders
public Vector4 sample_du(int x, int y) {
return sample((x+1)%xres, y).sub_ip(sample(x, y)).mult_ip((float)globalXres/xres);
//!!TODO: wrong on tile borders
public Vector4 sample_dv(int x, int y) {
return sample(x, (y+1)%yres).sub_ip(sample(x, y)).mult_ip((float)globalYres/yres);
public Vector4 sample_Normalized(float u, float v) {
int x = ((int) (u * xres + 0.5f)) ;
int y = ((int) (v * yres + 0.5f));
while (x < 0)
x += xres;
while (y < 0)
y += yres;
while (x >= xres)
x -= xres;
while (y >= yres)
y -= xres;
int i = (x + border + (y +border) * (xres+2*border)) * 4;
return new Vector4(data.get(i + 0), data.get(i + 1), data.get(i + 2), data.get(i + 3));
public TileCacheEntry(Channel c, int xres, int yres, int px, int py, int border, int globalXres, int globalYres) {
dirty = true;
this.globalXres = globalXres;
this.globalYres = globalYres;
this.xres = xres;
this.yres = yres;
this.px = px; = py;
this.border = border;
this.c = c;
data = FloatBuffer.allocate((xres + 2 * border) * (yres + 2 * border) * 4);
public void setDirty() {
dirty = true;
public void compute() {
if (!dirty) {
final int startY = py * yres - border;
final int endY = (py + 1) * yres + border;
if (c.getNumInputChannels() == 0) { // no input channels
for (int y = startY, idx = 0; y < endY; y++) {
for (int x = px * xres - border; x < (px + 1) * xres + border; x++, idx++) {
float u = (float) x / (float) globalXres;
float v = (float) y / (float) globalYres;
u = u - FMath.ffloor(u);
v = v - FMath.ffloor(v);
put(idx, c.valueRGBA(u, v));
} else {
final TileCacheEntry[] tiles = new TileCacheEntry[c.getNumInputChannels()];
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
tiles[i] = getCache(c.inputChannels[i], px, py, xres, yres, globalXres, globalYres);
for (int y = startY, idx = 0, localY = border; y < endY; y++, localY++) {
for (int x = px * xres - border, localX = border; x < (px + 1) * xres + border; x++, idx++, localX++) {
float u = (float) x / (float) globalXres;
float v = (float) y / (float) globalYres;
u = u - FMath.ffloor(u);
v = v - FMath.ffloor(v);
Vector4 temp = new Vector4();
c.cache_function(temp, tiles, localX, localY, u, v);
put(idx, temp);
dirty = false;
public static void clearCache() {
// tiles.clear();
public static void setEntrysDirty(Channel c) {
HashMap<ResolutionTag, TileCacheEntry> channelMap = c.cacheEntries;
if (channelMap == null)
for (TileCacheEntry e : channelMap.values()) {
// public static void removeChannel(Channel c) {
// tiles.put(c, null);
// }
public static TileCacheEntry getCache(Channel c, int px, int py, int xres, int yres, int globalXres, int globalYres) {
HashMap<ResolutionTag, TileCacheEntry> channelMap = c.cacheEntries;
if (channelMap == null) {
channelMap = new HashMap<ResolutionTag, TileCacheEntry>();
c.cacheEntries = channelMap;
//tiles.put(c, channelMap);
//System.out.format("Cache: %d %d %d %d %n", xres, yres, globalXres, globalYres);
ResolutionTag tag = new ResolutionTag(xres, yres, globalXres, globalYres);
TileCacheEntry tile = channelMap.get(tag);
if (tile == null) {
int border = 0;
tile = new TileCacheEntry(c, xres, yres, px, py, border, globalXres, globalYres);
channelMap.put(tag, tile);
tile.relocateCache(px, py);
return tile;